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I SEE THIS TOO OFTEN at the gym: folks robbing themselves of the great benefits of kettlebelIs by passing them up for dumbbells. Next to a rowing machine, kettlebells are one of the most valuable pieces of equipment in the gym. Once you understand why and how kettlebells work, you will get more out of each exercise than is possible with dumbbells alone. Kettlebell training can build power, strength, and endurance quickly. The key idea behind the kettlebell is to control a weight that is unbalanced. While a dumbbell has the weight distributed evenly on either end of a handle, a kettlebell has a sphere-like shape with the handle at the top - this constantly throws you off balance during movement. All of this is beneficial to a paddler who is trying to create power while moving about on an unstable surface like a stand-up paddleboard. Kettlebells train movement not muscles. Ever try to run and catch a bus while pushing a carriage and carrying heavy bags? Real-life movements are complicated, multi-dimensional, and often unpredictable so why the heck would you not train for it? KB training does just that. The placement of the handle on the kettlebell allows you to swing it forward, back, up and down. It essentially becomes an extension of your arm, providing you with a wide range of motion. Grip strength comes into play as well. You have to hold on for acceleration, ease up for deceleration and adjust your grip during complicated movement patterns. Being able to leverage your grip while paddling is important. Over-gripping can cause elbow and shoulder injuries, not to mention waste energy Kettlebell workouts are calorie incinerators. They work both your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. It’s strength training and cardio combined. A KB workout can burn up to 20 calories a minute, which equals 1200 calories per hour. The average weight training session burns between 180 to 300 calories an hour. Kettlebells are also a great way to build strength without bulk. This makes KB a no-brainer crosstraining choice for paddling. It’s a solid form of interval training which is essential for SUP racing or paddling in challenging conditions. Kettlebell exercises are truly unique. Movements are split into categories: ballistic, grinds, and hybrids. Ballistic movements are multi-joint movements that are explosive and dynamic in nature like the kettlebell swing and snatch. Acceleration and deceleration are part of the movement pattern. These movements also tax the cardiovascular system.

32 Samata I V3N2

The key idea behind the kettlebell is to control a weight that is unbalanced ... this is beneficial to a paddler who is trying to create power while moving about on an unstable surface like a stand-up paddleboard.

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