Schedule of Events Thursday April 11, 2019 à A1ernoon Registra7on (Timber Room) à 6pm Next Genera7on Evening: Yukafluks Evening (Timber Room) Pizza Provided
Friday April 12, 2019 à 8:30 am Load Bus for Farm Tour à 9am Farm Tour Depart Skycrest Holsteins Unique Valleystream Gene7cs NCLE (Auc7on Mart) à Premium Alberta Prime Rib Lunch Presenta7on of All Canadian Awards Youth of Dis7nc7on Jersey Young Achievers à 5:30pm Westlock Tractor Museum
Saturday April 13, 2019 à8am Next Genera7on Program (Pembina Room) Paul Meyer-‐ Westgen Larry Schrim-‐ ABS Russell Gammon à 10:30am AGM (Pembina Room) à 12pm AGM Luncheon Presenta7on of Produc7on Awards à 1:30pm AGM resumes (Pembina Room) à 6pm Cocktails (Pembina Room) à 7:00pm Master Breeder Banquet (Pembina
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President’s Message Welcome to Alberta!! We are pleased that JerseyWest is once again able to host the Jersey Canada AGM and Conference. If you have been to Alberta before, then please enjoy our sunshine and western hospitality. If you have never been, we hope you have the opportunity to drive around our great province and see some of the world renowned sites. Most importantly we hope you come to know the prairies and realize that producers here really do live in civiliza7on; our climate creates many different issues for us but are general life in dairy farming is just the same as yours from wherever you may come. One thing we all know about Jersey Breeders is that they are the most generous, helpful and approachable of all cahle breeders-‐-‐ I have made a concerted effort with my organizing team to ensure that the weekend is not too rushed and not too packed, so that you may all have the chance to mingle, mix and laugh with like minded people. I challenge each of you to reach out this weekend to a minimum of 5 other people that you have never met before, let's make this a weekend of networking, learning and most importantly RELAXING!! Of course, on the show circuit, no maher where you go in the world, the Jersey Breeders always are the ones who open their stalls to everyone and have fun....with that let's get this party started!! Welcome!!! Dave
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Welcome to Athabasca County On behalf of Athabasca County Council, and the residents of our municipality, please accept a warm welcome as you take part in the 2019 Jersey Canada Annual General Mee7ng. Agriculture remains a major component of the rural economy and the people who run farms like the ones you are touring today contribute in many ways to the overall success of our communi7es. Whether it is volunteering at the local school, par7cipa7ng in 4-‐H Programs, or taking the lead to host events like this one, hard working farm families are making a difference. Dairy farms have always been an important part of the rural economy. There remains a demand for dairy products and Canadians are leading the way when it comes to quality. The great majority of Dairy Farms in Canada are family owned and operated which is an encouraging sign for the future of the industry. We want to pass on our thanks to all farm families who work to put quality dairy products on our tables. It takes a lot of dedica7on, hard work and commitment on your part each day, and we are proud to say we have industry leading opera7ons within our County. It is my hope that your visit to our region is memorable, safe and that you return some7me very soon.
Industry Partners Sapphire $250-‐$499
Chimewood Jerseys
Ruby $500-‐$999 Supporters
Gene7c Futures Bova-‐Tech Ltd.
Allflex Liebig and Keown LLP
HS Knill
Industry Partners Emerald $1000-‐$2499
Diamond $2500-‐5000
Jersey West Directors: Sean Smith, MB Lee Morey, AB Rebekah Mathers, AB Kirsty McAvoy, BC
Nick Isenschmid, MB Casey Morey, AB Marieke Huijzer, AB Michael Haambuckers, BC
Joanne Edwards, SK Michael Haeni, AB Anita Norrish, BC
Friday Farm Tours Skycrest Holsteins
Photos: V icki Fletcher Design- Katelyn Crest
Skycrest Holsteins is a 5th generation farm operated by Rob & Sue Crest, Chad Crest, and Katelyn Crest. Skycrest milks in a 66 cow tie-stall twice a day. Additionally the family crops 2100 acres of canola, wheat, barley and oats, 310 acres of alfalfa and grass, and 180 acres of pasture. The herd sells breeding bulls years round and regularly sells high type and production animals to fellow breeders. Currently the herd consists of 29 ME/EX, 54 VG, and 9 GP with 90% of the herd being VG or EX. The herd BCA is 263-299-265. The herd is ranked 8th for Classified Herds within Canada for the 40-59 group. In 2005 & 2013, Skycrest Holsteins was awarded the Alberta Breeder of the Year Award. The Crest family is an active member of the showing community, attending shows across Western Canada, World Dairy Expo and the Royal on a yearly basis. Rob was recently named a recipient of the Curtis Clark Award and Chad was a recipient of the Andrea Crowe Award.
Skycrest Goldwyn Ladys Night EX 92 BCA: 239-339-256 Dams: EX 93 3E 2*, EX 91 4E 4* Sons by Aritist Due to Sidekick
Skycrest Golddust Doozy VG 89 (MAX) BCA: 257-320-257 Dams: EX 90, EX 91 12*, EX 95 15*, EX 90 17*, EX 7*, EX 2* Daughter by Skycrest Stud Pregnancies and Embryos by sexed Crushtime Due September S to Hanico
Skycrest Daddy Long Legs VG 87 2YR
BCA: 249-242-245 Int. Champ & Res. Grand Champ AB Dairy Congress 2018 1 st Jr. 3 YR AB Dairy Congress 2018 1 st Jr.3 YR Calgary 2018 2 nd Jr. 3 Yr BC Spring Show 2018 Son by Sidekick
Friday  Farm  Tours  Unique  Valleystream  GeneTcs    Â
Located  in  Rochester,  Alberta,  Unique  Valleystream  is  home  to  Canada’s  largest  Jersey  milking  herd.  Purchased  by  David  &  Tracy  in  1992,  the  farm  was  home  to  46  milking  grade  Holsteins  that  were  milking  in  Northern  Alberta’s Â ďŹ rst  constructed  freestall  barn  and  parlour.   Jerseys  were Â ďŹ rst  added  as  an  experiment  in  small  numbers  and  in  1996  with  the  onset  of  MCP  in  Alberta,  the  Morey’s  decided  to  add  60  Jerseys  to  make  a  even  50/50  split  in  the  now  120  milking  herd.  The  breeds  were  separated  for  a  3-Ââ€?month  eďŹƒciency  trial‌  Jersey  numbers  con7nued  to  grow  and  dominate  on  the  farm  as  it  grew.  Casey  and  Lee  both  returned  to  the  farm  in  2015  a1er  comple7ng  post  secondary.  Today  the  herd  is  home  to  300  milkers.  All  three  housing  systems  exist  on  the  farm.  250  cows  are  milked  in  Lely  robots  and  50  are  milked  in  a  7estall.   Showing  cahle  became  a  family  passion  as  the  kids  were  growing  up  but  the  herd  also  placed  an  emphasis  on  strong  numbers.  Purchases  and  breeding  over  the  years  has  reects  both  goals.  The  herd  is  known  for  having  Canada’s  longest  standing  #1  LPI  cow,  Par  for  Belle,  who  held  that  spot  for  4.5  years.  The  herd  has  shown  across  the  na7on  and  at  World  Dairy  Expo.  In  2004,  lock  stock  and  barrel,  the  en7re  Valleystream  herd  was  purchased  and  moved  from  St.  Thomas,  ON  to  Alberta.   The  farm  provides  all  their  own  feed  with  the  opera7on  consis7ng  of  2700  acres,  along  with  cash  crops.  Under  the  excited  direc7on  of  the  next  genera7on,  the  farm  is  diversifying  the  opera7on  to  include  a  larger  por7on  of  gene7c  income.  In  the  last  3  years  we  have  been  fortunate  enough  to  export  numerous  embryos  over  seas,  with  the  number  of  contracts  growing.  Â
Friday Tours North Central Livestock Exchange Inc. (NCL)
NCL purchased the exis7ng livestock market at Clyde, Alberta in February 2014. At NCL, regular weekly sales are run every Tuesday star7ng at 9:00am. In addi7on, they run feature Bred Cow sales, Purebred sales and Special sales on Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the year. NCL’s buyers’ market goes far into eastern Canada and extends down into the northern United States. NCL is the largest cahle auc7on market in Canada. Located 65km north of Edmonton, in the centre of the highest concentra7on of Cow-‐Calf pairs per acre in Canada, NCL has field reps that look a1er the market needs of all of Northern Alberta, northeastern Bri7sh Columbia, and parts of northern Saskatchewan.
Westlock Tractor Museum
The Canadian Tractor Museum preserves, portrays, and interprets a Canadian point of view on the history of tractors and related equipment. The museum have over 90 restored tractors, 30 sta7onary engines, hundreds of toy tractors and implements, and many other ar7facts all rela7ng to our agriculture heritage. The Westlock & District Tractor Museum Founda7on was formed in 1999 with the vision of developing a world-‐class museum in Westlock, Alberta dedicated to vintage tractors. The museum opened for the first 7me in 2002 a1er the Tractor Show and has been acquiring new displays ever since. The collec7on is housed in a 20,000 square foot facility whish is located on the west side of Westlock, directly across from Moun7e Park. It is designed to accommodate future expansion. In 2006, the Founda7on added a storage building for steam engines and extra tractors. The facility enables our community to preserve a large part of the area’s rich farming history, and prevents the loss of local collec7ons of historical significance to collectors in the United States and Europe.
Next GeneraTon Speaker ~ Larry Schirm
Larry has 37 years of experience in the AI industry, the last 13 of which have been with ABS. Previously he was with the combina7on of Carna7on/Landmark/Alta. Prior to ABS Larry was a director of Sire Procurement for Landmark Gene7cs and served as the Global Gene7c Marke7ng Manager for Alta. While at ABS, Larry has served as the NA Gene7c Marke7ng Manager, Director of ABS Asia Business Development and today as the NA Strategic Account Management focused on gene7c solu7ons for dairymen. As to judging, Larry has judged all the major Jersey Shows around the world including WDE, The Royal, Louisville, IDW, Expo Milk and a dozen other Na7onal Shows around the globe with mul7ple assignments in all other breeds.
Larry’s Topic: PROFIT FROM GENETIC PROGRESS (Does the World want your Cow) Gene7cs are valued by the poten7al end users of those genes, what genes are the world looking at and where do your genes fit into those interests.
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Paul Meyer ~ Next GeneraTon Speaker
Paul was born and raised on a dairy farm in South-Western Ontario near the city of London. Paul now lives in Salmon Arm, BC with his wife and daughter where they maintain a small purebred herd of Angus cattle. In 1991 Paul accepted a position with Semex Canada as a Dairy Specialist, and over a 10 year span travelled to over 30 countries around the world promoting balanced breeding and Canadian genetics. In 2001 Paul was lured west beginning employment with Alta Genetics, taking responsibility for its global Advertising and Communications functions. In 2009 Paul moved back to the Semex family, joining its western Canadian Partner, WestGen to lead their Sales and Marketing effort.
Paul’s Topic: DESIGNING MY GENETIC PLAN Take part in an interac7ve session as Paul discusses herd improvements and the different outcomes from u7lizing conven7onal semen, sexed semen, and sexed/embryos/beef semen.
Russell Gammon ~ Next GeneraTon Speaker
Russell Gammon was raised in Pictou County, Nova Sco7a. He graduated from both NS Agricultural College and the University of Guelph with an Animal Science degree. A1er a s7nt in educa7on at NSAC he began a career with Jersey Canada. During his Jersey days he was Associate Editor and then Editor of the Jersey Breeder, Manager and then Execu7ve Secretary of Jersey Canada. Following his Jersey Canada days, Russell was names Manager of Semex’s Global Jersey Program in June 2011 and worked with Semex un7l April 2017. From January 2018 to January 2019 he was Interim Manager at Jersey Canada. Gammon has received Dis7nguished Service Awards from both the World Jersey Cahle Bureau and Jersey Canada.
Russell’s Topic: OPPORTUNITIES LIKE NEVER BEFORE! As the Jersey breed gains a roaring status how do producers con7nue to advocate a posi7ve vibe on social media and what role do each of us play in con7nuing this posi7ve growth.
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Dairy Products proudly provided by
2019 Jersey Canada Awards MASTER BREEDER Robert & Bruce Mellow, Glenholme, Caledon ON CONSTRUCTIVE BREEDER Pine Haven Farms Ltd., Pine Haven, Oxford NS Ferme Verjatin Holstein & Jersey Inc., Verjatin, Saint-Gervais QC Michael & Monique Bols, Drentex, Russell ON HONORARY LIFE MEMBER Grant Cole, Green Maple, Vegreville AB Steven Smith, Clanman, Clanwilliam MB DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD Dale Cole, Green Maple, Vegreville AB CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION Harry Schipper, Springerhill, Straffordville ON JERSEY YOUNG ACHIEVERS Mathiey Larose, Vermalar, Vercheres QC Mark & Julie Parnell, Nellridge, Wyebridge ON Arjan Otten & Jessice Hoffman, Farm Star, Didsbury AB YOUTH OF DISTINCTION ___________________________________________
All-‐Canadian 4-‐H Awards
4-H Jr. Calf All Canadian: Charlyn Tequila Emery -Charlyn Jerseys ~ Nash Thomas Reserve: Moringmist Tequila Glitter -James & Cathy Mason ~ Connor Tree Honourable Mention: Josan Preston Voom –Paul & Lorraine Franken ~ Landyn Hallahan 4-H Intermediate Calf All Canadian: Verona Showdown Gloss -Alicia & Justin & Marie-Eve Veronneau ~ Frederic Fortier Reserve: Golden Premier Shaker -Glen & Sheila Burgess ~ Hayley Thede Honourable Mention: Hollylane Viral Shania ~ Dani Karn 4-H Senior Calf All Canadian: Paullyn Andreas Crystal -Paullyn Farms ~ Micaela Hill Reserve: Glenholme Tequila Almond -Robert & Bruce Mellow ~ Curtis Ruta Honourable Mention: Winterplace Suedu Gucci –Jeff & Chelsey Stephens ~Chelsey Stephens 4-H Summer Yearling All Canadian: Morningmist Tequila Margareitta -James & Cathy Mason ~ Kristen Portena Reserve: Marker Tequila Gloworm -Marker Farms Inc. ~ Madison Brattan Honourable Mention: Verona Tequila Merry Snow –Alicia & Justin Veronneau & Maryse Goudreau ~ Alicia Veronneau 4-H Junior Yearling All Canadian: Summer Breeze Tequila Gold -All Girl Dairy ~ Sam Johnston Reserve: Drentex Gizmo’s Galaxy -Cybil Fisher & Taylor Vander Meulen ~Taylor Vander Meulen Honourable Mention: Charlyn Venue Brinley –Ron Beckwith ~Raine Beckwith
Creating more value together. As leaders in animal nutrition we pride ourselves in working with Canadian dairy farmers bringing innovative nutritional solutions to their operations. @TrouwNutrition.ShurGain @TrouwNutr_CA
All-‐Canadian Awards Champion Heifer ~ L’Ormiere Tequila Lili ~ Christine Desrosiers, Julien & C A Sicard Junior Calf All Canadian: Scottiere Tabatha VIP ~ Ferme Scottiere Enr Reserve (tie): Beslea Austen Matthews ~ Beslea Farms Ltd. Reserve (tie): Drentex Velocity Sweet ~ Ferme LuLec Gen Inc, Luc Lecours Intermediate Calf All Canadian: Roggua Robindale Just One Look ~ Lookout/Blair Weeks/Frank & Diane Borba Reserve: Drentex Getaway Bella ~ Lookout/Adam Fraley/Frank & Diane Borba Honourable Mention: Verona Showdown Gloss ~Alicia & Justin & Marie-Eve Veronneau Senior Calf All Canadian: Milksource Gentry Mink ET ~ Milksource Genetics & Finca Valparaiso Reserve: Winterplace Suede Gucci ~Jeff & Chelsey Stephens Honourable Mention: Alexvale Colton Geewhizz ~ Pleasant Nook Jerseys & James Alexander Summer Yearling All Canadian: L’Ormiere Tequila Lili ~ Christine Desrosiers, Julien & C A Sicard Reserve: Electras Enbrace ET ~ Entourage Far, Cybil Fisher & Triple T Honourable Mention: Edgelea Tequila Posterity ~Joel Bagg Junior Yearling All Canadian: Beslea Velocity Lion ~ Beslea Farm Ltd. & Kingsdale Jersey Farm Reserve: Miss Triple-T Andreas Rapunzel ~ Colton Thomas Honourable Mention: Summer Breeze Tequila Gold ~ All Girls Dairy Uncalved/dry Intermediate Yearling All Canadian: Hickory Acres Krash Colton ~Cybil Fisher & Jake Hanford & Avonlea Genetics Reserve: Paullor Tequila Novelle ~ Paul & Lorraine Franken Honourable Mention: Willow Creek Invigorate Design ~ Laurent Lambert & John Weaver
All-‐Canadian Awards Champion Cow ~ Avonlea Premier Chocolate Chip ~ Avonlea Genetics Inc. Milking Intermediate Yearling All Canadian: Stecro Leane ~ Rivendale Farms of Pittsburg LLC Reserve: Bridon V Sweets ~ Bridon Farms Inc. HM (tie): RJF Gentry Megabucks ~ Robert Jarrell HM (tie): Hird’s Billings Silvia ~ Nathan Wade Milking Senior Yearling All Canadian: Genesis Premier Vista ~ Triple T Holsteins, Michael Heath Reserve (tie): Charlyn Tequila Vision ~ Charlyn Jerseys & Lee Simanton Reserve (tie): Crossbrook Magic Genie Darcy ~Beslea Farms Ltd. & Kingsdale Jersey Farm Junior Two Year Old All Canadian: Pleasant Nook Apple Dumpling ~ Pleasant Nook Jerseys Reserve: Bridon Dragon Lime ~ Bridon Farms Inc. Honourable Mention: Stoney Point Giller Dazzler ~ Ferme LuLec Gen Inc, Luc Lecours Senior Two Year Old All Canadian: Avonlea Venom Keep Me Klose ET~ Avonlea Genetics/Ferme LuLec Gen Inc, Luc Lecours Reserve: Rescator Firepower Alyssia ~ Pleasant Nook Jerseys Honourable Mention: Charlyn Tequila Emmie ~ Charlyn Jerseys Junior Three Year Old All Canadian: Showdown Justine ~ Vierra Dairy Farms Reserve: Townside Tequila Response R ~ Rivendale Farms of Pittsburgh LLC Honourable Mention: Pleasant Nook /WR Premier Voila ~ Pleasant Nook Jerseys Senior Three Year Old All Canadian: Minister Gail ET ~ Rivendale Farms of Pittsburgh LLC Reserve: Audibel Hot Money Nickie ~ Starcrest & Oasis Jersey Honourable Mention: Stoney Point Grand Bea ~ Cybil Fisher & Jake Hanford & Avonlea Genetics Four Year Old All Canadian: Esperanza GA Vivian ~ Rivendale Farms of Pittsburgh LLC Reserve: MB Lucky Lady Feliz Navidad ET ~ Rivendale Farms of Pittsburgh LLC Honourable Mention: Bridon J Expense ~ Les Elevages Caberoy & La Ferme Scottiere
All-‐Canadian Awards Champion Cow ~ Avonlea Premier Chocolate Chip ~ Avonlea Genetics Inc. Five Year Old All Canadian: Avonlea Premier Chocolate Chip ~ Avonlea Genetics Inc. Reserve: Rich Valley GG Adalida 241 ~ Pleasant Nook Jerseys Honourable Mention: Huronia Action Jane 2A ~ Laurent Lambert/John Weaver/Hodglynn Holsteins Ltd. Mature Cow All Canadian: Hummin BT Finalist Dottie ~ Ernie Kueffner, Terri Packard & Mike & Linda Hellenbrand Reserve: Pleasant Nook Tequila Daiquiri ~ Pleasant Nook Jerseys Honourable Mention: Pleasant Nook Action Frisky ~Pleasant Nook Jerseys Lifetime Components All Canadian: Bridon Iatola Polish ET ~ Bridon Farms Inc. Reserve: RJF Comerica Charity ET ~ Robert Jarrell Honourable Mention: RFJ Bella’s Glimmer ET ~ Robert Jarrell Junior Breeder’s Herd All Canadian (tie):
All Canadian (tie):
Honourable Mention:
Breeder’s Herd All Canadian:
Honourable Mention:
Drentex Premier Splenda Drentex Getaway Bella Drentex Velocity Sweet Beslea Austen Matthews Beslea Tequila Ghost Belsea Velocity Lion Charlyn Gentry Sue Charlyn Tequila Paisley Charlyn Tequila Bullet
Pleasant Nook Tequila Daquiri Pleasant Nook Vincent Cupcake Pleasant Nook Action Frisky Avonlea Premier Chocolate Chip Avonlea Venom Keep Me Klose ET Avonlea Colton Just for Keeps ET Bridon Dragon Lime Bridon Iatola Polish ET Bridon J Expense
Photos: Ella Wright Design: Casey Morey
Like you, we believe success is built on hard work and strong communities.
D: Tequila EX90 (JC WDE 2011), EX91, EX91, Veronica Daughters by OnTime, Joel, and Chrome Flushing in the spring, inquires welcomed!
And that’s why we’re proud to support the 2019 Jersey Canada Annual General Meeting. Talk to one of our Agriculture Banking Specialists today David Snyder – Commercial Account Manager, Agriculture 780-349-8655 | Thomas Bork – Sr. Commercial Account Manager, Agriculture 780-363-8800 | Darren Petriew – Sr. Commercial Account Manager, Agriculture 403-340-7239 |
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® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada.
108928 (02/2019)
Grand Champion Westerner Championship Showcase 2018 Reserve WCS 2015 and Calgary 2017 D: Clanman Signature Sara SUP-EX, VG87, VG87 Daughters by Joel and Ladd Granddaughters by Oliver-P and Openroad
IT’S NO BULL... a successful herd health program can improve your bottom line. Call Today for a Consultation
Ph: 780-349-3663
MOSNANG STRAIGHT TEQUILA NIGHT Reserve All-Western Jersey Yearling Due in June to Victorious Dams: EX, EX 2E, EX93 2E Zippy, VG88, VG
Never Forget
KRAHN GIRLS SHWDOWN NEVER FORGET Unanimous All-Western Jersey Calf Due in September to Touchdown Dams: EX92, EX95, EX92 2E, EX92 4E, EX95 8E
Heini & Ruth Hehli, 403-704-5716, | Markus & Amanda Hehli, 403-783-0442, RR#3 Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 | | Breeding Stock. Embryos. Breeding Bulls available | Inquiries welcome
Congratulations to the 2018 Award Recipients! “Supporting Breeders since 1935”
President’s Club Cow Prehlea Igniter Coltmar EX-91-7E 120,000 kg award Chubanna Holsteins
Master Breeder Marsfield Dairy Gert & Sonja Schryver
Alberta Breeder of the Year The Chalack Family Wendon Holsteins
Marj Atkins Achievement Award Don & Carol Wright
Curtis Clark Achievement Award Don Chalack
Photo: Ella Wright Design: Casey Morey
Nokomis,)SK) (306)528=7707) Inquiries)Welcome)
Herd Avg 86pts 12ME 6EX 30VG 15GP Herd BCA 241-241-243
Chance:$(780)$27186955$ Fred:$(780)$22083733$ Leduc,$AB$
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