OCTOBER 2022 Edition 10 1926 2022 We Will Meet Again

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Page 2. The Catholic Post. October 2022. QUEEN ELIZABETH II FUNERAL IMAGES

Photos © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk Nation Mourns The Queen

ICN = Independent Catholic News Views expressed in The Catholic Post are not necessarily those of the editor Last date for copy is the LAST DAY of the month prior to publication. TO BY BRIAN

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As with so many other charities, our own work at Crown of Thorns paused as we took in the significance of such a momentous change. Whilst not unexpected, it was sudden, and made us consider our own lives against that of a lady so powerfully dedicated to encouraging others and to

Promoting the Holy Rosary in the U.K. & throughout the world to bring hope, comfort and peace to the marginalised, the oppressed and the imprisoned, enabling wounded hearts to find healing and shattered lives to find breath and space to renew.
Supporting priests and chaplains in their ministry, outreach and welfare.

of us, it is the first time that we shall see a King on the throne. But our new King, like his mother, is there as our servant as was Christ, to be dutiful in his role, to encourage us and carry out the work that his title brings and expects of him.
email: office@crownofthorns.org.ukPhone:01342870472
Mission of Hope
Response from parish priests: “The rosary cards that you sent me have had a tremendous effect on the devotion and prayer life of the parish.”

Registered charity no:

Monarch meets Monarch!
The Catholic Post. October 2022. Page 3.
In a similar way our own lives are all geared to caring for those around us. Every person needs encouragement in life and to be made to feel special. We all have the ability to carry on the work of Christ, to smile and reassure like our late monarch, and to be caring and dutiful in all that we do, however humble our work or difficult our task.
It was a lovely touch to find that after such a long life and with such complete dedication to duty, our monarch departed this life on the birthday of Our Lady. It must have been a wonderful day to enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Presumably our own queen would have arrived humbly as one of us, but with her merit in devotion to duty shining as bright as the stars. What a meeting this must have been as she was perhaps received by The Queen of Heaven in the same wonderful way that Elizabeth II had herself received so many of her own people during her long reign. Whatever birthday celebration had been going on in Heaven was maybe paused a minute to welcome a new guest...
‘Russia still bombing schools and hospitals’
had established 1 September as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, encouraging the faithful around the world to pray for our common home.
Pope Francis urged his representatives to entrust their work to the Lord, as they labor in the “today of the Church and world”.
Pope Francis spoke to his representatives about various global issues affecting nations and the Church in the world.
Focusing on mission
The representativesPope’s in nations across the globe met
Bishop Honcharuk thanked ACN for its support, but said more was needed: “Know that Christ is here, and he needs your help. Christ is in these suffering people, and they need your help.”
Russian troops started besieging Kharkiv, the second-largest city in Ukraine, shortly after they entered the country in February.
He also prayed during this Season of Creation that the United Nations COP27 and COP15 summits may “unite the human family in decisively addressing the twin crises of climate and reduced biodiversity.”

During the weekly General Audience, Pope Francis recalled the World Day of Prayer for Creation and the beginning of the Season of PopeCreation.Francis
He noted that the Church is currently journeying through the Synod on synodality, while the Roman Curia seeks to apply the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium.

Page 4. The Cat holic Post October 2022
“At the mercy of our consumerist excesses,” said the Pope, the Earth “groans and begs us to stop our abuse and her destruction.”
If anyone is still stuck in the fantasy that Russia is only bombing military facilities, they are not only mistaken, but they are also badly deluded
Pope Francis greets Pontifical Representatives (Vatican Media)
World shaken by war The Pope noted that this encounter comes in the wake of the pandemic.
Pope Francis, the spectre of war has descended on Europe and the world.
“At the mercy of our consumerist excesses,” said the Pope, the Earth “groans and begs us to stop our abuse and her destruction.”
Pope to shakenRepresentatives:Pontifical‘Worldbyriskofnuclearwar’
Pope Francis called for concrete commitment to care for our common home. His words came ahead of the World Day of Prayer for Creation celebrated on 1 September which kicks off the Season of Creation which lasts till 4 October.
Pope’s closeness amid world war
went on: “One of the most difficult things for me was seeing a three-yearold child... who was wounded during shelling. “It is unclear whether he will survive. He is only here because someone wanted a war.” He added: “Here one feels powerless. On the other hand, there is also the awareness that the Lord is sending me here to serve.”
“You bring the Pope’s closeness to peoples and the Church. You are points of reference in moments of extreme bewilderment and turbulence.”
The day also marks the beginning of the Season of Creation which lasts till 4 October, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
Pope Francis holds a triennial meeting with Pontifical Representatives in the Vatican, and calls attention to the Holy See’s efforts to seek peace amid a “third world war fought
Bishop Honcharuk added “in Kharkiv we see a lot of targeted missile hits on school build“Iings.don't know exactly how many schools have been destroyed, but at least twenty, also many kindergartens, so it is dangerous to gather a large number of children in one Theplace.”prelate
Pope encourages commitments for Season of Creation
theme “Listen to the voice of creation” may foster in everyone “a concrete commitment to care for our common home.”
John Newton
Addressing the faithful gathered at the Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father prayed that this year’s

The Pope added that a “third world war fought piecemeal” has gripped the globe, and that Pontifical Representatives are present in the countries involved in the various conflicts. He thanked them for bringing his closeness to peoples who are suffering.
A BISHOP in Ukraine has condemned the ongoing shelling of schools, hospitals and other non-military targets by Russian forces. Speaking to Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) about the situation in Kharkiv-Zaporizhzhia Diocese, Bishop Pavlo Honcharuk said that residential areas are continually targeted.
“Our brothers have preceded us in our journey, and they invite us to keep our gaze fixed on the path ahead and on the heavens.”
“Unfortunately, Europe and the entire world are shaken by a particularly serious war, due to the violation of international law, the risks of nuclear escalation, and the grave economic and social consequences.”
Devin Watkins
91 Apostolic Nuncios and 6 Permanent Observers, while 5 Pontifical Representatives were unable to attend due their health reasons or other impediments.
The Pope also recalled two Apostolic Nuncios who died while in office: Archbishop Joseph Chennoth and Archbishop Aldo Giordano.
“The tempest of the Covid-19 pandemic forced various constraints on our daily lives and pastoral activities,” he said. “Now it seems the worst may be behind us, and thank God we are able to
Nearly 100 papal representatives met with the Pope on Thursday
He said: “If anyone is still stuck in the fantasy that Russia is only bombing military facilities, they are not only mistaken, but they are also badly “Hospitals,deluded.businesses, schools, universities, kindergartens and homes have been destroyed.”
Cllr Michell Ngongo, Local MP Jeremy Corbyn, Mother of Ukrainian Refuges, Students, symbol of hope, peace and unity.

planting idea came about when the mother said that she wanted to give us a gift to thank us for the welcome she and her child had received at Christ the King, and also so that we could remember them after they had gone home.
The exhibition brings together a collection of works made in weekly sessions over several years at the Connect@ Hounslow hub of Caritas St Joseph’s. Each session began by the group looking at and responding to the work of different artists before returning to their own themes. With the help of carers and volunteers, the artists worked across ceramics, oil pastel and watercolour to develop their process, crafting their own distinct visual language.
an exhibition of artworks made by a group of local artists, organised as part of Hounslow Borough Council’s Summer of Culture.
We were joined by pupils, families and staff, as well as our local MP Jeremy Corbyn, Cllr Michelle Ngongo, Executive Member for Children, Families and Young People at Islington Council and Anthony Doudle from Islington Council's Education Department.
Tree planting a symbol of peace and hope for Ukraine

For example, Faiza Mir continually returns to circles, which give her a sense of confidence. She draws and colours variations of circles each week with focus and determination, and enjoys using bright colours.
Branching Paths includes artworks made by Ani Hampartsoumian, Alexander Harrison, Rosemary Mahoney, Faiza Mir and Susanna Woollam, made with the assistance of Karen Palmer, Derek Wardle and Maria Wolanska, and is curated by Steph Hartop.
Art exhibition demonstrates talents of people with intellectual disabilities

Caritas St Joseph’s has been working with adults with learning disabilities for 45 years and is one of the services of Caritas Westminster. It runs a lifelong learning centre in Hendon, with about 200 students registered, as well as two “Connect@” centres, based at Catholic parishes in Hounslow and Feltham. Eight students currently attend Connect@ Hounslow each Thursday – which is temporarily using the Feltham centre whilst their usual location is being renovated.
Alexander Harrison is a prolific artist who works methodically and at pace. He enjoys mixing colours carefully to be sure of the right colour pallet for each piece. There is often a rhythm in his paintings which he
describes in the recurring names of his work: “stones”, “tunnels”, “thunder” and “lightning”. His verbal language is limited, but the pride he shows in his work is evident.
The works exhibited in Branching Paths are a celebration of different perspectives and of the creative journeys the students are on, as individuals and as a group. It has been made possible by a grant from Hounslow Borough Council through their Summer of Culture programme.
The Cat holic Post October 2022. Page 5. UKRAINE EMERGENCY ACN has now pledged more than £4 million in aid to help priests and Sisters as they minister to refugees and others caught up in the chaos of the conflict. Please pray for them, and help us support our Church project partners ministering to those suffering following the devastating bombardment of towns and cities. Sheltering in the basement of a children’s hospital in Kyiv y 12-14 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4DA Aid to the Church in Need A22P3CO A registered charity in England and Wales (1097984) and Scotland (SC040748) Please photocopy this form if you do not want to cut your copy of the Catholic Post. Rev/Sr/Mr/Mrs/Miss................................................. ..............................................................................................................Address:...................................................Postcode:...... I enclose £100 £50 £25 Other £.......... to help ACN’s vital work in Ukraine Please send me information about gift aiding my donation and/or setting up a regular gift I enclose a cheque to Aid to the Church in Need OR please debit my VISA/MasterCard/Amex/Maestro Expiry Date: ......./........ Valid From Date: ......./....... Signature strip code (last block of digits): ( ) Issue No: (Maestro) Signature: .........................................................03456460110|www.acnuk.org | acn@acnuk.org Donations can also be given online at https://acnuk.org/uk22p AID TO NEEDCHURCHTHEIN A new temporary exhibition of art by people with intellectual disabilities has opened at the historical Syon House in Brentford, on Friday 26
Christ the King Catholic Primary School in Islington, north London, recently held a celebration to plant an oak tree sapling, a gift from the mother of one of four Ukrainian refugee children currently attending the Theschool.tree

This was when we thought that we could hold a tree planting celebration to welcome our families, show they are part of our community.
The art is on display at Syon Park Visitor Centre until Sunday 30 October.
Karen Palmer, Development worker for Connect@ said: “On the day of the opening at Syon Park we held an Art Class in the morning at Feltham, the students were very excited about the exhibition. The Connect through Art Classes give our Students a way to express themselves through different art forms and creative media. It has been a pleasure to work alongside our talented artists, with my colleague Stephanie who curated the exhibition, as well as our very dedicated volunteers Maria and Derek.”
Our Parish Priest, Father Chinedu Udo, read a beautiful blessing of the tree. We prayed and sang together, reciting a prayer for Ukraine in English and Ukrainian.
UKRAINE EMERGENCY ACN has now pledged more than £4 million in aid to help priests and Sisters as they minister to refugees and others caught up in the chaos of the conflict. Please pray for them, and help us support our Church project partners ministering to those suffering following the devastating bombardment of towns and cities. Sheltering in the basement of a children’s hospital in Kyiv bainfShelteringrombombsaconventsement FleeingIrpin under heavyshelling Praying for peace HolvenyiKristofPhoto:nyiolHofisKo:othP Catholic Bishop Honcharukand Orthodox BishopMytrofan on a hospital visit 12-14 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4DA Aid to the Church in Need A22P3CO A registered charity in England and Wales (1097984) and Scotland (SC040748) Please photocopy this form if you do not want to cut your copy of the Catholic Post. Rev/Sr/Mr/Mrs/Miss................................................. ..............................................................................................................Address:...................................................Postcode:...... I enclose £100 £50 £25 Other £.......... to help ACN’s vital work in Ukraine Please send me information about gift aiding my donation and/or setting up a regular gift I enclose a cheque to Aid to the Church in Need OR please debit my VISA/MasterCard/Amex/Maestro Expiry Date: ......./........ Valid From Date: ......./....... Signature strip code (last block of digits): ( ) Issue No: .........................................................03456460110www.acnuk.org | acn@acnuk.org Donations can also be given online at https://acnuk.org/uk22p

The works exhibited in Branching Paths are a celebration of different perspectives and of the creative journeys the students are on, as individuals and as a group
A gift from the mother of one of four Ukrainian refugee children currently attending the school
a Brother suffer financial difficulties, there is a benevolence fund to provide assistance. Even after you have died, Catenians will continue to pray for you and all deceased members at every meeting and at Masses through the year.”
David Prescott, from the Kenilworth Circle 202, has been a Catenian for 12 years.
Page 6. The Cat holic Post October 2022
His Excellency was installed as the eighth Archbishop of Cardiff and Bishop of Menevia in June, at St David’s Cathedral in the Welsh Archbishopcapital.
“It was an incredibly important time for me, where I felt I ‘grew up’”, Archbishop O’Toole “Beingsaid.
“Ultimately, these ‘meaning of life’ questions opened the door to exploring faith in God more consciously, and this opened up the path to being a priest.
Catholic TheencouragedlaymentojoinCatenianAssociation
Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet at least once a month in local units called Circles. They are committed to their Faith, their families, to those in need and to each other.
“This friendship is based on the firm foundation of a shared faith and is enjoyed by their wives (whether Catholic or not) and their children and continues after a member’s death with widows being supported and involved on a continuing
To find out more about the Catenians and discuss joining please contact David on 07702 605611, via email at membership@catenians-province6.org or visit the national website
Nobody in my family had ever been to University before so I was ‘feeling’ my way through the applications process.
“My years in Leicester coincided with a kind of “inner search”. What was the meaning of my life? Why do people suffer? What’s the point of it all?
“Benefits include fellowship, prayerfulness, socialising, a feeling of belonging and support. I would highly recommend it.”
Membership offers deep and lasting friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives, whether married or single.
“I will be always grateful for my time in Leicester because it gave me the intellectual and human space to discover that I am precious to God and that God is worth staking your life on.
Even decades on, Archbishop O’Toole maintains that the friendships he made at University of Leicester have had a lasting impact on his life.
Newly ArchbishopappointedofCardiff discusses time as student at University of Leicester
“Among some of the people I met, and the friendships I made, I discovered others asking these questions, too. I could see a relationship between an intellectual journey of maturation, and a human one. I realised, too, these questions would not simply go away.”
“I also liked the fact that the University was in a city but it was not too overwhelming in terms of size. I could see it was a University that had all the amenities, opportunities and ‘life’, of being in a city, but there was a ‘friendly feel’ to it. When I visited, I could see myself being able to make the move there, and enjoying it.”
“Two things struck me about Leicester. I liked the course. Geography was my best ‘A’ level but I did not want to do it at a University level through the lens of the Humanities. Leicester offered the possibility of a BSc. which appealed to where my strengths and interests were.
I would highly recommend it.
away from home, being master of my own time, having to establish my own friendships, and rhythm of life helped me mature as a human being.
Benefits include fellowship, prayerfulness, socialising, a feeling of belonging and support.
Before his appointment as Archbishop of Cardiff and Bishop and Menevia, Archbishop O’Toole was ordained ninth Bishop of Plymouth.
“In a very personal sense I also see becoming a Catenian as an unexpected and nurturing part of my faith journey - the Holy Spirit at work?
“Most friends from my Leicester days are non-Religious, and have gone on to settle down with partners, have families, and rewarding careers in a whole host of disciplines - teaching, counselling, design, medicine, research.
“Whatever difficulties you face in life there will be members and their wives committed to helping “Shouldyou.
Welcomed earlier this year, along with his wife Jenny, (both pictured above) he is getting to know fellow Catenians and becoming involved in Theactivities.Catenian

He said: “Friendship is such an important part of the University years.
“A regret for me is that my life has often been too busy, and taken me in such different directions, and we have not been able to see one another as much as I would have liked.
Talking about his time at the University of Leicester, Archbishop O’Toole said: “Nobody in my family had ever been to University before so I was ‘feeling’ my way through the applications process.
Leicester alumnus and newly appointed Archbishop of Cardiff, Mark O’Toole, has spoken about his time at the University.
meeting provides a time for relaxed enjoyment among supportive and faithful friends. The varied local social programme caters for all ages and provides a light-hearted environment in which friendships flourish.
Brian Miles, a parishioner at St Francis in Kenilworth, has recently joined the local ‘Circle’ of The Catenian Association.

“And more than this, that God has taken on a human face in His Son Jesus. In the encounter with Him - before His gaze - my questions find their ultimate rest and fall
seeking to deepen this truth within myself every day, and hoping to be able to help others discover the beauty of this encounter, with Jesus, too.”
O’Toole studied BSc Geography at the University between 1981 and 1984 before he entered into priestly formation at Allen Hall Seminary in London.
Archbishop O’Toole said that these questions helped him to explore his faith more and more whilst studying in Leicester.
Before the pandemic he carried out home visiting to visually impaired people in Warwick and “ILeamington.wasinvited
“But I have followed them ‘from afar’ with a sense of deep gratitude for each one, in their uniqueness, and - they will understand this, too - with a prayer for each of them, for all they have given me.”
to join the local Circle by another Catenian. But I was also encouraged by the publicity of the Kenilworth Circle in the St Francis' parish newsletter,” said Brian.
Across the Archdiocese of Birmingham there are 22 circles with approximately 625 members.
Brian, now retired, chairs school admissions appeals panels for primary and secondary schools throughout Warwickshire and is a National Trust volunteer guide at Packwood House, Solihull.
“The opportunity to get to know other fellow Catholics in a faith-based setting, plus the wider social activities of the Catenians that could involve Jenny really appealed.
The Catenians welcome new members and are actively encouraging Catholic laymen to find out more about the organisation.
“Membership is very much a personal thing for each individual but our support for one another in faith is the biggest thing for me,” said David.
that your parish chooses the green options for general products.
The Christmas tree is ambiguous. It started out as pagan, and now represents both Christian and secular aspects of Christmas, but there doesn’t seem to be any prohibition by the Catholic Church regarding having Christmas trees in the church, though there is a difference of opinion, particularly about whether it should be in the sanctuary at Mass.
A report on BBC Radio 4 in January 2022 followed the trail of the cut flowers industry, from where they are grown in countries like
that candles can be recycled and reused. This Exeter based company will take your used candles: https:// therecycledcandlecompany.co.uk/ There may be a place near you which collects used candles. So,it looks like organic, coconut wax, unscented candles with organic, recycled hemp wicks are our best choice environmentally. If our bishops commissioned these, they would be available for all churches to order.
Products that are used by the parish, like washing up liquid, toilet paper, cleaning agents, disinfectants, bleach, antiseptics, wildlife deterrents etc, all have eco-friendlier choices. Eco-friendly meaning biodegradable or recyclable, sustainably produced, vegan, organic, recycled.

For the Church, flowers symbolise many things – graces and virtues, joy, innocence, holiness. The Catholic Church has distinct rules and regulations regarding flowers and makes use of them for specific spiritual symbolism in the Church calendar.
So, ask your parish to use local grown, organic potted flowers or local grown, organic dried flowers. If this is refused, ask that the parish grows its own flowers organically on parish land. These can be used fresh cut or home dried.
interpretation of the percentage of wax required for each type of candle (Paschal candle, blessing of baptismal water candle, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament candle, etc). The Holy See leaves the final word to the local Bishop as to exactly what the percentage should be. Nevertheless, there is no prohibition against non-beeswax candles.
The Cat holic Post. October 2022. Page 7.
Response to the Synodal Process
So, fresh flowers are not eco-friendly. What are the Thealternatives?LiturgyOffice of England and Wales says nothing about potted flowers, but says that dried flowers, ferns, and sprays can be used, and that artificial flowers and plants should not be used. The Instruction of the Roman Missal governs all aspects of the celebration of Mass, and there is no prohibition regarding potted or dried flowers.
As we all know, Earth’s forests are vanishing. We need to think before we use paper as to whether it’s needed, and whether there is a sustainable alternative available: see pgpaSo,per.com/eco-friendly-paper-products/let’saskthatthepaperusedinour hymn
Candles are a symbol of light, grace, and

of the wax candle started from when it was seen as a reference to the virgin birth, the bee being seen as chaste. In 1904 the Sacred Congregation of Rites stated that it would no longer require candles to be made entirely of wax. Since that decree, various church officials have pronounced on their
In this article, we take a critical look at various church practices, to see if Church law can accommodate more ethical alternatives
Some see the Christmas tree as a symbol of the secular and materialistic aspect of Christmas, others are perfectly happy with a tree in church. In fact, some view it as a symbol of the birth and resurrection of Christ. It is even an integral part of the Vatican Christmas celebrations. The important thing, if a tree is to be used in church, is for it to be eco-friendly. Millions of Christmas trees, both real and artificial, are discarded every year in the UK. So, ask your parish to use a potted living tree, and reuse year after year. Decorations can be home-made by children in the parish, and lights can be LED lights, as they use up to 95% less energy than traditional bulbs.
Baking Soda, vinegar, lemon juice, citric acid, alcohol, corn starch and tea tree oil are items that can be used to clean, bleach, and disinfect in place of the usual brand-named products which probably contain highly polluting and cancer- causing chemicals. Also, many stores sell recycled paper tissue products, and greener brand names such as Ecover and
They are an environmentally unfriendly cash crop, being grown non-stop throughout the year and using massive amounts of pesticides which pollute the land and kill people. At a time when droughts are increasing around the world, the trade uses a great deal of water, which will hasten the process of water depletion, leading to desertification in drought threatened areas. They are often flown thousands of miles in refrigerated airplane holds, causing greenhouse gas emissions.
books, service books etc is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified and certified recycled. Even better if we can find an eco-friendly alternative.
Ethiopia and Kenya in East Africa, to where they are sent, mainly to Europe but also to Australia, Japan, and other countries.
Can Church law accommodate more ethical alternatives?
consume resources for a luxury, and cause air pollution, so we are better off if we can do without them. If not, there are more healthy, environmentally friendly and animal friendly alternatives available. For instance, soy wax and rapeseed wax, if grown organically, are a much better choice. Organic coconut wax is probably the best ethical
Beeswax involves the exploitation of bees, which are now subject to intensive farming. They are not treated naturally but are made to perform according to the farmer's profitmotivated wishes. The treatment they undergo causes them welfare problems. Then, after visiting 30 million flowers to produce just one pound of wax, their whole home system is taken from them by the farmer.
Cut flowers that are grown in Europe have to be grown in heated greenhouses, which has an undesirable carbon footprint.

Wild bees are dying out at a frightening rate. Domestic bees do not help, on the contrary. Honeybees can't pollinate a tomato or an eggplant flower, and are much less efficient than wild, native bees at pollinating pumpkins, watermelons, blueberries, cranberries, and other plants. Honeybees compete with and can disrupt and threaten wild bee populations. Candles often contain a greater or lesser degree of paraffin wax, which is derived from unsustainable and polluting fossil fuels, and which also releases carcinogenic toxins when burnt (benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, soot).
V. Bell for LS Animators UK - justice-and-peace.org.uk
Scented candles can be polluting both in manufacture and in use, so should be avoided. The wick can also be polluting - organic hemp is


Justin Scully, general manager of the World Heritage Site attraction, said: "We're thrilled. I know from chatting to visitors, the connection to the past and the sense of tranquillity they feel here at Fountains Abbey.
I trust that our parish communities will always be open to those suffering from hardship and in particular need of companionship and spiritual support at this time. They can help us to understand the humility we must have before God.
“St. Bernadette, pray for the poor.”
Fountains Abbey
Finally, I ask that we all offer our prayers for those who are suffering from the cost of living crisis. I pray that all in our society will work together to find ways, both short and long term, to alleviate this crisis which threatens the well-being of so many people.
Fountains Abbey has been voted joint top spot in a survey to find Britain's best heritage

St. Thomas More, pray for all who serve in political and public life.
Which?attraction.members took part in the survey to examine value for money, helpfulness of staff and lack of crowds.
Those who rated the attraction highly in the survey praised the "calm atmosphere' and "leisurely walks" on offer in more than 800 acres of grounds, with the attraction scoring a full five stars for lack of crowds, as well as how accurately the description matched re-
Fountains Abbey voted joint-top British heritage attraction
Yacht Britannia - now docked permanently on the Firth of Forth in Leithserved the Royal Family for more than 44 years, chalking up more than one million nautical miles and visiting 135 countries. It was decommissioned in 1997.
I know that parishes will continue to do everything possible, including innovative ways of providing further material help and pastoral support. I also urge all Catholics to give whatever time and financial resources they can to charitable endeavours that support those who are affected by the current crisis. The work of Catholic schools, that have long been supportive of, and responsive to, children whose parents might be struggling financially or in other ways, is to be strongly applauded and encouraged.
At the same time, in a statement marking the announcement of a new Prime Minister, Cardinal Vincent Nichols assures PM Liz Truss of his prayerful support and stresses that the needs of the poorest in society must be given urgent attention.
There are many Catholics in public life and in the charitable sector who are engaging in trying to produce long-term solutions to these political and economic challenges

It was a thriving monastic community for 400 years until the dissolution of the monasteries in 1539.
dramatic impact this crisis is having, with many people knowing they face choices between ‘heating or eating’, especially as winter approaches. The affluence to which our society has become accustomed seems to be seeping

Caritas Leeds, Dioceseof Leeds

The work of our local parishes, and of Catholic charitable agencies, is based on the firm conviction of the inherent dignity of every person. No one is to be cast aside or ‘discounted’. I am confident that throughout this crisis, the Catholic community will do all we can to act on this conviction and promote this principle.
The abbey is now managed by the National Trust, and is one of the largest Cistercian abbey ruins in Europe.
Her appointment comes at a time when many crises have to be faced, at home and across the world. Prominent among them is the crisis in the cost of living.
Teaching indicates key principles which help to fashion just solutions to urgent and dire need.
Bishops address Cost of Living Crisis
The principle of serving the common good means that the needs of the poorest in society must be given urgent attention. The time for giving priority to factional interests has passed. Today our focus should be on the elderly, families who have the care of children, and all those least able to absorb the huge increases
'Calm atmosphere'

For all your Natasha@cathcom.orgrequirementsadvertisingpleasecontactNatashaon01440730399 Page 8. The Cat holic Post October 2022

"I'm incredibly proud of our team of staff and volunteers who care for this place and make it so special to so many."

“As President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, I offer my congratulations to Liz Truss on her election as leader of the Conservative Party and her consequent appointment as Prime Minister. I wish to assure the Prime Minister of my prayerful support.
The spiritual needs of the poor and their special gifts should never be forgotten. As Pope Francis wrote: “The great majority of the poor have a special openness to the faith; they need God and we must not fail to offer them his friendship, his blessing, his word, the celebration of the sacraments and a journey of growth and maturity in the faith” (Evangelii Gaudium – The Joy of the Gospel – 200).
Which? said it surveyed 2,944 members between April and May 2022. Members could comment on multiple destinations, with star ratings based on 6,719 experiences.
Catholics are present in every local community, seeking to contribute constantly to the support of those in need. So we are well aware of the

my fellow bishops, recognise the complexity of the causes, both short and longterm, that bring about the crisis now affecting so many. There are many Catholics in public life and in the charitable sector who are engaging in trying to produce long-term solutions to these political and economic

Cardinal Vincent Nichols President, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales
The attractions beat the likes of Stonehenge and Westminster Abbey.
The abbey ruins near Ripon, North Yorkshire, shared first place with Royal Yacht Britannia, moored in Edinburgh.
The Bishops’ Conference Department for Social Justice has released a briefing paper on the Cost of Living Crisis.
the principle of subsidiarity can be applied to our centralised system of welfare and public services to make delivery more effective and more efficient. This principle, long part of the social teaching of the Catholic Church, seeks “the active participation of private individuals and civil society” through which “it is actually possible to improve social services and welfare programmes, and at the same time save resources” (Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate 60).
in the cost of living that we face. This means giving immediate attention to issues such as the level of welfare benefits and the impact of the two-child cap on universal credit payments, among other possible actions. Businesses too, especially small businesses, are facing acute challenges and will need help to survive. Their support for employment and family income is Similarly,crucial.
Keith Morris
After many months, planning and preparing, we are delighted to welcome our first cohorts of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children to our school
No limits ... Just Possibilities
Mark Cooper, head teacher at St John Henry Newman, said: “After many months, planning and preparing, we are delighted to welcome our first cohorts of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children to our school.
is now open for nursery, reception, year 1 and 2 children in the first year. It will cater for 630 pupils when full and will be run by the Diocese of East Anglia. More than 50 are already enrolled.

New Peterborough Catholic school welcomes its first pupils
Lynne Ayres, Peterborough City Council’s cabinet member for children’s services, education, skills and the university, said: “Peterborough is one of the fastest growing cities in the UK and we expect this trend to continue, so finding new school places is an urgent and ongoing challenge.
Well, we have a newly formed Office for Environmental Protection to investigate and I hope sort out the issues concerning our water industry. They need to act with the speed and
enthusiasm that greeted the privatisation in 1989. In this rapidly changing world Christians should never forget the roll of water in our own Faith.
“St John Henry is a unique project with its construction tying in with the council’s bid to be Carbon neutral by 2030. Along with two news schools in Paston, they are all going to be huge assets not just for Hampton and Paston, but for Peterborough as a whole, for years to come.”

I need not tell any reader how precious water is but it does appear that the expensive advertisements more than 30 years ago were linked to the “sell off” of our most valued commodity.
The Modular delivery approach was the first of its kind for a Peterborough school and included many benefits including decreased waste, a reduced site period and reduced site traffic ensuring less disruption for local
So to the summer that has just passed and the heat wave in our country, particularly in July. It was a reminder of how climate change is not just a characteristic of the areas of the world near the equator nor its polar regions. Many of us did not expect a hose pipe ban or comparisons with 1976. Our news bulletins featured dry river beds and low reservoir levels. These were accompanied by factual accounts that pollution levels in most of England’s rivers had made them into dirty and dangerous sewers. Sadly at the very peak holiday period our beaches were similarly filthy, to the utter frustration of many.
Helen Bates, Assistant Director of Schools for the Diocese of East Anglia, said: “We are delighted that St John Henry Newman has opened after more than four years in the planning. The Diocese started this process in mid-2018 in preparing its bid for funding to Government and it was the only successful bid.
Email: office@st-josephscranleigh.surrey.sch.ukExecutivePrincipal-AnnieSuttonFollow:@StJoscranleigh


“We officially opened on Saturday with our open day, and we had well over 150 people from the Hampton Community come and join us for a tour of the school. The feedback was very humbling to hear. The staff have worked incredibly hard over the summer to prepare the school for our children and the school is looking amazing. We are now excited to begin the children’s learning journey with us.”
Baptism is so important to the future of our family life. It was the start of the ministerial life of our Saviour and as our children develop so quickly they need to know why their encounter with water is a real cause for celebration. As the tour of the relics of St Bernadette continues in our country we should always remember the special significance of water on all pilgrimages to Lourdes. It is surely time to remind our Government of the same.
St John Henry Newman Catholic Primary School and Nursery, in Hampton Water, Peterborough, has opened its doors to new pupils, teachers and staff for the first time this

“This school has been a collaborative project between the Diocese of East Anglia, Peterborough City Council and the Department for Education. It has involved many people giving their time to support the complex process of creating a school, with the building being only one part of that process. We know from enquiries we have received that many parents are interested in a place at this school and we look forward to seeing the school grow year by year to become an integral part of the Hampton community.”
Aged 5 - 19 with Autism, Complex and Severe Learning Difficulties

The Cat holic Post October 2022. Page 9. Frank Goulding For all Natasha@cathcom.orgpleaserequirementsadvertisingyourcontactNatashaon01440730399
Both Care and Education positions available! Talk to us about joining our fantastic team and supporting our young people!
Back in 1989 the Government gave authority to privatise the water industry in England and Wales. Some £22 million was authorised to tell us that we had water.
Education, Care and Integrated Therapies across 52 weeks for young people
The school’s construction started in mid 2021, with Eco Modular Buildings (EMB) leading the work which saw building modules constructed off-site before being transported to Hampton Water for installation.
It is also noted, according to reports, that the last reservoir to be dug for storing water came into use 30 years ago at Carsington in South Derbyshire. Just 3 years ago in North Derbyshire the small town of Whalley Bridge was in serious danger of flooding due to the water level in a local dam. Some 48 more dams at the time were reported to be in similar danger.
In this rapidly changing world Christians should never forget the role of water in our own Faith
A real cause for celebration
St SpecialistJoseph’sTrustTel:01483272449
World Youth Day has been around for just over 30 years, but the practice of pilgrimage is very old. Going on a pilgrimage can be a great way to pray with your body! It is common to walk many kilometers a day and go to bed tired and happy!
9. Improve the future together
10 Reasons to participate in WYD2023Lisbon

4. Experience the true joy of being a Christian
5. Create memories in this unique event
“We are 1, we are 2, we are 3, we are millions, all together singing, long live the Pope! Between singing at the top of your lungs and long pilgrimages through Lisbon, needs will arise. Keep one eye on others and their needs – thirst, hunger, heat – and take the opportunity to discover opportunities to serve and love. It is through small gestures that peace is transmitted and received!
Whatever role you play in the Journey – pilgrim or volunteer – it is likely that certain events, stories, conversations, people will take you out of your comfort zone. WYD is a privileged moment to look to the future together.
1.more!Being with the Pope
We could say “What happens on the Journey, stays on the Journey” Do you think so? No! Dream big, allow yourself to be contagious and let the experiences you live on the Journey not close in the drawer of the past, but overflow into the present and the future!
Page 10 The Cat holic Post October 2022
10. Make important decisions
We heard someone say, “this week is an oasis in my year”, a time to reconnect with God. The pace of contemporary life is typically fast paced, our attention is permanently required by devices. Is difficult to stop once a day to meditate? Don’t worry if you haven’t made it as often as you’d like. At WYD Lisbon 2023 you will have the opportunity to recharge your batteries in your relationship with God! Try to predispose your senses to an inner listening and you might be in for a surprise.
3. Be part of a unique pilgrimage

8. Learning to serve and love
You know what? The Journey is such a special event that it makes us realize that we are not alone, even if it sometimes seems to us. There are many people from all over the world who support us, and they are also trying to be saints. We hope that this awareness, combined with experience, will fill you with the courage to make important decisions, the ones that make you dizzy!
6. Witnessing the faith of different cultures

As the registration deadline to join Youth Ministry Teams at World Youth Day 2023 draws ever closer, let’s take a look at what makes it such an unforgettable experience for young Catholics. Read the post below from the official WYD Lisbon 2023 team to find out
7. Charge batteries in your relationship with God
Can you imagine spending a few days near the Pope? Being in the same place as the Holy Father is an unforgettable experience, even if you are 1 km from the altar at the final mass or just see the popemobile passing by! In addition to physical proximity, take the opportunity to listen and support the Pope, who has a very big challenge in the world.
WYD is a disruptive time when we show the world that the Church is alive! WYD is not just for pilgrims. It involves the entire city that welcomes it, the entire community! Lisbon is getting ready to welcome you and your friends.
Lisbon will welcome young people from all continents, and you can be one of them! You will see flags of many countries, hear songs and prayers in more than a dozen languages, exchange impressions with other people – and even bracelets, plaques, numbers, and friendship. We challenge you to prepare and take a box with souvenirs to offer to pilgrims who come from all over the world!
The positive energy of WYD has no equal! People sing and dance all over the city. The atmosphere is amazing, cheerful, welcoming. Bring your good mood and come from there! What are you waiting for?
2. Meet young people from around the world
And a thought many of us have had put into a simple hope - "I hope she is reunited with Prince Philip, I hope they're together having a picnic, or something like that."
"Her unyielding faithfulness has led to the country being a better place for all."
God Save the King!
The Relics of St Bernadette remind us of the “great importance” of the Catholic faith in our society

It was with great sadness that St Mary's School and Parish, Derby, learnt of the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II on September 8th. Special liturgies were held in School on the Friday morning, led by the Head of School, Mrs Novak-Lemmings, and Chaplain, Mrs Hazel. A requiem Mass was celebrated on Sunday 11th September at St Mary's Church. Books of Condolence have been opened in both the Parish and School. A School Memorial book is being created with thoughts, prayers and memories of the Queen. The children's messages reveal the affection and respect that they have for her life of service:
"You will never be forgotten."
Both School and Parish have also been praying for our new monarch, King Charles III, as one child wrote - "please keep our new King Charles safe, and guide him through his rough times; and if he ever needs help, help him to seek help from you."
Gerry Molumby
of its decoration and main furnishings was the celebrated A.W.N. Pugin. An avid admirer of Medieval Gothic style, Pugin brought this to his Nottingham creation, with pointed windows and tower lifting to the heavens. I attended one of the recent Heritage tours led and enthusiastically delivered by parishioner John Edwards.
“I confess that when spending some quiet time before the Relics, I found it to be so similar to being at the grotto in Lourdes itself,” said the Cardinal. “Even though there was a constant flow of people, what struck me was the deep sense of peace. There was an intense focus on Our Lady. There were countless moments in which people clearly entrusted themselves, and their anxieties, to Our Lady at the prompting of St Bernadette – by their petitions, by their gestures, by lighting candles; through gentleness and patience showed to one
"Thank you for what you have done for us, and thank you for sharing love to everyone and looking after the country."
A.W.N. Pugin’s original decorations in Nottingham Cathedral being revealedpainstaking

John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury was a champion of the Gothic Revival in England and sponsored the building of the cathedral to the tune of £7000 (2.5 million today). Therefore, you get to have your coat of arms reflected in some of the windows and the tiles.
“Lourdes has come to Westminster,” declared Cardinal Vincent Nichols in his homily at a special Mass to bid farewell to the Relics of St Bernadette after a two-day visit to Westminster Cathedral.
The Blessed Sacrament Chapel ceiling decorations of stars in the cosmic reflects what the ceiling of the nave would have looked when opened in 1844
will now continue to 40 other venues as they tour the UK.
Reeling back the years. Following National Lottery funding expert restorers have been stripping the paint off part of the walls, ceiling beams to reveal the original multi colourful ‘enrichments’ . You must but marble at this level of expertise. Whether this will be an overall restoration has yet to be decided.
Cardinal Nichols spoke of the deep sense of peace visited on the thousands of pilgrims that lit candles and prayed alongside the great saint who, as a 14-year-old girl, saw the Virgin Mary eighteen times in a series of apparitions in a cave on the outskirts of the French mountain town of Lourdes.

Frances Hazel
St Mary's CV Academy and Parish Mourn the Loss of HM Queen Elizabeth II
"Dear God, I'm thankful that you let reign an amazing, kind, thoughtful, gentle, loving and delightful queen for 7 decades."
"Thank you for serving us for the past 70 years. Thank you for welcoming us in and helping us."
"Thank you for what you have done for us, and thank you for sharing love to everyone and looking after the country."
Nottingham Cathedral was built between 1841 and 1844 and at its opening was the largest Roman Catholic church to have been built in England since the Reformation. Originally a parish church, it became a cathedral with the restoration of the Catholic hierarchy in 1850. The architect and designer
The Cat holic Post October 2022. Page 11.
Even though there was a constant flow of people, what struck me was the deep sense of peace
Sr Marie Turner
Media cbcew.org.uk
We managed to celebrate on the windswept height of Helman Tor, finding, like Elijah, a cleft in the rock to keep us safe in the roaring Presence
Pope Francis presided over the beatification Mass of Pope John Paul I, recalling how his smile communicated the goodness of the Lord. He encouraged everyone to learn from the Lord on how to love without limits and be a Church with a happy, serene and smiling face, that never closes doors.
With a smile, Pope John Paul managed to communicate the goodness of the Lord. How beautiful is a Church with a happy, serene and smiling face, that never closes doors, never hardens hearts, never complains or harbours resentment, does not grow angry or impatient, does not look dour or suffer nostalgia for the
Ten years ago our annual Saints Way Rosary Walk was a regular feature of the parish life of our young people.
Sister Anne was born in the northeast. She was a speech and drama teacher at La Sagesse convent high school in Liverpool and then taught for three years in primary.
We managed to celebrate on the windswept height of Helman Tor, finding, like Elijah, a cleft in the rock to keep us safe in the roaring Presence. The weather was kind with one soaking exception. The companionship and conversation were deep and uplifting. As we strolled into Fowey on the final day, I was reminded that the Lord always honours His promises and only asks us to do what He will give us the strength for. Accompanied by Our Lady and the Saints we had arrived to offer the final Glorious Mystery in the church of St InFinbarr.the
Petherick, the commanding heights of Withiel and the riverside beauty of Golant all hosted our celebrations.
Pope beatifies John Paul I: May he obtain for us the ‘smile of the soul’

world, where the crowds are taken by the charisma of a teacher or leader, attaching their hopes for the future based on emotions, but they become more susceptible to those who instead shrewdly take advantage of them, telling them what they want to hear for their own profit, glory or power, profiting on society’s fears and needs
“Lord take me as I am, with my defects, with my shortcomings, but make me become what you want me to be.”
Recalling the example of the “smiling pope,” John Paul I, Pope Francis presided over his beatification in Saint Peter’s Square on Sunday 4 th September . The Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, with 25 thousand faithful participating in a rainy and later sun-filled square.
To listen to the interview and read the transcript visit www.cbcew.org.uk and search for the Interview with Cardinal Roche.
Cardinal ArthurImageRocheVatican
He talks us through the occasion, explaining the role of cardinal and how he supports Pope Francis
On retirement she went to live in Preston and eventually found her feet as a volunteer assistant to the chaplain at Preston Royal where she was greatly appreciated. “I had no medical experience when I came to Royal Preston – I learned it all from scratch. I came here as a volunteer beginning at the bottom. I have worked with some wonderful people here and they are all so dedicated, and the staff on the wards are too.”
Crowds seek hope
Page 12 The Cat holic Post October 2022
England's newest Cardinal reflects on the Consistory

I have worked with some wonderful people here and they are all so dedicated, and the staff on the wards are too
Sister Anne Goodman, Daughter of Wisdom aged 95, received the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Award for her volunteer services as an assistant to the Chaplain at the Royal Preston Hospital and for her faithful presence and work in St Clare’s Church, Preston. This follows her recent retirement when she was thanked and praised by staff, volunteers and chaplains for her outstanding dedication and service for the last 24 years at the hospital and in the parish. She is now living in the Daughters of Wisdom assisted living complex in Abbey House, Romsey. She continues to use her artistic talents in card making.

The Pope observed that this admonition of the Lord contrasts with what we often see in our
the Pope encouraged us to ask Blessed John Paul I to help us obtain from the Lord “the smile of the soul” and to pray in his own words: “Lord take me as I am, with my defects, with my shortcomings, but make me become what you want me to be.”
I recognise Baptismal Commitment as a call to radical Christian discipleship and stewardship of all created realitySister–Anne
Walk On......
months since, under Fr Ciaran’s leadership, we have refurbished our mission church in Wadebridge, taken in refugees from Ukraine, begun a Healing Ministry in Bodmin and started a rolling programme of training for our people on the Diocesan Evangelisation course. So we walk on with hope in our hearts and trust in God.
In his homily, Pope Francis recalled how in today’s Gospel we hear of large crowds following Jesus who gives them a challenging message: to become His disciple means to put aside earthly attachments, to love Him more than his or her own family, to carry the cross we bear in our lives.
In this audio interview from the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales, Cardinal Arthur Roche, Prefect of the Vatican's Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, takes us through the occasion, explaining the role of cardinal and how he supports Pope Francis.
The Catholic Church in England and Wales now has three cardinals. Traditionally, the Archbishop of Westminster can expect to receive a red hat - and so it came to pass when Cardinal Vincent Nichols was created cardinal in 2014. Five years later, in 2019, Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald MAfr, who was President of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue from 2002 to 2006, became England's second living cardinal having returned to serve as a priest in Liverpool after half a century away. Now we have further cause for joy and celebration as our former Bishop of Leeds was created cardinal in an Ordinary Public Consistory on Saturday, 27 August 2022.
The intention was to be the Mission of the Church. Fr Jacek generously gave up his day off to ensure that I didn’t get lost or fall down a rabbit hole. So we walked and prayed. When I asked permission of the ancient churches on our route for permission to offer the Mass, they could not have been more welcoming. The harbourside of Padstow, the jewel of Little
Parkinson’s in 2014 this has not seemed a possibility. So when the Lord laid it on my heart in prayer to do it again, I thought He was joking. So insistent was the call that I gave in. I could try it in seven portions of c.5 miles a day on seven Tuesdays leading up to Holy Week.
Over a weekend we would take the prayers of our people and, with the mysteries of the Rosary, walk and pray the 33 miles across our beloved county in the footsteps of the Celtic SinceSaints.developing
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Award for Volunteer Services

their ideas for a more sustainable future, before taking part in tree planting and meditation sessions, and fi nally burying a time capsule of their hopes and ideas, before closing with a prayer.
qualities are based on something more significant. Pope Francis in his message picked this out when he wrote, “I willingly join all who mourn her loss in praying for the late Queen’s eternal rest, and in paying tribute to her life of unstinting service to the good of the Nation and the Commonwealth, her example of devotion to duty, her steadfast witness of faith in Jesus Christ and her firm hope in his promises.”
took over and King Charles III followed in her footsteps, his own faith and sense of duty has also been displayed. In what has always been claimed as a Christian country, the role of the Christian religion has been more formally evident in the services of prayers and thanksgiving, the lying in state in St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh and the State funeral in Westminster Abbey.
has two events offering opportunities to hear from guest speakers about climate change and to discuss how we can respond. Lunch will be provided. You can register your interest by visiting the Diocese of Plymouth website and searching for The Season of Creation.
“A time for tears, a time for laughter A time for mourning, a time for Ecclesiastesdancing”3.4
However, the students - who come from across Greater Manchester and Lancashirefelt frustrated by the inaction of governments, authorities, and older generations, and are now stepping up to take responsibility in instigating the changes they want to see. Parish Matters
Schools set to lead climate action after inspiring summit
for a more distant contact. We become unsure of how we are expected to respond.
Peter Boylan KSG
On September 11th in our parish, as in many Churches and Chapels across the country, prayers were offered for the repose of the soul of the Queen, for King Charles and the Royal Family Led by the priest who himself is from the Commonwealth, a further dimension of memory and loss was also brought to the prayers.
Season of Creation 2022 –Events in the Diocese Plymouthof
It was another Francis who declared, ‘preach the gospel always, if necessary use words.’ In her life, Queen Elizabeth has proved faithful in her own display of preaching the gospel at all times. She has acknowledged her deference to the Lord, praying and displaying this by her regular Sunday worship. The qualities that are recognised are those which have flowed from her own faith and life commitment. For one who came to the throne and at such a young age, (Winston Churchill her first Prime Minister is reported to have fretted that ‘she was only a child’), she has displayed a true and unique
The summit comes on the back of a dynamic programme from the Guardians of Creation project - a nationwide initiative being piloted in the Diocese of Salford, aiming to lead the Catholic Church in England and Wales into a future of sustainability. Dubbed 'Laudato Si' Champions' in connection to Pope Francis' environmental teachings, these students met to discuss their ideas in the programme's fi rst ever youth summit on Friday 15th July.
The Cat holic Post October 2022. Page 13
During the Season of Creation, we are invited to pray, act and focus on the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor – to listen to those whose voices are less heard; to pray for those individuals, communities, species, and ecosystems which are lost and those whose livelihoods are threatened by climate change. We have events happening in our Diocese that offer opportunities for people to come together to reflect on how we can take action as individuals and
The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to listen and respond together to the cry of Creation: it is a time when the ecumenical family around the world unites to pray and protect our common home. The Season begins on 1st September, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and ends 4th October, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology. This year the theme is “Listen to the Voice of Creation.” If your parish is holding an event or would like more information, please get in touch
Throughout the day, students expressed a desire to see changes to the way we recycle, travel, generate energy, and care for creation. This vision is not only underpinned by scientific learning but is also rooted in their strong Catholic faith; ideals central to our own diocesan mission and frequently heralded by Pope Francis. One student, from Our Lady's RC High School in Manchester, said: "As a Catholic Christian, it's important to be stewards of the world, and not to just take dominion of the world - although God did give it to us. It's also
really important to be very grateful for what we have, and we show that gratefulness - and that gratefulness to God - by taking care of
Bishop John with students from Our Lady's RC High School

Reflections on the death of a Sovereign

As with death, many of us are unsure of how to react despite our Christian belief telling us ‘that to thy faithful people Lord, life is changed not ended’. In modern society, many prefer to avoid the word, using such euphemisms as ‘passed away’, ‘departed’ or ‘now with the angels’ though we all know the event will be inevitable for us all. Our memories are drawn back to the individual, how we have laughed and cried with them when we know them closely, how they have touched our lives when we know them less well or what respect we would wish to show
The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to listen and respond together to the cry of Creation

National Lottery Climate Action Fund for supporting these events.
Few of us were ever privileged to meet Her Majesty but for those who had and the stories they tell, re-enforce an authentic picture matching impressions gained form such sources and elsewhere. The words most commonly heard said of her, include duty, honesty, integrity and constancy. What also came forward was a sense of humour, of fun and even mischief. Together these make up the reasons why she has been so highly regarded, even by those who deplore the AllOffice.these
Schools take lead on climate action after environmental summit Young Catholics are calling time on inaction on climate change after meeting for a key environmental summit
added: "It's really important to put our faith into action. At Our Lady's, our mission statement is to know, love, and serve God, and we will be serving God by protecting the environment and those who inhabit it."
The day included a range of powerful and inspiring sessions, which saw students present
More than 40 students from secondary schools across the Diocese of Salford met to share ideas and solutions to some of the biggest environmental challenges we face in a hopeful environment summit recently.
In death as in life, he wanted recognition not for his own sake, but for the sake of others.'
More than 1,340 people have died, according to Pakistan's National Disaster Management Agency. A reported 33 million are affected by the Governmentcrisis.
After 43 years since John's death, he is perhaps more alive than ever before
Fionn Shiner, Paulo Aido and Maria Lozano
ACN's project manager for Mozambique, said: "We see that the religious component is becoming more and more important to terrorists."
He said: “They destroyed everything. The attackers broke open the tabernacle and vandalised part of the sacristy, looking for whatever they could find - probably money."
Mobile health clinics will be set up as well as temporary shelters. A further €30,000 (£25,000) will support people across Karachi and beyond, including hundreds of food packages, as well as hygiene kits and cooking Detailsutensils.of
Warning of more rains and increased devastation, Archbishop Benny Travas of Karachi said: "People are living under open sky, their houses damaged, floods have cut roads, commodity supply chains are badly disturbed."
ACN's aid packages come after the charity pledged on Monday (5th September) to support flood victims.
A missionary from Pemba, who asked to remain anonymous, told ACN: "Since July this year it appears that the 'Islamic State' has taken control of the group. There were some indications of this before, but it was not altogether clear.
Page 14. The Cat holic Post October 2022
climate change minister Sherry Rehman tweeted: "One-third of Pakistan is under water."

The bishop spoke of a "mosquito menace" with a surge in malaria and other skin diseases and warned of a health catastrophe caused by people drinking contaminated water.
Thousands of families are surrounded by flood water and thousands are sitting by the roadside with facilitiesimproper
The John Bradburne Memorial Society writes: ‘After 43 years since John's death, he is perhaps more alive than ever before. He made such a tremendous impact on those who met him that they would never forget him. Since his death word has spread quickly and devoted followers have travelled in their thousands in pilgrimages to spend time at the foot of Chigona Mountain where he had lived
Church in Need (ACN), agreed two vital programmes for Sindh and Karachi in response to urgent appeals from Church leaders who warned of a health crisis sparked by people drinking contaminated water and the spread of malaria.
Burnt car at scene of attack.Image © ACN

He said: "Many of the families have taken refuge in local churches as their houses have been flooded with rainwater, but many of the churches are also flooded, which has caused damage to church buildings and community centres in the diocese."
Bishop Alberto Vera of Nacala, the diocese in which Sister Maria de Coppi was killed, spoke to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) by telephone shortly after the assault, which also saw the mission church, school, and health centre gutted.
John Pontifex
Sister Maria, an Italian Comboni religious Sister who had been ministering in Mozambique for 59 years, died immediately after being shot during the attack on Chipene, which began at 9pm and lasted until 2am.
"For us the situation is more sensitive than it was last year because now the Christians are beginning to be targeted and the war is taking on a more religious dimension. But, although we don't know to what extent they are linked to the Islamic state, it looks as though there are going to be fewer options for resolving the
He added: "This is a major coup for them because there were foreign religious here. They are seeking some kind of international publicity. I don't think it was directed against the Church. What they did was an act of terror."
added: "There will be no chance of dialogue with them, especially if they are assimilated by the Islamic State".
Flood victims in Sindh Province, southern Pakistan © ACN

More than 5,000 families in Hyderabad diocese alone will receive ACN help totalling €200,000 (£172,000) including food parcels, mosquito nets and repellent.
5 September 2022 marked the 43rd year since the death of John Bradburne.

Terrorists in Mozambique shot dead an 83year-old nun during an attack on a Catholic mission on Tuesday, 6th September.
The terrorists also destroyed and burned the library, the boys' and girls' boarding schools, the mission's vehicles, and the priests' and nuns' houses.
John Bradburne Memorial Society
At the time of the attack, there were at least three Sisters in Chipene, two Italian and one Spanish, as well as two Italian priests.
Local missionaries told ACN that the terrorists came to the nuns' house and forced them to leave but Sister Marie returned as she was concerned about those who had been left behind, and was then killed.
Aid to the Church in Need releases emergency aid to flood victims
among the leprosy patients. They come for inner healing, to pray and to embrace the holiness they feel when they visit Mutemwa.
Nun murdered during deadly attack on church
Thousands of families worst affected by the floods in Pakistan are to receive food parcels, shelter and medicine as part of an emergency aid package announced by a leading Catholic Aidcharity.tothe
The dangerous situation meant that the 35 boys and 45 girls living in the boarding schools had been evacuated. Twelve girls are still at the
Saying that the floods had severely affected each parish across all 22 districts in Sindh, Bishop Samson Shukardin of Hyderabad told ACN: "Thousands of families are surrounded by flood water and thousands are sitting by the roadside with improper facilities. They have no food, no clean drinking water, no shelter, no latrines and no health facilities."
Today we especially think about John's Cause for Beatification. John's own wish was for people to “Pray for my sanctification, because it would encourage so many souls if such a wreckage might come to canonisation."
Tribute to John Bradburne
Our Global Community
The Cat holic Post October 2022. Page 15. The Cambridge Cornerstone Bible uses the English Standard Version Catholic Edition. It includes all 73 books of the Bible accepted by the Catholic Church, in the same order as the Septuagint. The text is a generous size for ease of reading and presented in paragraph format, with section headings. At the front of the Bible is a family record section and at the back is a section of maps and plans depicting the world of the Bible. The Bibles are beautifully produced; printed on India-style paper and finished with gilt edges for a traditional look. Choose between smooth and supple faux leather and luxury cowhide. standard-version/esv-ce-cornerstone-text-biblewww.cambridge.org/bibles/bible-versions/english-TheCambridgeCornerstone Bible ESV-CE Catholic Edition Black faux leather 978-1-009-08740-7 | £70.00 Burgundy faux leather 978-1-009-08739-1 | £70.00 Black cowhide 978-1-009-08738-4 | £115.00 • Complete Catholic Bible • ESV-CE translation, approved by the Catholic Bishops • British spelling and punctuation they were seeking to arrest him the crowds, because they held prophet. the parable of the wedding 22 And again Jesus spok parables, saying, ² “T of heaven may be co king who gave a wedding feast ³and sent his servantsc to call tho invited to the wedding feast, bu not come. ⁴ Again he sent other ing‘Tellthosewhoareinviteds
from each other following the Mass, as everyone congregates in the Parish Hall afterwards for tea, delicious cakes and crafts.
Cupertino: An Accessible Ministry from St Josephs, Wetherby

The hope is that through the monthly Masses, families will feel far more comfortable and confident in attending their own parish Masses and become more and more a part of their own Therecommunities.isanopportunity

Parishioner Rosie is one of the organisers and says: ‘All are so very welcome! Howsoever our children express themselves, the Lord receives it all and turns it into praise! We sign, we sing, we have musical instruments, sensory fidgets, ear defenders and books. Through our celebrations together we explore the richness of the Church’s liturgical year imparting the fullness of our Faith to our dear ones, for example we made Easter Gardens, Crowned Our Lady in May and created some beautiful Monstrances to celebrate Corpus Christi. We are really hopeful for another great Cupertino year where we can serve more and more families in our diocese!’
Once a month families from across the Diocese of Leeds meet as the ‘Cupertino Group’ at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Wetherby to celebrate Mass together with their children who happen to have learning or sensory difficulties. The Group’s name is after St Joseph of Cupertino who is the Patron Saint of people with additional needs.
These accessible Masses are celebrated once a month at 3pm and the schedule for the rest of the year is as per the following poster on the right.
dioceseofleeds.org.uk Through our celebrations together we explore the richness of the Church’s liturgical year Please suppor support our Advertiserst

for parents to talk together and gain confidence and support

The sad news was quickly flashed around the globe and before long there were many messages of sympathy appearing on our phones and computers.
“At this time, we pray for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty. We do so with confidence, because the Christian faith marked every day of her life and activity.
“Queen Elizabeth II will remain, always, a shining light in our history. May she now rest in peace. We pray for His Majesty the King, as he assumes his new office even as he mourns his mother. God save the King.”
“I pay tribute to my mother's memory and I honour her life of service. I know that her death brings great sadness to so many of you and I share that sense of loss, beyond measure, with you Kingall.Charles also said that he intended to continue to embrace the values and faith embodied by his late mother, who reigned for 70 “Ouryears.values have remained, and must remain, constant. The role and the duties of Monarchy also remain, as does the Sovereign's particular relationship and responsibility towards the Church of England - the Church in which my own faith is so deeply rooted.”
He added that his faith will inspire his service to the people of the United Kingdom.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews said: “N o words can fully describe the extent of our nation’s loss. Her Majesty’s wisdom, benevolence and dedication to duty served as an inspiration to generations of British citizens, including our community.”
He said Queen Elizabeth bore witness to an “abiding love of tradition, together with that fearless embrace of progress”, which he said won her the “affection, admiration, and respect” of so many people.
The Hindu Council UK described the Queen as a “remarkable woman who served her country and the Commonwealth with loyalty and humility”.
Faith leaders and organisations across the UK and the world have paid tribute to Oneher.
Prince Charles proclaimed King Charles III

The outpouring of condolences from leading Muslim, Hindu and Sikh organisations highlighted the impact she had on other religious communities.
HM Queen Elizabeth II dies peacefully at Balmoral Long Live the King
“In a little over a week's time we will come together as a nation, as a Commonwealth and indeed a global community, to lay my beloved mother to rest,” he said. “In our sorrow, let us remember and draw strength from the light of her example.”
As the nation enters a period of mourning for the late Queen Elizabeth, King Charles

Page 16. The Cat holic Post October 2022 I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.
The chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, who leads the United Hebrew Congregations, offered his “profound condolences”.
of the first to pay tribute was Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster and President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, He said. “Even in my sorrow, shared with so many around the world, I am filled with an immense sense of gratitude for the gift to the world that has been the life of Queen Elizabeth II.
the Queen devoted her life to public service and sought unity among British “Hercommunities.Majesty’s reign saw extraordinary change in our country. Over seven decades, the United Kingdom has seen itself transformed into a multicultural and multifaith society.
He said: “Every week in synagogue, we have prayed for her welfare, wellbeing and wisdom, and she never let us down.
“…(her) faith, so often and so eloquently proclaimed in her public messages, has been an inspiration to me, and I am sure to many.
The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.
ing Charles III has delivered his first address as the United Kingdom’s new sovereign, and he linked his Christian faith and values with his sense of duty and respect for traditions and freedoms.
ust after 6:30pm on Thursday, 8 September 2022, Buckingham Palace made the official announcement:
Her majesty was a devout Christian and found much comfort in her faith.

“Her affection for the Jewish people ran deep and her respect for our values was palpable. In life, she was rightly admired and loved the world over; in death, may her memory and legacy be an everlasting blessing.”
“In that faith, and the values it inspires, I have been brought up to cherish a sense of duty to others, and to hold in the greatest respect the precious traditions, freedoms and responsibilities of our unique history and our system of parliamentary government.”
The wisdom, stability and service which she consistently embodied, often in circumstances of extreme difficulty, are a shining legacy and testament to her faith.
encouraged those who mourn her to find comfort in her example.
Following the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth II the new king delivered his first televised address as King Charles III. He praised the dedication and service of his mother, the late Queen, and renewed his promise of “lifelong service”.
We recall with much appreciation the warm relationship she had with the Jewish community, with a particular commitment to interfaith relations and Holocaust memorial.
Zara Mohammed, the secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain: “We remember how
Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth II