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Reptiles are scaly-skinned animals. They include snakes, lizards, crocodiles and others.
Most live on land, but some are sea creatures. Reptiles are cold-blooded, which means they can’t warm up their own bodies. They like to live in warm, tropical waters.
Sea snakes
Sea snakes glide through the ocean using their paddle-like tails. Like other sea reptiles, they swim near the ocean surface, so they can come up for air when they need to. Some sea snakes have a deadly poisonous bite.
Sea turtles have a shell on their back, and flippers for swimming. Some are huge: the leatherback turtle’s shell can be up to two meters long!
Turtles mostly live in the sea, but lay their eggs on the shore.
Green sea turtles swim long distances to their breeding areas to find a mate. After mating, the female crawls up onto a sandy beach. She uses her back flippers to dig a nest in the sand. She lays more than 100 eggs in the hole and covers them over with sand.
Ocean going crocs
American and saltwater crocodiles can live in the sea, as well as in rivers and swamps. The saltwater croc can grow to sevem meters long. It’s the world’s biggest reptile.