1 minute read
Skyler Bennett Why do I Write? Narayan Minhas Ray Ronnie Thomas
“Mr Orwell, why do you write?” I asked, peering over his shoulder as he sketched out a farm with a pencil. “To give my readers an alternative report on political system, and make them think, discuss and debate!!”
“Mrs Beeton, why do you write?” I asked while she noted down her recipes as she made them on the kitchen table. “To share my love of cooking and baking with the other households in this country.” “Mr C.S Lewis, why do you write?” I asked as he sat down inside a dusty old wardrobe with the doors wide open, writing frantically. “To give all children an adventure that will last a lifetime, and in more than one world.”
“J.K Rowling, why do you write?” I asked as she sat surrounded by her magical works and thoughts, scribbling away. “So I can persuade my readers that magic truly does exist.”
Narayan Minhas Ray Ronnie Thomas “Malorie Blackman, why do you write?” “To give my readers the inspiration to make change for good in the world they live in. ”
“Mister Dickens, why do you write?” I asked, looking over at his desk as he scribbled on a tattered piece of paper, bringing his characters to life. “To present a new perspective of the world that my readers live in, and give them characters that are truly extraordinary.”
“Miss Austen, why do you write?” I asked, sitting down on an armchair beside the fire in her ornately decorated drawing room. “To weave different stories of love and adventure out of every character I introduce.”
And why do I write?
I write so that I can give the power of hope, and so that my memories, characters and ideas thrive in every sentence and word that I write. I write so that I can spread and inspire the great power of imagination, the great power that every person has inside them. I write to spread the extraordinary aspect of life, the inspiration to take a pencil and lose yourself in your own creation. I write to inspire others to do so too.