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Catholic charismatic pilgrimage to Walsingham
New Dawn in the Church is a Catholic Charismatic family pilgrimage conference that takes place each year at the Catholic National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady of Walsingham.
This year’s conference will take place from Monday July 31 to Friday August 4 and offers a programme of liturgy, sacraments, prayer, praise, worship, teaching, workshops, ageappropriate ministries (creche, children and youth), fellowship and community.
There will be renowned speakers, more than
20 workshops and exhibitors including Radio Maria England, the St Vincent de Paul Society, Genesis Mission, March for Life UK, Rachel’s Vineyard, SPUC, Cenacolo, Youth 2000, Mary’s Meals and more.
Bishop David Oakley, liaison bishop for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, will attend for the full week.
For more details, including how to register, visit newdawn.org.uk/new-dawn-2023.

(praise at 11.10am and talk from 11.4512.45am) you must register in advance at bit.ly/ADOREMAY2023 to be sent a link.
For full details of this year’s programme, visit altonrenewal.com/2023.