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The Charlotte Brownlee '85 Cup
The Charlotte Brownlee '85 Cup or The Brownlee Cup is awarded to a student whose expression of self and citizenship on this Mesa embodies the four pillars of the School’s mission: commitment, scholarship, companionship and service. Named in honor of a member of the first co-educational class to enroll at Cate who returned to the Mesa to lead and shape this School, the Brownlee Cup pays tribute to those who invest themselves completely and in so doing contribute profoundly and perpetually to the spirit of this place.
In this year of the Brownlee Cup’s inception it will be awarded twice. The first award is given to the alumna it honors, who notably in a recent speech to the community pointed out that she never received an award when she was a student at Cate. We remedy that today. Join me in congratulating Charlotte Brownlee.
The second award is to a member of the Class of 2023: Kendall Thorne.