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Texts and Studies
The Masorah of the Former Prophets in the Leningrad Codex Volume 4: 2 Samuel
By David Marcus The first publication with an English translation and commentary.
Gorgias Press• 9781463206024 Hardback• 254 x 178mm 400 pages• December 2020 £145.00 Bahlul (Olaph-Dolath)
Edited by Mario Kozah, George Abu-Husayn and Saif Al-Murikhi A reissue of a facsimile edition of the first volume. Texts and Studies
The Masorah of the Former Prophets in the Leningrad Codex Volume 5: 1 Kings
By David Marcus The first publication with an English translation and commentary.
Gorgias Press• 9781463206031 Hardback• 254 x 178mm 400 pages• December 2020 £145.00 Lexicon of Hasan Bar Bahlul (He-Mim)
Edited by Mario Kozah, George A reissue of a facsimile edition of the first volume.
Texts and Studies
Volume 6: 2 Kings
By David Marcus
The first publication with an English translation and commentary.
Gorgias Press• 9781463206048 Hardback• 254 x 178mm 400 pages• December 2020
Edited by Mario Kozah, George Kiraz, Haya Thani, Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn and Saif Al-Murikhi A reissue of a facsimile edition of the first volume.
Gorgias Press• 9781463241018 Gorgias Press• 9781463241032 Gorgias Press• 9781463241131
Hardback• 254 x 178mm Hardback• 254 x 178mm Hardback• 254 x 178mm 396 pages• Available Now 307 pages• Available Now 450 pages• Available Now £43.00 £27.00 £27.00
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The Antioch Bible Series provides both the text of the Syriac Bible (called the “Peshitta”) and an up-to-date English translation. The Syriac is fully vocalized and pointed so that readers at any level will be able to work with it – from beginners who are just starting to learn the language to experienced scholars who want to work with a vocalized text. On each facing page, an English translation has been prepared by a member of an international (and inter-faith) team of scholars, so that both the Syriac and English can be studied together.
Gorgias Press • 9781463207410 • Hardback• 254 x 178mm • 360 pages • Available Now• £120.00
Translated by Robert P. Gordon and Edited by George A. Kiraz
Gorgias Press • 9781463207410 • Hardback• 254 x 178mm • 360 pages • Available Now• £120.00
Edited by Donald M. Walter, Gillian Greenberg, Eric Tully, George Kiraz and Joseph Bali
Gorgias Press • 9781463205898 • Hardback• 254 x 178mm • 300 pages • Available Now• £120.00
Proverbs, Qoheleth and Song of Songs According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation
Gorgias Press • 9781463239114 • Hardback• 254 x 178mm • 340 pages • August 2020• £120.00
Edited by Michela Spataro and Alexandra Villings
Gorgias Press• 9781463205850 • Hardback• 254 x 178mm • 300 pages • December 2020 • £120.00
Gorgias Press• 9781463205874 • Hardback• 254 x 178mm • 240 pages• December 2020 • £120.00
Gorgias Press• 9781463205881 • Hardback• 254 x 178mm • 300 pages• December 2020 • £120.00
Homily on the Consecration of Myron By Baby Varghese A metrical homily of one of the last scholarly Syrian Orthodox bishops of the early Islamic period.
George was one of the last scholarly Syrian Orthodox bishops to live in the early Islamic period. His metrical homily, probably composed to be sung during the consecration of the Myron, is presented here with the vocalised Syriac text and English translation on facing pages.
Gorgias Press • 9781463207311 • Paperback 229 x 152mm • 200 pages • December 2020 • £36.00
The Law Code of Simeon, Bishop of Rev-Ardashir
Edited by Amir Harrak Series: Texts from Christian Late Antiquity A translation of The Law Code of Simeon of Rev-Ardashir.
The Law Code of Simeon of Rev-Ardashir, originally written in Persian, was
translated into Syriac by a monk of Bēṭ-Qatrāyē. The Code's author, possibly to be identified with a rebellious metropolitan mentioned in the letters of Patriarch Īšoʿ-yahb III, aims to clarify theoretical scriptural law, and to address specific cases of inheritance law.
Gorgias Press • 9781463241346 • Paperback 229 x 152mm • 104 pages • Available Now • £30.00
Edited by Amir Harrak A refereed journal published annually by the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies.

JCSSS focuses on the vast Syriac literature, which is rooted in the same soil from which the ancient Mesopotamian and biblical literatures sprung; on Syriac art that bears Near Eastern characteristics as well as Byzantine and Islamic influences; and on archaeology, unearthing in the Middle East and the rest of Asia and China the history of the Syriac-speaking people: Assyrians, Chaldeans, Maronites and Catholic and Orthodox Syriacs.
Palestinian Hagiography in the Sixth Century A.D. By Rod Stearn Series: Gorgias Studies in Classical and Late Antiquity Sets Judean hagiographies in wider socio-economic contexts.
Judean hagiographies are unusual. Some surprise in their structure, resembling historical chronicles more than 'traditional' hagiographies. Others offer unexpected content, running counter to the stylisations of their time. The peculiarities of these works have often been examined on literary and theological grounds, but this work explores the unmined implications of their socio-economic context. The local and imperial connections of the saints, the networks they constructed, and the institutional realities of the monasteries they founded shine new light on Judean texts.
Gorgias Press • 9781463239817 • Hardback 254 x 152mm • 250 pages • August 2020 • £76.00
Jehoiachin and his Oracle
A Jeremianic Scribal Framework for the End of the Deuteronomistic History By Melvin Sensenig Series: Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts Examines the conflict surrounding King Jehoiachin following a drastic oracle from Jeremiah.
King Jehoiachin, the last Judahite king exiled to Babylon, became the focus of conflicting hopes and fears about a revived Davidic kingship after the exile. As this book demonstrates, this conflict stemmed from a drastic oracle from Jeremiah that seemed to categorically reject Jehoiachin, while the canon records that he not only survived but thrived in exile.
Gorgias Press • 9781463240431 • Hardback 229 x 152mm • 250 pages • Available Now • £76.00
Syntactic Studies in Targum Aramaic
A Text-Linguistic Reading of 1 Samuel By Vasile Condrea Series: Gorgias Biblical Studies

Explores the role of the narrator in Targum 1 Samuel. How can one distinguish between narrative, which records a sequence of events, and a narrator’s comment on these events, in the form of notes, clarifications, and retellings? This book applies the insights of Functional Sentence Perspective and Text Linguistics to Targum 1 Samuel. Through this analysis, Condrea answers key questions about Aramaic syntax and recovers the voice and contributions of the text’s narrator.
Täwaḥədo Church
Homily on the Consecration of Myron By Baby Varghese Series: Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies

Investigates the formation of the Jewish cultural profile of the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwaḥədo Church.
This monograph traces how ‘Jewish’ elements were introduced into and disseminated throughout the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwaḥədo Church through a series of multi-layered, socio-politico-cultural processes. Drawing on historical and literary evidence, Afework tracks the incorporation of Jewish features into the Ethiopian Orthodox Church from pre-Aksumite Christianity, before the 4th century, through the 16th century.
Gorgias Press • 9781463207175 • Hardback • 229 x 152mm 350 pages • Available Now • £80.00
Through the Prism of Wisdom
Elijah the Prophet as a Bearer of Wisdom in Rabbinic Literature By Hilla N. Alouf-Aboody Series: Judaism in Context Explores the nature of the Elijah traditions in rabbinic literature and their connection to the wisdom tradition.
Elijah the prophet's role in rabbinic literature is a variegated one that encompasses both his role in the messianic era as well as his non-messianic appearances in rabbinic legends. In this work these different roles are explored through the prism of the wisdom tradition. The three stands of wisdom – the Torah-Centered wisdom tradition, the ApocalypticCentered wisdom tradition, and the Spirit-Centered wisdom tradition, serve as a guide in understanding the complex nature of wisdom and its influence on the Elijah legends.
Gorgias Press • 9781463207427 • Hardback 254 x 178mm • 580 pages • August 2020 • £126.00
Hexateuch from the Syro-Hexapla
Edited by Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala Series: Biblical and Apocryphal Christian Arabic Texts

Contains the edition of the Hexateuch preserved in Codex Sinai Arabic 3. The biblical material translated into Arabic during the Middle Ages included texts from the Hexateuch contained in Codex Sinai Arabic 3, the first in the Christian Arabic Texts series now being published. This set of six texts (Pentateuch + Joshua) is of enormous interest, for what it tells us not only about translating into Arabic, and about the techniques and strategies adopted by the translators, but also about the revisions and reworkings to which the original translations were subjected.
Jacob of Sarug’s Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Fifth Day
Edited and by Edward G. Mathews Jr. Series: Texts from Christian Late Antiquity Jacob comments on the events of the fifth day of Creation.

In this fifth instalment of the long Homily 71, On the Six Days of Creation, Jacob comments on the events of the fifth day, the creation from the waters of the various species of fish and reptiles, as well as the assorted types of birds and other winged creatures. Jacob highlights the fact that the creation of these animals on the fifth day to inhabit the land and water separated on the third day is a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ.
Gorgias Press • 9781463241179 • Paperback 229 x 152mm • 68 pages • Available Now • £25.00
The History of John the Son of Zebedee

Examines the stories of John the son of Zebedee from the perspective of Syriac Christians. Many stories and legends about John the son of Zebedee have survived from antiquity. The present volume brings together all of the known Syriac witnesses to the History of John with a new translation and includes, for the first time, a critical discussion of the history, provenance, and importance of this text for the study of Syriac Christianity and Christian Apocrypha more generally.
Gorgias Press • 9781463240752 • Hardback 229 x 152mm • 300 pages • August 2020 • £110.00
Gender in Jewish Studies
Proceedings of the Sherman Conversations 2017 Edited by Daniel Langton Series: Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies

An interdisciplinary journal concerned with Jewish law, history, literature, religion, culture and thought. Volume 13 of Melilah, an interdisciplinary electronic journal concerned with Jewish law, history, literature, religion, culture and thought in the ancient, medieval and modern eras. This issue focuses on the theme of gender in Jewish studies.
The Binding of Isaac and the Formation of Jewish Cultural Memory By David N. Gottlieb Series: Judaism in Context Analyses the Akedah as a metonym for cultural reorientation.

This work is a study of Jewish cultural memory as exemplified by rabbinic midrash of the Amoraic period, the 2nd through 5th centuries of the Common Era, and especially midrash on the Akedah, the Binding of Isaac (Gen. 22:1–19). The Akedah is proposed and analysed as a model for submission to the divine will through the act of interpretation.
Gorgias Press • 9781463240264 • Hardback • 152 x 229mm 251 pages • Available Now • £74.00
Islamic Origins, Arabian Custom, and the Documents of the Prophet
By Sarah Z. Mirza Series: Islamic History and Thought

Demonstrates the functions of the Prophet Muhammad's pragmatic documents in social relations in late antique Arabia. Along with the Qurʾān and ḥadīth, pragmatic documents negotiating land, taxes, and tribal relations are attributed to the Prophet Muḥammad (c. 570–632 CE) in early Islamic historiography. These are often viewed as relics reflecting the Prophet’s religio-political mission, or as anachronistic texts spuriously ascribed to him. Challenging both conclusions, this book argues that an indigenous Arabian legal and documentary tradition, distinct from classical Islamic law, can be traced in these documents.
Gorgias Press • 9781463206444 • Hardback 229 x 152mm • 300 pages • December 2020 • £140.00
Against “Irenaean” Theodicy
A Refutation of John Hick's Use of Irenaeus By David Hionides Series: Gorgias Studies in Early Christianity and Patristics

Serves to correct the now accepted understanding of Irenaeus’s theodicy.
Entrenched in scholarship on the problem of evil, John Hick’s Irenaean theodicy seemingly stands as a contemporary solution linked to the past. This book examines Hick’s connection of his work to the 2nd-century bishop of Lyon, proposing that the connection ought to be severed. Considering the context and works of both theologians on the problem of evil, it establishes that Irenaeus’s solution contrasts with Hick’s and allows the two theologians’ distinct resolutions of the problem of evil to stand on their own.
Gorgias Press • 9781463240714 • Hardback 229 x 152mm • 213 pages • Available Now • £120.00
By Aziz S. Atiya Series: Texts from Christian Late Antiquity Portrays the history of the faith of non-Chalcedonian Churches.

This book is a classic in the history of the Oriental Churches. Written by a Copt, it portrays the history of the faith of these non-Chalcedonian Churches with firsthand knowledge of their traditions. The author covers Alexandrine Christianity (the Copts and the Ethiopians), the Church of Antioch (Syriac Orthodox), the 'Nestorian' Church of the East, the Armenian Church, the St. Thomas Christians of South India, the Maronite Church, as well as the Vanished Churches of Carthage, Pentapolis, and Nubia.
Gorgias Press • 9781463241155 • Paperback 229 x 152mm • 512 pages • Available Now • £85.00
An Early Christian Reaction to Islam
Išū‘yahb III and the Muslim Arabs By Iskandar Bcheiry Series: Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies Discusses Išū‘yahb’s view of and attitudes toward Muslim Arabs.

The year 652 marked a fundamental political change in the Middle East and the surrounding region. On this date the Sasanid Empire collapsed and the major part of the Byzantine dominion in the East was lost to the hands of Muslim Arabs. An important and contemporary source of the state of the Christian Church at this time is the correspondence of Išū‘yahb III (649–659). This book examines unanswered questions about his attitudes towards the Muslim Arabs.
Gorgias Press • 9781463240981 • Hardback 229 x 152mm • 205 pages • Available Now • £100.00
Rewriting Islamic Law
The Opinions of the 'Ulamā' Towards Codification of Personal Status Law in Egypt By Tarek Elgawhary Series: The Modern Muslim World

Explores the codification of Egyptian personal status laws through the eyes of the ‘ulamā’. The codification process of personal status laws in Egypt began in the mid1800s, continuing until the abolition of the Sharī‘a courts in 1955. To understand the significance of the process of codification, this book examines the attitudes of the ‘ulamā’ regarding its place within the edifice of Islamic law. Furthermore, since the ‘ulamā’ themselves are a diverse group, it also explores various approaches adopted to the process of codification to show its significance on the re-formatting and re-writing of Islamic law.
Gorgias Press • 9781463239084 • Hardback 229 x 152mm • 241 pages • Available Now • £74.00