Commercial Bred Heifer Sale

Dorran Cattle Co. Commercial Bred Heifer Sale
August 29, 2024 | 7 p.m. (MDT) | DCC Sale Facility
Please join us for a steak supper and pie at 5:30 p.m.
Auctioneer: Col. Ryan Dorran• 403-507-6483
Bohrson Marketing Services:
Scott Bohrson • 403-370-3010
Taylor Richards • 306-821-4169
Riley Bohrson • 639-213-7777
Marty Bohrson • 306-220-7901
Rob Voice • 306-270-6082
MC Marketing:
Kiley McKinna • 402-350-3447
R&R Marketing:
Randall O. Ratliff • 615-330-2735
Marketing Agents:
Craig Flewelling • 403-556-0515
Bryon Wolters • 780-581-8396

Pour de l’information en français:
Anne Brunet • 403-200-9922

How To Bid
This is a live sale. Please have fast internet to bid along online.
If you prefer to be in attendance or leave money with Dorran Cattle Co. or sales staff, these are also great options! Need help?

Directions to the farm | 31027 Range Rd 20 • Didsbury, AB | Search
Dorran Cattle Co. on Google Maps
From Calgary, head north on QEII. Between Didsbury and Carstairs exits, turn west off the hwy on Westcott Rd. Pass the train tracks; head north on Range Rd 20. Sale is located in the black/white barn, first drive way on east side.

The terms of the sale are cash, cheque, wire or etransfer, payable on location or within 15 days following the sale to Dorran Cattle Co. The right of property shall not be exchanged until after satisfactory settlement has been made. Every group will sell to the highest bidder times the number of head in the lot; the auctioneer will handle any disputes if needed. Announcements from the auction block take precedence over printed or previously announced details. All monies are in Canadian funds.
Summer evenings are a great time to come view the heifers on pasture. Call/text Ryan at 403-507-6483 to stop by for a visit! On the afternoon of sale day, heifers will be penned by sale lots at the barn.
Pregnancy/Health Verified
Dr. Adam Schierman, DVM, at Davis-Rairdan International performed ultrasound pregnancy examinations on all heifers. A 283-day gestation table was used based off the AI or natural service observation in combination with the dated ultrasound verification. Heifers have been on native pasture since the first of June and had free choice salt and mineral.
USA Buyers
We welcome U.S. customers. Transportation as well as health and export paper fees would be the responsibility of the buyer. Dorran Cattle Co. will help with arrangements. Contact Ryan before the sale for more information. Current U.S./Canadian exchange rate would put Americans at a significant advantage paying around $7,200 USD for every $10,000 CAD bid.
Buyers are responsible for all transportation of sale purchases. We kindly ask that heifers are at their new homes by the first week of October. Dorran Cattle Co. may be able to provide some guidance and help to line up transportation arrangements if needed.
Although every precaution will be taken, Dorran Cattle Company or any sale staff will not be responsible for any accidents or loss of property. Said parties assume no liability, legal or otherwise as a result of this cattle facility or auction.
Thank you for your interest in our 4th annual sale!
The cattle industry is near and dear to our hearts, and with our boys starting to experience the same enthusiasm we have, it’s easy to dig our heels in and enthusiastically move forward with our 2024 sale.
Success stories of our heifers keep us motivated. This spring saw both the Grand Champion and class winning steer at the Flagstaff District 4-H Show, both out of Dorran Cattle Co. females. Kade Rancier and Charlie Moore, respectively, did a tremendous job with their steer projects, and we are ecstatic our females raised such great commercial progeny for their 4-H successes!
Koberstein Farms in Barrhead, AB, shared a unique story with us last fall. A heifer from our sale, as a first calver, weaned off a 904 lb. calf, right at the top of their pen of 1,200 calves. That’s something to hang your hat on! It’s so important to us that these heifers work in the commercial world, so that you can make money on them!
For the second year, we are offering progeny from heifers sold through our sale. If you have heifer calves this fall you are willing to part with off of our sale heifers, be sure to let Ryan know. We would be interested in buying them back for next year’s offering. Knowing the genetics behind these heifers is key, helping us build confidence in how they are going to perform for you.
Our heifers are being utilized in many purebred herds as recipient mothers for industry-elite embryo transfer (ET) programs. Having quiet-dispositioned females with solid udders and good feet is sure a must when you are investing in an ET program. For us, the bonus is when they are fun to look at as well – the front pasture kind.
Dorran Cattle Co. heifers have been selected from astute cattle breeders across Alberta and Saskatchewan. Some of the breed-leading Simmental, Red Angus and Angus sires make up these pedigrees, helping you feel confident in these replacements to strengthen your own herd.
Heifers are identified by their Dorran Cattle Co. number and penned in lots of two to three head by phenotype and calving date. In the spring heifers were AI synchronized to the calving ease, maternal giant SAV Early Arrival 0903. High quality, calving-ease Anchorage Angus bulls were used as walking herd sires.
We look forward to the fun you are going to have calving this group of heifers! We are very proud to present them to you on August 29!
Ryan & Cassie Dorran

305 • Black | Sire: S A V Hesston 2217
{ Due Feb. 27 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation
330 • Black | Sire: PF Giordano RLP 3G (S A V Brilliance 8077)
{ Due Feb. 22 } Safe to Richmond Jentry SRD 4J (Peak Dot Attractive 186F)
333 • Black | Sire: Grass Roots Renovation 152 (S A V Renovation 6822)
{ Due Feb. 20 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation

266 • Red | Sire: Allison Seminole 121J (Black Wheel Dracarys 86G)
{ Due Jan. 24 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation
267 • Red | Sire: Red Flying K Force 18J
{ Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903
326 • Red | Sire: Red Rainbow Legion 25H
{ Due Jan. 12 } Safe
5 Lot
V Early Arrival 0903

287 • Black Brockle | Sire: Brooking Homegrown 9028 (Ellingson Homegrown 6035)
{ Due Feb. 14 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation
289 • Black Brockle | Sire: Wilbar Nitro 875H (Conley South Point 8362)
{ Due Jan. 30 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation
307 • Black Blaze | Sire: Anchorage Boone Pickens 0008 (PF Oklahoma 6625)
{ Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903

9 Lot
300 • Black | Sire: Peak Dot Colossal 828G
{ Due Jan. 20 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation
304 • Black | Sire: S A V Hesston 2217
{ Due Feb. 5 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation

277 • Black | Sire: Brooking Roll Call 9045 (Brooking Firebrand 6068)
{ Due Feb. 3 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation
331 • Black | Sire: Richmond Jentry SRD 4J (Peak Dot Attractive 186F)
{ Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903

331 Richmond Jentry SRD 4J : Sire to 310, 312, 314, 322, 330 and 331

265 • Red | Sire: Allison Seminole 121J (Black Wheel Dracarys 86G)
270 • Red | Sire: Flying K Navigator
275 • Red | Sire: Allison Jailbreak 27H
{ Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903

Black Wheel Dracarys 86G : Grandsire to 265, 266, 268, 269 and 272

Allison Seminole 121J : Sire to 265, 266, 268, 269 and 272

268 • Black | Sire: Allison Seminole 121J (Black Wheel Dracarys 86G)
269 • Black | Sire: Allison Seminole 121J (Black Wheel Dracarys 86G)
{ Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903

272 • Red | Sire: Allison Seminole 121J (Black Wheel Dracarys 86G)
• Red | Sire: Red U2 Genesis 103G { Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903

308 • Black | Sire: S A V Early Arrival 0903
{ Due Jan. 12 } Safe to LFE Best Answer 800H (SAV Final Answer 0035)
319 • Black | Sire: Red Ter-Ron Judo 56J (Red Ter-Ron Riddler 57F)
{ Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903 281

271 • Red | Sire: Red Flying K Force 18J
315 • Red | Sire: Red U2 Genesis 103G
336 • Red | Sire: Red Flying K Navigator 25G
{ Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903

281 • Red | Sire: Red Ter-Ron UpKeep 74G (MRLA Upload)
{ Due Jan. 31 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation
282 • Red | Sire: Ultra Mr Ranger 64F
{ Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903

• Black | Sire: Woodhill Revival H028
Due Jan. 31 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation
• Black | Sire: Brooking Roll Call 9045 (Brooking Firebrand 6068)
Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903

293 • Black | Sire: Silvertip 32C FR 310 • Black | Sire: Richmond Jentry SRD 4J (Peak Dot Attractive 186F)
Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903

312 • Red | Sire: Richmond Jentry SRD 4J (Peak Dot Attractive 186F) { Due Jan. 25 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation
328 • Red | Sire: Red U2 Genesis 103G
• Red | Sire: Red Rainbow Legion 25H
Due Jan. 31 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation

• Black | Sire: Grass Roots Proclamation 110 (WS Proclamation E202)
Due Jan. 12 } Safe to S A V Early Arrival 0903

299 • Red Blaze | Sire: SVS Brooks 669D
{ Due April } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation

322 • Red | Sire: Richmond Jentry SRD 4J (Peak Dot Attractive 186F)
{ Due March 30 } Safe to Anchorage Missouri, Anchorage Self Made or Anchorage Intimidation Anchorage Self Made
Sire: Conley South Point 8362 Dam: Wilbar Mayflower 605F Registration Number: 2308669
In the top 4% and 5%, respectively for Calving Ease and Birth Weight EPDs, this South Point son is easy fleshing and big testicled. He’s smooth made with an abundance of rib shape. His quiet disposition is a bonus, and it will be hard to replace him!
Service Sires
Anchorage Missouri 1062
Sire: Peak Dot Ozark 278G Dam: Coul Lady Blossom 38’17 Registration Number: 2197518
Missouri is an Anchorage bull sired by Peak Dot Ozark 278G, ranking in the top 20% and 10% for Weaning Weight and Yearling Weight EPDs, respectively. The Schiefelbein
Attractive 4565 grandson is heavy muscled and yet remains in the top 25% for Birth Weight EPD, making him a reliable choice to service our yearling heifers in this sale.

Anchorage Intimidation 3035
Sire: HF Intimidator 15J Dam: Covey Hill Madame Pride 20H Registration Number: 2350638
Intimidation has been a tremendous yearling bull for us this breeding season. A heifer bull and sale feature in the 2024 Anchor B / Anchorage Bull Sale, Intimidation is a soft and smooth made bull with a well balanced look, matching his proven calving ease pedigree with the maternal grandsire – KG Justified 3023. The Madame Pride dam is now home at LA Ranch, BC. He boasts an 83 lb. actual birth weight and a 1.0 Birth Weight EPD.

SAV Early Arrival 0903
Sire: LD Capitalist 316
Dam: SAV Blackcap May 3525
Registration Number: 19851701
AI Sire
The $230,000 calving ease phenom that boasts an ideal phenotype, incredible pedigree with EPDs that read profitability.
• Incredible calving-ease outcross
• Curve-bending number profile excels from start to finish
• Highly recommended for virgin heifers
• Actual birth weight 60 lbs.
• Big, deep-bodied, smooth-made and stylish
• Maternally superior cow family
• High-octane performance
• Top 1% and 2% for Calving Ease and Birth Weight, respectively, in the American Angus Association registry!

Thank You!
It takes so many people to put on a sale! We appreciate friends, neighbors and family members who always show up to help throughout the year. Summertime is always busy with sale prep, and yet, we enjoy some of the year’s greatest memories as our sale commences each fall. Special thanks to the High Steaks Junior Beef Club for your help on sale day!

Gary Latimer
a respected Cattleman & Uncle

Success Stories
A quiet, recipient mother that can raise a big calf, is the greatest investment in an embryo transfer program. Likewise, a commercial cattleman understands the value in a quality replacement.
Our goal is to service these needs in both the purebred and commercial industries!
Progeny from DCC Heifers

Grand Champion Steer
Flagstaff District 4-H Show

Class Winning Steer
Flagstaff District 4-H Show
Recipient Dam


Kade Rancier
Charlie Moore
Southpaw Cattle Co.
Canadian Donors
Tschetter Colony
Westcott Gelbvieh