Unique is Canada’s Largest Purebred Jersey Herd. The family farm in located in Rochester, Alberta, about an hour drive north of Edmonton. We farm approximately 3000 acres in addition to milking over 300 Jerseys. Our farm contains all 3 housing types: pack, freestall and 55-cow tie-stall. Most of the Jerseys are housed in a free-stall barn, while a portion of the herd (high genetic animals and show cows) are housed in a tie-stall. Cows are milked through 4 Lely Robotic Milking Systems. Unique Valleystream Genetics is a total family operation. Unique officially started in 1999. In 2004, we purchased the well-known Valleystream herd from John & June White of St. Thomas, Ontario. This is when Unique Valleystream Genetics was born! Prominent cow families at Unique include:
Redhot Matt Tesla EX93 2019 Canadian Hall of Fame Winner
Lencrest Par For Belle VG85 #1 LPI Cow in Canada for 4.5 Years
Valleystream Remake Honey EX92 2011 Canadian Jersey Cow of the Year Nominee
Avonlea Mischief’s Magnolia SUP EX92-4E 2016 Canadian Jersey Cow of the Year
Unique Valleystream Gene1cs Alberta, Canada David, Tracy, Casey & Lee Morey uniquestock@mcsnet.ca
Embryo Inventory Donor
Arethusa Vaudeville Excitement
Nuance, Valson, Joyride Cocktail
Chrome sexed
Barcelona sexed
Zion, Godric, Demos-P Cocktail
Unique HP Irwin Hocus
Jordan, Disco, Craze, VIP Cocktail
Unique Jukebox Monster
Unique Keith Jeopardy
Barcelona sexed
Unique Valegro Heidi-P
Unique Viceroy Cash
Bramville Axel Callie Caberoy Brownies Shelby Grayclay Disco Caitlyn Milksource VIP Madonna Rivendale Disco Leah Unique HP Chrome Hazard
Inquiries regarding other donors on farm are always welcome. Monthly flushing programs allows for frequent inventory changes. Donor and sire availability dependent on 1ming, please inquire for more details.
We strongly encourage the considera1on of cocktail sire flushing. All inquires can be directed to one of the following: Casey (780) 307-‐5378 Lee (780) 206-‐5164 Tracy (780) 307-‐5769 David (780) 349-‐1893 uniquestock@mcsnet.ca
1 Exportable embryos x cocktail flush of Nuance, Valson, & Joyride
EX-‐95-‐2E (8-‐3) R:93 MS:96 F&L:95 DS:96 BCA (353 408 376) All Western Jersey Intermediate Cow 2016 8th 6 Yr-‐Old & Older WDE 2019 2019 Produc1on Champion, 6Yr. Old & Older, WDE 4th Sr. 3 Yr. Old, WDE 2014 6th Highest Selling Jersey at Public Auc1on in history Believed to be one of the youngest in produc1on daughters of Veronica!
Dam: Huronia Centurion Veronica EX-‐97 Supreme Grand WDE 2006 Grand Champion WDE 2004, 2005, 2006 Res. Grand WDE 2007
11 Exportable embryos x MegaPower Fresh with a Polled Heifer calf by Unique HP Beethoven Dam has achieved 2 Silver Produc1on Awards Sits in the top 10th percen1le for Milk, Fat, & Protein
Sister to 4th Dam: Huronia Centurion Veronica EX-‐97 Grand Champion WDE 2004, 2005, 2006 Res. Grand WDE 2007
BCA (260 296 271) Silver Produc1on Award, September 2020
3 Exportable embryos x Sexed Chrome
Poten1al 9th Gen. VG/EX Fresh December 2020
4th Dam: RJF Remake Belle SUP-‐EX-‐92-‐5E Same Family: RJF Belle’s Imagina1on EX-‐90-‐2E
VG-‐86 (2-‐6) R:87 MS:87 F&L:85 DS:86 BCA (341 402 395) 7th Gen. VG/EX A2A2 GLPI 1937 +12 Mammary System
Same Family: Grayclay Irwin Camille
1 Domes1c embryo x Sexed Barcelona
VIP daughter Due June to Unique Magistrate
1 Exportable embryo x Webcam
Sister: Miksource Gentry Mink 2nd Fall Calf WDE 2018 Jr. Champ RAWF 2018 Res. All-‐American Fall Calf 2018 2nd Milking Yearling WDE 2019
Dam: Edgebrook Tequila Madison Int. Champ. WDE 2016 Res. Grand Wisconsin State Jersey Show 2016 Sister: Milksource Gentry Marriot 1st Fall Calf WDE 2018 Jr. Champ WDE 2018 Supreme Jr. Champ WDE 2018 Unanimous All-‐American Fall Calf 2018
2nd Sr. Calf, Westerner Championship Showcase 2019 +12 Mammary System
3 Domes1c embryos x cocktail flush of Zion, Godric, Demos-‐P
Dam: Lost-‐Brooke Barnas Loveshack VG-‐85
Sister to Dam: Lost-‐Brooke Torpedo Love Bug EX90
VG-‐85 (2-‐4) R:85 MS:84 F&L:85 DS:87 BCA (299 316 303)
11 Exportable embryos x Barnabas
8th Gen. VG/EX Sits in the top 20th percen1le for Milk, Fat, & Protein
Same Family: Unique Irwin Hocus EX-‐92-‐3E
GD: Valleystream Remake Honey EX-‐92-‐2E 2011 Canadian Cow of the Year Nominee Silver, Gold, & Pla1num Produc1on Awards All Western Sr. Cow 2009 Grand Champion, Westerner Championship 2009 2010 Single Hall of Fame Winner
Same Family: Unique HP Gentry Hazard VG-‐86
5 Exportable embryos x Respect 9 Domes1c embryos x Cocktail flush of Jordan, Disco, Craze, & VIP
EX-‐92-‐3E (7-‐0) R:92 MS:93 F&L:92 DS:91 BCA (340 387 383) 4th Sr. 3 Yr-‐Old, Calgary Dairy Classic Show 2016 2019 Double Hall of Fame Winner 1st 5-‐Yr-‐Old, Red Deer Westerner Dairy Showcase 2018 2 Star Brood Cow 2019 Dam of Unique HP Hellcat 250JE01668 @ Select Sires
VG-‐87 R:83 MS:89 F&L:88 DS:86 BCA (342 374 368)
5 Domes1c embryos x Casino
2019 Single Hall of Fame Winner Pla1num Award 2019
GD: RJF Unique Centurion Moment EX-‐91
GGD: Avonlea Mischief’s Magnolia SUP-‐EX-‐92-‐4E Canadian Jersey Cow of the Year 2016 12 Star Brood Cow All-‐Canadian Milking Yearling 2006 Intermediate Champ., RAWF 2006 Supreme Jr. Champ. All Breeds, Western Expo 2006
Same Family: RJF Unique On1me Marathon EX-‐90-‐2E
BCA (300 284 312) Silver Award 2020
3 Exportable embryos x Sexed Barcelona
Sits in the top 5th percen1le for Milk ,Fat, & Protein
GD: Unique News Jasper VG-‐86 MS:87
Same Family: JF Duaiseoir Javalin EX-‐90
Same Family: Unique Scout Jus1ce EX-‐92
1 Exportable embryo x MegaPower Fresh September Sits in the top 30th percen1le for Milk, Fat, Protein, & Conforma1on
GGD: Valleystream Remake Honey EX-‐92-‐2E 2011 Canadian Cow of the Year Nominee Silver, Gold, & Pla1num Produc1on Awards All Western Sr. Cow 2009 Grand Champion, Westerner Championship 2009 2010 Single Hall of Fame Winner
Same Family: Unique Gentry Hilda VG-‐87
7 Domes1c embryos x MegaPower
Sits in the top 12th percen1le for Milk, Fat, & Protein Fresh July with Polled Beethoven Heifer Due May to Godric Awai1ng the Classifier in December
Dam: Unique Legal Calcuka EX-‐92-‐3E 2019 Single Hall of Fame Winner 2019 Senior 4 Class Leader for FAT Gold Award 2019 Silver Award 2017 & 2018
Check out our ladies who are available for flushing upon request:
We flush roughly every 4-‐6 weeks and have numerous type and produc1on cows available. Looking for something par1cular that is not listed? All inquires can be directed to one of the following: Casey (780) 307-‐5378 Lee (780) 206-‐5164 Tracy (780) 307-‐5769 David (780) 349-‐1893
Unique Valleystream Gene1cs Alberta, Canada David, Tracy, Casey & Lee Morey uniquestock@mcsnet.ca
GD: Milo Vindica1on Season EX-‐94-‐3E All Canadian Mature Cow 2012 3rd Mature Cow, RAWF 2013 2013 HM All Canadian Mature Cow
Same Family: Elliots Tequila Seniorita EX-‐91 Intermediate Champion, RAWF 2014 All Canadian Sr. 2 Yr. Old 2014 3rd Milking Yearling, Quinte Championship Show 2016 2dn Sr. 3 Yr. Old & Res. Intermediate 11th Yearling Heifer in Milk, WDE 2016 Champion, NY Spring Show 2015
Dam: Arethusa Supreme Excitement EX-‐92
8th Milking Yearling, RAWF 2016 GGD: Bri-‐Lin Rens Sofie 2012 Canadian Cow of the Year
Unique HP Extravagant EX-‐91 Res. Jr. Champion & 1 Jr. Yearling, Westerner Championship 2016 12th Jr. Yearling, RAWF 2016 Reserve All Western Jersey Yearling 2017
Granddaughter of Potwell Whistler’s Emily EX-‐92
Maternal Sister: Unique HP Elizabeth Res. All American Jr. Fall Calf 2019 1st Milking Yearling, Westerner Championship 2020 Maternal Sister: Unique HP Embellish EX-‐91-‐2E Canada’s Youngest Excellent Cow
Dam: River Valley USF HP Grace EX-‐93 HM Jr. Champ, Westerner Championship 2015 3rd Jr. 2 Yr. Old, Calgary Dairy Classic 2016 Reserve All Western Jersey Yearling 2016 2019 Single Hall of Fame Winner 2019 Junior 4 Class Leader for Fat
GDam: Claessic Fields Vindicat Genie EX-‐93 2nd Sr. 3, WDE 2010 Reserve All-‐American Sr. 3 2010 Supreme Champion, 2010 WDE Junior Show 2011 All American Jr., 4 Yr. Old US Jr. Na1onal Grand Champion 2011 Two-‐1me Jr. All-‐American 2010 & 2011 2nd Sr. 3 All American Jersey Show 2011
Unique HP Genie VG-‐86
Full Sisters out of Arethusa Vaudeville Excitement
Dam: Arethusa Vaudeville Excitement Ex-‐95-‐2E All Western Jersey Intermediate Cow 2016 8th 6Yr. Old & Older WDE 2019 2019 Produc1on Champion, 6Yr. Old & Older WDE 4th Sr. 3 Yr. Old, WDE 2014
GDam: Huronia Centurion Veronica EX-‐97 Supreme Grand WDE 2006 Grand Champion WDE 2004, 2005, 2006 Res. Grand WDE 2007
Pictured: Unique Mak Vandraager 3rd Sr. Calf, Westerner Championship 2020
Semen available on a select number of Unique gene1cs.
While you can find many Unique Sires through companies such as Semex, Select Sires, and Blondin these bulls have been privately drawn in Alberta and are available across Canada. All inquires can be directed to one of the following: Casey (780) 307-‐5378 Lee (780) 206-‐5164 Tracy (780) 307-‐5769 David (780) 349-‐1893
Unique Valleystream Gene1cs Alberta, Canada David, Tracy, Casey & Lee Morey uniquestock@mcsnet.ca
A2A2 +1975 GLPI +1144 kgs +13 Conformation & Mammary
+18 JUI
Dam: Redhot Mak Skyline VG-‐87 4-‐6 11811kgs 4.75F 3.64P (374 322 358) Pla1num & Gold Produc1on Awards GGD: Avonlea Mischief's Magnolia SUP EX92-‐4E
A2A2 +2042 GLPI +932 kgs +99 CFP w/ Positive Dev. Fat & Protein +13 Conformation
+11 Mammary
Dam: Redhot Victorious Mys1que VG-‐85 2-‐1 9413kgs 5.62F 3.58P (386 401 366) Pla1num Produc1on Award
GDam: Redhot Mak Tesla EX-‐93 4-‐11 14294kgs 5.74F 3.83P (447 469 452) (Proj) 2019 Canadian Hall of Fame Cow 2019 Double Hall of Fame Winner 2019 All Time Junior 3 Class Leader for Fat & Protein 2019 Junior 3 Class Leader for Milk, Fat & Protein 2 Pla1num Awards