Men's Health | Ask the Girls in the Office column

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ask mh Will volunteer work improve my job prospects? – DJ The Claim: helping others could help you earn your own new gig. The Reality: donating your time really will help you get ahead. In a study at the University of Massachusetts, unemployed people who volunteered weekly were far more likely to have a job within six months than those who didn’t lend a hand. Even those who volunteered less than two hours a week had a better shot of being hired elsewhere, says Dr Varda Konstam, the study’s lead researcher. The key word here is “elsewhere”. The ability to ladle out soup doesn’t mean you’re only qualified to work in a cafeteria. Interviewers are increasingly viewing such basic skills as indicators of broader skill sets. That means serving soup isn’t about serving soup; it shows that you’re good at customer service and work well with others. Find an opportunity in your area at

Ask the MH girls the questions you can’t ask anyone else. They’re three women with strong opinions, so don’t expect sugarcoated responses Got a question for Ask Men’s Health or The Girls in the Office? Email or head to


What’s the best way to eliminate plantar warts? – FL For starters, you’ll need a megadose of patience. Plantar warts can last months or even years, and there’s no foolproof way to eradicate them, says dermatologist Dr Cybele Fishman. These painful growths are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which enters openings in your skin and expands inward. Problem is, in order to kill the HPV, you have to reach it. Use a pumice stone to remove the dead skin covering the wart, advises Fishman. Then apply Forces of Nature Wart Control ($34.50;, which contains natural extracts with antiviral properties, including Thuja occidentalis and tea tree oil. Fishman recommends this treatment instead of the more common salicylic acid because the latter can damage healthy skin surrounding warts. If the problem doesn’t improve within a month, see a dermatologist and discuss Fishman’s intensive strategy: she applies trichloroacetic acid and liquid nitrogen, then injects warts with a small amount of candida yeast to encourage the immune system to launch an attack. Once your wart is wiped out, prevent reinfection by wearing thongs when you walk around germy zones, like gym showers.

I’ve just started a new job and work with a really cool chick. I like her and think the feeling is mutual. Trouble is, I’ve been seeing someone for a few months and am into her, too. I worry if I cut short my relationship prematurely, the work flame will turn out to be a case of forbidden love and I’ll end up alone. What should I do? – KJ Cassie I think the real issue here is that you’re not satisfied with your other girl. If you were, you wouldn’t be interested in this new one. It’s normal to feel attracted to people at times, even when you’re with someone – you’re human, after all – but only you can judge how innocent that attraction is.

Crystelle I think you owe it to yourself, and your current girlfriend, to give your relationship a decent go before jumping ship. Cass is right about it being normal to feel attracted to other people (that will happen for as long as you live) – but it’s whether you act on it or not that really counts. Alice Who do you think about when you’re having sex or waiting for the bus? Let your answer guide your relationship status.


My girl’s mum is really inappropriate around me. Case in point: she’s started kissing me on the lips when saying hello or goodbye. I don’t know if I should raise it. Any pointers, ladies? – HG Cassie Are you totally sure she’s being inapro-pro here, HG, or is this some kind of Mrs Robinson fantasy you’re unconsciously playing out? Unless there’s tongue action or arse-grabbing involved, I’d say it’s all in your head. Crystelle No good will come from you bringing this up, HG. Just man up and cop a few wet ones for the sake of peace. Alice Hold out until someone else notices, then let them navigate how and when to broach the bad-form behaviour. Until then, remember your Lip Smacker – chapped lips are the worst.


One of my best mates has just confessed to seeing my ex for the past few months. I’m with a new girl now, but I’m still feeling pretty pissed. Is it okay


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for me to tell him I don’t want their relationship continuing? – TE Crystelle Hell yes! How dare he break the bro-code! Your mate sounds like a bit of a sucker. Alice Of course, TE, just don’t expect him to listen. You can’t expect either of them to stop seeing each other, especially if there are legit feelings involved. But remember that you were first to shine your torch in her treasure chest. Hold onto that egoboosting nugget every time you’re inclined to high-kick his crown jewels. Cassie This is a toughie, TE. There’s nothing you can really do; in fact, if you kick up a stink it’ll probably make them want to continue the relationship even more. The relationship I’d be concerned about continuing would be the one between you and your mate – it’s a pretty crappy thing for him to do.


My girlfriend and I have been living together for seven years and she keeps bugging me about getting married. How can I tell her to wait and that I’ll do it when I’m ready? – AB Cassie Seven years?! Get your shit together, AB. Most other gals would have left you in their dust long ago. Alice It’s fine to tell her to shelve the nuptial nagging, but be sure you’re still showing her commitment in other ways. That said, seven years shacked up is a fair stint. I’d be asking yourself why you’re not ready to get cosy with a celebrant, AB. Crystelle You have no case, AB. Either pop the question or move on. Seven years is plenty of time to make up your mind.

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