OCTOBER 5, 2024
1:00 PM • Farmington, MO • Farmington Livestock Auction
Address: 1600 E Woodlawn Dr, Farmington, MO 63640
Sale Facility: (573) 756-5769
Tim Wild: (618) 340-0728
Richard (Red) Kranawetter: (573) 270-7643
What an exciting time to be in the cattle business!
We bought our first Gelbvieh and Balancer cows in 2006 and immediately realized that these were the cattle we wanted to raise. We have traveled to 10 states bringing what we feel like are some outstanding genetics back to southeast Missouri and southern Illinois. We have concentrated our efforts in buying profitable cattle, always selecting for acceptable birth weights, animals that excel in growth and always having the look that people want. We also put carcass quality on the forefront of our criteria for selecting our herd sires.
We are so thrilled to welcome you to our first production sale. Over the past 18 years we have improved our herd and we finally have enough cattle that we could have a production sale. If you are a repeat customer, thank you for your continued interest in our cattle. If you are a first time buyer we look forward to getting to know you and providing cattle that will work for you and make you a profit.
Richard (Red) and Vera Kranawetter
Tim and Kim Wild
Tim and Kím Wild
3366 KK Road, Waterloo, IL 62298
Auctioneer - Lonnie Peterson
Clay Birk, Ringman: (573) 275-1387
Joe and Tanner Wooten, Ringmen
Tim & Kim
Offering our best to you OCTOBER 5
All cattle will be available for viewing on Friday, October 4 at Noon through Saturday, October 5 until sale time at Farmington Livestock Auction, Farmington, MO.
Terms are cash or check, and settlement must be made sale day before any cattle leave the sale facility. All cattle become the responsibility of the purchaser as soon as sold. All cattle sell under the suggested terms and conditions of the American Gelbvieh Association.
All announcements from block take precedence over all printed material. TKW Gelbvieh/Sunset Ridge Farms is selling full possession and retaining ½ semen rights on all bulls selling.
All persons attending the sale do at their own risk. TKW Gelbvieh/Sunset Ridge Farms and Farmington Livestock Auction assumes no liability for accidents, theft or damages occurring at the sale facility.
Bulls selling for $3500 or more sell with a first breeding season guarantee defined as 90 days from date of sale, provided the bull is managed for proper and acceptable nutritional and physical health. Guarantee applies to bulls in single bull pastures only! In the event of a customer having a problem with a bull (health, injury, or death) prior to or during the first breeding season, the buyer should contact TKW Gelbvieh/Sunset Ridge Farms immediately. A vet statement will be required so the decision to return the bull to TKW Gelbvieh/Sunset Ridge Farms or sold by the buyer may be made. A sale credit will be given towards next year sale at the value of the purchase price minus salvage value.
In the event of death of a bull during the first breeding season, a credit of 50% of the purchase price will be applied at the next sale towards a bull.
Registration papers are in order on all registered Gelbvieh and Balancer cattle selling. Registration papers will be transferred to new owner at sellers’ expense.
Trucking will be available for hire sale day. Cattle will be delivered at a minimal cost to buyer. Visit with TKW Gelbvieh/Sunset Ridge Farms for trucking arrangements.
All EPDs are current as provided by the American Gelbvieh Association. EPDs are subject to change before the transfer of registration and/or the buyers receipt of the transferred registration papers due to updated data recorded at the AGA. EPDs noted in the catalog are from 8-30-24.
All bulls have passed a complete breeding soundness exam and have been trich tested negative and sell as guaranteed breeders. Health papers and semen evaluations papers are available on all bulls selling.
Please contact the sale consultants if you are unable to make it sale day and wish to place an absentee bid or go to DV auction to place your bids. Pre-registration required.
FOR HEIFERS & BULLS - if a single buyer purchases $10,000 or more, delivery is free up to 400 miles.
Listed below are the definitions of American Gelbvieh Association EPDs and the units in which they are published. The EPDs with an asterisk (*) next to the name are available to members only.
Calving ease direct (CED): Percent of unassisted births of a bull’s calves when he is used on heifers. A higher number is favorable, meaning better calving ease. This EPD can be vital to a rancher looking to decrease the amount of calves pulled in his herd.
Milk (Milk): The genetic ability of a sire’s daughters to produce milk expressed in pounds of weaning weight.
Calving ease maternal (CEM): Represented as percent of unassisted births in a sire’s first-calving daughters. A higher number represents more favorable calving ease. This EPD is important to a rancher’s bottom line because it predicts which animals produce daughters with a genetic pre-disposition to calve unassisted as heifers.
Heifer pregnancy (HP): Predicts the probability that a bull’s daughters will become pregnant as first-calf heifers in a regular breeding season, expressed as a percent. A higher value of this EPD is favorable, meaning that a higher percentage of a sire’s daughters get pregnant as first calf heifers compared to other sires in his contemporary group.
30-month pregnancy (Pg30): Predicts the probability that a bull’s daughters will become pregnant and calve at three years of age, given that they calved as first-calf heifers. This EPD is expressed as a percent, again, with a higher number being more favorable meaning a higher percentage of a sire’s daughters will calve at three years of age, given they calved as first-calf heifers.
Stayability (STAY): Predicts the genetic difference, in terms of percent probability, that a bull’s daughters will stay productive within a herd to at least six year of age. The stayability EPD is one of the best measures currently available to compare a bull’s ability to produce females with reproductive longevity.
Docility (DOC): Is reported as a percentage, with higher numbers indicating a higher percent of offspring receiving a disposition score of 1 (docile).
Scrotal circumference (SC): Predicts the difference, in centimeters, of scrotal circumference of an animal’s male offspring at yearling compared to the SC of other animals’ male offspring.
Growth traits
Birth weight (BW): Predicts the difference, in pounds, for birth weight of the calf.
Weaning weight (WW): Predicts the difference, in pounds, for weaning weight (adjusted to age of dam and a standard 205 days of age). This is an indicator of growth from birth to weaning.
Yearling weight (YW): Predicts the expected difference, in pounds, for yearling weight (adjusted to a standard 365 days of age). This is an indicator of growth from birth to yearling.
Carcass traits
Yield grade (YG): Differences in yield grade score, which is a predictor of percent retail product. Smaller values suggest that progeny will have a better lean to fat ratio.
Carcass weight (CW): Differences in pounds of hot carcass weight, adjusted to an industry standard age endpoint.
Ribeye area (CREA): Differences in ribeye area in inches between the 12th and 13th rib. Greater ribeye areas are preferable.
Marbling (MARB): Predicts the differences in the degree of marbling within the ribeye as expressed in marbling score units. Greater marbling numbers are preferable and are an indicator of higher carcass quality grades.
Fat (CFAT): Differences for fat thickness, in inches, for a carcass over the 12th rib, smaller numbers of fat thickness are preferable as excess fat can be detrimental to yield grade.
Dry matter intake (DMI): Represents the average daily dry matter intake per day consumed in pounds. A negative, or lesser value, is more favorable. For example, Bull A has a DMI EPD of .15 and Bull B has a DMI EPD of -.20, so the progeny of Bull B consume, on average, .35 pound less dry matter per day than progeny from Bull A.
*Average daily gain (ADG): Difference in average daily gain in pounds based on an animal’s performance during a feed intake test period.
*Residual feed intake (RFI): Defined as the difference between an animal’s actual daily feed intake and its predicted daily intake based on growth rate and body size. Animals with a positive RFI value are deemed more inefficient because they consume more than expected while animals with a negative RFI value are considered more efficient because they consume less than expected.
Indexes are tools that allow producers to select for several EPDs at once, making selections more efficient than selecting on one trait at a time. Indexes weigh traits based on their importance to a producer’s bottom line by using a trait’s economic and genetic value. Indexes are a good way to put selection emphasis on traits that are economically relevant.
Total maternal (TM): An index that combines growth and milk information as a prediction of the weaning weight performance of calves from a sire’s daughters. As an index, this value is not reported with an accompanying accuracy. A greater TM value means a mother that returns comparatively higher weaning weights on her calves. TM Index = MK EPD + ½ WW EPD.
$Cow: Represents the genetic value in dollars of profit of an animal when retained as a replacement female relative to other animals in the herd. A higher number represents more profitable genetics for maternal productivity. $Cow will serve producers in selecting bulls that will sire daughters with stayability and reproductive efficiency as well as other traits that lead to profitability in a production system, such as milk, calving ease, moderate mature weight and the ability of calves to gain. A female’s genetics also influence the performance of her calves in the feedlot and at slaughter, so traits such as feed efficiency and carcass value are also included in $Cow.
Efficiency profit index (EPI): An economic selection index developed to aid producers in selecting for more feed efficient cattle that still have acceptable amounts of gain. The EPI provides slight negative pressure on intake, while keeping gain at a constant value. By selecting on this index, producers will be able to find those animals that gain the same amount as their contemporaries while eating less.
FPI™ which stands for feeder profit index: An economic selection index designed to aid producers in selecting sires whose progeny will perform in the feedlot and are sold on a grade and yield standpoint. Well ranking sires for FPI have higher marbling and carcass weight than their contemporaries. As a terminal index, little emphasis is put on maternal traits such as stayability and calving ease.
Bulls with this logo have been DNA tested. This high-density panel includes markers and parent verification if parents have markers on file with AGA. This panel is generally used on registered sale animals and is required for all walking sires of January 2016 and later born registered calves. All bulls have Genomic-Enhanced EPDs (GE-EPDs).
Owner: Sunset Ridge Farms Show-Me Select Qualified
Owner: TKW Gelbvieh
Bulls with this logo have been DNA tested. This high-density panel includes markers and parent verification if parents have markers on file with AGA. This panel is generally used on registered sale animals and is required for all walking sires of January 2016 and later born registered calves. All bulls have Genomic-Enhanced EPDs (GE-EPDs).
Owner: Sunset Ridge Farms
AI'ed to Dynamic Red on 5-20-24. Pasture exposed from 5-31-24 to 8-1-24 to Thunder 2574K. Preg checked on 8-1-24 with heifer calf to AI date.
Owner: Sunset Ridge Farms
AI'ed to Mr Leader G970 on 5-20-24. Pasture exposed from 5-31-24 to 8-1-24 to Thunder 2574K. Preg checked on 8-1-24 with bull calf to AI date.
Owner: Sunset Ridge Farms
AI'ed to Lifeline 66J on 5-20-24. Pasture exposed from 5-31-24 to 8-1-24 to Thunder 2574K. Preg checked on 8-1-24 and was 30 days bred.
Owner: Sunset Ridge Farms
AI'ed to Mr Leader G970 on 5-20-24. Pasture exposed from 5-31-24 to 8-1-24 to Thunder 2574K. Preg checked on 8-1-24 and was 50 days bred.
Reference sire for Lots 14-15, 30-31, 35-37. We utilized Mr Hojer in our AI program after seeing his calves at the Prairie Grove dispersal sale in Iowa. He adds muscle and his females ratio 102 on WW.
Offering the option on all open heifers to be AI'ed by TKW Gelbvieh/Sunset Ridge around December 1. This service will be $200/head. We will use our in herd bull semen to AI heifers.
AI'ed to Mr Leader on 5-20-24. Pasture exposed from 5-31-24 to 8-1-24 to Thunder 2574K. Preg checked 8-1-24 with heifer calf to AI date.
AI'ed to Dynamic Red on 5-20-24. Pasture exposed from 5-31-24 to 8-1-24 to Thunder 2574K. Preg checked 8-1-24 with heifer calf to AI date.
AI'ed to Lifeline 66J on 5-20-24. Pasture exposed from 5-31-24 to 8-1-24 to Thunder 2574K. Preg
AI'ed to Dynamic Red on 5-20-24. Pasture exposed from 5-31-24 to 8-1-24 to Thunder 2574K. Preg checked 8-1-24, 26 days bred to Thunder.
AI'ed to Mr Leader on 5-20-24. Pasture exposed from 5-31-24 to 8-1-24 to Thunder 2574K. Preg checked 8-1-24, 45 days bred to Thunder.
Offering the option on all open heifers to be AI'ed by TKW Gelbvieh/Sunset Ridge around December 1. This service will be $200/head. We will use our in herd bull semen to AI heifers.
to Mr Leader on 5-20-24. Pasture exposed from 5-31-24 to 8-1-24 to Thunder 2574K. Preg checked 8-1-24, 42 days bred to Thunder.