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A major advance in glass container manufacture

Enduring Performance‌

Stronger, with

Castolin Eutectic

Breakthrough Technology from a New Patented Alloy Thermally Sprayed and Vacuum Fused for Maximum Performance Full cavity ProTec coating for blow and blank moulds


ProTec Coated Blanks Increase efficiency ProTec GM durability reduces cleaning, repair and rotation of equipment.

Reduce swabbing Enhanced release and lubricity of Protec GM drastically reduces the need for swabbing. Some swabbing requirements have been completely eliminated.

Extend component life Operating experience has shown that component life can be extended 4 to 6 times standard.

Improve pack rates Overall gains in pack rates have been demonstrated at 3%, resulting in considerable gains in operating margins.

Enhance health and safety Reduction in swabbing rates leads to less operator involvement with moving equipment and reduced inhalation risks.


Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic www.castolin.com www.eutectic.com


ProTec Coated Moulds Improve wear resistance Improve glass finish Improve definition


stringent temperature requirements for extended run lengths. The coating also possesses greatly enhanced lubricity and release properties.

The Coating Protec GM has been developed specifically as full cavity protection for the glass container industry, for the improvement of wear and release characteristics. It is capable of sustained operation at high temperatures and can withstand thermal shock and rapid thermal cycling encountered in the manufacture of glass containers

The Chemistry Protec GM is a nickel-rich alloy including the elements chromium, iron, boron and silicon. It is patent protected by Castolin Eutectic.

The Coating Process Protec GM is applied in two key operations. Alloy powder is thermally sprayed to the total cavity surface of mould blanks. This is followed by vacuum furnace fusion. Under vacuum conditions, a sold-state diffusion of the sprayed layer into substrate results in a uniform dense coating with a strong, metallurgical bond (70 to 80 ksi) and an entirely pore-free coating with very fine microstructure.

Coating Properties The high nickel content of Protec GM imparts considerable toughness and wear resistance, to withstand

Machinability Due to the very fine and uniform microstructure of Protec GM, and a hardness of around HRc 40, the surface is easily machined, achieving a mirror surface by honing and polishing. The coating can be engraved, the surface retaining sharp contours for extended periods of operation.

Heat Transfer Though the thermal conductivity of Protec GM is less than the cast iron of the base metal, the uniform, thin layer (normally 0.5 mm) presents minimal resistance to heat dissipation to the mould or blank body. The strong attachment of the coating to the component with its diffused interface also assists in unimpeded heat transfer.

Other Properties Typical thermal properties are compared with those of cast iron Property

ProTec GM

Cast Iron

Density (g/cc) Specific Heat Thermal expansion (x10 -6/째C) Thermal conductivity (W/m/째C)

8.3 0.11 13.8 13.3

6.9 0.11 12.7 42.5

Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic www.castolin.com www.eutectic.com


Stronger with... Castolin Eutectic WEAR & FUSION TECHNOLOGY

For further details, please visit our website www.castolin.com

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