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Discussion The Best Argumentation

Laura Catalina Arias Barragรกn



The Vindication of Poetry


Solving the Urban Sprawl


The Perks of Having a Sibling


The Vindication of Poetry the

Poetry reveals this world; it creates another…”

disenchantment of poetry in our time. The

(p. 3). But this creative capacity relies on the

misconception that poetry is an easy activity,

language, as it is the one in charge of the creation

limited to the briefness of feelings and

and composition of the world within, the

experiences of the author expressed with a certain

manifestation of the poet’s spirit. Therefore, even

type of language and structure considered

if a poem begins as the result of a brief emotion

"poetical", without a provided level of rationality

or sensation, to make it poetry it needs to use the

or depth to its content, has been spread widely

precise images, the correct words, the most

and has discourage both poets and their

accurate composition to give it transcendence, to

audiences. However, it is in their hands to

print rationality in the creation in order to share it

vindicate poetry as a rational perspective of

successfully with the readers. This process is

passion and emotion, primarily as a result of the

definitely not easy or ephemeral, but it is born

internalization of the individual, of the contact

from a particular place and it becomes complex

with its intimacy.

as it carries along several significations within






itself. This is why we can consider that language First, let’s consider what it means to

settles both form and content in poetry.

make poetry. I recall Octavio Paz’ statement in The Bow and The Lyre (1973): “Poetry is

According to the previous statement, we

knowledge, salvation, power, abandonment. An

could consider the poet as some sort of sorcerer

operation capable of changing the world, poetic

capable of creating new worlds and evoking

activity is revolutionary by nature; a spiritual

through them many experiences in the readers. As

exercise, it is a means of interior liberation.

Cardoza y Aragón said: “With my imagination I


set another ones in motion” (Cited by Gallón,

Some may argue that every poet initiates

Free translation, 2011). But the true poetic

with poems that might not fulfill what I have

manifestation is a product of the complicity

presented and that censuring them would mislead

between author and reader, since both get

and probably extinguish poetry, but that is not my

involved in it and give several meanings based on

concern. When talking about vindication, I refer

their individual and collective experience:

to the creation of a more critic spirit when facing poetry, from the creative point of view, as well as

[The poem] happens during a comingfrom the reader’s perspective. Let the emotions together, a compenetration, of a reader and feelings flow, but revisit them and make the and a text. The reader brings to the text best use of language to create true poetry, and his




present look for poetry that really contains in itself a

personality. Under the magnetism of the world that you, with your experience and ordered symbols of the text, he marshals knowledge, can fill with meaning. his resources and crystallizes out from the stuff of memory, thought, and feeling





a new order, a new experience, which he

through the

accurate words and


sees as the poem (Rosenblatt, 1994: 12).

expressed in the most careful and thought language. If we do not get involved in the

Therefore, poetry’s merit not only relies on the

vindication of poetry, of its language, of its place

poet’s invention, but also in the symbolic

in the human genius sphere, we will adopt an interchange made between poet and reader incapacity to create, or as Rodolfo Alonso states, through the poem. Therefore, both poets and “The current crisis of poetry is perhaps not only readers must be the critics of poetry in order to the one of a simple literary genre but, something claim and defend the place where it should stand, much worse, the greatest manifestation of a deep as an inexhaustible and outstanding creation of lack in the spontaneous creative capacity of mankind. language from men” (as cited in Pallaoro, Free 4

translation, 2008). Likewise, poets should take


into account that poetry should not serve any Gallón, A. (August, 2011). 'La poesía no es la further factors than poetry itself. To sum up,

Cruz Roja del espíritu' [Poetry is not the

poetry must discover in itself the complex world

Red Cross of the spirit] (Free translation). El Espectador. Retrieved March 10,

that constitutes the author and transforms the

2015, public through the language; it must be claimed

from: ltura/poesia-no-cruz-roja-del-espiritu-

as a connection between intimacies as a concrete


way to display a wide and complex world of

Pallaoro, J. M. (August, 2008). ¿Para qué sirve

ideas, emotions, sensations and experiences that

hoy la poesía? [For what is it good

compose each person, presented in the most

poetry today?] (Free translation). thoughtful and selected language that allows the

Aromito. Retrieved March 10, 2015,

poetic manifestation as a process that emerges


from the author and lasts in the readers.

08/para-qu-sirve-hoy-la-poesa-porrodolfo.html Paz, O. (1973). The Bow and The Lyre. (R. Simms, trans). United States of America: Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication




published 1956). Retrieved March10, 2015, from Google Books. Rosenblatt, L. M. (1994). The reader, the Text, the Poem: The transactional Theory of the Literary Work. Illinois: Southern Illinois University. Retrieved March10, 2015, from Google Books.


Solving the Urban Sprawl The urban sprawl of some cities have

reduces the amount of pollution created.

led to the creation of anti-sprawl movements

Moreover, the New Urbanism proposes the

such as the New Urbanism. This movement’s

environmental preservation of the area thanks

principles offer certain solutions to this

to the creation the green zones, taking into

matter both in the social and environmental

account the native wildlife and animals, just


as it happens in Celebration with the greenbelt that surrounds the city.

The social benefits of the proposal of the New Urbanism are emphasized on

Finally, the urban sprawl would be

socialization and civic interaction. As the

reduced thanks to the architectural designs,

downtown becomes the central area for

which focus on having high-density office

events, institutions and businesses, and single

and residential space in a small area.

and multi-familiar residences are built close

Furthermore, like in Celebration, buildings

to it, people would gather more frequently

use energy-efficient systems that minimize

when buying their groceries or attending to

the environmental impact.

different events. This situations are manifest

All in all, the New Urbanism

in Celebration, Florida, where this kind of

principles allow the consolidation of cities

distribution can be found.

with a planned growth, thinking about the community

As for the environmental benefits, the





New Urbanism proposes compact cities that

surrounds them, avoiding the negative effects

encourage bicycling and walking, which

of urban sprawl.


The Perks of Having a Sibling The presence of a sibling as growing

college, in the professional life or in the love

up provides certain benefits, since a sibling

and social life. We are always in a “race� to

can offer company and support, creates a

get what we want, and growing up with a

sense of competition and avoids the raise of

sibling can develop the competitive attitude

spoiled children.

in a controlled space and under certain rules.

In an environment of love and respect,

Lastly, it has been proven in many

a sibling can become a friend for a lifetime.

studies that children without siblings tend to

As they spend most of their time together as

be more spoiled that those who are raised

they grow up, they could not only share their

with one or more. In this respect, parents with

bloodline but also their hobbies and passions

an only child are more likely to give in to the

and become the biggest support to each other.

demands of the kid, while parents of more

In my case, for instance, I have found in my

children are less likely to make the same

brother one of my best friends to whom I

mistake twice and tend to give them equal

have shared both good and bad times and I


have found in him the support I needed.

In brief, growing up with a sibling is

Equally important, having a sibling

full of benefits, as long as the parents raise

will most likely create a sense of competition

and educate them in a responsible way and in

among them, and this must be taken as a

a healthy environment where the best

benefit for them. Competition is basic for

attitudes can be developed.

everyone’s lives, whether is in school, in 7



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