Weekly Note and Reminders 5th May 2023

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Note & Reminders
May 2023
Castle Park School Weekly

From Mr McKernan (Principal, Whole School)

Dear Parents,

Review of the Week

This has been another very busy week. We had two successful trips; Form IV visited The Irish National Heritage Park in Wexford, and Form III went on the Viking Splash Bus in Dublin City. Yesterday we hosted a very successful Open Morning Today, the children enjoyed a presentation from Junior Einstein Science Club, with whom we will be working more closely in the coming weeks Thank you for how well our children were presented for their school photos this week We will notify parents once they are available for viewing on the photographer's website

Next Week's Activities

Looking ahead, next week promises to be equally eventful. Our Form II pupils will visit Butlers Chocolate Factory and Form I will travel to 'Beyond the Trees Avondale'. It doesn't seem like a year has passed since we welcomed grandparents to the school for Grandparents' Day, and next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be very busy as we welcome and look after our very important visitors once again This year, where grandparents are not able to visit, we are inviting a 'special person ' to attend We always look forward to these intergenerational learning days

Good Luck

We wish our tennis players every success in the AIJS Tennis Tournament at Rathdown next week. Best wishes also to those children making their First Holy Communion on Sunday, 14th May.

The Week Ahead

Tuesday 9th May

Form II Trip to Butlers Chocolate Factory. Departing @ 9:00 am. Collection times as normal

Wednesday 10th May

Grandparents/Special Person Day - 10:30am - 12 noon K1 & K2 - 10:30am- 12:30pm Jnr Infants - 10:30am - 1:00pm Snr Infants

Thursday 11th May

Grandparents/Special Person Day 11:30am - 2:00 pm Forms I - III

Friday 12th May

Grandparents/Special Person Day 11:30 - 2:00 pm Forms IV - VI

Sunday 14th May

First Holy Communion. Church of the Assumption, Dalkey @ 12 noon

You can find further details of all fixtures/events/activities on the Parent Portal Calendar

Form I Trip to 'Beyond The Trees Avondale' Departing @ 9:00 am Collection times as normal AIJS Tennis Tournament (Snrs) @ Rathdown. Starts @ 2:00 pm and finishes at 5:00 pm approx Le gach dea-ghuí

Nutrition Workshops

Over the past two weeks, our nutrition workshops have prompted us to question the quality of the food we consume. We focused on understanding the three primary sources of food: plants, animals, and minerals. The children expressed great interest in this topic, and there is still much to explore and discuss.

We also talked about the various food groups: dairy, protein, vegetables, fruits, and grains As part of this discussion, I presented the recommended composition of a balanced plate for everyday meals, emphasising the importance of a wellrounded diet.

This week the children absorbed a great deal of information and had many questions The workshops turned out to be more interactive and enjoyable than anticipated.

I would be happy to answer any questions you may have via email at ****

Artist of the Week

Artist of the week is Ben, Form I

This week Form I had a fun and messy art class experience with papier-mâché.Theyhadagreattimeusingglueandfeathersto create vibrant and colourful birds. Seeing their creativity and enthusiasmastheyexploredthisnewartformwasterrific

"Youcanlookanywhereand findinspiration"


Irish Phrase of the Week
Theme of the Week Inspirational Quote
Composer of the Week -A flash of inspiration struck me Rachel Portman Being Inspired Bhuail splanc inspioráide mé

News from the Classroom -Form V-C

ThepastfewmonthshavebeenincrediblythrillingforFormV-C InlateMarch,theyhadthewonderful opportunitytoparticipateintheproductionofShrekJr.TheMusical.Now,theyeagerlyanticipatethe chance to secure the lead roles for next year ' s production. Additionally, they had an immensely enjoyable visit to the National Stud and Botanical Gardens in Kildare, where they gained valuable knowledgeaboutthelifecycleofthehorse

The class has also engaged in some interesting Maths investigations. For example, for our unit on ‘Capacity’,theytackledaproblem-solvingtaskwheretheyhadtopourexactamountsofliquid,only using combinations of water from 300 ml and 500 ml cups. Another investigation involved pupils forminggroupsandcreatingtheirownminibookshops.Eachgroup,usingbooksfromtheclasslibrary, hadtodisplaythem,discountthembyvariouspercentages,calculatetheirprofit,deviseanamefor theirbookshopanddevelopfourmarketingideas

InSocialStudies,V-CsimulatedtheformationofdifferentrocktypesusingStarburstsweetsanda hairdryer Naturally,thereweresomeleftoversweetsaftertheexperiment!

Finally,duringSeachtainnaGaeilgeinMarch,V-CjoinedtheirV-PcolleaguestocreateaStPatrick’s DaythemedboardgamewithquestionsinIrish Sonaturally,withSt Patrickinmind,itwasa‘Snakes andLadders’styleboardgame!


News from the Classroom -Mr Meade
News from the Classroom -Mr Meade

Form IV trip to The National Irish Heritage Centre

On Wednesday, 3rd May, Form IV enjoyed a trip to The National Heritage Centre, Ferrycarraig, Co Wexford.

On arrival, we were taken on a tour of the key sites by the knowledgeable and enthusiastic Ciarán, who was also clearly dressed for the part - see the photos! He led the group through life-sized recreations that showcased important aspects of life in Prehistoric and Historic Ireland It was an engaging experience, and sufficient interest has been stimulated to help us develop our penultimate Social Studies project on Prehistoric Ireland We enjoyed an ice pop in the playground under the welcome sun when we returned to school.

Many thanks to Ms Claire O'Sullivan for her time in accompanying us throughout the day and to the fantastic group of Form IV pupils who were exemplary in their behaviour and represented Castle Park admirably

"I really liked and enjoyed the whole trip! It was brilliant!" - John

"I enjoyed lunch because I was starving!" - Emma

"I enjoyed the Viking ship and spending time with my friends." - Olivia

"It was amazing, and the huts and Viking ships were really cool!" - Auriella

"My favourite part was the monk's village and the lunch area. " - Valeria

"I liked being on the Viking boat because it was massive, and it felt very cool!" - Nicolas

"I liked seeing the figurines of the people living in their huts – it made it feel more real - how they might have looked and what clothes they would have worn!" - Zach

"The church was really tall and looked huge on the outside but was small on the inside." - Isabelle & Alecia

"I enjoyed going into the Neolithic settlement because there were lots of houses, and it made me feel safe and that there was a community around." - Tristan

"I liked pranking someone by pretending to be a wax figure from one of the Viking houses " - Isaac

"I liked Ciarán's costume. He was our tour guide. He looked like he was from a different era. "Ollie

Click HERE to see a video collage of more photos from this great trip.

Form IV trip to The Irish National Heritage Park

Form IV trip to The Irish National Heritage Park

Form IV trip to The Irish National Heritage Park

Form IV trip to The Irish National Heritage Park

Form IV trip to The Irish National Heritage Park

Form II-P

Drama Hobby - Forms I-III

Drama Hobby - Forms I-III

Drama Hobby - Form I-III

Form IV - Personal Development Day

Form IV - Personal Development Day

Form IV - Personal Development Day

Form IV - Personal Development Day

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