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Fatima statue and saints’ relics visit York

The Centenary Pilgrim Virgin Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and relics of Ss Jacinta and Francisco of Fatima are coming to St Aelred’s Church, York, this summer.
There will be a full programme of prayer and devotions during this time of special blessing. Everyone is invited to join us in this privileged visitation and to pray the Rosary and hear the story of Fatima and the messages of Our Lady of Fatima of the Rosary and the Angel of Peace as one family.
The World Apostolate of Fatima England and Wales (WAF) is coordinating the event.
In 2017, the National Pilgrim Virgin Statue and relics of the two saints visited churches throughout the country, including Hull, Middlesbrough and York.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols reconsecrated England and Wales to the Immaculate Heart of Mary during the visit, which coincided with the centenary of the apparitions.
The Centenary Statue, which was blessed at the Chapel of the Apparitions at Fatima, is a direct response to the invitation to rediscover the marvels of Fatima, “the light that came out of her heart who was Jesus himself”, that transformed the hearts of the little shepherds forever.
The organisers hope the statue will visit many religious houses, convents and parishes and become an instrument to provide catechesis on the Immaculate Heart of Mary, surrounded with thorns and needing reparation.
WAF also hopes to promote the First Saturday Devotion of Reparation, which signifies the intimate union of the hearts of Jesus and Mary.
In this devotion, Jesus himself desires reparation for the sins which pierce his mother’s sorrowful heart, the maternal symbol of her merciful love and desire for the salvation of all humanity in him.
Pope St John Paul II said the Fatima message is, “the true Gospel of Christ presented anew to our generation… Let us receive the light that comes from Fatima, let us be guided by Mary.”
The York visit takes place from Friday June 23 to Sunday June 25.