cavesaa Catalina Velรกsquez Saavedra
Entrepreneur Industrial Designer Design Management Technologist in bakery
pro Profile
Industrial designer with an entrepreneurial spirit,I have guided my professional life in 2 projects since 2010 that have strengthened me in administrative, logistical, human resources and negotiations areas. My discipline and dedication have allowed me to develop well in all these areas, however I continue in my professional search to balance my likes and the great experience of being a Designer.
edu education
Technologist in bakery Mariano Moreno Institute 2016. Bogotá - Colombia Specialization in Design Management Jorge Tadeo Lozano University 2011-2012. Bogotá – Colombia.
wk o
Industrial Design with options in Textil Design and Italian Lenguage and culture. Andes University 2005-2009. Bogotá - Colombia
Pais Emprendedor SAS Family business that produces and sells fresh cheese. Submanager 2013- Current. Bio Natural. Handmade paper designs owner- Designer 2010-2013
bn project 2010
The Bio natural Project was an opportunity that appear to me just after I finish University, I knew a group of women in a town near Bogota, they made a small ecological Project to protect the lagoon near to their town that provide all the water for them, there was a plant call “buchón de agua” wich is beautiful but consumes all the oxygen in the water and kills the fishes and other plants. In this Project they collect this “buchón” and produce paper. They have very nice textures but was difficult for them to sell all the paper so I created bn to promote this material making publicity and merchandise to companies or people that want to have this beautiful and unique handmade paper in they commercial presents.
Final agendas that mix stamping, artisan and industrial binding with recyclable materials. 4
bn project
The process of paper production begins with the collection of the “buchón” and the separation of the pulp. 5
The fiber dries in the sun for se office waste paper to give it bet
everal days and are mixed with tter consistency
Natural dyes are prepared to give vivid colors to the paper and mixed with the fibers until a paste is formed, then the paste is form in canvases and the caliber of the paper depends on the skill of the person who makes the manual process
Muña Lagoon - Sibaté Colombia - this is the lagoon that provides the “buchón
bn project
n� and after many yeas of work the water started to be clear and suitable for crop irrigation
With the bn project I started to collaborate with the canadian movement Fair Trade to empower this filosophy in Colombia , in the case of the hand crafts the artisians are the less benefit of their work, bn made the socialization work with all the supply chain including the customers. In this Link you can see the complilation of the differet catalogs made In the 3 years that the project lasted. bn sold products to 5 of the biggest companys of Colombia, museums and schools.
bn project 2013
VII Young entrepreneurs fair - Corferias - Colombia See an interview of bn in this link: 10
PaĂs Emprendedor 2013
In 2013 I decided to stop bn and help my father start a new cheese company. The company started with 7 employees including us, we buy milk, we produce the cheese in a village in CaquetĂĄ, about 12 hours drive from Bogota where the cheeses are cut and delivered in blocks. The company now has 5 years of sale in different markets with good growth. When we started, we wanted to promote cheese consumption in children because of the malnutrition problems that we have in the country. Cheese is the cheapest protein on the market, but people do not know it. We try to put the best image in our product to promote good quality with a reasonable price, working in the Fair Trade process that works very well with the cattleman and all the supply chain. I started with the graphic design of the labels, the new brand and other management tasks, this is a complilation of the graphic designs process until now.
País Emprendedor Delicioso en:
Contenido Neto:
INGREDIENTES: Leche fresca, cuajo, sal y cultivos lácticos. DATOS DE CONSERVACIÓN: Mantengase refrigerado entre 2 C Y 4 C. Una vez abierto consumase en el menor tiempo posible. No almacene junto a productos con olores fuertes ni penetrantes. Fabricado por País Emprendedor S.A.S. Km 1 Vía Vereda La Unión, San José del Fragua - Caquetá. Empacado por País Emprendedor S.A.S. Calle 102 A # 70-06, Bogotá. Registro Sanitario: RSAD02I78912
We choose a panda bear as the image of our cheese because of the similar color of the cows, are more friendly to kids and adults, iare not masculine or femenine and most of the people feel likely close to pandas. There was another family story behind but this is the most terrenal one. 13
Abre fácil
Abre fácil
Abre fácil
Abre fácil
Abre fácil
Abre fácil
Abre fácil
Abre fácil
Abre fácil
Abre fácil
Queso Mozzarella
Queso Mozzarella fresco, semigraso,semiduro.
Cont.Neto: 25g
Queso Mozzarella
Queso Mozzarella fresco, semigraso, semiduro.
Cont.Neto: 45g
Información Nutricional Porción: 1 Tajada (25g), Porciones por empaque:1, Cantidad/porción: Calorías 70, Cal grasa 50, Grasa Total 6g (9%VD*), Grasa Sat. 3 g (15%VD*), Grasa Trans 0g, Colest. 10mg (3%VD*), Sodio 140mg (6%VD*), Carb. Total<1g (0%VD*), Fibra 0g (0%VD*), Azúcares 0g, Proteína 5g (10%VD*), Vit. A (0%VD*), Vit. C (0%VD*), Calcio (10%VD*), Hierro (0%VD*). *Los porcentajes de Valores Diarios están basados en una dieta de 2000 calorías. INGREDIENTES: Leche entera higienizada, sal, estabilizante (cloruro de calcio), cultivos lácticos y cuajo. Una vez abierto consúmase en el menor tiempo posible. Registro Sanitario RSAD02I78912.
Información Nutricional Porción: 1 Tajada (45g), Porciones por empaque:1, Cantidad/porción: Calorías 130, Cal grasa 90, Grasa Total 10g (15%VD*), Grasa Sat. 5g (25%VD*), Grasa Trans 0g, Colest. 20mg (7%VD*), Sodio 250mg (10%VD*), Carb. Total 1g (0%VD*), Fibra 0g (0%VD*), Azúcares 0g, Proteína 9g (18%VD*), Vit. A (0%VD*), Vit. C (0%VD*), Calcio (25%VD*), Hierro (0%VD*). *Los porcentajes de Valores Diarios están basados en una dieta de 2000 calorías. INGREDIENTES: Leche entera higienizada, sal, estabilizante (cloruro de calcio), cultivos lácticos y cuajo. Una vez abierto consúmase en el menor tiempo posible. Registro Sanitario RSAD02I78912.
Fabricado por: País Emprendedor S.A.S Calle 102 a # 70-06 Bogotá. Tel: 6433185.No almacene junto a productos con olores fuertes ni penetrantes. Industria Colombiana. MANTÉNGASE REFRIGERADO.
Fabricado por: País Emprendedor S.A.S Calle 102 a # 70-06 Bogotá. Tel: 6433185. No almacene junto a productos con olores fuertes ni penetrantes. Industria Colombiana. MANTÉNGASE REFRIGERADO.
Queso fresco, semigraso, semiblando Doble Crema.
Queso fresco, semigraso, semiblando Doble Crema.
Queso fresco, semigraso, semiblando Doble Crema.
Información Nutricional Porción: 1 Tajada (50g), Porciones por empaque:1, Cantidad/porción: Calorías 130, Cal grasa 80, Grasa Total 9g (14%VD*), Grasa Sat. 6g (30%VD*), Grasa Trans 0g, Colest. 20mg (7%VD*), Sodio 340mg (14%VD*), Carb. Total 2g (1%VD*), Fibra 0g (0%VD*), Azúcares 0g, Proteína 11g (22%VD*), Vit. A (0%VD*), Vit. C (0%VD*), Calcio (30%VD*), Hierro (0%VD*). *Los porcentajes de Valores Diarios están basados en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
Información Nutricional Porción: 1 Tajada (20g), Porciones por empaque:1, Cantidad/porción: Calorías 50, Cal grasa 30, Grasa Total 3,5g (5%VD*), Grasa Sat. 2g (10%VD*), Grasa Trans 0g, Colest. 5mg (2%VD*), Sodio 135mg (6%VD*), Carb. Total <1g (0%VD*), Fibra 0g (0%VD*), Azúcares 0g, Proteína 4g (8%VD*), Vit. A (0%VD*), Vit. C (0%VD*), Calcio (10%VD*), Hierro (0%VD*). *Los porcentajes de Valores Diarios están basados en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
Información Nutricional Porción: 1 Tajada (30g), Porciones por empaque:1, Cantidad/porción: Calorías 70, Cal grasa 45, Grasa Total 5g (8%VD*), Grasa Sat. 3,5g (18%VD*), Grasa Trans 0g, Colest. 10mg (3%VD*), Sodio 210mg (9%VD*), Carb. Total <1g (0%VD*), Fibra 0g (0%VD*), Azúcares 0g, Proteína 7g (14%VD*), Vit. A (0%VD*), Vit. C (0%VD*), Calcio (20%VD*), Hierro (0%VD*). *Los porcentajes de Valores Diarios están basados en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
INGREDIENTES: Leche entera higienizada, sal, cultivos lácticos y cuajo. Una vez abierto consúmase en el menor tiempo posible. Registro Sanitario RSAD02I78912.
INGREDIENTES: Leche entera higienizada, sal, cultivos lácticos y cuajo. Una vez abierto consúmase en el menor tiempo posible. Registro Sanitario RSAD02I78912.
INGREDIENTES: Leche entera higienizada, sal, cultivos lácticos y cuajo. Una vez abierto consúmase en el menor tiempo posible. Registro Sanitario RSAD02I78912.
Fabricado por: País Emprendedor S.A.S Calle 102 a # 70-06 Bogotá. Tel: 6433185. No almacene junto a productos con olores fuertes ni penetrantes. Industria Colombiana.
Fabricado por: País Emprendedor S.A.S Calle 102 a # 70-06 Bogotá. Tel: 6433185. No almacene junto a productos con olores fuertes ni penetrantes. Industria Colombiana.
Fabricado por: País Emprendedor S.A.S Calle 102 a # 70-06 Bogotá. Tel: 6433185. No almacene junto a productos con olores fuertes ni penetrantes. Industria Colombiana.
Cont.Neto: 50g
Cont.Neto: 20g
Cont.Neto: 30g
In 2016 we participate to provide breakfast for all children attending public schools in Bogotá, More than 800,000 children now have cheese sticks every day. 14
Molds with hot cheese in process
The CosteĂąo cheese is a from the Colombian coast, used for many typical Colom
PaĂs Emprendedor
a typical cheese it is salty and is mbian dishes
Cheese pieces of different weight, ready for sale at River Cheese Market 16
Me fascina el Queso !
Me fascina el Queso !
Promotional items for the River Cheese Market 17
PaĂs Emprendedor 2017
web site : 18
Catalina Velásquez Adress: Calle 151 # 8 – 84 Bogotá Phone: (57) 3002646702 E-mail: Bogotá - Colombia