Weekly Note & Reminders 12th May 2023

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Park School Weekly Note & Reminders 12th May 2023

From Mr McKernan (Principal, Whole School)

Dear Parents,

Grandparents Day

It has been another exciting week here at Castle Park, with several events and activities for our pupils to participate in. However, the highlight of the week was undoubtedly our three-day Grandparent and Special Person event The first day of the event was Wednesday, when we welcomed guests to the Early Years Department, and on Thursday and Friday, we welcomed visitors to the Prep Department. It was a heartwarming experience to see our pupils connect with their loved ones while showing them around the School and taking part in activities together. Click HERE to see photos from these special days.

Summer Term Trips

Two of our classes went on trips this week. Form I travelled to 'Beyond the Trees Avondale', where they had the opportunity to explore the forest and nature from a unique perspective by going on a Treetop Walk. Meanwhile, Form II had a fun-filled day at the Butler's Chocolate Factory, where they became Chocolatiers for the day and learned all about the process of making chocolate Both of these trips provided our pupils with valuable experiences outside the classroom. But most importantly, they had a great time doing it!

Next Week

We have more exciting events planned for next week. On Tuesday, STEAM Academy is visiting the School, and our Prep pupils will participate in a Robotics workshop. Additionally, we are hosting a book fair on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The children can browse and buy a book during their library lessons, at lunchtime and after school between 3:30 pm and 4:30 pm. It is a great opportunity for our pupils to expand their reading horizons and love of books.

Next Friday we are very much looking forward to our Junior Summer Concert which takes place at 2 pm. Our Form I and II classes will be showcasing their talents and skills in music and performance

Le gach dea-ghuí

The Week Ahead

Book Fair

Tuesday 16th - Thursday 18th

Tuesday 16th May

Wednesday 17th May

Form VI Parents Information Evening in the Assembly Hall at 7 pm

Thursday 18th May

Form III Personal Development Day

Friday 19th May

Junior Summer Concert (Forms I-II) @ 2pm

Irish Dancing Feis @ 3:30 pm in Assembly Hall - Dowling School of Irish Dancing

You can find further details of all fixtures/events/activities on the Parent Portal Calendar

STEAM Academy to visit Prep Department for Robotics Workshops.

From Mr Tindale (Deputy Principal, Whole School)

Review of the Week

We will be holding an Information Evening for parents of Form VI pupils in the Assembly Hall next Wednesday, May 17th, at 7:00 pm. The meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the upcoming events and activities that Form VI pupils will participate in between now and the end of the school year, including The Collings Award, Graduation, and the Residential Trip to Killary Adventure Centre. The purpose of the Evening is to inform parents about these events and answer any questions they may have An email will be sent out separately about the event, and we hope to see you there

From Paddy McDonald (General Manager)

Lost Property

Once again, the lost property boxes are overflowing with unclaimed items Therefore, we kindly request parents to spare a moment during the upcoming week to visit the School and inspect the lost property boxes Any unclaimed items will be collected, bagged, and donated to charity by the end of next week

To avoid losing items in the future, please ensure that all uniform articles are clearly labelled with your child's full name and class. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Artist of the Week

Artist of the week is Emer - IV – Assemblage

The Senior Art hobby pupils recently explored the work of New Zealand artistLouiseMcRae Theycreatedabstractpanelsusingarangeofbalsa wood pieces which they cut using mini hacksaws. They incorporated matchsticks,coffeestirrersandlollipopsticksforthedetailedareas The resultswereoutstanding,withthepupilsproducingartworkthatI’msure you’llagreecouldeasilygracethewallofacontemporaryartgallery

uniquelyyou.” -

Irish Phrase of the Week
Inspirational Quote
of the Week
Theme of the Week
"Digdeepandempower yourselftoday Standin yourinnerstrength.Be
Francesca Caccini Digging Deep

Rain Cloud In A Jar

Thisweek,FormIhadafunandexcitingexperienceconductingtheRainCloudinaJarexperimentin theScienceRoom Theexperimentprovidedanengagingandhands-onopportunityfortheclassto exploretheconceptsofcloudsandrain.Thepupilswitnessedwaterdropletscondensinginacloudand thenfallingbackdownasrain.Itwasanexcellentopportunityforthepupilstoenhancetheirscientific inquiryskillsandcuriosityaboutthenaturalworld Asyoucanseefromthephotosbelow,theyhada greattimewhilelearning!

Junior Einstein Science Club

Last week, the Junior Einstein Science Club visited the School and conducted an engaging Science Workshop for our Prep pupils. The workshop focused on electricity-related topics. The pupils were thrilled with the demonstration of the Coke and Mentos experiment, which resulted in an explosive finale!

STEAM Academy - Robotics Workshop

Next Tuesday, STEAM Academy is visiting the School to conduct robotics workshops with our Prep pupils Theworkshopshavegeneratedagreatdealofexcitementamongthechildren,andtheyare lookingforwardtodelvingintotheworldofrobotics.

Science News

Science News

Science News

Science News

Science News

Science News

Junior Infants - Data Exercise

The Junior Infants children are covering the topic of 'Data' in their maths lesson, and this morning they collected data about how they travelled to school They did this by lining up behindchairswhichrepresentedthedifferentmodesoftransport.Theresultswere:





Grandparents and

Special Person Day Click HERE to view a Digital Memory Book from Grandparents & Special Person Day

Form I at Beyond the trees Avondale

Form I at Beyond the trees Avondale

Form VI

Form VI

Form VI

Notice Board

Exciting news! Our school is going to host a Book Fair next week from Tuesday to Thursday. The pupils will have the opportunity to explore a range of books and buy their favourites during their library lessons, as well as during lunchtime and after school from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

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