A Level results day brought celebrations to Caterham School as opened envelopes also opened doors to Oxbridge, to medical school, and to top UK and overseas universities. 70 per cent of all grades awarded were A* and A grades, of which 41 per cent the top A*, and over 91 per cent were A* to B grades, once again securing Caterham’s position in the ‘premier league’ of UK schools. A total of 25 pupils achieved all A* grades and the average holding for a Caterhamian is A*AA.
95 per cent of Caterhamians achieved the university destination of their choice, with 85 per cent securing their first choice university and course. This is set against a national picture of a challenging UCAS admissions cycle. The places secured reflect the high ambition of Caterham pupils and the evolving picture of higher education choices. Alongside the traditional top UK university choices Caterham pupils are increasingly choosing and securing places at overseas universities and with leading global firms’ degree apprenticeships.
The Headmaster, Ceri Jones, said: “Today has brought fantastic news for our Upper Sixth Form and I am incredibly proud of each and every one of them as they move on to exciting new adventures. We must not forget that this cohort of young people have succeeded across two years of Sixth Form which held a great deal of uncertainty. With the support and expertise of their teachers they have achieved top grades through a blend of classroom and online learning. They have proved themselves to be resilient and focussed, they deserve every bit of their success today. As they move on, I know that they will take the fun and friendship they have enjoyed here at school and flourish in their ambition.”
70% 41%
of all grades awarded A* and A grades
of all grades in 2022 top A*
“Today’s good news is shared by pupils, teachers and parents whose support and partnership with school is a significant factor in these top results. Thanks are due to our hardworking and inspiring team of teachers who showed great innovation and determination through virtual school, and ensured pupils were prepared for each and every eventuality.”
Ceri Jones, Headmaster25
pupils achieved all A* grades
of pupils remain at Caterham after GCSEs to complete their A Level studies.
A standing ovation for Raife on results day with the next step of a scholarship to read Classical Composition at Guildhall School of Music and Drama secured. Raife joined Caterham in Year 9 from Hazelwood Prep School:
“I’m very happy today as the grades I have received are even higher that I hoped. I’m looking forward the academic side of my course and the collaborative element, but also moving to London.”
Reflecting on the impact of the pandemic on his year group, Raife said: “We kept calm and carried on through Covid and got used to the switching between physical and virtual school. For us it wasn’t as challenging as you might think as we simply got used to it, it was our normal and the support was there regardless of being in school or online.”
Summing up the feeling of saying goodbye to friends and time at school Raife said: “Today is a blur of joy and celebration punctuated niche memories of times hanging out with friends eating jollof rice, being in the common room. As we move on I would like to thank my teachers, especially my music teachers and my English teachers for their guidance and teaching.”
Rosie is one of 8 Caterham pupils heading to medical school after results. “I’m very excited to begin medical school and to start my journey to becoming a doctor. I’m really looking forward to learning about all things medical, but also beginning university life in Manchester.”
“I was appointed president of Caterham’s Wright Medic Society which has been an incredible experience. It was such an honour to be able to help younger pupils in their journey to medicine, and to help provide others the resources and support I’ve been given over the past 2 years, without which I may not have secured a place at medical school. I was also a frequent attendee of the Moncrieff-Jones
Science Society club too, which has been an incredible resource for learning outside the specification of A level science.”
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Caterham – all of the teachers are amazing and the support we receive is just brilliant. It’s such a great community and I’m very sad to be leaving it, although I know I can stay connected through the alumni network.”
How does Rosie feel about saying goodbye to school life?: “I’ll obviously really miss all my friends and getting to see everyone every day, as well as all the teachers. I’ll miss as well getting to play in the 1st netball team, although I am very excited to play again at University.”
With her A Level grades secured, soprano Anna leaves Caterham to start at Trinity Laban Conservatoire in London. “I’m very excited about my course and looking forward to exploring opera, jazz, classical and choral. I joined at the start of Lower Sixth so I’ve only been here for two years but in the relatively short time I’ve been here I’ve made a lot of close friends and really enjoyed being taught by my teachers – it’s been a great experience.”
In her two years at Caterham, Anna has made an impact with performances in concerts and a leading role in the school’s production of My Fair Lady which Anna cites as a highlight: “It was amazing to be a part of the show and to welcome live productions back. A big shout out to my teachers Mrs Fahey, Miss Guttner, Mrs Richards and my friends. We will all stay in contact without doubt.
Does Anna have any advice for those joining Caterham in the Sixth Form?: “Just know that there’s no need to stress out at all. Within the first two days I felt at home, everyone is so welcoming and encouraging and the school really does care about everyone. It will all be great!”
Having joined Caterham for Sixth Form Diya has secured her grades to read Chemistry at the University of Surrey. Diya said: “I came to Caterham for Sixth Form and really enjoyed my time here. It was good to make new friends and the teachers helped so much even through virtual school. I got involved in life at school and joined Amnesty International and became the head of Junior Amnesty Club for younger pupils which was great to get off the ground.”
Reaching out to new Sixth Formers joining this September, Diya said: “Just make as many friends as possible and know that your friends and your teachers will be your support system and they will be there for you and help you through the good times and the challenging times too.”
8Caterhamians secured their place at medical school
Moving from Hong Kong to the UK and starting a new boarding school in the middle of the pandemic was no challenge for George who gained four A*s in his A Levels. George’s stellar results see him
on the move again – this time to read Geography and Economics at the University of Edinburgh.
“I am so happy today but I will miss the whole school, seeing everyone every day and the teachers. I’m going to miss living with my friends in boarding but I will see still see them. I am sad to leave but it’s time to move on.”
George has been a big presence on the cricket and rugby fields at Caterham, as well as leading geography clubs. Having joined boarding at Caterham in the Sixth Form, George had this advice for younger pupils: “Just get stuck in as people are so friendly – you just need to be yourself. Make the most of the opportunities here –get involved in everything, clubs, sport, because if you don’t you’ll miss it and wish you’d done it.”
Having secured A* in Maths and A grades in Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics, Emma’s set for take off to read Aeronautics and Astronautics at University of Southampton
Talented Tireni has secured her place to read Architecture at University of the Arts London, and fulfil a long-held dream. Tireni said: “Architecture has been the career I’ve wanted from a young age. I remember in primary school I wrote in our leavers book that I wanted to become an architect, and now seven years later what I’ve wanted is finally within my grasp. I’m looking forward to what university has in store for me. Ultimately, architecture is the main goal for me and seeing how each step is getting me closer to that dream is really exciting!”
“The whole school journey is a once in a lifetime experience. I think I’ll miss the atmosphere, the Sixth Form common room and laughing continually with my friends. I’ll also miss my teachers for their incredible support and I truly appreciate what they’ve done.”
“My time at Caterham has meant a lot to me, seven years of my life were spent in this school so it’s been a key part of my journey. The school helped me grow as a person; I’ve discovered a lot of my strengths, I’ve built resilience and tenacity, the school has helped me learn and develop skills for the future, and for that I am really grateful.”
A stellar set of results (3 A* and an A) has secured Izzy’s place to read Natural Sciences at Durham. After joining Caterham in the Prep School Izzy will be moving to the other end of the country for her next step but will be staying in touch with her Caterham roots: “I’ve been at Caterham since nursery so I have so many memories of the place and the people –it’s been a great place to be and to grow up. I will always remember the very last week at school too which was so much fun.”
After so many happy years here, I’m looking forward to a new place, new experiences but I will miss the people. I’ll miss lessons and lacrosse too which has been a great balance to academic work. Mr Todd has been amazing and helped me get that A* grade in Further Maths. Mr Quinton too – all my teachers have been amazing.
“I’ve always naturally gone down the STEM route and enjoyed those subjects so the choice of engineering was straightforward. I completed a project on aeroplanes and that got me really into that particular area. My ambition is to be an aeronautics engineer.”
Does Emma have advice for younger girls and boys looking towards STEM subjects? “Just stick with what you like – if you love maths and physics don’t ever drop it even if your friends are doing other subjects or into other areas. If you love a subject, then it’s what you need to do. You can be that person, you can be the person that people look up to and make waves in STEM.”
Her future may be in the air, but Emma sites experiences on the ground as having a positive impact on her time at Caterham: “Combined Cadet Force has been one of the best things I’ve ever done at school and I ultimately became company Sergeant Major in the Army section. It’s helped with my confidence, my leadership skills. It helped me so much as a person.”
Average grade profile of
All records have been broken at Caterham with the highest ever GCSE results achieved in the school’s history. 90 per cent of all grades awarded are the top 9,8 and 7 grades (previously A/A*) and almost three quarters of all 2022’s grades are a grade 9 or 8 (A*). The average grade achieved by Caterham pupil is a grade 8 (A*) across 10 GCSEs – 11% of the year group achieved all grade 9s across all their subjects.
The school’s top results are reflected across all subjects. Almost 90 per cent of grades in maths and the sciences are the highest grades 8 and 9. 87 per cent of grades in English are the top grades 8 and 9. Caterham’s strength in STEM subjects also shone through in Computer Science where two thirds of grades were the top grade 9. The Latin department also saw top results with three quarters of all grades the top grade 9.
Headmaster, Ceri Jones, said: “Today is a true celebration for all of us at Caterham. This is a fantastic year group who have shown ability across so many areas of school life. Their record-breaking performance this summer after two years of uncertainty demonstrates what talented and tenacious young people they are. Behind them and their success is, of course, their teachers and families whose support across two years of switching between physical and virtual school provided the constant they deserve and needed.”
“I am thrilled for them as individuals and also for what this stellar set of grades enables as they move on to the Sixth Form. I am also delighted for the whole school community and our ever-growing academic prowess. Our focus is to ensure that pupils enjoy school, that they feel they belong and have fun, that they work hard and play hard. I am delighted that this approach continues to see our young people achieve their full potential and thrive at school.”
As a member of the England U20 squad, Megan has travelled across the globe for her sport but this week she celebrated top GCSE results at home.
Said Megan: “I am so relieved getting my results and I am delighted that they replicate the work I put into them. It is such a rewarding feeling knowing the effort I have put in and that is has paid off. Getting the results has allowed me to recognise how happy I am with them and myself for trying my best.”
“My biggest achievement with lacrosse is winning the U20 home internationals with my team. I love lacrosse for so many reasons but I would say that the thrill and excitement it gives when we win or even train is just the best and doing it with your friends just makes it so much better. I love how it provides a break from my studies and gives an outlet. Lacrosse has taken me so many places such as Edinburgh for home internationals, USA to watch and play alongside the world championships and pretty much all over England for tournaments, matches and training. I am soon to travel to Prague with England lacrosse. I play for Caterham first team, Cougars lacrosse club and the U19 England National academy.“
Megan is also an accomplished musician. “I am currently working towards my grade 7 on the tenor horn which has allowed me to play in concerts, bands and festivals!
At Caterham I have been involved in house music, brass ensemble, concert band, sinfonia and scholars ensemble. I would say my highlight would be the tour to Belgium with concert band and the Piccadilly concerts in London second to that. I love that music gives me a break from school and sport and has allowed me to meet so many amazing people and great friends.”
“Caterham also offered lots of opportunities for dance which I participated in such as mad live, dance crews and plays. Netball has always been another sport in my life which I have absolutely loved, alongside athletics and will continue to participate in. I also really enjoyed being part of CCF and the camps. I did my bronze and silver DofE which I really enjoyed and have made lots of great memories.”
Megan joined Caterham from Oakhyrst Grange Prep School into the First Year. Progressing into the Sixth Form at Caterham in September Megan will be studying Chemistry, PE, Music and Drama at A Level.
Congratulations to Sophie whose results envelope was bursting with no less than twelve Grade 9s at GCSE!
Celebrating her top results, Sophie said: “I am honestly so happy and relieved! It’s been a long (and anxious) wait, so I’m glad to have my results so I can finally chill out! I’m so grateful to all of my teachers for their support and enthusiasm.”
Despite sitting 12 examinations, Sophie has also taken full part in clubs and activities at school: “I attend a variety of clubs, including Spanish Conversation Club, which is really fun; I also attend Scholarship Society, History Enrichment, Lit Soc and Cryptic Crossword Club, all of which I really enjoy.”
Sophie joined Caterham in the First Year from Oakhyrst Grange School. Sophie now moves into the Sixth Form where she will study Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Spanish and English Literature.
Talented sportsman Caiden is celebrating a sweep of grades 9s secured across all 10 of his GCSE subjects. Caiden said: “I’m really pleased. As these were the first exams for a couple of years, I was unsure how this would affect my result.”
Caiden joined Caterham from New Beacon Prep School in Kent and will now progress to Caterham’s Sixth Form where he will study Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Geography and Chemistry at A Level.
As a high achieving sportsman, Caiden qualified for the winter nationals for the 2021/22 season. He took a pause from the Summer Nationals to sit his GCSE exams but is aiming to return to the Summer Nationals in 2023.
Caiden is dyslexic and is a firm believer that being dyslexic doesn’t stop you from doing well in exams. His results, and indeed his hard work towards them, is surely proof of that.
Adventurous Candice returned from a Combined Cadet Force summer camp just in time to open her results envelope and reveal a string of grade 9s and 8s at GCSEs. Having rapidly switched from ‘Coasteering’ (which includes cliff jumping and canoeing) on the CCF Camp, to receiving her exam results, we wanted to know which was more nerve-racking: “Definitely opening the exam results was more scary! Coasteering was exhilarating and great fun with friends achieving things you wouldn’t otherwise do. I have never done anything like that before and I loved it.”
But any results nerves were clearly not necessary as Candice secured top grades across her subjects. Candice said: “I am so happy today and very pleased with my results. I want to thank my teachers, literally every teacher was on it all the time. A big shout out to Mr Salem in History! Part of my success is also how much my parents have supported me to be successful – I am grateful for that.”
Philip collected his GCSE results before diving straight into an orchestral rehearsal and a concert the very same evening. His score of eight 9s, two 8s and a 7 across 11 subjects set him up for a positive performance.
Reflecting on his achievements, Philip said: “I feel a sense of accomplishment and proficiency as I look back on the journey
to get here. I also feel extreme gratitude to everyone that helped me along the way. My teachers are always passionate to answer all questions fired at them, often extending beyond the syllabus. My peers setting such a high standard and enthusiastic environment.”
Philip’s next step is to study Music, Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics at A Level in the Sixth Form: “I chose this selection to unlock gateways aligned with my passions. From a very young age, I have looked up to mad scientists and genius inventors both fictional and historical. From Lucius Fox to Brian Cox I always gazed in awe at their discoveries and creations. The double maths, physics and chemistry combination allows pathways from Engineering to Medicine. My pursuit in Music is well known, not only to friends, but others who have seen me play in concert and rehearsal.”
Philip is one of Caterham’s leading musicians: “People at school immediately
know me for the violin. Very quickly I moved up to the First Chair (leader) of the prep school orchestra. While I was in the Prep school, I was introduced to the top orchestra of the senior, which I then attended every week in my later years at Prep. When I finally joined the Senior School, I was already in the top orchestra, (which was has also been a pleasure to lead) welcomed into the senior strings, close harmony choir and my favourite, the Scholars Ensemble.
“Without my teacher and my parents’ persistent encouragement I would not have achieved anything close to where I am today. I am now the same standard as my teacher, so now I have lessons with a member of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The music department at Caterham have arranged masterclasses with Chloë Hanslip and members of the Vienna Philharmonic. All have been valuable in building up the techniques I use; it is second nature.”
University of Glasgow 1
University of Strathclyde 1
Lancaster University 1
University of Central Lancashire 1
University of Manchester 4
University of Liverpool 3
University of Birmingham 3
Swansea University 2 Cardiff University 3
University of Bristol 9
University of Bath 8
University of Exeter 2
Plymouth University 1
University of Southampton 9
International Universities:
Boston University, USA 1
Chinese University of Hong Kong 1 New York University, USA 1
University of Chicago, USA 1 University of Toronto, Canada 1
University of Dundee 1
University of St Andrews 1
Edinburgh Napier University 1 University of Edinburgh 3
Northumbria University, Newcastle 2
Durham University 8
University of York 2
University of Leeds 5
University of Sheffield 1
University of Lincoln 3
Nottingham Trent University 2 University of Nottingham 6 Loughborough University 4
Harper Adams University 1
University of Warwick 12
University of East Anglia 1
Oxford Brookes University 1 University of Oxford 2
City, University of London 1 Imperial College London 2 King’s College London 6 London School of Economics 4 Queen Mary University 3 University College London 5
Canterbury Christ Church University 1
University of Sussex 2
University of Reading 4
University of Portsmouth 1
Our focus at Caterham is to support our young people to the course and university about which they are passionate, and which best supports and enables their ambitions. The below table details the destinations of our 2022 leavers, the number of pupils moving on to the university and the range of courses secured.
AIG – Degree Apprenticeship 1
Insurance Boston University, USA 1 Film and TV Production Canterbury Christ Church University 1 Business and Management
Cardiff University 3
English and History Medicine Spanish
Chinese University of Hong Kong 2 Medicine City, University of London 1 Economics with Accounting Durham University 8 Anthropology Biological Sciences
English Literature International Relations Liberal Arts
Natural Sciences Physics
Edinburgh Napier University 1 Animal & Conservation Biology
Emil Dale Academy 1
Musical Theatre
Guildhall School of Music & Drama 1
Classical Composition (scholarship)
Harper Adams University 1
Veterinary Bioscience with Placement
Imperial College London 2
Mechanical Engineering
Keele University 1 Psychology in Education
King’s College London, University of London 6 Computer Science Electronic Engineering Law Medicine Psychology Lancaster University 1 Mechatronic Engineering
London School of Economics 4 Mathematics and Economics Loughborough University 4 Accounting and Financial Management (with placement year) Engineering Management (with placement year) Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Textile Design (with placement year)
MetFilm School London 1 Practical Film Making New York University, USA 1 Economics and Finance Northumbria University, Newcastle 1 Architecture
Nottingham Trent University 2 Business Management Criminology
Oxford Brookes University 1 Business and Management Plymouth University 1
English Literature with foundation
Queen Mary University of London 3
Computer Science
Environmental Science with Business Management Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics
Royal Agricultural University 1
Bloodstock and Performance Horse Management
Royal Birmingham Conservatoire 1
Royal Holloway, University of London 2
Business and Management
St. George’s, University of London 2
Biomedical Science BSc Swansea University 2
Aerospace Eng with Placement Modern Languages
The University of Edinburgh 3 Architecture
Geography and Economics Mechanical Engineering Trinity Laban 1
Vocal Studies
University College London 5 Biochemistry
Computer Science English Mathematics Politics, Sociology and East European Studies with a Year Abroad
UCLAN 1 Medicine
University of Bath 8
Accounting and Finance with Placement Year Architecture (with placement) Business (with professional placements) Economics
of pupils securing their first choice university and course
Management (with Placement)
Sociology and Social Policy Sports Performance
University of Birmingham 3
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mechanical Engineering Philosophy University of Bristol 9 BA Modern Languages Economics and Politics English Geography Liberal Arts Mathematics and Philosophy Mechanical Engineering Philosophy
Theatre and English University of Chicago, USA 1 Economics
University of Dundee 1 Architecture University of East Anglia 1
Creative Writing and English Literature
University of Exeter 2 Business International Relations
University of Glasgow 1 Economics (SocSci) University of Leeds 5 English and Sociology English Literature Geography Modern Languages Psychology
of Caterhamians achieved the university destination of their choice
University of Lincoln 3
Creative Advertising Economics and Finance
Sports Business Management
University of Liverpool 3
PPE Psychology
Theoretical Physics
University of Manchester 4 Dentistry Law Medicine Physics
University of Nottingham 6
English Literature and Language International Management Mechanical Engineering Politics and International Relations Psychology
Spanish and International Media and Communications Studies
University of Oxford 2 Chemistry
English Language and Literature University of Portsmouth 1 Pharmacy
University of Reading 4 Economics
Modern Languages and Business Real Estate
University of Sheffield 1 Aerospace Engineering with a Foundation Year University of Southampton 9 Aeronautics and Astronautics
Business Management
Business Management and Spanish History
Mechanical Engineering / Automotive with Industrial Placement Year Psychology
University of St. Andrews 1 Arabic and Classics (with a Year Abroad) University of Strathclyde 1 Business
University of Surrey 1 Chemistry University of Sussex 2 International Business Psychology (with a professional placement year) University of the Arts, London 1 Architecture
University of Toronto, Canada 1 Commerce University of Warwick 12 Classics Economics
Economics and Industrial Organisation English and Hispanic Studies Law Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Neuroscience with Industrial Placement Politics, Philosophy and Law Psychology University of York 2 Electronic and Computer Engineering English
Set against a challenging national picture for university admissions in 2022, Caterham’s leavers opened doors of opportunity with grades and preferred courses secured. 85 per cent of Caterham’s leaving Upper Sixth Form secured their first-choice university and course, and 95 per cent achieved the university destination of their choice.
The places secured reflect the high ambition of Caterham pupils and the evolving picture of higher education choices. Alongside the traditional top UK university choices, including Oxbridge and Russell Group universities, Caterham pupils are increasingly choosing and securing places at
overseas universities. This year Caterhamians progressed to New York, Boston, Chicago, Toronto and Hong Kong. Degree apprenticeship continue to grow in popularity with 2022 and recent year seeing leavers securing places at AIG, Grant Thornton, BP and EY.
Caterham has a long-established tradition of preparing young people for medicine, dentistry and veterinary science courses and in 2022 eight pupils successfully secured their places. Pupils aiming for these highly competitive courses gain extra support and extension through the school’s prestigious Wright Society and the wider science focused Moncrieff-Jones Society.