Rachmaninoff Liturgy 2019 Concert Program

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Greetings, Welcome to the third concert of our 2018.19 season! Today we are glad to perform Rachmaninoff's Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. This is one of Rachmaninoff's two large-scale sacred works, the other being the very well-known Vespers. We are delighted to be able to share this music with you in such a glorious space. We are particularly pleased to have joining us today Fr. Leonid Roschko as deacon, tenor Marc Andrew Day, soprano Fotina Naumenko, and basso profundo Glenn Miller. All four of them are experienced in performing this repertoire, both in concert and liturgical settings, and we have immensely enjoyed preparing this work together. We invite you to join us again on Sunday, May 19 for our final concert of the season. We will be performing Poulenc's joyful, radiant Gloria and Vaughan Williams' Dona Nobis Pacem, the composer’s deeply personal response to World War I, with the Cathedral Choral Society orchestra. We hope that you enjoy the concert,

Steven Fox Music Director


Lindsay Sheridan Interim Executive Director

Rachmaninoff LITURGY


Leonid Roschko, deacon Marc Andrew Day, tenor Fotina Naumenko, soprano Cathedral Choral Society Steven Fox, conductor

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873 - 1943) Velikaya yekteniya Blagoslovi, dushe moya Ghospoda Slava Ottsu… Yedinorodnïy Sïne Vo Tsarstvii Tvoyem Priidite, poklonimsia Sviatïy Bozhe Sugubaya yekteniya Kherubimskaya pesn’ Veruyu

The Great Litany Bless the Lord, O My Soul Glory be to the Father…Only Begotten Son In Thy Kingdom Come, Let Us Worship Holy God The Augmented Litany The Cherubic Hymn The Creed

INTERMISSION Milost mira Peace of the World Tebe poyem We Sing to Thee Dostoyno yest It Is Truly Fitting Otche nash Our Father Hvalite Ghospoda s nebes Praise the Lord from the Heavens Blagosloven gradïy i Videkhom svet Blessed is He and We Have Seen Da ispolniatsia usta nasha Let Our Mouths Be Filled with Thy Praise Budi imia Ghospodne Blessed Be the Name of the Lord Slava Ottsu i Mnogoletstvovaniye Glory to the Father and Many Years


PROGRAM NOTES RACHMANINOFF, LITURGY OF SAINT JOHN CHRYSOSTOM Although in the western Christian tradition the word “liturgy” is used to describe the wording and form of any religious office, in the Orthodox Church, it refers specifically to the eucharistic rite – what a Catholic would call “The Mass.” In common with the western rite, “The Liturgy” contains an Introit, sentences for the Epistle and Gospel, the Creed, Sanctus and Benedictus; it also includes a number of Litanies and a Eucharistic Prayer. John of Antioch was chosen as Bishop of Constantinople in 398 A.D., largely on the reputation of his devotional and inspiring sermons (the Greek soubriquet “Chrysostom” means “golden-mouth”). Despite opposition to his attempts to reform the lives and morals of the citizens by the Empress Eudora (and his eventual exile by her in 404 A.D.), John became regarded as a father of the early church, and was canonized shortly after his death. Among his surviving works are his radiant sermon for Easter day, a prayer (“…when two or three are gathered together in Thy name…”) and his version of the Orthodox liturgy. In fact, it is probable that the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom is actually a later adaptation of two earlier liturgies – those by St. Basil and St. James – and merely dedicated to the reforming patriarch who began the process of change. For many centuries, however, the 'Chrysostom Liturgy' has been the most used version of the liturgy in the Orthodox Church, and when Russia adopted the Orthodox faith in the 10th century, the Liturgy, (translated into Church Slavonic) was adopted, too. This setting of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, written in 1910, was the first of Sergei Rachmaninoff's three major choral works, the others being The Bells (1913) and the All-Night Vigil or Vespers (1915). The composer had just returned from a harrowing tour of the United States, and he settled down at his recently-inherited estate at Ivanovka to a period of steady Russian-inspired composing. Although history marks Rachmaninoff down as not being particularly religious, it is clear from his letters to friends and colleagues, and from the nature of the work (it is a complete setting of the Liturgy, including responses to prayers for priests/deacons) that he intended the work to be used in church rather than just as a concert piece (Tchaikovsky's 1878 setting of the Liturgy had been condemned by the church authorities as being too frivolous). Rachmaninoff's written codicil on the manuscript (“Finished, thanks be to God, 30 July 1910, Ivanovka”) would seem to confirm his spiritual motivation. In a letter to his friend Morozov, Rachmaninoff wrote: “I have long thought about the Liturgy, and I have long aimed at it. I took it up rather by chance and immediately got carried away. After that, I finished it very quickly. Not for a long time…have I written anything with such pleasure.” Unlike the All-night Vigil (which contains several movements based on traditional Orthodox Znamenny chant), the Liturgy is entirely free-composed and contains no extraneous material. For guidance on the content of the work, Rachmaninoff turned to Alexander Kastalsky, director of the Moscow Synodal School (a religious foundation); it was the choir of the school that gave the piece its first (secular) performance on November 25, 1910. Alas, the church authorities felt that Rachmaninoff's setting was not suitable for church use, and so it was probably never performed in a religious context in Russia. Rachmaninoff was easily swayed by negative reviews. The vicious criticism that had been heaped on his first Symphony in 1897 left him in such a state of depression that he was unable to compose for three years. Now, thirteen years later, stung by the church’s rejection of the Liturgy due to its “spirit of modernism,” Rachmaninoff appeared to abandon hope for its future. Nevertheless, it was not lost to the West, with movements embraced in church services of other denominations, and the work, as a whole, met with great approbation in concerts. Although not as well-known as his Vespers, more than a century after its debut, this Liturgy cannot fail to leave a profound and mystical impression as it carries the listener from worshipful contemplation to ecstatic praise. - Barry Creasy with additional notes by Barbara Mouk


TEXT Rachmaninoff's setting of the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom contains a number of parts that are made for a service but that make less sense in the context of a concert performance. As is typically done in performances of this work, several of these passages have been cut in today’s rendition in an effort to strike the balance between honoring the liturgical nature of the piece while making it suitable for concert performance. VELIKAYA YEKTENIYA THE GREAT LITANY DIAKON: Blagoslovi, vladïko. DEACON: Bless, master. IYEREY: Blagoslovenno Tsarstvo Ottsa i Sïna i Sviatago Duha, nïne i prisno i vo veki vekov. CELEBRANT: Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. LIK: Amin. CHOIR: Amen. DIAKON: Mirom Ghospodu pomolimsia. DEACON: In peace, let us pray to the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: O svïshnem mire i spasenii dush nashïh, Ghospodu pomolimsia. DEACON: For the peace from above and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: O mire fsego mira, blagostoyanii sviatïh Bozhïih Tserkvey i soyedinenii fseh, Ghospodu pomolimsia. DEACON: For the peace of the whole world, for the welfare of the holy churches of God, and for the union of all, let us pray to the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: O sviatem hrame sem i s veroyu, blagogoveniyem i strahom Bozhïim fhodiashchih v on, Ghospodu pomolimsia. DEACON: For this holy house and for those who enter with faith, reverence, and the fear of God, let us pray to the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: O pravoslavnom episkopstve tserkve; chestnyem presviterstvye, vo Khriste diakonstve, o vsem prichte I liyudexh, Gospodu pomolimsya. DEACON: For the Orthodox episcopate of the church; for the venerable priesthood, the diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and people, lets us pray to the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: O strane sey, praviteleh i voinstve yeya i o fsiakoy hristianstey strane, Ghospodu pomolimsia. DEACON: For this country, for its civil authorities and armed forces, and for every Christian land,
 let us pray to the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: O strane sei, vlastekh i voinstve yeya, i vsekh veroyu i blagochestiyem zhivushchïkh vnei, Ghodpodu pomolimsya. DEACON: For this land, its authorities, and all who in faith and piety dwell therein, and in every land, let us pray to the Lord.


TEXT LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: O ezhe izbaviti lyudi svoya ot vrag vidimïkh i nevidimïkh, v nas zhe utverditi edinomïslie, bratolubie, i blagochestie, Ghospodu pomolimsia. DEACON: That He may deliver His people from enemies both visible and invisible, and confirm in us oneness of mind, brotherly love and piety, let us pray to the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: O grade sem, fsiakom grade, strane i veroyu zhïvushchih v nih, Ghospodu pomolimsia. DEACON: For this city, for every city and country, and for the faithful dwelling in them, let us pray to the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: O blagorastvorenii vozduhov, o izobilii plodov zemnïh i vremeneh mirnïh, Ghospodu pomolimsia. DEACON: For seasonable weather, for abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: O plavayushchih, puteshestvuyushchih, neduguyushchih, strazhdushchih, plenennïh i o spasenii ih, Ghospodu pomolimsia. DEACON: For travelers by sea and by land, for the sick, the suffering, the captives, and for the salvation of them all, let us pray to the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: O izbavitisia nam ot fsiakiya skorbi, gneva i nuzhdï, Ghospodu pomolimsia. DEACON: For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger, and necessity, let us pray to the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: Zastupi, spasi, pomiluy i sohrani nas, Bozhe, Tvoyeyu blagodatiyu. DEACON: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O God, by Thy grace. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: Presviatuyu, prechistuyu, preblagoslovennuyu, slavnuyu Vladïchitsu nashu Bogoroditsu i Prisnodevu Mariyu, so fsemi sviatïmi pomianuvshe, sami sebe i drug druga, i ves zhïvot nash Hristu Bogu predadim. DEACON: Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed and glorious Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us entrust ourselves and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. LIK: Tebe, Ghospodi. CHOIR: To Thee, O Lord. IYEREY: Yako podobayet Tebe fsiakaya slava, chest i pokloneniye, Ottsu i Sïnu i Sviatomu Duhu, nïne i prisno i vo veki vekov. CELEBRANT: For unto Thee are due all glory, honor, and worship: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. LIK: Amin. CHOIR: Amen.


TEXT BLAGOSLOVI, DUSHE MOYA GHOSPODA BLESS THE LORD, O MY SOUL Blagoslovi, dushe moya Ghospoda, Bless the Lord, O my soul,
 I fsia vnutrenniaya moya imia sviatoye Yego. and all that is within me, bless His holy name.
 Blagoslovi, dushe moya Ghospoda, Bless the Lord, O my soul, i ne zabivay fseh vozdayaniy Yego and forget not all his benefits: ochishchayushchago fsia bezzakoniya tvoya, Who forgives all your iniquities, izbavliayushchago ot istleniya zhivot tvoy, Who redeems your life from destruction, venchayushchago tia milostiyu i shchedrotami, Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, ispolniayushchago vo blagih zhelaniye tvoye, Who satisfies you with good things,
 obnovitsia yako orlia yunost tvoya. so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Tvoriay milostiniu Ghospod The Lord executes mercy i sudbu fsem obidimim. and justice for all who are oppressed. Blagoslovi, dushe moya Ghospoda, Bless the Lord, O my soul, i fsia venutrenniaya moya imia sviatoye Yego. and all that is within me, bless His holy name.
 Slava Ottsu i Sinu i Sviatomu Duhu, Glory to the Father,and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
 i nïne, i prisno, i vo veki vekov. Amin. both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

— Пс. 102:1-6 — Ps. 103:1–6

SLAVA OTTSU… YEDINORODNÏY SÏNE GLORY BE TO THE FATHER… ONLY BEGOTTEN SON Slava Ottsu i Sïnu i Sviatomu Duhu, Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, i nïne, i prisno, i vo veki vekov. Amin. both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
 Yedinorodnïy Sïne i Slove Bozhïy, bessmerten sïy, Only begotten Son, and Word of God,
Who art immortal, i izvolivïy spaseniya nashego radi voplotitisia and didst will for our salvation
to be incarnate ot Sviatïya Bogoroditsï i Prisnodevï Marii, of the Holy Theotokos
and Ever-Virgin Mary, neprelozhno vochelovechivïysia, Who without change didst become man,


TEXT raspnïysia zhe, Hriste Bozhe, and wast crucified, O Christ God,
 smertiyu smert popravïy, yedin sïy Sviatïya Troitsï, trampling down death by death,
Who art one of the Holy Trinity,
 sproslavliayemïy Ottsu i Sviatomu Duhu, spasi nas. glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit, save us. VO TSARSTVII TVOYEM IN THY KINGDOM Vo tsarstvii Tvoyem pomiani nas, Ghospodi, In Thy Kingdom remember us, O Lord, Yegda priideshi vo tsarstvii Tvoyem. when Thou comest in Thy kingdom. Blazheni nishchii duhom, Blessed are the poor in spirit,
 yako teh yesi tsarstvo nebesnoye. for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blazheni plachushchii, yako tii uteshatsia. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blazheni krottsii, yako tii naslediat zemliu. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blazheni alchushchii i zhazhdushchii pravdi, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, yako tii nasitiatsia. for they shall be filled. Blazheni milostivii, yako tii pomilovani budut. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blazheni chistii serdtsem, yako tii Boga uzriat. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blazheni mirotvortsi, yako tii sinove Bozhii narekutsia. Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called the sons of God. Blazheni izgnani pravdi radi, Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, yako teh yest tsarstvo nebesnoe. for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
 Blazheni yeste yegda ponosiat vam, i izhdenut, i rekut fsiak zol glagol Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil na vi lzhushche mene radi. against you falsely for My sake. Raduytesia i veselitesia, Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, yako mzda vasha mnoga na nebeseh. for great is your reward in Heaven. Slava Ottsu i Sïnu i Sviatomu Duhu, Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, i nine i prisno, i vo veki vekov. Amin. — Ot Луки 23, 42; Ot Матфеа 5, 3–12 both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amin. — St. Luke 23:42; St. Matthew 5:3–12


TEXT PRIIDITE, POKLONIMSIA COME, LET US WORSHIP DIAKON: Premudrost, prosti. DEACON: Wisdom, let us be attentive. LIK: Priidite, poklonimsia, i pripadem ko Hristu. CHOIR: Come, let us worship, and fall down before Christ. Spasi nas, Sïne Bozhiy, voskresïy iz mertvïh, Save us, O Son of God, who art risen from the dead,
 poyushchiya Ti: Alliluya, alliluya, alliluya. save us, who sing to Thee: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

— Пс. 94:6 — Ps. 95:6

SVIATÏY BOZHE HOLY GOD Sviatïy Bozhe, Sviatïy Krepkiy, Sviatïy Bessmertnïy, pomiluy nas. Holy God. Holy Mighty. Holy Immortal,
have mercy on us.
 Slava Ottsu i Sïnu i Sviatomu Duhu, Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, i nïne i prisno, i vo veki vekov. Amin. both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. SUGUBAYA YEKTENIYA THE AUGMENTED LITANY DIAKON: Rtsem fsi ot fseya dushï, i ot fsego pomïshleniya nashego rtsem: DEACON: Let us say with all our soul and with all our mind, let us say: LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: Ghospodi Fsederzhïteliu, Bozhe otets nashïh, molim Ti sia, uslïshï i pomiluy. DEACON: O Lord Almighty, God of our fathers, we pray Thee, hearken and have mercy. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: Pomiluy nas, Bozhe, po velitsey milosti Tvoyey, DEACON: Have mercy on us, O God, according to Thy great goodness, molim Ti sia, uslïshï i pomiluy. we pray Thee, hearken and have mercy. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: Yeshche molimsia o pravoslavnom episkopstve tserkve; i vsey vo Khriste bratii nashey. DEACON: Again we pray for the Orthodox episcopate of the Church; and for all our brethren in Christ. i fsey vo Hriste bratii nashey. for priests, deacons, and all our brethren in Christ. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: Yeshche molimsia o strane sey, praviteleh i voinstve yeya, DEACON: Again we pray for this country, for its civil authorities and armed forces, i o fsiakoy hristianstey strane. and for every Christian land.


TEXT LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: Yeshche molimsia o blazhennïh i prisnopamiatnïh, sviateyshïh patriarseh pravoslavnïh, DEACON: Again we pray for the blessed and ever-memorable holy Orthodox patriarchs, o sozdateleh sviatago hrama sego, and for the blessed and ever-memorable founders of this community, i o fseh prezhdepochivshïh ottseh i bratiyah, and for all our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, zde lezhashchih i povsiudu pravoslavnïh. the Orthodox departed this life before us, who here and in all the world lie asleep in the Lord. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: Yeshche molimsia o milosti, zhïzni, mire, zdravii, spasenii, poseshchenii, DEACON: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, proshchenii i ostavlenii grehov rabov Bozhïih, bratii sviatago hrama sego. forgiveness and remission of sins for the servants of God, the brethren of this holy temple. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: Vrachu dush i teles, so umileniem v serdtse sokrushenom k Tebe pripadayem, i stenasche vopiem Ti: istseli bolezni, uvrachui strasti dush i teles rabov Tvoikh: i prosti im, yako blagoserd, vsya pregreshenia, volnaya i nevolnaya, i skoro vozdvigni ot odra bolezni, molim Ti sya, uslïshi i pomilui. DEACON: Physicians of souls and bodies, with compunction and broken in heart we fall down before Thee, and with groaning we cry unto Thee: Do heal the sicknesses and cure the passions of the souls and bodies of Thy servants, and forgive them as Thou art compassionate, every transgression, both voluntary and involuntary, and quickly raise them up from the bed of sickness, we pray Thee, hearken and have mercy. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: Prizri, chelovekolyubche, milostivnim tvoim okom na rabi Tvoya, ko Tvoyemu blagoutrobiyu veroyu pripadayushchiya, i uslishav molenia ikh, blagoye nameriniye i delo ikh blagoslovi, i blagopoluchno nachati i speshno krome fsyakago prepyatiya vo slavu tvoyu sovershiti, yako fsesilnomu tsaryu molim Ti sya, uslïshi I pomiluy. DEACON: Lover of mankind, look down with Thy merciful eye on Thy servants, who have fallen down before Thee with profound faith and, hearkening unto their supplication, bless their good intent and deed, that they might begin favorably, and quickly, without any obstacle, finish unto Thy glory, as unto the Almighty King we pray Thee, hearken and have mercy. LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. DIAKON: Yeshche molimsya Ghospodu i spasitelyu nashemy o yezhe sokhraniti v yedinenii i pravoverii tserkov vo vcem mire prebïvayushchuyu i darovati yey mir i bezmyatezhïe, lyubov i soglasiye, rtsem fsi, Ghospodi, uslïshi i pomiluy. DEACON: Again we pray to our Lord and Savior, that He might preserve the Church throughout the world in unity and piety, and grant unto Her peace and tranquility, love and accord, let us all say, O Lord, hearken and have mercy. DIAKON: Yeshche molimsia o plodonosiashchih i dobro deyushchih vo sviatem i fsechestnem hrame sem, DEACON: Again we pray for those who bring offerings and do good works in this holy and all-venerable house, truzhda yushchihsia, poyushchih i predstoyashchih liudeh, for those who labor and those who sing; and for all the people here present, ozhïda yushchih ot Tebe velikiya i bogatïya milosti. who await Thy great and rich mercy.


TEXT LIK: Ghospodi, pomiluy. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. IYEREY: Yako milostiv Chelovekoliubets Bog yesi, i Tebe slavu vossïlayem, CELEBRANT: For Thou art a merciful God, and lovest mankind, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, Ottsu i Sïnu i Sviatomu Duhu, nïne i prisno i vo veki vekov. to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. LIK: Amin. CHOIR: Amen. KHERUBIMSKAYA PESN' THE CHERUBIC HYMN Izhe heruvimï, tayno obrazuyushche, Let us who mystically represent the Cherubim, i zhïvotvoriashchey Troytse and who sing the thrice-holy hymn
 trisviatuyu pesn’ pripevayushche, to the life-creating Trinity,
 fsiakoye nïne zhïteyskoye otlozhïm popecheniye, now lay aside all cares of this life, yako da Tsaria fseh podïmem, that we may receive the King of All,
 Angelskimi nevidimo dorinosima chinmi. who comes invisibly upborne by the angelic host. Alliluya, alliluya, alliluya. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. VERUYU THE CREED Veruyu vo yedinago Boga Ottsa, Fsederzhïtelia, Tvortsa nebu i zemli, I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,
 vidimïm zhe fsem i nevidimïm. and of all things visible and invisible.
 I vo yedinago Ghospoda Iisusa Hrista, Sïna Bozhïya, And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
 yedinorodnago, Izhe ot Ottsa rozhdennago prezhde fseh vek. the only-begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages. Sveta ot sveta, Boga istinna ot Boga istinna, rozhdenna, nesotvorenna, Light of Light, true God of true God,
begotten, not made, yedinosushchna Ottsu, Imzhe fsia bïsha. of one essence with the Father,
by whom all things were made,
 Nas radi chelovek, i nashego radi spaseniya, sshedshago s nebes, who for us and for our salvation
came down from heaven, i voplotivshagosia ot Duha Sviata i Marii Devï, i vochelovechshasia. and was incarnate
of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man. Raspiatago zhe za nï pri Pontiystem Pilate, i stradavsha, i pogrebenna. And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered, and was buried.


TEXT I voskresshago f tretiy den po pisaniyem, And the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures, I vosshedshago na nebesa, i sediashcha odesnuyu Ottsa. and ascended into heaven,
and sits at the right hand of the Father, i paki griadushchago so slavoyu suditi zhïvïm i mertvïm, and He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, Yegozhe tsarstviyu ne budet kontsa. whose Kingdom shall have no end.
 I v Duha Sviatago, Ghospoda, zhïvotvoriashchago, chzhe ot Ottsa ishodiashchago, And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father,
 izhe so Ottsem i Sïnom spoklaniayema i sslavima, glagolavshago Proroki. who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets.
 Vo yedinu Sviatuyu, Sobornuyu, i Apostolskuyu Tserkov. In one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
 Ispoveduyu yedino kreshcheniye vo ostavleniye grehov. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins.
 Chayu voskreseniya mertvïh: i zhïzni budushchago veka. Amin. I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen. INTERMISSION MILOST MIRA PEACE OF THE WORLD LIK: Milost mira, zhertvu hvaleniya. CHOIR: Peace of the world! A sacrifice of praise! IYEREY: Blagodat Ghospoda nashego Iisusa Hrista, i liubï Boga i Ottsa, CELEBRANT: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, i prichastiye Sviatago Duha budi so fsemi vami. and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. LIK: I so duhom tvoim. CHOIR: And with your spirit.
 IYEREY: Gore imeim serdtsa. CELEBRANT: Let us lift up our hearts. LIK: Imamï ko Ghospodu. CHOIR: We lift them up unto the Lord. IYEREY: Blagodarim Ghospoda. CELEBRANT: Let us give thanks unto the Lord. LIK: Dostoyno i pravedno yest poklaniatisia Ottsu i Sïnu i Sviatomu Duhu, CHOIR: It is fitting and right to bow down
to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Troitse yedinosushchney i nerazdelney. the Trinity, one in essence and undivided. IYEREY: ...Pobednuyu pesn poyushche, vopiyushche, vzïvayushche i glagoliushche: CELEBRANT: ...Singing the triumphant hymn, shouting, proclaiming, and saying: LIK: Sviat, sviat, sviat, Ghospod Savaof, ispoln nebo i zemlia slavï Tvoyeya, CHOIR: Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord of Sabaoth! Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory,
 osanna v vïshnih, blagosloven griadïy vo imia Ghospodne, osanna v vïshnih. Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.


TEXT TEBE POYEM WE SING TO THEE IYEREY: Tvoya ot Tvoih Tebe prinosiashche o fseh i za fsia. CELEBRANT: Thine own of Thine own we offer unto Thee, on behalf of all and for all. LIK: Tebe poyem, Tebe blagoslovim, Tebe blagodarim, Ghospodi, CHOIR: We sing to Thee,
we bless Thee,
we give thanks to Thee, O Lord, i molimtisia, Bozhe nash. and we pray unto Thee, O our God. DOSTOYNO YEST IT IS TRULY FITTING IYEREY: Izriadno o Presviatey, Prechistey, Preblagoslovenney, CELEBRANT: Especially for our most holy, most pure, Slavney Vladïchitse nashey Bogoroditse i Prisnodeve Marii. most blessed and glorious Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. LIK: Dostoyno yest, yako voistinu, blazhïti Tia Bogoroditsu, prisnoblazhennuyu i preneporochnuyu, CHOIR: It is truly fitting to bless you, O Theotokos, ever-blessed and most pure, i Mater Boga nashego. Chestneyshuyu heruvim, and the Mother of our God. More honorable than the Cherubim,
 i slavneyshuyu bez sravneniya serafim, and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim, bez istleniya Boga Slova rozhdshuyu, sushchuyu Bogoroditsu Tia velichayem. without defilement you gave birth to God the Word: true Theotokos, we magnify you. OTCHE NASH OUR FATHER Otche nash, Izhe yesi na nebeseh, da sviatitsia imia Tvoye, Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. da priidet Tsarstviye Tvoye, da budet volia Tvoya, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, yako na nebesi i na zemli. on earth as it is in heaven.
 Hleb nash nasushchnïy dazhd nam dnes, i ostavi nam dolgi nasha, Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,
 yakozhe i mï ostavliayem dolzhnikom nashïm. as we forgive those who trespass against us.
 i ne vvedi nas vo iskusheniye, no izbavi nas ot lukavago. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amin. Amen.


 LIK: Hvalite Ghospoda s nebes, hvalite Yego v vïshnih. CHOIR: Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest. Alliluya! alliluya! alliluya! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! BLAGOSLOVEN GRADÏY I VIDEKHOM SVET BLESSED IS HE AND WE HAVE SEEN THE TRUE LIGHT IYEREY: So strahom Bozhiim i veroyu pristupite. CELEBRANT: In the fear of God, and with faith, draw near. LIK: Blagosloven griadïy vo imia Ghospodne. CHOIR: Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. Bog Ghospod i yavisia nam. The Lord is God, and has revealed Himself to us. IYEREY: Spasi, Bozhe, liudi Tvoya i blagoslovidostoyaniye Tvoye. CELEBRANT: O God, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance. LIK: Videkhom svet istinnïy, priyahom Duha nebesnago, CHOIR: We have seen the true Light! We have received the heavenly Spirit. obretohom veru istinnuyu, We have found the true faith, nerazdelney Troitse poklaniayemsia: ta bo nas spasla yest. worshipping the undivided Trinity, who has saved us. IYEREY: Blagosloven Bog nash...fsegda, nïne i prisno i vo veki vekov. Celebrant: Blessed is our God...always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. LIK: Amin. Choir: Amen. DA ISPOLNIATSIA USTA NASHA LET OUR MOUTHS BE FILLED WITH THY PRAISE Da ispolniatsia usta nasha hvaleniya Tvoyego, Ghospodi, Let our mouths be filled with Thy praise, O Lord, yako da poyem slavu Tvoyu, that we may sing of Thy glory, yako spodobil yesi nas prichastitisia sviatïm Tvoim, bozhestvennïm, for Thou hast made us worthy to partake
of Thy holy, divine, bessmertnïm i zhïvotvoriashchim Taynam. immortal, and life-creating Mysteries.
 Sobliudi nas vo Tvoyey sviatïni, Keep us in Thy holiness,
 ves den pouchatisia pravde Tvoyey. that all the day we may meditate upon Thy righteousness. Alliluya! Alliluya! Alliluya! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


— Пс. 148.1 — Psalm 148:1

TEXT BUDI IMIA GHOSPODNE BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD Budi imia Ghospodne blagoslovenno ot nïne i do veka. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, henceforth and forevermore. SLAVA OTTSU I MNOGOLETSTVOVANIYE GLORY TO THE FATHER AND MANY YEARS Slava Ottsu i Sïnu i Sviatomu Duhu, Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, nïne i prisno i vo veki vekov. Amin. now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
 Ghospodi, pomiluy. Blagoslovi. Lord have mercy. Father, bless. Sviateyshïya patriarhi pravoslavnïya, preosviashchennïya mitropolitï, The most holy Orthodox Patriarchs,
the most reverend metropolitans, arhiyepiskopï i yepiskopï, stranu siyu, vlasti, voinstvo i narod yeya, archbishops, and bishops, this country, its civil authorities, armed forces, and its people, i fsia pravoslavnïya hristianï, Ghospodi, sohrani ih na mnogaya leta! and all Orthodox Christians,
O Lord, preserve them for many years!

CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY HISTORY The Cathedral Choral Society has a rich history of performing Russian music since opening its 1976-77 season with the first Washington, DC performance of Rachmaninoff’s Vespers. To mark the millennium of the Christianization of Kievan-Rus’, in 1988 CCS presented a program of Russian sacred music including excerpts from Rachmaninoff's Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. During Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev’s visit to Washington in May 1990, Raisa Gorbacheva opened an exhibit of Russian religious texts at the Library of Congress, where a CCS chamber ensemble welcomed her with a Znammeny chant. On October 21, 1990, J. Reilly Lewis conducted the Washington, DC premiere of Sergei Taneyev’s rarely heard cantata, John of Damascus, using a Library of Congress score. In 2005, CCS reprised the Taneyev, opening with Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture and its first performance of Rachmaninoff's The Bells since 1975. Preceding this concert, Dr. James H. Billington, America’s preeminent scholar of Russian culture and Librarian of Congress, delivered a standing-room-only lecture, “Bell and Cannon: Symbols of Russian Culture.” A brief but memorable appearance with American pianist Van Cliburn followed at the Embassy of the Russian Federation.

Further Russian music immersion came in 2006, when CCS joined with beloved Russian baritone Dmitri Hvorostovsky in sold-out all-Russian concerts of non-liturgical music at the Kennedy Center and Lincoln Center. In 2011, CCS returned to its popular Russian Riches program, featuring works by three of Russia’s greatest composers: Rimsky-Korsakov, Russian Easter Festival Overture, Taneyev, John of Damascus, and Gretchaninov cantata Hvalite, Boga. To mark the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day this past fall, Leonard Slatkin conducted the world premiere of Commemoration for Fallen Brothers, a powerful ecumenical Requiem composed by Alexander Kastalsky in 1917 to commemorate the diverse nations and faiths of the Allied lives lost in World War I. This afternoon, Music Director Steven Fox leads CCS’s first complete performance of Rachmaninoff's Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom in Church Slavonic. © 2019 Margaret Shannon


BIOGRAPHIES Steven Fox is the Cathedral Choral Society’s Music Director, appointed in 2018. He is also the Artistic Director of The Clarion Choir and The Clarion Orchestra, in New York City. He founded Musica Antiqua St. Petersburg as Russia’s first periodinstrument orchestra at the age of 21, and from 2008 to 2013 he was an Associate Conductor at New York City Opera. He has also served as Assistant Conductor for the Metropolitan Opera Lindemann Young Artists Program and for Juilliard Opera. He has appeared as a guest conductor with many renowned ensembles such as Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra in San Francisco, Handel and Haydn Society in Boston, Juilliard415 at Lincoln Center, the Charleston Symphony Orchestra, the Quebec Symphony Orchestra, l’Opéra de Québec, Music of the Baroque in Chicago, and the Tucson Symphony Orchestra. His performances have also taken him to some of the most prestigious halls internationally, such as the Grand Philharmonic Hall and Hermitage Theater in St. Petersburg, Russia, Rachmaninoff Hall in Moscow, the Duke’s Hall of London, and the Vatican. He has been called “an esteemed director” by The New Yorker and “visionary” by BBC Music Magazine. Of a recent Clarion performance, The New York Times praised his “deft guidance” and wrote: “an inspired interpretation. Fox revealed the drama of the score with vivid dynamic shadings. Intonation and pacing were exemplary throughout the performance.” In 2017, Steven and The Clarion Orchestra mounted the organization’s first fully-staged opera production, Mozart’s Magic Flute. The production, staged by renowned Canadian director Alain Gauthier, was called “a deft reach across two centuries” by The New York Times and “a delight, on all fronts” by Opera magazine (UK). Steven was named an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music, London, in 2010 “for significant contributions to his field in music,” and received a GRAMMY nominationw with The Clarion Choir in 2016 and 2018. In May 2018, Steven conducted The Clarion Choir in a performance with Madonna at the Met Gala, which included the world premiere of “A Beautiful Game.” He has given master classes and clinics at Dartmouth College, The Juilliard School, and Yale University, where he served for two years as preparatory conductor of the Yale Schola Cantorum.


Protodeacon Leonid Roschko was ordained into the Holy Russian Orthodox Diaconate June of 2008 by his Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, first hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad. He currently serves at St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral diocesan center in Howell, NJ as the cathedral protodeacon. Tenor Marc Andrew Day sings with many prominent organizations in New York City as both soloist and chorister. Marc has been lauded by Opera News for his “beautiful tone” and described by the New York Times as “thrilling.” Recent performance highlights include being the featured tenor soloist in Rautavaara’s Vigilia at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and in Mozart’s Requiem at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall. A native of Utah, he began his music education at the Madeline Choir School in Salt Lake City, Utah. He received his B.M. from the University of Illinois in ChampaignUrbana and his M.M. from Manhattan School of Music. When not performing, Marc enjoys fishing and spending time thinking about fishing. Soprano Fotina Naumenko is a versatile artist who enjoys performing a wide variety of vocal genres including opera, oratorio, art song, musical theater, choral and contemporary music, both as a soloist and chamber musician. Recent engagements include performances with the Tanglewood Festival of Contemporary Music, Indianapolis Opera, and a national tour with GRAMMYwinning choir Conspirare. Fotina has also performed with the Boston Pops, Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Ravinia Festival, and St. Olav Festival in Trondheim, Norway. In 2014, Fotina won a Fulbright fellowship to focus on her specialization in Russian repertoire at the St. Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory. She is a graduate of the Eastman School of Music and the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, and serves on the voice faculty of Shenandoah Conservatory in Winchester, VA.

BIOGRAPHIES Pianist and Assistant Conductor Joy Schreier is praised by Plácido Domingo as an “orchestra at the piano” and The Washington Post as a “responsive accompanist” and “ideal support” at the piano. She has been presented in recital at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Merkin Hall, the White House, Kennedy Center, Corcoran Gallery, National Gallery of Art, National Museum for Women in the Arts, National Portrait Gallery, Phillips Collection, Cosmos Club, Strathmore Hall, the Embassies of Austria, Australia, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Korea, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, Anderson House, and recital halls throughout the country. Internationally, she has performed throughout Europe and Asia. Upcoming recording releases include a CD of songs and vocal chamber works with soprano Laura Strickling. Concert engagements include a sold-out Carnegie Hall debut at Weill Recital Hall with soprano Danielle Talamantes and a recital series with mezzo-soprano Isabel Leonard for the Marilyn Horne Foundation. An avid chamber musician, since 2010 Schreier has been official pianist of the Washington International String & Voice Competitions at the Kennedy Center. She served as official pianist for the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, Assistant Conductor at the Washington National Opera and coach for the Domingo-Cafritz Young Artist Program, as well as Keyboard Artist of the Washington Bach Consort. She received her Doctorate in Accompanying and Chamber Music at the Eastman School of Music under Dr. Jean Barr where she was the recipient of the Barbara Koeng Award for Excellence in Vocal Accompanying.

The Cathedral Choral Society is the resident symphonic chorus of Washington National Cathedral. Founded in 1941 by Paul Callaway, the 120-voice chorus is the oldest symphonic choral group in Washington, DC. From 1985 to 2016, J. Reilly Lewis served as its second Music Director, leading performances ranging from symphonic choral masterpieces to world premieres. Beginning in the 2018.19 season, Steven Fox is the organization’s third Music Director. The Cathedral Choral Society presents a concert series with four programs at Washington National Cathedral. In addition to its concert series, the chorus has performed around the city and on nationwide radio and television. The Cathedral Choral Society has appeared at the Kennedy Center with The Washington Ballet, the Juilliard Orchestra, in performances sponsored by Washington Performing Arts Society, and with the National Symphony Orchestra under Leonard Slatkin and other conductors. In 2014, the chorus performed Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra at Meyerhoff Symphony Hall in Baltimore and Strathmore in Bethesda. The chorus has a remarkable history of championing new music, including eight major commissions for new symphonic choral works and an annual commission for a new Christmas carol. Each season the chorus builds on a tradition of showcasing emerging soloists as well as internationally known artists. The Cathedral Choral Society’s discography features ten recordings made at Washington National Cathedral. The Cathedral Choral Society offers education programs, including an annual High School Choir Festival featuring choirs from across Washington, DC.


CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY SOPRANO Katelyn Aungst Jessica Barness** Joanne Casey Laura Cooman Tari Cooper* Marcia D’Arcangelo Lesley Earl Kaylee Folsom Melissa Fox Renee Gamache Marian Gamboa Crossley Hawn Abigale Hobbs Hope Hukkeri Elizabeth Hutcheson Elizabeth Konneker Chana Kuhns Lori Kurtyka Wendy Lubarsky

ALTO Chris Markus Marianna J. Martindale Emily McCullough Susan McDaid Fotina Naumenko Catherine Ort-Mabry Kimberly Pacala Felicia Pagden Frances H. Pratt* Kyra Reumann-Moore Margot Rood Melissa Ryan Cynthia Shen Helen L. St. John Megan Sullivan** Dianne Vandivier Jelena Vranic Elizabeth Owens Wakefield Celeste Wanner

TENOR Scott Alman Ross Bradford* Gregg Breen Steven Blondo David Costanza Marc Andrew Day David Dietly Kellen Edmondson Brett Ewer Luke Fisher Jeremy Gosbee John W. Harbeson Mike Kelleher Richard Larkin

Salma Al-Shami Violet Baker Hannah Baslee George Branyan Kathleen Brion Laurene Church Laura Connors Robin Costanza Kayli Davis Catie DeLiso Kehan DeSousa Kristen Dubenion-Smith Cindy Drakeman Holly Filipiak Susan Grad** Mary Grace Grieco Kim Harris Pam Hazen**

Mary Hiebert-White Sarah B. Holmes Kyla Kitamura Beth L. Law Beth A.V. Lewis Sheila McJilton Julie Meadows Laura Miller* Mary Olch Jennifer Griffiths Orudjev Sarah Petoni Sarah Phillips Teresa Polinske Eleanor Slota Susan Stanford Patricia Stephenson Cecelia Tamburro Kathleen M. Welling*

BASS Peter Lee James M. E. Mixter, Jr.** John E. Moyer Thomas Mugavero Christine H. Mulligan* Rob Porter Robert Reeves Jacob Perry Martin S. Rosenthal** John Schaettler Martyn Smith Matt Taylor D.C. Washington

Ernest Abbott Daniel Banko-Ferran Joshua Blume Christopher L Buechler* Nathaniel Buttram Kelly Cameron Casey Cook David Dalton David D’Auria John Doyon Glenn S. Griffiths** Giles Howson Lee Larson Justin Wayne Lewis Andrew Madar Michael McCarthy Scott McCorkindale

Glenn Miller (basso profundo) Armand R. Peterson Richard Rattan Raymond Rhinehart Christopher G. Riggs Stephen Roberts Gary Roebuck James Schaller David Shilton Arthur Smith L. Bradley Stanford* Richard Wanerman** Nicholas Wathen Gregory Watson Clifton West III Ellis Wisner * Section Coordinators ** Alternates


THANK YOU The Cathedral Choral Society is pleased to acknowledge the following contributors to our Annual Fund Campaign between December 1, 2017 – March 1, 2019. Gifts made in Memory or Honor of another person are listed on page 25. Thank you. Your ongoing and generous contributions support our vision to engage people in the extraordinary power of choral music.

Sustaining Patrons $10,000+ Anonymous Ernest*^ and Catherine Abbott Thomas P. Gallagher

Sarah B. Holmes*^ and John B. Morris Jr. Celeste Avril Letourneau^ Stephen S. Roberts*

Martin Rosenthal*^ and Corinne Axelrod The Estate of Ms. Marjorie Schrader The Estate of M. Elizabeth and Charles Tidball

Thomas C. Mugavero*^ Mary B. Olch* Catherine E. Ort-Mabry* and Brian K. Mabry Margarita Ossorio-Goldman^ and Daniel Goldman

Gerald W. and Alice Padwe John E. Moyer* and Jane R. Passman Frances H. Pratt* Gene^ and Sheryl Tunison

Chorus Section Patrons $2,500+ Nancy M. Folger Jeremy Gosbee* Richard* and Cecilia Larkin

Virginia C. Mars^ Susan McDaid*

Raymond Rhinehart* and Walter Smalling, Jr. L. Bradley*^ and Susan*^ Stanford

Unsung Heroes $1,000+ Jessica Barness* Betty J. Beard Jeanne Buster Laura M. Connors* Blanche L. Curfman Alice M. Denney Edison and Sally Dick Walter^ and Joanne Doggett

Genevieve and Sean Twomey Mary-T^ and Spencer Gordon Susan Grad* Paul Juergensen II C. F. Muckenfuss III and Angela Lancaster Samuel Miller Robert* and Lissa Reeves

Eric P. Andersen and W. David Young II James* and Madeleine Schaller T. Michael and Linda Shortal Guy and Margaret^ Steuart Kevin and Andrea Wade Nancy Wiecking Margot T. Young

Peter* and Lauralyn Lee George Londeree Christina M. Markus* Scott McCorkindale* Kimberly and Mark Pacala Dale and Anthony Pappas Harold I. and Frances G. Pratt Lynn Rhomberg Linda and Richard Roeckelein

Suzanne and Robert Rooney John F. Schaettler* David* and Mary Shilton Elizabeth Steuart-Kret Leslie C. Taylor Elinor and James Vaughter Kathleen W. and Walter Weld Douglas H. and Catherine T. Wheeler

Guarantor Patrons $5,000+ Diana Dykstra Charles Leonard Egan Arthur L. and Connie Eggers Patricia D. Hevner^ Lolly and Jim* Mixter

Patrons $500+ Margaret M. Ayres and Stephen Case Violet Baker* Timothy W. and Patricia R. Carrico Joanne Casey* Lynn B. Dutton Holly*^ and Trevor Filipiak Cary C. Fuller Embry Howell Robert W. Jerome and William J. Courville


THANK YOU Sponsors $250+ Catherine H. Beauchamp David and Jane Berteau Kathleen Brion* James W. Clay* Vera I. Connolly Brett Ewer* Glenn S.* and Judith M. Griffiths Douglas Gustafson Earl and Phyllis Hannum Anne R. Harris Donors $100+ Anonymous (2) Marjorie Abbot Marina Alman Mary Amorosino Mark J. Andrews D. Philip Baker Doug Barry and Liz Eder Elizabeth Bartholomew Jane C. Bergner Gordon L. Biscomb Andrew and Kaye Boesel Herman Bostick Gregg M. Breen* Madeleine M. Brown Michael F. Butler Helen Carras Marilyn Clark Roberta and Philip Cronin Holly Cumberland John Da Camara Marcia D’Arcangelo* Christine C. De Fontenay Sharrill Dittmann Cindy Drakeman* and Richard Wanerman*

Paul and Ellen Hoff Michael Kelly Wendy Palmby Lubarsky* Rosemary Lyon Tom Manteuffel and Margaret Sheeran Ann F. McCormick-McQuillan Barbara and John McGraw Scott and Nancy Pinckney Jacqueline K. Prince Jim and Linda Sheridan

Sinclair Winton Carol Hill Sox Ann Tickner James D. Toews C. Thomas Van Alen Thomas and Linda Veblen Richard and Virginia Wagner Kathleen M. Welling* Ellis Wisner*

Kathleen A. Felton Cynthia Livingstone Gibert Neil and Carolyn Goldman Hilton Lee Graham George E. Groninger George Hanc Frederick S. Hird Lee McGraw Hoffman Robert and Parma Holt Oliver B. John Martha Jones Michael Emile Karam Laurie Keegan Mary Ruth Keller Gary and Judy Kushnier Richard and Jeanne Lambert William M. Leach† Elizabeth Lowenstein James W. and Kathleen E. Madden Rosemary Marcuss Robert Turner Mead Joseph and Rebecca Metro Denise Bell Miller Martha Miller

Paula Morrow Christine* and James Mulligan Mindy Nash Coleman H. and Elizabeth B. O’Donoghue Suzanne M. and B. Dwight Perry Warren and Marianne Pfeiffer Rondi K. Pillette and Steven and Jake Levin Christine Pintz Joan A. Pirie Robert* and Elaine Porter Chuck Pratt and Alexandra England Theodora Radcliffe Jay and Marion Richter Markley Roberts Jane* and Vernon Roningen Ann Imlah Schneider Patrick Shannon Keiko Stusnick Phyllis C. Wertime Virginia L. White Evelyn D. Woolston-May Sam Yoon

*Chorus Member


^Board Trustee


THANK YOU The Cathedral Choral Society is pleased to recognize Government, Foundation, and Corporate support to our Annual Fund Campaign between December 1, 2017 - March 1, 2019. THANK YOU TO OUR GOVERNMENT SUPPORTERS DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities U.S. Commission of Fine Arts: National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs Program

THANK YOU TO OUR FOUNDATION SUPPORTERS Anonymous Dallas Morse Coors Foundation

Dimick Foundation Mars Foundation

The Meredith Foundation The Richard Eaton Foundation

THANK YOU TO OUR CORPORATE SUPPORTERS Corporate Champion $2,000+ Exxon Mobil Foundation Omni Shoreham Hotel

Pepco, an Exelon Company

Corporate Investor $1,500+ IBM

Sentinel Wealth Management

Corporate Advocate $500+ Starbrite Dental, the Office of Dr. Maryam Seifi

Corporate Supporter $100+ Ameriprise Financial – Kim, Hopkins, & Associates

Reed Smith, LLP

HARMONIA SOCIETY The Cathedral Choral Society’s Harmonia Society recognizes those individuals who have, with special thought and foresight, included the Cathedral Choral Society in their estate plans. Their wish and vision is to ensure the stabilty and success of this choral organization for the next generation of singers and audiences. We are grateful to each member of the Harmonia Society for their vision and generous support. Anonymous (2) Ernest*^ and Catherine Abbott Catherine H. Beauchamp Judy Davis David Dietly*^ Charles Leonard Egan Thomas P. Gallagher^ Mary-T Gordon^ Anne R. Harris ^

William B.† and Ruth L. Harwood Patricia D. Hevner^ Ann Ingram Richard* and Cecilia Larkin J. Reilly+ and Beth A.V.* Lewis Susan McDaid* Lolly and Jim*^ Mixter Martha A. Morris Gerald W. and Alice Padwe

Raymond Rhinehart* Carla L. Rosati Martin Rosenthal*^ and Corinne Axelrod Margaret Shannon T. Michael and Linda Shortal John† and Dariel van Wagoner† Nancy Wiecking Martha Wilson Evelyn D. Woolston-May

If you have remembered the Cathedral Choral Society in your estate planning and do not see your name above, please let us know. To reach us or to learn more about the Harmonia Society, contact Lindsay Sheridan at 202-537-5524.


THANK YOU The Cathedral Choral Society is pleased to acknowledge the following contributions made in memory or honor to our Annual Fund Campaign between December 1, 2017 - March 1, 2019. GIFTS IN HONOR In Honor of Ellis Wisner Judith Hope

In Honor of Kathy Brion Sherry Mueller

In Honor Mary-T. Gordon Terry Beaty and Anne Mettringer

In Honor of Ernie Abbott Joshua Gotbaum and Joyce Thornhill

In Honor of Laurie Church Joan Filson

In Honor of Margot T. Young Kathleen W. and Walter Weld Soprano II Section

In Honor of Franny Pratt Susan J. Henry Chuck Pratt and Alex England Harold Pratt In Honor of Tom Mugavero Anonymous

In Honor of Robert and Elaine Porter Susan Klauck In Honor of Tom and Patti Mugavero Elizabeth Sherfy

In Honor of Susanna Beiser David and Joan Green

GIFTS IN MEMORY In Memory of Charles S. Tidball Mary B. Olch* Mary-T^ and Spencer Gordon Blanche L. Curfman James D. Campbell and Janet M. Hall Linda Lear In Memory of Ruth Harwood Mary-T^ and Spencer Gordon In Memory of J. Reilly Lewis Beth Lewis Clara J. Ohr Louis E. and Ruth H. Kahn Patricia Stephenson* Barbara Oldroyd


In Memory of Dariel Van Wagoner Beth Lewis Erika R. Joyce In Memory of William M. Leach Sally A. Fiske Jean Jawdat In Memory of John D. Van Wagoner Beth Lewis Mary-T^ and Spencer Gordon Blanche L. Curfman In Memory of Milton Rose Ingrid R. Rose

In Memory of Marion Drew Leach Sally Fiske In Memory of Marjorie Schrader Linda and Stuart Churchill Dolores R. Condon In Memory of McKinney Russell Patricia Critchlow In Memory of Theodore R. Blesdoe Mary-T^ and Spencer Gordon In Memory of Glenn Mitchell Mary-T^ and Spencer Gordon

In Memory of Linda Morgan Michael Emile Karam In Memory of James W. Stone Crawford Feagin Stone In Memory of Charles W. McClendon Leslie McClendon In Memory of McKinney H. Russell Anne Ripley

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ernest Abbott David Dietley Walter B. Doggett III, Treasurer Holly Filipiak Steven Fox, ex officio Patricia Hevner, Vice President

Sarah Holmes Celeste A. Letourneau, Secretary Thomas Mugavero, President Margarita Ossorio-Goldman Martin S. Rosenthal

Lindsay Sheridan, ex officio L. Bradley Stanford Susan Stanford Margaret Steuart Gene Tunison


Virginia C. Mars

CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY STAFF Laura Crook Brisson, Operations Coordinator Emily Buttram, Annual Fund & Events Coordinator Steven Fox, Music Director

Anna Lipowitz, Operations & Education Programs Manager Joy Schreier, Pianist & Assistant Conductor Lindsay Sheridan, Interim Executive Director

CONCERT SUPPORT Librarian: Patricia Stephenson Library Committee: Joanne Casey, Violet Baker, and Rob Porter

WASHINGTON NATIONAL CATHEDRAL STAFF Valerie Ciccone, Director, Office of Event Management Matt Echave, Director of Video Services Gary Ford, Director, Sextons and Housekeeping Mark Huffman, Technical Director/Audio Engineer

Sara Kirsch, Events Operations Manager Aneisha Persaud, Deputy Director, Office of Event Management Sarah Rockwood, Deputy Director, Patron Services Torrence Thomas, Head Verger






SUNDAY, MAY 19, 4:00 PM

Poulenc, Gloria - Vaughan Williams, Dona Nobis Pacem Steven Fox, conductor - Lauren Snouffer, soprano Jesse Blumberg, baritone - Cathedral Choral Society and Orchestra Written in Poulenc’s unique religious style that melds the sacred and profane, his joyful, radiant Gloria is the composerat his very best. Written in response to Vaughan Williams’ personal anguish after service in World War I, his Dona Nobis Pacem emphasizes reconcilation and peace.


of Music

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