As summer winds down, we would like to invite you to the Dorran Cattle Co. third annual sale on Aug. 31!
Grouped in pens of 2-3 head by calving dates, phenotype and colour.
57 Commercial Bred Heifers Sell!
35 due in January
39 Blacks • 18 Reds• 16 Blaze or Baldy
+ 1 proven 2-year-old calving ease Angus bull
+ elite Angus embryos

Dorran Cattle Co. Commercial Bred Heifer Sale

August 31, 2023 | 7 p.m. (MDT) | DCC Sale Facility
Please join us for a brisket supper and pie at 5:30 p.m.
Auctioneer: Col. Ryan Dorran• 403-507-6483

Bohrson Marketing Services:

Scott Bohrson • 403-370-3010
Taylor Richards • 306-821-4169
Marty Bohrson • 306-220-7901
Rob Voice • 306-270-6082
MC Marketing:
Kiley McKinna • 402-350-3447
R&R Marketing:
Randall O. Ratliff • 615-330-2735
Marketing Agents:
Craig Flewelling • 403-556-0515
Bryon Wolters • 780-581-8396
Pour de l’information en français:
Anne Brunet • 403-200-9922
Ryan, Cassie, Dalton & Tucker Dorran Box 1699, Didsbury, Alberta T0M 0W0 Ryan: 403-507-6483 | Cassie: 403-507-5953

How To Bid
This is a live sale. Please have fast internet to bid along online.
If you prefer to be in attendance or leave money with Dorran Cattle Co. or sales staff, these are also great options! Need help?

Contact: Dacie Przekop

From Calgary, head north on QEII. Between Didsbury and Carstairs exits, turn west off the hwy on Westcott Rd. Pass the train tracks; head north on Range Rd 20. Sale is located in the black/white barn, first drive way on east side.

The terms of the sale are cash, cheque, wire or etransfer, payable on location or within 15 days following the sale to Dorran Cattle Co. The right of property shall not be exchanged until after satisfactory settlement has been made. Every group will sell to the highest bidder times the number of head in the lot; the auctioneer will handle any disputes if needed. Announcements from the auction block take precedence over printed or previously announced details. All monies are in Canadian funds.
Summer evenings are a great time to come view the heifers on pasture. Call/text Ryan at 403-507-6483 to stop by for a visit! On the afternoon of sale day, heifers will be penned by sale lots at the barn.
Pregnancy/Health Verified
Dr. Adam Schierman, DVM, at Davis-Rairdan International performed ultrasound pregnancy examinations on all heifers. A 283-day gestation table was used based off the AI or natural service observation in combination with the dated ultrasound verification. Heifers have been on native pasture since the first of June and had free choice salt and mineral.
USA Buyers
We welcome U.S. customers. Transportation as well as health and export paper fees would be the responsibility of the buyer. Dorran Cattle Co. will help with arrangements. Contact Ryan before the sale for more information. Current U.S./Canadian exchange rate would put Americans at a significant advantage paying around $7,600 USD for every $10,000 CAD bid.
Buyers are responsible for all transportation of sale purchases. We kindly ask that heifers are at their new homes by the first week of October. Dorran Cattle Co. may be able to provide some guidance and help line up transportation arrangements if needed.
Thank you for your interest in our 3rd annual sale!
How fast the years seem to be flying by! It seems like just yesterday we were building our barn and preparing for our first sale. Our boys continue to be more involved each year, and we are humbled by the previous support and success of our customers. Raising our boys in this industry, surrounded by good people, is priceless.
For the first time this year, we are offering progeny from heifers sold through our sale. If you have heifer calves you are willing to part with off of our sale heifers, be sure to let Ryan know. We would be interested in buying them back for next year.
Also, this year saw many successes with progeny from females sold. From an impressive 4-H carcass to a successful on-foot steer and high performing Charolais-cross calves out of our productive females has been fun to watch! Our heifers are also being utilized in many purebred herds as recipient mothers for industry-leading embryo transfer (ET) calves. Having quiet-dispositioned females with solid udders and good feet is sure a must when you are investing in an ET program. For us, the bonus is when they are fun to look at as well; we keep this in mind when we are selecting heifer calves each spring.
Dorran Cattle Co. heifers have been selected from astute cattle breeders across Alberta and Saskatchewan. Some of the breed-leading Simmental, Red Angus and Angus sires make up these pedigrees, helping you feel confident in these replacements to strengthen your own herd.
Heifers are identified by their Dorran Cattle Co. number and penned in lots of two to three head by type and calving date.
In the spring heifers were fed a high quality hay and AI synchronized to the calving ease, maternal giant SAV Early Arrival 0903. Having seen this bull when he sold and witnessing how he is performing, we believe Early Arrival will be a historically recognized, calving-ease sire with curve-bending performance. He’s very unique; it was an easy choice on how we wanted a majority of the group bred.
Although every precaution will be taken, Dorran Cattle Company or any sale staff will not be responsible for any accidents or loss of property. Said parties assume no liability, legal or otherwise as a result of this cattle facility or auction.
We look forward to the fun you are going to have calving this group of heifers! We are very proud to present them to you on August 31!
Ryan & Cassie Dorran

213 • Black Blaze | Sire: LFE BA Lewis 801F (S A V Sensation 5615)
{ Due Feb. 23 }
Duff Napoleon 232 :
Grandsire to 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245
213 241
241 • Black Baldy | Sire: Blairswest Napoleon 13G (Duff Napoleon 232)
Safe to Anchorage Missouri 1062 or Anchorage Self Made 2060
Lot 240 247
247 • Black Blaze | Sire: PF Oklahoma 6625 (V A R Discovery 2240)

{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903

219 • Red | Sire: Red Ter-Ron Showdown 9G (Red Combest Juggernaut 1613D)

Red Ter-Ron Showdown 9G :
Sire to 219 and 220
{ Due Feb. 4 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri 1062 or Anchorage Self Made 2060
220 • Red | Sire: Red Ter-Ron Showdown 9G (Red Combest Juggernaut 1613D)

{ Due Feb. 2 } Safe to Anchorage Boone Pickens 0008, Anchorage Missouri 1062 or Anchorage
Self Made 2060
223 • Red | Sire: Red Cockburn Patriot 9048 (Red T-S Patriot 84K)
{ Due Feb. 7 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri 1062 or Anchorage Self Made 2060
225 • Black | Sire: Red U2 Genesis 103G (Red Howe Magnum 169W)

{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903
230 • Black | Sire: PF Giordano RLP 3G (S A V Brilliance 8077)
{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903
Sire: Brooking Motive 8022 (Soo Line Motive 9016) | Safe to Anchorage Missouri 1062 or Anchorage Self Made 2060

231 • Black | Sire: PF Giordano RLP 3G (S A V Brilliance 8077) { Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903 248 • Black | Sire: Yardley Man of War B475 (KCC1 Pinnacle 118Z) { Due Jan. 1 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri 1062
250 • Black | Sire: W/C Cyclone 385H (W/C Bankroll 811D) { Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903

207 • Black | Sire: Brooking Motive 8022 (Soo Line Motive 9016)
{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903
246 • Black | Sire: PF Oklahoma 6625 (V A R Discovery 2240)

{ Due Jan. 22 } Safe to Anchorage Boone Pickens 0008
212 • Black | Sire: LFE BA Lewis 801F (S A V Sensation 5615) { Due Feb. 20 }
244 • Black | Sire: Blairswest Napoleon 13G (Duff Napoleon 232)
{ Due Feb. 5 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri 1062 or Anchorage Self Made 2060
2021 Heifer Sale Progeny

Congratulations to Riley Breuer for feeding and showing a successful 4-H carcass steer. (left)
KCH Cattle Co. sold a steer to Kaleb Brown, MB, who was successful this spring in their 4-H show. (right)

216 • Black Blaze | Sire: Black Gold Stuey 86E (Southseven Mr Adonis 96Z)
{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903
227 • Black Baldy | Sire: PF Giordano RLP 3G (S A V Brilliance 8077)
{ Due Jan. 5 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri 1062
262 • Black Blaze | Sire: PF Oklahoma 6625 (V A R Discovery 2240)
{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903
224 • Red | Sire: Red Ter-Ron Formula 70F (Red Combest Juggernaut 1613D)
{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903
228 • Red | Sire: PF Splash RLP 19G (Harvie JDF Splash 108B)
{ Due Jan. 23 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri 1062
232 • Red | Sire: PF Splash RLP 19G (Harvie JDF Splash 108B)
{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903
222 • Black | Sire: Ter-Ron Continental 89H (Ter-Ron Continental 120D)
260 • Black Blaze | Sire: PF Oklahoma 6625 (V A R Discovery 2240)

261 • Black | Sire: Anchorage Boone Pickens 9063 (PF Oklahoma 6625)
{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903
234 • Red Brockle | Sire: PF Back in Red 14E
{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903
252 • Red Blaze | Sire: Red Double CC Damien 28D (Red SSF Scotts Packer 373B)
{ Due Feb. 11 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri 1062 or Anchorage Self Made 2060
255 • Red Baldy | Sire: Ultra Mr Ranger 64F (Barlee Ranger Smith)

{ Due Feb. 2 } Safe to Anchorage Boone Pickens 0008, Anchorage Missouri 1062 or Anchorage Self Made 2060
217 • Black | Sire: LFE BA Lewis 801F (S A V Sensation 5615)

{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903
221 • Black | Sire: Red Cockburn Patriot 9048 (Red T-S Patriot 84K)
{ Due Feb. 2 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri 1062 or Anchorage Self Made 2060
239 • Black | Sire: Blairswest Napoleon 13G (Duff Napoleon 232)
{ Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903
218 • Black | Sire: Ter-Ron Banker 20G (Brooking Bank Note 4040)
{ Due Feb. 17 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri 1062 or Anchorage Self Made 2060
233 • Black | Sire: PF TJL Hendrix RLP 8H (Stunner)

{ Due Feb. 24 } Safe to Anchorage Boone Pickens 0008, Anchorage Missouri 1062 or Anchorage Self Made 2060
ES Right Time FA110-4 (Welshs Dew it Right067T) 243 • Black |
Black |
Blairswest Napoleon 13G (Duff Napoleon 232) { Due Jan. 14 } Safe to SAV Early Arrival 0903

23 Lot
3 embryos
A B 3 embryos
Duff-JC 4Real 16250 x S A V Emblynette 0491

4Real is the sire of the top-selling Angus bull in the 2021 Power Plus Bull Sale for $90,000 – Duff Real Deal. 0491 is the dam of the well known AI sires – S A V Catalyst 6704 and S A V West River 2066. A mating that combines look and power in one tremendous package!
