38 minute read
The Season of Lent ends
When the Sacred Oils arrive in Parish Churches, they should be welcomed with due honour. The old oils should be burned or (where appropriate) poured into the Blessed Sacrament Lamp. It is recommended that the Sacred Oils should be received before the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, or at another suitable moment. The faithful should, however, be instructed on the use of the Sacred Oils and their efficaciousness in Christian life.
The celebrations of the Sacred Triduum should be held only where they may be enacted with dignity and decorum. The faithful from a number of lesser parishes in the care of a single priest should, if possible, gather in the main church of an area to take part in the sacred rites. Where, however, two or more parishes are entrusted to the care of a single priest, each parish having a considerable congregation and the possibility of performing the celebrations with due dignity and solemnity, the parish priest has the faculty to repeat the celebrations of the Easter Triduum. By the celebration of the Easter Triduum: that is, of the Death, Burial and Resurrection of her Spouse, the Church means to make present and to fulfil the mystery of the Passover, the passing over of the Lord from this world to the Father.
In accordance with the tradition of the early Church, the sacred Fast should be celebrated on Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion and even, as suitable, extended to Holy Saturday, so that the joys of the Lord’s Resurrection may be arrived at with alert and open mind. (
Sacrosanctum Concilium
1] The Church inaugurates the Sacred Triduum, recalling that last supper, when the Lord Jesus, on the night He was betrayed, loving those who were His own in the world right to the very end, offered His Body and Blood under the species of bread and wine to God and under these symbols, gave them to His Apostles that they might consume them, and ordered them and their successors in the priestly office to offer them. Especially in the homily, attention at this Mass should be focussed upon the mysteries commemorated in it – the institution of the Eucharist and of the Priestly Order, together with the Lord’s Commandment (mandatum, whence ‘Maundy’) of brotherly love
2] The Mass of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated in the evening, at a convenient hour, with the full participation of the whole local community. Priests and faithful, who have already celebrated Mass or received Holy Communion in the morning may also celebrate or receive at the Evening Mass
Before the Evening Mass begins the Tabernacle should be entirely emptied and any Hosts consumed. A sufficient amount of bread should be consecrated for the communion of clergy and laity today and tomorrow, and also for viaticum. A place for the Reservation of the Sacrament should be prepared and appropriately decorated (keeping in mind the austerity proper to the season). If the Tabernacle normally used is in a chapel distinct from the main body of the church, it may be used for the Reservation and Adoration.
4] During the Entrance Procession the priest or another minister may carry into the church the Holy Oils. At the altar the priest places the oils on a table or pedestal near the altar so that they are incensed with the altar itself. Then, after the greeting and before introducing the liturgy of the evening, the priest should say a few words about the blessing of the Oils and their significance. He then takes them to the place used for their reservation. The Mass then continues as usual, noting the following points a) During the Gloria the church bells are rung, subsequently falling silent until the Easter Vigil. b) The tradition of the Washing of the Feet after the homily is encouraged, as is an explanation of its meaning. The washing of feet is done for a select number of the faithful, showing forth the service and love of Christ, Who came not to be served but to serve. c) The Creed is omitted. d) During the procession of the Gifts, it is appropriate to bring to the altar alms collected during Lent for the poor. e) Pf of the Holy Eucharist I. Not EP IV. Where EP I is used, note Proper Communicantes and Hanc Igitur, and special form of the Words of Institution to be found in the Missal. f) Procession to place of Repose. The Sacrament is reserved in a closed Tabernacle, never exposed in a Monstrance. The faithful are encouraged to continue Adoration for a suitable period of time during the night, but there must be no solemn adoration after midnight. The procession and reposition should only take places in churches where it is intended to celebrate the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday. g) After Mass the altar is stripped without ceremony, and crosses are removed from the Church or, if immovable, veiled. h) Office of Readings for Good Friday, with the Vigil may be celebrated during the time of Adoration. (cf GILH 71& 73)
VESPERS is omitted by those at the Evening Mass.
*Fr Donald Hillier 1980 (retd March 1977)
Friday GOOD FRIDAY – violet for LH, red for Passion Liturgy
The memoria of St John Baptiste de la Salle is not observed
1] Following ancient tradition the Church does not celebrate the Eucharist on this day. Holy Communion may be given to the faithful only during the Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord, but to the sick and housebound, who cannot take part in this celebration, at any time of the day.
2] The celebration of the Sacraments, with the exception of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick, is forbidden on this day. Funeral liturgies, but not Mass, may be celebrated, though with no singing or ringing of bells.
3] It is desirable that MORNING PRAYER should be celebrated with the people. Where the Vigil has not been celebrated before midnight the Office of Readings is, if possible, to be celebrated publicly before Morning Prayer.
Solemn Liturgy Of The Passion Of The Lord
Unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise, this should be celebrated at around 3.00pm. However, it may not take place before noon, nor after 9.00pm. From the start of the liturgy clergy wear red Mass vestments. The altar should be bare – no cloths, cross or candlesticks.
Narrative of the Passion – see notes for Palm Sunday.
From the uncovering of the Cross today until the start of the Easter Vigil, all genuflect to the Cross. At the end of the Liturgy the ministers genuflect to the Cross and all depart in silence.
It is fitting to prepare a place suitable for prayer and meditation – perhaps the place used for Reposition the previous evening – and that the Cross be placed there to be adored by the faithful. Of great significance are other devotional exercises that are of pastoral importance, such as the Stations of the Cross, processions of the Lord’s Passion, the commemoration of the Sorrows of Our Lady etc.
COLLECTION for the Holy Land Shrines.
VESPERS is omitted by those participating in this Liturgy.
After nightfall on Friday the VIGIL OFFICE of Holy Saturday may be celebrated.
Saturday HOLY SATURDAY (violet)
On Holy Saturday the Church waits at the Lord’s tomb, meditating upon His Passion, death and descent into hell, awaiting in prayer and fasting His Resurrection.
No Mass may be celebrated until the Easter Vigil. The Celebration of Matrimony and the other Sacraments, except for Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick, is forbidden on this day. Holy Communion may only be given as Viaticum.
Liturgy Of The Hours
If the Vigil has not been celebrated on Friday night, the OFFICE OF READINGS is, if possible, to be celebrated publicly before MORNING PRAYER, with the people taking part. (GILH 210) If this is not possible, there should be a celebration of the Word of God, or some devotional exercise appropriate to today’s mystery, especially one that honours the Blessed Virgin Mary for her sharing in the Passion of her Son.
An image of Christ entombed may be set up in the church for the veneration of the faithful, or a portrayal of His descent into hell, or else an image of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Compline is omitted by those participating in the Easter Vigil
*Fr William Poole 1867 (King’s Lynn)
Season of Easter
During the Easter Season we are asked to pray for these intentions:
Especially on 30 April
Especially on 1 May
Especially on 9 May RIGHT USE OF THE MEDIA
Especially on 21 May THE CHURCH
Especially on 28 May
The Vigil may not commence before nightfall, and must be completed by dawn. It should be celebrated in accordance with the 2010 edition of the Roman Missal, and where there is a celebration of Baptism, Confirmation or Reception into full Communion refer to RCIA pp.117‐144 & 238‐257
The fifty days from Easter Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection until Pentecost Sunday are celebrated in joy and exultation as one single feast day, a ‘Great Sunday.’ It is on these days in particular that the Alleluia is sung.
EASTER VIGIL OF THE LORD’S RESURRECTION –Solemnity, with Octave (white)
1] By ancient tradition this night is dedicated to the Lord, and the Vigil celebrated during it, commemorating that holy night when the Lord rose from the dead, is regarded as the ‘Mother of all holy vigils.’ For in this night the Church awaits in vigil the Resurrection of the Lord, and celebrates it with the Sacraments of Christian Initiation. Our expectation o the Lord’s coming has always been an important part of our tradition, and this night we wait in hope and expectation.
2] The whole celebration of the Vigil should take place by night, in such a way that it does not begin before the onset of night, and concludes by first light on Sunday. It should not simply be celebrated at the usual time of the Sunday Vigil Mass.
3] The Easter Vigil may take place even in churches where the Triduum has not been celebrated. Wherever there is a fixed, baptismal font in a church it must, however, take place there.
4] The Vigil should be so arranged that after the brief lucernarium (the first part of the Vigil) the Church meditates on the marvels the Lord God has wrought for His people from the very beginning, and strengthens by His Word and His Promise (the Liturgy of the Word, the second part) until the moment when with the approaching Day of Resurrection, together with her new members reborn in baptism (third part) she is called to the table which the Lord spread out for His people by means of His Death and Resurrection (fourth part).
The whole Vigil proceeds by means of symbols and rites which call for a certain grandeur and dignity, in order that the faithful may grasp their meaning, prompted even by the words of the commentaries, invitations and prayers. It is fitting in particular that the faithful be introduced by means of a Brief introduction to the understanding of the typological meaning of the OT readings proclaimed during the Vigil.
5] So far as possible a large fire should be prepared outside the church, such that its flames may scatter the darkness and light up the night.
6] The Paschal Candle should be made of wax, of one piece, and should be renewed each year.
7] Where necessary the Exsultet may be sung even by a cantor who is not a deacon, though he does not ask the celebrant for a blessing, nor does he include the invitations and greetings, such as ‘The Lord be with you.’
8] At least three of the OT Readings are to be proclaimed (even in urgent circumstances, at least two). The Reading from the Book of Exodus is never omitted, nor its Psalm. Other Psalms may be omitted, if not sung.
9] At the proclamation of the Gospel incense may be used, but lights are not carried.
10] The Baptismal Liturgy of the Vigil is most complete where there are Baptisms to take place. Even if there are no Baptisms the baptismal water should be blessed in parish churches. Where there is neither Baptism nor blessing of the font, the Sacrament of Baptism should be recalled by the blessing of holy water, with which the faithful can be sprinkled, having renewed their baptismal promises.
The Liturgy begins ‘In the Name of the Father….’ Followed by the greeting. Bells are rung at the Gloria
Pf of Easter I.
EP I Proper Communicantes and Hanc Igitur. Not EP IV.
Double Alleluia at Dismissal.
Alleluia! Surrexit Dominus de Sepulcro! Alleluia!
Sunday EASTER SUNDAY (white)
A sprinkling with Holy Water blessed during the Vigil may replace the Penitential Rite.
Gloria. Sequence Victimae Paschali laudes
Renewal of Baptismal Promises to replace Creed.
Pf of Easter I
EP I Proper Communicantes and Hanc Igitur. Not EP IV
Double Alleluia at Dismissal (also at Morning and Evening Prayer throughout the Octave)
Liturgy Of The Hours
The Office of Readings is omitted by those who take part in the Vigil
Compline during Eastertide ends with the Regina Caeli
The Paschal Candle, placed near to the Ambo or Altar, should be lit at all solemn celebrations of Mass and Morning and Evening Prayer until Pentecost.
Monday of Easter Octave (white) 10 Psalter Week 1
Gloria; Sequence ad libitum; No Creed. Pf of Easter I
EP I Proper Communicantes & Hanc Igitur. Not EP IV
Double Alleluia at Dismissal
*Fr Bernard McCaul 1932 (St Mary’s, Ipswich)
Tuesday of Easter Octave (white) 11 All as for Easter Monday
The memoria of St Stanislaus is not observed
*Canon Ernest Garnett 1948 (Felixstowe)
Wednesday of Easter Octave (white) 12 All as for Easter Monday
Thursday of Easter Octave (white) 13 All as for Easter Monday
The memoria of Pope St Martin I is not observed
*Fr Michael Kennedy 1973 (Newmarket)
Friday of Easter Octave (white) 14 All as for Easter Monday
Saturday of Easter Octave (white) 15 All as for Easter Monday
*Fr Donald Heptonstall 1954 (Hunstanton)
Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER – Low Sunday (white) 16+ also called Divine Mercy Sunday Psalter Week 2.
Sequence ad libitum; Pf of Easter
EP I Proper Communicantes & Hanc Igitur. Not EP IV
Double Alleluia at dismissal
*Fr James Mallett 1955 (Great Billing)
*Canon Edward McHugh 1963 (Aylesbury)
Monday Feria (white) 17 Pf of Easter
NORTHAMPTON (St Stanislaus): Patronal Solemnity (tr. from 11/4)
ROTHWELL: Patronal Solemnity of St Bernadette (tr. from 16/4)
*Fr Tony Harris 2018 (retd Aylesbury St Clare 1989)
Tuesday Feria (white) 18 Pf of Easter
*Fr Edward Wimbridge 1941 (retd Wolverton 1939)
Wednesday Feria (white) 19 Pf of Easter
*Fr Wallace Clare 1963 (Prep. School, Ipswich)
Thursday Feria (white) 20 Pf of Easter
Friday Feria (white) 21 Or St Anselm, Bishop & Doctor – op.mem. (white) Pf of Easter
EARLS BARTON: Patronal Solemnity of St Anselm
*Canon William Collis 1893 (Shefford)
Saturday Feria (white) 22 Pf of Easter
I VESPERS of Sunday
*Canon Anthony Roberts 1997 (retd Gorleston 1987)
*Fr Paddy Glynn 2004 (Haddenham)
Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER (white) 23+ Psalter Week 3 Pf of Easter
NEXT WEEK: 2nd Collection for Priests’ Training Fund
*Fr Thomas Fitzgerald 1940 (Bedford)
*Bishop Leo McCartie 2020 (retd. 2001) Birmingham
Monday ST GEORGE, Martyr – Patron of England ‐ solemnity (red) 24 Gloria, 2nd Reading from Common of Martyrs, Creed. Pf of Martyrs.
The memoriae of St Adalbert and of St Fidelis are not observed
*Bishop Charles Grant 1989 (Kiln Green, Reading)
*Fr George Grace 1998 (retd Huntingdon 1994)
*Canon Edward McBride 2011 (Sheringham)
Tuesday ST MARK, Evangelist – feast (red) 25 Gloria, Pf of Apostles II. Not EP IV
Today in 1961 Mgr Charles Grant was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Northampton.
Wednesday Feria (white) 26 Pf of Easter
Today in 1967 Bishop Charles Grant was installed as 8th Bishop of Northampton.
Thursday Feria (white) 27 Pf of Easter
Friday Feria (white) 28 Or St Peter Chanel, Priest & Martyr – op.mem. (red) Or St Louis de Montfort, Priest – op.mem. (white)
Proper for St Louis see Appendix II Pf of Easter
Saturday ST CATHERINE OF SIENA, Virgin & Doctor (white) 29 Patron of Europe – feast Gloria, Pf of Easter
Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (white) 30+ Pf of Easter
Psalter Week 4
Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood
2nd COLLECTION: Priests’ Training Fund
LUTON (St Joseph) & BEDFORD (SS Philip & James): II Vespers of Sunday
The memoria of Pope St Pius V is not observed
Monday Feria (white) 1 Or St Joseph the Worker – op.mem. (white) Pf of Easter
LUTON (St Joseph): Patronal Solemnity of St Joseph
BEDFORD (SS Philip & James): Anniversary of Dedication
Bishop Dudley Cary‐Elwes 1932 (Northampton)
Tuesday St Athanasius, Bishop & Doctor – memoria (white) 2 Pf of Easter
BEDFORD (SS Philip & James}: I VESPERS of SS Philip & James
Today in 2001 Mgr Kevin McDonald was ordained as 11th Bishop of Northampton.
Wednesday SS PHILIP & JAMES, Apostles – feast (red) 3 Gloria; Pf of Apostles
BEDFORD (SS Philip & James): Patronal Solemnity
WELLINGBOROUGH (Our Lady) & LUTON (St Martin): I VESPERS of Dedication
*Fr John Duff 1873 (Ramsey)
Thursday MARTYRS OF ENGLAND AND WALES – feast (red) 4 Gloria; Pf of Martyrs
WELLINGBOROUGH (Our Lady) & LUTON (St Martin): Anniversary of Dedication.
Friday Feria (white) 5 Pf of Easter
Saturday Feria (white) 6 Pf of Easter
Sunday FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (white) 7+ Pf of Easter
Psalter Week 1
*Mgr Provost Augustine Peacock 1956 (retd Ipswich 1953)
*Mgr Canon Harold Squirrel 1962 (Poringland)
*Mgr Provost Anthony Hulme 1987 (retd Bedford 1984)
*Fr Stephen McGuinness 2018 (retd Corby, St John 2015)
Monday Feria (white) 8 Pf of Easter
WOBURN SANDS & SLOUGH (Trelawney Ave): Anniversary of the Dedication
Tuesday Feria (white) 9 Pf of Easter
Wednesday Feria (white) 10 St John of Avila, Priest, Doctor – op.mem. (white) Pf of Easter
Thursday Feria (white) 11 Or St Fremund, Martyr (red) Pf of Easter
Friday Feria (white) 12 Or SS Nereus & Achilleus, Martyrs – op.mem. (red) Or St Pancras, Martyr – op.mem. (red) Pf of Easter
*Canon Thomas Quinlivan 1885 (retd Cambridge 1883)
Saturday Feria (white) 13 Or Our Lady of Fatima – op.mem. (white) ‐ for Proper Readings see Appendix II Pf of Easter
Today in 1969 Mgr Alan Clark was ordained as Bishop of Elmham and auxiliary in Northampton.
Sunday SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (white) 14+ Pf of Easter
Psalter Week 2
ANNOUNCE Thursday as ASCENSION and Holy Day NEXT WEEK: 2nd Collection for Catholic Media
The feast of St Matthias is not observed
Monday Feria (white) 15
CORBY (St Brendan): I VESPERS of St Brendan
*Canon Francis Sammons 1975 (Whittlesey)
Tuesday Feria (white) 16 Pf of Easter
CORBY (St Brendan): Patronal Solemnity of St Brendan
*Fr Thomas Richards 1957 (retd Aston‐le‐Walls 1956)
*Fr Roger Edmunds 1999 (Aylesbury)
*Rev. Douglas Denny 2018
Wednesday Feria (white) 17 Pf of Easter
I VESPERS of the Ascension
*Fr Gerald Thornton 1986 (retd Langley 1981)
*Fr Bertram Sammons 1988 (retd Wisbech 1978)
Thursday ASCENSION OF THE LORD ‐ solemnity (white) 18+ ‐ Holy Day of Obligation
Gloria, Creed, Pf of the Ascension. Not EP IV Day of Prayer for the right use of the media
BOURNE END: II VESPERS of the Ascension
The memoria of Pope St John I is not observed
*Fr Charles Joole 1883 (Slough)
Friday Feria (white) 19 Or St Dunstan, Bishop – op.mem. (white) Or Bl Peter Wright, Martyr – op.mem. (red) Pf of Ascension
BOURNE END: Patronal Solemnity of St Dunstan
*Canon George Dalby 1962 (Our Lady’s, Luton)
Saturday Feria (white) 20 Or St Bernadine of Siena, Priest – op.mem. (white) Pf of Ascension
BUCKINGHAM: Patronal Solemnity of St Bernadine
*Fr Patrick Harte 1976 (Bedford, St Joseph)
Sunday SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (white) 21+ Pf of Ascension
Psalter Week 3
2nd Collection for Catholic use of the Media
The memoria of St Christopher Magallanes & comp. is not observed
*Fr Hugh Capper 1988 (retd Fakenham 1964)
Monday Feria (white) 22 Or St Rita of Cascia, Religious – op.mem. (white) Pf of Ascension
Tuesday Feria (white) 23 Pf of Ascension
OLNEY, LUTON (Our Lady’s): I VESPERS of Our Lady
Wednesday Feria (white) 24 Pf of Ascension
OLNEY, LUTON (Our Lady): Patronal Solemnity of Our Lady, Help of Christians.
*Fr Bernard Hughes 2022 (retd.Holy Family, Luton 2002)
Thursday St Bede the Venerable, Priest & Doctor – memoria (white) 25 Pf of Ascension
NEWPORT PAGNELL: Patronal Solemnity of St Bede
Friday St Philip Neri, Priest ‐ memoria (white) 26 Pf of Ascension
HIGH WYCOMBE (St Augustine): I VESPERS of St Augustine
NORTHAMPTON (St Patrick): I VESPERS of Ascension
*Fr Charles Meaden 1950 (Thetford)
Saturday ST AUGUSTINE, APOSTLE OF ENGLAND (white) 27 ‐ feast
Gloria, Pf of Ascension or of Saints
HIGH WYCOMBE (St Augustine): Patronal Solemnity
NORTHAMPTON (St Patrick): Anniversary of Dedication
WELLINGBOROUGH (Our Lady): Patronal Solemnity of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. I VESPERS of Pentecost
*Fr Robert Gates 1976 (Bury St Edmunds)
Sunday PENTECOST (red) 28+ Sequence Veni, Sancte Spiritus
Pf of Pentecost. EP I Proper Communicantes. Not EP IV
Double Alleluia at Dismissal
LUTON (Holy Ghost): Patronal Solemnity
II VESPERS of Pentecost
So Eastertide ends
The Paschal Candle is placed in the baptistery so candles of the newly‐baptised may be lit from it. Where the font is near the altar, the Paschal Candle should be kept in the sacristy and brought out on each occasion for Baptism, lest the paschal nature of the candle be lost by over‐exposure.
Ordinary Time – Summer
During this season we are asked to pray for the following intentions:
Especially on 18 June
Especially on 22 June
Especially on 9 July
Especially on 11, 23 July, 9 August
Especially on 9 August
Especially on 1 September
Week 8 in Ordinary Time
Psalter Week 4
Gospel Year of Matthew (1/A)
Weekday Lectionary – Year 1
Monday Mary, Mother of the Church (white) 29 For Propers see Appendix II
The memoria of Pope St Paul VI is not observed
*Fr Brendan Peters 1991 (retd Quidenham 1989)
*Mgr Gerald Moorcraft 2011 (retd Princes Risborough 2010)
*Mgr Pat McAleenan 2017 (retd Corby, Our Lady 2009)
Tuesday Feria (white) 30 Or Bl Richard Newport Martyr – op.mem. (red)
*Canon James Flint 1936 (retd Lynford 1933)
Wednesday THE VISITATION OF THE BVM – feast (white) 31 Gloria, Pf of Our Lady
Thursday OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, (white) 1 ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST – feast Gloria, For Propers see Appendix II
The memoria of St Justin is not observed
*Provost George Frederick Stokes 1928 (Ely)
Friday Feria (green) 2 Or SS Marcellinus & Peter, Martyrs – op.mem. (red)
Saturday SS Charles Lwanga & Companions, Martyrs – mem. (red) 3
Sunday THE MOST HOLY TRINITY (white) 4+ Pf of the Trinity. Not EP IV
I VESPERS of Pentecost
BEDFORD (Christ the King): II VESPERS of Trinity
Monday Feria (green) 5 St Boniface, Bishop, Martyr ‐ memoria (red) Psalter Week 1
BEDFORD: Christ the King: Anniversary of the Dedication WELLINGBOROUGH (St Edmund): I VESPERS of Dedication
*Canon John J Mossey 1995 (retd Hunstanton 1983)
Tuesday Feria (green) 6 Or St Norbert Bishop – op.mem. (white)
WELLINGBOROUGH (St Edmund): Anniv. of Dedication
*Canon Charles Eeles 1926 (King’s Lynn)
*Fr Thomas Phillips 1974 (Sheringham)
*Fr Edmund Worthy 2022 (retired Wellingborough 2015)
Wednesday Feria (green) 7 St Robert of Newminster, Abbot – op.mem. (white)
*Canon Thomas Seed 1883 (Shefford)
Thursday Feria (green) 8
*Fr Francis Byrne 1924 (Costessey)
Friday Feria (green) 9 Or St Ephrem, Deacon & Doctor (white) Or St Columba, Abbot (white)
CHESHAM: Patronal Solemnity of St Columba
*Fr Antony Dillon 1955 (Cambridge)
*Mgr Peter Hocken 2017 (Vienna)
On this day in 1880 Fr Arthur Riddell was consecrated 3rd Bishop of Northampton
Saturday Feria (green) 10 Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
I VESPERS of Corpus Christi
*Rev. Joseph Billington 1991 (Burnham)
Sunday THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST (white) 11+ Pf of the Eucharist. Not EP IV
NEXT SUNDAY: Day for Life, with 2nd collection.
CORBY (Our Lady): II VESPERS of Corpus Christi
The memoria of St Barnabas is not observed
*Fr Richard Murtagh 1975 (retd Rushden 1974)
*Fr George Walker 2003 (retd Chesham Bois)
Monday Feria (green) 12 Psalter Week 2
CORBY (Our Lady): Anniversary of Dedication (tr. from 11/6)
Tuesday St Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor – memoria (white) 13
Psalter Week 3
FARNHAM ROYAL: Patronal Solemnity of St Anthony
*Fr Austin O’Sullivan 1921 (St Pancras, Ipswich)
*Fr James Purcell 1942 (St Ives)
On this day in 1921 Bishop Frederick Keating was translated from Northampton to Liverpool.
Wednesday Feria (green) 14
*Canon Arthur Tillett 1962 (retd Marlow 1959)
Thursday Feria (green) 15
I VESPERS of the Sacred Heart
*Fr Michael Bourke 1896 (Wroxham Hall)
Friday THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS (white) 16 ‐ solemnity.
Gloria, Creed, Pf of Sacred Heart. Not EP IV
MILTON KEYNES (St Augustine): II VESPERS of Sacred Heart
The memoria of St Richard of Chichester is not observed
*Mgr George Davies 1911 (Costessey Hall)
Saturday The Immaculate Heart of Mary ‐ memoria (white) 17
GREAT MISSENDEN: Patronal Solemnity of the IHM
MILTON KEYNES (St Augustine): Anniversary of Dedication
Sunday ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 18+ Psalter Week 3 Day for Life, with 2nd Collection
Monday THE DEDICATION OF THE CATHEDRAL (white) 19 ‐ solemnity in Cathedral; Feast in Diocese
WINSLOW: II VESPERS of Corpus Christi
Tuesday St Alban, Protomartyr of Britain – op.mem. (red) 20
WINSLOW: Patronal Solemnity of St Alban
*Fr Christopher McGregor 1943 (Ely)
Wednesday St Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious – memoria (white) 21
Thursday SS JOHN FISHER & THOMAS MORE, Martyrs (red) 22 Gloria, Pf of martyrs ‐ feast Day of Prayer for the Persecuted and oppressed
BEACONSFIELD: Feast of Secondary Patron
Friday Feria (green) 23 Or St Etheldreda, Abbess – op.mem. (white)
I VESPERS of St John the Baptist
Saturday NAIVITY OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST (white) 24 ‐ solemnity
Gloria, Creed, Proper Pf. Not EP IV
Sunday TWELFTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 25+ Psalter Week 4
ANNOUNCE Thursday as SS Peter & Paul, and Holy Day
NEXT SUNDAY: Peter’s Pence Collection
The memoria of St Cadoc is not observed
Monday Feria (green) 26
*Fr Edmund Rees‐Jones 1982 (retd Diss 1975)
*Fr Nigel Bourne 1990 (retd St Brendan’s, Corby 1981)
Tuesday Feria (green) 27 Or St Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop & Doctor (white)
Wednesday St Irenaeus of Lyon, Bishop & Martyr ‐ memoria (red) 28
GREAT BILLING & CHESHAM BOIS: Patronal Solemnity of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, with I VESPERS of SS Peter & Paul.
Today in 2005 Mgr Peter Doyle was ordained as 12th Bishop of Northampton.
Thursday SS PETER & PAUL, Apostles – solemnity & Holy Day (red) 29+ Gloria, Creed, Pf of SS Peter & Paul, Not EP IV
*Canon Timothy Russ 2013 (Great Missenden)
Friday First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church – op.mem. (red) 30 The Roman Canon, with full list of saints is appropriate
*Canon Brian Frost 2018
Saturday Feria (green)
1 Or St Oliver Plunkett, Bishop & Martyr – op.mem. (red) Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
Sunday THIRTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 2+ Psalter Week 1
2nd COLLECTION – Peter’s Pence
Next Week – 2nd Collection for Sea Sunday
*Fr Thomas McDonald 1875
Monday ST THOMAS, Apostle (red) 3
CADDINGTON: Patronal Solemnity of St Thomas
SHEFFORD: Anniversary of the Dedication
Tuesday Feria (green) 4 Or St Elizabeth of Portugal – op.mem. (white)
*Fr Maurice Hignett 1982 (retd OL Peterborough 1978)
On this day in 1858 Fr Francis Kerril Amherst was consecrated 2nd Bishop of Northampton.
Wednesday Feria (green)
5 Or St Antony Zaccaria, Priest – op.mem. (white) Or Bl Thomas Belson, Martyr – op.mem. (red)
*Fr Gerard Collins 1996 (Little Chalfont 1987)
Thursday Feria (green) 6 Or St Maria Goretti, Martyr – op.mem. (red) Or Bl Thomas Alfield, Martyr – op.mem. (red)
RAUNDS & TOWCESTER: Patronal Solemnity of St Thomas More
*Fr Joseph Farrell 1986 (St Laurence, Cambridge)
*Fr John Cureton 2005 (Swaffham)
Friday Feria (green) 7
AYLESBURY (Our Lady): I VESPERS of the Dedication
*Canon Richard Duckett 1910 (Norwich)
Saturday Feria (green) 8 Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
AYLESBURY (Our Lady): Anniversary of the Dedication
*Fr George Webb 1950 (retd Thetford 1937)
Sunday FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 9+ Psalter Week 2
Sea Sunday 2nd COLLECTION for the Apostleship of the Sea
The memoria of St Augustine Zhao‐Rong & Comp. is not observed
*Fr Francis Wormall 1899 (Stowmarket)
*Rev Peter Venes 2008 (Cathedral)
Monday Feria (green) 10
*Fr William Hayes 1855 (pp at Kingscliffe, Northants from 1804)
*Provost Seth Eccles 1884 (Weston Underwood)
*Fr Edmund O’Gorman 1974 (retd Rushden 1965)
Tuesday ST BENEDICT, Abbot, Patron of Europe – feast (white) 11 Gloria, Pf of Pastors or of Religious
Wednesday Feria (green) 12
*Fr Alexander Scott 1918 (Lowestoft)
*Fr Edward Hill 1990 (retd Little Chalfont 1975)
Thursday Feria (green) 13 Or St Henry, Confessor – op.mem. (white)
*Rev Hubert Grant Scarfe 1995
Friday Feria (green) 14 Or St Camillus, Priest – op.mem. (white) Or Bl Richard Langhorne, Martyr – op.mem. (red)
Saturday St Bonaventure, Bishop & Doctor – memoria (white) 15
*Canon Patrick Carey 2015 (retd Bourne End 1996)
*Fr Thomas Feighan 2016 (retd St Augustine, High Wycombe)
Sunday FIFTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 16+ Psalter Week 3
The memoria of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is not observed
*Fr Joseph Clemente 1918 (Slough)
*Fr William Joly (retd Costessey 1975)
*Bishop Alan Clarke 2002 (retd Auxiliary & 1st Bishop of East Anglia)
*Mgr Anthony Philpott 2016
Monday Feria (green) 17
Tuesday Feria (green) 18 Or St Edburga of Bicester, Religious – op.mem. (white)
Wednesday Feria (green) 19
Thursday Feria (green) 20 Or St Apollinaris, Bishop & Martyr – op.mem. (red) ‐ Proper texts in Appendix II
*Fr Lawrence O’Toole 2010 (Sawston)
Friday Feria (green) 21 Or St Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest & Doctor (white)
*Canon Denis McSweeney 2015 (Flitwick)
Saturday ST MARY MAGDALENE, Penitent ‐ feast (white) 22 Gloria
STONY STRATFORD: Patronal Solemnity of St Mary Magdalene
Sunday SIXTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 23+ Psalter Week 4
The Feast of St Bridget of Sweden is not observed
*Fr Vincent MacRory 2013 (retd Brickhill 1999)
Monday Feria (green) 24 Or St Sharbel Makhluf, Priest (white) Proper Mass texts for St Sharbel in Appendix II
*Fr Joseph Parr 1983 (O.L. of Lourdes, Peterborough)
Tuesday ST JAMES, Apostle – feast (red) 25 Gloria, Pf of Apostles, Not EP IV
*Canon Stephen Longman 1885
*Mgr John Drury (Kirtling)
*Fr Patrick Oates 1975 (Sacred Heart, Luton)
On this day in 1933 Canon Laurence Youens was consecrated as 6th Bishop of Northampton.
Wednesday SS Joachim & Anne, parents of the BVM – memoria (white) 26
WENDOVER: Patronal Solemnity of St Anne
*Canon Edward Stokes 1961 (English Martyrs, Cambridge)
*Fr Edward Rohan 1999 (retd Iver Heath 1999)
Thursday Feria (green) 27
Friday Feria (green) 28
MARLOW: I VESPERS of the Dedication
*Fr Montgomery Fulcher 1973 (Stoke‐by‐Nayland)
Saturday Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus – memoria (white) 29
MARLOW: Anniversary of the Dedication
Sunday SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 30+ Psalter Week 1
The memoriae of St Peter Chrysologus & Bl Everard Hanse are not kept
Monday St Ignatius of Loyola, Religious ‐ memoria (white) 31
BUCKINGHAM: I VESPERS of the Dedication
Tuesday St Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop & Doctor – mem. (white) 1
BUCKINGHAM: Anniversary of the Dedication
*Mgr John Ryan 2008 – Olney of Vercelli, Bishop – op.mem.
*Fr Hugh Byron 1983 (retd Wisbech 1984)
Friday St John Vianney, Priest – memoria (white) 4
Saturday Feria (green) 5 Or Dedication of S. Maria Maggiore – op.mem. (white) Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
Sunday TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD – feast (white) 6+ Gloria. Pf of Transfiguration. Not EP IV
Monday Feria (green) 7 Or Pope St Sixtus II & Companions, Martyrs (red) Or St Cajetan, Priest – op.mem. (white) Psalter Week 2
Tuesday St Dominic, Priest – memoria (white) 8
Wednesday ST TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS – feast (red) 9 Gloria. Pf of Martyrs.
Day of Prayer for Christian‐Jewish relations
Thursday ST LAWRENCE, Deacon and Martyr – feast (red) 10 Gloria. Pf of Martyrs
NORTHAMPTON (Duke St) & OLNEY: Secondary Patronal Feast
AYLESBURY (St Clare): I VESPERS of St Clare
*Canon Patrick Grogan 1940 (retd Wroxham Hall 1926)
*Fr Thomas Walker 1949 (retd Gorleston 1945)
*Fr Stephen Doupe 1972 (Hunstanton)
*Fr William Hughes 2005 (retd Luton, Our Lady 1991)
*Rev Michael Graney 2020 (retd Northampton, St Gregory)
Friday St Clare, Virgin – memoria (white) 11
AYLESBURY (St Clare): Patronal Solemnity of St Clare
Saturday Feria (green) 12 Or St Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious – op.mem. (white) Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
Sunday NINETEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 13+ Psalter Week 3
ANNOUNCE Tuesday as The Assumption & Holy Day
The memoria of SS Pontianus & Hippolytus is not observed
Monday St Maximilian Kolbe, Priest & Martyr (red) 14 For Proper Mass texts see Appendix II
I VESPERS of the Assumption.
The memoria of St Maximilian Kolbe is not observed
Tuesday ASSUMPTION OF THE BVM ‐ solemnity (white) 15+ and Holy Day of Obligation
Gloria. Creed. Pf of the Assumption. Not EP IV
Patronal Solemnity of churches at DAVENTRY & WOBURN SANDS; Secondary Patron of ASTON‐le‐WALLS
*Fr William Oddy 2007 (Costessey)
Wednesday Feria (green) 16 Or St Stephen of Hungary, Confessor – op.mem. (white)
Thursday Feria (green) 17
Friday Feria (green) 18
BEDFORD (Midland Rd): I VESPERS of the Dedication
*Fr Ethelbert Payne 1976 (Wellingborough)
*Rev Michael Parslow 2002 (Corby, St Brendan)
Saturday Feria (green) 19 Or St John Eudes, Priest – op.mem. (white) Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
BEDFORD (Midland Rd): Anniversary of the Dedication
Sunday TWENTIETH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 20+ Psalter Week 4
The memoria of St Bernard is not observed
Monday Pope St Pius X ‐ memoria (white) 21
*Bishop Francis Amherst 1883
*Fr John Lickert 1934 (Newmarket)
Tuesday Our Lady Mother and Queen – memoria (white) 22
*Canon Norman Smith 2010 (Northampton)
Wednesday Feria (green) 23 St Rose of Lima, Virgin – op.mem. (white)
*Fr Joseph Mayne 1942 (Cathedral)
Thursday ST BARTHOLOMEW, Apostle – feast (red) 24 Gloria. Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV
*Fr Andrew Kay 1932 (Slough)
*Mgr Canon Arthur Brewer 1972 (retd Luton, Our Lady)
Friday Feria (green) 25 Or St Louis, Confessor – op.mem. (white) Or St Joseph Calasanz, Priest – op.mem. (white) Or Bl Alice Rich, Religious – op.mem. (white) Bl Alice, sister of St Edmund Rich, was a nun at Catesby, Northants.
DUNSTABLE (Victoria St): I VESPERS of Our Lady
OLNEY: I VESPERS of Dedication
*Fr Ben Camilleri 2010 (Retd Dallington 2001)
*Fr Maurice Leafe 2016 (Retd Towcester)
Saturday Feria (green) 26 Or Bl Dominic of the Mother of God, Priest (white) Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
DUNSTABLE (Victoria St): Patronal Solemnity of OL of Czestochova
OLNEY: Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church
*Mgr Canon William Hunting 1969 (Shefford)
Sunday TWENTY‐FIRST SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 27+ Psalter Week 1
The memoria of St Monica is not observed
*Fr Frederick Lockyer 1954 (Bury St Edmunds)
*Rev Robin Cooper 2003 (Northampton, St Gregory)
Monday St Augustine of Hippo, Bishop & Doctor ‐ memoria (white) 28
DATCHET, HEELANDS: Patronal Solemnity of St Augustine
DAVENTRY: Feast of Secondary Patron
Tuesday The Passion of St John the Baptist – memoria (red) 29
Wednesday Feria (green) 30 Or SS Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line & Margaret Ward ‐ Martyrs – op.mem. (red)
*Fr Patrick Crowe 2000 (Luton, Our Lady)
Thursday Feria (green) 31 Or St Aidan, Bishop, & Saints of Lindisfarne (white)
LITTLE CHALFONT & NORTHAMPTON (Kingsthorpe): Patronal Solemnity of St Aidan.
Ordinary Time – Autumn
During this period of Ordinary Time we are asked to pray for the following intentions:
Especially on 10 September
Especially on 17 Sept. and 22 Oct.
Especially on 24 September
Especially during 8‐14 October
Especially on 11 and 12 November
Especially on 26 November
Friday Feria (green) 1 Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
Saturday Feria (green) 2 Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
NORTHAMPTON (St Gregory): I VESPERS of Dedication
*Fr Arthur Wallace 1898 (Convent, Ipswich)
3+ Psalter Week 2
Optional 2nd Collection for National Catholic Fund
The Feast of St Gregory the Great is not observed
NORTHAMPTON (St Gregory): Anniversary of Dedication of the Church, with II VESPERS
Monday Feria (green) 4 Or St Cuthbert, Bishop – op.mem. (white)
NORTHAMPTON (St Gregory): Patronal Solemnity of St Gregory (tr)
BEDFORD (Mill Street) Feast of Secondary Patron
*Fr Michael Geraghty 1952 (retd Felixstowe 1943)
Tuesday Feria (green) 5 Or Bl William Brown, Martyr – op.mem. (red)
*Fr Jim Marks 1996 (Chesham)
Wednesday Feria (green) 6
Thursday Feria (green) 7
Friday NATIVITY OF THE B.V.M. – feast (white) 8 Gloria, Pf of Our Lady
*Fr Francis Glanfield 1986 (Cathedral)
*Fr Hamish Swanston 2013 (retired)
Saturday Feria (green) 9 Or St Peter Claver, Priest – op.mem. (white)
‐ Proper for Mass in Appendix II
Ot Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
*Fr Mortimer Flanagan 1946 (Swaffham)
Sunday TWENTY‐THIRD SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 10+ Psalter Week 3
Optional 2nd Collection for Catholic Education Fund Day of Prayer for all involved in Education
NEXT WEEK: Home Mission Sunday, with 2nd Collection
Monday Feria (green) 11
BURNHAM: I VESPERS of the Dedication
*Canon William Burrows 1959 (St Pancras, Ipswich)
Tuesday Feria (green) 12 Or The Most Holy Name of Mary – op.mem. (white)
BURNHAM: Anniversary of the Dedication
Wednesday St John Chrysostom, Bishop & Doctor – memoria (white) 13
BEDFORD (Goldington): I VESPERS of Holy Cross
Thursday THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS – feast (red) 14 Gloria, Pf of the Holy Cross, or Passion I. Not EP IV
BEDFORD (Goldington): Patronal Solemnity of Holy Cross
ETON: I VESPERS of Our Lady of Sorrows
Friday Our Lady of Sorrows – memoria (white) 15 Sequence optional: may be sung or said
ETON: Patronal Solemnity of Our Lady of Sorrows
*Bishop Arthur Riddell 1907
Saturday SS Cornelius, Pope & Cyprian, Bishop – Martyrs (red) 16
Sunday TWENTY‐FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 17+ Psalter Week 4 Home Mission Sunday, with 2nd Collection 1st Weekend of PARISH MASS COUNT
The memoria of St Robert Bellarmine is not observed
Monday Feria (green) 18
*Fr Ronald Waldie 1911 (Rushden)
*Fr Francis Murphy 1994 (retd Marlow 1975)
Tuesday Feria (green) 19 Or St Theodore of Canterbury, Bishop – op.mem. (white) Or St Januarius, Bishop & Martyr – op.mem. (red)
*Fr George Miles 1931 (Stoke‐by‐Nayland)
Wednesday St Andrew Kim Tae‐gon & Comps. Martyrs – mem (red) 20 ‐ Proper for Mass, see Appendix II
*Mgr Graham Adams 2014 (retd Aston‐le‐Walls 2010)
Thursday ST MATTHEW, Apostle & Evangelist – feast (red) 21 Gloria, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV
On this day in 1840 Fr William Wareing was ordained as Bishop of Arepolis in partibus infidelium and installed as Vicar Apostolic of the Eastern District.
Friday Feria (green) 22
HARVEST MASS Between 22‐28 September, including the Sunday, a Mass may be celebrated in Thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth. Missal p.1357. Lectionary Vol.III pp.642‐8
*Provost William Blackman 1911 (Great Billing)
Saturday Feria (green)
23 Or St Pio of Pietrelcina, Priest – mem. (white)
‐ Proper for Mass see Appendix II
Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
KETTERING: I VESPERS of the Dedication
Psalter Week 1
2nd Weekend of PARISH MASS COUNT
The memoria of Our Lady of Walsingham is not observed
KEMPSTON, CORBY (Our Lady): Patronal Solemnity of Our Lady
KETTERING: Anniversary of the Dedication
Monday Feria (green) 25
*Fr Henry Colpman 1899 (Wisbech)
Tuesday Feria (green) 26 Or SS Cosmas & Damian – Martyrs – op.mem. (red)
*Fr Edmund Golston 1990 (retd Woburn Sands 1985)
*Fr Anthony Sketch 2012
Wednesday St Vincent de Paul, Priest – memoria (white) 27
HOUGHTON REGIS: Patronal Solemnity of St Vincent de Paul
*Canon William Moser 1911 (Peterborough)
Thursday Feria (green) 28 Or St Wenceslas, Martyr – op.mem. (red) Or St Laurence Ruiz, Martyr – op.mem. (red)
‐ For St Laurence Proper see Appendix II
*Fr George Page 1937 (Wisbech)
*Canon Antony Griffiths 2019 (retd Marlow 2002)
Friday SS MICHAEL, GABRIEL & RAPHAEL, Archangels 29 Gloria, Pf of Angels. Not EP IV – feast (white)
BEACONSFIELD & LUTON (Sacred Heart): I VESPERS of Dedication
On this day in 1850 the Diocese of Northampton was established by Pope Pius IX, Bishop William Wareing being appointed as its first Bishop.
On this day in 1982 Mgr Francis Thomas was ordained as 9th Bishop of Northampton.
*Fr John Leaver 1998 (retd Bletchley)
*Rev Jim Heath 2011
Saturday St Jerome, Priest & Doctor‐ memoria (white) 30
BEACONSFIELD & LUTON (Sacred Heart): Anniv. of Dedication
1+ Psalter Week 2
3rd Weekend of PARISH MASS COUNT
ANNOUNCE: Friday as CAFOD Harvest Fast Day, with Collection next Sunday
The memoria of St Teresa of the Child Jesus is not observed
BEACONSFIELD & RISBOROUGH: Patronal Solemnity of St Teresa
HUNSBURY HILL: Feast of Secondary Patron, St Teresa
AYLESBURY (Chaloner Road): I VESPERS of Guardian Angels
Monday The Holy Guardian Angels ‐ memoria (white) 2
AYLESBURY (Chaloner Rd): Patronal Solemnity of the Guardian Angels
*Rev Peter Hurrell 2021 (Great Billing)
Tuesday Feria (green)
3 Or St Thomas de Cantelupe, Bishop – op.mem. (white)
PRINCES RISBOROUGH: Anniversary of Dedication
*Fr John Maunsell 1999 (retd Aston‐le‐Walls 1981)
Wednesday St Francis of Assisi, Religious – memoria (white) 4
HUNSBURY & SHEFFORD: Patronal Solemnity of St Francis
*Fr Francis Armstrong 1967 (Sheringham)
*Fr Cyril Henslow 1968 (retd Leighton Buzzard 1961)
*Fr Geoffrey Crawford 1969 (Langley)
Thursday Feria
5 Saint Faustina Kowalska, Religious – op.mem.
DAVENTRY: I VESPERS of the Dedication
Friday Feria
6 Or St Bruno, Priest – op.mem.
CAFOD Harvest Fast Day.
DAVENTRY: Anniversary of the Dedication
*Canon Robert Pate 1911 (Notre Dame, Northampton)
*Fr Malcolm Cowan 1984
Saturday Our Lady of the Rosary – memoria (white) 7
YELVERTOFT: Patronal Solemnity of Our Lady of the Rosary
Psalter Week 3
4th Weekend of PARISH MASS COUNT
2nd Collection for CAFOD Fast Day
8th‐14th October: Prisons Week
Monday Feria (green) 9 Or St Denis, Bishop & Companions, Martyrs (red) Or St Osyth, Religious (white) Or St John Leonardi, Priest (white) Or St John Henry Newman, Priest (white)
HIGH WYCOMBE: St John Henry Newman Parish: Patronal Solemnity
Tuesday Feria (green) 10 Or St Paulinus of York, Bishop – op.mem. (white) Or Saints Denis, Bishop, and his Companions, Martyrs – op.mem. (red) Or Saint John Leonardi, Priest – op.mem. (white)
CHESHAM: I VESPERS of the Dedication
*Fr William Lowndes 1929 (St Pancras, Ipswich)
Wednesday Feria (green) 11 Or St John XXIII, Pope – op.mem. (white) ‐ for Proper see Appendix II
CHESHAM: Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church
*Pope Boniface VIII (Benedetto Gaetani) 1303 (retd Towcester 1294)
Thursday Feria (green) 12 Or St Wilfrid of York, Bishop – op.mem. (white)
Friday Feria (green) 13 Or St Edward the Confessor – op.mem. (white)
KETTERING: Patronal Solemnity of St Edward
*Fr Robert Middleton 1906 (Bedford)
*Fr Thomas Scott 1928 (retd Aylesbury 1926)
Saturday Feria (green) 14 Or Pope St Callistus I, Martyr – op.mem. (red) Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
Sunday TWENTY‐EIGHTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 15+ Psalter Week 4
Next Week: World Mission Day with 2nd Collection
The memoria of St Teresa of Avila is not observed
*Fr Edgar Hardwick 1971 (Coldham Cottage)
Monday Feria (green) 16 Or St Hedwig, Religious – op.mem. (white) Or St Margaret Mary, Religious – op.mem. (white)
CORBY (Danesholme): I Vespers of the Dedication
*Rev Thomas Newland 1989 (Norwich)
Tuesday St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr – memoria (red) 17
CORBY (Danesholme): Anniversary of Dedication
*Fr Michael Sellers 1987 (Wolverton)
Wednesday ST LUKE, Evangelist – feast (red) 18 Gloria, Pf of Apostles I or II. Not EP IV
HIGH WYCOMBE, St Augustine: I Vespers of Dedication
*Fr James Sloan 1988 (retd. Southwold 1984)
Thursday Feria (green) 19 Or St John de Brebeuf & Companions, Martyrs (red) Or St Paul of the Cross, Priest – op.mem. (white)
HIGH WYCOMBE, St Augustine: Anniversary of Dedication
BEDFORD, Holy Cross: I VESPERS of Dedication
Friday Feria (green) 20
BEDFORD, Holy Cross: Anniversary of Dedication
Saturday Feria (green) 21 Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white)
Sunday TWENTY‐NINTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 22+ Psalter Week 1 World Mission Day, with 2nd Collection
The memoria of St John‐Paul II is not observed
WEXHAM: I Vespers of the Holy Redeemer
Monday Feria (green) 23 Or St John of Capestrano, Priest – op.mem. (white)
WEXHAM: Patronal Solemnity of the Holy Redeemer
Tuesday Feria (green) 24 Or St Anthony Claret, Bishop – op.mem. (white)
*Canon Bernard Smith 1903 (Marlow)
*Mgr Provost Frank Diamond 1992 (retd. Great Billing 1990)
Wednesday Feria (green) 25
*Fr Henry Wace 2002 (Dereham)
Thursday Feria (green) 26 Or SS Chad & Cedd, Bishops – op.mem. (white) Or St Alfred the Great, King & Confessor – op.mem. (white)
*Canon William Hammond 1900 (Aston‐le‐Walls)
Friday Feria (green) 27
Saturday SS SIMON & JUDE, Apostles – feast (red) 28 Gloria. Pf of Apostles I or II. Not EP IV.
29+ Psalter Week 2
ANNOUNCE: Wednesday as All Saints: Holy Day of Obligation NEXT WEEK: Collection for Bishop’s Maintenance Fund
*Fr William Bainbridge 1970 (retd. High Wycombe 1963)
*Fr Christopher Roberts 1999 (retd. Kingsthorpe 1988)
Monday Feria (green) 30
Tuesday Feria (green) 31
I VESPERS of All Saints
Wednesday ALL SAINTS – Solemnity & Holy Day (white)
1+ Gloria. Creed. Pf of All Saints. Not EP IV
BLETCHLEY, All Saints: Patronal Solemnity
Thursday ALL SOULS (black/violet)
2 Pf of Christian Death. Not EP IV.
Every priest may celebrate three Masses, but a stipend may only be taken for one. One is offered for the Holy Souls, one for the Pope’s Intentions.
LUTON (St Martin): Vespers of Holy Souls
*Provost Frederick Charles Husenbeth 1872 (Costessey)
*Fr Dominic Rafferty 2006
*Canon Michael Griffiths 2017 (retd. Corby, Our Lady 2014)
Friday Feria (green) 3 Or St Martin de Porres, Religious – op.mem. (white) Or St Winifred, Virgin – op.mem. (white)
LUTON: ST MARTIN DE PORRES: Patronal Solemnity of St Martin
Saturday St Charles Borromeo, Bishop – memoria (white) 4
GT HARROWDEN: Patronal Solemnity of St Hubert
*Fr Robert Allen 1953 (retd. Lowestoft 1941)
*Mgr Canon Joseph McShee 1971 (retd. Costessey 1965)
5+ Psalter Week 3
2nd Collection: Bishop’s Maintenance Fund
NEXT WEEK; 2nd Collection for Sick & Retired Priests
Monday Feria (green) 6
Tuesday Feria (green) 7 Or St Willibrord, Bishop – op.mem. (white)
*Mgr Valentine Elwes 1966 (Clapham Park)
*Fr Brian Nightingale 1983 (St Oswald, Peterborough)
Wednesday Feria (green) 8 Or Bl John Duns Scotus, Religious – op.mem. (white)
Gloria. Pf of Dedication. Not EP IV.
Friday St Leo the Great, Pope & Doctor – memoria (white) 10
BRACKLEY: I VESPERS of St Martin of Tours
Saturday St Martin of Tours, Bishop – memoria (white) 11 Armistice Day
BRACKLEY: Patronal Solemnity of St Martin of Tours
*Canon Henry St Leger Mason 1940 (Southwold)
*Fr Basil Jones 1974 (Thetford)
Sunday THIRTY‐SECOND SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 12+ Psalter Week 4
2nd Collection: Sick & Retired Priests Day of Prayer for Victims of Warfare
The memoria of St Josaphat of Polotsk is not observed
*Fr Raymond Kerby (St Ives)
Monday Feria (green) 13
*Fr Augustine Wilkinson 1934 (retd.Coldham Cottage 1925)
Tuesday Feria (green) 14
*Bishop Laurence Youens 1939
*Fr William Arrowsmith 1954 (retd Brantham 1950)
Wednesday Feria (green) 15 Or St Albert the Great, Religious & Doctor (white)
LUTON (Farley Hill): I VESPERS of St Margaret of Scotland
Thursday Feria (green) 16 Or St Margaret of Scotland – op.mem. (white) Or St Gertrude, Virgin – op.mem. (white) Or St Edmund of Abingdon, Bishop – op.mem. (white)
LUTON (Farley Hill): Patronal Solemnity of St Margaret.
Friday Feria (green) 17 Or St Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious – op.mem. (white) Or St Hilda, Abbess – op.mem. (white) Or St Hugh of Lincoln, Bishop – op.mem. (white)
Fr J Richard B Smith 1971 (retd. Thornton College 1949)
Saturday Feria (green) 18 Or Dedication of the Basilicas of Peter & Paul (white) Or Our Lady on Saturday (white/green)
*Fr Bryan Houghton 1992 (retd. Bury St Edmunds 1969)
Sunday THIRTY‐THIRD SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 19+ Psalter Week 1
*Canon Thomas Walmsley‐Carter 1938 (Sheringham)
Monday St Edmund, King and Martyr – op.mem. (red) 20
Tuesday Presentation of the BVM – memoria (white) 21
*Fr John Kemp 1882
*Fr William Barker 1958 (Fakenham)
*Fr Donald Jenkinson 1977 (Kettering)
Wednesday St Cecilia, Virgin & Martyr – memoria (red) 22
*Canon Patrick Rogers 1918 (St Pancras, Ipswich)
Thursday Feria (green) 23 Or Pope St Clement I, Martyr – op.mem. (red) Or St Columbanus, Abbot – op.mem. (white)
Friday St Andrew Dung‐Lac & Companions, Martyrs of Vietnam 24 ‐ memoria (red) For Propers, see Appendix II
Saturday Feria (green) 25 Or St Alnoth, Martyr – op.mem. (red) Or St Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin & Martyr (red) Or Our Lady on Saturday (white/green)
*Provost Hugh Parker 1961 (retd. Gorleston 1958)
Sunday OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, UNIVERSAL KING 26+ ‐ solemnity (white)
Pf of Christ the King. Not EP IV.
Psalter Week 2
Day of Prayer for young people, with optional 2nd Collection for Catholic Youth Services
*Rev Edward Connelly 2015 (Burnham)
Monday Feria (green) 27
Canon Denis Brennan 1967 (Our Lady’s, Corby)
Tuesday Feria (green) 28
*Fr Henry King 1907 (Shefford)
Wednesday Feria (green) 29
*Fr Edward Watkiss 1958 (retd N. Walsham)
*Fr Gerard Hulme 1978 (retd Sheringham)
Thursday ST ANDREW, Apostle, Patron of Scotland – feast (red) 30 Gloria, Pf of Apostles
WELLINGBOROUGH (Henshaw Rd.): I Vespers of St Edmund
*Rev Anthony McHale 2000 (Gt.Missenden)
Friday Feria (green)
1 Or St Edmund Campion, Martyr – op.mem. (red)
WELLINGBOROUGH (Henshaw Rd.): Patronal Solemnity
*Fr Henry Logan 1854
*Fr Ron Bustin 1992 (Lt.Chalfont)
*Canon Frank Duane 2005 (Aylesbury)
Saturday Feria (green) 2 Or Our Lady on Saturday (white/green)
*Fr John Taylor 1876
Second Collections 2023
Date Taken For Whom? Why? Mandatory/ To where do Optional we send Collection the money
Sunday Racial Justice Racial Justice Optional CaTEW via February 5 Sunday Finance Offices
Sunday CAFOD Lent Fast Day Optional CaFOD directly March 5 (Previous Friday)
Friday Holy See Holy Places of Mandatory Finance Offices April 7 Palestine (Holy See) Offices (Good Friday)
Sunday Catholic World Mandatory CaTEW via Diocesan May 21 Communications Communications (Holy See) Finance Offices Network Sunday
Sunday Bishops’ Day for Life Mandatory CaTEW via Diocesan June 18 Conference (CBCEW) Finance Offices
Sunday Holy See Peter’s Pence Mandatory Finance Offices July 2 (Holy See) Offices
Sunday Stella Sea Sunday Mandatory Stella Maris July 9 Maris (CBCEW) directly
Sunday Catholic Education Education Sunday Optional Diocesan Finance September 10 Service Offices
Sunday Bishops’ Evangelii Gaudium Mandatory CaTEW via September 17 Conference Sunday ‐ England (CBCEW) Diocesan Finance & Wales Offices
Sunday CAFOD Harvest Fast Day Optional CaFOD directly October 8 (Previous Friday)
Sunday Missio World Mission Mandatory Missio directly October 22 Sunday (Holy See)
Any time Missionary Orders Annual Mission Mandatory The order Appeal (CBCEW) concerned
September National Catholic Optional Parish Quota Fund
November Catholic Youth Optional Parish Quota Services
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