Trio OilTec Services An innovator of wearfacing technologies
Wearfacing and production of drill string components Hardbanding of drill pipes Precision welding and machining Variety of advanced coatings technologies based upon thermal spraying Wear testing and engineering consulting
Company proďŹ le Trio OilTec Services, originally founded as Trio AF Teknikk in 1999, has established a worldwide reputation as a leading contractor for the oil and gas industry. Using advanced welding and coatings technologies and based upon many years of industry experience, we provide a wide variety of repair, rebuilding, wearfacing and production technologies for your valuable components. Located in the heart of the Norwegian oil base in Stavanger, we are in continuous contact with our customers and play a pioneering role in supporting technological developments for advanced drilling. Acquired in 2007 by the Castolin & Eutectic group, Trio OilTec Services is completely supported by the Castolin group. This means enjoy continuous access to the latest developments in welding and thermal spray technology, plus work very closely with Castolin production facilities to adapt the coating materials to the extreme wear conditions encountered in the drilling industry. No other contractor is able to provide such a wide range of wearfacing and coating technologies. This ensures that you receive the coating most adapted to your requirements for every job.
Stronger with Castolin Eutectic
Wearfacing Services Trio OilTec Service is a market leader in wearfacing technologies and can provide our customers with either market standard hardfacings or individualized proprietary coatings with up to 10 times longer lifetime than the existing materials on the market. Trio OilTec Service has a proven track record for these coatings and will advice its customers how to find the most cost-effective coating solutions at all times. Continuous research is performed to maintain a leading position in this field, enabling us to service our customers in the best possible manner. Trio OilTec Service has made many innovations in this field – and our unparalleled reputation is proof of the success we have delivered to our customers. We are the market leader in using Plasma Transferred Arc welding to provide highest quality coatings to sensitive components with minimum heat input and distortion. Moreover, due to the low dilution rates, maximum coating properties are achieve in few passes or less coating thickness than traditional welding methods.
Technologies Manual Metal Arc Welding Semi-automatic GMAW welding Pulsed GMAW welding Tig welding Plasma transferred arc (PTA) welding "Spray & fuse" power coatings WC carbide tile deposition "Brazing" by oxyacetylene flame deposition
Our extensive materials experience also allows us to find the right carbide coating for your application. By varying the type, the shape, the size distribution, percentage of carbide deposited and the deposition method (welding, PTA, coating, brazing, tiling), we are able to bring the best coating properties for each and every application.
Stronger with Castolin Eutectic
Typical application examples
Stronger with Castolin Eutectic
Typical application examples
Stronger with Castolin Eutectic
Thermal spraying and coating technologies
Trio OilTec Service is also a leader in thermal spray and related coatings technologies. In contrast, to welding and other hot processes, these are applied "cold" to your components and give therefore minimal distortion. Thermal spraying allows coatings of high performance materials such as metals, alloys, ceramics, cermets or carbides to be applied to relatively easy-to-work and more economical base materials. The various coating processes can offer tremendous improvements in component performance such as wear, heat, oxidisation and corrosion resistance. Thermal spray is also widely used in the reclamation of damaged or worn components, offering a cost effective alternative to buying new replacement parts. Treated parts often last up to twenty times longer than the original. Our state of the art spraying equipment is constantly updated to always stay ahead of the ďŹ eld and includes a third generation H.V.O.F. system. We also maintain most standard machining capabilities in order to provide you with a complete service, or when not available in-house we work very closely with specialist machine shops to ensure perfect execution of your jobs. 6
Spray and fuse process
HVOF spraying
Coating systems available include: Third generation H.V.O.F. systems
Spray & fuse coatings
Twin wire, arc spraying
Selective chemical plating
Powder ame spray
Diamond like coatings
Our highly experienced staff is always available to discuss your requirements Stronger with Castolin Eutectic
Hardbanding services Trio OilTec Service is proud to present to you our broad range of hardbanding services that ensure we remain worldwide market leader: Working in close cooperation with Castolin Eutectic, we have pioneered a range of welding consumables which allows us to protect your drill strings with unparalleled success. These include the welding consumables OTW-12 and OTW-16, plus the patented PTA overlay MX5. We are also an approved applicator of Arnco materials. Working in close cooperation with leading oil majors and drilling companies, we have developed a unique casing wear simulation system. This is used not only to ďŹ nd the optimum coating material for your drilling conditions, but allows us to ensure that welding parameters, pipe preparation and process control give you the maximum downhole lifetime Working closely with our Total Tubular Management partners in Stavanger, we are able to provide complete logistics and inspection services for your drillpipe. Our corner stone of this offer is a fully automated, 4 station handling, preparation and welding facility for large volume production and perfectly controlled quality.
Hardbanding machine
Welding process
Thanks to unrivalled experience in diverse downhole conditions with a variety of hardbanding materials, we are in a unique position to advise operators, drilling companies and rental companies the optimum solution to their hardbanding requirements.
Casing wear test technology center
Plasma powder
Stronger with Castolin Eutectic
Part of the Castolin Eutectic World As a fully integrated unit of Castolin Eutectic, CastoLab® Services are supported by the group's full range of manufacturing, R&D, training and other resources that have made Castolin Eutectic a long-established leader worldwide in fighting wear and providing specialist joining solutions.
Cored wires production
Together with our sister companies of the Messer world we can offer our customers a very powerful range of products and services. Being Part of the Messer World : Investment of over € 420 million More than 6,000 motivated employees Over 100 factories to meet customer needs Technical sales support in over 120 countries 2,000 technical sales people in the field with our customers every day
Powders production
Quality control
es c i v r e S ® e b d i a L w o d t l s Ca Wor
Trio OilTec Services Hammaren 13 - 4056 Tananger - Phone: +47 51 69 25 10 - Fax: +47 51 69 25 11 E-mail: -
Your resource for protection, repair and joining solutions Statement of Liability: Due to variations inherent in specific applications, the technical information contained herein, including any information as to suggested product applications or results, is presented without representation or warranty, expressed or implied. Without limitation, there are no warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Each process and application must be fully evaluated by the user in all respects, including suitability, compliance with applicable law and non-infringement of the rights of others, and Messer Eutectic Castolin and its affiliates shall have no liability in respect there of.