
Dear Castilleja Community,
As far as offices go, I’m beginning to realize that mine just might be the best seat in the house. Every day between calls and meetings, I can glance outside and see an array of different scenes playing out: there’s our new flag football team practicing; there are bottle rockets launching to the delight of their inventors; and there are friends sitting together, laughing while they are telling stories. It’s an extraordinary view that captures the remarkable world around the Circle.
These pages capture some of that joy and acknowledge the donors who help enrich our program. In my career in independent school leadership, I have always been attuned to and awed by the philanthropy that makes it possible for a school to fulfill its mission. The extent of the generosity of the Castilleja community became clear to me in my earliest days as Interim Head of School this summer when I realized that we had approved 87 summer grants for employees to deepen their learning in their discipline, expand their teaching practices, and explore new ways to support our students and build community. Our teachers are deeply committed to their students and to their craft, and these avenues for professional growth are made possible by the Annual Fund. This giving benefits our students in every way, every day.
You will also find generous support of View360 and our tuition assistance program, which is vital to the mission and to the school community. The event itself reinforced the importance of opening more opportunities at Castilleja and also reminded us of the excitement our students feel as they hear from inspiring speakers and are invited into conversations about topics that matter to them. Each year, it is a magical evening, and I am already looking forward to the next View360—mark your calendars for Saturday, April 19, 2025.
As a school leader, I have always enjoyed meeting with donors because we often talk about their hopes for their children. At Castilleja, many of these conversations center around how much seeing older students in leadership roles helps younger students imagine new possibilities for themselves. I hope these pages help you imagine new possibilities for all of us. This report shows that the commitment of our community through a season of change is resolute and reminds me that this bridge from the past to the future is something we are all building together. This is an ongoing process, and as you will see with news of the groundbreaking, Castilleja’s bright future is already underway. Thank you for playing a role in supporting this vibrant community and transformational program.
With gratitude,
Julia Russell Eells Castilleja Interim Head of School
Dear Castilleja Families and Friends,
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we want to thank you for your continued support of Castilleja. We are humbled by your generosity and proud of our collective commitment to Castilleja’s mission. Our community is incredibly strong, and our shared belief that the world needs more women leaders makes us even stronger.
As Co-chairs of the Advancement Committee and members of the Board of Trustees, we have been reflecting on two other related but distinct ideas as well—gratitude and optimism. In many ways, these themes are influenced by where our own daughters are in their Castilleja journeys. One of us, Stephanie, has a junior, and the transformational impact of this unique education is coming into focus in new ways as the future beyond Castilleja draws closer. At this stage, the life lessons from inside and outside the classroom, the varied opportunities to lead, and the lifelong bonds that have been built around the Circle all contribute to a sense of appreciation so profound that it sometimes feels like wonder. And for Jamaica, who has one daughter in Middle School and another who has just started in the Upper School, the optimism for the next chapter in Castilleja’s history is palpable and unifying. As a community, Castilleja is in the process of building a positive bridge to new leadership; embarking on our long-awaited campus modernization project; and, all the while, still creating an environment where students are thriving in the present.
With attention to every point in the journey, Castilleja will continue to empower students to embrace their potential as leaders and discover the meaning that can be found within a life of purpose. The gifts recorded in this Annual Report honor this vital work. For all of us, giving is a measure of understanding of the important place Castilleja will always have in our children’s lives.
Stephanie Chen P’26 and Jamaica Kreps P’28 ’30
Coffee or tea?
Describe a perfect morning: Puttering in my perennial garden with my dog and coffee before the sun gets too high.
Paper, ebook, or audiobook? Paper, with a pencil—always.
Night owl or morning person? In bed by 9pm.
What’s the last book you read?
Horse by Geraldine Brooks. I love historical fiction and she writes this compelling story with such care, beauty, and humility.
Who is one of your mentors?
In my first job in college admission (40+ years ago), I worked for and admired the most soulful, savvy, and kind woman named Mara, who taught me a lot about how to support and mentor young professionals.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Math—I LOVED trigonometry!
Tell us about a teacher who made a big impression on you. I adored my very poetic and passionate Women’s Studies professor in college.
What led you into working at girls’ schools?
I went to a women’s college where I was able to merge my academic and emerging leadership voice into one. I was naturally attracted to paying that unique experience forward.
What is your superpower?
Reading people and thinking on my feet.
One thing your children have taught you?
My son taught me how to appreciate the moment.
Favorite place on your school campus?
I love connecting with colleagues on the Palm Patio at Castilleja.
Favorite classroom memory (as a student)?
My AP studio art class taught by a very edgy teacher who let us listen to her Steely Dan and Santana cassettes!
Favorite student club or leadership role (as a student)?
I was the president of my class junior and senior year, and we built (the most) awesome parade floats for the homecoming parade!
Favorite retail experience:
Toss up between Ace Hardware and any bookstore!
Coffee or tea?
Medium or dark roast coffee—with a little milk and sugar.
Describe a perfect morning: A quiet household, coffee, and New York Times games.
Paper, ebook, or audiobook? Paper—the others only for travel or out of necessity.
Night owl or morning person?
Early bird surrounded by night owls.
What’s the last book you read?
I read The Giving Tree with my son. It is a story of kindness and friendship, and I love that it’s his favorite book at the moment.
Who is one of your mentors?
My grandmother, Betty. She has high standards and offers so much wisdom and laughter. She’s a real empowerer of women and has an uncanny ability to connect with just about everyone.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Science—specifically biology.
Tell us about a teacher who made a big impression on you.
I enjoyed my tough and quirky 9th grade science teacher who
encouraged me to seek out my first research experience and took the time to advise my individual study project senior year.
What led you into working at girls’ schools?
I went to a school for girls and appreciate the familiarity and mission of working in one.
What is your superpower? I’m pretty steady in uncertain or challenging moments.
One thing your children have taught you?
That my mom was mostly right when I was growing up (don’t tell her).
Favorite place on your school campus?
Brearley’s Performance Hall. It’s a beautifully designed place
for community gatherings and I have wonderful memories from weekly assemblies and musical performances to graduation.
Favorite classroom memory (as a student)?
One of my favorite memories is a fish dissection in lower schoolI thought it was the coolest thing ever!
Favorite student club or leadership role (as a student)?
As a senior in high school I was a Peer Leader, and I loved connecting with the 9th grade students and facilitating discussions with my peers.
Favorite retail experience: It’s a tie between the Garden Center of Home Depot and Michaels (or really any) craft store.
The Board of Trustees is comprised of deeply committed community members who bring diverse expertise and foresight to the work they do supporting Castilleja’s mission now and into the future.
ED CHAN P’22 ’25 Partner, KCR Development
“I am inspired by Castilleja’s dedication to empowering young women through education. I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative impact it has had on my daughters. Castilleja’s mission nurtures intellectual curiosity and integrity while preparing the next generation of compassionate women leaders. I am incredibly excited about the campus modernization, which will elevate the learning experience at Castilleja. The new innovative campus will further foster collaboration and creativity, and I look forward to seeing how it enhances Castilleja’s educational offerings and strengthens its commitment to developing women leaders.”
General Partner at ICONIQ Growth and advisory council member for Stanford’s Clayman Institute for gender research
“With three daughters at Castilleja this year, we are clearly fully committed to the school! I have always been inspired by Casti's mission and have seen firsthand how our kids have thrived, so I was honored to have an opportunity to contribute. I’m excited about Castilleja entering a new chapter, preparing young women for an ever-evolving and complex world. With initiatives like campus modernization and new leadership, Castilleja is teaching its students to not be afraid to embrace challenges, demonstrating that these opportunities can pave the way to a brighter future.”
Philanthropist, attorney, and former executive in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
“ Castilleja is truly unique, with a rich legacy of excellence and a well-earned reputation for innovation. The thoughtful curriculum, passionate educators, and engaged community have allowed Castilleja graduates to create lasting positive change in the world for over 117 years. I am thrilled about Castilleja's future and feel privileged to serve on the board during this pivotal moment in the school's growth and development.”
Chief Operating Officer at Box, overseeing marketing, sales, customer success, partnerships, and operations
“ I believe deeply in the mission of Castilleja and hope to make a small contribution to an enduring institution. I am excited for Casti to continue to deliver an amazing education and leadership development for its students.”
Community leader in the nonprofit sector, currently on the development team at Peninsula Bridge
“ As a past parent, I’ve witnessed firsthand the value of a Castilleja education. Joining the board is a meaningful way for me to support Castilleja’s mission and help sustain its tradition of empowering young women for years to come. I’m excited about the new leadership as well as the new campus project, which will create more dynamic spaces for learning and community, supporting future generations of women leaders.”
In early September, we celebrated Castilleja’s leading donors at a dinner hosted by Rah Mansoor and Pedram Keyani P ’29 ’31 at their home in Los Altos. This annual event celebrates the generosity of the school’s supporters who give at the highest level.
Before dinner, guests enjoyed an inspiring and thought-provoking conversation with Interim Head of School Julia Russell Eells and two thought leaders from our community—an alum and a current parent. Ida Hempel ’10, VP of Galvanize Climate Solutions, and Scott Doorley P’26 ’29, Creative Director at Stanford’s d.School, engaged guests with an exploration of how human creativity is applied to address complex issues such as climate change, while also reflecting on the transformative impact of a Castilleja education.
Ida credits Castilleja for “allowing me to find myself” and cultivating her early interests in protecting the environment and understanding the human impact on global warming. Since graduating from Castilleja, she earned her AB from Harvard, then her MBA and MS in Environment and Resources from Stanford. She has dedicated her career to developing, scaling, and investing in high-impact climate solutions and climate tech opportunities. At the event, Ida also shared highlights of her time around the Circle, from meeting Gloria Steinem and Al Gore, to traveling to Korea to represent the United States for her ACE Org, the Green Team. Current students continue to carry forward this work of educating and engaging the
Castilleja community to take action on the climate and environmental crisis.
Scott’s work at Stanford is at the intersection of design, technology, and learning. At the dinner, he talked about futurist thinking, where addressing climate change is a necessary component. The book he and a colleague recently wrote to explore probable futures, Assembling Tomorrow: A Guide to Designing a Thriving Future from the Stanford d.school, offers an actionable guide to changing course to create a more positive future.
Acknowledging the discouraging tenor of many conversations about climate issues, both Ida and Scott expressed their hope that Castilleja graduates will cultivate optimism by understanding that their contributions can slow climate change with “ripples of reactions” that may solve many of the challenges that face us today.
Castilleja’s curriculum, and indeed our new campus design, place a strong emphasis on sustainability, and all three speakers acknowledged how our mission will continue to flourish as we educate women leaders to effect change around the world.
Note to reader: This fall, the giving level Head’s Circle has been renamed Founder’s Circle. These donors contribute at the highest level to both the Annual Fund and View360. You will see references to this in future communications and publications.
Castilleja’s capital campaign began in the quiet phase in 2017 and will span nearly a decade by the time it comes to a successful finish. The planning process for the new campus, which the campaign is making possible, began even earlier in 2013. With over 200 donors and counting, the range of stakeholders encompasses past and current trustees, parents from multiple generations, alums dating back over eight decades, and other friends of the school.
In this Annual Report, we honor the generosity of two of these families: Sarah and Greg Sands P’16 ’19 ’24 and Rah Mansoor and Pedram Keyani P’29 ’31. Sarah and Greg made one of the earliest gifts to Open Their World: The Campaign for Castilleja, before the project even had an architect, and Rah and Pedram gave more recently; their pledge was the largest made in the past school year.
Both families share a deep commitment to Castilleja—Sarah was on the board from 2017 to 2024 and Rah joined the board this year—and through their philanthropy and active involvement, they exemplify the spirit of engagement that propels our mission forward and gives us even more confidence in the journey ahead. Together, these two families bridge the campaign from the very beginning to the homestretch.
“I knew of Castilleja, but always assumed our kids would attend the Palo Alto public schools,” Sarah says. “However, when our eldest daughter Natalie wanted to apply and initiated the process herself, everything changed.” The family’s campus visit was transformative. Sarah vividly remembers being greeted by a self-assured 6th grader, remarking, “I was blown away by her confidence; my mind was changed immediately.”
EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS “Throughout our daughters’ years at Castilleja,” Greg says, “the school helped raise them to an entirely new level of thinking and self-discovery.” The faculty empowered their children to thrive, develop initiative, and cultivate their innate strengths. “By the time they were juniors, they were doing work most people don’t encounter until college. Castilleja exceeded even my highest expectations!” he exclaims.
“While at Castilleja, Natalie tore her ACL. Though we considered it a setback at the time, that experience actually inspired her to pursue a career in medicine,” Sarah shares. “She realized the power of the profession to treat a person, even cure them, and found a higher calling. Castilleja provided the foundation and she took the initiative and had the determination to go to med school.”
SUPPORTING THE FUTURE The Sands’ first campaign gift of $500,000 was motivated by a desire to ensure that future generations benefit from facilities that match the quality of education. Sarah emphasizes, “We didn’t have to be sold on the need because we were living it.” They were also motivated by enrollment growth; in Greg’s words, “It’s an amazing education,
and more girls deserve it.” Sarah continues, “Castilleja has somehow managed to run a world-class institution with what it has—just imagine what it will do with a new campus. And just as others before us made possible what our daughters experienced, now it was our turn.”
Two years later, they doubled their contribution to $1 million.
As a recipient of financial aid at St. Francis School in Mountain View, Sarah recalls working in the school office to help cover tuition. “My journey was made possible by the generosity of others, and now, I find myself in a position to give back. ‘I’m doing this for young Sarah,’ I often say. I know how transformative financial support can be, and am grateful to help others navigate their educational paths, just as those before helped me.”
FOSTERING GROWTH AND CURIOSITY Greg adds, “I started out in Minneapolis public schools, though it was the transition to a college preparatory school that changed everything. The smaller environment made a world of difference. I was surrounded by students who genuinely wanted to learn. Teachers took the time to draw out our potential, creating an atmosphere that fostered growth and curiosity. This experience solidified my belief in the importance of accessible, high-quality education for all.”
For the Sands family, Castilleja represents more than an education; it embodies a commitment to empowering young women. They admire the transformation they observed in their daughters, attributing it to the nurturing environment that encourages students to become their best selves.
“Castilleja is important to our family because it helped shape our daughters into resilient, confident individuals,” Sarah says. “We see the enduring effects of their education every day.”
FINDING JOY Sarah’s service to the school began as an Annual Fund solicitor, and she had a pivotal role in achieving 99% participation at the time. “I found immense joy in fostering a sense of belonging, working to create a community where everyone feels invested and connected,” she says. Greg adds with a smile, “When the kids were younger, Sarah said to me something like ‘I’m so excited to work in and around the kids’ education, and I’ll do everything but ask for money.’” Sarah laughs and explains the shift: “Working with Sue KimHA on the Annual Fund, I learned that doing the uncomfortable was easier when I believed wholeheartedly in the cause. Before Castilleja, I may have asked someone for $1,000, but then, when I was on the Advancement Committee then the Capital Campaign Committee, and learned more about the campus modernization and what it will do for the school, I started adding zeros.” Sarah’s volunteerism extends beyond Castilleja to the political realm—she is dedicated to lifting up women candidates and closing the gender gap in elected representation and in political contributions.
“Sarah is a woman who can move mountains,” Greg says with admiration. “Everyone else started getting to see Sarah as I see her, and it’s wonderful to know there is such appreciation of her hard work on behalf of the school.” Sarah’s seven-year tenure as a trustee coincided with the COVID pandemic, and she served as Vice Chair for three years to then-Board Chair
Mary Speiser P’20 ’22. “Working closely with Mary was exhilarating,” Sarah shares, describing the power of collaboration and shared vision in advancing Castilleja’s mission. One of the most gratifying moments, she recalls, was how the school rallied together during the initial days of the pandemic. The well-coordinated response meant that families with fewer resources were fully supported during a very challenging time: from internet connectivity and laptops to groceries, the school provided for all its students.
INSPIRING PHILANTHROPY Mary praises Sarah and her unwavering commitment, saying, “Sarah has been an invaluable member of the Advancement Committee since 2009 and continues to serve on the Capital Campaign Steering Committee, making her one of the longest-serving and most-involved former trustees. She is responsible for instilling a strong philanthropic culture in our school community as evidenced by the growth in donations during her tenure, and is a constant source of thought-partnership for the leadership team. Her actions demonstrate just how deeply she cares about Castilleja and everything it stands for: women learning and women leading.”
“Our hope for the next generation is that they will embrace the challenges and opportunities that come their way, just as our daughters have,” Greg reflects. “With the right support, they achieve incredible things.” With this hindsight in mind, Sarah and Greg hope current parents also recognize the immense value of the Castilleja experience, as they are living it. “This school has a profound impact on all of our daughters’ futures.”
MORE THAN A SCHOOL “It’s a unique gift to have such a high-caliber institution in our backyard,” Pedram emphasizes. “Castilleja is more than just a school; it is a nurturing community for big thinkers who are encouraged to ask profound questions and seek meaningful answers.” During the application process and beyond, the family interacted with a number of alumnae and current students and were struck by the Casti confidence, clear thinking, and willingness to engage in deep and thoughtful conversations.
In June 2024, the family pledged their campaign gift of $3.5 million, which will be recognized with the naming of the Keyani Family Library and the Kaz Mansoor Community Hub. Rah and Pedram are also co-chairing the Annual Fund in 2024–25, inspired by what philanthropy can make possible at independent schools.
HONORING TRADITIONS In Rah’s words: “Building a new campus and library that will nurture generations of confident female leaders is a privilege.” In contemplating their commitment to Castilleja, Rah and Pedram express their appreciation for an institution that has been dedicated to educating women for over a century. They recognize that the school’s strength lies in its ability to honor its rich traditions while simultaneously adapting to the needs of today’s world, ensuring it remains a world-class institution for the 21st century. “We are particularly excited about the school’s vision to expand enrollment thanks to the modernized campus,” Rah adds, “allowing it to better serve even more girls and to continue leading as a beacon of excellence in education.”
“Our campaign gift was for our girls, and on a larger scale, reflects our belief in Castilleja’s mission and its ability to create pathways for future generations of young women,” Rah says, highlighting their hope of making a Castilleja education accessible for all students who are admitted, ensuring they are given every opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.
As someone who loved reading and cherished her own experiences in libraries, Rah sees the new spaces as central to cultivating exploration, collaboration, and camaraderie among students. She chose to honor her father in the naming of the Kaz Mansoor Community Hub, and talks about his values of building relationships and connecting with others, reflecting on how this resonates with Castilleja: “This school is a place that gives girls roots—grounding them in knowing themselves and benefiting from the embrace of a supportive environment—and wings, inspiring them to explore big ideas, dream boldly, and make an impact on the world.”
FOSTERING LEADERSHIP The heart of Rah and Pedram’s philanthropy is their conviction that education for young women is an essential foundation for societal progress. Their giving directly supports what Castilleja is known for: Women Learning, Women Leading—particularly as the Keyani Family Library will inspire scholarship and the Kaz Mansoor Community Hub will foster leadership. Because of their generosity, these time-tested and forward-thinking elements of the Castilleja experience will now be enhanced by cutting-edge technology and exceptional facilities.
Their commitment to Castilleja also symbolizes hope —a chance to cultivate an environment where girls can explore new concepts, discover themselves, and emerge with a readiness to change the world.
ENCOURAGING WOMEN LEADERS They are acutely aware that the world needs more women leaders; having seen the scarcity of women executives in tech, Pedram passionately advocates for change, calling for more role models to lead the way for others. “There aren’t enough women in leadership positions who can speak up and have a strong presence to inspire others to follow in their footsteps. You can count on one hand the number of C-suite technology executives here in Silicon Valley who are women. These statistics need to change, not only here in this sector, but everywhere, in order to attain the balance of gender equality,” Pedram says adamantly. As professionals, as philanthropists, and as parents, Rah and Pedram are motivated to break down barriers that limit possibilities for women.
Also, as first- and second-generation immigrants, Pedram and Rah deeply know the value of community and the power of education. Their gift to Castilleja is about honoring community and giving others opportunity. They hope their gift will inspire their daughters to embrace a mindset of abundance, a philosophy of shared prosperity, and a deep belief in the power of contributing to something greater than themselves.
PAYING IT FORWARD Pedram says, “We are now part of the tradition of leaving the institution in an even stronger place than we found it, and we know the new
campus will match the exceptional curriculum.” This desire to pay it forward is not new at Castilleja—it has fueled everything from the endowment that supports our Global Investigators Trip to the Tinker Space in the Middle School.
INVESTING IN THE FUTURE Rah and Pedram have joined Sarah and Greg, and many other generous parents who understand that the Castilleja where their children have thrived was built by generous donors who came before them. Through their collective contributions, our campaign donors are demonstrating what it means to be bold, investing in the leading edge to ensure that the school continues to innovate for the unknown, doing what it does best. Together, we are transforming the campus to educate more women leaders through access and empowerment, acknowledging what we do for Castilleja today has a profound effect on what its students and alums can do for the world tomorrow.
There were many in attendance who moved this project forward when it was still only an idea—including former Head of School Nanci KauffmanHA, Associate Head of School Kathy LayendeckerHA, Director of Advancement Sue KimHA, and 11 former trustees, including two who served as Board Chairs—Barb Rosston and Mary Speiser. Literally and symbolically, they passed the ceremonial shovels to Interim Head Julia Russell Eells, current Board Chair Zac Zeitlin, and 12 current trustees to dig in and carry the project forward. Celebrating this moment with so many eras of invested believers emphasized the continuity between the past and future and reinforced the enduring importance of Castilleja’s mission. Mary, who was the Board Chair when the project was approved, shared reflections about how it felt that day and what this new campus will mean for the future. Her notes tell a meaningful story about how our community has worked together to arrive at this moment.
What a happy sight looking out at all of you who have had a special role in bringing this day to fruition!
Several eras of the board of trustees and of the leadership team, going back to 2012, have had a hand in this process. Past and present, what brings this group together and the common bond that we share is a belief in the necessity of Castilleja’s mission–to educate young women to become confident thinkers and compassionate leaders with a sense of purpose to effect change in the world.
When I reflect on the unrelenting pace of childhood and the perpetually unfinished work of education, I marvel at the spirit of the leadership team, the board of trustees, faculty, and staff—all of those who pour their hearts and souls into Castilleja—and am reminded of a quote from French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry who said, “If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” And that is what we do here. At the core of those who are so dedicated to Castilleja is a deep belief in the potential of women, and a knowing that their potential is more likely to be
“ I left the event with a feeling of pride for how far we’ve come, and it was wonderful to all come together to celebrate such an important milestone. The fact that all those people—the majority of whom are no longer connected to the campaign on a daily basis—showed up for this event underscores the passion they all feel for the vision and how important they feel this project is to the future of Castilleja.”
Goldberg P’ 17, Capital Campaign Co-Chair, former Trustee
realized having been sparked and nurtured right here on the Circle.
So, today’s groundbreaking is about much more than a garage and new academic buildings. This long-awaited moment will allow Castilleja to more efficiently and effectively fulfill its mission; will allow for more girls to benefit from a world-class education; and will inspire and propel the students within so that they may thrive beyond. As an alum parent I can now more fully appreciate that the value of a Castilleja education grows with time. You see its fruits multiply years after your students have graduated. You realize that each new endeavor and each new milestone of your child’s life is reached in part thanks to her time here.
Today, we mark a moment together that would not have been possible without each of you. On behalf of future women learning, and future women leading, thank you to everyone who has worked so hard imagining this day, as we mark this groundbreaking moment.
“ Digging a shovel into Spieker Field, surrounded by the past and future leaders of Castilleja during this significant milestone event, was a powerful reminder of our shared responsibility. It reinforced my belief in a 'pay it forward' mindset: we must cherish the land and educational spaces that have nurtured our children and ensure that future generations have access to even greater opportunities for growth and success.”
—Suzanne O’Brien P ’21, Trustee
Jeanne Floyd Downs ’80 and Helen Floyd Sullivan ’82 live in Massachusetts and Florida, but their connection to Castilleja remains strong, rooted in cherished memories, family ties, and loyal philanthropic support.
When asked about their experiences, Jeanne described the school as a nurturing environment where she thrived academically and personally. “When I arrived, I was timid. By graduation, I felt like I could accomplish most anything.” One pivotal moment was when, with the encouragement of her English teacher Susan SheehanHA (now Mrs. Barkan), she decided to run for freshman class president as a new 9th grader. “Supportive faculty empower each student to become her best self,” she said. Helen echoed these sentiments and emphasized small class sizes and the sense of community. The sisters recounted many unforgettable teachers, slumber parties, and lifelong friendships.
Jeanne credits Castilleja for instilling the foundation necessary for her education at Harvard and future career in banking. After time away from work to focus on her family, she now coaches swimming, a sport she played at Castilleja. Additionally, she recently served for ten years on her town’s school board. Helen, who double majored in Spanish literature and economics at Stanford, spoke of her enduring connection to the language, which she learned from Mercedes McCaffreyHA. “My experience at Castilleja shaped my life choices,” she reflected. Helen spent much of her 20 years in education as a Spanish and English as a Second Language educator and spoke Spanish at home with her three children, the oldest of whom is bilingual. In 2004, she and her husband pursued a new career in Christian ministry and she still uses Spanish in her work today.
Both women are dedicated annual donors and direct their gifts toward the Spanish and science departments
and the swim team, to reflect their activities and interests as students. “It is important to us that faculty and coaches have the resources to do their jobs well,” Helen said. Jeanne added that her parents always emphasized the importance of giving back. Their mother Mary served on several boards, including Castilleja’s, and in 1989, she established Peninsula Bridge, the consortium of independent schools that provides summer programming for students from under-resourced communities. Their father Bill Floyd continues to be a role model through his ongoing involvement with organizations that mean the most to him. After Mary’s passing, Bill and Cynthia Kaiser (Roberts) Floyd ’51 married and continue to support Castilleja. And now their blended family has six Castilleja graduates from 1951, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, and 1985.
“Castilleja also encouraged us to give back,” Jeanne noted. “Mr. Westmoreland, the head of school at the time, instilled in us a sense of responsibility. I recall his talk senior year when he encouraged us to donate what we could each year, $5 or $10, just to get in the habit.”
The sisters passionately support the education offered by Castilleja, understanding from their own experiences its critical role in empowering young women. “Castilleja teaches girls how to be good stewards of the world and make a difference, whether in their neighborhood, city, country, or across the globe—or all of the above.”
With funds Helen Floyd Sullivan ’82 has dedicated to the Spanish department for professional development, Rigile Ortega and Jeff MayfieldHA enrolled in a conference at the University of Salamanca in Spain. The program offered meaningful exchanges with other educators and deepened their connection to their own work. Ms. Ortega explained, “Simply being there was amazing. I had been talking about the culture and the art for years, and then to be able to go there made a difference.”
Mr. MayfieldHA chimed in, “We went to the Prado. Remember Las Meninas?” he says to Ms. Ortega, referring to one of Diego Valzquez’s most noted works.
“I was getting choked up,” she explained, “because I was finally able to see it in person as opposed to only teaching about it and projecting it onto the whiteboard. It wasn’t so much the art piece that moved me but the gift of seeing it in person after all those years of only seeing it in the textbooks.”
Mr. MayfieldHA stayed on for an additional program to take in more history and culture through guided outings. “It gave me a greater appreciation for the importance of experiential learning, which I continue to promote in my classroom. And it reminded me that as language teachers, we are able to help students see more of the world.”
Emma Garcia went to Salamanca a few years later, explaining, “It’s the best program in the world for teaching Spanish as a second language, and while I
was there I decided to start another master’s degree because—why not?” Dr. Garcia appreciated the reminder of what it feels like to be a student again.
“I also brought back a lot of authentic contemporary reading materials for my senior seminar, so my students can see how Spanish kids their age are talking about music and body image and feminism. It’s much better than reading textbooks.”
During her time at Castilleja, Shana NistlerHA has received two grants. One allowed her to travel to Santiago de Compostela to attend a program for teachers run by the Spanish government to learn about the culture, food, music, and history of the Camino de Santiago. More recently, she traveled to Equatorial Guinea, the only Spanish-speaking country in Africa, to continue her research and learning. Of her experience, she shares, “I brought back recordings of the dialect there to help my students understand the regional diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. Thanks to the connections I have made, I am now working on setting up a virtual cultural exchange with a school there.”
Ms. Ortega met Helen when she was visiting campus a few years ago. “I remember being so impressed by her. I was amazed by all she is doing to make a difference through her own work in addition to all she’s doing to make a difference here at Castilleja.” Ms. NistlerHA met both Helen and Jeanne at Reunion/Alum Day this year and shares Ms. Ortega’s admiration. “It was really wonderful hearing about the impact Castilleja has on their lives, and they’ve had such an impact on us and all of our Spanish students now.”
Last year, 61 seniors were admitted to 131 different colleges and universities and enrolled in 41 across the U.S., listed below. Of these students, 79% will be attending a college outside California. Twelve will be playing a collegiate varsity sport—an all-time record for Castilleja’s graduating class! Two students will embark on a journey of exploration and take a gap year before college. We’re incredibly proud of our Class of 2024 and excited to see what they’ll do next!
Barnard College
Boston College
Bowdoin College
Brandeis University
Brown University
California State University, Fullerton
Case Western Reserve University
Colby College
Colgate University
Colorado College
Columbia University
Dartmouth College
Duke University
Harvard University
Harvey Mudd College
Haverford College
Howard University
Lafayette College
Lehigh University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
New York University
Northeastern University
Northwestern University
Pitzer College
Pomona College
Princeton University
Rider University
Stanford University
Swarthmore College
Tufts University
University of British
Columbia, Vancouver
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Riverside
University of Chicago
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor
University of Pennsylvania
University of Richmond
Washington University in St. Louis
Yale University
A total of 64 girls said “yes” to joining the Castilleja Class of 2031! Students in this group speak 12 languages, come from 41 schools and 20 towns across the Peninsula and beyond, and share a love of reading, music, crafts, and sports. We’re thrilled to welcome them to the Circle.
…if there could be robots that could do anything for you, such as chores.
…if numbers are actually infinite, and if the universe is infinite.
…whether there could be a different form of life in space.
…if I will make friends at my new school.
…if we learn to improve from our mistakes, why are we afraid of making them?
...how underwater creatures are able to create bioluminescence and whether it can help humans somehow.
…how to stop climate change.
…about equity and the ability of women to have equal pay and equal benefits compared to men.
…what my style is for cartooning.
…how Neil Armstrong felt when he put the U.S. flag on the moon!
Auxiliary Income
Total Revenue:
Annual Fund Campaign
Current Parents*
Parents of Alumnae*
Corporations & Foundations
*Excludes Trustees
Fundraising Summary
Annual Fund
View360 Named Endowments
Gilhuly Fine Arts Chair Endowment
Katherine Hass ’14 Fellowship Scholarships
Blair Walker Stratford ’56
The Ditz and Mosbacher Family
Kathy Williams
Lisa ’86 and Kristi Maslak ’89
Megan Guerin Macdonald
Scholar Athlete
Sara LaBoskey ’98 Scholar Athlete
Stephanie Meier ’89
Peggy McKee HistorySocial Sciences Chair
Class of 2023 Senior Class Gift
Other Gifts
General and Admin
Total Expenses:
Total: $2,799,583 $1,265,555 $2,500 $8,683 $25,122 $2,500 $250 $2,000 $1,000
Current Parents*
Parents of Alumnae*
Corporations & Foundations
*Excludes Trustees
Total Giving Open Their World Campaign
OTW Total Raised to Date
OTW Total Gifts Received
$401,638 $1,701,605 $157,381 $250,766 $13,500 $3,055 $91,054 $180,585 $2,799,583 $672,488 $2,295,575 $237,680 $606,521 $14,000 $3,905 $104,454 $187,642 $4,122,265 $93,210,639 $44,211,050
Thank you to all of our donors for your generous contributions over the 2023–24 school year. Leadership gifts made to Castilleja play a special role in creating an unparalleled experience for today’s students and ensuring the school’s financial sustainability for generations to come.
Head’s Circle $50,000 or more
Anonymous (7)
Reena and Raj Agrawal
Patti and Edward Chan
Stephanie and Sherwin Chen
Toni Cupal and Mike Volpi
Anna and Sean Glodek
Cindy and Evan Goldberg
Lori and Brian Goler
Theresia Gouw
Calla and Will Griffith
Brooke Heckert and Michael Linse
Erin Hoffmann and Michael Schroepfer
Heidi Hopper and Jeffrey Dean
Nancy Kedzierski and Gordon Chaffee
Jaynie and William Kind
Jennifer and David Ko
Jamaica and Jay Kreps
Yidrienne Lai and Christopher Chang
Aileen Lee and Jason Stinson
The Magic Beans
Gerry Marshall
Viola Mong Meehan ’82
Julia and Yuri Milner
Jennifer Newstead and Alex Mishkin
Susan Packard Orr ’64
Bosede and Oreoluwa Adeyemi
Diana Alvarez Kaba and Armando Mann
Beaky Chan and Gregory Haardt
Tina Chen and Anthony Lin
Julie and Andrew Cheng
Nandini and Mathews Cherian
Nam Cho and Nathaniel Gallon
Carolyn Choi and Jeffrey Wong
Hala Kurdi Cozadd ’92 and Bruce Cozadd
Elizabeth Douglas and Evan Hurowitz
Christine and Shane Goudey
Anna and Ralph Harik
Elizabeth and Patrick Heron
Jane and James Hopkins
Maya and Sanjay Kapoor
Nanci KauffmanHA and Scott Kauffman
David Kim
Ning and Lexin Li
Wei Li and Liu Ren
Nandini Madathipparambil and Abhishek Prasad
Raheleh Mansoor and Pedram Keyani
Anjali and Sundar Pichai
Penny Pritzker ’77 and Bryan Traubert
Paula and Michael Rantz
Prateeksha and Amit Sinha
Andrea Navarro Sobrato ’08 and John Sobrato
The Sobrato Family Foundation
Mary Speiser
Sturges 2016 Trust
Jessica and Chris Varelas
Petra Wright and Steve Dowling
Carrie Yan and Michael Hui
Amanda and Zac Zeitlin
Shweta and Amish Mehta
Parinaz Mohamadi and Mostafa Ronaghi
Aarthi Prabhakar and Ganesh Srinivasan
Angela Song and Ammar Maraqa
Jessica and Leonard Speiser
Blair Walker Stratford ’56
Viji Subramanian and Sri Ambati
Mahjabeen and Tarim Wasim
Grace and David Yuan
Head’s Circle Fund $50,000 and above
Erin Hoffmann and Michael Schroepfer Jamaica and Jay Kreps
Five Cs Circle $25,000–$49,999
Anonymous (3)
Reena and Raj Agrawal
Julie and Andrew Cheng
Calla and Will Griffith
Nancy Kedzierski and Gordon Chaffee
Jennifer and David Ko
Yidrienne Lai and Christopher Chang
Aileen Lee and Jason Stinson
Founder’s Circle $10,000–$24,999
Anonymous (3)
Bosede and Oreoluwa Adeyemi
Kelli and Michael Agnich
Diana Alvarez Kaba and Armando Mann
Dana and Brian Ascher
Shreenidhi and Sushma Bharadwaj
Anthony Cannon
Beaky Chan and Gregory Haardt
Patti and Edward Chan
Priya Chandrasekar and Chandrasekar
Catherine and Jimmy Chang
Tina Chen and Anthony Lin
Cindy Chen and Bob Kocher
Connie Chieng and Yao Ma
Carolyn Choi and Jeffrey Wong
Shirley Chou
Patricia and Angelos Dassios
Mahooya Dinda and Michel Del Buono
Fei Dong and Juzheng Li
Elizabeth Douglas and Evan Hurowitz
Wei Li and Liu Ren
Shweta and Amish Mehta
Jennifer Newstead and Alex Mishkin
Prateeksha and Amit Sinha
Petra Wright and Steve Dowling
Carrie Yan and Michael Hui
Amanda and Zac Zeitlin
Elizabeth and Kaan Ersun
Marcie and Gregg Farano
Myra and Patrick Finn
Harleen Gill and Vikash Banthia
Anna and Sean Glodek
Christine and Shane Goudey
Manisha and Mike Gupta
Nidhi Gupta and Bhaskar Himatsingka
Anna and Ralph Harik
Jane and James Hopkins
Seyonne Kang and Scott Johnston
Maya and Sanjay Kapoor
David Kim
Sarah Kimball and Bryan Mazlish
Esther and Michael Lee
Ning and Lexin Li
Nandini Madathipparambil and Abhishek Prasad
Ranjini Malavalli and Ush Patel
Raheleh Mansoor and Pedram Keyani
Nancy and Lowell Mead
Parinaz Mohamadi and Mostafa Ronaghi
Saloni and Arneek Multani
Brandy and Daniel Navarro
Olivia Nottebohm and T.J. Rylander
Sarah Payne
Aarthi Prabhakar and Ganesh Srinivasan
Anuradha and Sudhanshu Priyadarshi
Lin Qiao and Songting Chen
Kimberly Sargent and Kerem Guneri
Amritha and Venkatramanan Seshaadri
Wei Si and Frank Yuan
Jessica and Leonard Speiser
Celine Teoh and Tang Tan
Jennie Tung and Derrick Lee
Rita and Hardeep Walia
Fay and Jeff Wang
Mahjabeen and Tarim Wasim
Leah and Christopher Wolf
Huoy-Ming Yeh and Sherman Chu
Nila Yeung and Kenneth Ng
HEAD'S CIRCLE DINNER Castilleja's annual event celebrating leadership donors
Anonymous (8)
Aarthi Anand and Brijesh Jeevarathnam
Jeanette Bahn and Paul Feng
Valerie and Eric Barnett
Tina Chan and Mike Huang
Jenny Chang and Youwan Kang
Stephanie and Sherwin Chen
Kate Cho and Howard Ying
Nam Cho and Nathaniel Gallon
Christine Costigan and Michael Snyder
Kimberly and Anupam Dalal
Judy and Ronnie Dang
Gretchen Debenham Hug and Steve Debenham
Kristina and Roger Detter
Kay Eron
Brittany and Daniel Feitelberg
Susan Fleischmann and Mark Brazeal
Caroline Hu Flexer and Michael Flexer
Kelley Foley and Daniel Kelley
Elizabeth and John Fowler
Ozge and Salih Gokturk
Jennfier Gu and Nongyu Li
Ahana and Brady Gunderson
Liya Guo and Shan Huang
Andre Haddad and Benoit Delaveau
Suzan Halabi and Anas Osman
Odette Harris and Edward Sharp
Jennifer and Jorg Heinemann
Doris and Charles Huang
Soonyoung Hwang and Eugene An
Jill and Paul Jene
Roberta Jurash and Aman Khan
Meredith and Steven Kan
Baninder Kaur and Varun Parmar
Veena Khanijow and Vivek Shyamasundar
Lyla Kuriyan and Rory McInerney
Lily and Phillip Law
Robin Laws and Brian Yick
Nhu Le and Steve Chen
Seung Hee Lee and Stephen Ryu
Christine Lee and Jeffrey Lucas
Hyo Jeong Lee and Jung Ho Choi
Gloria Leong and Derrick Lin
Danjue Li and Yu Ping
Morgan Lin and Chad Banzhaf
Fei Liu and Xiaoming Zhang
Trisha Ma and Jeffrey Dejelo
Ming Mao and Yefei Peng
Shahin Masthan and Muneyb Minhazuddin
Esther Onggara and Iwan Gunawan
Masako and Pavan Ongole
Rajashree and Biren Parikh
Laurie and Duco Pasmooij
Nirmala Ramarathnam and Jay Venkataramani
Kavitha and Asish Ramchandran
Amanda and Michael Ross
Lindsey and Alan Schroeder
Kate and Jed Scolnick
Renee and Craig Scott
Pratima Sethi ’94 and Amaury Bellemans
Tiffany and Robert Silva
Monisha and Anup Singh
Angela Song and Ammar Maraqa
Viji Subramanian and Sri Ambati
Aneta and Szymon Swistun
Mehrnosh Tavakoli and Abbas Jamshidi Roudbari
Flore and Matthew Tolland
Vivian Tsai
Julie and Jarlon Tsang
Annie and Cameron Turner
Lin Wang and Yong Sheng
Xiaolin Wang and Xiaoyu Miao
Yuko Watanabe and
Ashmeet Sidana
April and Tim Watson
Tracy and Mark Watt
Jacqueline Wong and Albert Hong
Erru Yang and Jianming Zhang
Alice Yang and Jason Lau
Feifei Yang and Jing Shen
Huaiyu Yang and Michael Ohliger
Sue and Danny Yee
Na Zhang and Biao Wang
Jie Zhang and Alex Wu
Yunfang Zheng and Guangming Zhen
Linhong Zhu and Dingxiong Deng
Anonymous (8)
Carolina and Paul Abbassi
Bilge and Aykut Atali
Kristin Bosetti and Joseph Hupcey
Cati and Adam Boulanger
Krishna Chaganti and Sesh Mudumbai
Chitra Chakravarthy and Sivasankaran Chandrasekar
Joanna Chan and Chak Li
Cheryl and Albert Cheng
Stacie Cheng and Tom Cole
Yangsze Choo and James Cham
Seema and Amit Daryanani
Danica Den
Yu Deng
Rachelle and Scott Doorley
Jennifer Fine and Rob Schmeltzer
Hanna and Ilya Firman
Kyuwon Han and Hyeun-Su Kim
Amy Adams Harding ’90 and Peter Harding
Brooke Heymach and William Friedman
Erin Higbee-Kollu and Gautam Kollu
Xin Hu and Ruiming Zhou
Tasmia and Mohsin Hussain
Katrina Fu Jhun ’99 and Paul Jhun
Hana Karar and Kashif Zafar
Aarathi and Anand Kashyap
Jeffie and Kevin Kopczynski
Tina Kuan
Lawnie Lau and Victor Chu
Michelle Lee and Christopher Shen
Sang Eun Lee and Jisung Oh
Adrienne Lee and Jeffrey Chang
Marcy Mamiya ’90 and Matthew Selaya
Andrea and Patrick Manion
Yvette and Roy Maydan
Emily and Doff McElhinney
Marcela Millan and Jochen Profit
Tamar and Jonathan Miller
Stacie and Dan Morris
Amy Moy and Seth Frank
Alpana Naresh and Gaurav Verma
Dana and Jason Nunn
Soyoung Oh and Cheonhong Kim
Daniela and Marcio Oliveira
Mora Oommen and Parag Patel
Mely Pacheco and Danny Kwok
Ambika Pajjuri and Vijay Vusirikala
Jessica Pan-Beesley and Michael Beesley
Limin Qian and Yang Guo
Kavita Sarin and Daniel Wan
Nesli and Mehmet Saruhan
Mary Sheu and Michael Lim
Carrie and Thomas Siegel
Ruchita Sinha and Apoorv Saxena
Irene Sklyar and Rob Christensen
Roopali and Vinay Srihari
Anjali and Sagar Talekar
Lindsay and Carter Trout
Peggy Tseung and Vineet Seth
Emily and Mingson Wang
Irene Wang and Roger Watson
Jennifer Wang and Sipong Prakalapakorn
Sarah and Justin Wong
Mayling Wu and Randy Sefcik
Hye Ok Yang and Ki Ryong Heo
Anonymous (4)
Amira and Usman Abbasi
Correa Agazzi Family
Oznur and Umut Aytekin
Maria Cortez and Jaime Caballero
Jenifer Culver
Caroline Fisher and Douglas Fisher
Michele Harari Goldwasser ’91 and Isy Goldwasser
Anonymous (9)
Rebecca Barker ’91 and Jeremy Neuner
Marjorie Casison and Carlo Laurel
Rafia Chaudhry
Heidi GallegosHA
Iris Garcia and Fredy Cespedes
Laura Garcia and Adrian Avila
Sandra Ibarra
Alma Jiménez and Arturo Arguello
Leticia Gonzalez-Ratchev and Borislav Ratchev
Ekta and Pankaj Gunsagar
Alice and Michael Harkey
Carole Hayworth and Fernando Rock
Michelle Lee and Christopher Shen
Joo-Mee and Young Lee
Judy and Henry Lee
Alice Liu and Patrick Yue
Mia and Jose Rocha
Alicia Seiger and Mark Hayes
Rajul and Ketan Shah
Marina Shinkarsky
Judy and Marco Smit
Lindsay and John Sterling
Marsha and Ernest Sweetland
Susan Ryan Tighe ’91 and Eugene Tighe
Karen and Raj Verma
So Young and James Kim
Navneet Kaur and Jatinder Panesar
Bernice and Christopher Kwong
Yeshi Lama and Tenzin Dingpontsawa
Valeria Lanuza
Veronica Lopez
Keli Mayfield and Jeffrey MayfieldHA
Brigida Mejia and Juan G. Sandoval
Victoria Onyenwe
Mayma and Stewart Raphael
Susan Rogers
Ashvin Sangoram
Amelia Soto and Ricardo Reyes
Malia and Sione Tofavaha
Maria Vargas Pulido
Stephanie McLeod Wansek ’83 and Daniel Flath
View360 took place on the Castilleja campus last spring, bringing the community together to celebrate and raise funds for tuition assistance. This year’s theme, CREATE, paid tribute to the fact that every work of art, breakthrough in technology, or sea change in policy begins with an idea and grows into a reality through the creative process.
The night began with Jessica Haas, America’s first female speed painter, creating a custom painting, on stage in a matter of minutes. After her performance, two alums, Ruby Moreno ’12 and Elizabeth Yin ’00 engaged in a conversation about the lasting impact of a Castilleja education and the vital importance of tuition assistance as a means to open this opportunity to more students. They helped to bring the mission of the school and the reason for the gathering into focus in concrete ways.
Hari Sreenivasan, an anchor from Amanpour and Company, brought Mariano-Florentino “Tino” Cuellar, the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Dr. Fei-Fei Li, the Sequoia Professor of Computer Science and Denning Family Co-Director of the Stanford Institute for HumanCentered AI, together in a wide-ranging and thoughtful
series of observations and open questions about the changing world of AI and geopolitics.
The evening concluded with Trustee Aileen Lee P’24 in conversation with award-winning television and stage actress Laura Linney. The importance of art and creativity as a path to well-being and purpose brought together many of the ideas of the night.
View360, with its mission of supporting equity in education, reminds us that learning itself is a creative process. This year’s event raised $1.2 million, enabling Castilleja to deliver on its commitment to advancing socio-economic diversity in a learning environment where every student brings a unique perspective.
SAVE THE DATE! We can’t wait to see you at the next View360 on April 19, 2025.
Cindy and Evan Goldberg
Heidi Hopper and Jeffrey Dean
Mary Speiser
Anonymous (3)
Reena and Raj Agrawal
Lori and Brian Goler
Calla and Will Griffith
Erin Hoffmann and Michael Schroepfer
Jaynie and William Kind
Jennifer and David Ko
Jamaica and Jay Kreps
Yidrienne Lai and Christopher Chang
Aileen Lee and Jason Stinson
Prateeksha and Amit Sinha
Viji Subramanian and Sri Ambati
Petra Wright and Steve Dowling
Carrie Yan and Michael Hui
Amanda and Zac Zeitlin
Elizabeth Douglas and Evan Hurowitz
Anna and Ralph Harik
Nancy Kedzierski and Gordon Chaffee
David Kim
Liz King ’87
Ning and Lexin Li
Andrea Navarro Sobrato ’08 and John Sobrato
Bosede and Oreoluwa Adeyemi
Diana Alvarez Kaba and Armando Mann
Patti and Edward Chan
Anna and Sean Glodek
Erin Higbee-Kollu and Gautam Kollu
Jane and James Hopkins
Maya and Sanjay Kapoor
Raheleh Mansoor and Pedram Keyani
Parinaz Mohamadi and Mostafa Ronaghi
Jennifer Newstead and Alex Mishkin
Aarthi Prabhakar and Ganesh Srinivasan
Sarah and Greg Sands
Kimball and Andrew Scott
Jessica and Leonard Speiser
YoonSung and Jason Ting
Shreenidhi and Sushma Bharadwaj
Stephanie and Sherwin Chen
Tina Chen and Anthony Lin
Connie Chieng and Yao Ma
Nam Cho and Nathaniel Gallon
Carolyn Choi and Jeffrey Wong
Fei Dong and Juzheng Li
Christine and Shane Goudey
Ahana and Brady Gunderson
Liya Guo and Shan Huang
Suzan Halabi and Anas Osman
Esther and Michael Lee
Wei Li and Liu Ren
Ranjini Malavalli and Ush Patel
Shweta and Amish Mehta
Suzanne and Eric O’Brien
Paula and Michael Rantz
Lynn Seely and Tim Ditzler
Beth and Bob Shuman
Jennie Tung and Derrick Lee
Mahjabeen and Tarim Wasim
Jacqueline Wong and Albert Hong
Linhong Zhu and Dingxiong Deng
Anonymous (5)
Elizabeth Babb ’82
Valerie and Eric Barnett
Amy and Jeff Bonforte
Anthony Cannon
Beaky Chan and Gregory Haardt
Cheryl and Albert Cheng
Julie and Andrew Cheng
Shirley Chou
Patricia and Angelos Dassios
Mahooya Dinda and Michel Del Buono
Claire Fischer Fluhr ’95 and Jeff Fluhr
Odette Harris and Edward Sharp
Lyla Kuriyan and Rory McInerney
Lindsay Austin Louie ’98 and Ting Louie
The Magic Beans
Christina Hansen McClure ’71 and William McClure
Melissa Riofrio ’85
Miriam Rivera and Clint Korver
Pictured left to right:
Julie Huang Tsang P’24
Jessica Speiser P’28
Jennie Tung P’30
Cindy Chen P’25 ’26
Nina Li P’27
Jamaica Kreps P’28 ’30
Parinaz Mohamadi P’29
Melissa Riofrio ’85
Claire Fischer Fluhr ’95
Not pictured:
Sylvia Rodriguez ’08
Ashvin Sangoram
Lindsay and Carter Trout
Julie and Jarlon Tsang
Fay and Jeff Wang
Aarthi Anand and Brijesh Jeevarathnam
Dana and Brian Ascher
Megan Jones Bell ’00 and Oliver Bell
Gerri and Laszlo Bock
Catherine and Jimmy Chang
Cindy Chen and Bob Kocher
Marcie and Gregg Farano
Brittany and Daniel Feitelberg
Jennifer and Jorg Heinemann
Crystal Jiang and Andy Chen
Seyonne Kang and Scott Johnston
Purvi and Kalpesh Kapadia
Hyo Jeong Lee and Jung Ho Choi
Yvette and Roy Maydan
Olivia Nottebohm and T.J. Rylander
Kavitha and Asish Ramchandran
Deepika Rayala and Sankar Tadinada
Alyssa Rieder and Eric Byunn
Tracy and Mark Watt
Emily White ’96
Grace and David Yuan
UP TO $999
Stacie Cheng and Tom Cole
Christine Costigan and Michael Snyder
Harleen Gill and Vikash Banthia
Clare Maloney-McCrystle ’15
Susann and Richard Mirabella
Ellen Stewart Moore ’80
Laurent Nguyen
Christy StoryHA
Jenny Zhao and Shaun Kunnavatana
The commitment of alumnae to sustaining the school’s mission for future generations speaks to the impact and lasting value of a Castilleja education. The following alumnae made restricted and unrestricted gifts between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
Head’s Circle
$50,000 and above
Viola Mong Meehan ’82
Susan Packard Orr ’64
In memory of Cindy Swanson Miller ’64
Five Cs Circle $25,000–$49,999
Blair Walker Stratford ’56
1907 Circle
Laura Bushnell ’84
Hala Kurdi Cozadd ’92 and Bruce Cozadd
Maggie Pringle Grauer ’71
Keeping the Circle Green
Elizabeth Babb ’82
Kaitlin Bagby ’08
Penny Pritzker ’77 and Bryan Traubert
Andrea Navarro Sobrato ’08 and John Sobrato
Liz King ’87
Cary Golub Lurie ’64
In memory of Cindy Swanson Miller ’64
Jeanne Floyd Downs ’80 and Benjamin T. Downs
Claire Fischer Fluhr ’95 and Jeff Fluhr
Amy Adams Harding ’90 and Peter Harding
Libby Swindells Hulsey ’80
Allison Koo ’98
Lindsay Austin Louie ’98 and Ting Louie
Laura Dennis MacLean ’90
Diane Cory McNiel Living Trust*
Melissa Riofrio ’85
Pratima Sethi ’94 and Amaury Bellemans
Barbara Moths Sheffels ’76
Helen Floyd Sullivan ’82
Andrea Amdahl Taylor ’86
GO GATORS Varsity Lacrosse and Softball
Anonymous (5)
Lauren Friedman Albert ’98 and Eric Albert
Megan Jones Bell ’00 and Oliver Bell
Virginia Hoyt Bliss ’70
Eleanor Williston Caughlan ’56
Brittany Brown Chavez ’06
Andrea Coen ’99
In honor of Bill SmootHA, Cissy LewisHA, and Bear CapronHA
Dr. Joanne De Phillips ’62
Diane Brooks Dixon ’69 and Patrick Dixon
Jeffie Welsh Feakins ’64
Karen Hoffman Gilhuly ’78 and Ned Gilhuly
Joyce Adams Hanna ’52 and Gerald Smith
Christine Herrmann ’12
Lisa Maslak Ide ’86
Katrina Fu Jhun ’99 and Paul Jhun
Anne Biaggini Krattebol ’64
Janet Lai ’87
Allison Lewis-Jacobs ’76 and Brian Jacobs
Joan Aubineau Livingston ’49
Anne Flatland Macdonald ’80 and John C. Macdonald
Marcy Mamiya ’90 and Matthew Selaya
Kristi Maslak ’89
Christina Hansen McClure ’71 and William McClure
Paula McGuinness ’88
Anna Mirabella ’12
Ellen Stewart Moore ’80
In memory of Nancy Elizabeth Stewart ’77
Emily Mosbacher ’12
Nancy Ditz Mosbacher ’72 and Bruce Mosbacher
Emily Colvin O’Malley ’10
Christina Wray Olmsted ’89
Kathryn Papadopoulos ’06
Shana Parkes ’97
Lynn Anderson Poole ’78
In memory of Julie McKenna ’78
Lauren Potter ’08
Shirley Arnott Pruitt ’52 and Bruce Pruitt
Sylvia Rodriguez ’08 and Matt Hendricks
Kimberley Morris Rosen ’98
Anne Sconberg ’80
In memory of Vanessa Debra Smith ’80
Anita Seipp ’71
In memory of Anne and Ed Seipp
Diane Singleton Shannon ’83
Alissa Flesher Wagoner ’06
Emily White ’96
Elizabeth Yin ’00
Margaret York ’06
In memory of Cissy LewisHA
Anonymous (4)
Brooke Anderson ’15
Kelsey Auyeung ’15
Kris Auyeung ’15
Megan Costello Ayrton ’11
Patty Bardina ’89 In memory of Stephanie Meier
Rebecca Barham ’60
Katherine Bishop ’90
Danit Bismanovsky ’95
Naima Bridges ’02
Susan Moths Carpenter ’72
Courtney Chang ’07
Colby Choi ’16
Polly Cusumano Cole ’94
Elisabeth Dillon Daniels ’08
Chelsea Ono Horn Dejno ’06
Tara Desautels ’89
Kei Nishimura Drake ’05
Julie Dennis Field ’85
Cynthia Kaiser Floyd ’51 and William Floyd Jr.
Michele Harari Goldwasser ’91 and Isy Goldwasser
Patricia Hunter Gregory ’64 and Tod Gregory
Anjelika Deogirikar Grossman ’00
Maureen McPartland Hardy ’78
Catie Hembrow ’88
Karen Bowers Hill ’78
Debra Drake Hiraki ’72
Sharon Huntsman ’89
Ali Meier Jennings ’65
Tara Jotwani ’10
Denise Kaufman ’64
Kathleen Kenealy ’15
Felicia Paik Kim ’84
Shelley Kind ’09
Mari Koba ’10
Candice Kwan ’92 In honor of Ethel Meece
Jill Brakovec Laorr ’81 and Alan Laorr
Evyn Larson ’08
Sydney Larson ’03
Ellen Layendecker ’77
Kristin Leasia ’07
Elizabeth Leep ’81
Deborah Ann Carruthers Lifton ’74
Megan Ruder Martinelli ’80
Judy Brakovec Massengill ’80
Kate Vander Ploeg McCracken ’04
Donna Lee McMaster ’83 and Mark McMaster
Katherine Morris ’86
Yoshimi Segawa Munch ’83 and Mark Munch
Neelam Noorani ’91
Katharine Wallace O’Reilly ’66
Molleigh Preefer ’10
Sue Dyrud Rimkeit ’61
Debra Ziegler Rosenberg ’73 and Stuart Rosenberg
Patricia Rosenberg ’82
Sarah Rosston ’12
Meg Sandman ’03
Karen Smith Shaw ’72 and Douglas Shaw
Laura Smith ’08
Joy Fulton Stiefel ’73
Hilary Simpson Strain ’89
Linda Sue Little Strand ’76 and Don Strand
Nancy Tate ’66
Susan Ryan Tighe ’91 and Eugene Tighe
Nancybeth Hood Watt ’74
Sarah Hinman Whittle ’86 and John Whittle
Mina Yazdi ’03
Wings Yeung ’15
Theo Kate Scott Zaninovich ’60 and Marko Zaninovich
Anonymous (8)
Rebecca Abramowitz ’14
Emily Ach ’00
Meredith Gillespie Alcock ’76
Sara Alexander ’96
Bonnie Eggink Allen ’64 In memory of Cynthia Swanson Miller ’64
Meredith Ragno Arora ’08
Catherine Audage ’00
Rebecca Barker ’91 and Jeremy Neuner
Joyce Bogner Bohn ’72
Annie Cardinal ’11
Emily Chan ’22 In honor of Masako Yang ’22
Patricia Gallis Chappell ’59
Maren Christensen ’79
Ginny Eversole Contento ’79
Alison Beach Cooper ’61 and Tom Cooper
Christina Crone ’07
Natalie Dean ’17
Leslie Widrow Derbin ’78 and Robert Derbin
Ann Brookman Dey ’63 In honor of Katherine Dey ’00
Emily Dennis ’04
Anne Spaulding Draeger ’71
Alexis Eskenazi ’23
Sally Weir Fairbanks ’66
Susan Black Falaschi ’65
Katie Fearon ’19
Jamie Flaxman ’81
Sara Hutchison Fleischer ’72
Nancy Fletcher ’62
Grace Frome ’17
Josie Furbershaw ’13
Pamela Pabst Garcia ’73
Chett Garreau ’20
Juliet Messimer Gede ’68
Sara Gilliland ’94
Kusha Gupta ’17
Jeanne Fisichella Hahne ’71
Meredith Harding ’09
Sally Stewart Harris ’76
Mary Wilbur Ives Harrison ’46
Michelle Riches Helvey ’84
Sarah Hinstorff ’14
Emily Hobbs ’09
In honor of Jill LeeHA
Bridget Honan ’71
Louise Tait Honner ’95
Diana Gregory Horner ’91
Amina Imran ’17
Sanah Imran ’14
Jacqueline Isero ’18
Alicia Steinaecker Isero ’88 and Eric Isero
Carolyn Jones ’04
Saloni Kalkat ’13
Jessica Hazlett Kaplow ’04
Heidi Katter ’15
Michele Wray Khateri ’87
Ronak Kordestani ’92
Laura Kelly Kroger ’82
Jennifer Lee ’95
Barbara Leep ’61
Kristen Leep ’99
Sophia Levin ’13
Sophie Nevle Levoy ’19
Rachel Lew ’08
Erika Lim ’77
Mary Chandler Lippitt ’53
Karen Mah Lockwood ’85
Clare Maloney-McCrystle ’15
Lisa Mandle ’02
Deborah Leight Mansfield ’97
Janet Tennyson Manzano ’89
In memory of Stephanie Meier and Mercedes McCaffrey
Laura Martinez ’09
Elizabeth Brolly McGlauflin ’84
Karen Lee McKee ’67
Wendy Pohlman Mickle ’63 and Michael Mickle
Adriana Mujal ’07
Sidney Ofsthun Mygatt ’60
Wakako Nomura ’87
Hannah Hsieh O’Neel ’13
Heather Allen Pang ’84HA and Alex Pang
Jennifer Massoni Pardini ’98
In memory of Cissy LewisHA
Laurie Davidson Phillips ’96
Anna Powell ’09
Sarah Morris Pullen ’64
Betsy Sellman Redman ’63 and Michael Redman
Tracy Sinclair Reizner ’63
Barbara Davis Reynolds ’72
Emily Richardson ’14
In memory of Katherine Hass ’14
M Therese Roos ’66
Stephanie Rowen ’90
Nuritzi Sanchez ’04
Orlena Fong Shek ’95
Sue Loveland Shepherd ’61
Katharine Shuman ’17
Laura Bryn Sisson ’09
Virginia Smedberg ’63
Sue Beton Smith ’54
Niki Srivastava ’19
Sarah Rakonitz Stein ’87
Jacqueline Summers Stromberg ’11
Victoria Szabo ’83
Erika Tiegel-Freitas ’80
Michelle Evans Tin ’84
Claire Traum ’17
Selina Troesch ’04
Emily Glenn Tucker ’99
Natalie Vais ’09
Anne Vander Ploeg ’06
Tara Higbie Verner ’88
Ericka Von Kaeppler ’09
Meg Walker ’74
Stephanie McLeod Wansek ’83 and Daniel Flath
Barbara Most Weissman, MD ’72
Meagan Kenny Wenstrand ’06
Helene Chandler Williams ’64
Anne-Marie Chun Witt ’07
Karen Docter Woo ’84
Kathy Mauel Wright ’68
Elizabeth Wright ’03
Risako Yang ’17
Lauren LaPlante Younger ’69
Gail Wilson Zetter ’64
Holly Varian Zuklie ’86
Class of ’46
Mary Wilbur Ives Harrison
Class of ’49
Joan Aubineau Livingston
Class of ’51
Cynthia Kaiser Floyd
Class of ’52
Joyce Adams Hanna
Shirley Arnott Pruitt
Class of ’53
Mary Chandler Lippitt
Class of ’54
Sue Beton Smith
Class of ’56
Eleanor Williston Caughlan
Diane Cory McNiel Living Trust*
Blair Walker Stratford
Class of ’59
Patricia Gallis Chappell
Anonymous (2)
Class of ’60
Rebecca Barham
Sidney Ofsthun Mygatt
Theo Kate Scott Zaninovich
Class of ’61
Alison Beach Cooper
Barbara Leep
Sue Dyrud Rimkeit
Sue Loveland Shepherd
Class of ’62
Dr. Joanne De Phillips
Nancy Fletcher
Class of ’63
Ann Brookman Dey
Wendy Pohlman Mickle
Elizabeth Sellman Redman
Tracy Sinclair Reizner
Virginia Smedberg
Class of ’64
Bonnie Eggink Allen
Jeffie Welsh Feakins
Patricia Hunter Gregory
Denise Kaufman
Anne Biaggini Krattebol
Cary Golub Lurie
Susan Packard Orr
Sarah Morris Pullen
Helene Chandler Williams
Gail Wilson Zetter
Class of ’65
Susan Black Falaschi
Ali Meier Jennings
Class of ’66
Sally Weir Fairbanks
Katharine Wallace O’Reilly
M Therese Roos
Nancy Tate
Class of ’67
Karen Lee McKee
Class of ’68
Juliet Messimer Gede
Kathleen Mauel Wright
Class of ’69
Diane Brooks Dixon
Lauren LaPlante Younger
Anonymous (3)
Class of ’70
Virginia Hoyt Bliss
Class of ’71
Anne Spaulding Draeger
Maggie Pringle Grauer
Jeanne Fisichella Hahne
Bridget Honan
Christina Hansen McClure
Anita Seipp
Class of ’72
Joyce Bogner Bohn
Susan Moths Carpenter
Sara Hutchison Fleischer
Debra Drake Hiraki
Nancy Ditz Mosbacher
Barbara Davis Reynolds
Karen Smith Shaw
Barbara Most Weissman, MD
Class of ’73
Pamela Pabst Garcia
Debra Ziegler Rosenberg
Joy Fulton Stiefel
Class of ’74
Deborah Ann Carruthers Lifton
Meg Walker
Nancybeth Hood Watt
Class of ’76
Meredith Gillespie Alcock
Sally Stewart Harris
Allison Lewis-Jacobs
Barbara Moths Sheffels
Linda Sue Little Strand
Class of ’77
Ellen Layendecker
Erika Lim
Penny Pritzker
Class of ’78
Leslie Widrow Derbin
Karen Hoffman Gilhuly
Maureen McPartland Hardy
Karen Bowers Hill
Lynn Anderson Poole
Class of ’79
Maren Christensen
Ginny Eversole Contento
Class of ’80
Jeanne Floyd Downs
Libby Swindells Hulsey
Anne Flatland Macdonald
Megan Ruder Martinelli
Judy Brakovec Massengill
Ellen Stewart Moore
Anne Sconberg
Erika Tiegel-Freitas
Class of ’81
Jamie Flaxman
Jill Brakovec Laorr
Elizabeth Leep
Class of ’82
Elizabeth Babb
Laura Kelly Kroger
Viola Mong Meehan
Patricia Rosenberg
Helen Floyd Sullivan
Class of ’83
Donna Lee McMaster
Yoshimi Segawa Munch
Diane Singleton Shannon
Victoria Szabo
Stephanie McLeod Wansek
Class of ’84
Laura Bushnell
Michelle Riches Helvey
Felicia Paik Kim
Elizabeth Brolly McGlauflin
Heather Allen Pang
Michelle Evans Tin
Karen Docter Woo
Class of ’85
Julie Dennis Field
Karen Mah Lockwood
Melissa Riofrio
Class of ’86
Lisa Maslak Ide
Katherine Morris
Andrea Amdahl Taylor
Sarah Hinman Whittle
Holly Varian Zuklie
Class of ’87
Michele Wray Khateri
Liz King
Janet Lai
Wakako Nomura
Sarah Rakonitz Stein
Class of ’88
Catie Hembrow
Alicia Steinaecker Isero
Paula McGuinness
Tara Higbie Verner
Class of ’89
Patty Bardina
Tara Desautels
Sharon Huntsman
Janet Tennyson Manzano
Kristi Maslak
Christina Wray Olmsted
Hilary Simpson Strain
Class of ’90
Katherine Bishop
Amy Adams Harding
Laura Dennis MacLean
Marcy Mamiya
Stephanie Rowen
Class of ’91
Rebecca Barker
Michele Harari Goldwasser
Diana Gregory Horner
Neelam Noorani
Susan Ryan Tighe
Class of ’92
Hala Kurdi Cozadd
Ronak Kordestani
Candice Kwan
Class of ’93
Carol Patel
Catherine Ross Stoll
Class of ’94
Polly Cusumano Cole
Sara Gilliland
Pratima Sethi
Class of ’95
Danit Bismanovsky
Claire Fischer Fluhr
Louise Tait Honner
Jennifer Lee
Orlena Fong Shek
Class of ’96
Sara Alexander
Laurie Davidson Phillips
Emily White
Class of ’97
Deborah Leight Mansfield
Shana Parkes
Class of ’98
Lauren Friedman Albert
Allison Koo
Lindsay Austin Louie
Jennifer Massoni Pardini
Kimberley Morris Rosen
Class of ’99
Andrea Coen
Katrina Fu Jhun
Kristen Leep
Emily Glenn Tucker
Anonymous (5)
Class of ’00
Emily Ach
Catherine Audage
Megan Jones Bell
Anjelika Deogirikar Grossman
Elizabeth Yin
Class of ’02
Naima Bridges
Lisa Mandle
Class of ’03
Sydney Larson
Meg Sandman
Elizabeth Wright
Mina Yazdi
Class of ’04
Emily Dennis
Carolyn Jones
Jessica Hazlett Kaplow
Kate Vander Ploeg
Nuritzi Sanchez
Selina Troesch
Class of ’05
Kei Nishimura Drake
Class of ’06
Brittany Brown Chavez
Chelsea Ono Horn Dejno
Kathryn Papadopoulos
Anne Vander Ploeg
Alissa Flesher Wagoner
Meagan Kenny Wenstrand
Margaret York
Class of ’07
Courtney Chang
Christina Crone
Kristin Leasia
Adriana Mujal
Anne-Marie Chun Witt
Class of ’08
Meredith Ragno Arora
Kaitlin Bagby
Elisabeth Dillon Daniels
Evyn Larson
Rachel Lew
Lauren Potter
Sylvia Rodriguez
Laura Smith
Andrea Navarro Sobrato
Class of ’09
Meredith Harding
Emily Hobbs
Shelley Kind
Laura Martinez
Anna Powell
Laura Bryn Sisson
Natalie Vais
Ericka Von Kaeppler
Anonymous (4)
Class of ’10
Tara Jotwani
Mari Koba
Emily Colvin O’Malley
Molleigh Preefer
Class of ’11
Megan Costello Ayrton
Annie Cardinal
Jacqueline Summers Stromberg
Class of ’12
Christine Herrmann
Anna Mirabella
Emily Mosbacher
Sarah Rosston
Class of ’13
Josie Furbershaw
Saloni Kalkat
Sophia Levin
Hannah Hsieh O’Neel
Class of ’14
Rebecca Abramowitz
Sarah Hinstorff
Sanah Imran
Emily Richardson
Class of ’15
Brooke Anderson
Kelsey Auyeung
Kris Auyeung
Heidi Katter
Kathleen Kenealy
Clare Maloney-McCrystle
Wings Yeung
Class of ’16
Colby Choi
Class of ’17
Natalie Dean
Grace Frome
Kusha Gupta
Amina Imran
Katharine Shuman
Claire Traum
Risako Yang
Class of ’18
Jacqueline Isero
Class of ’19
Katie Fearon
Sophie Nevle Levoy
Niki Srivastava
Class of ’20
Chett Garreau
Class of ’22
Emily Chan
Class of ’23
Alexis Eskenazi
Gifts from Alumnae Parents attest to the lasting value of a Castilleja education and are instrumental in the success of our fundraising initiatives. Castilleja is grateful to these parents who continue to believe in and support our mission by investing in today’s students.
Head’s Circle $50,000 and above
Anonymous (3)
Patti and Edward Chan
Toni Cupal and Mike Volpi
Carol and John Giannandrea
Cindy and Evan Goldberg
Lori and Brian Goler
Theresia Gouw
Heidi Hopper and Jeffrey Dean
Five Cs Circle $25,000–$49,999
Brooke Heckert and Michael Linse
Nanci KauffmanHA and Scott Kauffman
Jaynie and William Kind
The Magic Beans
Julia and Yuri Milner
Anjali and Sundar Pichai
Paula and Michael Rantz
Mary Speiser
Jessica and Chris Varelas
Blair Walker Stratford ’56
1907 Circle $10,000–$24,999
Anonymous (4)
Claire and Tim Burks
Maggie Pringle Grauer ’71
Odette Harris and Edward Sharp
Elizabeth and Patrick Heron
Parul Kapoor and Aditya Vanam
Vicki and Peter LaBoskey
Barbara and Gregory Rosston
Steven Rosston
In honor of Lindsay Rosston ’16
Sarah and Greg Sands
Tiffany and Robert Silva
Nazhin Zarghamee and Kourosh Gharachorloo
Keeping the Circle Green $5,000–$9,999
Anita Chan and Sai Ho Yeung
Nandini and Mathews Cherian
Christine Costigan and Michael Snyder
Gretchen Debenham Hug and Steve Debenham
Fortune Home Foundation
Britt and Eli Harari
Jennifer and Jorg Heinemann
Suzanne and Eric O’Brien
Laurie and Duco Pasmooij
Lynn Seely and Tim Ditzler
Beth and Bob Shuman
Varsha and Pradeep Tagare
Yuko Watanabe and Ashmeet Sidana
Anonymous (4)
Carolina and Paul Abbassi
Marianne and Alan Austin
Helena and Richard Babb
Gerri and Laszlo Bock
Adria and Beau Brown
Karen Hoffman Gilhuly ’78 and Ned Gilhuly
Elizabeth Grover
Kyuwon Han and Hyeun-Su Kim
Joyce Adams Hanna ’52 and Gerald Smith
Merrilee Harris
Dress Whites Club
Judy and Douglas Adams
Joyce and Thomas Anthony
Demetra Burrs
Shirley and Jerome Carlson
Tracy and Eric Hass
Kingsley Jack
In honor of Nanci KauffmanHA
Esther Kletter
Anne Biaggini Krattebol ’64
Allison Lewis-Jacobs ’76 and Brian Jacobs
Anne Flatland Macdonald ’80 and John C. Macdonald
Christina Hansen McClure ’71 and William McClure
Emily and Doff McElhinney
Penny and Jim Meier In memory of Stephanie Meier
Patricia Hunter Gregory ’64 and Tod Gregory
Marcia and Russ Hansen
Erin and Floyd Holsinger
Carol Karp and Victor Glushko
Nancy Ditz Mosbacher ’72 and Bruce Mosbacher
Doreen and Nels Nelsen
Dana and Jason Nunn
Shirley Arnott Pruitt ’52 and Bruce Pruitt
Miriam Rivera and Clint Korver
Mia and Jose Rocha
Meenaxi and Ambrish Sethi
Kristin and Paul Vais
In honor of Natalie, Julia, and Camille Vais
Judy and Jeff Preefer
Alyssa Rieder and Eric Byunn
Debra Ziegler Rosenberg ’73 and Stuart Rosenberg
Kim Sommer
In honor of Kristy Well Carlson ’94
Carolyn and Gordon Davidson
Constance and Adrian Dillon
In honor of Elisabeth Daniels ’08 and Amanda DeLuca ’10
Cynthia Kaiser Floyd ’51 and William Floyd Jr.
Michele Harari Goldwasser ’91 and Isy Goldwasser
Denise Kaufman ’64
Lolanda and Albert Mamiya
Donna Lee McMaster ’83 and Mark McMaster
Susann and Richard Mirabella
Yoshimi Segawa Munch ’83 and Mark Munch
Lilyana Prasetya and Peter Gunadi
In honor of Patrick Burrows
Linda Sue Little Strand ’76 and Don Strand
Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza and James Carranza
Lisa Voge-Levin and Peter Levin
Xiazhen Wang and Joseph Yu
Sarah Hinman Whittle ’86 and John Whittle
Caixia Zhang and Ye Meng
Anonymous (2)
Alison Beach Cooper ’61 and Tom Cooper
Patricia Eurich
Rhonda and Nigel Farrar
Selena and Brian Fowler
In memory of Cissy LewisHA
Terry Guice
Susan and Herb Hinstorff
Alicia Steinaecker Isero ’88 and Eric Isero
Alma Jiménez and Arturo Arguello
Maxine Kennedy
Leslie Kramer
Yeshi Lama and Tenzin Dingpontsawa
Shonna and Doug Larson
Jeanne Lowell and David LowellHA
Frank Mueller
Sidney Ofsthun Mygatt ’60
Anonymous (2)
Elizabeth Smegal Andersen
In memory of Marsha Miller
Kyle BarrigerHA
Joan and Nick Boodrookas
Lorraine BrownHA and Joel Brown
Bonnie Bycoff
In memory of Bob Coen
Nicholas Hass
In memory of Katherine Hass ’14
Lisa Hazard and Tim Lynch
Joan LonerganHA
Gerry Marshall and Bernie Newcomb*
Peggy McKee
Patrice Metcalf
Robby Miller
Carolyn Miller
Heather Allen Pang ’84HA and Alex Pang
Sandra and John Parkes
Eleanor Rakonitz
Mimi Richart and Matt Leary
Koon-Ling and David Ring
Valerie Rynne
Lauren SchryverHA and Brian Schryver
Sue Beton Smith ’54
Holly ThompsonHA and Buzz Thompson
Patricia PietrzykHA
Judy RinoHA
Anne and Richard Schmidt
Deborah Smith
Christy StoryHA
Judith WagnerHA
In memory of Cissy LewisHA
Hope Wagstaff
SKIRTS! Seniors celebrate the end of uniform days by signing each other’s skirts, a new Castilleja tradition?
Grandparents play a special role in our students’ lives—and so do their gifts to the school. Castilleja is grateful for their generous support.
Judy and Douglas Adams
Patricia Bush
Lyn and Phillip Chan
Judy and Timothy Chen
Debbie and Shang-Yih Cheng
Marie and Len Farano
Ferial and Hossein Farsad
Jeffie Welsh Feakins ’64
Pearl and Frank Han
Jean and Greg Hanson
Britt and Eli Harari
Prabha and Mohamed Ibrahim
Carol and Jack Kopczynski
Norma Ma
Lolanda and Albert Mamiya
Margaret and Denman Scott
Meenaxi and Ambrish Sethi
Angela Silver
Jane and Frank Soriano
Tom Stephenson
Evelyn Ting
Mary Wolf
Yih-Nan and Jeff Yang
Ruth Yuan
Anonymous (5)
Elizabeth Babb ’82
The Chapman Family
Julia and John Eells
Heidi GallegosHA
Ann GreysonHA
Maya Kapoor
Kathy LayendeckerHA
David LowellHA
Jeffrey MayfieldHA
Emily McElhinney
Ellen Stewart Moore ’80
In memory of Nancy Elizabeth Stewart ’77
Laurent Nguyen
Heather Allen Pang ’84HA P’17
Valerie RossHA
Christy StoryHA
Deborah TrillingHA
In memory of Stephanie Meier ’89
HA designates over 10 years employment at Castilleja
Anonymous (5)
Adobe Matching Gifts Program
American Endowment Foundation
Apple Inc.
Applied Materials Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Bank of the West
Blue Shield
CDVSJ Foundation
Charityvest Inc.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Community Foundation of Northern Nevada
Corebridge Financial
D2G Oncology
Dodge & Cox
Gilead Sciences
Gilhuly Family Foundation
Intel Foundation
Intuit Foundation Matching Gift Program
Johnson & Johnson
Matching Gifts Program
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
Lam Research
LinkedIn Matching Gifts Program
McKinsey & Company
Michael and Paula Rantz Foundation
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Minneapolis Foundation N1234
Northern Trust Charitable Giving Program
NVIDIA Corporation
Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program
Pacific Life Foundation
Paramount Global Matching Gifts
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
Ping and Li Foundation
Pritzker Foundation
Pritzker Traubert Foundation
Qualcomm Matching Gift Program
Richard J and Victoria T Agnich Foundation
Sage Publishing
Salesforce Foundation
Matching Grants
Samsung Sanofi
Santa Barbara Foundation
Saw Island Foundation, Inc.
Silver Lake Technology
Mangement, LLC
Stephenson Foundation
Survey Monkey
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
The Omidyar Group
The Priscilla Endicott
Charitable Foundation
The Sobrato Family Foundation
TisBest Philanthropy
U.S. Bank Foundation
VISA Givingstation Matching Gifts Program
Youth on Course
Over the years, generous donors have established restricted funds at Castilleja to support specific programs or named scholarships. Gifts to the following funds were made between July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
Nancy Ditz Mosbacher ’72 and Bruce Mosbacher
Emily Mosbacher ’12
Karen Hoffman Gilhuly ’78 and Ned Gilhuly
Anne Flatland Macdonald ’80 and John C. Macdonald
Anonymous (2)
Rebecca Abramowitz ’14
Brooke Anderson ’15
Patricia Bardina ’89
Grace Frome ’17
Anjelika Deogirikar Grossman ’00
Nicholas Hass
Tracy and Eric Hass
Catie Hembrow ’88
Susan and Herb Hinstorff
Sarah Hinstorff ’14
Sanah Imran ’14
Patrice Metcalf
Emily Richardson ’14
D2G Oncology
Elizabeth Smegal Andersen
Vicki and Peter LaBoskey
Kimberley Morris Rosen ’98
Lauren SchryverHA and Brian Schryver
Deborah Smith
Lisa Maslak Ide ’86
Kristi Maslak ’89
Jennifer Lee ’95
Patty Bardina ’89
Janet Tennyson Manzano ’89
Penny and James Meier
Christina Wray Olmsted ’89
Hilary Simpson Strain ’89
Deborah TrillingHA
Blair Walker Stratford ’56
Evyn Larson ’08
When the school year draws to an end, the graduating class leaves its final mark by giving a collective gift to Castilleja. In the past, gifts ranged from a water bottle-filling station in the gym to COVID assistance funds for the community.
The Class of ’24 decided to gather funds to support tuition assistance for one of Casti’s signature programs: 8th grade trip to Washington, D.C. For nearly a week each fall, 8th grade students explore museums and monuments in our nation’s capital, meet with thought leaders, and engage in reflection and community-building, spearheaded by Middle School History teacher Dr. Heather Pang ’84HA P’17, who’s been leading this trip for over two decades. All 8th grade students participate in this trip thanks to the school’s operating budget. Now, this generous senior gift will fund the entirety of one student’s trip this academic year, and then some.
“The DC trip is one of my fondest memories from my time at Castilleja,” says Sophia Trabanino ’24, a member of the Senior Class Gift Committee, along with her classmates Natalie Wong ’24 and Reece Sharp ’24. “I bonded with each of my classmates and have memories that I still laugh about with my friends today. I hope this trip continues to be a hallmark experience for Castilleja students, allowing them to learn and grow and to strengthen their relationships.”
The Class of 2024 was able to raise $1,000.20. The students’ fundraising efforts were matched two to one by three alumnae—Anne Flatland MacDonald ’80, Shana Parkes ’97, and Lauren SchryverHA—who together contributed $2,050 for a total of $3,050.20.
The Senior Class Gift Committee wanted the gift to bring the community together and be personally meaningful to the seniors, explains Reece. “Most still cherish those memories, and that trip often comes up in all nostalgic conversations.”
This was also a learning opportunity for the seniors. They practiced getting buy-in from classmates, planned the timeline, and strategized communications and engagement. They also learned about philanthropy and the importance of community and alumnae support for Castilleja’s programs.
Liz Babb ’82, Director of Alumnae Engagement, worked with the three seniors to help them with the planning, brainstorming ideas, and execution in the final days of fundraising. Ms. Babb also secured the alumnae matches.
“The DC trip helped spark my academic interests in political science and public policy and helped me deepen friendships that still exist today,” says Natalie. “I hope it will do the same for future students and help them understand our complex political climate so that they are better equipped to engage in it.”
Founded in July 2012, the Decade Club recognizes members of the Castilleja community who have made gifts for 10 to 19 consecutive years.
Anonymous (6)
Rebecca Abramowitz ’14
Gerri and Laszlo Bock
Tara Desautels ’89
Carol and John Giannandrea
Anonymous (25)
Alison and Edward Abbo
Meredith Gillespie Alcock ’76
Nahid Aliniazee and Kamal Ahmed
Coralie AllenHA
Elizabeth Smegal Andersen
Lee Ann and Martin Shell
Joyce and Thomas Anthony
Jeanne AppelgetHA
Julie and Buddy Arnheim
Irene Au and Bradley Horowitz
Kimberly BagnolaHA
Josée BandHA and Stephen Band
Sarah BarnumHA
Katherine Bishop ’90
Elizabeth Gerrard Blackwelder ’37*
Linda and Don Bogue
Joyce Bogner Bohn ’72
Sue and Kirk Bostrom
Bill Broach
Adria and Beau Brown
Lorraine BrownHA and Joel Brown
Madison Brown-Moffitt ’10
Carla M. Cassani, MD
Jean Dinkelspiel Chaitin ’50*
Anita Chan and Sai Ho Yeung
Victoria Chiongbian and Ramon Khu
Jennifer Dinsmore Clegg ’98
Christine Costigan and Michael Snyder
Lori and Brian Goler
Kyuwon Han and Hyeun-Su Kim
Elizabeth and Patrick Heron
Shonna and Doug Larson
Kathy and Glenn Layendecker
Christina Courtney ’02HA
B.J. Lockhart Cowie ’54
Nancy Cox
Hala Kurdi Cozadd ’92 and Bruce Cozadd
Julie and Ken Crawford
Vivian and Douglas Crisman
Quintilla Shott Curran ’81
Shannon De La CruzHA
Dr. Joanne De Phillips ’62
Laura Docter ’81HA
Karen and Michael Dreyfus
Ellen and Ira Ehrenpreis
Michele and Harry Elam
Ahmed ElgasseirHA
Alicia Fang ’92
Rhonda and Nigel Farrar
Dana and Anthony Fenwick
Karen and Andy Fisher
Sheridan and David Foster
Lori and Randy Friedman
Barbara and Matthew Frome
Mid FullerHA
Ericka Fur and Selwyn Goldberg
Kara Furlong ’03
Heidi GallegosHA
Jacqueline and Olivier Garreau
Dianne and Charles Giancarlo
Jean Gillon ’69
Mari and Forrest GingoldHA
Lata and Vab Goel
Cindy and Evan Goldberg
Janet Tennyson Manzano ’89
Anjali and Sundar Pichai
Jessica and Chris Varelas
Nancybeth Hood Watt ’74
Michele Harari Goldwasser ’91 and Isy Goldwasser
Fortune Home Foundation
Sherie GraysmarkHA and Robin Graysmark
Leslie and Jeffrey Green
Ann GreysonHA and Michael Cummings
Elizabeth Grover
Katherine Gunderson ’02
Suman Gupta and Thomas Kemp
Xenia HammerHA and Gary Hammer
Marcia and Russ Hansen
Britt and Eli Harari
Elizabeth Harris ’77 and William Booher
Merrilee Harris
Mary Wilbur Ives Harrison ’46
Melanie Hatchell
Conrad Herrmann
Dianna Herrmann
Elaine Hill
Susan and Herb Hinstorff
Debra Drake Hiraki ’72
Bryan HoardHA
Heidi Hopper and Jeffrey Dean
Jane Hsiao and Amr Razzak
Susie Hwang and Matt Glickman
Alma Jiménez and Arturo Arguello
Yvonne Karanas and William Fearon
Carol Karp and Victor Glushko
Susanna and Gordon Kass
Heather and Deglin Kenealy
Stacey and Robert Kertsman
Jaynie and William Kind
Shelley Kind ’09
Liz King ’87
Michele and Steve Kirsch
Marty and Liz Korman
Jennifer and Philip Kuhn
Alicia La Fetra and Frank La Fetra Jr.
Yeshi Lama and Tenzin Dingpontsawa
Michèle Lamarre and Brent Townshend
Lynne Lampros ’85
Jill Brakovec Laorr ’81 and Alan Laorr
Sydney Larson ’03
Gab and Thomas Layton
Claire and Matthew Ledwith
Kristen Leep ’99
Michelle and Jiayi Li
Hsiaoling Liao and Eric Huang
Maria and Keng Lim
Erika Lim ’77
Yan Liu and JieFu Zhang
Karen Mah Lockwood ’85
Becky Long and Ken Hirsch
Becky A. Long
Lisa Hazard and Tim Lynch
Laura Dennis MacLean ’90
Anne Maloney and Patrick McCrystle
Colleen Yeates Marsh ’67
Joe and Sandi Martignetti
Robin and Karl May
Keli Mayfield and Jeffrey MayfieldHA
Jane McConnell ’81HA
Mace McGinn
Viola Mong Meehan ’82
Kristin Meier ’87 and Malcolm Fleschner
Lisa and David Merenbach
Joelle Mourad Mitchell ’93 and Joseph MitchellHA
Sonia Moroder and David Teichmann
Mariam Nayiny Radjy and Nader Radjy
Marlyn NegronHA
Doreen and Nels Nelsen
Shana NistlerHA
Peggy Fitzgerald Nute ’55
Grace and John O’Malley
Michele Ono and George Choi
Shirley and Mike Orsak
Shames Panahi and Gus Malekmadani
Laurie and Duco Pasmooij
Mrunalini and Sanjay Patel
Susan Purdy Pelosi and Louis Pelosi
Ismenia PereiraHA
Christine Phan and Mir Imran
Laurie Davidson Phillips ’96
Mary Pless
Patricia and James Plummer
Denise and Mike Pope
Catherine Zerboni Popovici ’84
Anna Powell ’09
Lilyana Prasetya and Peter Gunadi
Molleigh Preefer ’10
Teri RaffelHA
Maria Ramirez and Israel Soto
Paula and Michael Rantz
Barbara Davis Reynolds ’72
Mimi Richart and Matt Leary
Alyssa Rieder and Eric Byunn
Sue Dyrud Rimkeit ’61
Kim Roberts ’83
Jonathan RockmanHA
Mary and Chris Rose
Kimberley Morris Rosen ’98
Debra Ziegler Rosenberg ’73 and Stuart Rosenberg
Valerie RossHA
Barbara and Gregory Rosston
Sarah Rosston ’12
Marieke and Jeffrey Rothschild
Wendy and Chang Row
Valerie Rynne
Sarah and Greg Sands
The Walecka-Seaver Family
Lynn Seely and Tim Ditzler
Jole SeroffHA
Pratima Sethi ’94 and
Amaury Bellemans
Helen ShanksHA
Lisa Shapiro
Karen Smith Shaw ’72 and Douglas Shaw
Rebecca SherouseHA
Beth and Bob Shuman
Tiffany and Robert Silva
Kathleen SmithHA
Laura Smith ’08
Heather and Ian Smith
Deborah Smith
Bill SmootHA
Lillian Soohoo and Anthony Debs
Mary Speiser
Mike Speiser
Sarah Rakonitz Stein ’87
Suzanne and Joseph Sullivan
Jamie SullivanHA and
Mark Bernstein
Helen Floyd Sullivan ’82
Lani Takano and Jim Kotcher
Polly Tam and Hsien-Chung Woo
Kathleen and Scott Tandy
Katherine Haase Taylor ’88 and Stewart Taylor
Cindy and Jeffrey Traum
Jenifer and Steve Turnbull
Kristin and Paul Vais
Bertha ValdiviasHA
Mark Vander Ploeg
The Verwillow Family
Dareld Vestal
Diana Villegas ’66
Lisa Voge-Levin and Peter Levin
Ericka Von Kaeppler ’09
Ann WagenhalsHA and Peter Chen
Judith WagnerHA
Clare and Timothy Warner
Anne Warner ’08
Lynn Westphal and Michael Gropper
Gina and Bob Wulff
Eva Xu and Roy Wang
The Woollen Family
Mariko and Phillip Yang
Virginia and Johnny Yau
Kathleen Yeates ’66
Kritika Yegnashankaran ’94
The Margarita Espinosa Society was founded in October 2010 to honor members of the Castilleja community who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to the school by making gifts for 20 or more consecutive years. The consistent support of these donors has enabled Castilleja to remain at the forefront of women’s education.
Kim Sommer
Anonymous (5)
Joannie AdamsHA
Nancy Allen ’86
Florence Cooley Armstrong ’39*
Constance Atterbury ’66
Marianne and Alan Austin
Helena and Richard Babb
Rebecca Barham ’60
Kyle BarrigerHA
Ellen Berger*
Jacqueline Glynn Brandin ’85
Nancy Brown
Kathy BurchHA and Bill Burch
Laura Bushnell ’84
Anne CameronHA and Matt Cameron
Susan Moths Carpenter ’72
The Chapman Family
Maren Christensen ’79
Isobel Christensen
Elizabeth and Nicholas Clinch
Alison Beach Cooper ’61 and Tom Cooper
Ann CriswellHA and Floyd Criswell*
Janet Mauel Cronk ’64
Carolyn and Gordon Davidson
Sally Kuechler Debenham ’52* and Warren Debenham*
Barbara Deméré ’77HA
Leslie Widrow Derbin ’78 and Robert Derbin
Ann Brookman Dey ’63
Constance and Adrian Dillon
Bev and Steve Docter
Jeanne Floyd Downs ’80 and Benjamin T. Downs
Anne Spaulding Draeger ’71
The Duane Family
Madeline Ehrman ’60*
Shirley Ely*
Molly Farmin*
Jeffie Welsh Feakins ’64
Arlayne Overfelt Fifer ’49
Caroline “Patsy” Chickering Fish ’50
Jamie Flaxman ’81
Sara Hutchison Fleischer ’72
Nancy Fletcher ’62
Cynthia Kaiser Floyd ’51 and William Floyd Jr.
Bill Friedman
Susan Friedman
Pamela Pabst Garcia ’73
Barbara Kahn Gardner ’34*
Erika Luhr Gates ’54*
Juliet Messimer Gede ’68
Diane Gibbs*
Karen Hoffman Gilhuly ’78 and Ned Gilhuly
Mary and Clinton Gilliland
The Glynn Family Charitable Trust
Maggie Pringle Grauer ’71
Patricia Hunter Gregory ’64 and Tod Gregory
Anjelika Deogirikar Grossman ’00
Terry Guice
Elizabeth Guice ’91
Lottie Gutterman*
Christina GwinHA
Joyce Adams Hanna ’52 and Gerald Smith
Maureen McPartland Hardy ’78
Sally Stewart Harris ’76
Belle Clegg Hays ’42*
Michelle Riches Helvey ’84
Margaret and Harvey Hinman
Diana Gregory Horner ’91
Penny HowellHA
Libby Swindells Hulsey ’80
Sharon Huntsman ’89
Nanci KauffmanHA and Scott Kauffman
Denise Kaufman ’64
Maxine Kennedy
Michele Wray Khateri ’87
Valerie Kieser ’55*
Felicia Paik Kim ’84
Esther Kletter
Anne Biaggini Krattebol ’64
Laura Kelly Kroger ’82
Vicki and Peter LaBoskey
Don C. and Diane S. Lake Family
Yesenia Larios and Paulo PugaHA
Lorraine Potter Lasell ’50*
Jill LeeHA and Malcolm Hobbs
Barbara Leep ’61
Elizabeth Leep ’81
Allison Lewis-Jacobs ’76 and Brian Jacobs
Joan LonerganHA
Joan Davies Loughlin ’50
Jeanne Lowell and David Lowell HA
Cary Golub Lurie ’64
Anne Flatland Macdonald ’80 and John C. Macdonald
Lolanda and Albert Mamiya
Marcy Mamiya ’90 and Matthew Selaya
Jeanne and Peter Mandell
Jeannine MarstonHA and Ted Marston
Megan Ruder Martinelli ’80
Karen Lee McKee ’67
Peggy McKee
Donna Lee McMaster ’83 and Mark McMaster
Audrey Hill McQuay ’45*
Penny and Jim Meier
Lisa Merenbach
Wendy Pohlman Mickle ’63 and Michael Mickle
Cynthia Swanson Miller ’64*
Marilyn Senn Moll ’47
Katherine Morris ’86
Nancy Ditz Mosbacher ’72 and Bruce Mosbacher
Doris MouradHA and Henry Mourad
Sidney Ofsthun Mygatt ’60
Eugenie PaickHA
Heather Allen Pang ’84HA and Alex Pang
Annie Roberts Peterson ’85 and Stephen Peterson
Margot Heersema Phillips ’52*
Alissa Riper Picker ’80*
Lynn Anderson Poole ’78
Arturo PugaHA
Eleanor Rakonitz
Amy Rao and Harry Plant
Betsy Sellman Redman ’63 and Michael Redman
Christiane RepellinHA
Constance RichardsonHA
Judy RinoHA
Nancy Schumacher Rosenthal ’72
Barbara and George Roupe
Lauren SchryverHA and Brian Schryver
Anita Seipp ’71
Pearl Anne Seipp*
Georgianna SheaHA
Barbara Moths Sheffels ’76
Judy SleethHA and Walter Sleeth
Sue Beton Smith ’54
Jo Glasson Smith ’43*
Helia SousaHA and Joao SousaHA
Honor Berger Spitz ’62*
Laura and Don Stemmle
Joy Fulton Stiefel ’73
Marilyn Salsman Stockfleth ’53*
Christy StoryHA
Hilary Simpson Strain ’89
Linda Sue Little Strand ’76 and Don Strand
Blair Walker Stratford ’56
Robert Sturges* and Helen Sturges*
Andrea Amdahl Taylor ’86
Holly ThompsonHA and Buzz Thompson
Michelle Evans Tin ’84
Karen TobeyHA and Tom Tobey
Deborah TrillingHA
Susan and George Varian*
Barbara Walker*
Kristin WalterHA
Xiazhen Wang and Joseph Yu
Barbara Most Weissman, MD ’72
Sarah Hinman Whittle ’86 and John Whittle
Lynn Armstrong Winkel ’52
Linda Yates ’80 and Paul Holland
Jean Walker Yeates ’43*
Theo Kate Scott Zaninovich ’60 and Marko Zaninovich
Gail Wilson Zetter ’64
Holly Varian Zuklie ’86
* Designates donors who are deceased
Planned gifts provide Castilleja with the ability to think strategically about the school’s future. The Circle Society is a group of individuals and families who have included Castilleja in their estate plans with a planned gift or bequest intention.
Anonymous (4)
Marianne and Alan Austin
Rhodelia Smith Bailey ’57
Susan BarkanHA
Kyle BarrigerHA
Jhumki Basu ’94*
Elizabeth Milne Baum ’81 and Brandon Baum
Ellen Berger*
Joyce Bogner Bohn ’72
Randall Bolten
Susan and Kirk Bostrom
Deborah Behl Boucher ’99
Ruth Bradford*
Nancy Brown
Margaret Carver*
Eleanor Williston Caughlan ’56
Adaline Dinsmore Chapman ’17*
Allen Chickering*
Isobel Christensen
Tate Cohn
Robert Cohn
Elizabeth Corneliussen ’45*
Colette and Kim Cranston
Rudy DeCaminada*
Barbara Deméré ’77HA
Bev and Steve Docter
Madeline Ehrman ’60*
Shirley Ely*
Bill Epperley
Molly Farmin*
Karen and Andrew Fisher
Cynthia Kaiser Floyd ’51 and William Floyd Jr.
Keiko Franklin
Steven Franklin
Bill Friedman
Susan Friedman
Onyet Geer*
Dianne and Charles Giancarlo
Jean Gillon ’69
Barbara Glynn
Maggie Pringle Grauer ’71
Elizabeth Grover
Diane Guinta and Paul Goldstein
Cynthia and John Gunn
Lottie Gutterman*
Jean Halford
Joyce Adams Hanna ’52 and Gerald Smith
Sue Holzman Hanna ’57
Barbara and John Hanna
Augusta Harrold*
The Estate of James E. Harrold, Jr.
Virginia Harroun*
Talat and Kamil Hasan
Betsy HawleyHA and Stephen Hawley
Pamela Hawley ’87
Barbara and William Hazlett
Jeanne Heise
Susan Suman Hindle ’53
Penny HowellHA
Libby Swindells Hulsey ’80
Mrs. Frances Jackson*
Hildy JarmanHA*
Darcie Johnson ’88
Jon Johnson*
Nanci KauffmanHA and Scott Kauffman
Garner and Larry Kelly
Deborah Bowers Kenealy ’79 and Edmund Kenealy
Jaynie and William Kind
Betty Place Kirby ’31
Victoria and Paul Kojola
Susan and Roger Kokores
Veronica and Kenneth Kornberg
Edith Fullerton Lally ’16
Martha Faull Lane ’20
Jill Brakovec Laorr ’81 and Alan Laorr
Elizabeth Leep ’81
Joan LonerganHA
Constance Fout Lynch ’37*
Anne Flatland Macdonald ’80 and John C. Macdonald
Martha Robbins Macdonald ’39
Christina Hansen McClure ’71 and William McClure
Cynthia McGeoch
Penny and James Meier
Sally Mein ’33
Sharon and Stan Meresman
Sally Millard Trust*
Patricia Timby Moore ’41*
Cheryl and John Nelson
Sharon Nelson-Barber and Wayne Barber
Eliane NeukermansHA and Armand Neukermans
Evelyn Carey Niebel*
Genevieve Wickstrom Noone ’23
Sally Offutt and Casper Y. OffuttHA
Brian Pennix
Mrs. Roberta Plummer*
Myrtle Potter
Margaret Raffin*
Nancy Schumacher Rosenthal ’72
Julie Satake Ryu and Edwin Ryu
Pearl Anne Seipp*
Teruko Smith
Susan Smith-Flesher ’76 and Jack Flesher
John A. Sobrato Sr.
Muriel McKevitt Sonne ’31
Susanne SparksHA
Denise Manuck
St. Angelo-Stiles ’69
Linda Sue Little Strand ’76 and Don Strand
Robert Sturges* and Helen Sturges*
Rosemary and Tom Tisch
HA Designates over 10 years employment at Castilleja
* Designates donors who are deceased
The 2023–2024 Annual Report includes all gifts received between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
Please accept our sincere apologies for any inadvertent omissions, and contact us with corrections: Advancement Department, (650) 470-7807 or kpatel@castilleja.org.
Make a gift at castilleja.org/give
Caroline Trotter ’69
Sarah King Wilmer ’58
Gail Wilson
Nancy and Philip Young
Thank you to all our generous and thoughful parent/guardian volunteers. The impact of your work benefits each and every one of our students, faculty, and programs.
CLASS OF 2030 – 6th Grade
Shirley Chou
Jimmy Chang
Anna Harik
Jackie Hong
Esther Lee
CLASS OF 2029 – 7th Grade
Rah Mansoor, Team Lead
Valerie Barnett
Chris Goudey
Manisha Gupta
Lyla Kuriyan & Rory McInerney
Leticia Gonzalez-Ratchev
CLASS OF 2028 – 8th Grade
Ike Adeyemi, Team Lead
Ore Adeyemi, Team Lead
Sean Glodek
Esha Sinha
Jessica Speiser
Flore Tolland
CLASS OF 2027 – 9th Grade
Chitra Chakravarthy
Jenny Chang
Suzan Halabi
Tina Lin
Aarthi Prabhakar
Mayling Wu
CLASS OF 2026 – 10th Grade
Stephanie Chen, Team Lead
Yidrienne Lai, Team Lead
Rafia Chaudhry
Marcie Farano
CLASS OF 2025 – 11th Grade
Lian Bi
Ed Chan
Rita Walia
CLASS OF 2024 – 12th Grade
Carolyn Choi
Andrea Schultz
Tiffany Silva
Board of Trustees 2023-24
Zac Zeitlin, Chair
Odette Harris, Vice-Chair
Raj Agrawal
Jennifer Carolan
Stephanie Chen
Chi-Hua Chien
Mahooya Dinda
Steve Dowling
Nate Gallon
Tracy Watt
VP/President Elect
Rachelle Doorley
US Parent Resource Chair
Judy Dang
MS Parent Resource Chair
Tenley Stephenson
Marketing Communications Chair
Sheri Brooks
Recording Secretary
Stacie Cheng
Carole Hayworth
Volunteer Recruitment Chair
Cinnie Chieng
Parent Education, Events, and Inclusion
Raju Parikh
Megan Jones Bell ’00
David Ko
Bob Kocher
Allison Koo ’98
Jamaica Kreps
Kathy Layendecker
Aileen Lee
Lindsay Austin Louie ’98
Shweta Mehta
Jennifer Newstead
Mia Rocha
Sarah Sands
Mike Schroepfer
Andie Navarro Sobrato ’08
Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza
Tracy Watt
Jeff Wong
Director of Advancement
Sue KimHA
Director of Alumnae Engagement
Liz Babb ’82
Director of Annual Fund
Amy Heath
Director of Events and Parent Engagement
Ellen Stewart Moore ’80
Director of the Capital Campaign and Major Gifts
Caroline New '01
Database Manager
Krishna Patel
Advancement Coordinator
Jenna Yee
Communications Team
Director of Communications and Community Relations
Emily McElhinney
Assistant Director of Communications and Community Relations
Tanya Campbell Temple
Digital Media and Communications Specialist
Sara Coburn, Sam Petersen
Communications Writer and Content Specialist
Masha Rumer
Acting Head of School
Kathy Layendecker
Interim Head for 2024–2025 Academic Year
Julia Russell Eells
Director of New Campus Design for Learning
Josée BandHA
Acting Associate Head of School for Finance and Operations
Faye Ferguson
Dean of Faculty
Christina GwinHA
Director of Advancement
Sue KimHA
Director of Admission, Tuition Assistance, and Summer Programming
Jill LeeHA
Director of Communications and Community Relations
Emily McElhinney
Head of Upper School
Anne Rubin
Head of Middle School
Laura Zappas
Special Thanks: We appreciate the many contributors to this report, including Sue KimHA, Emily McElhinney, Sara Coburn, Ellen Stewart Moore ’80, Caroline New ’01, Krishna Patel, Sam Petersen, Masha Rumer, Tanya Campbell Temple, Stephanie Chen P’26, Jamaica Kreps P’28 ’30, Julia Russell Eells, Betty Noel-Pierre, Rah Mansoor and Pedram Keyani P’29 ’31, Sarah and Greg Sands P’16 ’19 ’24, Jeanne Floyd Downs ’80, Helen Floyd Sullivan ’82, and new Trustees Ed Chan P’22 ’25, Yidrienne Lai P’26 ’28 ’31, Rah Mansoor P’29 ’31, Olivia Nottebohm P’28, and Suzanne O'Brien P’21. We also thank the Castilleja students, faculty, and staff who shared their work and support.
Castilleja School Foundation
1310 Bryant Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301