05. From kindergarten to university degrees,
what is relevant today?
Your education and qualifications
Similar to your employment section,
section compliments your
you want to include the name of your
employment history and is often just
qualification, the institution where it
as important. “The education section
was issued, the start and end dates,
gives the employer a brief overview
and the grades/results of the said
of your studies and qualifications to
certification. For roles that require
date,” Darshinee begins, “You want
warranty, such as in law or
to include your degrees, diplomas,
accounting, you want to display your
any official means of certification,
qualification at the beginning of the
and any work or vocational training
section. For Tijana, this is an
you’ve received.”
important point: “This is because in most cases, your qualification is a non-arbitrary requirement for the role you’d be applying for.”
You want to include your degrees, dip
certification, and any work or vocatio