I t just seems like yesterday we were working on the fourth sale in 2024 and here we are getting ready for the fifth addition. Time sure flies when you live life at full speed and busy with all-things agriculture. Rusylvia Cattle Co. was established in 1994 when Ken and Josie got married and so this year marks the 29th year of selling bulls. Rusylvia Cattle is made up of grain, hay and pasture land along with 400 cows. Our purebred herds are Simmental, Black Angus and Maine Anjou with the majority being black. Our commercial herd is Angus x Maine, and Angus x Simmental. All the cows are managed the same way-same herd health, graze grass until November, corn graze until December, cereal silage or silage bales during the calving period. We utilize natural heats to AI about 140 cows each spring and put in 50-80 embryos as well. The benefit list is long with AI and ET programs, and it truly gets exciting every calving to see the results. Josie and Riley both AI with Josie having taught AI to hundreds of people over the 15 plus years teaching AI at Lakeland College. The bulls on offer are from some of the leading genetics on offer in Canada and in the U.S.
We sometimes get asked why 3 breeds. Josie got her first Maine in 1981 and brought 40 head to Alberta in 1994. The Maine breed performance, quietness, hair and incredible mothering ability is what we appreciate the most. The Black Angus purebreds started in 2005 with purchases from Stretton Creek, Mountain View Farms and KBJ Dispersal. We loved the commercial Maine x Angus cross calves with those extra pounds at weaning time and felt the two breeds fit together well. The Simmental is the newest addition with our first purchases in 2015. The boys being active on the show road across western Canada really loved the excitement, people and what the Simmental breed had to offer. With key female purchases, leading AI Sires and embryos, our program rapidly developed.
Rusylvia Cattle is truly a family-run operation with our boys growing up showing, running equipment and doing all things agriculture. We love the lifestyle, the challenges, but mostly the rewarding relationships we’ve formed through so many avenues over the years. We have many great families who help us along the way and with various things, but two families deserve the most heartfelt thanks. Firstly, the Shologan family including Mark, Lee, Joanne and
Faith: Lee is like an additional son around here and has a keen eye for cattle, knows what he wants, has a great work ethic, and we sure enjoy having him come help. Many of the bulls today are owned in part by the Shologan family. The second family is Chatsworth Land and Cattle. Nick and Alex Wasylik are contributing some great first-calving January pairs to our sale offering as well as a few bulls. We are super excited to have them contribute. These are two of the hardest working, super keen, aggressive and knowledgeable cattlemen, and we be remiss not to mention their sister Charolette who often helps out with marketing, which is her passion. Nick and Lee are both much loved, appreciated and welcome during the fall show road and any other time of the year when we need a hand or a laugh or two. We would be remiss in not mentioning Cassidy Daley who has been a tremendous help on the show road and picturing/clipping bulls, its great to see her keeping the male crew in line.
Bull buyers, show families, junior families, fall sale supporters, and the list goes on, and are truly the best part of the business. Some of the best times are every year at Agribition, Stockade Round Up, Farmfair, Olds Fall Classic, Calgary Stampede, Summer Synergy or the multitude of other events we’ve attended. There’s nothing we love better than having a cooler of refreshments waiting when we get a call someone is stopping in to do a pasture tour or getting the coffee ready after the bull pen’s been toured. To all our past bull buyers we thank you for your support over the years often sight unseen until we arrive with the bull or the yearly visit to do your selection. This year please plan to stop in ahead of the sale or the morning of to have a visit. The bull pen will be open anytime for viewing prior to the sale or the morning of the sale. Bulls will all be semen tested, guaranteed and have been on a cereal silage TMR with peas straw, hay and the Bullseye Bull Supplement. Many of these bulls are from the boys’ own herd as you will see several tattoos; the boys’ herds have been developing since they were 9 years old.
On Sale Day, come early to tour the bulls, have some lunch, enjoy the video sale in our heated building and stay for refreshments following, or you have the option of bidding/viewing online from your home with dlms.ca. We truly believe the cattle business and its producers will have some bright years ahead, and we look forward to enjoying those with you. Thank you for your time, interest and support. If we can help at all, please call or stop in.
All the Best, Ken, Josie, Tyson, Riley and Taylor Pashulka Rusylvia Cattle Co.
Lunch: 11:30 am
Sale: 1:00 pm
Refreshments: 3:00 pm
Anytime prior to the sale, or sale day morning.
Call Ken or anyone of the boys or sale staff and they will gladly assist you.
$150 off per lot if picked up sale day. Bulls will be kept free of charge for a reasonable length of time, usually until you need them. In rare cases and for convenience reasons, you may be asked to receive your bull(s) when delivering other bulls to your area. All bulls must be insured if staying at the seller’s farm unless arrangements have been made between the buyer and seller. Insurance will be available on sale day.
Balance payable sale day. Please call Ken to discuss other arrangements, we will gladly work with purchasers.
We will arrange all health testing and export papers at cost to US buyers. Delivery arrangements will be coordinated to the US Border Vet closest to purchaser. Bulls must be paid in full prior to shipping to the USA.
Rusylvia Cattle Co.
Ken Pashulka
Riley Pashulka
Tyson Pashulka
Taylor Pashulka
Shologan Cattle
Mark Shologan
Lee Shologan
Chatsworth Land & Cattle
Nick Wasylik
Alex Wasylik
Bohrson Marketing Services
Jaxon Payne
Cody Haney
Billy Elmhirst
Dan Skeels
Jim Pulyk
Sale Consultant
Blair Jackson
No animals will be entering the sales ring. Bulls will be penned outside at farm and are available anytime prior to sale for viewing. Buyers may attend the auction at the farm or bid online at dlms.ca
To view this sale visit www.dlms.ca, fill out the registration form located under registration and sign up for your free user account and select a username and password. Bidders: to be approved as a bidder, log into dlms.ca and click on the Buyer Approval tab, select the sale you are interested in bidding on and click sign up.
Bulls are on a TMR ration consisting of Cereal Silage with chopped hay and peastraw with Bullseye Bull Supplement. The bulls are kept in a 20 acre pasture to develop physical fitness and increase mobility.
Rusylvia Cattle Co has been a VBP plus Beef Producer for 14 years. The entire herd follows the Zoetis Program
Calves Birth: Once pmH, Inforce 3 Vitade and Selenium
Ultrabac 7 with Somubac Inforce3 and One Shot BVD
Ultrabac 7 with Somubac Bovishield Gold One Shot Ivomec
Stockmens Insurance
Larry Toner
Canadian Farm Insurance
Heather Barr
Mark Shologan
Livestock Videos
Yearling: Cyclence
Ultrabac 7 & Bovishield
Cows/Heifers: Ivomec
Ultrabac 7 with Somubac Scourguard 3kc Cattlemaster Gold Fp
View Sale Videos Online at www.dlms.ca www.rusylviacattleco.com
Welcome to the fifth annual Rusylvia Cattle Company Bull Sale. The Pashulka family are some of the real great cattlemen we annually get to work with and have once again assembled a diverse and functional set of bulls for your appraisal. We are always so impressed at how consistent and uniformed the three breeds represented are. On behalf of all of us at Bohrson Marketing Services Ltd. We wish to send this out to you as your personal invitation to join us on sale day.
The 2025 Angus division is absolutely loaded for bear this year. The Pashulkas neverending quest to source some of the most elite herd bulls and the utilization of top AI sires is very evident in this year’s offering. Along with their impressive working cowherd they also implant top embryos to offer unique and out cross genetics. The Angus section offers a great balance of both performance and calving ease making the Angus division loaded with something for everyone. Senior herd sire, Freedom, has a deep set of sons on offer alongside popular AI bulls – Glacier, Forged of
Fire, Emerald, and National, to name a few.
Within the last decade, the Rusylvia Cattle Company program has put together a first class Simmental program. They have believed heavily in investing around powerful cow families, and again utilizing sought after sires on their cows. Some of the most proven and popular bulls are represented on the top side of the pedigrees in this section. These Simmental bulls are geared for today’s industry, being easy doing, easy fleshing and athletic. Black, red or white faced, these Simmental bulls have something for everyone.
As always, the Pashulka family have one of the most impressive sets of MaineAnjou bulls to sell. Rusylvia Cattle Company remains a household name within this great breed and always work hard to continue its advancement. Many of the bulls in this section carry the same genetics and offer you a chance to use closely related bulls to breathe some uniformity into your crop. Like the other breeds, they have built this program around productive cows and using proven and
predictable bulls.
Again this year, we are excited to have a select, offering of commercial open replacement females from Rusylvia as well as the highly anticipated January born Cow/Calf pairs from Chatsworth Land and Cattle. There truly is no better time to be in the cow business and the combination of the bulls and females on offer are a great opportunity to plan and invest for the future.
We encourage you to make plans to join us on sale day at the farm near Derwent, Alberta, for this great offering. Make plans to tour the bull pens anytime prior to sale day and visit with the Pashulka family on their offering. If you’re busy schedules keep you away from sale day, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us listed from Bohrson Marketing Services and utilize our free order buy and consultation services. We hope to see you on sale day.
The Bohrson Marketing Team
Rusylvia bulls are available in a wide range of prices to meet all of our customers needs.
Payment in full must be made before cattle can be released and shipped. Exchange rates will be announced sale day and the sale will be held in Canadian funds.
In person, online through DLMS or via sight unseen purchase option.
Any announcements made at the time of the sale will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Buyers are therefore cautioned to pay attention to any such announcements.
We strongly recommend the buyer insures for full value on all purchases.
Weaning weights were recorded on August 24, 2024.
Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold.
All sale animals have met all necessary health requirements. Bohrson Marketing Services assume no responsibility for the health status of any animal in the sale.
A registration certificate issued by the applicable breed association and a certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer of each registerable animal after final payment has been made.
The information contained in this catalogue is believed to be true and accurate. The seller has provided the information to Bohrson Marketing Services and they assume no responsibility if the information supplied is not accurate.
This guy is the type of bull that we could write forever on but don’t think that’s needed because he speaks for himself. This guy was broke to be shown this fall and why we didn’t have him in the string somewhere this fall is beyond me. This guy is backed by some of the biggest and best cow families in the breed. This bulls mass and volume is hard to beat and with that he gets out and moves so fluent. This is a bull that does so much right for us that its honestly hard to let him go as his type is the kind we would utilize heavily in our herd.
Owned with Chatsworth Land and Cattle Co.
A definite feature in the Angus division this year. If you’re in the market for something that is completely outcrossed in pedigree then look no further then this guy. Not only is his pedigree unique but one that is very high in quality. One that is big middle and topped and one that is great haired, which puts it all together in the ideal package.
Owned with Chatsworth Land and Cattle Co.
A very unique Brooking National son here. A bull carrying some muscle and look and one with a twist of pedigree. He is a result of an embryo we bought out of the Blairs.Ag operation and think very highly of. A kind of bull that what you see is what you get just an overall good fault free herd bull in the making.
Owned with Chatsworth Land and Cattle Co.
Want to talk about herd bull – this guy fits the bill. This son of the $30,000 Brooking Freedom is an absolute beast, one that has tons of natural muscle and is awesome made from the ground up. When you see this bull in person you will be more than impressed with his presence and power. His dam is a beautiful SAV Rainfall daughter. He was one of our heaviest weaning calves of all breeds this fall.
A bull here that has as much mass and volume that you could find. Just an absolute beast of a bull. Another Freedom son off a very nice dam that we bought out of Angus Collection as a bred from Anchorage who has been a very productive female here. This bull will add some middle and power into your calf crop while still being that sleep easy kind of calving ease.
Farm favorite here. This guy along with his brothers are definitely the deepest and most consistent set of Angus bulls we have offered to date. If you’re looking for power, performance, predictability, and consistency I would highly recommend getting one of these Brooking Freedom sons bought.
This guy combines some of the most powerful and proven cow families in his pedigree and not only that but shows that in his conformation. His full sister was sold in the great Family Matters sale in the summer of 2023. This bull’s dam is an awesome SAV Resource daughter from the Duralta program that has never skipped a beat.
This bull might be the youngest Angus bull in the offering this year but when you see him you would never guess it. He is backed by some great cow families on both sides of his pedigree and is a bull with some extra body and look. He is made nice from the ground up and is one that has been fun to watch grow and mature.
Here is one everyone will have marked down. As this guy is maturing, he is getting better and better. A bull with a ton of muscle, hip, and hair. He is a direct son of Rust Foraged Of Fire who has really been taking off in the Angus breed. His dam is a beautiful uddered, awesome footed female that is made into a very complete and powerful package.
One of our favourites around here and rightfully so. He is one that catches your eye soon as you walk into the pen just with the amount of hair and look, he has combined with the power and mass he shows and one that gets out and moves so fluent. He comes off a very nice female that has hit it out of the park any which way we mate her.
Here is a son of the great U2 November rain and one that stands out in the pen this year. We have used November rain quite heavily in our angus and have loved his offspring from the power bulls to the stunning females he makes. If you looking for a bull that checks all the boxes for a herd bull then 84M is the one.
As per usual we have a direct son of the great SAV Resource in the offering this year. From a material perspective this bull doesn’t get any better with his pedigree. A bull with some length of body and big hipped and is awesome on the move. This guy is as fault free as you can make one and think this guy will make your heavy weighted steers and those very productive females.
Talk about a maternal power house!! Out of the $140,000 Lady May 54J who sold last summer in the Autumn Angus Classic to River Valley Cattle Co. When you add in the great Bar-E-L Natural Law 109M has a stacked pedigree to produce. Tons of muscle and overall shape and is a true rugged herd bull in the making. If you’re looking for a bull to keep some females from and build a cow herd around then 109M should be at the top of your list.
A very high-performance bull here with all the right pieces for a true herd bull feature. 77M is one with a twist of pedigree for us here and one that we are liking more and more every day.
A heifer bull candidate here. A bull with some shape and power but one with the numbers and build to go out and cover some heifers and be easy calving. Being a son of the great Titlist and knowing what he does this guy will be a great bull to put in the heifer pen.
Heifer bull deluxe here. A bull you will really like for his type and kind and one that is made so right from the ground up. Coming off a great Brooking Banknote daughter we think this will be a front pasture herd bull when he matures out.
Without a doubt this guy has been the highest quality calving ease bull that we have ever raised. One that is built and made for the heifer pen but one that comes to the top of the pen and rightfully so. His dam is one of the most flawless females you will lay eyes on. We have used Musgrave Stunner quite heavily in our heifer pen year after year and think he is one of the most consistent and reliable heifer bulls to use. If you’re looking for one with calving ease without giving up any quality than 72M is the one for you.
A feature in this year’s sale on the calving ease side. 57M is a son the great Greenwood Four Mile and the $30,000 Greenwood Sexy 56K who we had the opportunity to add to our program here and entered the donor pen. This guy is awesome made and has a very cool and unique look to him.
Another really nice heifer bull prospect. This guy is built right for the heifer pen. His sire was used here heavily on our replacement pen and has left some very promising offspring.
This bull has been a standout in our Angus pen since day one — an absolute performance bull. He’s an absolute performance bull, weaning at an impressive 912 lbs on August 22. He’s stout, long-bodied, big-sided, and big-ribbed with excellent feet. Deep throughout, he comes from a top-producing Resource granddaughter, who is one of our favourites.
Owned by Chatsworth Land and Cattle Co.
Here is a bull that catches your eye right away. A South Dakota son out of a BSF Hot Lotto granddaughter, he is a stout-made individual with plenty of shape and body. He’s very attractively made, has good feet, moves well, and will add pounds to your calf crop.
Owned by Chatsworth Land and Cattle Co.
Sired by our Everblack Bravo walking bull, a U2 Acclaim son, this bull had a moderate 86-pound birth weight. He’s big-sided, widetopped, and has a square hip. Clean through the front and moves exceptionally well. This bull offers both performance and balance.
Owned by Chatsworth Land and Cattle Co.
With a 70-pound birth weight, this Stunner son, out of a first-calving Colossal daughter, is a complete package. He’s smooth-made, big-ribbed, and well-put-together, with a unique and striking look.
Owned by Chatsworth Land and Cattle Co.
A definite feature here in the Simmental bulls for us. A son the $90,000 RF no limits and his dam was $110,000 highlight in the Jenna/Flirt Event. This bull does so many things right in terms of his structure he has an great big square foot udder him and gets out and tracks very well. A bull with some size and mass. This will be one of our most exciting bulls on offer.
Here is a standout in the Simmental offering this year. A direct son of RF Caliber and we all know what caliber has done. 100M dam is a beautiful back blaze face female who has been a top producer for us here. She was the dam of our 2023 FNL highlight female that sold for $22,500. We think very highly of this guy and think you will as well.
One of the favorites this year in terms of his look and ability to get out and move. This black blaze bull is an absolute stud when you lay eyes on him. 329M will be an easy pick for many come sale day we think.
Probably one of the most powerful bulls in the offering. 346M is big boned, great haired and gets out and tracks awesome on a good foot. This guy is an easy favorite for many while touring and rightfully so.
Very flashy IPU Bentley son here. A bull that is long bodied, big topped and puts all that power in a very complete and eye catching blaze face package.
Here is a bull that catches your eye right away. An awesome marked bull with that nice blaze face but along with that having some power and mass and good hair coat. His dam was purchased as one of the lead off females from the Lewis farms bred heifer sale and boy has she turned out well and did an exceptional job on her first calf.
If your in the business of adding just overall size and volume into your calf crop then look no further than 45m. This bull is rugged made, big topped, long bodied and super dense boned. This bull has an awesome attitude.
You will make a lot of miles to find a calving ease red blaze bull that is of this quality. A direct son of the famous WLB Top Tier . We think this guy does a lot right just with his overall balance and material strengths.
Our red numbers might not be huge this year but for what we lack in quantity we make up for in quality. A true power house coming off a very nice Mader Walks This Way daughter that we purchased from the Sunny Valley program. 140M sire was purchased from the Black Gold program and has definitely left his mark with having both bulls and females in the sale and replacement pens.
134M is Probably one of the most intriguing simmental bulls in the offering. With a stacked and proven pedigree and a bull that when you lay eyes on you will love him for how complete and smooth made this guy is. His dam is just a picture perfect female year around and is probably the ideal cow in our eyes. 134M is definitely one to have marked down if looking for a bull this spring.
Really nice and complete individual here. A bull that gets out and moves so well on a nice big square foot and one that will add that extra body and stretch to his offspring. He dam is good uddered and an absolute beast of a female. If your looking for a performance bull look no further than 113M.
A true herd bull in the making here. You will really appreciate this guy for his explosive muscle and shape and just the true bull characteristics that he shows. His dam was a hightlight from the legendary R+ dispersal.
Power bull here. 136M is back by a very solid absolute daughter and off are walking herd sire. This guy will add some growth, performance and just overall quality to his calves.
Another very impressive and fault free bull off the maternal brother to the great R+ Yuma. If your looking to add foot quality and just make cattle that are complete made and fault free these 94H sons are our top picks.
Here is a bull with some growth and do ability. Much like his sire who is a maternal brother to the great R+ Yuma he is awesome footed, big topped and a bull that is going to go out and cover some cows for years to come. Just a very complete and fault free bull here.
406M is one with a new and exciting pedigree behind him being a direct Double Up son and off the great KT Molly 2202. The maternal power of this very impressive black blaze face female who’s power packed cow family stems back to the great Molly Dooker female who is now deceased. This guy is stout featured, good haired and has a very cool look to him yet with power and performance that makes him an impressive bull.
Owned with Lee Shologan & Premier Livestock
Not sure you can make one any stouter and deep side. This guy is just an absolute tank when you look at him from anywhere. He is off a first calve heifer and boy did she put a lot into him. A powerhouse with that nice calving ease here.
A stout made big boned and good haired bull here. He carries that power that all captain scream off spring does. He dam is one of the most consistent females in the Simmental herd with hitting it out of the park every year and which ever way we mate her.
A first for us here to be offering a fullblood but definitely one we are happy to kick off with. This two year old is a bull with some extra look and length of body. He his dark red and is good marked. He is off a first calf heifer that we bought from the Black Gold program. If your in the market for an extra age bull to cover some more cows and has that fullblood power then this guy will be on the list.
This Caliber son is very attractive through the front, long-bodied, and packed with muscle, all while sporting plenty of hair. He’s backed by 48J, a County O daughter from Rusylvia who has been an outstanding producer for us. She’s perfect-footed with a flawless udder. Her first calf was sold as a bred heifer at the World Simmental Sale for $10,000 to Hoffus Stock Farm.
Owned by Chatsworth Land and Cattle Co.
Off our Black Gold Rebel Walking bull off a Loaded up daughter from Westways, 27M has a perfect blaze on him, long spined, good footed, clean fronted, 27M has proven himself well as a Feb 22nd born calf.
Owned by Chatsworth Land and Cattle Co.
It wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t have our lead off bull coming out of our top donor cow Calla 47C so here he is. Quite possibly the best one yet he was reserve champion Maine in Agribition and Champion Maine in the president’s classic and then made the top five overall of all breeds in the competition. He was also reserve champion bull calf in Farmfair. 23M is a full brother to We Deliver our $22,000 high selling bull in our second annual sale. There is a lot of history in this mating and I’m sure will continue to make history when you get this bull home. This guy has a full brother in Rick Deagle and Pick Six purebred herds that are producing some very good offspring.
Here’s a little different twist of genetics off our top donor cow Calla 47C and Daddys Money who you can’t get any more semen on. Daddy’s Money is noted for having ease and producing very highly productive females you won’t find this combination of genetics anywhere so if you’re looking for something different and proven look no further.
Here is Calla 47C’s natural calf off our Angus herdsire Brooking Freedom. Wow, what a combination he turned out to be. Look to the future for more of this mating as we will be flushing 47C this way. This guy is as thick and as deep muscled as you are going to find them. There’s definitely high maternal traits in this bull as 47C has been in our flush program, has a natural calf on the same year before going back to being presently flushed. This cow has left her mark on our herd with the most progeny of any cow, plus Freedom has done amazing in the Angus herd and he is a complete powerhouse of a bull. Take a look at his calves in the Angus offering; they are performance based and have maternal strength.
Here is our first We Deliver sired bull for sale and one that follows in his sires footsteps. You can take this guy home to turn into your commercial herd or use as your next purebred herd Sire. 22M has some extra punch from his GVC Suh sired mother and that has a super quiet temperament.
Another We Deliver son that has all the makings to be the next great one. This guy will have added calving ease coming from his Sooline Motive sired dam. All his daughters have become great producing mothers so don’t pass this bull by if you’re looking at raising some replacement females. The We Deliver offspring have incredibly quiet temperaments.
Back to Benelli on the maternal side of this guy’s pedigree so look for some performance and added pounds to his calves, it’s always hard to find that next site to use on our Benelli females that will be as good as him, but I Deliver is one of the successful crosses, so take advantage and get this guy bought.
If you’re looking for something outcross, then look no more as 25M is Sired by Data Bank, who is gaining a lot of attention for producing some great ones south of the border. This guy has performance and good size to add to his calves.
This guy is the reason we keep using Benelli. You won’t beat the makings of this guy and his overall power and mass. To top it off this bull is so quiet and gentle. We put a halter on him to picture and it was like he’d been born with one on even though he’d never had a halter on before picture day. The dam goes back to one of Rick Deagle’s genetics and the cross sure did work.
Another Benelli bull going back to a Bandwagon daughter so has a little bit of simmental blood in him. This cross will surely add some beneficial traits back into your next calf crop.
Trying to find something to breed our Maine heifers is always a mystery, but we have found some old proven genetics in this Titlest sired calf. 65M is definitely heifer breeding approved and is an outcross pedigree. 65M’s maternal grandsire is the white Baldy face Duel Icon bull so back to something with a little colour in the pedigree could give you those blazed face calves everyone is looking for.
One of the youngest Maine bulls on offer this year but yet as powerful as the older bulls. Out of our walking bull, we purchased from Deagle Cattle Co sale as one of their lead off high selling bulls that year.
We wanted to add a little something to our offering this year and I think we added a lot. Here is a two year-old bull that was successfully campaigned this year at all the fall shows. He was reserve champion AOB at Stockade Round Up and then Reserve Champion Maine bull at Farmfair International. He then went on to be Reserve Champion Maine Bull at Agribition. This guy is an absolute powerhouse and will go out to produce champions and your top calves. Come sale time get this guy home to breed your cows and then take them out to the shows next fall and we highly anticipate great things to happen.
Owned with Chatworth Land and Cattle and Southpaw Cattle Company
This guy was not a left over from last year but was held back for the purpose to sell as a two-year-old in our sale. Out of the legendary We Deliver bull that won many banners across Canada and in the US. This bull will go out and cover a lot of cows that will give you added pounds with some calving ease built in.
62 60 64 61 65 59 63 58
61 4
Welcome to the 5th Annual Rusylvia Cattle Co. Bull Sale. A huge thank you to the Pashulkas for giving us this great opportunity again as guest consigners in this sale — it’s a privilege and it comes with lots of laughs, and good times working with the Pashulkas who are truly an amazing family, and great friends!
We’ve always strived for quality cattle, no matter whether they are purebred or commercial. We started with commercials and slowly built a small purebred herd of Angus and added some Simmental along the way. We’ve implemented heavy use of AI and embryo transfers in the last few years for some exciting matings which have resulted in incredibly cool cattle! With the introduction of embryos, came the need for recips, and we decided to start an early, highintensity calving program to allow us to have the highest quality females for us to use and a select group of pairs to offer.
New for this year’s sale, are our Black Angus and Simmental bulls! As well as continuing with our commercial pairs – even doubling the number this year after last year’s success.
Starting with the bulls, we utilize AI in our purebred herd as much as we can to get the best genetics possible and have been building our herd slowly. As calves, they spent the summer out on grass and were weaned in late August. We moved them up to the Pashulka’s yard in early September, and they have been developing alongside their own bulls since then and can also be viewed at their yard in advance of the sale. We think very highly of these bulls we have on offer and are excited to see their progress and what they can do for your operation.
Now for the pairs. These Simm/Angus females were bred early for December/January calving and all of the calves were born by January 7th, giving these first-time calvers all the time they need if you’re planning to put embryos in them in late March/early April if that’s what you’re after!
We’ve been very happy with the quality and production of our bred heifers the past few years, and have heavily focused on fertility in the last 10 years and are incredibly happy with the conception and consistency results! All the hard work is already done with these young cows; you don’t need to keep them for a whole winter or calve them out. We work very closely with Bullseye Feeds for our mineral and feed program and these females have been on a full TMR ration since late October, developed by Bullseye. Bid on these pairs with confidence knowing they’ve already proved themselves as great producers. All heifers were palpated as yearlings before breeding and are on a full herd health protocol. The calves at foot are sired by Black Angus heifer bulls from Rusylvia Cattle Co. and Everblack Angus. Calves were given Vitamin AD, Vitamin E, Selenium, Calf Guard, and Nasalgen right after birth, and all bull calves have been ringed.
You’re always welcome to stop in at our farm and have a look at the pairs anytime, as we would love to show you around. Don’t hesitate to contact us about the bulls or pairs in the sale, or reach out to anyone on the Bohrson Marketing team for their assistance. We look forward to seeing everyone at the sale day on February 26th!
Chatsworth Land and Cattle NICK:639-840-1125 • ALEX:639-840-1124
• Hwy 41 North until Hwy 640 Junction.
• Turn west (Rusylvia Cattle Co. Sign along Hwy)
• 2 miles until Range Road 72.
• Go south on Range Road 72 for ¾ of a mile look for Red/White Buildings with a gate sign.