n the nearly 50 years I’ve ’ rt Memorial, rt Memorial, the Hospital p tal ha has haven’ aven veen’t changed change cha gedd a smid smidg smidge.” m e “Okay, maybe a smidge,” says Carrol Earnest, Executive Assistant to Brian Shockney, CEO of Logansport Meemorial Hospital. “Brian is only my fourth boss in all these years,” she says proudly. “That says a lot.” Logansport Memorial is the only pplace Carol has ever worked – Executive Assistant, her only job. Why? “It’ss family here. The Hospital has seen some real changes over the years, particularrly in the advances in technology, which never cease to amaze me. But it’s alwayss been about caring as long as I’ve been here, and because of that I plan to keep working.” Thank you, Carol, for being here tto care for nearly 50 years … and then soome. www.logansportmemorial.org
En los casi 50 años ñ que he tal Memorial, Memor emorial orial, el Hospital Hosp ha yoo no hee cambiado m nada.” nad nada “Está bien, tal vez un poco,” dice Caarol Earnest, Asistente Ejecutiva de Brian Shockney, Presidente del Hospital Memorial M de Logansport. “Brian es mi cuarto jefe en todos estos años,” expresa Carol. C “Eso quiere decir mucho.” El Hospital Logansport Memorial es el único lugar donde Carol ha trabajado en toda su vida – Asistente Ejecutiva, su úniico trabajo. ¿Porqué? “Aquí es como una familia. El Hospital ha visto verdaderos cambbios a través de los años, particularmente los avances en la tecnología, que nunca dejan d de sorprenderme. Pero en todo el tiempo que he estado aquí siempre ha sido ppor la solidaridad y ayuda y a causa de eso pienso seguir trabajando.” Gracias, Carol, por estar aquí para ayudar a por casi 50 años ... y mucho más. www.logansportmemorial.org
Aquí para Asistir.
February [febrero] 2010
INfo: is a monthly newspaper serving Logansport, Ind., Cass County, and the surrounding areas. All content is copyright Existential Media LLC, 2010 and may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Distribution - 5,000 Published by Existential Media LLC 206 Fourth St. Logansport, IN 46947 Editor/Publisher Michelle Laird (574) 727-0396 (michelle@existentialmedia. com) Translator Marycarmen Santella Advertising Sales, Distribution & Photography Phill Dials (574) 727-0613 (phill@existentialmedia.com) Web Development Evan Jones (evan@existentialmedia.com) Advertising Design Melissa Laird (melissa@existentialmedia. com) One copy of INfo: is free. Additional copies are $.50 each. For multiple copy distribution, call (574) 727-0613. COVER PHOTO BY MELISSA LAIRD Find us on Facebook! http://www.facebook. com/casscountyinfo Find us on Twitter @ casscountyinfo
Got something to say? Read what people are saying or post your own topics on the Cass County Calendar Facebook Fan page discussion tab. Connect with over 1200 other fans! Find us at www.facebook.com/ casscountycalendar or on the INfo: Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ casscountyinfo
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Check your mailbox! Census forms should start arriving later this month Every ten years, on April 1, the United States counts its residents. Based on the data collected, communities receive federal funds for things like hospitals, job training centers, schools, senior centers, emergency services and public works MICHELLE LAIRD projects. These numbers also help deEDITOR/PUBLISHER termine the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives. In March 2010, every residence in the U.S. and Puerto Rico will receive a Census form. There are 10 short questions, and you’ll receive a postage-paid envelope to send it back. The official Census Day is April 1, 2010, so the questions will be related to that day. There are a couple of questions about how many people were living or staying on your residence on that particular day. There’s a question about whether you own or rent your home. They’ll also ask for your telephone number so they can call you if they don’t understand an answer to a question. Then, they’ll ask you to provide the first and last name, age, gender, date of birth, race and origin, and relationship to the person filling out the questionnaire for each person you list. You WILL NOT be asked about your legal status or your social security number. That may sound like a lot of personal information, but by law, all of your answers are confidential and cannot be shared with anyone — including the IRS, FBI, CIA or any other government agency. Your private information is never published, and your answers will only be used to produce statistics. There’s lots more information online at http://2010.census. gov, including an interactive copy of the Census questionnaire. You can also view the site in many languages. In the coming months, you may see volunteers from Logansport’s Complete Count Committee at upcoming events reminding you to help our community make sure all of its residents are represented. Having an accurate picture of what our community looks like is important not only for us to receive federal funding, but also for organizations looking at how to best serve our residents. I’m one of the volunteers on the Complete Count Committee, and I access data from the 2000 Census online quite frequently. Even though it’s a long way off, I’m looking forward to the new data that’s going to be released, as it will help us with planning decisions to improve our publication. When April 1 rolls around, fill out your Census form and make sure you’re counted!
Miren su correo! Los formularios del Censo deben llegar al final de este mes. Cada diez años, el 1ro. de Abril, los Estados Unidos have un recuento de sus residentes. En base a los datos que se reunen, las comunidades reciben la ayuda de fondos federales para hospitales, centros de entrenamiento laboral, escuelas, centros de jubilados (personas de la tercera edad), servicios de emergencia y proyectos para trabajos públicos. Estos números también ayudan a determinar la cantidad de representantes que cada estado tiene en la Cámara de Diputados de los Estados Unidos. En Marzo, 2010, cada domicilio en los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico recibirá un formulario del Censo. Hay 10 preguntas cortas para contestar y se incluirá un sobre ya estampillado para enviarlo de regreso. El Día Oficial del Censo es el 1ro. de Abril, 2010, de manera que las preguntas estarán relacionadas con ese día. Hay un par de preguntas acerca de la cantidad de personas que viven o permanecen en su residencia en ese día en particular. Otra pregunta es sobre si usted es dueño de la casa o renta. También le preguntarán su número de teléfono para poder llamarlo en caso de que no comprendan algunas de sus respuestas. Luego le pedirán el nombre y apellido, edad, sexo, fecha de nacimiento, raza y origen y parentesco de cada una de las personas que viven allí con la persona que está llenando el formulario. NO le pedirán información acerca de su status legal ni
su número de seguro social. Esto parece mucha información personal, pero, por ley, todas sus respuestas son confidenciales y no pueden ser compartidas con nadie – ni el IRS, FBI, CIA o cualquier otra agencia de gobierno. Su información privada nunca se publica y sus respuestas se utilizan solamente para producir estadísticas. En línea hay mucha más información en http://2010.census.gov , incluyendo una copia interactiva del cuestionario del Censo. Se puede mirar a este sitio en muchos idiomas. En los meses venideros usted podrá ver a miembros de la Comisión del Recuento Completo de Logansport, para recordarle que debe ayudar a que todos los residentes de la comunidad estén representados. Tener una visión exacta de cómo es realmente nuestra comunidad es importante, no sólo para recibir los fondos federales, sino también para que las organizaciones vean cómo pueden servir mejor a los residentes. Yo soy una de las voluntarias que sirve en la Comisión del Recuento Completo y bastante frecuentemente tengo acceso en línea a datos del Censo 2000. Aunque falta bastante espero tener los datos nuevos que se van a difundir, ya que nos ayudará a planear las decisiones para mejorar nuestra publicación. Cuando llegue el 1ro. de Abril, llene su formulario del Censo y asegúrese que lo han contado!
Diversity Dynamics will hold an informational meeting about the 2010 Census on March 9, 2010 at 1:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers on the third floor of the Logansport City Building. Learn why it’s important for everyone to be counted, and how we can help make sure everyone IS counted. All are welcome to attend.
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February [febrero] 2010
Each year, Diversity Dynamics invites Cass County fourth graders to share their views on diversity as part of the annual “I have a dream...” essay contest. The winners were chosen by a panel of Diversity Dynamics members and are published in the Pharos-Tribune on Martin Luther King Day and in INfo: in February. The young authors were honored at the February Logansport City Council meeting, where they were presented with savings bonds from Security Federal Savings Bank. Pictured are Annette Russell, Brianna Ulery (Pioneer), Maddie Dexter (All Saints), Colten Rozzi (Landis), Wendy Islas (Columbia), Olivia Click (Franklin) and Deputy Mayor Linda Klinck.
>>Colten Rozzi, Landis Elementary My dream is that everybody who stepped a foot on this planet should be treated fair. I wish people like all of the homeless had a home, all of the hungry have many supplies for food. They might be different, but how is that supposed to change the way they are treated? They would do the same for us. If I could communicate with one of the homeless or the hungry I would give them stuff so if you see somebody like that give them food, give them toys. Imagine how you would feel if you were like a nobody. They aren’t a nobody if they can survive that then they ain’t no nobody! I have friends from Texas, Mexico and even China. At least they have homes, food, money and can afford to go to school. So please help.
>>Olivia Click, Franklin Elementary Everyone has a dream. Anyone can have a dream, so did Martin Luther King. He had a dream that made a big change. His dream was about diversity. It was about black people not getting treated right. Is diversity good or bad? Martin Luther King wrote a speech about diversity called, “I Have A Dream,” and it became true.In my opinion it is good. We can live and learn about different cultures. Just like the citizens of Cass County and Logansport, there are different people we can learn from. I have a friend who is black. I don’t treat her bad because of her color. Our community is filled with people who are different. Diversity is grand! It teaches the world about how other people live. Like in my community, my friend Kathy tells me what they eat in Japan. People who are different tell you what it is like in their community back in their home! Diversity has to do with Martin Luther King. He got the white people to stop treating black people wrong. Diversity is a pleasant thing. You can learn about what wear and their actions. Hispanics in my community eat many superior dishes that are marvelous to me. My community is filled with different cultures and I cherish them no matter what they look like or dress like. We all have our differences! Diversity in my community is amazing!
>>Maddie Dexter, All Saints I have a dream that our world becomes a better place for everyone. If all people would care more and help others those two things I believe could start to change our world. I think it would be wonderful if everyone felt like they could count on anyone if they needed help with something. It shouldn’t matter what you look like, what color you are or where you come from. I dream that all people could trust in others like we trust and believe in God. Maybe if all people trusted and believed in God they would find that is was fun to give to others and share the things they have. If people gave and shared then maybe the poor would not be poor anymore. That people with more than enough money will give to those who have little. I dream that there would no longer be hunger. Everyone in the world would have enough food to eat. I know that not all kids have things to play with, but if the world was a better place they would. I have a dream that people would try to make others feel happy. Everyone would have a friend and no one would ever feel left out or left behind. That people could play with anyone they want. There would be no more bullies or people making fun of others. That bad people turn nice. That no one is mean or treats someone unfairly.Our world would put a stop to fighting and we can change and work things out by talking. That everyone does the right thing and no matter what, we help others. No one should have to tell on others or should make someone do their work. Just try not to hurt others or their feelings this could make everyone feel happy. I think if everyone was happy and we would take care of each other like God wanted, our world would finally start changing for the better. That is my dream!
February [febrero] 2010
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>>Brianna Ulery, Pioneer I have a dream that everyone would get along. No matter what your religion, color of skin is or what. Black, blue, green, purple or yellow. If you’re American, French, African American, Greek, Australian, Asian or German. My point is if everybody in every country got along, there would be no more war. In my opinion that if people in different countries got along there would be no war. There would be more hatred. People wouldn’t be judged by their skin, but by their character. Soldiers wouldn’t suffer the hatred and pain in the guns and bullets they are shot with. >>Wendy Islas, Columbia Do you have a dream? Well I’m going to read you a short story. First, I’m different than you because of my personality and my language. I speak English and Spanish. What language do you speak? My color of skin is tan but some people may have white, black or brown color of skin, but we shouldn’t judge them. Everyone comes from a different country of origin. Second, I think being different from others is great because it would be boring if everyone would have the same talents and jobs. What do you think? Next, I feel proud and comfortable that we live in a world with diversity. Because if we would live like when white people were separated from the black people, and that would be bad. I have learned a little of a new language from my neighbor that just moved from China and some of their culture. Well, I already read you what I feel about living in a world with diversity. Last, tell me what you feel about diversity.
>>Lexi Jackson, Galveston Life is better now then it was back before Martin Luther King gave his speech. But I think that people still treat other terrible just because their skin is a different color. I think that is wrong. I think that everyone should just be nice to each other because no one is better then anyone else. No matter what color you are or what shape or size it doesn’t matter and those who think they’re better than others need to think about what they’ve done. They need to put themselves in the black people’s spot. And that is what I think that needs to happen in the future.
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THE OLYMPICS, EH? With all the Super Bowl Hype, what you may not have heard much about is that the Winter Olympics take place this month. It’s a big month for sports! WHEN: FEBRUARY 12 - 28, 2010 WHERE: VANCOUVER, CANADA PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: 80+ PROJECTED ATHLETES & OFFICIALS: 5500 EXPECTED TELEVISION VIEWERS: 3 BILLION ALL-TIME U.S. WINTER TOTAL MEDALS: 216 ALL-TIME U.S. WINTER GOLD MEDALS: 98 ALL-TIME WINTER MEDALS LEADER: NORWAY;280
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February [febrero] 2010
&DO Feb. 11 RECEPTION: Logansport Art Association Black & White Art Benefit Exhibit & Competition 5:30-7 p.m. Logansport Art Center, 424 Front Street. Black and white dress only, formal is not required. This exhibit will be on display February 10-25. The gallery is open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. BLOOD DRIVE: American Red Cross Blood Drive. 12 p.m. Knights of Columbus, 1007 17th Street. BAKE SALE: The Memorial Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary will sponsor a Bake Sale from 7 a.m. until sold out. All proceeds will be used to benefit patients of Memorial Hospital.
Feb. 12 ON STAGE: Logansport High School’s Performing Arts Department presents “The Curious Savage” at 7;30 p.m. at McHale Performing
Arts Center. Tickets are $4 in advance, $5 at the door. FUNDRAISER: Armstrong 4 Sheriff All You Can Eat Fish and Tenderloin Dinner. 4:30-7 p.m. Cass County 4-H Fairgrounds, Tickets are $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 10 and under. NIGHTLIFE: Polsis Pub OPEN MIC NITE!. 08:00 PM. Polsis Pub, 1139 Erie Ave, Logansport. Do you play? Do you sing? Got something you just want to share with the world? and.... are you over 21? Live music from area musicans, Bring your instrument or sing acapella! As always there is no cover charge, and menu is available. DANCE: The Downtown Senior Center will sponsor a dance with Greg Allen at 6 p.m. Admission is $4 and food will be served.
Feb. 13 GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE: Girl Scout Cookies will be available from noon to 3 p.m. at Rural King, 3300 E. Market St. in Logansport. Each box of cookies is $3.50.
ON STAGE: Logansport High School’s Performing Arts Department presents “The Curious Savage” at 7:30 p.m. at McHale Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $4 in advance, $5 at the door. VALENTINE’S DINNER/ DANCE: The Logansport Moose Lodge, 900 E. Main St. is sponsoring a spaghetti/lasagna dinner from 4:30-6:30 p.m., followed by the band Counter.Point from 7-11 p.m.. Tickets are $10 per person. HEALTH CLASS: The Family Birth Center at Logansport Memorial Hospital is sponsoring a Teen Prenatal Class designed especially for pregnant teens (aged 19 years and younger) and their support persons. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. in Conference Room D/E at the hospital. Participants will learn about labor, delivery and what will happen in the hospital. The class will include a tour of the labor area and a free pregnancy booklet for teens. For more information, call the Family Birth Center at 753-1395. To register, call 753-1488. BREAKFAST: 7 a.m. New Waverly United Methodist
Feb. 15 FOR KIDS: The Reading Railroad Train Station will be open from 1 to 6 p.m. in the Meeting Room. The Cass County Reading Railroad’s Train Station is an early learning literacy center where families can interact with games and activities focused on reading. VOLUNTEERS: Logansport Memorial Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary Membership Meeting. 1 p.m. Logansport Memorial Hospital
Feb. 16 FOR FAMILIES: 4-H Information Nights for Cass County Schools 7-8 p.m., Cass County 4-H Fairgrounds. PARTY: The League of Women Voters of Cass County will celebrate the 90th birthday of the League at 6 p.m. at Ivy Tech campus. Visit CassCountyCalendar.com for more information. ###Wednesday, 17 February, 2010
Feb. 17 MEETING: The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to the study of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Meetings are the first and third Wednesday every month in the Peru Library at 6:30 p.m. in the basement Board Room.
All residents of Cass, Fulton, and Miami Counties are welcome to attend! PUBLIC INPUT: The City of Logansport will be holding a public input meeting about the 18th Street Corridor planning process. Registration will begin at 5:30pm with opening comments beginning promptly at 6 p.m. This meeting will allow the public to view and interact with the ideas that have been proposed. ##Thursday, 18 February, 2010
Feb. 19 MINI-REUNION: The Lewis Cass Class of 1979 will host a meet for their monthly mini-reunion on Friday, Feb. 19, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. at the Walton American Legion, 111 S. Depot St. LIVE MUSIC: Enjoy the sounds of local music duo ‘After Eight’ - Sam Piercy and Judy Masters - Fridays from 6:30 - 9 p.m.at the Déja Vu in downtown Logansport. DINNER: Pioneer Athletic Boosters Port-A-Pit Chicken Dinner. 4:30-7 p.m. Cost is $7.
A chance to
This is the chance to give back to your community! Donate blood during American Heart Month at these locations in Cass County!
• February 11, 2010 12 - 6 p.m. Knights of Columbus 1007 17th Street, Logansport, IN • February 18, 2010 2 - 7 p.m. Franklin Elementary 410 W. Miami Ave, Logansport, IN • February 23, 2010 12:30 - 5:30 p.m. Galveston United Methodist Church 515 S. Maple Street, Galveston, IN • February 26, 2010 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Pioneer High School 17 S. Chicago Street, Logansport, IN
February [febrero] 2010
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Feb. 20
Feb. 24
Mar. 1
HEALTH CLASS: The Family Birth Center at Memorial Hospital will hold a one-day Prepared Childbirth Class in Conference Room D/E from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. This class is similar to the six-week prepared childbirth class series, but offered in a condensed format. To register, call 753-1488. LIVE MUSIC: American Folk and Bluegrass Acoustic Round Robin. 01:00 PM. Logansport Cass County Public Library, 616 East Broadway, Logansport.
DINNER: Walton Main Street Association Hap’s Chicken Bash. 04-7 p.m. Walton Lions Den, 104 Depot Street, Walton. All tickets must be purchased in advance. None will be for sale at the door. Tickets will be available at the Walton Library. $8/adults $4 children under 8
AUDITIONS: Civic Players of Logansport: Little Shop of Horrors Auditions. 06:00 PM. Civic Players Building, 1115 Erie Avenue, Logansport.
Feb. 21 AUDITIONS: Civic Players of Logansport: Little Shop of Horrors Auditions. 02:00 PM. Civic Players Building, 1115 Erie Avenue, Logansport. FOR KIDS: Cherub League Softball Registration. 1 p.m. PM. LCSC Administration Building, 2829 George Street, Logansport. Bring a birth certificate and the fee is $30 per player or $50 per family.
Feb. 22 FOOD PANTRY: Food Finders Mobile Pantry Food Give-Away. 11:00 AM. Miami Nation of Indians, 80 W. 6th Street, Peru. The mobile pantry is a program available to those who meet income guidelines.
Feb. 25 OPEN STUDIO: This event at the Logansport Art Center offers ways to network with fellow artists and gain new perspectives. 6:30 p.m.
Feb. 27
Mar. 5 ON STAGE: Presented by the Civic Players of Logansport, An Evening of One Acts. 7;30 p.m., McHale Performing Arts Center. FISH FRY: VFW Post #3790 Fish Fry, 1023 Erie Ave, Cost is $7 all you can eat. Open to the Public. 5 p.m.
Mar. 6
Feb. 28
ANNUAL EVENT: Bowl for Kids’ Sake. 09:00 AM. Myers Sport Bowl, 4231 E Market, Logansport. Bowl for Kids’ Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters largest FUNdraiser! ON STAGE: Presented by the Civic Players of Logansport, An Evening of One Acts. 7;30 p.m., McHale Performing Arts Center.
AUDITIONS: Civic Players of Logansport: Little Shop of Horrors Auditions. 02:00 PM. Civic Players Building, 1115 Erie Avenue, Logansport.
Would you like to promote your event for FREE? Submit your event online at http:// www.casscountycalendar. com or e-mail details to info@existentialmedia.com!
DINNER: The Walton Lions’ Club is having a tenderloin fry on February 27th from 4-7PM. Tickets will be available from Lions’ Club members and at the Walton Library.
Easter’s on its way! Worship schedules, Easter Egg Hunts, Breakfasts with the Bunny .... send them our way! http://www.casscountycalendar.com
Warm up with winter programs at the Cass County Family Y
Biddy Ballet Saturday mornings 5 week program designed to introduce rhythm, movement, balance, and body awareness. Starts February 20.
Mark your calendar for the new
Shamrock Shuffle 5K Run/Walk Saturday, March 13
Call or stop by the Cass County Family YMCA for more information! Cass County Family Y 905 East Broadway (574) 753-5141 www.casscountyymca.org
FEBRUARY 12 - 28
Vancouver Winter Olympics Visit www.vancouver2010.com for schedules and results.
FEBRUARY 14 NBA All-Star Game
The 2010 NBA All-Star Game will take place at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas. The event will air live on TNT & ESPN Radio.
FEBRUARY 15 President’s Day
FEBRUARY 17 Ash Wednesday FEBRUARY 20 Hoodie Hoo Day
In an effort to chase away winter and welcome spring, people go out at noon, wave their hands over their heads and chant "Hoodie-Hoo!”
MARCH 2 MLB Spring Training
It’s the National Pastime! Mandatory date for all players to report.
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Visit CassCountyCalendar.com for local events, news, and deals! Find something to do and beat the winter blues!
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