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Cath Hermans
One of Cath Hermans’ series is titled Inside Out. This series, like its title, is typical of her approach. Cath Hermans is one of those photographers who works just as easily in a studio as she does on location. In fact, sometimes you can’t even see whether those eccentric still lifes and mysterious worlds were photographed inside or outdoors. From Iceland to Egypt, from Norway to Thailand; she travels around the world to find the perfect atmosphere for her photos. Due to her characteristic use of light, you ask yourself time and again whether her landscapes are real or staged - in this sense, the world is her studio. For example, Cath practically always uses models, which – due to their clever positioning and careful styling – almost seem inanimate. With the themes in her work, she often refer to the zeitgeist and fashion trends of the 19th century. However, she uses them in a contemporary setting, which contributes to the alienating impact of her work.