HEALTH: Individual health papers will be furnished with each lot sold. A number have been OCV’d. All bulls are semen tested.
SALE ORDER: The sale order will be as follows: Cow/ Calf Pairs, Open Heifers, Bulls, Bred Heif ers, Bred Cows, followed by Commercial Females.
AI CERTIFICATES: Any female that is bred to an AI sire not owned by the seller will NOT have an AI certificate furnished.
GUARANTEE: All cattle will sell under the suggested sale terms and conditions of the American Her eford Association.
MAIL OR WIRE BIDS: We hope each and everyone interested can attend the sale in person, but those who cannot may mail phone bids to the Auc tioneer or any of the representatives.
are available from the AHA’s website at www.hereford.org. TRUCKING: Trucking will be available. Please contact Larry Day. September 17, 2022 • NOON Interstate Regional Stockyards I-44 and Exit 208 I Address: 737 Hwy DD, Cuba, MO 65453 120th Semi-Annual Sale 63 Lots CENTRAL MISSOURI’S BEST SELL AT AUCTION Semen Tested Bulls Cow/Calf Pairs and Splits Bred and Open Heifers Hereford Influenced Commercial Females AUCTIONEER: Jordan Hunter 417-224-6296 SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES Bill Maerli............................Ringman 573-885-3888 Charles J. Flaspohler.........Ringman 660-728-1346 SALE BARN - SALE DAY TELEPHONE 573-885-7431 or Larry Day 660-621-0812 CENTRAL MISSOURI POLLED HEREFORD BREEDERS ASSOCIATION BOARD Kevin Gregory • Houstonia, MO.......................President Lee Schrader • Wooldridge, MO..............Vice-President Larry Day • Sec/Treasurer/ Sale Manager 12139 Highway 135, Pilot Grove, MO 65276 660-834-4678 • ljday@iland.net Directors at Large Dennis Kauffman, Jefferson City, MO Blake Voss, Beaufort, MO www.centralmissouripolledherefords.com PLEASE BRING THIS CATALOG WITH YOU SALE DAY! 2
BIDS: The Auctioneer-In-Charge will have final say in regard to all final bids.
TERMS: The terms of the sale are cash unless other arrangements are made in advance with the owner. Settlements are to be made with the clerk of the sale immediately at the conclusion of the auction. All stock will be at buyer’s risk as soon as bidding ends, but the management will attend to loading on trucks in compliance with instructions from the purchasers.
CATALOG ERRORS: Statements from the auction block take precedence over printed material. The most current EPDs from AHA issued registrations were used when available. EPDs are subject to change weekly based on data submitted to the AHA. The most current EPDs

Please check website www.centralmissouripolledherefords.com or Facebook at Central Missouri Polled Herefords for additional information and photos.
Ace’s Polled Herefords Lots 2-5 Bade’s Polled Herefords Lots 6-12 Butler Polled Herefords/ Kerrigan Page Lot 13 Cavanaugh Farms Lots 14-17 Day’s Family Farm Lots 18-24, 58 Grayson Cattle Co. Lots 25-28 Hatchee Creek Farms Lots 29-31, 59 Kaczmarek Cattle Co. Lots 32-35 McCorkill Family Farms Lots 36-37 Lizzie’s Polled Herefords Lots 38-40, 60 Phillips-Renner Farms Lots 41-42 Rafter T Ranch Lots 43-45, 61-62 Index of Consignors: Rising Creek Herefords Lots 46-47, 63 Schrader’s Polled Herefords Lots 48-51 Steinbeck Farms Lot 52 Wilde & Schanzmeyer Lots 53-54 Wirthmor Polled Herefords Lots 55-56 5-D Herefords Lot 57 FIND US ON FACEBOOK Central Missouri Polled Hereford Breeders Association 3 A Word from the Sale Manager Welcome to the 120th semi-annual sale of the Central Missouri Polled Hereford Breeders Association. As I start to write this letter of welcome, I looked back at my letter I wrote for the previous sale last April, my first thought was well some things never seem to change. We are still experiencing weather issues, politicians both local and nationally are making changes that directly influence this life that we so dearly love, and a war is actually in progress affecting us from so many miles away.
Rural Route Creations
Seventeen producers, some longtime members and several first time consignors are offering consign ments from the heart of their breeding programs, an excellent group of breeding tools to help replace or grow your own toolbox. Several of today’s most popular bloodlines are represented along with some of the old tried and true ones.
Cattle will be onsite Friday afternoon/evening if you want to come visit and inspect. As always contact consignors or myself with any questions you may have.
Hope to see you the 17th. And feel free to bring a couple friends along - they may see something they like Thanks,too.
Forage in some areas is in very short supply, many, many breeding cattle have been slaughtered leaving the future wide open to experience some cattle prices like we’ve never seen, some of the consignors are experiencing this and are offering a few more consignments than usual. Other areas are just as lush and green as can be if you are fortunate to be in these areas come spend Sat Sept. 17th with us and help yourself to that next herd bull or some females to use your good bull on.
to the following for their donation Lot 1A-C! Falling Timber Farms, Steinbeck Farms, Jordan Herefords, Bourbeuse Bend Herefords
Larry Day Design: I Washam I www.ruralroutecreations.com you

1A-CLots Donation Lot 1 FTF Confidence 6113D – Lot 1A Semen FTF Relevant 831F – Lot 1B Semen FTF Testimony 828F – Lot 1C Semen FTF CONFIDENCE 6113D 10 Straws Semen CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 3.6 1.6 73 122 37 74 4.9 0.16 0.27 121 Bull I P43751234 I 9/8/16 I 6113 HUTH PROSPECTOR K085 FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y FTF CHICK A BOOM 7227T RRH MR FELT 3008 HUTH 34A PAULA 68F FTF BOMBARDIER 309N FTF LEANNA 480P DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R JR MISS RIGHT 950J TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T FTF VERONICA 4107B FTF MS REVOLUTION 2424Z Consigned by: Steinbeck Farms, Falling Timber Farms 1A FTF RELEVANT 831F 10 Straws Semen CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 13.9 -3.2 60 87 33 63 8.5 0.5 0.55 139 Bull I P43911639 I 1/16/18 I 831 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET EF SCHU-LAR N106 OF 009K 434V EF G824 MABEL N174 FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N FTF ENHANCER 540R OVF MADELINE ROSE 504R MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R FTF MS REVOLUTION 626D OVF PRETTY MISS 702T Consigned by: Jordan Herefords, Falling Timber Farms 1B FTF TESTIMONY 828F 10 Straws Semen CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 3.4 2.8 73 117 29 66 4.3 0.51 0.91 164 Bull I P43911635 I 1/16/18 I 828 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET EF SCHU-LAR N106 OF 009K 434V EF G824 MABEL N174 SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 FTF CLASSIC MISS 0206X MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R FTF TRINA 926W FTF PRIME PRODUCT 226Z FTF PRIMETIME MISS 608D FTF MS REVOLUTION 424B Consigned by: Bourbeuse Bend Herefords, Falling Timber Farms 1C SPECIAL RATE FOR CENTRAL MISSOURI POLLEDBREEDERSHEREFORDSALEATTENDEES Day’s Inn Cuba 97 Oak Drive, Cuba, MO 65453 Telephone: 573-885-0100 Fax: 573-885-6461 SAM PATEL, general manager CATALOG MATERIAL All announcements at the sale by the owners or the auctioneer concerning the cattle will take precedence over statements in the sale catalog. Larry Day, as sale manager, acts only as an agent for the sellers and has no responsibilites other than those involved in conducting the sale. 4

2-4LotsACES LMP 10Y COMMRAD 115J Commrad is a 16 month herd sire prospect sired by MHF 10Y Bazyli 1455B, a son of the great NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET out of one of our very best Revolution 4R daughters. His dam is also the mother of Aces LMP Patriot 911G, our young junior herd sire. Commrad has a lot of eye appeal and packed with muscle and correctness. He is tested and ready to go. He also has been tested for MS Neg. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 5.4 2 60 94 23 53 3.8 0.16 0.5 116 Bull I P44248130 I 5/12/21 I 115J NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET MHF 10Y BAZYLI 1455B MHF CC CARLA 1207Z SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S MHF C.C. MOHICAN864UDARCIE 12R FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET R&L STACY MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R ACES LADY RUBY 520A2 ACES MS RUBY 520X Consigned by: Ace’s Polled Herefords 2 Lot 2 Lot 3 ACES LMP TIFFANTY 512 106J Tiffanty comes from the top end of our bred heifers. A big stout daughter of JCH Victor 719T 33Z ET out of a Mason 2214 daughter. Exposed to MHPH 106A Frontier 112F for a March or April 2023 calving date. More calving in formation sale day. She is going to make a very nice cow for her new owner. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 3.5 2.2 61 88 30 61 1.4 0.05 0.6 136 Cow I P44248074 I 2/21/21 I 106J TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T JDH VICTOR 719T 33Z ET JDH MS YANKEE 11U ET DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 AH YANKEE 10S JDF MS ISAACS 075 60N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 GKB 31 GRACE 7100 STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET R&L STACY CHAC MASON 2214 ACES MS TIFFANTY 520X 512C ACES MS RUBY 520X Consigned by: Ace’s Polled Herefords 3 ACES MISS MONICA 901Z 702E Monica comes from the heart of our breeding program - an own daughter of CHAC Mason 2214. She has done a outstanding job for us. We are retaining two of her daughters in herd. Selling a show heif er prospect at side. She is safe AI to C&L KJ 364C Jalapeno 973E. Be sure and see Monica and her fancy heifer at side on sale day. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -1.7 4.4 47 74 22 45 1.9 -0.12 0.54 95 Cow I P43767382 I 1/20/17 I 702E CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHAC MASON 2214 GKB 31 GRACE 7100 THM DURANGO 4037 CRR D03 CASSIE 206 CCLC GKB PURE GOLD 31 L STAR GOLDIE P153 GHCC FREIGHTLINER S4 R&L STACY JDB TURN KEY X53 A31 MHF 309N PAM 629S R&L ACES DIMENSION 928 ACES MS. BANNER 901Z R&L MISS TURN KEY Consigned by: Ace’s Polled Herefords 4 ACES LADY MONICA 702E 212K Calved 1-31-2022, sired by MHPH 106A Frontier 112F, a Canadian bred Bull. We, here at Ace, think this might be the best herd bull we have ever used. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 0.5 3.4 55 87 29 57 3.1 -0.06 0.44 102 Cow I P44335976 I 1/31/22 I 212K MHPH 521X ACTION 106A MHPH 106A FRONTIER 112F PCL LOVELY LADY 49Y 102B TH 122 71I VICTOR 521X ET MHPH 301W DAINTY 205Y PCL YUKON R117 ET 49Y PCL LOVELY LADY 10H ET 7X CRR ABOUT TIME 743 GKB 31 GRACE 7100 R&L ACES DIMENSION 928 R&L MISS TURN KEY CHAC MASON 2214 ACES MISS MONICA 901Z 702E ACES MS. BANNER 901Z Consigned by: Ace’s Polled Herefords 4A Lot 4 5 Become a member today! Central Missouri Polled Hereford Breeders Association Contact: Larry Day • Secretary/Treasurer Download application online at: www.centralmissouripolledherefords.com

5-7Lots 6 ACES MS BRITTANY 520A2 706E Brittany is another one of our top producing Mason 2214 daughters, and we are retaining her heifer calf at side sired by Frontier 112F. She will be selling bred to MHPH 106A Frontier 112F, safe for an early spring 2023 calf. Two years ago she produced the reserve champion steer at the Butler County Fair in 2019. This heifer was shown when she was a calf, after we turned her out to pasture as a yearling we had the misfortune of her having pinkeye problems. She can see and get around ok. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -3.2 3.8 55 85 24 51 -2.4 -0.02 0.65 106 Cow I P43767393 I 2/1/17 I 706E CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHAC MASON 2214 GKB 31 GRACE 7100 THM DURANGO 4037 CRR D03 CASSIE 206 CCLC GKB PURE GOLD 31 L STAR GOLDIE P153 FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET R&L STACY MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R ACES LADY RUBY 520A2 ACES MS RUBY 520X Consigned by: Ace’s Polled Herefords 5 Lot 5 BADE 45Z MISTY 1431 1431 was pasture exposed from 3-1-22 to 8-1-22 to CMF 128W ATTABOY 68A (43452753). CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 2.9 2.7 55 87 31 58 3 0.04 0.49 115 Cow I P43539320 I 11/23/14 I 1431 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET NJW 73S W18 HOME RANCH 45Z ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 NJW 94J DEW 72N TRM 37E 121 KING 3238 CMF 314E ROSE 695N BOYD BEEF 6002 ET TRM J29 CHLOE 3124 4207 CMF 695N TYSON 935T BADE 935T MISTY 1126 KBJ 6002 MISTY 916 Consigned by: Bade Polled Herefords 6 BADE ACO 265D SARA 1819 1819 was pasture exposed from 3-29-22 to 8-1-22 to CMF 128W ATTABOY 68A (43452753). CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 5.5 1.4 63 93 31 63 3.7 0.08 0.49 110 Cow I P43972003 I 9/12/18 I 1819 R LEADER 6964 CMF 12Z DECKER 265D CMF 695N ROSE 12Z HYALITE ON TARGET 936 R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I CMF 314E ROSE 695N CS CMF P606 MOJO U408 CMF 906T RENE 128W NJW 73S W18 HOME RANCH 45Z ET BADE KBJ 6002 SARA 1101 CMF 128W ATTABOY 68A BADE ACO 68A SARA 1622 BADE KBJ 45Z SARA 1409 Consigned by: Bade Polled Herefords 7 BADE 128H HARRISON 2211 Born March 29,2022. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 5.7 1.2 58 82 31 60 4.3 0.06 0.41 104 Bull I P44361202 I 3/29/22 I 2211 BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 LJR MSU 6153 HARRY 128H MOHICAN MOCHA M45A R LEADER 6964 NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET MOHICAN WHEATLAND 60W SSF 44F LADY JAVA 901 ET R LEADER 6964 CMF 695N ROSE 12Z CMF 128W ATTABOY 68A BADE KBJ 45Z SARA 1409 CMF 12Z DECKER 265D BADE ACO 265D SARA 1819 BADE ACO 68A SARA 1622 Consigned by: Bade Polled Herefords 7A WARNING: Under Missouri Law, an equine activity sponsor, an equine professional, a livestock activity sponsor, a livestock owner, a livestock facility, a livestock auction market, or any employee therof is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine or livestock activities resulting from inherent risks of equine or livestock activities pursuant to the revised statutes of Missouri. Central Missouri Polled Hereford Breeder’s Association Mark your calendar for our spring sale April 8, 2023! Lot 7

7 8-12LotsBADE 45Z PRICELESS 2015 2015 was pasture exposed from 1-4-22 to 8-1-22 to LJR MSU 6153 HARRY 128H (44140207). CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 5.6 0.9 55 88 32 60 4.5 0 0.63 107 Cow I P44200724 I 8/12/20 I 2015 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET NJW 73S W18 HOME RANCH 45Z ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 NJW 94J DEW 72N DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I FTF CHICK A BOOM 7227T FTF TOP SECRET 801U JJH CLASY SHANA 8348U FTF PRINCE LEE 925W FTF PRICELESS 4435B FTF SECRET SHANA 0111X Consigned by: Bade Polled Herefords 9 BADE 45Z CANDY 2018 2018 was pasture exposed from 1-4-22 to 8-1-22 to LJR MSU 6153 HARRY 128H (44140207). CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 3.3 2 60 94 32 62 2.2 0.15 0.62 131 Cow I P44182817 I 8/24/20 I 2018 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET NJW 73S W18 HOME RANCH 45Z ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 NJW 94J DEW 72N KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y CS CMF P606 MOJO U408 SF VICTORIA 925 103 GERBER ANODYNE 001A CMF 30Z VICTORIA 174C CMF 103L VICTORIA 30Z Consigned by: Bade Polled Herefords 10 BADE KBJ 265D SARA 2021 2021 2018 was pasture exposed from 1-4-22 to 8-1-22 to LJR MSU 6153 HARRY 128H (44140207). CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 4 2.3 62 94 30 61 3 0.05 0.5 110 Cow I P44182823 I 9/15/20 I 2021 R LEADER 6964 CMF 12Z DECKER 265D CMF 695N ROSE 12Z HYALITE ON TARGET 936 R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I CMF 314E ROSE 695N SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S BOYD BEEF 6002 ET JJD SARA 8058 NJW 73S W18 HOME RANCH 45Z ET BADE KBJ 45Z SARA 1721 BADE KBJ 6002 SARA 1101 Consigned by: Bade Polled Herefords 11 BADE KMS 68A ROSE 2115 2115 is an open heifer. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 0.2 2.8 60 88 34 64 1.5 0.07 0.48 111 Cow I P44290856 I 8/22/21 I 2115 CS CMF P606 MOJO U408 CMF 128W ATTABOY 68A CMF 906T RENE 128W PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 CS VICKY 71I N270 TRM 37E 121 KING 3238 CMF 538K RENE 906T SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S BOYD BEEF 6002 ET SF ROSE 925 378 NJW 73S W18 HOME RANCH 45Z ET BADE KMS 45Z ROSE 1635 BADE KMB 6002 ROSE 1214 Consigned by: Bade Polled Herefords 12 PLEASE BRING YOUR CATALOG WITH YOU TO THE SALE! Lot 11 BADE KBJ 45Z VICTORIA 1913 1913 was pasture exposed from 9-30-21 to 4-10-22 to LJR MSU 6153 HARRY 128H (44140207). Could calve by sale day. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 6 1.3 55 85 39 66 4.7 0.09 0.59 125 Cow I P44096485 I 9/5/19 I 1913 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET NJW 73S W18 HOME RANCH 45Z ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 NJW 94J DEW 72N TRM 37E 121 KING 3238 CMF 314E ROSE 695N DR WORLD CLASS 517 10H JJD VICTORIA GOLD 2018 CMF 695N TYSON 935T BADE KBJ 935T VICTORIA 1223 JJD VICTORIA 23T ET Consigned by: Bade Polled Herefords 8 Lot 12

13-18Lots 8 KHP 2296 EMMA 427J Sired by the popular 2296, out of a Hometown 10Y daughter, that was our pick of cows from the Falling Timber Farms sale in 2019. Bred to Domino 1109 on June 18th. Due to calve March 27th. Safe in calf with sexed heifer. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 9.6 1.1 51 83 34 60 5 0.04 0.5 102 Cow I 44273986 I 3/15/21 I 427J CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X UPS SENSATION 2296 ET UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET UPS DOMINO 3027 CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET GH NEON 17N LCC TWO TIMIN 438 ET SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S FTF BOMBARDIER 309N FTF CANDACE 123L NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET FTF HOMETOWN HONEY 427B FTF CHICK A BOOM 961W Consigned by: Kerrigan Page, Butler Polled Herefords 13 TC MR BO JANGLES 300H These animals are the last of my herd. This is my herd bull. I liked this calf since I first saw him. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 5.3 2.2 58 86 22 51 4.2 0.31 0.09 118 Bull I P44120734 I 3/30/20 I TC300H KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET CMF 64X EXPRESS 350E CMF 512J SARA 64X SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I CMF 104F SARA 512J FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 JDB MISS ALLEGRO J52 ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R JDB 4R REVA Y020 JDB 745 VICKY LYN L60 Consigned by: Cavanaugh Farms 14 TC MISS LAURA 283G Pasture exposed to TC MR. BO JANGLES 300H (44120734) from 3-21-22 to 9-16-22. Heifer calf has not been weaned. No shots and has not been crept fed, born 3.21.22 (44335052). Will sell as a pair. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -0.7 2.8 47 80 20 44 0.1 -0.03 0.46 103 Cow I P44047630 I 7/28/19 I TC283G SF 39U KING OLIVER 120 TC 120 MR BUCK 152B LJR VICTRA DOM 85R CMF 647M UNIVERSE 39U SF VICTRA 347 948 DL VICTOR F243 24Y LJR MICKEY 278N NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET GLENGROVE TABITHA T1 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R TC MISS ALLIE 23U GLENGROVE 100W BRENDAN Z14 TC MISS MANDY 227D TC MISS MELODY 72Y Consigned by: Cavanaugh Farms 15 Lot 13 TC MISS MARGO 275F Pasture exposed to TC MR. BO JANGLES 300H from 4-14-22 to 9-16-22. Bull calf has not been weaned. No shots and has not been crept fed, born 4-14-22 (44342475). Will sell as a pair. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -8.1 6 59 99 24 54 -4.3 -0.09 0.54 100 Cow I P43940517 I 8/14/18 I TC275F SF 39U KING OLIVER 120 TC 120 MR BUCK 152B LJR VICTRA DOM 85R CMF 647M UNIVERSE 39U SF VICTRA 347 948 DL VICTOR F243 24Y LJR MICKEY 278N NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET GLENGROVE TABITHA T1 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R TC MISS ALLIE 23U GLENGROVE 100W BRENDAN Z14 TC MISS CHERYL 202C TC MISS MELODY 72Y Consigned by: Cavanaugh Farms 16 TC MISS PEANUT 233F Pasture exposed to TC MR. BO JANGLES 300H (44120734) from 3-27-22 to 9-16-22. Bull calf has not been weaned. No shots and has not been crept fed, born 3-27-22 (44336717). Will sell as a pair. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -7.8 6.6 62 105 23 54 -3.3 -0.11 0.44 106 Cow I P43947492 I 9/04/18 I 233F FTF VALUE ADDED 345A DFF 345A CONTANKEROUS 508 DFF 1Y ANNA 308 TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T FTF MISS RIB EYE 103Y APH 743 JUSTIN TIME 1Y DFF P68 PHOEBE 924 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET GLENGROVE TABITHA T1 LJR N356 RANCHER 179R LJR GENETIC QUEEN 282J GLENGROVE 100W BRENDAN Z14 TC MISS SPICE 219D TC MISS NICOLE 56X Consigned by: Cavanaugh Farms 17 WMC DFF 001A JETSON 19G Proven herd sire here! Our choice of the Spring 2019 bull calves at wean ing from WMC - check out his EPD’s. Proven calving ease on purebred, commercial cows and heifers, calves have excellent growth. Don’t let his 3 1/2 year age deter you, this guy is youthful and sound as a cat. DNA tested. Will be semen and trich tested. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 9.8 0.5 52 83 21 47 6.8 0.28 0.59 149 Bull I P44063918 I 1/21/19 I 19G KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 GERBER ANODYNE 001A GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET KCF MISS 3008 N344 GERBER SQUIRE 627S GERBER 116K HOLLY T115 LOEWEN M326 SIR 33T HVH QUEEN 1022 37S MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R CMF 798R SARA 47X LOEWEN 33T 19W CMF 9A SARA 203C CMF 47X SARA 9A Consigned by: Days Family Farm 18 Lot 18

19-21Lots 9 Become a member today! Central Missouri Polled Hereford Breeders Association Contact: Larry Day • Secretary/Treasurer Download application online at: www.centralmissouripolledherefords.comRTRHOMETRACKBELLE127G Four-year-old we purchased as a bred heifer through this sale from our good friends the Treece’s. She has left us an awesome heifer in our replacement pen. Her Jetson (lot 18) sired heifer at side is proof of her producing abilities. AI’d to Perfecto 5-25-22. Pasture exposed to Habanero (lot 23) 6-15-22 to sale time. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 7.4 0.6 39 65 27 47 0.1 0.21 0.35 118 Cow I P44071908 I 1/27/19 I RTR127G NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET PRF 10Y HOME TRACK 523C EF BONNIE M326 T113 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 EF CANDY 262D M16 THM SLEEP EASY 3060 C&L NJB BELLE 30N PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 LJR REBA 34K NJB 3060 GAUCHO 829 LJR MSU BELLE 295Z LJR LORIE 335W Consigned by: Days Family Farm 19 DFF 19G KALLIE 208 Show prospect here! Jetson (lot 18) sired beauty - this lady will show and draw attention. Again, short supply of forage is the only reason this kind leaves the farm. Check our Facebook pages for picture updates. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 7.5 0.7 46 74 24 47 2.9 0.22 0.43 130 Cow I P44328123 I 2/19/22 I DFF208 GERBER ANODYNE 001A WMC DFF 001A JETSON 19G CMF 9A SARA 203C KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y LOEWEN 33T 19W CMF 47X SARA 9A NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET EF BONNIE M326 T113 NJB 3060 GAUCHO 829 LJR LORIE 335W PRF 10Y HOME TRACK 523C RTR HOMETRACK BELLE 127G LJR MSU BELLE 295Z Consigned by: Days Family Farm 19A Lot 19A Hills-Galore 44Z Resolute 128D - Sire of Lot 20 DFF 128D GEORGIA 912 Opportunities to purchase a Resolute 128D daughter at auction are rare! This big-ribbed, excellent uddered gem with her late April bull calf at side will work into many programs. Pasture exposed to Jetson (lot 18). Breed ing info available sale day. Lot 20A bull calf sired by Jetson. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 1.8 2.8 61 108 28 59 4.5 0.21 0.76 133 Cow I P44015516 I 2/9/19 I DFF912 RST X51 REVOLUTION 4102 HILLS-GALORE 44Z RESOLUTE 128D HILLS-GALORE 52R CALLI 44Z KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 RST MS 1030 TOP SECRET 5128 JB 531 BRAXTON CAL 605U HILLS-GALORE 32G MAY 52R KJ C&L J119 LOGIC 023R ET LJR DAWN 152P LJR N356 RANCHER 179R JDB J12 LADY ENDURE L23 LJR MSU MISSOULA 49X TC MISS BETH 162B TC MISS LOLA 33W Consigned by: Days Family Farm 20 DFF 605 HONEY 026 Awesome young cow that came in dam from our friends the Aufdenburg’s and Reynold’s sale. Sired by Mr. Wonderful and out of a Trust dam. Tight feed supply forces us to sell a few extra head. Look her up sale day. AI’d May 26, 2022. Safe to APH 4356 Colorado 15G. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 0.3 3.4 51 88 26 52 -0.5 0.25 0.38 128 Cow I P44113003 I 2/22/20 I DFF026 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET PHH PCC DOSS MR WONDERFUL 605 PHH PCC 2029 BLAZER 413 ET KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET RST MS 1000 BLAZER 2029 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S JR P183 RIVAL T205 KDL ASHLEY NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET LONGCORES 100W ATHENA 1322 LONGCORES KDL T205 AUDREY Consigned by: Days Family Farm 21 APH 4356 Colorado 15 G - Service sire of Lot 21

22-25Lots 10 ABRA 5E 407D GIDGET 39H Grandson Isaac offering this outstanding bred heifer. Take a look at the list of sires in this pedigree - surely a can’t miss. Short supply of forage causing us all to let go of a few extra that would normally stay. Pasture exposed to junior herd sire DFF 19G Jack 105 (son of lot 18). Breeding info available sale day. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 3.8 2.3 58 98 31 60 4.2 0.09 0.6 129 Cow I P44208988 I 11/28/20 I ABRA39H CHURCHILL RED BULL 200Z CFH 200Z RED BULL 5E FTF MS PROSPECTOR 415B CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X CHURCHILL LADY 002X ET FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y FTF SONNET 011X KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T STAR PPL GIDGET 384T ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET DSB 1090 100W GIDGET 407D ET NLC 719T MS GIDGET 1090 Consigned by: Days Family Farm, Isaac Day 22 Churchill Red Bull 200Z - Grandsire of Lot 22 Lot 23 AR 973E HABANERO 040 Granddaughter Aubrey’s first born from former show heifer. Sired by Jalapeno.This homozygous 25-month-old is ready for a herd of cows purebred or commercial, as he will sire a great set of calves. Halter broke, semen and trich tested. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 0.1 3.5 71 106 33 68 -2.1 0.01 0.4 104 Bull I P44186721 I 8/14/20 I AR040 R LEADER 6964 C&L RR KJ 364C JALAPENO 973E KJ BJ DWE 686Z SALSA 364C ET HYALITE ON TARGET 936 R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 KJ 968R ZSA ZSA 686Z ET FTF VALUE ADDED 345A DFF 1Y ANNA 308 LJR MSU 0178 ACCORD 329A TC MISS NICKY 118Z DFF 345A CONTANKEROUS 508 TC MISS DANA 271F TC MISS JACKIE 211D Consigned by: Days Family Farm, Aubrey Ritchie 23 OAKS ALL IN 1002G Former show heifer Aubrey purchased from our friends at Shingle Oaks. This Cat apult daughter had a very successful show career. Decided to offer her for sale to make room for next years project. Should calve by sale day to Jetson (Lot 18). CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 3.2 2.3 57 87 30 58 -0.1 -0.15 0.37 85 Cow I P44080509 I 10/2/19 I 1002G TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 CRR 4037 ECLIPSE 808 DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 THM DURANGO 4037 CRR 420 ECLIPSE 688 CS BOOMER 29F THM 7085 VICTRA 9036 GO 3196 ADVANCE S109 NJW 29M INVESTOR GAL 129R THM DURANGO 4037 OAKS IM ALL RIGHT 1119B OAKS BRAGN RIGHTS 1209Z ET Consigned by: Days Family Farm, Aubrey Ritchie 24 GCC HARRISON 16H 16H is backed by some of the most productive cow families in the breed stem ming back to the HVH Oksana 4L 33N. Long as a Cadillac with plenty of rib and hip. Will add plenty of length and carcass to any calf crop. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 3.9 0.9 60 96 38 68 -2 -0.08 0.81 94 Bull I P44293401 I 10/27/20 I GCC 16H TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T MEAD 755T VICTOR R104 MEAD N468 OF K060 028X DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 223 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X MEAD K060 OF 194R 4R SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 HVH OKSANA 4L 33N MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R C&L MISS ADVANCE 22S 19X LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET C & L CHRISTIE 50U 6B C&L MISS RACHAEL 4R 12Z Consigned by: Grayson Cattle Company 25 Lot 24 Lot 25

26-29Lots 11 GCC FERGUSON 21J This bull has been a standout from day one! Pedigree and performance all rolled into a phenotypically correct package. Actual BW 76, WW 794, YW 1028. This young bull will add growth and structure to any herd. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -2.6 3.6 56 97 20 48 1.1 0.16 0.56 141 Bull I P44293404 I 2/24/21 I GCC 21J BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 LJR MSU 6153 GAINES 113G LJR MSU HOPE 250A R LEADER 6964 NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET LJR 023R LOGIC 68U LJR MADISON 128W ALH 034 PLATO DOM 0424 DJB 46B BETH 1L RHF MOBILE 616S RHF RESERVE POWER 223L 653S GRANDVIEW CMR PLATO DOM W916ET WF 0424 AINSLEE A9805 HCF GM ERICA 805 Consigned by: Grayson Cattle Company 26 GCC MACY 22J Don’t overlook this horned heifer on sale day! She has all the breeding pieces to be a productive cow in any herd. Feminine in the front with plenty of rib and shape all on a great set of feet. AI’d to Jalapeno 973E on 5-24-22 and PE to GCC Kremlin 15H from 6-8-22 to 8-8-22. Breeding info available on sale day. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 12.8 0.5 54 91 26 53 11.5 0.56 0.36 143 Cow I 44293390 I 2/18/21 I GCC 22J EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET WMC X651 TESTED 85F WMC 63A VACA 109D EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 NJW 135U 10Y HOMETOWN 63A ET WMC Y509 VISION OF TROJAN 38A GERBER ANODYNE 001A LOEWEN MISS Z51 18Z 19B LOEWEN 33N RED BULL B56 ET LOEWEN MISS P606 18X 5A LOEWEN DIRECTION 57C MHF 57C 4E G03 MHF B56 MS. MAKER 5A 4E Consigned by: Grayson Cattle Company 27 Lot 26 Lot 27 GCC MAGGIE 11H This heifer puts it all together from a structure standpoint. Feminine with plenty of shape on good feet. Stemming back to the popular Blueprint 31Z bull. MSUDC. A.I. to Mandate 66589 ET on 5-24-22 and PE to GCC Krem lin 15H from 6-8-22 to 8-8-22. Breeding info available on sale day. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 4.5 1.5 47 75 23 46 4.2 0.02 0.39 112 Cow I P44293400 I 2/20/21 I GCC 11H BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 LJR MSU 6153 GAINES 113G LJR MSU HOPE 250A R LEADER 6964 NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET LJR 023R LOGIC 68U LJR MADISON 128W HYALITE ON TARGET 936 LGV 82P THERSA 735 GRANDVIEW CMR PLATO DOM W916ET WF 735 936 LIMELIGHT 4057 GCC CAROL 701 WF 0424 REBA A15 #2 3013 Consigned by: Grayson Cattle Company 28 Lot 28 HCF GM F480 PERFECTION J42 J42 sired by our Kickstart son and dam from C of O. Several proven and popular animals in his pedigree. J42 is very gentle and halter broke. Dark red, traditional Hereford markings. Big, stout beef bull. Low BW 72lbs. Good EPD’s. Will be DNA profiled and semen tested. Homozygous Polled. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -2.3 3.2 62 103 20 51 -1.6 -0.33 0.4 85 Bull I P44243348 I 4/15/21 I J42 CHURCHILL KICKSTART 501C ET KACZ 58Y FRANCHISE 501C F480 NJW ABRA 100W SERENITY 58Y ET CHURCHILL RED BULL 200Z HVH OKSANA 4L 33N NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET SDL VLY 7C SERENADE 139J TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T COFO MS LEGEND 113X COFO MEAT PACKER 493 COFO MS ADVANCE 236 COFO 719 TOBY Z45 COFO MS VICTORS CLEO COFO 493W CYNTHIA Z65 Consigned by: Hatchee Creek Farms 29 Lot 29

30-33Lots Lot 30 HCF GM 480 GINGER J44 J44 is out of a first time calf heifer. Dark red, red-eyed and very gentle. Halter broke, OVC’D. BW 65lbs. Some very popular and proven animals in her pedigree. Sells open. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 5.2 1.3 56 87 23 51 3.8 -0.04 0.64 107 Cow I P44304521 I 8/20/21 I J44 CHURCHILL KICKSTART 501C ET KACZ 58Y FRANCHISE 501C F480 NJW ABRA 100W SERENITY 58Y ET CHURCHILL RED BULL 200Z HVH OKSANA 4L 33N NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET SDL VLY 7C SERENADE 139J MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R FTF FABULOUS 189Y STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET JDB P606 VICTRA BOOMER S015 HCF GM 4R REMINGTON 25A HCF GM 4R MARYSE F18 JDB 533P BRIGHT VICTRA W061 Consigned by: Hatchee Creek Farms 30 HCF GM LADY DANTE J45 J45 has lots of eye pigmentation. Sired by Chez Dante 652D, an R Leader son. She is alert, but very docile. OVC’D, halter broke. Sells open. Good EPD’s. Good udder and teat numbers. I purchased her dam at Missouri Hereford Opportunity sale. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 6.2 1.3 55 87 27 55 1.5 0.14 0.28 120 Cow I P44304532 I 8/14/21 I J45 R LEADER 6964 CHEZ DANTE 652D ET R SWEET RED WINE 039 HYALITE ON TARGET 936 R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R R MISS WRANGLER 207 TH 133U 719T UPGRADE 69X NJW M326 UNFORGETTABLE 76W ET LOEWEN FOUNDATION 34X LILAC MISS DELIGHT 410P MOHICAN THM EXCEDE Z426 CMH DELIGHT 9147 LILAC MISS DELIGHT 34X 844Z Consigned by: Hatchee Creek Farms 31 Lot 31 KCC Z4 MAC 114D J122 DNA tested; homozygous polled, 18-month-old with great eye-appeal. Dark red color and well balanced. Powerful ge netics with paternal grandsire NJW Twenty Twelve, granddam Loewen Miss 68T and maternal grandsire Revolution 4R. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 2.6 0.9 44 71 12 33 1.7 0.07 0.4 94 Bull I P44266108 I 2/16/21 I J122 NJW 78P TWENTYTWELVE 190Z ET KACZ 68T FRONTIER 190Z 114D LOEWEN P606 MISS 68T NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET NJW BW LADYSPORT DEW 78P ET PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 HVH OKSANA 10Z 57F FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N R PUCKSTER 2013 R MISS COMBO 1861 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R KACZ 4K REVOLUTION Z4 R MISS PUCKSTER 99 Consigned by: Kaczmarek Cattle Company 32 KACZ 111D RUBY 2058 F487 Bred to (43891036) KACZ 9144W Charger C202 F486 - will calve in spring. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -0.1 2.2 50 93 22 47 1.7 0.16 0.41 105 Cow I P43891037 I 2/6/18 I F487 BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BOYD DR MASTERPIECE 2058 BOYD DR QUEEN TEN 9013 SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 SSF P606 MS VICTOR 803 FELTONS LEGEND 242 JJD MS QUEEN ONLINE 4256 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET 4K APOLLO P51 H9 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R 4K CHRISY P32 K62 KACZ P51 HOUDINI 100W 102A ET KACZ 20A CINNAMON 102A 111D KACZ 4K 4R ANNA P32 20A ET Consigned by: Kaczmarek Cattle Company 33 Lot 32 Lot 33 12 Mark calendaryourforourspringsaleApril8!

34-36Lots Lot 34 KACZ 110B ENCORE Z311 D148 Bred to (43891036) KACZ 9144W Charger C202 F486 - will calve in spring 2023. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -1 3.6 63 110 22 54 3.3 0.42 0.39 151 Cow I P43781001 I 8/27/16 I D148 SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET SCHU-LAR 5N OF 9L 3008 SCHU-LAR 208 OF 1H 121 ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R JW 718 VICTORIA 9106 BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BOYD DR QUEEN TEN 9013 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R KJ 434T RACHEL 925W BOYD DR MASTERPIECE 2058 KACZ 474Y RUBY 2058 110B KJ 925W REBA 407Y Consigned by: Kaczmarek Cattle Company 34 KACZ 59B RUBY 2058 105D This cow comes with powerful genetics with grandsires Boyd Masterpiece and Trust 100W. Bred to (43891036) KACZ 9144W Charger C202 F486. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -0.7 3.1 50 102 25 50 2 0.1 0.49 111 Cow I P43673255 I 2/29/16 I 105D BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BOYD DR MASTERPIECE 2058 BOYD DR QUEEN TEN 9013 SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 SSF P606 MS VICTOR 803 FELTONS LEGEND 242 JJD MS QUEEN ONLINE 4256 ET KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KFF GK MILKMAN G605 ET 4K HERITAGE H9 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET KACZ P51 MS APOLLO 100W 59B ET 4K APOLLO P51 H9 Consigned by: Kaczmarek Cattle Company 35 KCC 105D FINLEY F33 K234 This bull has rapid growth and great eye appeal. Weaned. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 6.6 0.8 52 93 24 50 5.4 0.1 0.54 122 Bull I P44342012 I 1/25/22 I K234 GERBER ANODYNE 001A LOEWEN LJ FERDINAND 33N F33 ET HVH OKSANA 4L 33N KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y HVH KREMLIN 57F 108K HVH GENETIC QUEEN 53H 4L BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BOYD DR QUEEN TEN 9013 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET 4K APOLLO P51 H9 BOYD DR MASTERPIECE 2058 KACZ 59B RUBY 2058 105D KACZ P51 MS APOLLO 100W Consigned by: Kaczmarek Cattle Company 35A MMM GRACE J22 J22 is the first we’ve offered out of our young sire Ground Floor. She is packed full of performance and longevity on both sides of the pedigree. Her paternal great granddam is still a top per former, with the udder of a heifer at 14 years old. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 5.3 0.8 54 82 26 53 3.9 0.22 0.32 123 Cow I P44297170 I 11/1/21 I J22 FTF PRIME PRODUCT 226Z MMM 226Z GROUND FLOOR G02 MMM ELSA E01 SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 FTF CLASSIC MISS 0206X NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET LJR HAZEL 42U C&L CT FEDERAL 485T 6Y LJR QUEEN 70U CMF CS U408 PROGRESSION Y449 LJR MSU DEW DOMINO 202Y LJR MSU 6Y DAKOTA 121D MMM FLORA G12 LJR MSU LADY ADVANCE 322A Consigned by: McCorkill Family Farms 36 Lot 35 Lot 35A CATALOG MATERIAL All announcements at the sale by the owners or the auctioneer concerning the cattle will take precedence over statements in the sale catalog. Larry Day, as sale manager, acts only as an agent for the sellers and has no responsibilites other than those involved in conducting the sale. 13

MMM ELSA J07 J07’s
a livestock activity sponsor, a livestock owner, a livestock facility, a livestock auction market, or any employee
37-41Lots 14
WARNING: Under Missouri Law, an activity an professional, therof is not liable for an injury the death of a participant resulting from inherent of activities pursuant to the revised statutes of Missouri.
Central Missouri Polled HerefordBreeder’s Association dam is
in equine or livestock activities
a rock star! She is full of milk and still an easy keeper that always breeds back early. She should fit her momma’s mold. She’s just as nice on paper as she is in person. AI bred to MMM 226Z Ground Floor G02 (44064365) on 4-29, pasture exposed to L III NCC E158 2038 (44224722) from 5-15 to 8-11. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 8.4 1.0 43 67 21 43 2.7 0.14 0.33 104 Cow I P44232679 I 3/1/21 I SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 NJW 94J DEW 72N CMF 463H DESIGN 571K RHF PLAYMATE 987 301N KJ C&L J119 LOGIC 023R ET GMF ERIN J904 LJR 571K TRACE 277T LJR MSU TRACY 206B LJR MSU HAZEL 304X Consigned by: McCorkill Family Farms 37 Lot 37 LPH 028X SAPPHIRE 2F This Sensation 028X daughter and Prospector 145Y granddaughter is a great momma. She is moderate in size and will make a productive addition to your herd. She sells open and ready to breed to the bull of your choice. Has a Porterhouse bull calf at side, LPH 31H Sampson 25K (44377071), born 6/22/2022, BW 72 lbs. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 7.2 0.2 51 78 35 61 5 0.19 0.28 106 Cow I P44130482 I 1/24/18 I 12F UPS DOMINO 3027 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 GH RAMBO 279R CL 1 DOMINETTE 301N HUTH PROSPECTOR K085 FTF CHICK A BOOM 7227T KJ C&L J119 LOGIC 023R ET MPPH MISS MIGHTY 15P FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y LPH 145Y GOLD MINE 8D APH LOGAN 1W Consigned by: Lizzie Polled Herefords 38 LCC 0124 BE MERRY 537 This RST Times A Wastin 0124 daughter is sure to please and is an easy keeper. If we were not phasing out of our Spring calving herd, she would not be leaving the farm. AI bred to Sensation 028X on 5-18-2022. Safe. Due to calve late February 2023. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 4.3 1.7 51 81 16 41 6.2 -0.02 0.53 116 Cow I 43592238 I 1/28/15 I 537 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 RST TIMES A WASTIN 0124 RST MS 1000 BLAZER 2029 THM DURANGO 4037 CRR D03 CASSIE 206 MJB BLAZER 1000 MS RST 858 VICTOR 9059 REMITALL KEYNOTE 20X BR L1 DOMINETTE 8077 MSU STAR DR HEADMASTER MSU MERRY 15G ET MSU BR HALLMARK 25H LCC 25H CROWN MERRY 5Y ET MSU BR MERRY 24K Consigned by: Lizzie Polled Herefords 39 LPH 145Y GOLD MINE 8D A terrific Prospector 145Y daughter and Logic 023R granddaughter, she has proven herself time and again. We are retaining a daughter in our herd. Bred to our LPH 7102E Hondo 41H (#44377649) bull, a promising Logic 023R grandson. Due to calve mid-March 2023. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 2.8 2.6 54 87 23 50 3.5 0.09 0.16 107 Cow I P43666967 I 1/21/16 I 8D HUTH PROSPECTOR K085 FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y FTF CHICK A BOOM 7227T RRH MR FELT 3008 HUTH 34A PAULA 68F FTF BOMBARDIER 309N FTF LEANNA 480P DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I SHF INTERSTATE D03 J119 LJR 14G COLLEN 117L LF VIOLET 09K KJ C&L J119 LOGIC 023R ET APH LOGAN 1W MPPH MISS MIGHTY 15P Consigned by: Lizzie Polled Herefords 40 PRF 6964 LENA 824F ET Nice uddered, moderate framed, dark red daughter of Leader. She had the misfortune of losing her calf this winter through no fault of her own. Her first calf sold as a bred heifer in last year’s MO Opp sale and last year’s calf was one of our heaviest steers. Pasture exposed to PRF 88X HIGH ROLLER 401B ET from 2-25-22 to 8-31-22. Observed bred on 2-27-22. Preg status available sale day. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 7.7 1.4 53 81 19 45 4.6 0.28 0.3 118 Cow I P43993163 I 3/16/18 I PRF824F HYALITE ON TARGET 936 R LEADER 6964 R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S HYALITE TS LASS 310 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R R MISS WRANGLER 3007 REMITALL BOOMER 46B MM MISS PACE 124 FELTONS DOMINO 774 GERBER 8020 ROSY LANE 308N MW LLL FARLEY 24F STAR FORTUNE TELLER 163U GERBER 774 ROSY LANE 623S Consigned by: Phillips-Renner Farms 41 Lot 41
to or
equine or livestock

42-44Lots 15 Lot 42 PRF 16C ANNABELLE 924G Nice three year old daughter out of Abrakadabra’s Justice bull. She had a set of twins born this summer. (She got bred back before I got the bull pulled from the pasture last fall.) She claimed them both but we decided to pull the heifer calf off. Bull calf sired by PRF 6964 WAR ROOM 064 15H born on 7-23-22 sells at side. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 9.1 1.2 57 92 28 57 5.3 -0.17 0.48 94 Cow I P44201127 I 9/4/19 I PRF924G THT9011X AMERICAN HEREFORD 16A ABRA 16A JUSTICE 6C ET NJW 78P 408 LADYSPORT 67W TH 71U 719T MR HEREFORD 11X GO MS 3196 ADVANCE T90 CJH HARLAND 408 NJW BW LADYSPORT DEW 78P ET C&L CT FEDERAL 485T 6Y LJR MSU HOPE 183Y GV CMR IDEAL 424 X2096 LJR MSU HAZEL 64X LJR MSU 6Y ALL IN 260A PRF 260A ANNABELLE 728E LJR MSU LADY IDEAL 76A Consigned by: Phillips-Renner Farms 42 RTR OMAHA WILLIE An 18-month-old with a solid background of Boxtop (43630197) as a granddad. This bull will bring great genetics to your herd. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 3 2.5 59 94 29 59 2.3 0.09 0.26 104 Bull I P44316154 I 3/23/21 I RTR323J MPH Z3 BOX TOP C16 RTR FEDERAL BOXTOP LJR MSU WILLOW 223B MPH 10H JUICE BOX Z3 MPH 1030 BRANDI W19 C&L CT FEDERAL 485T 6Y LJR MSU VIRGINIA 47Z NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET EF BONNIE M326 T113 BR BENNETT N106 OF 5227 0178 LJR DAWN 112M PRF 10Y HOME TRACK 523C RTR HOMETRACK BABY 221G LJR MSU BIRDEE 117A Consigned by: Rafter T Ranch 43 RTR HOMETRACK HEATHER 0102H Two-year-old cow doing a great job of raising her first calf. Cow is MD free. She was AI’d to Perfecto 5-29-22 and pasture exposed to our good goggle-eyed Final Test son (P44117775). CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 1.2 2.8 46 74 27 50 -1.4 0.21 0.23 111 Cow I P44159245 I 1/2/20 I RTR0102H NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET PRF 10Y HOME TRACK 523C EF BONNIE M326 T113 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 EF CANDY 262D M16 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 LJR GENETIC QUEEN 65M LJR 260M SENTINEL 26S TRM MOHICAN BONITA 2268 LJR P606 ULTRA 350U LJR MSU WILLA 207Z MOHICAN PRECIOUS U10 Consigned by: Rafter T Ranch 44 RTR MISS NEW YORK Born 2-28-22 is an AI baby of R New York 5083 (P43399385). CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 2.7 1.8 60 90 25 55 -0.5 0.17 0.38 125 Cow I P44374532 I 2/28/22 I RTR0228K SHF YORK 19H Y02 R NEW YORK 5083 R MISS PUCKSTER 971 MSU MF HUDSON 19H LOEWEN MISS P20 10W R PUCKSTER 2586 R MISS REVOLUTION 159 NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET EF BONNIE M326 T113 LJR P606 ULTRA 350U MOHICAN PRECIOUS U10 PRF 10Y HOME TRACK 523C RTR HOMETRACK HEATHER 0102H LJR MSU WILLA 207Z Consigned by: Rafter T Ranch 44A Lot 43 Lot 44 Lot 44A

45-49Lots 16 Lot 45 RTR OMAHA NATASHA An open heifer - she is the granddaughter of Blueprint (P43764491) and Bennett Encore (P43387256). CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 4.7 2.5 58 99 22 51 6 0.25 0.2 120 Cow I P44317851 I 10/12/21 I RTR1012J BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 WMC BLUEPRINT 515C 42G CHURCHILL LADY 515C R LEADER 6964 NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET CHURCHILL RED BULL 200Z CHURCHILL LADY 398A SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET LILAC LIFT OFF 755X 892A LILAC VICKY X46 861Z KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET RTR ENCORE GAL 904G LILAC VICKY 892A 102D Consigned by: Rafter T Ranch 45 BB 4248 WILD BEEF 1749 ET This female is a rare find. Out of 12 embryos, she was the only one produced by this mating. She is out of Bonebrake’s tried and true Oxley cow and sire by Wildcat. Don’t pass her up! Pasture exposed from 1-8-22 to 3-20-22 to BB 6964 Leader 106G. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 3.8 2.9 44 70 28 50 -1.1 0.24 0.58 132 Cow I P43826317 I 1/29/17 I 1749 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET C ETF WILDCAT 4248 ET RPH MAIDEN 95T KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S SHF PHOENIX M33 P68 C MS GAME PLAN 5161 CH BEEF 7003 MISTY MR 045 IH 805 ADVANCE 3788 OXH ALICE 4294 MR BEEF 9045 OXH MRNA 1093 OXH JUDI 7197 Consigned by: Rising Creek Herefords 46 WMC 156T MILKMAID 72D There aren’t many chances for direct Mr. Maternal daughters, but here is one of them. Pigmented the right way. She was AI’ed to Boyd Power Surge 9024 on 12-25-21. Pasture exposed from 1-8-22 to 3-20-22 to BB 6964 Leader 106G. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -7.6 5.1 58 88 25 54 0.1 0.12 0.52 104 Cow I P43739215 I 9/2/16 I WMC72D PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 CMR GVP MR MATERNAL 156T JG WCN VICTRA 17 2103 REMITALL BOOMER 46B PW VICTORIA 964 8114 MHF VICTOR R125 17 MHF MS VIC A51 567 STAR OBF BOGART 5L GH PEARLINE ET 21N WAT JB POLLED TROJANS LUCKY 13 WAT CLOUD NINE’S LADY 4P STAR WMC BOOMIN BOGART 85W ET WMC 85W PEARL 45Y WAT LADY PEARL 23T Consigned by: Rising Creek Herefords 47 SH PRIME PRODUCT 7418E 115 Here’s a nice traditional marked bull out of my best uddered cow. She always does an excellent job. His sire is a PRIME PRODUCT son for Falling Timber Farms. Will be semen and Trich tested. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ Bull I P44320636 I 2/19/21 I 115 FTF PRIME PRODUCT 226Z FTF PRIME PRODUCT 7418E FTF CLASSY LADY 133Y SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 FTF CLASSIC MISS 0206X DR WORLD CLASS 517 10H FTF TRENA 451P JMS VICTOR 343 745 JMS VICTORIA 105 716 JDB E87 VICTOR K01 DF VICKI 103T J2 JMS VICTOR 745 047 SCHRADER’S 047 VICTORIA 416 DF MS VIC 2105 N7 Consigned by: Schrader Polled Herefords 48 Lot 46 Lot 47 TC MISS CARROL 234E Very nice red-necked cow we purchased from Cavanaugh Farms as a heifer. She has a perfect udder and always does a god job. Bred for a fall calf by a Reynold’s bull. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -4.6 4.5 52 92 28 54 1.2 -0.03 0.4 111 Cow I P43776340 I 3/16/17 I TC234E NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET GLENGROVE 100W BRENDAN Z14 GLENGROVE TABITHA T1 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S CMF 584T FRONTIER 634L LJR KIRSTIE 296L KJ C&L J119 LOGIC 023R ET LJR DAWN 152P LJR N356 RANCHER 179R LJR GENETIC QUEEN 282J LJR MSU MISSOULA 49X TC MISS NICKY 118Z TC MISS NICOLE 56X Consigned by: Schrader Polled Herefords 49

50-55Lots 17 SCHRADERS VICKIE 467B 912 Here’s a nice three-year-old cow that goes back to Falling Tim ber Farms. Bred for a fall calf by a Reynolds bull. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ Cow I P44045968 I 2/28/19 I 912 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R FTF REVOLUTION 467B FTF CLASSY LADY 128Y FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N DR WORLD CLASS 517 10H FTF CHICK A BOOM 574R GRANDVIEW 7OAKS SONORA 145R STAR 3D RED HILLS VICKI K22 JJJ VICTOR S133 637 4K VICTORIA G98 3D TERRITORY 145R 212T ET KHF TERRITORY A17 KHF VICKIE 1 Consigned by: Schrader Polled Herefords 50 SCHRADERS VICKY 919 Very nice three-year-old cow goes back to Glengrove Farms. Bred for a fall calf by a Reynolds bull. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ Cow I P44124432 I 3/18/19 I 919 C&L CT FEDERAL 485T 6Y GLENGROVE 6Y DARTH D4 GLENGROVE ANDREA A4 KJ HVH 33N REDEEM 485T ET C&L MISS JUNIOR 408 1T NJB 3060 GAUCHO 829 GLENGROVE JOSELYN Y2 JMS VICTOR 343 745 JMS VICTORIA 105 716 CS VICTOR 71I M235 WWS VICTORIA J50 202 JMS VICTOR 745 047 SCHRADER’S 047 VICTORIA 422 WWS 71I VICTORIA 206 Consigned by: Schrader Polled Herefords 51 SF 369A VERONICA 982 Dark red, long-bodied female with a good udder. Pasture exposed for a fall calf to SF 173D Commitment 052 our Endure son. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 0.5 4 69 104 27 61 4.6 0 0.68 111 Cow I P44140938 I 9/6/19 I RLS982 TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T FTF VALUE ADDED 369A FTF FABULOUS 181Y DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 FTF M326 FABRICATOR 838U FTF CLASSY LADY 856U FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N LJR 51F NASH 267N MPPH NINA 42N MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R MPH 51T VERONICA 4R 44A ET MPH VERONICA 267N 51T Consigned by: Steinbeck Farms 52 TC MISS BONNIE 14J 14J is one of the prettiest heifers out of our fall calves. Dark red, great markings and eye pigmentation. Part of Tim Cavanaugh’s dispersal, 14J and her dam 231E were a stand out pair. On the top side her sire 236F breeding is Falling Timber Farms. Sells open. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 4 1.4 51 85 24 49 3.4 0.11 0.36 114 Cow I P44275182 I 8/12/21 I TC14J FTF HUMDINGER 4303B TC REBEL WAY 236F FTF FLIRTATIOUS 2430Z FTF RIB EYE 153Y FTF MISS REVOLUTION 119Y FTF M326 050X FTF CLASSIC MISS 879U MOHICAN THM EXCEDE Z426 THM 4037 DURAINE 3216 ET GLENGROVE 100W BRENDAN Z14 TC MISS URSLA 102Z SF Z426 EXCEDE 521 TC MISS TRICIA 231E TC MISS CASSIE 172B Consigned by: Wilde & Schanzmeyer 53 TC BUNNY 18J 18J is a half sister to 14J and carries the same dark red color and eye pigmentation. Also part of Tim Cavanaugh’s dispersal.18J’s dam 78Y is one of the oldest and longest producing dams in the herd making the pair an obvious selection. On the top side her sire 236F breeding is Falling Timber Farms. Sells open. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 2.6 2.2 51 82 22 47 4.1 0.14 0.49 118 Cow I P44276262 I 8/17/21 I TC18J FTF HUMDINGER 4303B TC REBEL WAY 236F FTF FLIRTATIOUS 2430Z FTF RIB EYE 153Y FTF MISS REVOLUTION 119Y FTF M326 050X FTF CLASSIC MISS 879U FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N LJR 694D RUGBY 64H TC MISS ROTA 88L MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R TC MISS ROTA 78Y TC MISS PRECIOUS 165P Consigned by: Wilde & Schanzmeyer 54 Lot 53 WIRTHMOR D1 JACKIE 124J Jackie is a deep red, 5-21-22 confirmed bred, 1st calf heifer to the popular EPD bull Cuda. 124J comes from the Roth Dispersal and born at Wirthmor. Weaning weight 572, yearling weight 770. Ultrasound 10.87 REA, 1.41 REA/CWT, 3.91 %/ IMF, 0.35 Back-fat. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 11.7 -1.8 47 73 42 66 12.2 0.32 0.41 138 Cow I 44232214 I 1/24/21 I 124J KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET MPH Z311 RAMPAGE D1 RHF 0124 ROSIE 3023A SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET RST TIMES A WASTIN 0124 GRANDVIEW CMR MIS P606 X395 CHURCHILLET SENSATION 028X CHURCHILL LADY 002X ET SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 CHURCHILL RED BULL 200Z RHF 200Z RED LADY 6134D ET WALKER MISS R117 545 064 ET Consigned by: Wirthmor Polled Herefords 55 Lot 55

58 Commerical 27H Red baldy - Isaac used Ring Leader on his Red Angus cow and produced this calf raising machine. Her first calf early weaned at 5 months weighing 486 pounds. Safe to Jetson early March with a heifer pregnancy. Consigned by: Day’s Family Farm, Isaac Day 18 56-63Lots Lot 57 LJR MSU MISS DOM 128J This nice Insight 30D daughter is very feminine and well pig mented. She sells confirmed bred on 5-28-22 to a stout made, fully pigmented Blueprint son out of the Churchill Lady 515C cow. This mating will be exciting! Bred pasture exposed to WMC BLUEPRINT 515C 42G on 5-28-22 (44063782). CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 4.9 2 54 83 26 53 5.8 0.13 0.46 124 Cow I P44250710 I 2/10/21 I 128J KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET JDH Z311 INSIGHT 30D ET KBCR P606 MS DOM 618 SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 KBCR 262D MS DOM 101 LJR 023R WHITMORE 10W LJR MSU MADISON 105Y LJR MSU 95N LARAMIE 308X LJR GOVERNESS 223X LJR MSU 10W AMBUSH 206A LJR MSU WILLA 439C LJR MSU LADY IDEAL 208A Consigned by: 5-D Herefords 57 Lot 58 59 Commercial Black baldy heifer. Consigned by: Hatchee Creek Farms 60A& 60B Commercial 2 F-1 BWF bred heifers we raised from our herd. Both have successfully completed the Show Me Select Replacement Heifer protocol. Both were AI bred to easy-calving SydGen Enhance on 5-18-2022. Safe. Due to calve late February 2023. Consigned by: Lizzie’s Polled Herefords 61 Commercial Five-year-old cow bred to our good black Here ford bull for a spring calf. Consigned by: Rafter T Polled Herefords 62 Commercial One-year-old open commercial heifer. Consigned by: Rafter T Polled Herefords 63A 63B Commercial A) -100% Hereford Heifer (43972412 x 43622614) Birth Date 3/8/21, Exposed to 44002788 (Leader son) from 5/29/22 to 7/29/22 B) -100% Hereford Heifer (43972412 x 43704304) - Birth Date 6/17/21, Exposed for two weeks to 44002788 (Leader son) during the same time as commercial lot A. Consigned by: Rising Creek Herefords WIRTHMOR 504C KITTY 220K Sells open. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ 8.5 0.8 55 87 32 59 1.7 0.34 0.56 153 Cow I P44335270 I 2/20/22 I 220K NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET BEHM 100W CUDA 504C BEHM R294 JASMAN102Y KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 CPH MS WRANGLER 1W NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET H H JEWEL 113 ET AH JDH CRACKER JACK 26U ET THM VICKY YETTA 4140 ABRA 88X 113 RIBEYE 88E ET RH JEWEL 2009 RHF 26U YETTA 8034F ET Consigned by: Wirthmor Polled Herefords 56A Lot 61 Lot 56 RH JEWEL 2009 3 in 1!!! An Abra 88X 1st calf daughter with an excellent Cuda heifer calf (P44335270). Both have modern markings. RH Jewel is bred back to the EPD altering Cuda on 5-20-22. Breeding information available after 8-5-22. 2009’s ultrasound 9.34 REA, 1.25 REA/CWT 1.25, 3.51% IMF, 0.14 Backfat. CE BW WW YW MILK M&G CEM MARB REA CHB$ -1.3 4.6 47 71 18 41 -1.4 0.23 0.47 125 Cow I 44129237 I 1/23/20 I 2009 NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET ABRA 88X 113 RIBEYE 88E ET H H JEWEL 113 ET SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 NJW 9126J DEW DOMINO 98S GOLDEN-OAK 4J MAXIUM 28M HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET NJW 1Y WRANGLER 19D CRR D03 VIOLET 349 STAR 8006 ENYETO 163M ET THM VICTORIA 2131 AH JDH CRACKER JACK 26U ET RHF 26U YETTA 8034F ET THM VICKY YETTA 4140 Consigned by: Wirthmor Polled Herefords 56

Kaczmarek Cattle Company---Tony and Julie Kaczmarek Salem, MO I 573-202-4132
Ace’s Polled Herefords---Danny Danning Joplin, MO I 417-6091240 AMR Cattle Co---Alex and Michaela Roth Frohna, MO I 573-576-5141 Arnett Family Farms---Michael Arnett Wright City, MO I 636-745-3765 Aufdenberg Polled Herefords---Darrell Aufdenberg Jackson, MO I 573-270-6755 Bade’s Polled Herefords---Kent and Wanda Bade Augusta, MO I 636-228-5945 Besher Farms---Charlie and Donnia Besher Patton, MO I 573-225-3138 Bourbeuse Bend Herefords---Blake and Jordann Voss Beaufort, MO I 573-368-9001 Butler Polled Herefords---Jimmie, Andrea & Joel Butler, Cody, Jocelyn & Kyla Jo Washam Republic, MO I 417-838-4095 Ron Call Eugene, MO I 573-821-6108 Call-Kirchner Farm---Shaelin Kirchner Eugene, MO I 573-821-6108 Cavanaugh Farms---Tim and Gerri Cavanaugh Sullivan, MO I 573-259-7992 Choate Polled Herefords---Mike and Cathy Choate Pleasant Hope, MO I 417-267-2652 Circle F---Charles and Susan Flaspohler Fayette, MO I 660-248-1343 College of Ozarks---Ben Carpenter Point Lookout, MO I 573-289-8553 Crider Polled Herefords---Steve Crider Bland, MO I 479-459-1227 Day’s Family Farm---Larry and Pam Day Pilot Grove, MO I 660-834-4678 DJD Cattle Co.---Dustin and Jim Daehn Cuba, MO I 573-259-4860 Dusty Acres Farm---Larry & Karen Motsinger Leslie, MO I 573-457-8484 Dusty Knoll Cattle Co.---SN Ball Salem, MO I 573-247-7055 5-D Herefords---Zack & Ashley Dombeck Berryville, AR Foggy Bottom Farms---Bob Magill Union, MO I 314-302-8775 Grayson Cattle Co.---Jarrod and Krista Grayson Newburg, MO I 417-597-2524 Gregory Polled Herefords---Kevin and Barb Gregory Houstonia, MO I 660-620-3585 Gregory Hereford Ranch---Robert and Sharon Gregory Houstonia, MO I 660-620-4020 Michael Gregory Houstonia, MO I 660-568-3400 Hatchee Creek Farms---Garry and Sundra Mistler Belle, MO I 573-859-6631
Jordan Herefords---Mike and Jess Jordan Warrenton, MO I 636-359-3741
Kauffman Farms---Dennis Kauffman Jefferson City, MO I 573-291-6744
Polled Herefords---Elizabeth
and Martha Treece Omaha, AR I 501-454-8789 RBS Polled Herefords---Randy & Brenda Smyth Marshall, AR I 870-448-3064 Reed Farms---Jim and Linda Reed Green Ridge, MO I 660-527-3507 Rising Creek Herefords---Stephanie Rodgers Licking, MO I 573-247-2726 Bob Schuelen Linn, MO I 573-508-2887 Schrader Polled Herefords---Lee and Angie Schrader Wooldridge, MO I 660-888-9903 Shoal Creek Herefords--- Jack and Kristy Dye Potosi, MO I 573-259-8166 Steinbeck Farms---Rick and Laurie Steinbeck Hermann, MO I 573-237-2668 TD Nall Farms---Texas and Dannette Nall Salem, MO I 573-247-9798 Watson Polled Herefords---Eddie and Janet Watson Cabool, MO I 417-962-3759 Wilde & Schanzmeyer---Dustin Schanzmeyer St. Elizabeth, MO I 573-694-9370 Wirthmor Polled Herefords---Dirk and Jack Wirth Willow Springs, MO I 417-252-3989 WMC Cattle Company---Travis and Sarah McConnaughy Wasola, MO I 417-989-0486 Yankee Hereford Farms---Allen Yankee Warrensburg, MO I 660-864-1386 MEMBERS 19
LJR/MSU---Marty Lueck Springfield, MO I 417-838-1482 Farms---Dale R. Ludwig Linn, MO I 573-338-6000 Farms---Mike and Andy McCorkill MO I 417-838-2073 I 417- 838- 0583 Farms---Brad and Shannon Mueller MO I 573-517-2999 Parnell Flippin, AR I 870-221-1602
McCorkill Family
Lizzie’s Spooler Jackson, MO I 573-243-7298
DP Farms---Douglas
Phillips-Renner Farms---Amy Phillips Richmond, MO I 816-878-7305
Rafter Ranch---Bill

Larry Day, Sale Manager 12139 Highway 135 Pilot Grove, MO 65276 120th Annual Sale Central Missouri Polled Hereford Breeders Association September 17, 2022 • NOON LOCATION: Interstate Regional Stockyards • Cuba, MO