02. Don’t overshare personal details.
We’ve previously learned to include
So, what is appropriate to add?
our full home addresses, marital
“Include your full name, professional
status, and other personal details on
title, email address and telephone
our CV. Unfortunately,
number,” Darshinee begins, “Details
discriminatory practices altered the
such as your marital status and
course on what details are
political affiliation are completely
appropriate for the document. “Your
unnecessary.” The sentiment is clear:
date of birth, religion, nationality,
input the necessary work details and
and other information that can add to
keep the political talk for your next
potential discriminatory treatment
dinner party.
should be avoided,” Tijana reiterates. Some countries, such as the UK, protect your personal details in that it is illegal for hiring managers to request certain personal information.
The sentiment is clear: input the nece
political talk for your next dinner part