Torq Inc. Visual Identity Guidelines

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INTRODUCTION At Torq, our main goal is to provide every day men and women with the highest quality tools available so that they can get the job done. With the help of Torq products, anyone can be a D.I.Y. master. It all started with an idea. Why should our tools only be marketed towards one gender? What’s stopping us from being totally inclusive to all genders, ages, and skill levels? We decided to make it our goal to provide everyone with the same opportunities when it comes to do-it-yourself projects as well as any larger construction projects. So far, the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. Here at Torq Inc., we don’t just provide our customers with tools, we provide them with the knowledge and

confidence they need to finish their projects with ease. In addition to these goals, we also aim to produce the highest possible quality power tools on the market. You won’t find the precision and high quality materials that Torq provides anywhere else. And, if you do, tell us. We’ll do it better. At Torq Inc., our highest concern is the well-being of our customers. That’s why we aim to provide you with the highest quality products, the most knowledgable staff, and the best user experience possible. At Torq Inc., we provide you with quality you can count on, guaranteed.

CONTENTS Master Brand Logo 1 2 3

Logo - colour Logo - black & white Clear space & min. size

Graphic Program 5 7 9 10

Colour schemes Typography Improper usage Graphic language

Implementation 11 13 14

Stationery Sample usage Animated logo

Torq pyramid top view

Torq wordmark set in Museo Sans


Torq is a company that represents strength, durability, precision and quality. The four curved triangles were chosen for Torq’s logo because they represent the many steps required when building any project, whether personal or large-scale. The curved geometric shape in Torq’s logo is an abstracted view of the top of a square-based pyramid. Pyramids are one of the most durable 3D forms. They also come to a point at the top, which represents precision. The center of the white ‘X’ that runs through logo helps strengthen this idea. I decided to curve the edges of the square shape to provide a more dynamic logo. This relates to the high quality products that Torq sells.


The unique green colour was chosen to set Torq apart from its competition. This Pantone apple green is paired with a charcoal grey as well as a lighter grey for the secondary pallette. Since Torq products are marketed towards men and women, demonstrating excessive masculinity in the logo was not necessary. This idea follows through into the choice of typeface. Museo Sans was chosen for the logo and set in lowercase letters to make the brand feel more inclusive. Torq provides consumers with high quality products that can be used by anyone and everyone, so it was important to get this feeling across to our audiences. The result is a simple, clean, high quality logo that customers can feel good about.

LOGO - BLACK & WHITE In the case that the Torq logo cannot be printed in full colour, these are the black and white options available. The first is on a white background: the Torq curved square is displayed in the approved Torq light grey and the logotype is displayed in the Torq dark grey. When placed on a black/dark background, the Torq curved square will also be displayed in the light grey. The Torq logotype will be displayed in white only.

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CLEAR SPACE & MINIMUM SIZE Use the Torq triangles as a guide to measure the amounxt of clear space needed around the Torq logo at all times.

For maximum legibility, the Torq logo should never be smaller than 1 & 1/10”.

torq torq


1 & 1/10” 1 & 1/2”

torq 3 2 & 3/4” BACK


COLOUR SCHEMES The secondary colour palette is to only be used to differentiate between different divisions in the Torq company. Examples of usage would be for letterheads, website directory and name tags. The colours I chose are bright and contrast the primary colour palette. Greens and blues can be used only if they aren’t too close in value. Purples are also a good choice since they are complimentary to the logo colour. Neutrals should be avoided for the secondary colour scheme.

Primary Colours For use in main logo, logotype & body text

RGB 186 184 58 CMYK 0 1 69 27 HEX BAB83A

RGB 93 90 89 CMYK 61 55 55 28 HEX 5D5A59

RGB 153 153 153 CMYK 0 0 0 40 HEX 999999

Secondary Colours For use in letterheads, to designate corporate divisions

RGB 186 184 58 CMYK 0 1 69 27 HEX BAB83A


RGB 93 90 89 CMYK 61 55 55 28 HEX 5D5A59

RGB 153 153 153 CMYK 0 0 0 40 HEX 999999

Logo Typeface Museo Sans 500 24 pt

Secondary Typeface Domine Regular 24 pt

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()


Museo Sans is to be used for the Torq logotype, titles, business cards, ads, etc. It is the main typeface for the Torq brand. This typeface was chosen for its minimalistic qualities. Museo Sans is a clean, easy to read typeface.

Domine Regular was chosen as the secondary typeface to contrast the serif typeface used for the logo and other stationery. It is a slab serif that serves as a companion to Museo Sans without overpowering it. This typeface is to be used only for body text, taglines, and for letters/ corporate text. This typeface would be downloaded onto all company computers to ensure consistency.





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GRAPHIC LANGUAGE The graphic language of all books, posters, online displays and anything else related to Torq should exemplify quality, classiness and strength. All photography for Torq Inc. should be black and white with enough contrast to make the image interesting for the viewer. Pictures should be of high quality and at least 300 dpi when printed. Pictures should depict Torq customers using tools in a creative way or simply tools being viewed up close and personal. Images may also depict construction workers and in-process buildings and constructions as long as they have a visually appealing composition and are of high quality in terms of resolution. Titles may be used in the Torq green colour but make sure it is not overused. For smaller titles, use the two approved Torq greys. Secondary colour schemes are for stationery only. 8 BACK






1. Bottom triangle flips up. 2. The rest of the triangles flip up in this order: bottom, left, top, right. 3. The newly formed box starts flipping on itself. 4. The box flips entirely on its side. 5. The word Torq fades in. 6. The complete logo slides to the middle of the screen. 7. The ‘tagline’ slide on screen from the left.


torq torq

torq Quality you can count on.

Torq Logo - Animated Video



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