C&CM December 13

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Spotlight on Bestway Group’s trading director Martin Race Click & collect launched by Blakemore at 10 cash & carries 3663 begins second phase of development programme

• 31st January 2014 • Stock up today with Uncle Ben’s, the No.1 Sweet & Sour Sauce and Ready to Heat Rice • £9 million brand support in 2014

Top suppliers recognised at exclusive AWARDS lunch

The business magazine for cash & carry/delivered wholesalers

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Time to adapt to changes The run-up to Christmas is always a busy time in the wholesale calendar. The depots have to gear up for a seasonal peak in business (although it comes later and later every year and some business chiefs tell me a hot summer is now much more important than the festive season). Management focus is also needed on strategies for the year ahead and agreeing plans with suppliers. With all this going on, it is sometimes hard to take a step back and reflect on the bigger picture and plan for the longer term, so the team at Sugro deserve credit for the IT system they have just unveiled, which will enable members to offer online ordering to their customers (see p.18). With the majority of retailers still wanting to shop at cash & carries, or expecting to speak to someone in telesales, it has been tempting to ignore the growth in demand for online sales, and put off the potential cost and hassle involved in developing the IT to support it. But as Sugro chief Philip Jenkins commented, we are approaching a tipping point. More and more of the generation who grew up with the internet are coming into retailing and they expect to be able to shop online. There will always be retailers who get a buzz from visiting depots and chasing down deals, but cash & carries are going to have to adapt to much more clicking and collecting in the years to come. On behalf of everyone at Cash & Carry Management, I’d like to wish our readers a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Cash & Carry Management’s AWARDS lunch, held recently at Hedsor House, Bucks, celebrated exceptional service from suppliers to the wholesale trade ... see pp.30–38





fwd awards




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awards winners




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4,565 July 2012–June 2013 John Wood editor


ISSN 1352-254X

Cash & Carry Management is available on subscription at £52 per year (single copies £5). Overseas subscription: £80.

Cash & Carry Management

• December 2013 • 3

news IN BRIEF School course Bestway Batleys Foodservice has launched the ‘Big School Bake Off’, a competition for school chefs from among its many local authority customers. The initiative, which is being backed by Unilever Food Solutions’ Stork brand, will name 20 finalists – two from each of the 10 regions – who will compete against one another. Ultimately, there will be two winners – one from England and one from Scotland.

JTI scheme ‘Serve Legal’ is a new JTI initiative to ensure independent retailers comply with regulations aimed at preventing under-age purchasing. The first pilot scheme, which costs £400,000, begins in the north-west.

Landmark up In October, Landmark Wholesale members’ sales increased by 9.5% compared with the previous corresponding month. Own-brand takings were also reported to be up considerably.

Tesco-owned In the Palmer & Harvey story on p.4 of last month’s issue, we stated that the One Stop retail chain is part of Sainsbury. It is, in fact, owned by Tesco.


Developments continue In the second phase of a multi-million pound development programme, 3663 is embarking on expansion at its Hoddesdon, Herts, and Bicester, Oxon, depots, as well as updating its total infrastructure, multi-temp vehicle fleet and IT systems. The delivered wholesaler has also just opened a new 121,000 sq ft multi-temp depot in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. (Details of this were disclosed exclusively in Cash & Carry Management’s May issue in connection with the closure of 3663’s Scarisbrick, near Southport, site.) A similar depot is also being opened in Chepstow, Monmouthshire, with staff switching from the Severnbridge site. The fresh and fine foods hub at Hoddesdon is double the size of the nearby Enfield location, from which staff will be relocated at the end of January. The enhanced 87,000 sq ft Bicester depot will open in March.

Wholesaler’s ‘strategy for growth’.

Managing director Alex Fisher said: “This investment is part of our strategy for growth based on continual improvement in customer service and the creation of a local and national depot network that is fit for the future. “This comes on top of £40m worth of recent new account wins and additional category supply agreements with major regional and national customers, including Subway, TGI, Rank Group and David Lloyd Leisure. “We have also seen significant additional growth in the independent sector.” The first phase of the

company’s investment rollout began last year with extended service coverage following the acquisition of Scotland’s Forteith Foodservice and South Lincs Foodservice. 3663 also increased freezer capacity across the network. Fisher added: “The four new depots coming on stream will improve our local depot network and give us significantly greater capacity to support the customer growth we are experiencing. “We remain committed to operating from depots close to our customers.” Tel: 3663 (0370) 3663 000.

Trade fuming over plain packs The Government’s decision to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes following the imposition of a ban on retail displays has infuriated all sections of the trade, with threats of legal action in some quarters. The move comes a year after similar action was taken in Australia. A spokesman for Imperial Tobacco said: “Plain packaging has not had an impact on tobacco consumption in Australia, but there has been an increase in the levels of illegal tobacco (from 11.8% as a percentage of total trade in 2012 to

• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

13.3% 12 months later). Fearful of the effects legislation might have on the C&C/wholesale sector, FWD chief executive James Bielby said unbranded packaging would delay and add expense and confusion to the distribution chain, without lessening youth smoking levels. The organisation is repeating its call for outer packaging to be exempt under the new legislation. Bielby commented: “Clear branding of products is absolutely vital in a largescale distribution operation.

Tobacco traders need to be able to select the products their customers demand. “Outer packaging cannot influence purchase as consumers do not see it. We are asking the Government not to impose an operational burden on our members which will not help achieve the goals of the proposed legislation.” Controls should be targeted at those involved in illicit trading, not legitimate distributors, Bielby added. Tel: Imperial Tobacco (0117) 963 6636. Tel: FWD (01323) 724952.


6 of these brands are in the top 20 favourites, 4 in the top 10!* Your customers love it! Redemption is more than DOUBLE that of any other on-pack offer in the market** 1 in 6 attracted new customers to the category, driving footfall into stores† Available from 29th December 2013


Sources: *All Outlets, latest 12 w/e, Value Sales to 15th June 2013. **Valassis, Annual Moving Average redemption rates, by Media to June 2013. †KWP Take Home – 8 w/e 25th November 2012 – 1in6 SKU gains within EDC Impulse.



Mine’s a latte... .. Lynn Little, Standard Ingredients CBU Lead at NESTLÉ PROFESSIONAL® spills the beans on speciality coffee… It’s official. Speciality coffee has gone mainstream. Consumers now expect to get a full coffee menu wherever they go. Indeed, like-for-like sales of speciality coffee have grown by 3.5%1 in just 12 months and this is predicted to continue rising. But, this needn’t mean recruiting trained baristas in every convenience store, B&B or hotel around the country… Extensive market innovation over recent years means that we are now seeing the emergence of a new generation of beverage products and solutions that can match up to barista-style speciality coffee. NESCAFÉ®, Britain’s best loved coffee2, has a wide range of speciality beverages and beverage solutions for cash and carry customers, tailored perfectly to their size and business needs. For example, cash and carry customers such as hotels and B&B’s can provide speciality coffee in the ease of an instant with NESCAFÉ ® latte and cappuccino sachets, a perfect self-serve ‘in room’ option. Similarly, NESCAFÉ® &GO®, ideally suited to convenience stores, now features a creamy tasting cappuccino, offering consumers the opportunity to enjoy a specialty coffee outside of the coffee shop. NESCAFÉ® was recently voted ‘Best Coffee Brand’ at the Publican’s Choice Awards 20133 and pubs and bars can offer the coffee shop experience with the NESCAFÉ® Alegria A510. Ideal for establishments serving less than 20 hot beverages per day, the machine produces five café style coffees – Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato, Americano, Lungo and Espresso – all from the same coffee cartridge.

Another two for Landmark Two more C&C/wholesalers are joining Landmark Wholesale: Southall-based Sutaka UK, which distributes branded food and household products both in the UK and to overseas markets, and Caterway, a foodservice specialist with depots in Nottingham, Leeds and Spain. The owners of delivered wholesaler Sutaka UK are Jay and Anis Suterwalla, who commented: “Our ethos is perfectly matched to that of Landmark Wholesale. “Like them, we have created longstanding relationships with customers through a strong emphasis on personal service. “We will be actively supporting the group’s retail branded offering.” Jay and Anis are sons of Siraj Suterwalla, a member

of the family that owns TRS, the Southall and Leyton cash & carry operator and leading ethnic foods distributor, which has been a Landmark member for many years. Both brothers worked at that company’s Leyton branch for 15 years before starting on their own three years ago. Sutaka, which has an annual turnover of £9m, uses three vehicles for deliveries and has a staff of 12. Caterway, a foodservice wholesaler which has been trading since 1937, has been owned by the Atkinson family for six years. While most of its business is conducted in the UK, with

Caterway principal Robert Atkinson (left) with father Ray, who is now retired.

depots in Nottingham (12,000 sq ft) and Leeds (9,000 sq ft), it also operates two depots in Spain – Alicante and Malaga – where it has been trading for a year. The company’s principal Robert Atkinson told Cash & Carry Management: “It is the Spanish venture where Landmark, with its product range, including own-label, offers the major opportunities.” Caterway, whose PLOF runs to 1,300 products and which has a UK staff of 37, supplies fish & chip shops, fast-food outlets, sandwich shops and other caterers mainly in the Midlands and Yorkshire. Turnover is £8 million, most of which is in the UK. In joining Landmark, the company will be leaving Confex, where it has been a member for several years. It is also currently associated with the BuyClever Group, although that link is likely to end, meaning that amalgam will have just two members – in Glasgow and London. Tel: Landmark Wholesale (01908) 255300.

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NESTLÉ PROFESSIONAL® is a registered trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A.

Bestway Direct, Bestway Group’s delivered operation, increased sales by 10% in the first three months of the financial year (JulySeptember), while there was a 13.2% rise in October and 21% during the first week in November. Group chief executive officer Zameer Choudrey has

also reported that in October, 48 additional concerns started to be serviced by the wholesale business. Director of symbol retailing James Hall said: “This is a remarkable achievement – figures that provide us with valuable data and something we can really build on. “I am confident that if we

maintain the enthusiasm we can expand the business substantially.” He continued: “This also validates the decision to bring our frozen, chilled and fresh operations into our business rather than relying on third-party suppliers.” Tel: Bestway Group 0208453 1234.


Offers until new year Bestway Group’s Christmas Deals brochure includes promotions on key lines available until 2 January 2014. The publication features a full range of seasonal and gifting confectionery, with many of the offers relating to singles as well as cases. Mumtaz Ali, senior category manager for impulse, said: “Christmas is a key time for retailers as they can pick up incremental branded sales for that last-minute gift or party pack. “However they also do not want to be left with stock that is outdated and that they have to sell at reduced

margins. By offering singles, in addition to outers, retailers can decide which to buy and stock a wider range to suit customers’ needs. “We are convinced our promotions can help them have a more profitable festive period.” For licensed customers, Bestway’s deals include Glen’s vodka at £47.99 (6 x 70cl), Barefoot Pinot Grigio at £21.99 (6 x 70cl) and Carlsberg ‘10 for £7’ pack at £8.39 (2 x 10 x 275ml). All prices exclude VAT. A dedicated Christmas drinks brochure is also available and there are deals too

on non-food, including tinsel, decorations, toys, wrapping and novelties. Tel: Bestway Group 0208453 1234.

Hyperama wins top accolade A total of 20 prizes were presented by former Newcastle United and England footballer Peter Beardsley MBE at Landmark Wholesale’s annual awards dinner, held in Gateshead. Member of the year was Hyperama Wholesale, while top business partner was

App award BCP (Business Computer Projects), a leading supplier to the C&C/wholesale trade, as well as to the retail channel, won a top prize in Progress Software Corporation’s mobile app competition. The announcement was made at a recent conference in Boston, Massachusetts. The award-winning app is called FastShop, designed as a more convenient and more powerful alternative to hand scanners that supermarkets provide for customers to scan their own baskets. Tel: BCP 0161-355 3000.

JTI, which also won the tobacco/licensed business partner accolade. Other cash & carry/wholesale winners: delivered depot, Blakemore Wholesale (Lowries, Penrith); retail business development, BA Cash & Carry; catering business development, Sutherland Brothers; own-brand depot and C&C large depot, Hyperama Wholesale, West Bromwich; C&C small depot, AG Parfett & Sons, Halifax; suppliers’ depot, Hyperama Wholesale, Nottingham. Other supplier winners:

foodservice partner and foodservice development partner, Coca-Cola Enterprises; business development partner, Molson Coors Brewing; the most improved foodservice partner, most improved business partner and grocery business partner, Premier Foods; impulse business partner, Mondelez International; new business partner and new foodservice partner, United Biscuits. Central office employee was Peter Gibson for his ‘outstanding achievement and contribution to the group’. Steve Parfett received a special award to celebrate 18 years as group chairman and Landmark managing director Martin Williams was commended for 30 Presenter Peter Beardsley MBE years’ service. (second left) with (l to r): Martin Tel: Landmark Williams; Jason Lough, manager, Parfetts Halifax; and group business Wholesale (01908) development director Chris Doyle. 255300.


Corporate rebranding A new set of company logos has been launched across all divisions of AF Blakemore & Son, with the aim of ‘reinforcing a more professional and consistent brand’. Head of corporate affairs Paul Cowley said: “Since 2007 there has been a gradual move towards developing consistent logos across the group. “It was decided that a central approach was required to ensure that a clear set of corporate logos and guidelines was produced during a period of growth and expansion.” Blakemore has eight divisions: Retail (321 SPAR stores), Trade Partners (serving 668 SPAR outlets

One of the new group logos.

throughout the Meridian & Welsh Guild), Logistics (distributing to 1,014 symbol stores), Wholesale (13 C&Cs and delivered depots), Foodservice (sites in Walsall and Wakefield), Fresh Foods (fresh meat depot at Hilton Cross, Staffs), Design & Shopfitting, and Heart Distribution. Tel: AF Blakemore & Son (01902) 366066.

Lifestyle aid Over 80 Lifestyle Express stores serviced by Blakemore raised around £2,000 for Make-A-Wish Foundation UK, the charity granting wishes to children and young people with lifethreatening conditions. Tel: Blakemore Wholesale (01902) 371515.

Cash & Carry Management

• December 2013 • 7


Bestway group shake-up Bestway Group trading director Kaiser Yousaf is stepping down from this role due to ill health. He will continue working for the company, but in a part-time capacity. His place will be taken by Martin Race, currently operations director of Batleys. Yousaf has been with the C&C/wholesaler for 31 years, occupying various senior positions before becoming group trading director last year. Over the coming months,

Youngest recruit Nabeel Ramzan, of United Wholesale Grocers in Glasgow, has been appointed vice-chairman of Landmark Wholesale. At 31, he becomes the youngest member on the board. Ramzan, who joined the group board in 2010, has been managing director of the C&C/wholesaler for four years following his father’s retirement. Another new Landmark board member is Rami Ranger MBE, owner of Sun Mark. Tel: Landmark Wholesale (01908) 255300.

IT installation Williams Your Foodservice (formerly Bridlington Cash & Carry) has invested in a 12user Accord solution from BCP. The wholesaler services pubs, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools and contract caterers. Tel: BCP 0161-355 3000.


L to r: Kaiser Yousaf, Martin Race, David Gilroy.

Race will assume responsibility for group trading and, by next July, David Gilroy will oversee all operations for both the Bestway and Batleys chains as group operations director. Commenting on the changes, Bestway managing director Younus Sheikh told Cash & Carry Management: “Kaiser Yousaf has been a colleague and friend for many years and has been instrumental in developing our business. “He is well known and

respected by suppliers and by the industry as a whole, and his decision to step down due to health issues is something that we fully understand, but accept with sadness. “However, in Martin Race we have an extremely knowledgeable and highly capable individual who has led our Batleys business and has a wealth of experience.” Tel: Bestway Group 0208453 1234. Martin Race is in the Spotlight ... see p.16

BWG C&C reopens One year after a fire forced the temporary closure of BWG’s Value Centre cash & carry in Castlebar, County Mayo, the building has reopened. The company spent 2m euros on a refurbishment of the site and kept all 14 staff employed at other branches while the changes were being made. BWG chief executive Leo Crawford, speaking at the official reopening, said: “What started out as a very unfortunate fire incident at the site has now turned into a positive for our customers and staff.” Castlebar is one of 23 C&Cs operated by the company across Northern Ireland and the Republic. Tel: BWG Foods (003531) 409 0300.

All clicking into place Blakemore Wholesale has launched a free click & collect service at 10 cash & carries: Barnsley, Birmingham, Gateshead, Killingworth (Newcastle upon Tyne), Hexham, Penrith, Grimsby, Middlesbrough, Walsall and Wolverhampton – all affiliated to Landmark Wholesale. Collection slots are available two hours after the time of placing the order, giving staff sufficient time to assemble the items prior to customers arriving. Commercial director Russell Grant said: “Many of our customers are busy business owners, and spending time out of their premises can be a real problem at times. “We have developed this

• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

click & collect service with them in mind. “Traders can simply log on to our website, place their order, and collect from their local cash & carry at a time to suit them.” The company also offers a delivery service from some of its C&Cs. Tel: Blakemore Wholesale (01902) 371515.

Over £300,000 raised Last month’s Sporting Heroes lunch, organised by GroceryAid, raised over £300,000, which will enable the food trade charity to look after more than 200 of its 6.500 beneficiaries for

another 12 months. The London event was attended by a record 825 people from across the industry. Tel: GroceryAid (01252) 875925.






In Prime position Prime Cash & Carry is the latest company to join Confex. The Gravesend, Kent, operator, which opened in July, sells a wide range of products, including snacks, cigarettes, tobacco, general grocery, toiletries, confectionery and what it describes as its main focus, drinks. Prime operates from a 20,000 sq ft C&C and also offers a free local delivery service. Keg beer can be supplied to pubs and clubs. Director Hirji Shiyani, who has 30 years’ experience in the cash & carry trade and who runs the business with brother Shivji, said: “Confex has been a great help to starting our business by introducing us to all of its suppliers. We produce a monthly booklet using the Confex online software

New sku for cider range

Outside the company’s Gravesend premises.

service, esavers.” The Shiyanis were previously associated with Hi-Line Cash & Carry in Deptford, south-east London, and also owned several shops. Prime C&C has a staff of 15 and is targeting turnover of £10m within two years of trading. The company’s product

range and promotions are listed on www.primecc.co. Tel: Prime Cash & Carry (01474) 364 964. Tel: Confex (01608) 652333.

Bestway has added an 8 x 440ml multipack, price marked at £5, to its Country Choice cider range. Sales of the two-litre PET bottle and four-can pack are up 66%, while the three-litre PET is showing 15% growth. The multipack is available in outers of three, with a wholesale price of £10.39, giving the retailer a profit on return of 16.9% and cash margin of £2.53 per outer. Roopinder Toor, group licensed controller, said he was confident the new sku would be a big hit. Tel: Bestway Group 0208453 1234.

Three on DCS board

Top of the Premiership The more eagle-eyed of our readers will have deduced that this mammoth display at Bestway, Park Royal, northwest London features some of Premier Brands’ leading lines, such as Bisto, Paxo, Oxo and Ambrosia. But for those with just normal vision, we feel we need to let them know. What a good idea for a Christmas competition –


prizes for those who can guess the number of packs or the height of the edifice! Darryl May, the supplier’s wholesale channel director, impulse, knows that Premier sells about 20% more of its seasonal brands around Christmas than at any other time of the year, but he’s stumped for an answer to the two statistical questions. Meanwhile the hunt is on for the Goliath who built the display and the little perisher who mischievously pulled out a pack of creamed rice from row eight and managed to escape before being buried. Tel: Premier Foods (01727) 815850.

• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

L to r: Lorimer, Carlton-Ward and Smith-Coats.

Health, beauty and household goods distributor DCS Europe has appointed three new directors to help it reach its sales target of £200m in 2014 – one year earlier than the planned date. They are Bill Smith-Coats, sales director, DCS Central; Marie Carlton-Ward, trading director; and Michael Lorimer, strategy & foodservice director. Smith-Coats joined two years ago and has driven growth in multiple grocers,

C&C/wholesalers, high street and convenience stores, and online. Carlton-Ward has been with the Stratford-uponAvon concern for eight years and for the past two years has been head of trading. One of Lorimer’s main responsibilities will be to develop the new DCS foodservice division, which is expected to hit sales of £10m next year. Tel: DCS Europe (01789) 208000.


Just Add

Fastest growing beer brand in the UK 1 • Leader of the emerging profitable spirit beers ‘SPEERS’ segment 2 • Delivering incremental value to the category 3


Sources: 1. IRI MAT Off Trade 52we 17 Aug,13 MAT Value v.s 52we 18 Aug 12. 2. IRI MAT Off Trade 52we 17 Aug,13 MAT Value v.s 52we 18 Aug 12. 3. Kantar Worldpanel Alcovision 48 month data to March 2013 % of Alcohol Serves – Total Trade.


Contract caterer picks Creed Creed Foodservice has won a multi-million-pound, twoyear contract as sole national foodservice supplier to contract caterer Artizian, based in Hurst, Berks. The business was previously handled by ‘one of the nationals’. Artizian services staff-run restaurants serving ethnic cuisine, coffee bars, cafés, delicatessens, local events and private dining. Tracey Fairclough, the company’s director, business development, said: “We are one of the UK’s most successful boutique catering companies in London and the Home Counties. “Being boutique rather than a larger corporate player means it’s easy for us

‘We’re a significant national player’ – managing director Chris Creed.

to get to the hub of any catering solution, whether an investment bank in the bustling City of London, one of the most dominant media corporations in the world or one of the largest global healthcare companies. We deliver the personal touch. “The contract with Creed will enable us to fine-tune that personal touch and help us exceed clients’ expectations.”

Fairclough described the wholesaler as being “in tune with our philosophy and ethos, with an impressive range of fresh and frozen produce, and excellent customer service.” Creed managing director Chris Creed commented: “We’re delighted to be working with Artizian. “We’ve grown from a regional supplier to a significant national player, and this contract endorses that platform.” Tel: Creed Foodservice (01452) 857555.

Three awards Swithenbank, sister company of 3663, won three prizes at the Re:fresh Awards, organised by the Fresh Produce Consortium and Fresh Produce Journal. They were for business excellence, best place to work and manager of the year (Jane Stewart). Director Andrew Tiplady said: “This is just reward for our brilliant and dedicated teams.” Tel: Swithenbank Fresh & Fine Foods (01274) 470200.

At least one more lap

Frozen investment Orkney and Shetland wholesaler JW Gray & Co has paid £90,000 for three transit medium base frozen food vehicles to cope with extra business. They join the company’s existing fleet of two HGVs, three 7.5-ton trucks and six caddies. Director Iain Johnston said: “We need to fulfil our quality requirements and obligations and provide our customers with an assurance that their chilled, ambient


and frozen foods arrive in the condition they should do. “The additional service runs parallel to a new frozen food promotion we will be running every two weeks.” JW Gray, which has a 37,000 sq ft depot at Lerwick and another at Kirkwall (20,000 sq ft), includes among its customers North Link Ferries and the LagganTormore facility for oil and construction workers. Tel: JW Gray & Co (01595) 693749.

• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

European Athletics and SPAR International have extended their four-year contract by one year until the end of 2016. The global symbol group has been the principal sponsor of European Athletics since 1996. Hansjörg Wirz, president of the athletics organisation, said: “We are very pleased that SPAR will continue as our main partner till the end of 2016. The support that they have shown athletics

over the years has been of immense importance to us.” Dr Gordon Campbell, SPAR International managing director, commented: “European Athletics events are a great platform for building the SPAR brand worldwide. “We are very much looking forward to the next European Athletics Championships in Zurich in 2014 and then Amsterdam in 2016.” Tel: SPAR UK 020-8426 3690.


Rustle up a tasty profit with Kepak Hot, Quick & Tasty Snacks and Meals (HQT) experts Kepak Convenience Foods teamed up with Bestway in a sales-boosting category management project that ran over three months. We’ve now reached the third and final month, so it’s time to take a look at the most important part of the project – the impact on sales. In October, we introduced the Bestway depot in Stockport. Depot Manager Amrez Akhtar said “The chilled room is very large and well presented, but we’re always looking at ways to enhance the range and layout of products.”

Kepak Convenience Foods’ John Armstrong says the dual effect of making products more visible in depots and educating retailers will have a really positive impact on both the depots’ and retailers’ sales.

Kepak has been working with Amrez to enhance the chilled room with an eye-catching fixture. This has led to an increase in sales and footfall.

“This project has been about working as a team, getting the basics right and increasing sales in the process. HQT is a dynamic category – we’re working with wholesalers and retailer and, as we can see from this project, it is producing some very impressive results for everyone”, says Armstrong.

Meanwhile, retailer Bernie McCumisky from the Best One store in Stockport has also been working with Kepak. After remerchandising the fixture, including the use of POS, and discussing the right range to stock, Bernie has seen a massive increase in sales with Kepak’s Rustlers and Zugo’s Deli Café products flying off the shelves. Remerchandising the fixture with Kepak has led to a massive increase in sales, with their products flying off the shelves! The POS has given the fixture a fresh new look and the products really stand out. - Bernie McCumisky

THE RESULTS - BESTWAY STOCKPORT DEPOT • Increased sales by 5% since the new POS was implemented. • Moved up a place in the depot rankings for overall sales. • Now trading 20% above the company average.


Focus on availability


• Make sure there is good availability of the core range products on and off promotions.

• Kepak is working closely with depots to offer retailers the optimum choice of micro snacking products.

• Educate retailers on the importance of driving availability.

• Ensure that retailers know what the must-stock lines are. For example, the core range of Rustlers best-sellers: - Quarter Pounder - BBQ Rib - Chicken Sandwich

Enhance visibility • Use POS at the main fixture all year round and pallet displays off the main fixture for key promotions. • Use standees outside the chilled room to drive footfall into the chiller. • Work with suppliers to provide retailers with POS to help drive category visibility.


Clearly communicate retailer POR • Ensure SELs are in place as they clearly communicate price and assist in reordering.

01772 688 300


fwd awards

‘Heroes of the industry’ The wholesale channel celebrated its best performers at the 2013 FWD Gold Medal awards. Senior figures from across the industry were among more than 700 people attending this year’s FWD Gold Medal Awards at the HAC Royal Artillery Gardens in London. Introducing the awards, FWD chairman Guy Farrant said: “Tonight we are here to celebrate some heroes of wholesale – the excellent men and women whose efforts enable us to provide our customers with exceptional choice and service. With people of the calibre of the winners and finalists here tonight, I am certain that the wholesale sector will play a major part in economic revival, built on the ambition and energy of our SME customers.” Farrant told the suppliers present at the event: “There is a new belief in local services and ambitious, adaptable entrepreneurs like the small businesses we work with. These are businesses that want to sell your products for you, and you can reach them through the members of the FWD. As you have seen tonight, we are in very good shape to help you grow your business along with theirs.” Today’s Group members were the biggest winners in the awards, picking up three of the most sought-after categories. Today’s managing director Bill Laird said: “Our members have invested so much in developing their businesses in the past 12 months in particular, so it’s only fitting that they have been so widely recognised by our industry. “For our members to make up over a third of the entire shortlisted nominations on the night – and in a number of instances we had two of the three wholesalers in a category – was outstanding.”

Gold Medal winners

• Wholesaler service to retail (sponsored by Kinder): JW Filshill. • Wholesaler service to foodservice (sponsored by

Farrant: ‘New belief in local services.’


• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

Malcolm Baker (second on left), managing director of MJ Baker Foodservice, receives the foodservice award from (l to r): FWD chairman Guy Farrant; Mark Hamlin, business unit controller, Ferrero UK; and FWD chief executive James Bielby.

Unilever Food Solutions): MJ Baker Foodservice. Cash & carry manager (independent) (sponsored by Boost Drinks): Altaf Khanjra, Khanjra International Foods. Cash & carry manager (multiple) (sponsored by PepsiCo UK and Ireland): Alan Evans, Blakemore Newport. Cash & carry depot team (sponsored by AG Barr): Bestway Nuneaton. Delivered depot manager (sponsored by HIM): Graham Barton, P&H Hemel Hempstead. Young wholesaler of the year (supported by JTI): Muhammad Asad, Bestway. Environmental initiative in the wholesale channel (sponsored by Little Miracles): Booker. Green wholesaler of the year: 3663. Shop floor worker (sponsored by Cott Beverages): Dan Brown, Booker Watford. Delivered wholesale driver (supported by Imperial Tobacco): Anthony Beardsall, Creed Foodservice, Ilkeston. Grocery brand (sponsored by AG Parfett & Sons): Walkers Crisps, PepsiCo UK. Alcohol brand (sponsored by Bestway Wholesale): Russian Standard Vodka, Whyte & Mackay. Foodservice brand (sponsored by Blakemore Wholesale): Bisto, Premier Foods. Service to retail (sponsored by Sugro UK): Tate & Lyle. Service to foodservice (sponsored by Booker Group): Unilever Food Solutions. Innovation in retail (sponsored by Landmark Wholesale): Mountain Dew, Britvic Soft Drinks. Innovation in foodservice (sponsored by 3663): Unilever Food Solutions. Actionable Insight (sponsored by salesout): GSK Consumer Healthcare.

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sponsored by

Drawn into C&C by a Chevette! This month’s article features Martin Race, trading director of Bestway Group. What has been the major milestone or turning point of your career? Firstly taking the graduate trainee job with Joshua Wilson, which ran cash & carries in the north when I left the University of Leeds. I only took it because they offered me a car (Vauxhall Chevette) and here I am 35 years later still in cash & carry. Secondly, joining Batleys in 1988 – I had always admired them from a distance but have really enjoyed every year with them. Who has been the biggest inspiration to you? My dad. He worked his way up from a telegram boy on a scooter to a head postmaster. He taught me that you have to work hard and behave honourably, and most of all that respect needs to be earned.

Economics & history graduate Martin Race attended Seaham Grammar School in County Durham and graduated from the University of Leeds with an honours degree in economics & history. He joined Joshua Wilson (which ran cash & carries) as a graduate trainee, working his way up to manage depots in Hull and the north-east. Wilson’s was taken over by Linfood, where Race was promoted to regional director Scotland. He left Linfood in 1988 to join Batleys, running the Cleveland branch for eight years before being promoted to regional controller. Martin was appointed operations director in 2000, and has just been named as Bestway Group’s trading director ... see News p.8

How do you maintain a work/life balance and how have developments in technology affected this? I play a bit of golf, am a long-suffering Sunderland supporter and spend most summer weekends following Bruce Springsteen around the world – I have seen him 76 times and am determined to make the 100. I can work smartphones but don’t really have time for the social media stuff. What most frustrates you in business (and in life generally)? Suppliers not delivering what we order, ignorant and rude people, and the anti-smoking lobby. If you were able to retire tomorrow, would you, and if so, how would you spend your time? Yes, probably, although it would be a great wrench to leave the fantastic management and staff we have. I would go and see Springsteen on every gig of one particular tour and spend some quality time with my long-suffering wife Doreen. What advice would you give someone starting his/her first job? Work hard, try each day to give 100% effort 100% of the time and never ask someone to do something you wouldn’t or couldn’t do yourself. Most of all, though, only do a job you enjoy and can see yourself enjoying for many years. What type of business would you have gone into if it wasn’t C&C/wholesale? I wanted to be a lorry driver when I was at university; failing that, being Springsteen’s roadie would have been good!

Martin Race before a Bruce Springsteen concert in Spain – just one of 76 Springsteen concerts he has attended!


• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

If you had a million pounds to invest in business, how would you spend the money? If I had a million pounds at my age I wouldn’t risk it in a business – instead, Lamborghini and Las Vegas come to mind.


The UK’s No.1 Pear Cider 1 46% of sales from new shoppers to the category2 The first Everyday fruit flavoured cider

Stock up now

Source: 1- IRI - Off Trade vol MAT to 12th October 2013. 2- Kantar LAD data


in focus

Ahead of the tipping point Sugro UK reviews its performance over the past year and reveals plans for a major new online ordering service for its members. Sugro UK is preparing to roll out a service that will allow all Jenkins commented: “Although we took on 22 new of its members to offer online ordering to all of their members we probably turned down more than that because customers. Currently only the group’s national accounts can we are very selective. We are only interested in companies order online. that are ripe for development and that can use our tools and The plans were revealed at a briefing looking back at translate them down to the retail level.” Sugro’s performance over the past year and detailing some Ian Irvine, head of retail and business development, highof the initiatives coming up as it heads into lighted the progress made on Sugro’s busi2014. ness development tools over the past year. Managing director Philip Jenkins began Its e-Club deals, Sweet Break, Quidzin and by paying tribute to Richard Bishop, who Liquidator Challenge are all growing and retired in August after 22 years as chairman providing retailer customers with the of the board. Peter Youings, managing opportunity to develop a value-for-money director of the family-owned Youings profile. Wholesale in Barnstaple, Devon, has taken The group’s ‘S’ fascia for CTN customers over as chairman. has also been rolled out to more shops, and Reviewing Sugro’s performance over the first of a new generation of Nearbuy the past year, Jenkins said it had been stores has opened at an Esso forecourt site voted best in class by the prestigious in Braunton, Devon. Through a deal with Advantage Group survey, which canvasses Nisa, Nearbuy offers retailers a full service, votes from suppliers. He said Sugro had including chilled and frozen. Peter Youings been voted number two delivered wholesaid that the complete package means that Youings: Sugro’s new chairman. saler by suppliers in 2012, and this year it Sugro can talk to members of other symbol was voted the number one buying group, groups about transferring to Nearbuy. up against Landmark Wholesale, Today’s Group and Confex. According to Jenkins, Sugro has been at the forefront of Jenkins said: “Suppliers know that if we say we will do IT development in the buying group sector since it introsomething, we do it. We translate supplier support down to duced its online ordering system for national accounts in retail and consumer level, and follow through on joint busi2003. And it is about to launch a new generation that could ness plans.” extend the online sales service to all of Sugro’s customers. Over the past year the group has recruited 22 new memRetailers will be able to log onto the central Sugro system, bers, including Inter Europe Foods, Goldbeach Trading and which will then access their price files from their Sugro Squirrels UK, and this represented an additional £150m to wholesaler, and orders will be transmitted through to the the combined turnover of the organisation. Overall, Sugro wholesaler for completion. has 67 members and 70 depots, with 14 members being part Jenkins said that the technology had been relatively of its Acorn division, which is designed to develop smaller straightforward, but the difficult part had been constructing a wholesalers so they can take a full part in the group’s uniform product database so that the system at head office commercial activities. could communicate with members’ systems at depot level. This has now been completed and is being tested prior to the roll-out, which will start in the next few weeks on a member-by-member basis. Jenkins hopes that most members will be offering the service by the end of 2014. He maintained that the wholesale sector is close to a tipping point where online ordering will become crucial, because more and more customers are expecting it. Sugro’s system will enable them to satisfy this requirement without each member having to invest in and develop their own individual system. Looking further ahead, Jenkins said that click and collect is also a huge opportunity for the delivered sector, and the new online system will enable Sugro members to offer this service. He added: “Some retailers will always want to visit cash & carries, but if we could persuade them to convert one visit a week into click and collect from one of our depots it A new generation of Nearbuy stores has been launched. would represent a huge boost for our business.”


• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013


From the UK’s No.1 cider brand1 5% Share of total cider within 8 weeks of launch1 Bringing new shoppers into everyday cider2 Stock in addition to Strongbow Original and Strongbow Pear

Stock up now

Source: 1- IRI 4w/e August 17th 2013. 2- Kantar World Panel 18th August 2013 (off-trade).


supplier strategy

Tropical tastes driving sales More and more consumers are getting an appetite for Caribbean products. Everything Caribbean received a massive burst of interest in 2012 when Jamaican sprinters proved yet again they were the fastest on the planet at the London Olympics, and that legacy is still helping Caribbean products break out of the ethnic sector to the general market. Enco Products is a subsidiary of Grace Foods UK, the leading supplier of Caribbean food and drink, and sales controller Trevor Sidley says the surge of interest has helped expand the market. Some of Enco’s biggest sellers, such as its Nurishment milk drink and Encona pepper sauce, had long ago made the crossover into the mainstream, but newer entries such as its Grace Aloe soft drink have made great advances towards joining them during 2013. While Enco supplies products to all the trade channels, Sidley says that cash & carry/wholesale is a very important sector for the company because many of its drinks in particular are impulse products, which are key elements of the ranges offered by wholesalers and their independent retail customers. Nurishment Original is Enco’s flagship brand, having been in the UK for 20 years. Sidley says the canned drink is a healthy meal in itself for busy people and it now comes in seven flavours: strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, raspberry, banana, mango and peanut. Nurishment Extra, which was launched in 2008, is a convenient option in a resealable PET bottle for people on the go and is available in four flavours, while new Nurishment Active has been formulated to help the body recover after exercise. Encona is another well-known brand encompassing dipping sauces, cooking ingredients and hot condiments. Encona also recently expanded into dry seasonings. However, it is two newer introductions that are currently causing a stir in the cash & carry/wholesale sector. Grace Aloe Vera drink was only launched at the end of last year, but Sidley reports that its reception at tastings in cash & carries has been exceptional. He says: “This year has been absolutely phenomenal. It has been a fantastic success and we believe the response we have had is just the tip of the iceberg.” Coconut water is another big seller. Initially it was picked up


• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

Grace Aloe has had a strong first year in the market.

mainly by Caribbean and Asian customers, but it is gaining a wider following. He says: “The growth of natural coconut water has been little short of phenomenal. This is a product that is crossing over to the mainstream.” Sidley maintains that cash & carries/wholesalers and their customers have an instinctive understanding of the products once they are introduced to them. Therefore, much of Enco’s work with the sector is about getting staff in cash & carries and their customers to sample the products. One of its biggest activities is organising ‘Grace Days’ in cash & carries in the week running up to the Notting Hill Carnival. This year the depots visited included Dhamecha’s newest branch in Lewisham. Sidley explains: “It’s an opportunity for retailers and the staff at the depots to try our products.” Enco has also shown its understanding and commitment to the cash & carry/wholesale sector by implementing changes to help them and their retail customers. One initiative has been cutting case sizes across the range; for example, Grace Aloe is supplied in cases of 12 and Nurishment Active in cases of six. Sidley says it is attractive for retailers to trial new products if the initial outlay for a case is relatively low, and they are often willing to try more flavours if they only have to find space for half a dozen or a dozen bottles on their shelves. Another move has been to introduce price-marked packs. PMPs tend to stand out and products such as Nurishment Original have sold very well in this format, but Enco is always careful to safeguard the shared margin so that all parts of the supply chain share in the benefits. Another initiative by Enco aimed particularly at the cash & carry sector is eliminating the problem of ‘brown boxes’. Sidley says that many of the producers Enco works with are used to supplying their products in brown boxes, so the company has been educating them about the needs of cash & carries. Using graphics on cases, or preferably shrinkwrap, means that the items stand out in the depot, and also means that retailers can see exactly what they are buying without having to break open a case. In 2014, Enco will be unveiling activity intended to build further on the growing interest in Caribbean products.


The STrongbow w Family The largest cider brand in the UK worth ÂŁ269m1 Supported by a ÂŁ28m marketing campaign1 1.3m pints sold every day 4x the size of Magners1 New flavours bringing new shoppers into Everyday Cider 2

STock up now

Source: 1- IRI Off Trade MAT to 17th September 2013. 2- Kantar World Panel 18th August 2013 (off-trade).


employment law

Benefit from better comms Human resources expert Cate Ritchie (below) advises on the best ways to communicate. We all know the feeling. You are in a meeting and everyone is looking at you. Your boss is staring in amazement. “But I sent you the email weeks ago!” he says. This kind of situation is unpleasantly familiar because communication often fails us. It fails because the key message is ignored, overlooked or misunderstood. While smallscale misunderstandings are the stuff of daily life, major misperceptions are also unfortunately common. The sheer volume of information we receive daily has raised the communication bar so that only the clearest, most concise and most relevant messages are acted upon. Here are three things a leader can do to engage and inspire colleagues: 1. Place relationships before results Leaders generally need to be proactive in fostering more and better communication with and between team members. This may be done by, for example, using a communication-oriented psychometric assessment, taking account of the way team members operate differently under stress. People are motivated and inspired in different ways and by different things. Words that resonate with one person may for others be difficult, or even distancing. Communication that takes this into account builds trust and engagement. 2. Be clear and succinct The second challenge is to be as clear and succinct as possible. Leaders need to articulate a well-structured and supported core message, or call to action, that is backed by convincing evidence. Achieving this clarity of purpose is just as important in writing, or indeed any other form of communication. It’s a lot harder to delete an email with a subject line that reads ‘excellent new way to help our clients’ than one with the uninspiring label, ‘project update’. 3. Choose the appropriate communication channel The third challenge is selecting the right communication channel for the message. Hard-pressed leaders often resort to ‘telling’ people what to do by the quickest possible means. Superficially, technology makes this easier but the risk is that the speed and breadth of communication channels such as texting and emailing work against the type of tailored messages that inspire people to do things differently.


• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

At first sight, this is an unpalatable notion for those whose diaries are stretched to the limit. But time invested in considering how to convey your ideas will be well spent if it gets quicker results. Remember, some employees prefer phone calls, face-toface meetings or video conferencing. Or they may like short, snappy emails or texts. While in many offices emailing rather than speaking to the colleague sitting opposite is still very common, the value of building trusting, co-operative relationships as key to effective communication is unmistakable. Though time-consuming in the short term, this invariably saves time later by avoiding wasted effort caused by misunderstandings. Leaders can achieve more by taking more care with their communication. The most successful leaders take a proactive and humble approach, seeing themselves as responsible for selling their ideas to others, not simply expecting others to buy into them. When communication goes wrong, these leaders don’t blame others for failing to listen or for failing to grasp their message. Instead they simply ask: How can I communicate better? If you wish to talk to Cate about any HR issue, contact her at cate@121hrsolutions.co.uk or phone (0792) 121 3890.

Health & safety update The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) requires employers to report any work-related deaths, and certain work-related injuries, cases of disease, and near misses involving employees. Employers must also ensure that they have suitably trained personnel and adequate equipment and facilities for giving first-aid to employees who are injured or become ill at work. This is a requirement under the Health & Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 (as amended) (FAR). Changes to the law Changes to both RIDDOR and FAR introduced on 1 October 2013 aim to simplify reporting requirements. Employers still must report relevant accidents to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) within a reasonable time frame. The main changes to RIDDOR include: a shorter list of ‘specified injuries’, instead of the ‘classification of major injuries’ eight categories of ‘work related illnesses’, rather than 47 reportable industrial diseases fewer ‘dangerous occurrences’ that require reporting. The requirement under FAR to provide adequate firstaid cover, facilities and equipment still stands. However the HSE will no longer approve first-aid providers. Employers themselves need to make sure that training providers can prove their competence in relation to FAR.

• • •


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issue 70


the newsletter of the scottish wholesale association

SWA makes key appointments THE SWA has strengthened its position by appointing Julie Dunn, operations director of Dunns Food and Drinks, as vice president and Chris Gallacher, retail development controller Scotland of Booker, as junior vice president. Already SWA council members, Julie and Chris will support Asim Sarwar, managing director of United Wholesale (Scotland), in his role as president. “Succession planning is important for any organisation,” says Asim. “It is not only about having leaders in place for the future, it is also about having people ready to deal with challenges as the organisation develops its existing interests and ventures into new areas.” Julie reinforces this view: “I am delighted to be taking on this role at a time when I feel the Association has really evolved into an entity well placed to serve its members in issues that affect our industry.

SWA president Asim Sarwar (left) with newly appointed vice president Julie Dunn and junior vice president Chris Gallacher. “My experience within my own company over the last 20 years has given me wonderful insight into human nature, which hasn’t really changed much. What has changed and is changing is the importance of technology and the development of social media; the acknowledgement of underskilling within the

Lobbying emphasis FOLLOWING a survey of all SWA wholesale members, who confirmed that political lobbying should be a priority, the Association is stepping up its activity in this field. The SWA’s independent adviser, Scott Brady of ecos Ltd, will ensure that the Association’s voice is heard on legislative issues relevant to the Scottish wholesale industry. As well as co-ordinating the SWA’s response to government consultations, Scott will proactively lobby the Government and Scottish Parliament where necessary. All activity will be reported to members quarterly.

SWA president Asim Sarwar explains how the Association is prioritising its lobbying efforts. “The survey we conducted among our members highlighted the issues they regard as most important to act upon. These include alcohol fraud, VAT/duty fraud, crime, transport & fuel, energy, alcohol policy and tobaccorelated legislation. “The Association is committed to increasing its efforts in these areas and to addressing emerging concerns, such as confectionery display restrictions and proposals to tackle obesity.” The SWA will attend a Parliamentary Reception on 15 January ... see page 3

industry leading to our members recognising the value of the training sessions the SWA provides; and ever-increasing legislative obligations leading to the growing importance of the Association’s lobbying & legislation committee in assisting us all as we navigate the murky waters of statute. And, with the constitution of the training foundation, we are creating a legacy for our industry’s future.” Julie continues: “During the last few years our industry has contracted and consolidated but there remain enough of us within wholesaling to require a forum where we can benefit from each other. We need a reasoned and informed voice to represent us in the wider industry and community.” Chris is similarly enthusiastic about his new role. “To be asked to be junior vice president of the SWA is a great honour,” he says. “I am looking forward to serving the SWA members and supporting independent retailers and caterers across Scotland, as well as working closely with our president and vice president. I would like to thank the council for this opportunity. I can’t wait to get started!”



STOCK UP ON THE UK’S TOP-SELLING DRINKS IN PRICE MARKED PACKS TODAY The SMIRNOFF, SMIRNOFF ICE, BELL’S, CAPTAIN MORGAN’S SPICED, PIMM’S, GORDON’S, PARROT BAY, GUINNESS and RED STRIPE words and associated logos are trade marks. © Diageo 2013. SCHWEPPES, the Fountain Device and the 196 graphics are registered trade marks of Atlantic Industries. The OCEAN SPRAY words and associated logos are registered trade marks of Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.

SWA to gain parliamentary ear TACKLING the estimated billions of pounds lost through illicit trade in counterfeit goods should be a New Year’s resolution for Scotland, according to the SWA and other leading trade bodies. Along with the Scottish Grocers’ Federation and the Scottish Anti-Illicit Trade Group, the SWA will highlight the issue at a Parliamentary Reception hosted by Jenny Marra, MSP for North East Scotland. The event, which takes place on 15 January at the Scottish Parliament, will focus on the escalating financial cost, as well as the personal safety dangers, of illicit trade throughout Scotland. Police Inspector Alan Dron, chair of the Scottish Anti-Illicit Trade Group, comments: “This reception affords an excellent opportunity to build on the unique approach developed to reduce the scale, impact and cost of illicit trade and counterfeiting in Scotland.” He adds: “Criminals have no scruples. All they care about is making money and it would be naive of anyone to think they care about the consequences of selling dangerous products to unwitting consumers. Those involved in illicit trade are

The SWA is determined to do everything within its power to help counter the illicit trade of goods. very often implicated in other forms of serious organised crime, channelling the money made from selling illicit and counterfeit goods into drug dealing, human trafficking and money laundering. “Collectively, we can help tackle this problem through raising awareness and changing perceptions. We must influence the public not to buy illicit or counterfeit products while supporting legitimate businesses. This will make Scotland a hostile environment for serious organised criminals.”

Asim Sarwar, president of the SWA, says: “The illicit trade of goods significantly hurts Scottish businesses, particularly Scottish wholesalers. In these challenging economic times, more and more people are turning to cheaper products which have been imported illegally or are counterfeit products. This is leading to lost profit for wholesalers. “Quite simply, the sale of these products can no longer be tolerated in Scotland, and the SWA is determined to do everything within its power – alongside our partners in the law-enforcement and business communities – to counter this very serious problem.” In a separate development, the SWA is urging the Scottish Government to look at a newly published report from KPMG, Illicit Tobacco in Australia, which states that Australia’s illegal tobacco market has risen to about 13% since the introduction of plain packaging in December 2012. The SWA is to meet the key tobacco suppliers on 15 January to discuss their plans for the Scottish wholesale trade. A similar session was recently held with Coca-Cola Enterprises, Cott Beverages and PepsiCo.

Praise for mentoring programme lot to learn, but I am buying better than I THE FIRST set of mentees to take part in have ever done before and I know it! We the SWA’s mentoring programme have have also discussed structure and time almost finished the formal element of the management and that has helped process and all have given extremely release time to concentrate on the more positive feedback about the experience. important parts of my job.” Stuart Harrison, senior grocery buyer Although mentoring under the SWA at JW Filshill, is one of the talented scheme formally lasts for a year, many of individuals to have participated in the the mentees will keep in touch with their scheme. He has met his mentor – former mentors. Stuart says: “Scott has told me AB InBev executive Scott MacDonald – that we will keep meeting up until we monthly since January and has been in both stop benefiting from it, whether that contact by phone and email between is in one year or five.” meetings. Another beneficiary of Stuart says: “I’ve never the programme is Booker had a job away from Filshill, area manager Paul so having a mentor has Dickson, who is being mengiven me an insight to the tored by wholesale industry outside world and has stalwart and ex-SWA presihelped me learn new techdent Graham Benson. niques. Paul says: “Graham is “The most important aware of the specific chalthing for me is how much lenges we face within the my confidence has grown, wholesale business and has not just from a business point of view but also on a Stuart Harrison: “My the experience of successfully dealing with these. personal level. I still have a confidence has grown.”

“The main change to my everyday working life is in the way that I look at my business with a new perspective. This has given me the opportunity to make choices that I would not have seen before.” The mentoring programme is being delivered by Anna West, principal consultant at 121 HR Solutions, the SWA’s training partner. She comments: “We are delighted at the enthusiasm and commitment shown by the mentees and mentors. The successes so far are attributable to all of those involved in this structured process.” A new mentee – Atif Rashid of Glasgow-based Alfa Wholesale – recently embarked on the programme and is being mentored by the retail expert David Sands. A further three individuals have also been accepted and will be matched with mentors in due course. The SWA is keen to hear from wholesalers who would like an employee to be considered for the mentoring programme. Similarly, prospective mentors are encouraged to get in touch.

There are many ways that suppliers can show their commitment to the wholesale industry. Diageo is backing the SWA’s Achievers awards and mentoring programme, and is offering general support to wholesalers in the form of customer-friendly PMPs.

Encouraging best practice DIAGEO is working closely with the SWA to encourage best practice within the Scottish wholesale industry and maximise sales and profit opportunities for all concerned. Achievers Diageo is representing suppliers on the independent judging panel for Achievers 2014. In this role, the company is involved in scrutinising and verifying the results of judging in the Best Marketing Initiative and Best Cash & Carry Depot categories. This gives Diageo a different perspective of the industry and a valuable insight into wholesalers’ plans to develop their businesses.

their skills and knowledge. Diageo has long been a supporter of the SWA’s training programme, and the company sees involvement in mentoring as a natural progression of its support and a demonstration of its commitment to help raise standards in the industry. PMPs In addition to Diageo’s SWAspecific activity, the company is offering wholesalers advice on how to boost their spirits sales by utilising pricemarked packs. A total of 81% of UK adults say they are very aware of prices when shopping in convenience stores. However, shoppers often lack the confidence to purchase in convenience stores as they perceive the prices to be disproportionately high. Although they are willing to pay more for convenience, they need the reassurance that they are getting value for money (Diageo shopper understanding project with HIM!, Shopper

Mentoring Coaching and development is at the forefront of Diageo’s strategy to get the best out of its employees, and the company has offered to share some of this expertise by providing a mentor as part of the SWA’s mentoring programme. Many executives within Diageo have experienced firsthand the benefits of mentoring, and the company is keen to help talented individuals in Scottish wholesaling develop

editor: Kirsti Sharratt publishing director: Martin Lovell Published by Winlove Publications on behalf of: The Scottish Wholesale Association 30 McDonald Place Edinburgh EH7 4NH tel: 0131-556 8753 e-mail: kate.swa@btconnect.com web: www.scottishwholesale.co.uk For full details on membership of The Scottish Wholesale Association, contact executive director Kate Salmon

Centric & Kantar Worldpanel, 2011). Wholesalers should promote pricemarked packs, says Diageo, as they offer a way for retailers to demonstrate value for money to their shoppers. According to 57% of shoppers, price-marked packs give them value for money, and receiving value for money means that 80% are likely to repurchase. Shoppers say that PMPs reassure them they are not being overcharged (50%) and make them aware of the true price of a product (50%). A total of 61% of shoppers think that PMPs help independent retailers offer better prices than supermarkets. Retailers are also in favour of pricemarked packs. They say that PMPs sell faster than plain packs, create customer trust, improve the price image of their store, offer better value for their customers and drive footfall. Retailer advocacy has been further proven by Smirnoff Red Label 70cl PMP winning New Alcohol Product Launch of the Year at the 2013 Retail Industry Awards, as voted for by retailers. All data, unless otherwise stated: HIM! price-marked pack study 2013.

New Negotiator NEW Negotiator, a two-day training course developed by the respected organisation The Gap Partnership, will take place on 29-30 April as part of the SWA’s training programme for its wholesale members. The event, which is sponsored by Mars, is aimed at senior sales people. According to Gap, what sets this workshop apart is its ‘real world’ focus on the most common types of trading negotiation and its structured, logical eight-step process. It promises to provide the “essential foundations needed in a competitive world”. For more information, contact Sandie Holmes at train.swa@btconnect.com.

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Britvic is pleased to sponsor Scottish Wholesale Association ‘Great Place To Work’ All copyrights and trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.

Enjoying life’s everyday moments

awards winners

Suppliers honoured at Hedsor Cash & Carry Management’s Top 25 Suppliers exclusive AWARDS lunch was this year held at 800-year-old Hedsor House, which has played host to royalty and featured in the film Quartet.


• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013


awards winners


Cash & Carry Management

• December 2013 • 31

awards winners

Supplier innovation in retail clubs At Cash & Carry Management’s AWARDS, guests had an opportunity to hear from three excellent speakers about the positive impact of investment in retail clubs. Martin Swadling, who is head of Premier at Booker, which has 2,930 Premier members and includes the Shop Local and Shop Local 2 Go promotional clubs, stressed the company mantra of choice, price and service. Discussing the initiative of Mega Deals, he said: “How do we get shoppers to buy more? What we do is offer major brands, like those from Unilever, Procter & Gamble and Molson Coors, in a big pack format, at supermarket prices. This has resulted in additional sales of £1 million a month. “We have also been taking £1 million on our Hot Spot deals advertised in The Sun.” Swadling, who said how proud he was that Booker had won a best promotion award this year in a trade competition, also gave details of the company’s ‘ranging incentive deals’. “We asked ourselves: ‘How do we drive sales and distribution of secondary lines, which weren’t getting their share of the business?’ “Our retailers are now buying into a core range of products, with most branded suppliers taking advantage of this.” The initiative, which has generated 155,000 new distribution points for suppliers, has involved Booker giving away to Premier retailers over £1.5m worth of gadgets, including iPads.

Swadling: ‘Offering major brands in big packs at supermarket prices has resulted in additional sales of £1m a month.’


• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

Hall: ‘OTC medicines now represent 3% of overall sales in some best-one stores compared with under 1% previously.’

In another retail club initiative, Booker has offered free electronic point-of-sale. “EPoS helps retailers better manage their business,” said Swadling. “They can make between 2% and 3% extra profit if they do it this way.” A total of 1,100 systems are now sited in Premier stores, resulting not only in increased profit for the retailers, but also higher loyalty to Booker, useful data and an effective communications tool. Swadling expressed criticism of some of the major research companies, which he claimed only correlated data based on supermarket sales. The data gained from Booker’s Premier retailers therefore clearly has a value.

The right medicine “Working with suppliers is absolutely key,” said James Hall, Bestway Group’s director of symbol retailing. A key development is the heavier concentration on chilled and frozen foods, now distributed by the company itself to around 950 best-one stores plus other retail customers. Television screens listing offers in members’ stores are also having a positive effect on shopkeepers’ business. Hall also spoke of the benefits of the new Bestway My Awards scheme, aimed at achieving 75% compliance with promotions. Another growth area is OTC medicines, largely through a closer association with Johnson & Johnson (whose cash & carry/wholesale interests are handled by SHS) and GlaxoSmithKline. Hall said that sales of such products through independents have generally been poor, “so it was important we had the right spread”. He added: “A lot of retailers don’t sell the important brands or signpost them properly. These products tend to get lost – behind the counter with tobacco, for instance. These traders are not pharmacists; they just don’t know.” A result of the link-up with the two medicines suppliers was the production of a ‘Family Medicines’ branded freestanding display unit with an agreed planogram. In an initial test, 10 best-one retailers throughout the UK received the unit in January 2013. Stock was allocated as per


awards winners the planogram, and support from local representatives (from best-one and the suppliers) ensured compliance. Since the initiative had been put in place, retailers have seen volume sales increase by as much as 87%, with value rises of up to 160%. For best-one, there have been upward movements in the OTC medicines sector of cold & flu lines (up 17%), indigestion remedies (13.3%) and family planning products (6%). “OTC medicines,” said Hall, “now represent 3% of overall sales in some of the best-one stores compared with under 1% previously. The category is bigger than several in the grocery sector. This initiative is a great example of working together to grow a category.” In January and February, a further 40 of the Family Medicines display units will be installed in best-one stores, with 40 more scheduled for later in the year.

Tools to stay competitive Imperial Cash & Carry, which operates from a 45,000 sq ft depot in Edmonton, north London (plus 25,000 sq ft of storage and bonded warehouse space) is one of Today’s Group’s leading C&C members, although it is relatively new on the retail club scene. Nikkita Mulchandani, retail club & marketing manager, said that while the company was established 26 years ago, it was only in 2010 that its own retail club was formed. “We have 3,500 registered customers, but our retail club consists of just 185 members. That’s because we only accept loyal retailers with high standards and the right approach,” she explained. “The club works within the Today’s Everyday Value retail club estate, benefiting from strategic and seasonal national promotional activity as well as more geographically and ethnically targeted local promotions.” Mulchandani stressed that club members were provided with the support to stay competitive with retail multiples. “We enable them to have a point of difference so that consumers keep shopping with them rather than with the supermarkets, which lack personal service, character and individuality. This is the crux on which our campaigns work for our retailers.” Referring to an initiative conducted with JTI, and based on


Mulchandani: ‘We enable our retail club members to have a point of difference.‘

research into shoppers’ tobacco buying habits, Mulchandani said: “We tackled non-stockists of price-marked Winston Blue and Red 19s. “JTI offered us a promotion in which we would give the retailers half an outer free of the sku that they didn’t stock – Blue or Red, or in some cases both. That was on the condition that they would re-stock at Imperial Cash & Carry once they were sold out. JTI’s Stephen Hall and I visited the retailers personally to distribute the free stock. “Now 99.3% of our retail club members stock pricemarked Winston Blue 19s and over 95% sell Winston pricemarked Red 19s. They have also repurchased in the past six months.” Mulchandani said that Imperial Cash & Carry has also been active in helping to eliminate under-age purchasing. “In partnership with Heineken, we ran a ‘Challenge 25’ campaign, distributing over 150 PoS kits, as well as playing an in-depot video to highlight what was at stake to both the retailers and the community if they didn’t identify potentially under-age customers. “We also wrote to all retail club members highlighting the dangers of not taking the age verification process seriously. The campaign was a great success.”

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• December 2013 • 33

awards winners

Mondelez takes top title Hedsor House in Taplow, Bucks, was the impressive setting for Cash & Carry Management’s AWARDS lunch, where suppliers were recognised for their outstanding service. The winner of the Top 25 Suppliers accolade, as judged by wholesalers in England, Wales and Ireland, was Mondelez.

WINNER: Mondelez 23.57 out of 30

RUNNER-UP: Coca-Cola Enterprises 23.29 out of 30

“We are absolutely delighted to finish top of the table in this, our first year of trading under our new name (formerly Kraft Foods). It is great recognition for what we – the whole team – have achieved. We take enormous pride in receiving this award. While we have great ideas and concepts, we always make sure that we listen to our customers’ needs.” Susan Nash, trade communications manager, Mondelez

Simon Harrison, wholesale sales director at Coca-Cola Enterprises, is proud of the company’s achievements in Cash & Carry Management’s AWARDS.

“We were delighted to have received such feedback again this year after winning this award in 2012. We also won another Cash & Carry Management award [Best Sales Representation] this time round, so we are very proud of what we achieved.” Accepting the top award from Cash & Carry Management’s managing director Martin Lovell is Susan Nash, trade communications manager at Mondelez.


• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

Simon Harrison, wholesale sales director, Coca-Cola Enterprises


awards winners HIGHLY COMMENDED: Nestlé 22.86 out of 30

COMMENDED: Imperial Tobacco 22.79 out of 30

“We are delighted to receive this award, especially as it is voted for by the cash & carry/wholesale industry – the people we service. Last year, when we won the sales force of the year title, we also finished sixth in the top 25, so we are moving in the right direction.” Jason Stocker, business account manager, Nestlé

Imperial Tobacco’s head, route to market, Greg Fuller (right) and route to market manager Paul Ralston (centre) are presented with the commended award by Martin Lovell.

Nestlé’s business account manager Jason Stocker (centre) and business account executive Samantha Howard receive the highly commended award from Martin Lovell.

“We invest great business resource into the trade. We finished third last year in the top 25, so we have slipped back. Now it’s a case of going back to the drawing board. We will be aiming to make sure that we jump at least two places next year.” Greg Fuller, head, route to market, Imperial Tobacco

‘Best Sales Representation‘ WINNER: Coca-Cola Enterprises

‘Best Promotions for Long-Term Growth‘ WINNER: Mondelez

Winner Coca-Cola Enterprises Runner-up Unilever 3rd Mondelez 4th Nestlé 5th GlaxoSmithKline

Winner Mondelez Runner-up Coca-Cola Enterprises 3rd PepsiCo 4th GlaxoSmithKline 5th Britvic Soft Drinks

Some of the products in Coca-Cola Enterprises’ portfolio, for which the support at depot level earned the company the ‘Best Sales Representation’ award.


Susan Nash, trade communications manager at Mondelez, receives the ‘Best Promotions for Long-Term Growth’ award from Martin Lovell.

Cash & Carry Management

• December 2013 • 35

awards winners ‘Best New Product 2013‘ WINNER: Cadbury Marvellous Creations Winner Cadbury Marvellous Creations Runner-up Coca-Cola Slimline 250ml Can 3rd Ribena Mango & Lime/Pineapple & Passion Fruit 4th Strongbow Dark Fruit 5th Baileys Chocolat Luxe

Accepting the ‘Best New Product 2013’ award from Cash & Carry Management’s managing director Martin Lovell is Susan Nash, trade communications manager at Mondelez.

PRICE-MARKED PACKS The January issue of Cash & Carry Management will include a feature on Price-marked Packs

To advertise in this issue, contact Martin Lovell on (01342) 712100


• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013


A proven promotion checking service for suppliers to the C&C/wholesale sector from Cash & Carry Management For further information: www.cashandcarrymanagement.co.uk tel: 01342 712100

awards winners

Suppliers’ final scores


Thanks go to everyone who voted on the Top 25 Suppliers during this year’s AWARDS scheme. Here is the league table of the companies deemed to give the very best standards of service to cash & carry/delivered wholesalers in England, Wales and Ireland.




Score (max. 30)






Coca-Cola Enterprises








Imperial Tobacco








United Biscuits




























Britvic Soft Drinks








Tate & Lyle
















Johnson & Johnson




Red Bull




Kerry Foods




Pernod Ricard




Molson Coors




Premier Foods







• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

Position last year


A better life began here for Sunita and Dhruv,* independent shop keepers.

Sunita and Dhruv had their independent store for 20 years, then everything changed the day Dhruv suffered a massive stroke. Thankfully GroceryAid was there to offer support and pay for the installation of a stair lift. Now the future for Sunita and Dhruv is looking a whole lot brighter. To find out more about your industry charity visit www.groceryaid.org.uk or for welfare advice call 08088 021 122. *The story is real but the names have been changed to protect identities. GroceryAid is the trading name of the National Grocers Benevolent Fund. A registered Charity Re. No 1095897 (England & Wales) & SCO39255 (Scotland). A company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales no 4620683


Vote for best advert Wholesalers across Scotland have named their favourite advert of 2013 for the Achievers ‘Best Advertising Campaign’ category. The trade will now vote on the top nominations (see below). Other products nominated include: Barr’s cans, Belhaven Best, Foster’s, Heineken, Isle of Skye 8-year-old Blended Scotch Whisky, McCain Jackets, Scott’s Porage Oats, and Twix. Fox’s Biscuits ’Vinnie’s Cwoffee’

Coca-Cola ‘Share a Coke’

Irn-Bru ‘New Fella’

Stella Artois ‘Quest’

Southern Comfort ‘Whatever’s Comfortable’

Company: ...................................................................

Best ad: .....................................................

Contact name: ............................................................


Please email your vote to kirsti.sharratt@virgin.net or fax the form to (01334) 479695 by Friday 3 January. 40

• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013



The UK’s No.1 Flavoured Carbonate*



Call us on 01204 664 295 *Nielsen Scantrack, Vol Sales, MAT to 12.10.13, Total Impulse.


Can AG Barr be caught?


While the top five suppliers have held their positions, the others have had varying levels of success.


SEPTEMBER score/position



SCORE (max. 50)


AG Barr





Britvic Soft Drinks










Coca-Cola Enterprises





JTI (Gallaher)










Highland Spring





Whyte & Mackay

























Cott Beverages





Nestlé 1st Choice





Imperial Tobacco










C&C Group















Red Bull















United Biscuits



















• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013





Also available in Standard Packs

JTI IS PROU D TO SU PPORT TH E CHAM PION OF CHAM PIONS AWARDS FOR 2013 *Nielsen MarketTrack October 2013 vs. Jan 2013


Last chance to vote The winner of the ‘Best Overall Service’ award will be announced on 13 February in Edinburgh. In the final round of voting, wholesalers in Scotland are asked to rate performance in November. NOVEMBER PERFORMANCE

Deliveries inc Admin (max. 15 points) write N/A if not direct

Supplier Contact (max. 15 points)

Scottish Focus (max. 15 points)

Packaging & Merchandising (max. 5 points)

TOTAL (max. 50 points)

AG Barr Britvic Soft Drinks C&C Group

(inc Magners/Tennent’s)

Carlsberg Coca-Cola Enterprises Cott Beverages Diageo GlaxoSmithKline Heineken Heinz Highland Spring Imperial Tobacco JTI (Gallaher) Kellogg’s Mars Maxxium Mondelez Nestlé 1st Choice PepsiCo


(inc Walkers)

Red Bull SHS Tayto

(Golden Wonder)

Tunnock’s Unilever United Biscuits Whyte & Mackay

Company: ................................................................ Contact name: .........................................................


• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

Please email your completed form to: kirsti.sharratt@virgin.net or fax to 01334 479695 Closing date: Monday 30 December


ethnic foods & cooking sauces

Foreign food finds favour The big night in has helped to establish ethnic foods as a regular part of the British menu. Families in the UK now choose to eat meals from other countries three out of seven nights every week, with noodles and sushi prepared as regularly as spaghetti and potato-based meals (all Mintel ethnic restaurants UK April 2012). Uncle Ben’s Oriental sauces from Mars Foodservice comprise Black Bean, Sweet and Sour (no vegetables), Sweet and Sour (with vegetables), Sweet Thai Chilli, Szechuan and Chinese Stir Fry. Uncle Ben’s Indian sauces deliver all the favourites: Balti, Korma, Tikka Masala, Madras and Rogan Josh. Tex-Mex, a hybrid cuisine created by Mexican-Americans in Texas, is the fastest growing of the main ethnic cuisines, recording an 11% value increase over 2010-11 to £268m (Mintel ethnic food UK September 2012). Cash & carries looking to tap into this trend should stock Uncle Ben’s Mexican Salsa, Chilli Con Carne, Hickory BBQ and Texan BBQ, says Mars Foodservice. Each jar of Uncle Ben’s ready-to-use Oriental, Indian and Tex-Mex sauce delivers 25-30 portions as a culinary sauce, 50+ portions as a dip and 75-100 portions as a filling. Uncle Ben’s Sweet and Sour sauce (2 x 2.43kg), Tikka Masala sauce (2 x 2.24kg) and Sweet Thai Chilli sauce (2 x 2.54kg) are the most popular in the dedicated foodservice range. Parboiled to a patented process for consistent quality, Uncle Ben’s Long Grain Rice can now be cooked in half the time (10-14 minutes), and 50g of uncooked rice delivers 150g cooked rice. Uncle Ben’s Long Grain Rice is available in 2.5kg and 5kg bags, while Uncle Ben’s Whole Grain and Basmati are available in 5kg bags (three bags per case). Cash & carries can also buy Uncle Ben’s Long Grain Rice and Uncle Ben’s Pilau Rice in frozen formats, including individual 167g portion packs x 12 (three per case). The revamped Mars Foodservice website includes a ‘where to buy’ option to drive caterers to local cash & carries. Mars Foodservice has created a ‘See It For Yourself’ campaign to show caterers that convenience products can play a key role in today’s commercial kitchens. Cash & carries can use this to their advantage, with chef demonstration days available on request.


• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

Driving trial and awareness Nando’s – licensed by All About Food, holds a 21.6% market share in chilli sauces and a 56% share in marinades (12 w/e 20 July total grocery value sales data, IRI). In the past year, the value of Nando’s PERiPERi Sauce range has increased by 52.4%, with penetration up by 54.8%. Nando’s has introduced the Coat ‘n Cook range: a PERi-PERi cooking sauce that creates tasty chicken in two steps: coat the chicken then cook in the oven. The three new ambient sauces – Lemon and Herb, Sundried Tomato and Basil, and Original Hot – have an rsp of 99p for a 120g pouch, which serves two to three people. The latest promotion for Nando’s is an on-pack neck collar offering a money-back guarantee. Nando’s has also unveiled a trial-size bottle, which reduces the barrier to entry to the brand and helps avoid any worries of wastage. The 20ml bottles are available in medium PERi-PERi flavour at an rsp of 49p. Nando’s has also launched price-marked bottles to reassure consumers about product price and value in this channel. Retailing at £1.99, the price point appears on striking neck collars in a bid to enhance shelf stand-out. This presents a great opportunity for the convenience sector to increase basket spend in-store and encourage impulse purchases, says the company.

Packaging with purpose Premier Foods has revamped Sharwood’s packaging to improve stand-out on shelf and increase differentiation between cooking sauces, stir fry sauces and pastes. Different colour groups, neck labels and fonts have been used to reinforce the different cuisine types. Sauces are colour coded and feature clear labelling indicating the heat intensity of the sauce on pack and on shelf-ready packaging. More than half of shoppers choosing from the cooking sauces category are on a ‘replenishment’ mission when buying from convenience stores. In addition, one in 10 shoppers visits a convenience store looking for a ‘meal for tonight’ solution (Kantar world panel 52 w/e to 17 March 2013). Consumer research has demonstrated that, as a result of the new packaging, the stand-out on shelf of Sharwood’s products has been significantly improved (Marketing Sciences, January 2013).


ethnic foods & cooking sauces The company’s further processed range is produced using premium quality chopped and shaped chicken breast meat and includes chicken burgers, nuggets and steaks, and new chicken pops – available in wholesale bulk and cateringsize packs with a four-way cook-from-frozen-in-minutes option. Riverside has an open-door policy regarding its Halal procedures and customers are invited to speak directly with the Mufti and visit the factory.

World food campaign New product development A subsidiary of Grace Foods, Enco Products accounts for almost one-third of all Caribbean food and drink sold in the UK. New product development includes two new variants of Grace Aloe Vera Drink: Strawberry and Mango. In addition, Encona has launched a range of dried seasonings targeting scratch cooks: Hot Pepper Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning and Chilli and Garlic Seasoning. “The major focus on new product development underlines our commitment to providing the cash & carry trade with products that will continue to grow the category, with the promise of more to come in 2014,” says Nyree Chambers, head of marketing. Enco Products helped organise Caribbean Food Week 2013, which included cash & carry depot sampling, dedicated consumer advertising, social media activity, outdoor events and a wide range of PoS for display in depots and stores. All data IRI Afro-Caribbean food and drink category, 52 w/e 12 October 2013.

Maggi Liquid Concentrated Fonds are the latest addition to the Maggi range from Nestlé Professional. Available in chicken, beef, mushroom, vegetable and Asian flavours, the fonds have a number of applications and are the perfect base or finishing flavour to boost sauces for all cuisines. The concentrated format of the fonds means they can be added at all stages of the cooking process – whether brushed onto meats before cooking to glaze, or used as a marinade to enhance dressings, dips or mayonnaise. They can also be drizzled onto plates to create a stylish finish. Maggi Liquid Concentrated Fonds are gluten free, free from artificial colours and contain no added MSG. They come in cases of 4 x 1-litre bottles.

Meeting strict requirements Riverside Foods provides premium quality frozen Halal chicken products with traceability right to the source: its own Ross broiler breeder farms and hatcheries. The full production process from slaughter to packaging is managed in one purpose-built state-of-the-art facility, ensuring that all products comply with authentic Halal certification requirements from animal welfare to slaughter. Riverside Food Services’ whole muscle range is produced from pure breast meat and includes breaded, battered or tasty southern fried kievs, goujons, frites, chunks and fillets.


The ‘Tropicalise Your Food’ campaign for Tropical Sun Foods – from Wanis International Foods – focuses on the brand’s range of versatile table sauces and runs across various popular ethnic TV channels. Outdoor advertising includes billboards in key areas across London, Birmingham and Manchester as well as on London buses and at several London underground stations. The company has also invested in press adverts, PoS, digital marketing and PR, all of which focus primarily on the brand’s range of six square bottle sauces, including Peri Peri, Sweet Mango Chilli and West Indian Hot Pepper Sauce. The TV advert also features the brand’s range of authentic Caribbean sauces which includes the Great Taste Award 2013 winner Crushed Red Chilli Sauce, as well as its Jerk BBQ sauce. Tropical Sun’s portfolio of over 250 products has undergone a packaging redesign to reflect better the brand’s personality, championed by the ‘Tropicalise Your Food’ campaign. Brand manager Jag Singh says: “This integrated marketing campaign is about capitalising on the organic growth we have achieved year on year. It is the first stage in a long-term strategy to continue to invest in innovation and offer high quality world food products and consumer engagement. We want to offer products that excite and inspire consumers to be more adventurous and to ‘Tropicalise Their Food’ with us.”

For further information: All About Food (01695) 556427 Grace Foods (01707) 322332 Mars Foodservice (0800) 952 0011 Nestlé Professional (0800) 742842 Premier Foods 020-8254 5600 Riverside Foods (01691) 839288 Wanis International Foods 020-8988 1100

Cash & Carry Management

• December 2013 • 47

products & promotions More flavours

Sweet smile MONDELEZ INTERNATIONAL – The Cadbury Dairy Milk range has a new packaging design – the 21st in its 108year history. The fresh look retains the Cadbury ‘Glass and a Half’ logo but replaces the chocolate shots with ‘imaginative and joyful’ expressions of each flavour and key ingredients. Brighter colours have also been introduced to help customers find their favourite bar on-shelf more easily. The on-pack QR code acts like a barcode. When scanned by a smart phone, it takes consumers to ‘joyful’ interactive content on a webpage or landing page. The aim is to make people smile while they eat their chocolate bar. In the worldwide design Pentawards 2013, the makeover was awarded Gold for creativity in confectionery and sweet snacks. Tel: Mondelez International (08702) 400861.

Tuna bake PRINCES – The fish brand has launched the UK’s first tuna ready-meal product in the ambient sector with a range of tuna pasta bakes. Tapping into the growing lunchtime market, the new pasta bake line-up is available in creamy cheese and tomato and chilli variants. The products are packaged with a fork for easy consumption and can be heated in under two minutes in the microwave. Marketing director Neil Brownbill says: “We have used our expertise in the added-value tuna market to drive lunchtime consumption of hot tuna by offering consumers a convenient and filling past bake product.” The launch is supported by in-store sampling to encourage trial. Tel: Princes 0151-966 7000.


PREMIER FOODS – Batchelors has added three new flavours to its Deli Box line-up: Sweet & Sour Noodles, Bolognese Pasta and Tomato & Chilli Pasta. The 75g portions are packaged in ‘New York style’ cardboard takeaway boxes and contain less than 2% fat and no artificial flavours and preservatives. This positioning, along with the brand’s distinctive look and feel onshelf, has helped to deliver an 11% increase in spend among existing Batchelors Pot Snacks shoppers (Kantar worldpanel data to 15 September 2013). The current range of Noodle and Pasta Deli Boxes has generated £6.6m value sales since the launch in April 2012 (IRI, sales to 7 September 2013 from April 2012). Tel: Premier Foods 020-8254 5600.

Spirit beer HEINEKEN – The tequila-flavoured premium bottled lager Desperados is the UK’s fastest growing beer brand with value sales increasing by 475% year on year (IRI off-trade 52 w/e 17 August 2013 MAT value vs 52 w/e 18 August 2012), fuelling the development of a new spirit beers sub-category. Martin Porter, sales director offtrade, says: “The meteoric growth of Desperados has been integral to the development of the spirit beers (dubbed ‘speers’) category and the brand continues to drive growth and rising value sales.” He adds: “We are committed to nurturing the brand in a sustainable way and will be launching a marketing programme in 2014 in order to drive trial amongst the target audience to maintain the momentum of this new and exciting segment.” Tel: Heineken (0844) 556 0109.

• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

New design JTI – B&H Silver Roll Your Own (RYO) has a new design across the 12.5g, 25g and 50g packs. Whilst the blend remains unchanged, the modern new design focuses on the iconic B&H barrel and further emphasises the brand’s British heritage. Head of communications Jeremy Blackburn says: “The new packs are designed to drive further growth by providing an opportunity for retailers to capitalise on the increasing numbers of existing adult smokers seeking a product with premium credentials at an affordable price.” Price-marked packs are also available for B&H Silver RYO 12.5g and 25g formats. Tel: JTI (0800) 163503.

Gift pack FIRST DRINKS – A gift pack showcasing Grant’s Family Reserve blended Scotch whisky has been unveiled in time for the Christmas trading period. The gift pack is designed in the brand’s classic red and gold livery, creating shelf standout to attract both new and existing customers, and is available exclusively to the convenience channel. “The blended Scotch whisky market is worth £646m (Nielsen data 20 July 2013), with the typical spend in convenience stores for gifting purchases between £15 and £20 (him! spirit track 2013),” says senior brand manager Oliver Dickson. “The new gift pack has been launched within this price point whilst offering an added value premium to the consumer and increasing sales potential for the trade.” The Grant’s Family Reserve 70cl gift pack has an rsp of £16.49. Tel: First Drinks (01256) 748100.




Impulse Channel

to the


No1 .



- Price Marked Packs

A New Addition to the family

products & promotions Permanent line

Star promotion BRITVIC SOFT DRINKS – Tango has teamed up with Paramount Pictures for an Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues promotion, which features cult-classic character Ron Burgundy on Tango limited-edition two-litre, 600ml and 330ml formats. The packs direct consumers to find Tango on Facebook to win prizes that include film tickets and a trip to New York. In-store the limited-edition bottles and cans are being supported by PoS with a shopper competition to ‘Tweet to Win’ a Ron Burgundy moustache. Each variant has its own strapline, taken from the sayings of Ron Burgundy. As well as being featured on nonprice-marked packs, the Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues promotion will be available on PMPs: two-litre bottles at £1.59, and 600ml and 330ml cans at 99p and 49p respectively. Tel: Britvic Soft Drinks (0845) 758 1781.

Stock option NESTLÉ PROFESSIONAL – The culinary brand Chef has unveiled a new premium range of natural fonds consisting of 100% natural, authentic ingredients. Made from nothing but bones, vegetables and herbs, this is the first 100% natural product to replace the stockpot and is free from artificial colours, flavours, preservatives and gluten. Chef Natural Fonds are available in Veal, Chicken and Shellfish variants and are traditionally prepared using classic Escoffier roasting, simmering and skimming techniques. The three varieties come in one-litre tetra packs and can be reduced and ‘sauce ready’ in minutes. Tel: Nestlé Professional (0800) 742842.


FREDERICKS DAIRIES – Launched last year as a limited edition, Terry’s Chocolate Orange three-pack icecream is now available to the convenience and grocery market with an rsp of £3.39. The segment-shaped ice-cream is a flavour combination of smooth vanilla ice-cream with a chocolate orange sauce, covered in milk chocolate with real orange oil. Featuring an identical mixture to its confectionery sibling, the product aims to attract those looking for an indulgent snack for evenings at home with friends and family and the Big Night In occasion. Customer marketing manager Ed Jones says: “Retailers should take advantage of the increased sales that Terry’s Chocolate Orange three-pack will deliver ahead of the key festive trading period.” Tel: Fredericks Dairies (0845) 606 7676.

Christmas cheer COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES (CCE) – The ‘Holidays are Coming’ TV ad kickstarted the company’s integrated Christmas marketing campaign, and this was followed by a new TV ad called ‘Shooting Star’, which has a central theme of delivering good deeds during the festive season. This year’s Coca-Cola Christmas Truck Tour is visiting the ‘kindest hotspots and cities’ across the country, which have been identified in company research. A dedicated hub has been set up on CokeZone, highlighting the truck’s route. The Sundblomdesigned Santa adds a festive presence to packaging across both CocaCola and Diet Coke two-litre bottles, 330ml cans and multipacks, encouraging consumers to ‘Share a Coke with Santa’. Tel: Coca-Cola Enterprises (08457) 227222.

• Cash & Carry Management • December 2013

Composite case KP SNACKS – A new combined case of McCoy’s top three selling flavours – Flame Grilled Steak, Cheddar & Onion and Salt & Malt Vinegar – is now available exclusively to the convenience retail trade. The composite case, consisting of 24 packs, has been developed to enable independent retailers to offer their customers three favourite McCoy’s flavours without having to buy a case of each – this often presents storage challenges for smaller stores. The McCoy’s brand is the nation’s number one ridge-cut crisp and is currently worth £113m and growing by 7% MAT year on year (Nielsen 3 August 2013). Tel: KP Snacks (0845) 601 7583.

Fourth flavour GLOBAL BRANDS – The Hooper’s range of alcoholic beverages now includes a fourth traditionally British flavour: Strawberry & Elderflower. The sparkling alcoholic brew is made using natural flavours, and the new variant sits alongside the existing Hooper’s products of Dandelion & Burdock, Cloudy Lemonade and Ginger Brew. Global Brands will be supporting the launch in 2014 with in-venue promotions at point of purchase in the ontrade and bespoke PoS in the off-trade. This is in addition to digital PR and social media activity. Marketing director Simon Green comments: “Our new flavour development demonstrates our commitment to ongoing innovation of the Hooper’s brand.” The 4% abv drink is available in 500ml bottles. Tel: Global Brands (01246) 216000.


Don’t forget the Is WNorth W rIzE





ift £400agrity to ch

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