Pocket CV: Your Simple Guide to Writing a Stellar CV

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01. What does the perfect CV look like?

One of the first things to consider

To compliment your sections, include

when writing a CV is format. “There

bullet points under headers so your

is no such thing as a single, standard

CV does not read like an essay.

CV,” explains Tijana, “CVs adapt to the particular role one is applying

In terms of understanding

for, and their particular profession.”

expectations, an important factor to

In general, you want to keep your CV

consider is the locality of the job role.

concise. It shouldn’t exceed two

“International standards vary greatly

pages, nor include any dramatic

depending on best practices and local

colouring and illegible fonts

legislation,” Tijana begins, “In

(Darshinee recommends using Times

Germany it’s forbidden to ask for a

New Roman or Georgia, for example)

photo of an applicant, whereas in the

to ease navigation for potential

US a portrait is considered standard.”


In Europe, Europass is a common format adopted to lay out a CV, but

Additionally, you should organise

nowadays Tijana suggests these

your CV with clear sections. “Keep

shouldn’t be used: “It is not widely

your font size between 10 and 12

accepted in the private sector

points and ensure you can


differentiate your headings using bold type and capital letters,” Darshinee emphasises.


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