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Human Capital Development Programs (in house B2B)

To General managers, sales and marketing executives, salesmen, and to all the company personnel no matter the area or department.



For all company personnel

• Basic concepts of modern sales. - The way for the success. • Construction of the sales winning attitude.* • Selling on value and not on price. • Building relationships for buying loyalty and retain customers in the business to business markets. • Tactics and attitude for the productivity of the floor salesman. • Effective customer value proposition as instrument for better sales. NEW¡¡¡¡ • The marketing basics that all the sellers need to know. - Putting in practice for better results. • The buyer: “The predator of suppliers”. NEW¡¡¡¡ • Fundamentals of proffesional selling. • Strategic approach for effective negotiations. • Selling right; selling value. • The salesman, the leader of the delivery of value and the customer satisfaction. • Among others…

• The self leadership, the cornerstone of the employee development. • Construction for the delivery of value of the company. • The customer is the # 1 for everybody. - A customer focus seminar. • The personal attention: - Indispensable weapon for customer’s satisfaction and retention. • Customer’s orientation: what implies and how it is achieved. • Team working and integration for an effective business. • Motivation as condition for success: - The formula for longlasting achievement. • Time magement: a tool for an efficient work. • Building of richness: - For everybody and for the company. ** • Possitive work attitude: A tool for a better execution. NEW¡¡¡¡ • Effective business presentations. NEW¡¡¡¡ • Entreprenurial motivation of high impact. NEW¡¡¡¡

(Marketing and Sales) • The effective comercial manager. •

The leader must be motivated: - Concepts, ideas and skills for long range target. • The modern function of marketing. • Production and delivery of the customer value preposition as a strategic tool to gain projects and to retain customers. New¡¡¡¡ • The intelligent use of market research in business to business operation. • The critical functions of sales manager for successful performance. • What to do for a effective and profitable long range customer retention. • The professional salesman: a managerial approach. • Strategic plan for sales and marketing . • The use of the sales promotion as as income generator. • Among Others...

• Among others…

Speaker: Mr. Gerardo Casso. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: The material could be adapted specially to your company needs, and if required, innovated in according to your applications.


(52 81) 8348-4253/95 // 8333-1935 01-800-7143-368 m kc a s s o @ c a s s o a s e s o re s . c o m w w w. c a s s o a s e s o re s . c o m

Based on the book: * Los seis pasos del progreso. ** Riqueza Total.

More than 14,000 executives qualified to date.

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