17 minute read
Oxbow Books • 9781789255584 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. 280 x 216mm • 416 pages December 2020 • £40.00
About the editor:
Jane Downes is Director of the Archaeological Institute of the University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland. She has a PhD in the study of Bronze Age burial practices in Orkney from Sheffield University. Her research interests are in burial archaeology, particularly cremation, and in prehistoric and landscape archaeology.
Related Titles:
Animating the Dead
Bronze Age Burial Practices in Orkney Edited by Jane Downes Brings together the results of the Orkney Barrows Project.
This book brings together the results of the Orkney Barrows Project, initiated and directed by Jane Downes and funded by Historic Environment Scotland. The barrows sites detailed and discussed in the volume are Linga Fiold, a barrow cemetery in West Mainland which was comprehensively excavated and which provides extraordinary evidence of pyre sites and cremation practices; Gitterpitten, a barrow cemetery in Rendall, of which three barrows were excavated partially; and Varme Dale also in Rendall, of which two barrows were excavated. The Vestra Fiold, Sandwick barrow site which was surveyed and excavated to a limited extent is also reported upon. Eight Bronze Age cist burials excavated under ‘rescue’ conditions by a range of other individuals are also included within this volume.
The evidence is used to compare and contrast the rites and practices of cremation and inhumation. Discussion of chronology and typology of the burials is placed in the context of the other burial evidence from Orkney, and the other aspects of the Bronze Age represented by settlement, burnt mounds, etc. As such the book forms an update to M. Hedges’ contribution ‘The Second Millennium and After’ in C. Renfrew Prehistory of Orkney (1985).
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The Early Neolithic of the Eastern Fertile Crescent
Excavations at Bestansur and Shimshara, Iraqi Kurdistan
Central Zagros Archaeological Project, Volume 2

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The Economy of a Norse Settlement in the Outer Hebrides
Excavations at Mounds 2 and 2A Bornais, South Uist Edited by Niall Sharples Series: Bornais

Explores the economic evidence for the settlement at Bornais on South Uist, reporting in detail the large assemblages of material found during the excavations at mounds 2 and 2A. The information derived from the artefact assemblages is complemented by that provided by the ecofactual material. The evidence produced by these excavations is exceptional and provides an unparalleled opportunity to explore medieval life in the Scandinavian kingdoms of Western Britain.
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From the First Hunters to the First Farmers

Edited by Malcolm C. Lillie and Inna D. Potekhina
Prehistoric Ukraine
From the First Hunters to the First Farmers
Edited by Malcolm C. Lillie and Inna D. Potekhina Covers the prehistory of Ukraine from the Lower Palaeolithic through to the end of the Neolithic periods.
The first comprehensive synthesis of Ukrainian Prehistory from earliest times through to the Neolithic Period, undertaken by researchers who are currently investigating the Prehistory of Ukraine. The chapters provide up-to-date overviews of all aspects of prehistoric culture development in Ukraine and present details of the key sites and finds for the periods studied. It will be an invaluable resource for students of prehistory throughout Europe in providing an English-language text written by active researchers.
Towards a Social Bioarchaeology of the Mycenaean Period
Bones, Mortuary Practice, and Ideological Shifts in the Late Bronze Age Cemetery of Voudeni in Achaea, Greece By Ioanna Moutafi

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This book investigates the complex relationship between funerary treatment and wider social dynamics through a contextual analysis of human skeletal remains and associated mortuary data from Voudeni, an important Mycenaean (1400–1050 BC) chamber tomb cemetery in Achaea, Greece.
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Narratives of Continuity and Change

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The LBK and Želiezovce Settlement Site of Vráble
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Insights into social inequality, oral health and dietary strategies of a Bronze Age population.
This volume delivers the first comprehensive data collection and investigation of the cemetery Kudachurt 14 that combines burial, osteological, palaeopathological, and stable isotope information, and achieves a connection between the living and the dead in this time and place.
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ALSO AVAILABLE IN HARDBACK 9789088909047 • £245.00
A Human Environment
Studies in Honour of 20 years Analecta Editorship by Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels
Edited by Victor Klinkenberg, Roos van Oosten and Carol van Driel-Murray Series: Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia

Examines the interdependent relationship between humans and the environment.
How do environmental constraints and opportunities influence human behaviour and what is the human impact on the ecology and appearance of the landscape? And what can archaeological knowledge contribute to the current discussions about the use, arrangement and depletion of our (local) environment?
Human Development in Landscapes Edited by Johannes Müller and Andrea Ricci Selected case studies examine human development within specific landscapes.

This book examines human development within specific landscapes, from the North Atlantic to the Persian Gulf and from Peru to the Near East. Events, processes and structures are described on local, regional and global scales as well as methodological developments on ecological and societal archives.
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ALSO AVAILABLE IN HARDBACK 9789088909252 • 120.00
The Masons' Marks of Minoan Knossos
By Sinclair Hood and Edited by Lisa Bendall Series: BSA Supplementary Volume

Catalogues and discusses 1600 masons’ marks in the Palace of Knossos and surrounding buildings. The signs known as ‘masons’ marks’ were carved on blocks of stone in Bronze Age Crete over a period of some 500 years from around 2000 BC until the middle of the 15th century BC. The greatest number of these signs occurs at Knossos, making this site of unique importance for their study and interpretation. These two volumes catalogue, record, and examine the typology, chronology and distribution of these marks and their meanings.
British School at Athens • 9780904887716 • Hardback • 310 illus. 304 x 203mm • 650 pages • Available now • £130.00
Stonehenge for the Ancestors
Part 2: Synthesis By Mike Parker Pearson, Joshua Pollard, Colin Richards, Julian Thomas and Kate Welham
Series: The Stonehenge Riverside Project

Examines results of the long-term fieldwork project at Stonehenge. The Stonehenge Riverside Project (2003–2009) aimed to investigate the purpose of this unique prehistoric monument by considering it within its wider archaeological context. This is the second of four volumes which present the results of that campaign. It includes studies of the lithics, both from topsoil sampling and from excavated features, as well as of the petrography of the famous bluestones.
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Studies on the Aegean Bronze Age in Honor of Jeffrey S. Soles Edited by Joanne M.A. Murphy and Jerolyn E. Morrison Series: Prehistory Monographs Twenty-seven papers touching on themes Jeffrey Soles has influenced during his illustrious career.
The 27 papers presented in this volume, organised chronologically, harken to the wide range of themes that Jeffrey Soles has addressed and influenced during his illustrious career: ancestry, burial customs, religion, trade, jewellery, the development of Mochlos, and the rise and fall of Minoan Crete.
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Making One's Way in the World
By Martin Bell
Addresses the topic of how to identify and interpret patterns of movement in prehistory.
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Seminar PapersNeolithic Studies Group
Houses of the Dead?
Edited by Alistair Barcla y, David Field and Jim Leary Explores the interface between the Neolithic structure of the living and the dead.
Oxbow Books • 9781789254105 Paperback • 216 pages Available Now • £40.00
The Bell Beaker Transition in Europe
Edited by Laure Salanova and Maria Pilar Prieto Martínez
New perspectives on the Bell Beaker transition across Europe.
Oxbow Books • 9781789253849 New in Paperback • 224 pages July 2020 • £35.00 Growing up in the Ice Age
By April Nowell Examines the economic, social and political roles of Palaeolithic children.
Oxbow Books • 9781789252941 Paperback • 256 pages December 2020 • £38.00
Art in the Eurasian Iron Age
Edited by Courtney Nimura, Helen Chittock, Peter Hommel and Chris Gosden
Explores Iron Age art at a Eurasian scale.
Oxbow Books• 9781789253948 Hardback• 256 pages
Available Now• £48.00
The Social Context of Technology
By Sophia Adams, Joanna Brück and Leo Webley
Archaeological evidence for non-ferrous metalworking in the Bronze and Iron Ages of
Britain and Ireland.
Oxbow Books • 9781789251760 Hardback • 288 pages June 2020 • £35.00
Wessex Archaeology Monography
A Prehistoric Burial Mound and Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Barrow Clump, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire
Edited by Philippa Bradley
Excavations on the site of a large, partly extant Early Bronze Age burial mound.
Wessex Archaeology 9781911137122• Hardback 284 pages• Available Now £25.00
Tübingen Publications in Prehistory
The Beginnings of Art and Music
By Nicholas J. Conard and ClauJoachim Kind E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n o f a n important work examining finds from Prehistoric Germany.
Kerns Verlag • 9783935751339 Hardback • 192 pages October 2020 • £46.00
Scales of Transformation
Megalithic Monuments and Social Structures
By Maria Wunderlich
An exploration of megalith building activities, supported by rich and varied case studies.
Sidestone Press• 9789088907869 Paperback• 450 pages Available Now• £90.00
Tübingen Publications in Prehistory
The Last HunterGatherers
By Kurt Felix Hillgruber Explores the first large-scale southwestern Syrian Palaeolithic survey and excavation project.
Kerns Verlag • 9783935751261 Hardback • 290 pages Available Now • £37.00
Magical, Mundane or Marginal?
Edited by Daniela Hofman
Papers on Early Neolithic depositional practices and what they can tell us about society, belief, and world views.
Sidestone Press• 9789088908613 Paperback• 250 pages
Available Now• £45.00
Tübingen Publications in Prehistory
Ice Age Archaeology
By Nicholas J. Conard, Michael Bolus, Ewa Dutkiewicz and Sibylle Wolf
Examines the current states of research in remarkable