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Cathie Billings
I spent time in VA this year working on a family project. I love the Blue Ridge Mountains and the people there are much like Nova Scotia, very friendly and helpful. I had a couple of my associates covering for me while away so my clients didn't suffer, thank God. Since my return at the end of August I have made 4 sales in about a month so the market isn't too bad from my standpoint. I do have to say that prices are certainly dropping and offers are negotiated. I attended a 2 day Ignite course with Richard Robbins this year as well. He is an awesome speaker and motivator. Well, we will see what the rest of 2013 brings. Grew up on the Jersey Shore.....lived in Florida for 7 yrs, moved to Bridgewater Nova Scotia permanently in 1977(had home here since 1969) and have no intention of leaving anytime soon. I am an assoc. broker with Remax South Shore Realty(first licensed in 1977) and love my job. Married w/3 grown children and 3 grown grandchildren.Board member of Lunenburg County SPCA, served as alternate boar