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ferp Monitoring and quantification of VOC diffuse emissions, gases and steam

ferp Monitoring plans and Energy Saving: comply with the requirements profitably For more than ten years FERP Environmental Division of CARRARA S.p.A. is among the leaders in designing and implementing monitoring programs of VOC fugitive and diffuse emissions, of steam leakages, industrial plants technical and auxiliary gases leakages and in developing Energy Saving programs. Besides the monitoring execution, FERP offers a consolidated technical and economic evaluation service for the definition of more efficient control plans and in full compliance with the prescriptions, for a quick pay-back of the inspections. The experience acquired by FERP in the field of VOC fugitive and diffuse emissions in the Refining, Chemical, Petrochemical, Offshore, Energy and Pharmaceutical sectors and the deep knowledge of the regulatory environment allow FERP to implement LDAR and SMART LDAR control plans fully complying with the BAT (Best Available Techniques) and with the existing norms, since the inspections are carried on according to the international protocols EN 15446/2008, EPA 453/R95, EPA 6560-50P (Alternative work practice to detect leaks from equipment), EPA Method 21 and to ISPRA 18712 Attachment H.

FERP is a CARRARA S.p.A. service


â?š Our mission: the Customer satisfaction

Our main skill: the expertise â?š


ferp We offer value to create value Our mission is the Customer satisfaction, which we always succeed to obtain thanks to our FERP team’s know-how, assistance capability, presence at the Customer’s site and operative excellence.

❚ Our plus: the operative excellence

We are able to offer INTEGRATED LDAR Monitoring and Control Plans, according to EPA 453/R95, EN 15446/2008 and ISPRA 18712 Attachment H, which cover at the same time the diffuse VOC emissions sources, the steam system sources and the technical and auxiliary gases circuits sources, to create an objective and measurable value.

❚ Our strength: constant presence and assistance

FERP is a CARRARA S.p.A. service



The implementation of LDAR plans, integrated and extended at the same time to different sources groups (and not only to VOC fugitive emissions) allows to accrue unexpected economic, safety and environmental benefits.

ferp The integrated LDAR Project FERP develops LDAR integrated and personalized improvement plans, examining with sensitivity analyses the benefits reachable thanks to the joint introduction of efficient monitoring actions, more effective materials and components and new operative practices, providing the qualification and training to the Customer’s personnel involved in the project.

FERP is a CARRARA S.p.A. service


LDAR and SMART LDAR inspective activities for the detection of VOC fugitive emissions can be applied to the whole plant or only to parts of it, within a planned activity to reach a complete supervision of the inventory in the timeframe agreed with the inspective


authorities. As for LDAR program, the inspective activities are related to DI&M (Directed Inspection & Maintenance) actions and to the calculation of an emissive estimate in t/year of VOC.

ferp VOC fugitive emissions: LDAR and SMART LDAR FERP implements inspective programs for VOC fugitive emissions compliant with: • LDAR protocol according to EPA 453/R95 EN15446/2008 - ISPRA H18712 with inspective technique EPA Method 21 for the detection of VOC fugitive emissions by FID and PID; • SMART LDAR protocol according to EPA 6560-50P (Alternative work practice to detect leaks from equipment) and ISPRA H18712 for the detection of VOC fugitive emissions by remote inspective technique with infrared IR OGI Camera (Optical Gas Imaging); • Combined inspective protocols LDAR - SMART LDAR. Within the inventory activity, FERP offers cataloguing models of the sources at increasing levels of “attributions”, starting from the simple enumeration, classification and localization to reach a detailed and functional characterization of the inventoried component. FERP is able to efficiently re-classify previous inventories from the Customer’s cataloguing and inventorying, generated by cataloguing and inventorying activities carried out by the Customer, to bring them back to a single database which meets the data management and storing requirements by the control authorities. FERP is a CARRARA S.p.A. service


â– Blow Down Valves Survey The VLAD (Valve Leak Acoustic Detection) program by FERP division is an integral part of the FMP (Flare Minimization Plan). Leakage Through contributes for significant quotes to the flare VOC emissions. The identification and repair of the components which interact with the Blow Down network allow a remarkable economic saving and a quantifiable reduction of VOC and C02 emissions.


ferp Diffuse VOC emissions ■ Tanks Survey FERP implements AP42 for the quantification of VOC emissions deriving from the storage of hydrocarbons and organic substances, characterizing the tanks and their “roof fitting” for all the activities of emissive calculation. LDAR program for the detection of VOC fugitive emissions is applied to the components of the auxiliary lines to the tanks. With the aid of the dedicated software, FERP performs sensitivity analyses to verify the benefit deriving from the tank disposal or its reconfiguration with higher performance sealing equipment and materials. The remote inspections by IR OGI Camera of the “roof fittings”, quick and effective, allow to determine exactly the point or the area where to address the corrective actions for the restoration of the optimal emissive condition.

■ Start Up Survey The Start Up Survey is an assistance activity to the maintenance, performed during the startup phases of the plant, with the aid of the IR OGI Camera. The inspective goal, in this always critical moment for the plant life, is addressed to the localization of VOC fugitive and diffuse emissions, so that the sources which generate them can be quickly repaired.

FERP is a CARRARA S.p.A. service


The steam leakages from the steam traps are a relevant energy loss, that means a loss of resources and a higher CO2, SOx and NOx generation, whose values can be quantified with precision. It is estimated that in a steam distribution network,


where a formalized Monitoring and Control Plan is not operative, more than 30 % of the steam traps is out of service, interfering with the regular activity of the steam network also because of water hammers and of missing degassing.

ferp Steam traps and steam leakages

With the same LDAR approach it is possible to draw up a database in which each component (steam traps and interception valves) is catalogued, localized and qualified. The steam traps inventorying activity can be carried on together with the main LDAR program addressed to the fugitive emissions, maturing evident synergies and economies.

The inspections are performed by acoustic and thermo graphic instrumentation, to maximize the capability to find out the defective components, extending also to the conveying lines for the integrity verification of the insulations.

FERP is a CARRARA S.p.A. service 13

FERP has matured a wide experience related to all groups of emissive sources and offers both consultancy activities and supplying of different high-efficiency technical devices. Consultancy activities can be carried on in the field of the tanks seals, of the waste waters system components, of the flare, of the industrial valves and gaskets, providing the drawing up of improvement plans accompanied by sensitivity analyses and budgeting.

❚ Inventory and Database


❚ Integrated LDAR

■ Low-Emission sealing systems for valves The main emissive contributors, as it is known, are the valves. CARRARA S.p.A. has the availability of a specific range of Low-Emission sealing systems, tested both at its own laboratory and at third-party laboratories. The sealing systems are certified and usable for any kind of industrial valve

❚ LDAR EPA 21 survey


ferp Assistance and consultancy services ■ Steam and energy The related activities are the inventorying of the steam network components and the verification of their efficiency. Sensitivity analyses are realized to investigate which emissive saving can be reached by the introduction of new hardware and new inspective practices.

❚ Leakage through blow-down valves and flaring survey

❚ Tanks survey

■ Flaring We offer hardware consultancy and implement innovative protocols for the continuous monitoring of the flare. Starting from the flare feed stock analysis and from the verification of the combustion efficiency it is possible to quantify the VOC emissions generated by the flaring activity. We offer consultancy activities for the definition of the Flame Minimization Plan guidelines, addressed to the minimization of the flaring events and the emissions reduction. ❚ Start up survey

Steam survey ❚

❚ Inorganic Gas Survey


ferp Via Provinciale, 1/E 25030 Adro – Brescia - Italy

Tel. +39 030 7451121 Fax +39 030 7451130

Ferp is a service

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