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PORTFOLIO triangle

It’s actually a rare and precious thing to discover what it is you love to do, and I encourage you to remain unapologetically consumed by it. Be faithful to your gift and very confident in its value.” - Jonathan Ive



“ 我嘎意 平面設計




黃love冠 綸 Desgin” Kuan - l un “I Graphic

Hua n g


黃 冠 綸

1993 1993


Focus in Graphic Design

be born in be born in







I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next. - Steven Jobs It all feels so new and all-consuming, It feels like we’re just getting started." - Jonathan Ive

黃冠綸 專 精 於 平 面 設 計 領 域 , 1 9 9 3 年 出 生 於 台 中 , 國 中 後 搬 到 了 天 龍 國 邊 緣。 沒得過什麼太大的獎項, 因為我沒什麼錢報國際大獎就是了,唯一比較能看的就只有 2 0 1 4 年 時 得 到 了 北 京 國 際 設 計 週 華 燦 獎 的【2 0 1 4 兩 岸 十 佳 新 銳 設 計 師】獎 項 , 一 個 人

殺到了北 京 當 地 去 領 獎 , 回 來 後 發 現 其 實 主辦 單 位 也 只 是 想 作 秀 ( 呵 呵 ) , 其 實 我 也 不 太 喜歡參加 比 賽 就 是 了。 (因 為 也 不 會 得 獎 )

除了專精 的 平 面 設 計 領 域 外 , 也 正 在 學 習 Mot i o n G ra p h i c與 Pa cka g i n g D e s i g n . . 等

相 關 設 計 領 域 的 知 識 , 畢 竟 這 個 時 代 一 個 專 長 已 經 無 法 橫 行 無 阻 了 , 大 概 就 是 這 樣 啦。 反正這段 也 不 會 有 人 認 真 看。

Kuan Lun Huang specializes in graphic design, was born in 1993 in Taichung, after the country moved to the edge of the Dragon in the country.

Not too much of a prize, because I do not have the money it wants to report international awards, the only more able to see only? 2014 was Beijing International Design Award strait [2014] Ten new designer award a person

Immediate concern of the Beijing local to accept the award, came back to find that the organizers just want to show (Oh), I also do not Like he wants to participate in the competition.

In addition to expertise in the field of graphic design, but also are learning Motion Graphic and Packaging Design .. etc.

Knowledge related to the field of design, after all, an expert in this era has been unable to unimpeded rampage, and it is probably the case.

An y wa y, no one would s erious ly look this . Ex : Yo u can Ignore this trans lation , becaus e i’m us e goog l e tra n s l ati on . . h m m m



若 葉 鯛 魚 燒|若 葉 鯛 焼き


Xinmoon | 進口服飾代理商


O t i s a n | 4 Pa g e Fo l d e d B r o c h u r e


Ta i w a n M a c h i n e To o l s S h a p i n g T h e Wo r l d | C D


Tiao-Se / Graudation Exhibition


Difference | 差異


Ta i p e i O l d S t r e e t

若 葉 鯛 魚 燒|若 葉 鯛 焼き 堅持傳統職人技術,精選日本上等食材,與各位分享日式甜點&茶飲的美味。在日本,鯛魚燒被譽為日本國民點心之一, 深受日本國民們的喜愛。在東京知名的三大鯛魚燒老店皆使用日本職人專業打造的單支剪刀式烤具,小心的烤出「皮薄餡多」的紅豆鯛魚燒。單支剪刀式的鯛魚燒,被稱為, 「天然鯛魚」。 板橋若葉鯛魚燒精選北海道十勝紅豆,熬煮出甜度適中的紅豆餡,並使用日本獨家粉料製作出傳統香味薄皮與白Q薄皮。 現在不用飛到日本,在新北市板橋就可以吃到純正的日本單支剪刀式鯛魚燒的美味。 若葉鯛魚燒店內抹茶和抹茶玄米茶選用位於京都宇治,創立於日本文久元年(西元1861年)的北川半兵衛的商品。本店所有茶類飲品使用有著150年多宇治茶歷史的北川半兵衛商店的抹茶。

Photography by GQ Taiwan

日本国民が愛してやまない鯛焼きは日本国民的スイーツと呼ばれています。 「東京のたいやき御三家」の老舗は一丁焼きの技術を守り、一匹ずつ丁 寧に焼き上げます。一丁焼きで焼いた鯛焼きは「天然物」 と呼ばれます。板橋若葉鯛焼きは、厳選した北海道十勝の小豆を使用し、 しっぽまで餡がぎ っしり、日本の特製粉を使用し、香ばしい、 もちもちした薄皮が作製されます。変わらぬ伝統の味の鯛焼きは新北市板橋に生誕を迎えます。 店内の抹茶・抹茶入り玄米茶は文久元年(西元1861年)創業、京都宇治老舗北川半兵衛商店の石臼挽き宇治抹茶を使用しております。 歴史の伝統・職人の技術を守り、厳選した日本食材を生かし、皆様に小豆・抹茶の旨味を提供しております。

Adhere to the traditional technical staff person, selected the finest ingredients in Japan, Japanese share delicious dessert & tea with you. In Japan, yaki is known as one of Japan's national dessert, by the Japanese people alike. Three well-known in Tokyo yaki old are using the Japanese staff person professionally built single scissor BBQ, carefully baked "thin filling" of red beans yaki. A single scissor yaki, is called, "natural sea bream." Itabashi Wakaba yaki Featured Hokkaido Tokachi red beans, boiled red bean paste a mild sweetness, and the exclusive use of Japanese traditional flavor powder to produce thin-skinned and white Q thin-skinned. Now do not fly to Japan, the new Taipei Itabashi you can eat authentic Japanese single scissor yaki delicious.

Xinmoon | 進口服飾代理商 Xinmoon 成立於2013年,從事各大品牌經銷與代理為主軸,海內外正規品經營販售,亦專業日本、美國、歐洲等各大品牌代購,流程明確、收費合理,歡迎來信詢價或各項業務合作提案。 目前已代理多項歐美及日本品牌服飾與球鞋相關商品,也於去年將店面拓展延伸位於西門町熱鬧觀光區的地標【武昌誠品】希望能將更多各國特色與經典的品牌帶給更多台灣的消費 者,目前也陸續籌備著第三間店面中,希望不久的將來能夠提供給台灣消費者更多元的品牌。

Xinmoon established in 2013, engaged in major brands as the main distribution and agency, sold at home and abroad regular goods business, is also a professional in Japan, the United States, Europe and other major brand purchasing, process clear, affordable, welcomed the letter from the inquiry or the business cooperation proposals. Currently has a number of agents in Europe and America and Japan brand apparel and shoe-related products, but also to expand the store last year to extend the lively tourist area located in Ximending Landmarks.

Photography by Fairplay.com

Otisan | 4 Page Folded Brochure Origins of Otisan Founded in 2013, Otisan is a power electronics company committed to providing innovative power solutions and becoming the most trusted brand in the industry. Our technological superiority has been established by a dedicated team of engineers and professionals with over 20 years of experience and great expertise in producing sophisticated power supplies and power-related products. Otisan’s unremitting eort to develop the best performing and most compact universal power supplies, among other innovative power solutions, is supported by our singular ability to both design and manufacture our products in house.

Living Life Our pursuit of innovation is not limited to technological advancement, but also applies to our unconventional approach to the aesthetics and design of our products. Otisan’s ethos is simple: we create beautiful, high-performance electronic accessories that are built in style for life and better living.

Taiwan Machine Tools Shaping The World | CD It is here that thousands of precision machinery factories and thousands of their upstream and downstream suppliers are located, making the 60-km-long “valley” a number-one the first place of the precision machinery cluster in the world in terms of output value and density per unit area.

Advanced machine tool products and the most delicate ink painting art through visual effects, present a perfect picture.

Tiao-Se / Graudation Exhibition 色彩是人格特質的延伸。 透過不同人格特質的優點與缺陷 , 去包容與學習 , 並從中衍生出無限的可能 , 加以演釋出更完美的形式。 Color is an extension of personality traits. Through the merits and flaws of different personality traits, to embrace and learn, and endless possibilities derived therefrom, to be released to play more perfect form.

Photography by Kuanlun Huang

Difference 【語言是文化的本質,同是文化的結晶】台灣是目前全世界仍使用注音拼音的地區(國家),而漢語拼音則是加快了漢字於世界各地快速傳播的媒介之一,從漢字發音的改變去探討兩岸經過了 長年歲月累積後各別為了加快文化成長與守護歷史傳統文化的決心與用心。

北京新華網專訪報導 新華網北京9月26日電(記者許雪毅趙博)北京國際設計週兩岸新銳設計競賽結果26日揭曉, 31個作品從兩岸及港澳3600多件套作品中脫穎而出,分獲五大獎項。 此次競賽由中國高等教育學會、中華中山文化交流協會、兩岸文化創意人才服務基地共同主辦,設置了視覺傳達、產品設計、數字動畫三個競賽類別,短短2個多月時間,徵集了海峽兩岸及港澳地 區近500所學校的3600多件套作品。 最終,此次競賽角逐出2014年度“華燦獎”全場大獎、最佳新銳設計師、十佳新銳設計師、優秀新銳設計師和“華燦獎”普洱咖啡創新設計獎五大獎項的31個作品。部分作品將推薦參加相應的國際 競賽。 台灣醒吾科技大學學生黃冠綸憑藉一幅表達兩岸拼音不同之處的作品獲得2014年度“華燦獎”十佳新銳設計師。他接受新華社記者採訪表示,台灣的注音拼音來自大陸,而大陸的漢語拼音加快 了漢字在世界各地的快速傳播。兩岸擁有共同的文化傳統,互相借鑒可以開闊眼界,攜手做大做強中國品牌 。

The contest, co-sponsored by the Chinese Association of Higher Education, Zhongshan China Cultural Exchange Association, the cross-strait cultural and creative talent service base, set up visual communication, product design, digital animation three contest categories, just over two months time, collecting the Strait more than 3,600 sets of works on both sides of Hong Kong and Macao regions, nearly 500 schools. In the end, the contest to compete the 2014 annual "China Can Award" Grand Prix, the best cutting-edge designers, the top ten cutting-edge designers, outstanding cutting-edge designers and "China Can Award" Innovative Design Award Pu'er coffee five awards 31 works. Some works will be recommended in the corresponding international competition. Taiwan Hsing Wu University student with a yellow crown Lun Expressions phonetic differences between the two sides at the 2014 annual "China Can Award" Top Ten cutting-edge designers. He told Xinhua News Agency reporters that the phonetic spelling of Taiwan from the mainland, Both sides have a common cultural heritage, they can broaden their horizons and learn from each other.

“ This is Taipei City � Rapid progress and development of the city, together remaining old buildings in this space Is true, is full of historical traces, but also the people who are still remnants of the small dark space.

Taipei Old Street







“It all feels so new and all-consuming, It feels like we’re just getting started." - Jonathan Ive

【 北京國際設計周兩岸設計獎 Rrd dot 紅點設計大獎 IF 視覺設計獎 日本G-mark大獎

2 0 1 4 年度十佳新銳設計師 】

沒有得過獎。 也沒有得過獎。 還是沒有得過獎。

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