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Wet Tropic Times | 3 Let Aquo share how to be strong!
Amy Aquilini
LAST Saturday, Amy Aquilini launched her new book Strong at Hinchinbrook Shire Council Library Ingham.
Amy shared with those in attendance the letter of Encouragement she wrote for the beginning of her novel. The following is a short snapshot of the letter that Ms Aquilini has given the Wet Tropic Times permission to share: "Dear You – yes you! you AH-MAZING creature that God brought into this world. I want to make a few things clear before I dive in too deep. In life, we all make mistakes, we all have struggles, but I want you to know that you are in no way, shape or form your mistakes and/or struggles - UNLESS you choose to let them overcome you!
You have the power to create the life your heart desires, but you must believe in yourself. If you don't, how do you expect anyone else to? You must dig deep; you must exhale all the negativity in your life and inhale that unwavering self-belief we all have (if we choose to find it) that propels you forward in every aspect of your life."
Amy shared her journey that led to the book Strong. She survived a horrific four-wheeler accident at the young age of twenty-one.
Doctor Steve Dick is the doctor that took the call on that fateful night. He spoke at the book launch of how Amy had a 1 in 20 chance of surviving from the get-go and then a 1 in 20 chance of recovery. He was excited to have caught a morning flight from Brisbane to speak at the book launch and witness the accomplishments of 1 in a million survivor.
Through all the adversity, Amy survived and found her love of writing. She has suffered one of the most traumatic brain injuries: She had to learn how to walk and talk and eat again.
She has had to reconfigure her brain to function.
She had to retrain her brain all over again. It was like rebooting her whole life.
She is a ball of energy! She carries this energy in her belly, with a passion for giving back and inspiring others.
She was glad to share her positive experiences with those in attendance at the launch and shared that she equally has down days for her up days. "I have had fits worse than my three year old has," said Amy Aqualini.
Amy embarked on a journey of Rediscovery; she speaks of people that have helped her along the way: the Member for Hinchinbrook Nick Demetto and Councillor Mary Brown have and will continue to assist her and her loving parents, just to name a few.
They all helped her gather her thoughts and supported her help to point her in the right direction to produce this fantastic book strong and now furthering her field to be a motivational speaker. To find Amy Aquilini go to www.aquoonline.com.au, where you will be able to purchase the book Strong, or coolers and t-shirts.
Dr Steve Dick and Amy Aquilini