Painting differentiates itself from other visual art forms by its emphasis on the 2-dimensional plane. The paradox: paintings are also sculptures. They are physically 3-dimensional, made from a wide variety of materials from paint, canvas and stretchers to materials such as wooden balls, glitter, gold leaf, sprays, paint tubes, nails, hair, and more. Please join us in exploring the question of what makes a painting?
Irina Alimanestianu, Darlene Charneco, Nestor Charneco, Janet Culbertson, Cara DeAngelis, Audrey Flack, Jim Gemake, Edward Holland, Tom Judd, Susan Lazarus-Reimen, Sam Middleton, Brian O'Leary, Jodi Panas, Dan Rizzie, David Slater, Barbara Thomas, John Torreano, Darius Yektai, Gavin Zeigler