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Clergy and Religious Diocesan Priests
AAmoako, Rev Pius BA (Hons) Post Grad Dip (Theol) STB (Theology) Ordained: 04 July
Wellington Street, Slough, SL1 1XU e: frpius.amoako@northamptondiocese.org
t: 01753 523147
History: St Edward's, Kettering 2015-17, Milton Keynes Area Cluster 2017, Thrapston, Raunds & Oundle 2021, St Ethelbert's, Slough 2022.
BBarrett, Rev Bernard Patrick Andrew BD (Hons) MA Ordained: 05 May 1990
St Francis de Sales Presbytery, 22 Stratford Road, Wolverton, MK12 5LJ e: frbernard.barrett@northamptondiocese.org t: 01908 842701
History: St Ethelbert, Slough 1990-91, Our Lady, Corby 1991-92, Cathedral 1992-94, Diocesan Director, Archconfraternity of St Stephen 1992-94, Wellingborough 1994-95, Wolverton 1995, and St Mary Magdalene, Stony Stratford 2002.
Barrett, Rev David Butler PhB STL Dip.Couns Ordained: 30 July 1993
39-41 West Street, Olney, MK46 5HH e: frdavid.barrett@northamptondiocese.org t: 01234 711212
History: Kettering 1993-98, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1998-99, SS Philip &, James, Bedford 2000-01, Bishops' Chaplain 2002-07, Diocesan Director and Promoter of Vocations 2003, Priest-in-Charge of Woburn Sands, 2004, Further Studies, Rome 2007-10, Burnham, 2010-12, Sabbatical 2012. St Augustine's, High Wycombe 2018-19. Human Formator, St John's Seminary, Wonersh 2018. Our Lady Help of Christians, Olney 2019, Director of Human Formation and Lecturer in Patristics, St John's Seminary, Wonersh, 2020-2021, Lecturer in Patristics, Allen Hall Seminary, 2021
Barrett, Rev Richard John BD JCD Ordained: 01 June 1985
105 High Street, Stony Stratford, MK11 1AT e: richard.barrett@diginet2.co.uk
History: Kettering 1985-88, Further Studies, Rome 1988-92, Burnham 1992-94, St Joseph, Bedford 1994-96, Kettering 1996-98, Ker Maria, Princes Risborough 1998-99, Chaplain, Bridgettine Convent, Iver Heath 1999-2001, Belmont Abbey 2001-02, Supply Work 2002.
Behrens, Rev Andrew AKC Ordained: 02 January 1998
22 Park Avenue North, Northampton , NN3 2HS e: frandrew.behrens@northamptondiocese.org
History: St Joseph, Bedford 1998-2002, St Gregory, Northampton 2002.
Beirne, Rev Canon John Patrick BA BD (VF) Ordained: 08 July 1977
56 High Street, Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 1SE e: frjohn.beirne@northamptondiocese.org t: 01604 713015 t: 01296 483629
History: (Canon 2017) St Joseph, Luton 1977-81, St Brendan, Corby 1981-88, St Wulstan, High Wycombe 1988-96, Parochial Administrator, Our Lady of Grace, High Wycombe 1995-96, Little Chalfont 1996-99, St Joseph and St Clare, Aylesbury 1999.
Bialowas, Rev Dariusz Ordained: 12 June 1993
52 Castle Street, Luton LU1 3AG e: frdariusz.bialowas@northamptondiocese.org t: 01582 723254
History: Incardinated April 2006, Assistant, St Edwards, Kettering and St Joseph's, Luton 2006, Our Lady Help of Christians, Luton 2007, on sabbatical 2022
Bowen, Rev Kenneth Ordained: 03 May 1982 (retired)
5a Pugin House, St Peter Street, Marlow, SL7 1NQ e: kennyb2121@outlook.com t: 01628 483696
History: Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 1982-86, RAChD Chaplain to the Army of the Rhine, Germany, with the rank of Captain 1986-87, Burnham 1987-92, St Clare, Aylesbury 1992-96, Thrapston and Raunds 1996-2005, Woburn Sands and Chaplain to the Catholic post-graduate students of Cranfield University 2005-17. Retired 2017.
Brennan, Rev Canon Anthony William BA Ordained: 24 June 1994
82 West Street, Dunstable, LU6 1NY e: franthony.brennan@northamptondiocese.org t: 01582 662710
History: Burnham 1994-2000, St John Ogilvie, Corby 2000-03, Justice and Peace Coordinator 2001, Holy Cross, Bedford 2003-11 and SS Philip and James, Bedford 2007-11, Holy Family & St John's, Luton, 2011-19 St Mary's, Dunstable 2019, Canon 2021.
Bull, Rev Malcolm Harold Ordained: 05 December 2002 c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: bull507@btinternet.com
History: St Philip and St James, Bedford 2002-07, Officiating Priest, Olney 2007-19. Parish Administrator, Newport Pagnell 2014-17. Retired 2019.
Byrne, Rev Gerard STB Ordained: 29 June 1998
151 Beanfield Ave, Corby, NN18 0AZ e: frgerard.byrne@northamptondiocese.org t: 01536 202879
History: Kettering 1998-2002, St Joseph, Bedford 2002, St Brendan, Corby 2007 and St Patrick, Corby 2008, Diocesan MC, 2007.
CCastle, Rev Liam Ordained: 25 March 2022
366 Leagrave High Street, Luton, LU4 0NG e: revliam.castle@northamptondiocese.org
History: St Martin De Porres Church, Luton 2022
Cielen, Rev Jan Ordained: 18 May 1986 t: 01582 663706 c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW
History: (Previously with the Divine Word Fathers): Incardinated 11 September 1995, Wellingborough 1991-94, Kettering 1994-96, St Joseph, Bedford 1996, St Gregory, Northampton 1996-98, Biggleswade 1998-2008.
Clarke, Canon Michael Bosco Ordained: 16 June 1968 (retired) c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW
History: (Canon 2000): St George, Norwich 1968-71, St Ethelbert, Slough 1971-76, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1976-78, St Wulstan, High Wycombe 1978-84, Holy Family, Slough 1984-2002, St Peter, Marlow 2002, Retired 2010.
Coughlin, Rev Wayne Ordained: 05 January 2013
2 Severn Way, Brickhill, Bedford MK41 7BX e: frwayne.coughlin@northamptondiocese.org t: 01234 352607
History: Daventry 2013, IHM, Great Missenden 2013-17, Holy Cross and SS Philip &, James, Bedford 2017.
Coy, Rev Andrew Ordained: 25 March 2021
Cathedral House, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton, NN2 6AG e: frandrew.coy@northamptondiocese.org
History: Cathedral Hub March 2020, Bishop's Private Secretary 2022
DD'Autilia, Rev Benedetto BA (Hons) (Theol.) STB (Theol.) Ordained: 01 August 2015
St Paul's Presbytery, 2 St Paul's Gardens, Thrapston, NN14 4FE e: frbenedetto.dautilia@northamptondiocese.org t: 01604 714556 t: 07881 467624
History: History: St Thomas Aquinas & All Saints, Bletchley 2015-19. St John Henry Newman, High Wycombe 2019-22. St Paul's, Thrapston - St Thomas More, Raunds - Most Holy Name of Jesus, Oundle 2022.
Danford, Rev John Bernard Ordained: 21 June 1986
The Presbytery, 5 Beaudesert, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 8HZ e: parishsacredheartlb@northamptondiocese.org t: 01525 372321
History: St Gregory, Northampton 1986-90, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1990-95, Towcester 1995-99, Christ the King, Milton Keynes and Newport Pagnell 1999-2005, Leighton Buzzard 2005. Also Sacred Heart, Flitwick 2017.
Donaghue, Rev David Ordained: 20 July 2019
History: Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby 2019, Cathedral Hub 2021
Durugbo, Rev Eustace
22a Bolingbroke Road, Farley Hill, Luton, LU1 5JD e: freustacedurugbo@northamptondiocese.org t: 01582 522516
Evans, Rev James STB Ordained: 07 July 2001
St Thomas More Presbytery, 1 Meeting Lane, Towcester, NN12 6JX e: frjames.evans@northamptondiocese.org t: 01604 715635
History: (Editor, Diocesan Directory 2007-11): Daventry 2001-06, Christ the King, Milton Keynes and Newport Pagnell, 2006-2014. Aston le Walls 2014-2020, Vice Chancellor 2015. Bishop's House 2020, St Thomas More, Towcester 2021.
Fleming, Rev John Clifford Ordained: 19 March 1964 (retired) c/o Bishop's House, Marriott Street, Northampton, NN2 6AW e: john_fleming99@btconnect.com
History: (Previously with Benedictine Order): Incardinated May 1983, Kettering 1978, Burnham 1978-80, St Joseph, Aylesbury 1980-83, Bletchley 1983-86, Chaplain, Thornton College 1986-87, Shefford 1987-92, Guardian Angels, Aylesbury, 1992, Retired 2020
Floody, Rev Canon Mark Gregory BD Ordained: 15 June 1990
Cathedral House, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton, NN2 6AG e: frmark.floody@northamptondiocese.org t: 01604 714556
History: (Canon 2015) St Joseph, Luton 1990-93, Our Lady, Luton 1993-96, St John, Luton 1996-2011 and Holy Family, Luton 2001-11, Cathedral 2011, Also St Aidan's, Northampton 2017, Northampton Cluster 2021.
GGilbride, Rev Francis (retired)
93 Forfey, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh, BT92 0HS Northern Ireland
HHardy, Rev Paul BA STB D.Soc Ordained: 05 June 1976 (retired)
Burchard Crescent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes, MK5 6DX e: vine01@btopenworld.com t: 01908 982234
History: Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 1976-82, Cathedral 1982-88, Chaplain, Cardinal Newman School, Luton 1988-90, St Edward, Milton Keynes 1990 and Diocesan Communications Officer, 2007-19. Parish Administrator, Christ the King, Milton Keynes 2014-17. Retired 2019.
Harrison, Rev Canon Michael Robert MA STB (VF VG) Ordained: 07 July 1990
71 Occupation Road, Corby, Northants NN17 1EE e: frmichael.harrison@northamptondiocese.org t: 01536 203121
History: (Canon 2016) Our Lady, Luton 1990-92, Diocesan Youth Officer 1992-96, Our Lady, Corby 1992-97 and Parochial Administrator, St John Ogilvie, Corby 1996-97, St John Ogilvie, Corby 1997-2000, St Gregory, Northampton 2000-02, Bletchley 2002-2013 with Winslow 2009-13, St Anthony, Slough 2013-2014. Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby 2014, Also St John Ogilvie, Corby 2015. Also Oundle, Thrapston and Raunds 2018-2022.
Healy, Rev Mgr Provost Sean STL M.Phil (VF) Ordained: 26 July 1980 St Teresa's Presbytery, 40 Warwick Road, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 2PL e: frsean.healy@northamptondiocese.org t: 01494 673018
History: (Vicar General September 2001-2021, Chaplain to His Holiness 2002, Canon 2003, Administrator 2003-05, Provost 2005, Prelate of Honour 2006, Chancellor 2007-2021) Further Studies, Rome 1980-81, St Joseph, Luton 1981-87, Irish School of Ecumenics 1987-88, Diocesan Ecumenical Officer 1988, Our Lady's, Luton 1988-90, Christ the King, Milton Keynes 1990-96, Burnham 1996-2001, Daventry 2001-17 also Aston-le- Walls from 2010-14, Beaconsfield and Bourne End 2017.
Higgins, Rev Canon Francis Patrick STB MA M.Ed (VF) Ordained: 04 July 1992
St Mary's Presbytery, Aspley Hill, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes MK17 8NN e: frfrancis.higgins@northamptondiocese.org t: 01908 221228
History: Bletchley 1992-96, Holy Family, Slough 1996-98, Further Studies, Boston College USA. 1998-2000, St Margaret, Luton 2000-05, Beaconsfield and Bourne End 2005-17, Milton Keynes Area Cluster 2017, Canon 2021.
Hill, Rev Jonathan STB Ordained: 16 December 1995
24 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe, HP13 6NZ e: frjonathan.hill@northamptondiocese.org t: 01494 523969
History: Wellingborough 1996-99, Editor, Diocesan Ordo 1997, St Augustine, High Wycombe 2000-01, St Martin, Luton 2001-11, Holy Cross and SS Philip &, James, Bedford 2011- 17, St Augustine's, High Wycombe 2017.
Hogarth, Rev Anthony Robert Ordained: 11 July 1970 (retired) c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW
History: Retired 2007.
Hutton, Rev Patrick Ordained: 21 February 2009 (retired) c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW
History: SS Philip and James, Bedford, 2009-2014, Christ the King, Bedford 2014, Retired 2020
IInman, Rev Paul Ordained: 10 June 2012
The Presbytery, 82 Knox Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1JA e: frpaul.inman@northamptondiocese.org t: 01933 222780
History: Previously - assistant priest at St Edward, Kettering 2012, Parish Priest at Our Lady's, Wellingborough since 2015.
JJames, Rev Jithu Ordained: 27 June 2022 e: frjithu.james@northamptondiocese.org
History: St Thomas Aquinas and All Saints, Bletchley 2022.
Keenan, Rev Canon Seamus Vincent KCHS Ordained: 29 June 1980
2 Brereton Road, Bedford, MK40 1HU e: frseamus.keenan@northamptondiocese.org t: 01234 352569
History: (Canon 2009): Kettering 1980-83, St Ethelbert, Slough 1983-89, Cathedral 1989-92, St Margaret, Northampton 1992-94, Vice Officialis, Diocesan Tribunal 1990-99, Vocations Promoter 1992-96, Duston 1994-2002, St Joseph, Bedford 2002.
Kenny, Rev Thomas A Ordained: 08 July 1962 (retired) Ballynahowne, Athlane, Co. Westmeath, Ireland e: kenny.tom@gmail.com t: 00353 0860811488
History: (Previously with Carmelite Order) Incardinated December 1975, Bury St Edmunds 1970-75, Chaplain, Cardinal Newman School, Luton 1975-79, Wellingborough 1979-83, St John, Luton 1983-91, St Ethelbert, Slough 1991-93, St Joseph, Luton 1993-2005, SS Philip & James, Bedford 2005-07, Retired 2007.
Killeen, Rev Canon Dr Brendan Christopher Patrick BSc STB MA JCL MCL PhD (JV VF)
Ordained: 11 June 1993
The Catholic Presbytery, Pyramid Close, Weston Favell, Northampton, NN3 8DP e: parish.sacredheartwestonfavell@northamptondiocese.org t: 01604 402301
History: (Canon 2017) Cathedral 1993-96 , Further Studies, Ottawa, Canada 1996-98, Christ the King, Milton Keynes 1998-99, Vice Officialis Diocesan Tribunal 1999, Towcester 1999 and Hunsbury 2002. Officialis, Diocesan Tribunal 2007. Sacred Heart, Weston Favell and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour 2021
Koenig, Canon John Gilbert JCL Ordained: 18 September 1970 (retired) c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW
History: (Canon 1997, Canon Penitentiary 2000): English Martyrs, Cambridge 1971-73, Pont. Eccl. Academy, Rome: 1973-75, Wellingborough 1975-79, Wolverton 1979-86, Vice-Officialis, Diocesan Tribunal 1980, Thrapston 1986-94, Kettering 1994-2019. Retired 2019.
Lance, Rev Derek Paul MA Cert.Ed MIACE Ordained: 29 June 1975 (retired)
60 Spinney Hill Road, Northampton, NN3 6DN e: dplance@btinternet.com t: 01604 491759
History: St John, Norwich 1975-76, St Lawrence, Cambridge 1976-77, Chaplain, Thomas Becket School, Northampton 1977-88, Chaplain, Catholic Students, Northampton 1977-2002, Promoter of Spirituality 1988-2002, Diocesan Adviser on the Healing Ministry 1988-2002, Retired 2002.
Leatherland, Rev Brian Th.B Dip.Ed Ordained: 03 January 1998 (retired)
102 Finedon Road, Irthlingborough, NN9 5TZ t: 01933 650683
History: Kettering 1998-2001, Wellingborough 2001-05, Thrapston 2005 and Oundle 2010. Retired 2018.
Manley-Harris, Rev Eric BA (History) MA (Theology) Ordained: 16 September 2003 (retired)
Flat 1 Beacon Court, Second Drive, Dawlish Road, Teignmouth, TQ14 8TL e: fr.ericthecleric@gmail.com t: 07800 800547
History: St Joseph, Luton 2003-04, Long Crendon 2004-2010, Retired 2010.
Marchwinski, Rev Gregory
2 The Grove, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 7QQ e: frgregory.marchwinski@northamptondiocese.org
History: Our Lady of Walsingham 2017, St Edwards, Kettering, 2018.
McArdle, Rev Canon John STB JCL MCL Ordained: 01 July 1995
68 Gardenia Ave, Luton, LU3 2NS e: frjohn.mcardle@northamptondiocese.org
t: 01536 512497 t: 01582 571187
History: St Augustine, High Wycombe 1995-98, Holy Family, Langley 1998-99, Further Studies, Ottawa, Canada 1999-2001, SS Philip and James, Bedford 2001-05, St Joseph, Luton 2005, Honorary Canon 2021.
McClement, Mr Neville Raymond Ordained: 20 July 1958 (retired)
12 The Pightle, North Cove, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 7PR t: 01502 476702
History: Burnham 1958-63, Great Yarmouth 1963-67, Lowestoft 1967-69, Newport Pagnell 1969-76, Rushden 1976-80, St Martin, Luton 1980-97, Retired 1997.
McGinnell, Rev Mgr Kevin (VF) Ordained: 19 March 1990
33 Westbourne Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU4 8JD e: frkevin.mcginnell@northamptondiocese.org t: 01582 728849
History: (Chaplain to His Holiness 2001, Episcopal Vicar for Education 2000-2021): St Joseph, Aylesbury 1990-96, Director of Religious Education 1991, Christ the King, Milton Keynes 1996-98, Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 1998-2005, Holy Ghost, Luton 2005.
Misiura, Rev Mirek Ordained: 19 June 1998
148 Ashcroft Road, Luton, LU2 9AY e: frmirek.misiura@northamptondiocese.org t: 01582 723099
History: Incardinated December 2013. St Margaret of Scotland, Luton 2013-19. Sacred Heart, Stopsley 2019, St Augustines, Daventry 2022
Moroney, Rev Richard Ordained: 15 April 1975 (retired)
7 Manor Farm Close, Luton, LU4 9LA e: rpmoroney@icloud.com
History: (Previously with Cistercian Order): Incardinated June 1982, St Anthony, Slough 1979-83, Kettering 1983-85, Cathedral 1985-89, St Ethelbert, Slough 1989-90, Wolverton 1990-95, Little Chalfont 1995-96, St Anthony, Slough 1996-2012, Child Protection Commission 2007, Biggleswade 2012-2017. Retired 2017.
Murray, Rev Eamon STB Ordained: 15 July 2001 (retired)
3 Coolsallagh Cottages, Blackskull, Dromore, County Down BT25 1GZ N Ireland t: 02892 094300
History: St Augustine, High Wycombe 2001-04, St Margaret of Scotland, Luton 2005-11, Biggleswade, 2011, Retired 2012.
Noonan, Rev Canon Benjamin Joakim Ordained: 13 June 1970
25 High Street, Shefford, Bedfordshire SG17 5DD e: frbenjamin.noonan@northamptondiocese.org t: 01462 813436
History: (Canon 2006): St Joseph, Bedford 1970-79, Our Lady of Lourdes, Aylesbury 1979-91, Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 1991-98, Shefford 1998. Also Sacred Heart, Flitwick 2015-17, St Peter's, Biggleswade 2017.
O'Connell, Rev Kevin Maurice Geoffrey Ordained: 29 March 1978 (retired) c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: kevinoconnell168@aol.com
History: Cathedral 1978, St Joseph, Luton 1978-80, Catholic Communications Centre 1980-84, Catholic Missionary Society 1984-88, St Joseph, Luton 1988-90, Leave of Absence 1990-91, The Assumption, Torquay 1992, Holy Family, Slough 1993-94, Chaplain to Woodhill Prison, Milton Keynes 1994, Chaplain to Grendon Underwood and Spring Hill Prisons 1999-2001, Winslow 1994-2009. Retired 2009.
O'Driscoll, Rev Canon Kevin Joseph MA (VF) Ordained: 05 July 1974
226 Trelawney Avenue, Langely, Slough, SL3 7UD e: frkevin.odriscoll@northamptondiocese.org t: 01753 543770
History: (Canon 2000): Cathedral 1974-78, St Martin, Luton 1978-81, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1981-90, Biggleswade 1990-91, Bletchley 1991-2002, Holy Family, Slough 2002, Also St Augustine's, Datchet 2017-2018.
Ollard, Rev Andrew William Ordained: 21 September 2002 e: frandrew.ollard@northamptondiocese.org
History: St Joseph, Luton 2002-03, Bletchley 2003-04, St John Ogilvie, Corby 2004-05, Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 2005-08, Sabbatical 2008-10, Daventry and Aston-le-Wall, 2010-2014. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chesham Bois 2014. St Bernadine of Siena 2021
PPatey, Rev Michael BSc STL Ordained: 08 September 2012 c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: frmichael.patey@northamptondiocese.org
History: St Joseph, Bedford, 2012-14, St Martin de Porres, Luton 2014-18. Sabbatical 2018.
Penhalagan, Rev Simon Ordained: 28 June 2008
366 Leagrave High Street, Luton, LU4 0NG e: frsimon.penhalagan@northamptondiocese.org t: 01582 663706
History: Cathedral 2008-10, President, Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism 2010-18. St Martin de Porres, Luton 2018, EV for Prophet Vicariate 2021.
Perry, Rev Christopher MA (Theology) Ordained: 05 January 2013
1 Sycamore Avenue, Bletchley, MK2 2JE e: frchristopher.perry@northamptondiocese.org t: 01908 372315
History: Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby 2013, St Thomas Aquinas &, All Saints, Bletchley 2013, EV for Servant King Vicariate 2021.
Platt, Rev Graham STB Ordained: 21 July 2001 (retired)
6 Montee du Christ, 11270 Fanjeaux, France e: graham.platt@hotmail.com
History: Kettering 2001-02, Burnham 2002-03, St John Ogilvie, Corby 2003-04, Oundle 2004- 07, Sabbatical, France 2007-2013, Chesham Bois 2013-2014. Retired 2014.
Preece, Rev Robert Ordained: 22 November 1997 (retired) t: 01536 203121 c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW
History: Our Lady, Corby 1997-2011, Retired 2011.
Reno, Rev Alessandro BA (Hons) (Psych) (Theol) Ordained: 18 January 2014
432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham, HP5 3HQ e: fralessandro.reno@northamptondiocese.org t: 01494 785269
History: San Pablo, Portoviejo 2014-15. Nestra Senora de La Paz, Manta 2015-16. St Columba's, Chesham 2016. Also Immaculate Heart of Mary, Great Missenden 2017. Our Lady's School, Chesham Bois Chaplain 2019. Incardinated June 2019.
Richardson, Rev Andrew Ordained: 21 June 2008
The Holy Family, 24 Freshwater Close, Luton LU3 3TA e: frandrew.richardson@northamptondiocese.org t: 01582 502400
History: St Edward, Kettering 2008-12, Burnham 2012-19. Holy Family &, St John's, Luton 2019, EV for Priest Vicariate 2021.
Rooke, Rev Daniel Ordained: 26 September 2020
The Presbytery, 24 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6NZ e: frdanielrooke@protonmail.com
History: St Augustine's High Wycombe
Sawyer, Rev Keith MA PGCE Ordained: 30 June 1977 (retired) t: 01494 523969 c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW
History: Cathedral 1977-80, 1979-84 RAChD (TA Commission), St Ethelbert, Slough 1980-83, St Joseph, Luton 1983-85, Wellingborough 1985-91, Winslow 1991-94 and Chaplain to HMP Woodhill Prison 1992-94, Holy Family, Slough 1994-96 and ATC Chaplain 1995-2007, Our Lady',s, Luton 1996-2000, Supply Work 2000. Retired 2013. Sea Cadet Chaplain 2014-16.
Seery, Rev Brendan BA Hons (Theol.) MA (Canon Law) Ordained: 06 February 2016
Burchard Crescent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes, MK5 6DX e: frbrendan.seery@northamptondiocese.org t: 01908 221228
History: Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate, Northampton 2016-18. Milton Keynes Area Cluster 2018, Chancellor 2021, Our Lady Help Of Christians, Luton 2022
Strain, Rev William Alphonsus Ordained: 16 June 1963 (retired) c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW
History: St George, Norwich 1963-68, St Joseph, Bedford 1968-71, St Patrick, Corby 1971-73, Marlow 1973-78, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1978. Retired 2014.
Swingler, Rev Philip MA DD Dip.Ed Ordained: 22 November 1997 (retired) c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW
History: Cathedral 1997-2002, St Patrick, Duston 2002-13, Retired 2013.
Turner, Rev Michael STL Ordained: 20 December 1970 (retired) c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW
History: (Previously with Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception): Incardinated 21st December 1994, St Ethelbert, Slough 1992, St Joseph, Luton 1993-97, St Martin, Luton 1997-2001, Our Lady, Luton 2001-03, Burnham 2003-10, Marlow 2010, Retired 2021.
Udris, Canon John STL Ordained: 14 July 1984
7 St Peter's Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1NQ e: frjohn.udris@northamptondiocese.org t: 01628 483696
History: (Canon 2006): Our Lady, Corby 1984-91, Kettering 1991-94, Further Studies, Rome 1994-96, Diocesan Director and Promoter of Vocations 1996-2003, Beaconsfield 1996-2003 and Bourne End 2002-03, Cathedral 2003-11, Spiritual Director, Oscott College, 2011-2021, St Peter's Marlow 2021.
Walsh, Rev Canon Joseph BD Ordained: 13 June 1982
1 Hayway, Rushden, Northants NN10 6AG e: frjoseph.walsh@northamptondiocese.org t: 01933 353649
History: St Gregory, Northampton 1982-83, St Anthony, Slough 1983-89, St Brendan, Corby 1989-93, Little Chalfont 1993-95, Rushden 1995, Honorary Canon 2021.
Webb, Rev Anton Ordained: 12 May 2007
St Alban's RC Parish St Laurence Room, Market Square, Winslow, MK18 3AB e: franton.webb@northamptondiocese.org t: 01908 309720
History: Incardinated August 2016. Winslow and Managing Chaplain to HMP Grendon and Springhill.
Whitehouse, Rev Christopher Ordained: 20 June 1980 (retired) t: 01604 715635 c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW
History: Holy Family Langley 1980-84, Our Lady, Corby 1984, St Gregory, Northampton 1984-86, Cardiff Archdiocese 1986-89, St Joseph, Bedford 1989-90, St Joseph, Luton 1990-92, Shefford 1992-96, Chesham 1996-2002, Leighton Buzzard, 2002-05, Christ the King, Milton Keynes &, Newport Pagnell 2005-06, Sacred Heart, Luton 2006-19. Retired 2019.
Wilson, Mgr Peter MA FCA Ordained: 18 March 1972 (retired) c/o Bishop's House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: pjwilson@uwclub.net
History: (Chaplain to His Holiness 2001): St Joseph, Bedford 1972-75, Assistant Diocesan Treasurer 1975-92, Administrator, St Francis Children',s Society 1979-84, Secretary &, Treasurer, St Francis Children',s Society 1984-92, St Margaret, Dallington 1984-92, St Brendan, Corby 1992, Sick Clergy Fund Chairman 1994-97, Sick Clergy Fund Treasurer 1997, Oundle 2007-10, Retired 2010.
Wisniewski, Rev Leszek BD PGCE Ordained: 17 May 1980
The Good Shepherd, 45 The Croft, Haddenham, HP17 8AS e: parish.haddenham@northamptondiocese.org m: 07780 796331
History: Cathedral 1980-81, Polish Mission, Brighton, 1981-86, Vicariate Apostolic of Arabia, 1986-92, Argentina, 1992-94, Malaysia 1994-99, St Josephs, Aylesbury 1999-2001, Parish Priest, Strandfontein, S. Africa 2002-04, London 2004, Haddenham, June 2004 and also Long Crendon, 2010.
Religious Priests
Alexander, Rev Maria Selvan MSFS
B t: 01908 221228
St Edward's Presbytery, Burchard Crescent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes, MK5 6DX e: frmaria.alexander@northamptondiocese.org
Balawender, Rev Marek SMA
The Presbytery, Lower Britwell Road, Slough SL2 2NL e: parish.ourladyofpeace@northamptondiocese.org
Bortolazzo, Rev Giuseppe CS
10 Woburn Road, Bedford, MK40 1EG t: 01628 605764 t: 01234 359515
Cassidy, Rev Dr James CRIC
32 London Road, Daventry, Northants NN11 4BZ e: frjames.cassidy@northamptondiocese.org
Dampson, Rev Anthony SMA
St Andrew's Shared Church, Washington Drive, Cippenham, SL1 5RE e: franthony.dampson@northamptondiocese.org
Davies, Rev Bob OCD
St Joseph's Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY e: frrobert.davies@northamptondiocese.org
Flynn, Rev Maurice OCD t: 01327 300248 t: 01628 605764 t: 01753 886581
t: 01753 886581
St Joseph's Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY e: frmaurice.flynn@northamptondiocese.org
Francis, Rev Jaismon MSFS
Cathedral House, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton, NN2 6AG e: parish.cathedralhub@northamptondiocese.org
Gunturu, Rev Don Bosco MSFS
Chandos Road, Buckingham, MK18 1AL e: frbosco.gunturu@northamptondiocese.org
Jones, Rev Allan R. CRIC
32 London Road, Daventry, Northants, NN11 4BZ e: frallan.jones@northamptondiocese.org
Joseph, Rev Benny MSFS
28 Peveril Road, Duston, Northampton, NN5 6JW e: frbenny.joseph@northamptondiocese.org
Karakkattu, Rev Roy MSFS
Our Lady's Presbytery, 30 Amersham Road, Chesham Bois, HP6 5PE e: frroy.karakkattu@northamptondiocese.org
Kasireddy, Rev Vijayasatya Prasad MSFS
The Presbytery, 1 Copenhagen Road, Corby, NN18 9BX
Mayhead, Rev Bro John Leonard OSB
Monastary of Christ our Saviour, Turvey Mews, Turvey, Beds MK43 8DH e: turveymonks@yahoo.co.uk
McAuliffe, Rev Frank SPS
70 Eton Road, Datchet, SL3 9AY e: frfrank.mcauliffe@northamptondiocese.org
McDonald, Rev Martin OCD t: 01604 714556 t: 01280 813105 t: 01327 300248 t: 01604 751071 t: 01494 727469 t: 01536 203121 t: 01234 881211 t: 01753 917030 t: 01753 886581
St Joseph's Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY e: frmartin.macdonald@northamptondiocese.org
McGowan, Rev John OCD t: 01753 886581
St Joseph's Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY e: frjohn.mcgowan@northamptondiocese.org
McGuinness, Rev Chris SPS
Holy Redeemer Presbytery, Wexham Road, Slough SL2 5QR e: frchris.mcguinness@northamptondiocese.org t: 01753 578328
Mulupuri, Rev Galeji MC
The Presbytery, 2 Brereton Road, Bedford, MK40 1HU e: parish.stjosephbedford@northamptondiocese.org N
Nixon, Rev David MSC Ordained: 01 January 1995
432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham, HP5 3HQ e: frdavid.nixon@northamptondiocese.org
History: Also SS Peter & Paul, Kirkby
PPayikkattu, Rev Lijo Jose MSFS
St Teresa's, New Road, Princes Risborough, HP27 0JN e: frlijo.payikkattu@northamptondiocese.org T
Tenorio, Rev Michael OFM Cap
RAF Croughton Chapel, Unit 4228, Brackley, Northants NN13 5XP e: michael.tenorio@us.af.mil
Thekkekutte, Rev Jose MSFS
52 Castle Street, Luton, LU1 3AG e: frjose.thekkekutte@northamptondiocese.org
Thomas, Rev Ebin Ordained: 29 December 2001
2 The Grove, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 7QQ e: frebin.thomas@northamptondiocese.org V
Vilangappara, Rev Paul MOP
The Presbytery, 13 Pevensey Close, Aylesbury, HP21 9UB e: frpaul.vilangappara@northamptondiocese.org W
Williamson, Rev John OCD
Z t: 01234 352569 t: 01494 785269 t: 01844 345578 t: 01280 708287 t: 01582 723254 t: 01536 512497 t: 01296 290545 t: 01753 886581
St Joseph's Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY e: frjohn.williamson@northamptondiocese.org
Zanadruk, Rev Andrzej SChr t: 01582 662807
Our Lady of Czestochowa Presbytery, 17 Victoria Street, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 3AZ e: parafiadunstable@gmail.com
Priests of the Ordinariate
Alldrit, Rev Nicolas
104 Orchard Hill, Little Billing, Northampton NN4 9AG B
Broadhurst, Mgr John
19 Spencelayh Close, Wellingborough, NN8 4UU R
Reader-Moore, Rev Anthony
8 Knights Close, Earls Barton, Northampton NN6 0JD t: 01604 407115 t: 01933 674614 t: 01604 812073