Saxophones Can Seduce You With Their Sound With me, that's exactly what happened. So unmistakable and pure it has many qualities from the human voice. And that may be why it's sound attracts some of us. And the good news is that the sax fingering is probably the easiest to learn of all the instruments and you'll be able to learn it after your first saxophone lesson. Developing a great sound on the other hand will take a lot more time and effort. There's no way around this except to spend the time on your instrument working on tone exercises involving embouchure and breathing techniques. Vocalists use some of these exact exercises which involve breathing from the diaphragm. When people start out to play the sax this is one of the first mistakes that can easily be made. It's natural to try and push the air from the throat, but this is not the proper way for saxophone breathing. Taking some saxophone lessons to get this technique can speed up your tone process. Have you ever heard a novice sax player's tone sound really thin and the intonation wavering all over the place? The reason is because they are only pushing the air from the throat and not from down deep in the diaphragm where they should be. This technique must usually be taught because it doesn't happen naturally when a student is just starting out. There are other factors more important to sound production than the saxophone. More importantly than even your sax is what you use as your mouthpiece and reed selection. There are a lot of different types, styles and sizes when choosing a mouthpiece. The reed you use can also come in different makes and sizes and together with the mouthpiece can make getting a good amount of air through your horn very easy or very difficult, depending on the make and strength of the reed. It'll take some time, and you may get frustrated from now and then but as the small improvements in tone become more apparent you'll be glad you're taking the time to learn how to play the saxophone. Just imagine