one roth: Fact or fiction?
It' the late t food trend taking the health world
torm. ut i it reall the
magic elixir it' touted to e? Ca ie White find out. When it come to popular health trend , one roth i igger than en-Hur right now. The late t ‘mu t-do’ fad i aid to trengthen our joint , cure arthriti , fix dige tive di order , plump up our kin and even com at tre . All tho e incredi le enefit in a few ea
ip ? No wonder we’re all ditching our
ma on jar of green juice and picking up a hot cup of one roth.
What i it? You’d e forgiven for thinking we’ve finall di covered the magical health elixir the world ha een waiting for.
You might e urpri ed to hear that the late t and greate t in health living i e entiall ju t tock. That’ right, one roth i a a ic kitchen taple ou’ve een con uming for ear . All tho e oup , gravie and low-cooker meal ou’ve made u ing cu ed, powdered or liquid tock? Yep, that’ one roth. roth i made
oiling down one – a proce which take up to 72 hour . A
whole ho t of nutrient are apparentl relea ed from the one and into the liquid, which we then drink a a oup . . . or u e a tock. It ound almo t too good to e true, right? Unfortunatel , a
dietitian imone
Au tin, it pro a l i . “ one roth i ju t like mo t other health fad that grow leg efore there’ an re earch ehind it,” he a
“We need to put the rake on until we can ack up the claim , ecau e we don’t want to give people fal e hope.” That’ hard to hear when there are o man one roth evangeli t preading the word of it m riad enefit like go pel. o if there’ no cience to ack up their claim , how did it ecome o popular? “There are lot of product like thi on the market that don’t have cience ehind them,” a
Au tin.
“Thing get leg , people want to tr them and it now all from there.”
rewing our own roth
Although the enefit are mo tl anecdotal at the moment, if ou want to tr one roth for our elf, it won’t do ou an harm. And if ou make it our elf it’ll e much healthier than tore- ought ver ion , which contain lot of added alt to give it a more palata le ta te. Making our own roth i al o a great wa to reduce food wa te. Next time ou eat meat, freeze the one to make ome down the track.
R LAT D a ic one roth Fermented food
Nutrient-packed roth oup One of the great thing a out roth i that ou can u e it a a a e to create lot of homemade oup . Adding lean meat and colourful veggie will in tantl turn regular roth into a nutritiou meal. Meat will give ou protein and iron; throwing in legume , uch a chickpea or kidne ean will fill our ell with fi re, car
and protein; weet potato, pearl
arle or o a noodle are great ource of health car
and will al o help keep
ou full. Add an colourful veggie ou like the look of. With 90 per cent of Au ie not getting enough vegeta le in their diet – the more ou throw in, the etter. You can’t reall go wrong with fre h meat and vegeta le , o experiment until ou
create a few nouri hing oup to put on regular lunch and dinner rotation. The ’re guaranteed to fill ou with nutrient that are cientificall proven to help provide all the enefit one roth i aid to.
Ca ie White i a
dne - a ed per onal trainer, oga coach, health journali t
and food logger. Read more from Ca ie here.
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