It is a source of enormous pride that the Caterham Community continues to look outwards and engage with our wider educational purpose by making a substantial contribution to driving forward our mission to transform children’s lives through education. I am truly heartened by your generosity, even in uncertain economic times, and the impact it ensures Caterham has. Every donation, no matter its size, makes a difference.
I would particularly like to thank the members of our community who have donated their time, energy and expertise to Caterham School. Among them were our dear and close friends Jonathan and Judy Bloomer who dedicated over two decades to making Caterham the school that it is today. Their loss to our community over the summer remains a shock, but their unwavering support is a testament to the power of collective action, and we will ensure that their names live on at Caterham.
I hope that, as you read this report, the importance of Caterham School’s commitment to transforming young people’s lives through education shines through. Your support ensures we can continue to transform the lives of many talented bursary recipients here at school. Your support also ensures we can continue to make an important contribution to the education of hundreds of children across our local area and further beyond, including our own pupils as we seek to inspire them to become socially aware and responsible citizens.
The Prep was recently shortlisted for ‘Best Independent Prep School’ as part of the Tes Awards 2024, the only school across Surrey, Kent and Sussex to achieve this accolade. This news followed our 2023 win as the Tes’ ‘Best Independent Senior School’. It is wonderful for Caterham to be recognised for our excellence both within and outside of the classroom. Our outward looking partnerships work played an important part in our receiving these awards. Thank you; this is a tribute to all of you, and to the vital role you play in delivering our ambition to widen access to the education we provide, and to expand the work we do in partnership with local schools.
On behalf of the Trustees, staff and pupils at Caterham School, thank you.
Ceri Jones Headmaster
Matthew Wood Deputy Head (Admissions and
An outstanding education has the power to transform lives, families, and communities. This is why it is so important that we continue to build our Transformational Bursaries fund.
Through this fund we provide fully funded school places to children aged 11-18 years for whom an education at Caterham would not be possible. We work with local primary schools and the Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation to identify and offer places to children and young people facing challenging circumstances, who are from low income households and who qualify for free school meals.
With your support, five new Transformational Bursary pupils have joined Caterham this year, bringing the total
number of Wilberforce Scholars to 20 across the Senior School. This is a fantastic milestone and an achievement that we can all collectively celebrate. Far from retrenching, we have ambitious plans to grow this number in the years ahead.
Supporters like you are making a tangible difference to the lives of these children and the impact of your generosity extends beyond the classroom. Your support helps provide school trips, lunches, uniforms, transportation and other important bursary extras, enabling children to engage fully in all aspects of school life.
We are sincerely grateful for the bursary extended to our daughter; your generosity made it possible for her to attend such an amazing school. It really has changed her life, she received offers for Cambridge and Warwick University which was only attainable by the education she received at Caterham. We pledged our deposit in hope that it with help another child achieve their dreams.”
Parents of a bursary recipient
I wouldn’t have had the frequency or value of opportunities had I not come to Caterham. I also would not have had the chance to be in the job I am in without the bursary I received. I feel privileged to have received such a good education from Caterham with the support of a bursary.”
Reuben, Class of 22 and Trainee Underwriter
Wilberforce Scholar successes since our last Impact report
2023 and 2024 leavers are studying:
• English at Warwick University
• Law at Keele University whilst competing at county level in Athletics.
• Architecture Apprenticeship with a view to doing a BA with the Architecture firm whilst playing for a rugby academy.
• Applied Medical Sciences at Swansea University with an ambition to study postgraduate Medicine.
• English at Bristol University
• Law at Bristol University.
From the leavers above three pupils proceeded to the shortlist and interview stage of Oxford University’s application process.
20Wilberforce Scholars currently in our senior school
Within the school, Wilberforce Scholars are taking part in all aspects of school life. They include:
• A pupil who has taken a key role in the Voice for Change group which champions inclusivity and diversity in the school. They have also recently been chosen for the Head of Year Award, “Star of the Week” for their consistently positive contribution to the community.
• Every one of our youngest Wilberforce Scholars exceeding expectations, and achieving above the year average for effort put into their work.
• A pupil who co-created and co-presented an inspiring assembly to all years at the Senior School, and at Prep.
• Two individuals who are excelling at sports, one playing above their age range for the 1st Team and another representing the school at a national level.
• A U6 pupil who has submitted an Oxford application with top grade predictions.
• Another who has recently been part of a team of pupils who have developed a Psychology research project which has seen Prep school pupils contribute.
• And many pupils have taken up co-curricular activities that they had never tried or had the opportunity to try previously such as mountain biking and taekwondo.
Matthew Wood Deputy Head (Admissions and Partnerships)
We have been particularly pleased with the impact of SaturdayPlus which began in 2022 to support the learning of Pupil Premium children in Year Five and Six attending our ESLP schools.
The children who take part in SaturdayPlus are put forward by their Primary schools, on the basis they have potential to thrive at selective schools but face significant barriers to accessing these schools. SaturdayPlus consists of:
Monthly in-person taught sessions, delivered by Caterham Prep and Senior teachers, and supported by access an entrance examination preparation platform. There is a focus on reading with each participating pupil receiving three reading books from a selection of titles. Regular assessments are carried out in English, Maths, Non Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning.
Parental engagement with Saturday sessions for parents, social events, and individual meetings with families to discuss progress and offer advice towards selective school entry.
Saturdays include sessions to inspire a love of learning and character development with lessons in a variety of subjects including art, drama, learning new sports, outdoor learning including High Ropes and climbing.
Free access to a full CenturyTech package enabling tailored individual learning in English, Maths, but also Verbal Reasoning and Non Verbal Reasoning to aid preparations for selective 11+ applications.
To promote access, lunch is provided for participating pupils following Saturday sessions, alongside transport for families who are unable to get to Caterham School for the sessions.
Of the 24 children who completed the programme last year, two have secured grammar school places and four have secured places at independent schools – including one child who joined Caterham School this term as a Wilberforce Scholar.
Every child who has taken part in SaturdayPlus also increased their scores in all social and emotional measures, placing them above the national average. Indeed, their self-efficacy scores were almost 20% above the national average, indicating high levels of confidence. This year we have welcomed a second cohort of 33 children to our SaturdayPlus programme and I look forward to sharing their outcomes with you in our next report. None of this could happen without your support, and we are deeply grateful to you.
Like many UK schools, we continue to welcome Ukrainian refugees to Caterham School and are proud to contribute in this way. We currently have four students from Ukraine enrolled across both our Prep and Senior Schools, warmly known as our ‘Sunflower Scholars.’ Our thanks go out to the Caterham families who have opened their homes to host these students and their families.
We are supporting 4 Sunflower Scholars from Ukraine
Lex Lang Deputy Head Innovation and Partnerships, Caterham Prep School
Caterham’s Partnerships Resource Library continues to play a central role in helping hundreds of young children in the East Surrey Learning Partnership (ESLP) community to succeed. The ESLP is growing too, with Warlingham Village Primary School being the most recent school to join.
The Resource Library was created in 2022 with the support of our first Giving Day to aid and enrich learning in primary schools at a time when budgets in state-maintained schools are being tightened. Since its creation, demand for resources within it has rapidly grown. Items that are available include iPad bundles, a variety of robotics kits, use of a kiln and 3D printer and even a portable ‘Planetarium’ immersive cinema, as described by some of our pupils below.
“It was AMAZING!”
“It was absolutely incredible!”
“It was so fun! I didn’t want to leave!”
“I thought that I was in space!”
A notable addition to the library this year has been Century Tech software and access to Caterham’s revolutionary RileyBot AI learning buddy. Used in the classroom or at home, Century Tech enriches learning in English, Science and Maths and supports verbal and non-verbal reasoning exam preparation, whilst RileyBot is a learning partner equipped to assist children in any aspect of their learning, but cost prevents state-maintained schools from accessing these transformative resources. We were therefore delighted to be able to provide both the software and training to ESLP schools, empowering them to enrich the learning of hundreds of primary school children who might otherwise not have access to these ‘digital superpowers’.
I like RileyBot as instead of just saying the answer, she works it through with me so I understand.”
RileyBot helps me a lot whenever I need to find out what something means or when I want to learn more about the subject.”
RileyBot helps me with my learning if I am stuck or if I need to check my work or improve it.”
These are just some of the many ways in which Caterham is having a measurable impact on the learning outcomes of children in our community.
With the support of the resources that are available from the ESLP library, Caterham’s teaching staff (both Prep and senior) and Senior School pupils undertake several programmes each year to help young children to succeed. SaturdayPlus is focused on children in Year 5 in primary schools who might have the ability but not the means or preparation to apply for selective schools, whereas other programmes support entire year groups such as the weekly practical science sessions provided for Year 5 children attending ESLP primary schools. Over a three-week cycle, children engage in Chemistry, Biology, and Physics lessons with a focus on using
scientific apparatus and learning key skills such as measurement and data presentation. Since its inception in 2021, the programme has involved 245 children.
For high-achieving maths students we have created “Fizzy Maths” sessions that develop problemsolving skills, confidence, perseverance, and resilience.
Our Sixth Form lead reading groups for students of ESLP schools to encourage reading and improve pupils’ engagement with books. And a Sixth Form led weekly drama club for Year 5 and 6 pupils from St John’s Primary culminates twice a year in a performance for parents and teachers.
Beyond the ESLP, we support pupils from Clifton Hill School (a Surrey school for young people with severe and profound learning difficulties
and autism). Their pupils come to our Sports Hall every Friday to participate in sporting activities and games planned and carried out by our Sixth Form. In the summer term our pupils organize the Clifton Hill sports days here at Caterham and parents and carers are invited to watch.
The children enjoyed the sessions and they seemed to begin to view maths in a different way. At the beginning, it was all about the correct answer. After the first session, they started to see that it was not necessarily so, but trial and error and finding out the best way to calculate.”
Furzefield Teacher, Fizzy Maths
I felt like a real scientist! I can’t wait to see what we will be doing next week!”
I am really glad I joined these lessons because it has made me way more confident in my answers and not afraid to fail. It has made me socialise and enjoy maths.”
St John’s Pupil, Fizzy Maths
10 Century Tech licenses issued teacher training workshops
478 items loaned through the resource library
children accessing workshops in maths, science, reading, theatre, music and more
children have benefitted from the ESLP Library’s resources
I gained a sense of achievement when the pupils made progress with the ideas we were teaching, and when they wanted to carry on for longer!”
Caterham Sixth Former
Our second Giving Day With Caterham’s Partnerships programme continuing to grow, we set ourselves the goal of raising funds during our Giving Day to expand our Resource Library’s inventory with more iPad bundles and touchscreen laptops. Both are indispensable tools for creativity, productivity and digital literacy at a time in which these skills unlock more doors than ever, and these devices are in high demand among primary schools. I am delighted that with your support we have been able to purchase an iPad Bundle set and also a set of Surface Go Laptops. On behalf of the ESLP, thank you.
The children had the most wonderful time and cannot stop talking about all the fantastic activities they got to do throughout the day. We would also like to say a huge thank you to the teachers and sixth form students. They were so helpful and the activities were just brilliant.”
Primary Teacher
As well as raising funds for the Resource Library during our recent Giving Day we were delighted to hold a ESLP Community Day, welcoming over 150 Year 5 children from local primary schools. This event, which made our Giving Day all the more special, was led by Caterham’s Sixth Formers and combined academic sessions in subjects such as geography, science, and maths, followed by games activities. Our Sixth Formers gained leadership experience, while primary pupils engaged in enriching activities, improving their learning and enjoyment.
Anthony Fahey Assistant Head (Partnerships)
Situated in view of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Lerang’wa school provides stability and hope for 900 Primary school children. Lerang’wa has a strong but vulnerable community, largely Masai and dependent on local agriculture. Over the years, Caterham has fostered a strong bond with Lerang’wa, with our Lower Sixth students making annual visits to run enrichment activities, whilst our wider school community has fundraised to improve the infrastructure of the school and to ensure these children receive their midday meals. The pandemic threw a spanner in our plans, halting our visits temporarily. Yet, through the generosity of our supporters during our first Giving Day in 2022, we managed to sustain the vital midday meal programme. The midday meals demonstrably improve attendance, engagement and so academic attainment.
I am delighted that our Lower Sixth were able to return to Lerang’wa this summer. Our students carried out a week of lessons in art, music, English, maths and sport. They were able to visit the village on market day and a
‘Boma’ village from which many of the pupils walk to school. One afternoon the Caterham students organised a ‘sports day’ series of events for the older pupils. Through these positive activities, the trust and friendship between the schools was reestablished after a five-year break, and on the final Saturday the pupils came in for a meal and for the traditional inter school football and netball matches.
This trip followed our second Giving Day that had the aim of raising funds to address the school’s dire need for improved facilities. Teaching spaces are limited and overcrowded at Lerang’wa, and many teachers and their families are living in inadequate living conditions, sleeping in cramped classrooms and storerooms. With the funds raised on our Giving Day I am delighted to report that we will be able to build two homes for teachers and their families.
Your support is making a profound difference in the lives of these educators and the community they serve. Thank you.
Cathriona Wallace CaterhamConnected Manager
Our social and professional networking platform CaterhamConnected has gone from strength to strength. Over 350 people have signed up in the last year, partly due to the myriad events that have occurred.
I want to start by thanking each of our speakers at each of our CaterhamConnected Insight events over the past year – without your help these fantastic events would not have been possible. Moreover, I want to thank our extended Caterham community. Your participation in these events is what makes them so special and demonstrates what makes our community so unique.
We have hosted a number of Insight events, starting the academic year off on 19 September with a well-attended event at the Park Lane Hilton Hotel in Hong Kong on the topic of Innovating Futures. Leading the thought provoking discussion were four members of our Hong Kong community who have a wealth of experience in Financial Services and Technology sectors. Caterham
parent Raymund Chao delivered the evening’s closing remarks in his capacity as Asia Pacific and China Chairman at PwC, and Old Caterhamians Mark Joiner and Jason Tong and Caterham parent Antoinette Hoon led the inspiring panel discussion.
We then held an event in London around the theme of Law, hosted at Glaziers’ Hall on 22 November. Leading the expert talks were six members of our CaterhamConnected community who have excelled in their professions. Old Caterhamian Jon May, Partner, General Counsel and Head of Compliance at Marshall Wace, delivered the keynote to a raptured audience of 100 staff, alumni, parents, pupils, and LAE students. Joining him to create our esteemed panel of legal professionals were Daniel Adams OC,
Oliver Byrne OC, as well as Caterham parents Victoria Francis, Rahul Manvatkar, and Claire Stockford.
Our next Insight was on 26 March, around the theme of Entrepreneurship, hosted at Alfa Systems. CEO Andrew Denton opened the night with an inspiring keynote speech. Joining Andrew were Camilla Bowry OBE, founder of Sal’s Shoes, Adam Graham OC, founder of JustFix, Hero Brown, founder of Muddy Stilettos, Louise D’Costa, owner and editor of the Tandridge Independent, and our very own Adam Webster, CEO of Caterham’s EdTech startup SphinxAI. Each of our guest speakers had a unique story to share, providing our Sixth Formers and LAE students with inspiration to become the next generation of entrepreneurs. Pupils, parents and OCs enjoyed networking with leading lights across a wide variety of sectors, all with the common connection of Caterham School.
Finally, we hosted a phenomenally attended Insight webinar on 10 June, themed around the 2024 US Presidential Election, hosted by Geoffrey Kemp OC. Geoffrey served as Special Advisor for the Middle East at the White House during the Reagan administration. The acclaimed writer now lives in Washington DC and gave his personal understanding of the impact of current issues that the presidential election faces, as well as a glimpse into where the US may be heading in the future.
As well as Insight events, we have also hosted a number of events throughout the year that unite the community. Our annual Supercar Sunday, weekly Book Club, or termly Woodland Walks (with four legged friends!) all were very well attended this year. Thank you all for making this such a strong year for CaterhamConnected and for continuing to give us your support.
Emma Collings Director of Development
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our supporters: parents, Old Cats and friends of the School who have come together to support our Transformational Bursaries Appeal and Partnerships Programme in the past year.
On 1 and 2 July, we celebrated our second Giving Day. Over 36 hours our pupils, staff, parents and Old Cats came together to make our second Giving Day a truly special occasion for three very special causes: Transformational Bursaries, Lerang’wa School and Digital Literacy for All.
Our youngest pupils embraced the Caterham Way by taking part in ‘Bee Bolt’ races while our Senior School pupils raced across a giant inflatable in the ‘House Bounce Off’, earning points for their respective houses. Just so no-one felt left out, we also held a Bounce Off contest
between Caterham staff and parents. It was a close call, but in the end the staff took home the coveted Bounce Off trophy!
A new addition to Giving Day this year was ‘The Masked Stinger’, in which four teachers donned beekeeping suits to mask their identities for people to guess! These included Mr Terrell showing off his vocal skills, and Mr Lang playing video games!
The Caterham Museum run by the First Year was also a roaring success, attracting members of the Old Cats community from far and wide.
At the end of Caterham Giving Day 2024, we achieved an incredible 203 donors. It is a testament to the generosity of our community that we have collectively raised more than £53,000 for our three causes, and thereby helped transform young people’s lives. We are truly grateful to you.
203 raised over 36 hours very special causes: – Transformational Bursaries – Lerang’wa School – Digital Literacy for All participating donors
All of us at Caterham School would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Old Caterhamians, current and past parents, staff and friends of Caterham who support our charitable work by making a gift or informing us of their intention to leave a legacy.
We have put together a list of donors to thank all of those who have generously given financial support to Caterham between 1 July 2023 and 31 July 2024. We would like to thank everyone for their generous donations, including those who have chosen to remain anonymous.
We make every effort to ensure these lists are as accurate as possible. However, if we have omitted your name or the acknowledgement is not quite as you would like, do let us know and we will be happy to publish corrections in the next list.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported the School by volunteering their time and expertise. In particular we would like to thank Caterham’s Development Committee, our Trustees and Foundation Members, the Parents’ Association and the Old Caterhamians’ Association.
Key: †=Deceased, OC=Old Caterhamian, OE=Old Eothen
Our donors
Benefactors and 1811 Circle Members
Our Benefactor and 1811 Circle recognition groups recognise outstanding generosity. The list below includes all those who have donated to the School between 1 July 2023 and 31 July 2024.
Mr and Mrs Atterbury
Mr Andrew Brown OC
Mr and Mrs Raymund Chao
Mr Dan Darley OC
Tony Driscoll
Mr Ian Edwards OC
Mr Roger Hensman OC
Mr Jones and Mrs Moxon
Mr Liu and Mrs Sun
Mark Mear OC
The Caterham School Parents’ Association
The Honourable Mr Justice
Graeme Mew OC
The Old Caterhamians’ Association
Mr Timothy Powell OC
Mr Swayne and Mrs Fisher
Mr Peter Ward OC
Mr and Mrs Whitby-Smith
Supporters Donations given between 1 July 2023 and 31 July 2024.
Mr and Mrs Abel
Mr and Mrs Allison
Mr Martin Allnutt OC
Mr and Mrs Alteirac
Mr and Mrs Amsel
Mr Hunter and Ms Andre
Mr Bernard Antieul OC
Mr and Mrs Atterbury
Mr Piers Austin OC
Mr Afzal and Ms Aziz
Mr and Mrs Bailey
Mrs Anne Bailey OE
Mr and Mrs Bandy
Mr Hinh and Ms Barlow
Mr and Mrs Beadle
Mr and Mrs Beck
Mr Belshaw and Ms Hamels
Mr and Mrs Bentley
Mr Nigel Bentley OC
Mr and Mrs Bertrand
Ms Blair
Mr and Mrs Bloomer†
Mr and Mrs Bond
Mr and Mrs Boomla
Miss Geraldine Booth OC
Mr and Mrs Bors
Ms Camilla Bowry OBE
Mr and Mrs Boyes
Mr and Mrs Broadhead
Mr David Brodie OC
Mr Andrew Brown OC
Mrs Clare Brown
Ms Darcy Brown OC
Mr and Mrs Browne
Ms Fleur Buckland OE
Mr Bundred and Ms Alvarez
Mr and Mrs Butler
Mr and Mrs Callaway
Mr Campbell and Mrs Kotze
Mr and Mrs Carmona
Mr and Mrs Cermak
Mr David Chalmers
Mr Chu and Dr Chan
Mr and Mrs Chao
Mr and Mrs Chapman
Ms Sonja Charters OC
Mr and Mrs Tsui
Mr Edward Chen OC
Mr Chiu and Ms Chan
Mr Kwok and Ms Chow
Mr and Mrs Clarenbach
Mr and Mrs Clarke
Mrs Cliff
Mr Cohen and Mrs de Villiers
Mr David Colpus OC
Mr and Mrs Cooper
Mr Geoffrey Coppock OC
Mr and Mrs Coulon
Mr Cramer and Ms Stockford
Mr Christopher Craufurd OC
Mr and Mrs Craven
Mr Euan Crowther OC
Mr Cuisinier and Ms Collings
Mr and Mrs Cunningham
Mr and Mrs Dalgado
Mr Robert Dalman
Mr Adebola Daniel OC
Mr Dan Darley OC
Mr Dennison and Mrs
Mrs Denton
Mr and Mrs Desai
Mr and Mrs Dixon-Box
Mr and Mrs Dodds
Mr and Mrs Dresner
Tony Driscoll
Mr and Mrs Ducker
Mr and Mrs Dunn
Mr Alan Dunwoodie OC
Cllr Samir Dwesar OC
Mr Jonathan East OC
Mr Ian Edwards OC
Mr Roy Elliott OC
Mr and Mrs Elmes
Dr Edward Emmanuel OC
Mr Colin English OC
Mr and Mrs Ennis-Sharp
Mr and Mrs Fahey
Ms Ferretto
Mr and Mrs Fletcher
Mr and Mrs Floyd
Mr and Mrs Floyd
Mr and Mrs Foskin
Mr and Dr Friis
Mr Wang and Mrs Fu
Mr Robin Gainsford OC
Mr and Mrs Garcia
Mr and Mrs Gibbon
Mr David Gibley OC
Mr Peter Gibley OC
Mr Peter Godfrey OC
Mr and Mrs Goodman
Mr and Mrs Goodwin
Mr and Mrs Gordon
Mr Ian Grant OC
Mrs Hannah Graydon
Mr and Mrs Griffiths
Mr and Mrs Grunditz
Mr and Mrs Gumbley
Mr Christopher Hadley OC
Mrs Lynn Hainge OC and OE
Mr and Mrs Hallett
Mrs Charlotte Hammond OC
Sir Alexander Harley OC
Mr and Mrs Hawken
Mr Hu and Mrs He
Mrs Jenny Hearn OC
Mr Roger Hensman OC
Mrs Hesketh
Mr and Mrs Hibbert
Mr and Mrs Hill
Mr John Hilton OC
Mr Hinh and Ms Barlow
Mr and Mrs Hirschman
Mr and Mrs Hogben
Mr and Mrs Hogley
Mr Jacob Holme OC
Mr and Mrs Homer
Mr Howard and Ms Broome
Mr and Mrs Hull
Mr and Mrs Hussey
Mr and Mrs Hyde-Vaamonde
Mr and Mrs Insall
Mr Christopher Jaeger MBE OC
Mr and Mrs James
Mr and Mrs Janes
Mr and Mrs Jayarajan
Mr Richard Jeffcoate OC, in memory of Peggy Jeffcoate
Mr Geraint Jenkins
Mr and Mrs Jenkins
Mr and Mrs Johnson
Mr Jones and Mrs Moxon
Mr Elden and Mrs Jones
Ms Vicky Jones OC
Mr and Mrs Jubraj
Prep Parents in Year 2
Mr Kam and Ms Chung
Mr and Mrs Karia
Mr John Keen OC
Mr and Mrs Kenny
Mr and Mrs Kensey
Mrs Kersey
Brigadier John King
Mr Mark Kingston OC
Dr Nicholas Kippax OC
Mr Graham Klinkert OC
Mr and Mrs Korvin
Mrs Zeynep Koymen OC
Dr Kumar and Dr Lakshmipathy
Mr and Mrs Labrum
Mr Hui and Mrs Lam
Mr Richard Lander OC
Mr and Mrs Lauder
Mr and Mrs Le Norcy-Trott
Dr Charles Lee OC
Mr and Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee
Mr Graham Lehr OC
Mr David Lendon OC
Mr Li and Ms Lu
Mr Risk and Ms Lim
Mr Liu and Mrs Sun
Mr and Dr Lodhi
Miss Joanne Logie OE
Mr and Mrs Love
Mrs Valerie Lucas OE
Mr John Lumsden OC
Mr and Mrs Lutterbach
Mr Madavo and Mrs
Mr and Mrs Major
Mr Chia and Ms Mak
Mr and Mrs Man
Mr Frederick Marryat OC
Mr Charles Marsh OC
Miss Olivia Mason OC
Mr and Mrs Mason
Mr and Mrs Mason
Mr Tom Mason OC
Mr and Mrs Masters
Mr John Mathias OC
Mr and Mrs Matson
Mr Jon May OC
Mr and Mrs McDonald
Mr and Mrs McGahan
Mr and Mrs McLaughlin
Mr and Mrs McNamara
Mark Mear OC
The Honourable Mr Justice
Graeme Mew (OC 1968-1977)
Dr Barry Miller OC
Mr and Mrs Miller
Mr and Mrs Mok
Mr and Mrs Mulvihill
Mr and Mrs Munday
Mr Nicholas Munns OC
Mr and Mrs Murray
Ms Nair
Mr and Mrs Newcombe
Miss Kimberley Ng OC
Mr and Mrs Nii-Bortey
Mr Niu and Mrs Zhang
Mr and Mrs Norris
Mr and Mrs Nourse
Mr Harvey and Ms Novatschkova
Mr James Nye OC
Mr Baskerville and Mrs
Mr and Mrs Ojerinola
Mr Ohiowele Ojo OC
Mrs Marisa Overend OC
Mr Figures and Mrs Palmer
Mr and Mrs Parr
Mr and Mrs Parsons
Mr and Dr Patel
Mr and Mrs Peachey
Mr Banton and Ms Peaple
Mr Jay Pearson OC
Mr and Mrs Perdoni
Mr William Pine OC
Mr Carlucci and Mrs Podlaska
Mr Ponnurangam and Mrs Mani
Mr and Mrs Poon
Mr and Mrs Porter
Mr Mulford and Miss Potashnick
Mr Timothy Powell OC
Mr Daniel Prince OC
Mrs Sarah Print-Griffiths
Mr and Mrs Pryce
Anonymous Miss Siying Qian OC
Mr Peter Rainey OC
Mr and Mrs Ramanathan
Mr Steven Randall OC
Dr and Dr Randle
Mr and Mrs Ratnarajan
Mr and Mrs Ravindran
Mr and Mrs Reast
Mr and Mrs Richings
Mr Gary Roden OC
Mr and Mrs Rose
Ms Carolyn Rowley OE
Mr and Mrs Rugina
Mr Babatunde ‘Femi’ Sangowawa OC
Mr Alastair Scott OC
Mr Young and Ms Shah
Mr and Mrs Sharma
Mr Paul Sharp OC
Mr and Mrs Sheldon
Mr and Mrs Sherry
Mr Richard Skinner OC
Mr and Mrs Smith
Mr and Mrs Soni
Mr and Mrs Spuma
Mr and Mrs Stephenson
Mr and Mrs Sussmes
Mr Swayne and Mrs Fisher
Mr Tagliabue and Ms Noakes
Mr Marek Tatara
Mr and Mrs Taylor
Mr and Mrs Terrell
Mr David Terry OC
Mr Will Tiernan OC
Mr and Mrs Tolfrey
Mr and Mrs Toor
Dr John Tricker OC
Mr Tsang and Ms Lai
Mr Tsang and Ms Lo
Prof and Mrs van As
Mr and Mrs van Huyssteen
Mr and Mrs Wade
Mr and Mrs Wallace
Mr Richard Wallis OC
Mr Walsh and Mrs Daniel
Mr Peter Ward OC
Mr and Mrs Warren
Mr John Watson OC
Dr and Mrs Webster
Mr and Mrs Wegorek
Mr and Mrs Wells
Mr Simon West OC
Mr Philip Wheeler OC
Mr and Mrs Whenman
Mr and Mrs Whitby-Smith
Mrs Whittle
Dr Nicholas Widdowson OC
Mr Frank Widdowson OC
The Williams Family Anonymous
Ms Wong
Mr and Mrs Wood
Mr and Mrs Wormald
Mr and Mrs Wright
Mrs BM Wright OE, in memory of Mrs Mary Nicholson
Mr and Mrs Yip
Mr and Mrs Yung
Mr Zhang and Mrs Du
Mr Zlobicki and Mrs
The Caterham School Parents’ Association
The Old Caterhamians’ Association
Year 2 Prep Parents
Legacies received Legacies received between 1 July 2023 and 31 July 2024.
Mr David Starmer (OC 1943-51)
Mr Allan Scott (OC 1963-1970)
Members of the John Townsend Society
The John Townsend Society is a recognition group to thank those who have indicated their intention to make a bequest to Caterham School during their lifetime.
Mr Bernard Antieul OC
Dr George Bird OC Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous
Mr Keith Edwards OC
Mr Roy Elliott OC
Mr Michael Ewin OC
Mr David Figures OC
Dr Frederick Michael Hines OC
Mr John Holder OC
Mrs Nina Howell OC
Mr Geoffrey Kemp OC Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous
Ms Helen Vanstone OE
Mr and Mrs Wells
Mrs B.M. Wright OE in memory of Mrs Mary Nicholson
Becoming a member of the John Townsend Society
Since our founding in 1811, legacies have played a pivotal role in securing a future for Caterham School. The John Townsend Society, which takes our founder’s name, was established as a way of saying thank you to those who have decided to or intend to leave Caterham a legacy. We are always pleased to receive new members. If you would like to discuss leaving a gift in your Will to Caterham School, please contact Emma Collings by emailing development@ caterhamschool.co.uk or calling 01883 335111.
Transform lives with the gift of a donation, however large or small. Become a member of the 1811 Circle, set up a regular gift or leave a gift in your Will. Join CaterhamConnected and support our mentoring and events programmes.
Find out more about our work at caterhamschool.co.uk/ bursaries-appeal or contact Emma Collings, Development Director, development@caterhamschool.co.uk 01883 335111
caterhamschool.co.uk/ bursaries-appeal
Caterham School
Harestone Valley Road Caterham Surrey CR3 6YA
01883 335111
caterhamschool.co.uk/ bursaries-appeal
Our Inspiring Education campaign is making a transformational difference to young lives and the whole school community across three areas: