2 minute read
Bingo and local history put the ‘Fun’ in fundraising in Melton
by CathCom

Parishioners in Melton Mowbray are busy raising funds to build a new church hall, next to the parish church of Saint John the Baptist. Friends of St John’s Church have promised at least £10,000 towards the building fund, and recently ran two events in the same week, which were both roaring successes in many ways
Local amateur historian Arthur Payne agreed to give one of his popular talks, “Melton Now and Then No. 1” in the church one evening. Over 35 people turned up, most of them not parishioners. They were delighted by Arthur’s lighthearted talk, which was accompanied by a fast-paced display of projected photographs from the last 150 years compared with modern photographs of the same scenes. There was much audience interaction, and an interval with coffee and home-made cakes which were very much appreciated. The event raised £291.85.

Frances Levett, who organised it, said, “We were pleased to see so many non-Catholics enjoying our church, which has recently been redecorated in original Victorian style. They were loud in their praises and generous in their donations. One of the hopes we have is that the new church hall will be of service to the local community, and will help with evangelisation. It was great to see that this is happening already!”
Arthur kindly refused to claim any expenses for his talk, saying that it was a pleasure to give it in such a beautiful building. He also responded to popular demand by agreeing to give a series of talks starting in September.
In the same week, another new venture, a Parish/School bingo exceeded expectations. Immediately after school ended at 3:30 pm 56 people attended, both adults and children, in a joint event run by Friends of St John’s and the PTA. John Richardson, a long-standing helper for both school and Parish, displayed a previously hidden talent as a caller, encouraging a whole flock of quacking little ducks! Local businesses supported the fundraising efforts by donating marvellous prizes including tickets for entry to children’s attractions, and top of the range cosmetics among many others. There was a hugely popular raffle, a 10p kids tombola and free refreshments. There was a marvellous atmosphere of fun and enjoyment, and this was a clear demonstration of close cooperation between the school and the parish. After deduction for a supply of tickets, for future events, the profit was £336, split equally between the PTA and the hall building fund.
The Parish has long needed a church hall, both to build up the Catholic community and to help with outreach and evangelisation. Already there are signs that this is happening and there is a new “buzz“ about Melton Mowbray. With five new people received into the church at Easter, the community is growing, and growing together. Praise God!
Photos attached are four of the bingo: the audience with eyes down, caller John Richardson in action, a table laden with raffle prizes, and happy ladies Catherine Dunn and Ann Kirby serving refreshments. Also one of Arthur Payne giving his illustrated talk.