Catholic Life
Publication of the Diocese of Sale
New business manager for diocese - Page 3
St Patrick’s celebrates 90 years - Page 4
November 2012
44 years in Catholic education - Page 7
School’s in at Officer By Colin Coomber
THE impressive growth of St Francis Xavier College has continued with the opening of its new Officer campus last month. Situated centrally in Melbourne’s growth corridor the school now had around 2200 students on three campuses, which makes it one of the largest schools in the state. And when you consider that St Peter’s College, Cranbourne, was once a campus of St Francis Xavier, and has itself expanded to two campuses, the growth has been remarkable. The new Officer campus is home to 110 students studying in Year 7 and that number will almost treble next year with the influx of a new group of Year 7s and an extra stream of Year 8s. Principal Paul Desmond said that he envisaged there would be 600-650 students in Years 7-9 within a couple of years, While the growth of the college had been enormous over the past decade it had been well-planned and the Officer campus had enough land that it could one day be a Year 7-12 campus. He said it was also possible that the Berwick and Officer campuses could eventually be excised from the main Beaconsfield campus to become colleges in their own right. There were now just over 1000 students at both Beaconsfield and Berwick campuses. Mr Desmond said the school was fortunate that it was able to attract and keep a high standard of teaching staff. Next year there would be 17 new staff who would be a mix of graduates and experienced teachers. The rapid urbanisation of
AMONG the first students at the new Officer campus are (rear, from left) Joshua Henderson, Alfred Sempel, (front) Brianna EvansWood, Annaliesse Silva, Elisheva Draghici who are pictured in front of the distinctive main building on campus. what was once a rural area St Bidgid’s Primary opened in different parishes as St Brigid’s Cranbourne East has forced the of the diocese has created its Officer only two years ago and on the western side of town is diocese to create a new parish fair share of headaches with now a new St Clare’s Primary in Berwick parish, while St around the new St Peter’s new schools having to be will be built on a four hectare Clare’s will be east of the town Campus and there are plans constructed continually. site next to St Francis Xavier’s and therefore in Pakenham afoot to build an adjacent St Hundreds of new homes are Office campus. parish. Thomas the Apostle Primary being built every month in Casey Interestingly the two Officer Meanwhile to the south School within a couple of years. and Cardinia municipalities. primary schools will fall in the rapid development of
Your generous gift will go on giving A donation to the Bishop’s Family Foundation will aid needy families in the Diocese of Sale by funding much needed counselling and other programs. Send tax deductible donations to: Bishop’s Family Foundation, PO Box 1410, Warragul 3820 Phone 5622 6600 for more information
Page 2 - Catholic Life, November 2012
Year of Faith reflection 1: Faith and faithfulness D
ear Friends in the Lord Jesus,
The Year of Faith has begun. Let us open the “door of faith”(Acts 14:27) in a profound way to the Lord in the year to come. When we reflect on the gift of faith - what do we think? We have all heard people say: “I wish I had more faith.” We all say the same thing to ourselves. Faith is not something, however, we produce of our own initiative. Quite the opposite. Faith is a theological virtue. Faith relates directly to God (CCC 1812). It is a sheer gift from God. It disposes us to our participation in the very life of God. It is the “door of faith” that gives us a sharing in the life of God. By faith we believe in all Jesus has said and revealed to us as handed onto us over the millennia by the Church (CCC 1814). To understand faith we must begin with the idea of faithfulness. We start with the faithfulness of God the Father to the Son, Jesus Christ and the faithfulness of the Son to the Father. We do not start with our own considerations as to whether we have enough faith or not. Ultimately, such a starting point is futile and vain. But the faithfulness shared in the Holy Trinity is the pathway to understanding faith. Think of the love, trust and commitment of God
To God’s People in the Catholic Diocese of Sale the Father to His Son. Jesus is the beloved Son in whom the Father is well pleased. The Father lavishes on the Son his very life. He never leaves him orphaned. Then Jesus, even in the tragic moments of his life at Gethsemane and Good Friday, never gives up on the love of His Heavenly Father. Jesus is faithful to the Father totally and completely. From this saving bond of divine faithfulness we can consider faith. God the Father and Son never give up on us. In the midst of all our sins and infidelities there is always the offer of mercy and faithfulness. It becomes our saving grace. We learn to try again and again to be faithful to God who is always faithful to us. Our faith in God is in response to His faithfulness to us. Maybe if we feel we have little faith, then perhaps we need to pray and ponder on this source of all faith: the eternal spring of faithfulness in the Trinity. When I think of people of faith in my life, they are always people who trust totally in God’s faithfulness to them. Can you think of some people who you consider
people of faith? Are they likewise people of trust in the Savior, Jesus Christ? I am sure they are. In November we recall the saints of God and those who have died. On All Saints Day we recall those who are with the Blessed Holy Trinity in the heaven Jerusalem: the saints. We learn from their example. We pray for their intercession. On All Souls Day and for all November, we pray for those who have died. We pray the all merciful Lord will drawn them fully into the faithfulness of the Trinity and forgive all their sins. As we all would hope that the faithful would pray for us when we die, it is a serious responsibility of us now to pray for those who have gone before us. We pray that they rest in peace. I had the great privileged of being with the Holy Father and with the many thousands who celebrated the Holy Mass with him at the beginning of the Year of Faith (October 11). The Holy Father has made it quite clear that he has announced a Year of Faith “precisely so that the Church might renew the enthusiasm
Annual pilgrimage to shrine SALE - Dedicated young Catholics from across the diocese will converge on Sale for the annual pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at St Mary’s Cathedral. The event is on Sunday, November 18 at 1pm. Many young people have decided to join the pilgrimage as DIOCESE OF SALE
part of their devotions and preparations for attending World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro next year. After the pilgrimage walk around Sale and Marian devotions at the cathedral, youth will be entertained by one of Australia’s leading Christian rock bands Compliments of Gus.
Catholic Life PO Box 1410, Warragul Vic. 3820 Phone: (03) 5622 6600
Refreshments will be available. This year the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help which was blessed by Pope Leo XIII will be on full display. It had recently had the “jewelled” crown on Our Lady replaced after the original was stolen.
Latrobe alley V uneral F Services
Editor: Colin Coomber Published monthly except January. Deadline for advertising copy and editorial contributions for next issue is Monday, December 3. Issues distributed free through parishes and schools from December 12. Published by Catholic Media Gippsland, an agency of the Diocese of Sale. Printed by Express Print, Morwell. Member of Australasian Catholic Press Association & Australasian Religious Press Association
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of believing in Jesus Christ the one Savior of the world, revive the joy of walking on the path he pointed out to us and bear a tangible witness to the transforming power of faith.”(October 17, 2012) I invite all parishes, schools and communities to enter fully into the Year of Faith. I published a Pastoral Letter on this matter in the September issue of Catholic Life. It is my prayer that the gift of faith will deepen in our lives in these precious days. I hope that the many practical ways suggested in the Pastoral Letter will find pastoral expressions in the year ahead. Thank you to all who prayed for me during my time in Rome for the Bishops Synod on the New Evangelisation for the Transmission of the Faith. It was an unforgettable experience. Over 400 bishops, priests, deacons, lay leaders and back-up teams were directly involved. At the end of the Synod we presented a list of propositions to the Holy Father for his consideration. We also published a Message to the Church. May the Lord in his faithfulness to us, strengthen your faith and bless you and families with peace. + Bishop Christopher Prowse Catholic Bishop of Sale
Bishops support Royal Commission THE Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference support the announcement by the Prime Minister of a Royal Commission into child sex abuse in our community. This is a serious issue not just for the Catholic Church but for the whole community. As Catholic bishops and as individuals we share the feelings of horror and outrage which all decent people feel when they read the reports of sexual abuse and allegations of cover ups. Over the past 20 years, there have been major developments in the way the Church responds to victims, deals with perpetrators and puts in place preventive measures. In addition, there is a much greater general awareness of the issue of paedophilia in the broader community. Sexual abuse of children is not confined to the Catholic Church. Tragically, it occurs in families, churches, community groups, schools and other organisations. We believe a Royal Commission will enable an examination of the issues associated with child abuse nationally, and identify measures for better preventing and responding to child abuse in our society. We have taken decisive steps in the past 20 years to make child safety a priority and to help victims of abuse. This includes working closely with
police. While there were significant problems concerning some dioceses and some religious orders, talk of a systemic problem of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is ill-founded and inconsistent with the facts. We deeply regret the suffering and trauma endured by children who have been in the Church’s care, and the effect on their families. Mistakes were made and we apologise to victims and their families for these failures. Much of the public discussion is about how the Church dealt with cases 20 or more years ago. Critics talk as though earlier failures are still prevalent. Major procedural changes in dealing with these matters have been implemented by the Church since then. It is unjust and inappropriate to suggest crimes are being – or have been – committed, without producing evidence; without asking those accused for their responses before making generalised slurs. It is unacceptable, because it is untrue, to claim that the Catholic Church does not have proper procedures, and to claim that Catholic authorities refuse to cooperate with the police. • This is an abridged version of the bishops’ statement. For a full version see our website
Catholic Life, November 2012 - Page 3
Bishop queries need for guide to proclamation BISHOP Christopher Prowse has returned from the Synod of Bishops in Rome which focused on new evangelisation. He was one of two bishops to represent the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference at the three week long general assembly. In his address to the Synod, Bishop Prowse queried whether there needed to be a compendium on the initial proclamation of the Catholic Church, similar to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. He pointed out that both the Lineamente (n. 19) and Intrumentum Laboris (n. 139, 140) make the distinction between the initial proclamation of the Gospel and catechesis. The kerygmatic (preaching the Gospel of Jesus in the manner of the early Church) proclamation called for conversion to the risen Lord Jesus Christ through baptism. Catechesis, was a distinct but not separate manner, promoted growth and instruction in the Christian life. He said both constituted one pastoral action in two aspects. Bishop Prowse said “Clearly, with the magna carta document of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, much has been done over the last 20 years to express in compendium form the teachings of the Catholic Church. “This has been a particular grace of the Holy Spirit. It
continues to inspire catechesis throughout the Church. “Is it time now to attempt a similar kind of compilation on the initial proclamation of the Catholic Church? “Over the centuries, how has the initial proclamation of the Gospel been expressed? What have been examples of outpourings of the Holy Spirit in our Catholic history? “What have been the great approaches to the initial proclamation expressed by the saints and missionaries? In our own time, what examples have there been of the new evangelisation?” On this last point, he said Instrumentum Laboris (n. 141146) listed World Youth Days, the Pope’s apostolic journeys, national and local popular missions and devotional gatherings, preaching, the sacrament of reconciliation and so on. There was also a great gift of the Holy Spirit in the new ecclesial movements which assisted in developing a “culture of Pentecost.” “Both initial proclamation BISHOP Christopher Prowse reads his statement at the Synod of Bishops in Rome last month. and catechesis together are to sing, in perfect harmony to the world, a duet that responds afresh to the Lord Jesus’ command: ‘Go into the world and proclaim the Good News to the whole creation.’” (Mark 16:15)
New business manager
Paul Velten PAUL Velten has taken over as business manager for the Sale Diocese. He replaces Jeff Davis who has stepped down from the position as part of his transition to retirement. Mr Velten, 47, has been acting business manager since the diocese relocated its headquarters to Sion House, Warragul. He was previously business manager at Marist-Sion College, Warragul. Mr Velten has been employed in finance and management for the past 25 years and has performed senior roles in the commercial sector. He and his wife Donna have
nine children aged between two and 18 and have been residents in Pakenham for the past eight years. Of their children, one finished secondary school last year, three children are at St Francis Xavier College, three at St Patrick’s, Pakenham, and there are still two at home. Mr Velten has been active in the parish, serving on its finance committee and has been chairman of St Patrick’s Primary School board for the past three years. He was also a member of the diocesan finance council prior to taking on the business manager’s role.
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The Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale is not subject to the provisions of the Corporation Act 2001 nor has it been examined or approved by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Deposits with the Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale are guaranteed by CDPF Limited, a company established by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference for this purpose. We welcome your investment with the Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale rather than with a profit orientated commercial organisation as a conscious commitment by you to support the Charitable, Religious and Educational works of the Catholic Church. Neither the Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale nor the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Sale are prudentially supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority; contributions to the Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale do not obtain the benefit of the depositor protection provisions of the Banking Act 1959; the Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale is designed for investors who wish to promote the charitable purposes of the Catholic Diocese of Sale.
Page 4 - Catholic Life, November 2012
St Patrick’s celebrates 90th
Hold the Czech
THOSE World Youth Day pilgrims heading for Rio De Janeiro next year will have to consol themselves with seeing the second largest statue of Jesus. The famous Christ the Redeemer statue which stands atop the 700m Cordovado mountain overlooking Rio is 39.6m high which includes its 9.5m pedestal. Completed in 1931, it is dwarfed by the latest 51m high statue of Christ the King in Swiebodzin, Poland, which will be consecrated later this month. The Polish statue has Christ with hands outstretched, in the manner of the Brazilian statue, and wears a golden crown. Still we doubt the Poles will have their statue of Christ is such a spectacular setting.
Cooked mail
WE love the farmer in the Strzelecki Highway between Morwell and Leongatha who has found a good use for an old microwave oven. He’s turned it into his mail box and with the glass front he can see at a glance whether the postie has left mail. When you travel around the country you often see innovative mail boxes, including full sized fridges used for mail boxes for umpteen houses down a particular road but we’ve never seen the microwave box before.
Floral tribute
A BIT of praise for Wonthaggi with its fantastic display of flowers in roundabouts in the centre of the town. We were taken by the mass of Flanders poppies which were in bloom the other week but doubt they were still in bloom for Remembrance Day last weekend.
Cold comfort
FORMER director of Catholic Education Peter Ryan is about to fulfill a teenage dream to visit Antarctica. In Year 8 at school he learnt from his teacher about the icy continent down south and always dreamed of going there one day. After hearing of the experiences of others he decided now was the time to act if he was ever going to do it. Family and friends encouraged him and so he’ll soon be sailing towards the land of icebergs. But his wife will not be accompanying him. As he said at his farewell function “She gets seasick on a wet kitchen floor!”
THE McAninly family from Yarram who all attended St Patrick’s College, Sale. Jim was a student during the 1930s while his sons (from left) Paul, Tony and David were boarders during the 1960s. SALE - The former St Patrick’s College has celebrated its 90th anniversary with a big weekend of events, attended by many former boarders and students. The college was established by Bishop Phelan in 1922 and he invited the Marist Brothers to run it. In 1977 Catholic College Sale grew from the amalgamation of St Patrick’s and Our Lady of Sion College, founded in 1890 by the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion At first known as Sale Catholic College, its present name of Catholic College Sale was chosen in 1992. On the weekend of October 13-14, the 90th anniversary of
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the founding of St Patrick’s was celebrated by an open afternoon and guided tours of the St Patrick’s campus and followed by a memorial dinner at the All Seasons Convention Centre in the evening. Mass was celebrated in the cathedral on Sunday morning by three old boy priests, Mgr John Allman, Fr John Davine and Fr Frank Young and former Bishop of Sale Bishop Jeremiah Coffey. A barbeque followed in the college grounds. During Saturday afternoon many availed themselves of the guided tours and displays at the college. Visitors from all eras of the college history and from all parts of the country, were present. Two men from the 1930s, Gerard Laws and Jim McAninly were especially welcome. The school was pleased to welcome Professor Alex Bobik from the medicine school of Monash University, and Dr John McNamara for many
years the leading doctor at the Royal Childrens’ Hospital, but it was equally pleasing to welcome all the past students and their spouses from all walks of life. More than 170 gathered for the dinner and all present enjoyed the wonderful company, dinner and formalities of the evening. Mgr Allman had gone to great trouble to prepare a wonderful homily at the Sunday Mass and all were delighted to catch up with him and their many old associates at the barbecue afterwards. Former St Patrick’s principal, now college archivist Br Majella Fitzpatrick said “We thank God for all the blessings that have come through the work at Catholic College and all who had made it possible. We are proud of the wonderful stream of old collegians who have embraced all avenues of life and brought great credit to their alma mater.”
This final testament speaks loudly of the values, causes and possessions we hold most dear. We bequest personal treasures and mementos to special friends and loved ones and ask them to care for them after our passing. If you hold the Church dear, you may consider leaving a percentage of your estate or a specific amount to the Diocese of Sale. The Diocese is grateful for the support of its benefactors, who have enabled the Church to grow in its service of its people, and invite you to share in this rich heritage.
FORMER St Patrick’s old boy Mgr John Allman (left) who concelebrated Mass at the 90th anniversary with Br Majella Fitzpatrick who was a former principal of the college and is now the Catholic College Sale archivist.
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Catholic Life, November 2012 - Page 5
Shanagolden - An unique opportunity in Pakenham SHANAGOLDEN is a purpose built new development incorporating an aged care facility, retirement village and community respite centre. Accommodation at Shanagolden Aged Care Facility consists of 60 High Care and 30 Low Care single rooms, all with their own ensuite (private and shared). Residents are encouraged to decorate their rooms with personal items, furnishings and mementos. In addition, spacious communal lounge areas and dining rooms have resulted in a stunning living environment. The professional team delivers high-quality care and support including 24-hour coverage by registered nurses. Shanagolden Aged Care Facility provides compassionate, personalised care within a safe and nurturing environment Shanagolden offers `aging in place’ which means that residents are able to transfer from low to high-care as their needs change without having to move to a completely different facility. This provides peace of mind for both the resident and their families. The dedicated Lifestyle team takes great pride in developing stimulating, fulfilling and fun internal and integrated community lifestyle
programs for residents. At Shanagolden Village, well-being is a top priority. Feeling safe, content and wellconnected is often the first thing that many individuals and family member express as their greatest wish. Their aim is to ensure that residents and their families have peace of mind. The great range of facilities available includes bar and lounge areas, a library and craft studio, billiards, an indoor bowling green, computer, internet and phone access, alfresco dining and relaxation, and outdoor patio and barbecue area. There is also a hairdressing salon, a wellbeing centre, dining rooms, comfortable lounge and living areas as well as a cafe and internal courtyards. At Shanagolden Village community also plays a very important role - developing new friendships and social connections is integral and the team at Shanagolden encourage an active and fun loving community. The fulfilling lifestyle program aims to maximise independence and social interaction by maintaining close links with the local parish, social groups and community organisations. Residents are also welcomed
to take part in clubs and activities or even start their own. Village staff also enjoy working with residents to organise functions and activities, especially around key holidays like Christmas, Easter and Melbourne Cup Day. Residents enjoy a varied menu prepared on site by the
qualified chef and any dietary, cultural or religious preferences are included in the nutritious and appetizing menu. Personal time for reflection is very important to many Catholic Homes residents – a chapel and reflection room are provided on site. At Shanagolden Village, pri-
vacy and right to enjoy peace and quiet is assured. Shanagolden is located at 153-177 Webster Way in Pakenham. To enquire phone 5945 3700 or visit or
Page 6 - Catholic Life, November 2012
Sale Serrans travel to Wagga Wagga for conference A LARGE group of members from Sale Serra Club attended the conference of the Serra movement in Wagga Wagga. The Serra Council of Australian, New Zealand and the South Pacific hosted the biennial conference on October 5-6. Registrations were at St Michael’s Cathedral parish centre on the Friday afternoon, followed by Mass in the cathedral and dinner in the parish centre. Serra is an international organisation which actively pro-
motes vocations to the priesthood. Speakers at the conference includes Bishop of Wagga Wagga Gerard Hanna, Bishop of Armidale Michael Kennedy, Sr Mary Martin of the Conventual Sisters of St Dominic, Serra International president-elect Sean Yeo, and Fr Joel Wallace from St Patrick’s, Albury. Bishop Kennedy was also the after-dinner speaker on the Saturday evening.
Family Foundation distributes $107,890 THE Bishop’s Family Foundation has decided to distribute a record $107,890 to charities operating within the area covered by the Diocese of Sale. It is the largest annual disbursement made in the 12 years of operation of the Sale Diocese’s charitable fund. The money will be shared by seven organisations with the largest disbursement of $63,690 being received by Centacare Gippsland for its counselling service. Gippsland Rotary will receive $15,000 towards an outside disabled toilet being constructed at its Centenary House project at Traralgon West. The next largest allocation of $10,000 will go to Cardinia Combined Churches Caring, Pakenham, for the continuance of its youth and family services program. Warrina Counselling, Traralgon, will get $7200 to assist its program of providing early intervention for at risk clients. Scope (Vic) Ltd, Warragul, will receive $6000 for holiday support programs for children with disabilities, Brianlink Services will get $3500 for ABI
Catholic Life Your key to 45,000 potential customers. Ph 5622 6600
carers education and respite program, and Gippsland Uniting Care, Sale, will receive $2500 for its volunteer support program. The latest disbursement brings the total amount distributed by the Bishop’s Family Foundation since its inception to $883,000. The foundation operates as a philanthropic organisation, allocating money each year from the proceeds of its investments. Every cent donated to the foundation remains in its trust fund which is administered by a Board of Trustees. The foundation pays no wages and its day to day operation is carried out by diocesan staff as part of their normal duties. An annual parish appeal is held in May each year and many schools and parish organisations also raise funds during the year. This income goes directly to the trust fund and offsets the effects of inflation. All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. These can be sent to Bishop’s Family Foundation, c/- PO Box 1410, Warragul 3820. Brochures are available at the rear of most churches in the diocese but people using these should be aware that the postal address on most will be outdated now that the diocesan headquarters is in Warragul.
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THE Sale contingent at the Serra conference in Wagga Wagga are (from left) Reg Carmody, Bill Henebery, Pat Carmody, Ann Broberg, Lyn Althaus, Len Althaus, Mary Collins, Eileen Kyne and Jack Walsh.
The strong unbroken line THERE is a rose in our front garden that was planted as a cutting taken over 60 years ago. Our next door neighbor planted it when she came to live in this house as a new bride. The original rose came from her mother’s garden. Reminders of our links with the past, remembering our roots, the people, events and influences which have formed us are very important. We are in many ways ‘products of the past’. There is a song which contains these words: Deep inside me there’s a soul That was born from a soul, Born from the souls of all who went before us, It’s a strong unbroken line That stretches back through time, A life, a tiny bit of its ancient chorus. That’s not about reincarnation but rather it is a reminder that those who are near and dear to us live on in what they embodied and what we in turn embody. They live on in the ways in which they nurtured us, in the ways they accompanied us and even instructed us in life, in the ways they challenged us, in the ways they consoled, teased, humored and even blessed us. They live on in the values and beliefs, the hopes and dreams that they gave us. Those who have died are not lost to us. My own parents died a long time ago – my mother way back in 1948 and my father in 1975. When I go home, I often visit their graves to say a few prayers there. They are not there, of course but it is an opportunity to remind myself of who each of them was to me. Such visits are for all of us is more than just honoring their graves, rather it is about honoring their lives, honoring the wonderful gift they were, honoring the way they lived out being the image and likeness of God, and how they gave flesh to the message of God’s unfailing love for us – and in how we in turn give flesh to that message. In many ways, that is why we
Reflections by Jim Quillinan celebrate the Feast of All Saints and the Feast of All Souls. The Communion of Saints links us all in a very intimate and unique ways. As everyone knows, the communion of saints is nothing else but a mutual sharing in help, satisfaction, prayer and other good works, a mutual communication among all the faithful, whether those who have reached heaven, or who are being cleansed, or who are still pilgrims on the way in this world (Pope Leo XIII, Mirae Caritatis, Encyclical on the Eucharist, 1902) Celebrating both the feasts of All Saints and All Souls is about staying connected, a reminder of St Paul’s words, love never ends. In Pope Benedict’s words, The “communion of saints” is a “beautiful and comforting” reality because it says that “we are never alone.” It is a reminder that death is a moment of transition, that ‘life is changed, not ended’ (Preface of Mass for the Dead), a reminder that there is still mutual communication. Both Feast Days provide an opportunity to reflect on the debt that we owe to others who have preceded us in death and how we remain part of them and they us. It is also about both the present and the future. These words from the song remind us of another dimension: It (the soul) reaches from the past,
To take me gently in its grasp And turn me to the new day that is dawning, It sings deep inside of me, For who I am and may yet be, And of living, of loving and belonging. Both Feasts also provide an opportunity to reflect on our own future, of who I am and what may yet be, this ‘new day’ asks for a commitment to what we must become, a people united together by a common life in God. Both feasts are also a reminder that we are called to be holy, that is to recognise the fact that each of us is created by God, made in God’s image and likeness. We are God’s children. Thus living forever is part of our destiny. But we are also called to commit ourselves to show God’s love and God’s plan to those we meet – to hand on this extraordinary knowledge and legacy in word and in action, to be the strong unbroken line in passing on this Good News to others. In that way, those who have gone before sing deep inside of us; we remain connected.
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Catholic Life, November 2012 - Page 7
44 years in Catholic education AFTER 44 years in Catholic education Peter Ryan will be taking a well earned break after finishing as director of the Catholic Education Office at Warragul on October 31. However, he is not ready to call it retirement because he hopes to do some consultancy work in the future. Mr Ryan was a teacher for 22 years before moving into administration with Catholic Education Offices in three states. His teaching career began with the Christian Brothers and after leaving them, his career took him up and down the eastern seaboard of Australia. The experience of working for Catholic Education Offices in Queensland, NSW and Victoria gave him a rare insight into how the system works. “While in every state Catholic education is different, in essence they are all doing the same thing, trying to achieve the same outcomes,” he said. Making the transition from state to state had not been difficult because in the end “kids are kids and schools are schools.” Mr Ryan had been director in Lismore before returning to Melbourne for 4½ years. In 2006, he came to Sale Diocese as head of educational services, before moving on to deputy director and finally director when Dr Therese D’Orsa left. He said that without doubt the unique strength of Catholic education within Sale Diocese was
the strong relationship between the parishes and schools, and the parish priests and schools. The situation was different in many other dioceses and the pastoral response to everyone in the school community had developed in a special way in Gippsland. It was a small diocese so its development was able to take place on a much more personal level than was possible in Melbourne and other large dioceses. “Everyone knows everyone and many are related, and that can be a real strength.” Mr Ryan said the biggest challenge he saw facing Catholic education in our diocese was the whole question of the role of parish priests in schools. The four Victorian dioceses and Lismore were the only ones in Australia which had developed with the parish priest being the employer of school staff. He said changes to rules, culture and an influx of overseas priests, was progressively making administration of schools by parish priests almost impossible. Mr Ryan foresaw that it would not be long before the five dioceses with the priests as employers would be forced to adopt the system in place everywhere else in Australia where the Catholic Education Office in each diocese was the employer.
Staff farewelled Mr Ryan at a lunch in Warragul and then a formal farewell dinner was held at Pakenham where Bishop Christopher Prowse and deputy director of Catholic education Lorraine Barlow spoke highly of his many talents and devotion to his role. Some of those in attendance had travelled from as far as Perth and Townsville to be at the function. RIGHT: Peter Ryan straightens up the files on his last day at the job.
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Page 8 - Catholic Life, November 2012
A new beginning for Catholic education IN this, my first article for Catholic Life in my role as Director of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Sale, I wish to commence by paying tribute to my predecessor, Peter Ryan. I first met Peter when he commenced employment with the Catholic Education Office in Melbourne. Given our respective roles in senior management at that time, our paths crossed frequently. I always experienced Peter as a very measured man, quiet and reflective and with a passion for Catholic education. During those years, which saw significant changes within the Melbourne office, Peter maintained a commitment to what he saw as the very best of Catholic education and worked assiduously with the various teams he managed to introduce innovative practices and supportive environments. It came as no real surprise to me therefore, in working very closely with Peter as I have since July this year, to find the high respect in which he is held here in the diocese. The word “supportive” has cropped up continuously from priests and principals and staff of the Catholic Education Office. Listening to the many commendations, so richly deserved, that have formed part of the farewell speeches I have heard delivered over the past week,
I was glad to know that others saw in Peter over these years the same professional and passionate educational leader I had known and worked with in Melbourne. Peter’s deep faith has, I know, been evident in all he has undertaken here in the Diocese of Sale. The formal farewell at the Cardinia Centre in Pakenham on November 2 was a fitting tribute to Peter, attended by colleagues and friends from Peter’s 44 years in Catholic education. Peter’s address to those gathered at the function summarised the breadth and depth of his life, committed both to work and to his family. The words of John O’Donohue spring to mind, in his writing on retirement This is where your life has arrived. After all the years of effort and toil; Look back with graciousness and thanks On all your great and quiet achievements. (Benedictus – A book of Blessings) As the new director I know I face the challenge of building on the work that has been done before me, by Peter, Therese D’Orsa, Terry Synan and Fr John Readman. Each one brought unique gifts and personal attributes to the role. Education in the diocese
Talking Catholic Education with Maria Kirkwood has benefitted from the differences as well as the similarities that existed. Since commencing as deputy director in July, in a period of transition into the role of director, I have been privileged to meet parish priests and principals, staff and children as I started my travels around the diocese. What stands out for me is the commitment to quality Catholic education that is evident in our schools. There is an emphasis on developing leaders with the skills and competencies needed as we move through the ever challenging task of educating young people to be the best they can be in the world that awaits them. And there is, through the support and leadership of staff in the Catholic Education Office, an understanding of the need to ensure that our schools maintain their Catholic identity with inclusive practices which recognise the complexities of the educational dynamics that exist in all schools, but specifically those committed to a faith orientation.
In his final article for Catholic Life last month, Peter Ryan outlined some of the challenges that face us in the immediate future, with funding issues for Catholic schools being a significant one. Whilst we grapple at a national level with this particular challenge, we must not lose sight of what will remain essential – the Catholic character of schools in the diocese. I look forward to working with other leaders in the diocese to continue this work.
Traralgon priest returns to India TRARALGON assistant priest Fr Mathew Kanalayil has returned to India after serving almost three years in the diocese. He was farewelled from the parish two weeks ago. Another Indian priest is expected to arrive in Sale Diocese before Christmas and there will also be another student for the priesthood arriving soon to start studies at Corpus Christi Seminary in the new year. Fr Mark Godridge, Bairnsdale, has indicated he wishes to retire in mid-January, but will still be available to fill-in for priests who are away or in need of assistance at weekends. Bairnsdale parish priest Fr Peter Bickley is on sabbatical leave overseas and will return next month.
Morwell priest republishes book
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MORWELL - Fr Francis Innocent Otobo has republished a book he originally published in Nigeria 10 years ago. It is the first of four books written by Fr Otobo and has been slightly altered to suit the Australian market. He took out some African colloquialisms to make The Power of the Resurrection more readable here. The book is a conscientious call and pointer to rediscovering the overwhelming power which Christ has given us through His resurrection. Fr Oboto said it was something of which many Christians
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were not aware. The book vividly emphasised that every Christian possessed that resurrection power which made him/her transcend the ploys and subjections of the enemy of salvation which come to us in the various challenges of life. Copies of the book can be orders through orders@xlibris., Amazon or by contacting Fr Otobo at Morwell. Fr Otobo grew up in a nonChristian tribal family and converted to Catholicism. He is in Australia for three years as part of an exchange partnership between the Diocese of Sale and Diocese of Otukpo.
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Catholic Life, November 2012 - Page 9
Sion House chapel takes shape Principal changes
PLACING the new pews in the chapel are (from left) Martin Aantjes, Maffra, who built all the furniture, Adrian Derix, Mitch Darragh and Chris Ruiter. WARRAGUL - THE new St were designed by Fr Brendan nal stations of the cross used Mary of the Cross MacKillop Hogan and are similar in de- by the Sisters of Our Lady of Chapel at Sion House has been sign to what is in use at Orbost Sion when the chapel was part fitted out with an altar and fur- where he was formerly parish of their convent. niture made from Gippsland priest. Bishop Prowse said that perwood. The altar stone and tabernac- mission had been obtained Everything was made from le have been sourced from the from the Sisters of St Joseph mounbtain ash timber in Maffra Yarram area by Episcopal Vicar to name the chapel in honor of by Martin Aantjes. Fr Peter Kooloos. Australia's first saint. The altar, lectern and chair Still to come are the origiIt recognised the tremendous work the Josephites had done in parishes throughout Gippsland over many years. The Sion Sisters had been recognised for their contribution to education with the naming of the diocesan headquarters after them. Use the QR scanning app on Mass will be celebrated in the your smart phone and it will new chapel for the first time in a few weeks. take you directly to the
THERE will be eight new or acting principals at diocesan primary schools next year. St Joseph's, Orbost, principal Roslyn Joyner will leave at the end of the year to take up the position of principal at St Brendan's, Lakes Entrance. She will replace Rachel Smith who has taken up an appointment in Melbourne. New Orbost principal will be Matthew Hamer who is coming to the diocese from Western Australia. At St Michael's, Traralgon, principal Richard Wans will be moving to Mary MacKillop, Narre Warren, as principal where he will replace Lynda Kennedy who has been filling the position temporarily since the resignation of Maree Swensen earlier this year. Taking over as principal in Traralgon will be Cathy Black-
ford who is currently principal at Lumen Christi, Churchill. Coming into Churchill is Joanne Brewer who is currently principal at St Mary's, Alexandra. Three positions remain to be filled. St Mary's, Yarram principal Di Austin is moving to Queensland and while the position has been advertised it is yet to be filled. At St Vincent's, Morwell East, principal Christine Elliott is taking 12 months leave and will be replaced by a yet-to-beannounced acting principal. At St Mary's, Maffra, principal Anita Little has decided to return to classroom duties and her position has been advertised.
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Page 10 - Catholic Life, November 2012
Synod Fathers approve New Evangelism message SELECTED passages of the Synod Father’s message at the conclusion of last month’s Synod in Rome: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 1:7). Before returning to our particular Churches, we, Bishops of the whole world gathered by the invitation of the Bishop of Rome Pope Benedict XVI to reflect on “the new evangelisation for the transmission of the Christian faith”, wish to address all of you spread throughout the world in order to sustain and direct the preaching and teaching of the Gospel in the diverse contexts in which the Church finds herself today to give witness. 1. Like the Samaritan woman at the well Let us draw light from a Gospel passage: Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman (cf. John 4:5-42). There is no man or woman who, in one’s life, would not find oneself like the woman of Samaria beside a well with an empty bucket, with the hope of finding the fulfillment of the heart’s most profound desire, that which alone could give full meaning to existence. Today, many wells offer themselves to quench humanity’s thirst, but we must discern in order to avoid polluted waters. We must orient the search well, so as not to fall prey to disappointment, which can be disastrous. Like Jesus at the well of Sychar, the Church also feels obliged to sit beside today’s men and women. She wants to render the Lord present in their lives so that they could encounter him because he alone is the water that gives true and eternal life. Only Jesus can read the depths of our heart and reveal the truth about ourselves: “He told me everything I have done”, the woman confesses to her fellow citizens. This word of proclamation is united to the question that opens up to faith: “Could he possibly be the Messiah?” It shows that whoever receives new life from encountering Jesus cannot but proclaim truth and hope to others. The sinner who was converted becomes a messenger of salvation and leads the whole city to Jesus. The people pass from welcoming her testimony to personally experiencing the encounter: “We no longer believe because of your word; for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is truly the savior of the world”. 6. Seizing new opportunities for evangelisation in the world today This serene courage also affects the way we look at the world today. We are not intimidated by the circumstances of the times in which we live. Our world is full of contradictions and challenges, but it remains God’s creation. The world is wounded by evil, but God loves it still. It is his field in which the sowing of the Word can be renewed so that it would bear fruit once more. There is no room for pessimism in the minds and hearts
BISHOPS from around the world participating in last month’s historic Synod in Rome. of those who know that their General Ordinary Assembly of Lord has conquered death and the Synod of Bishops, Rome, 8 that his Spirit works with might October 2012). in history. We approach this 7. Evangelisation, the famworld with humility, but also ily and consecrated life with determination. This comes Ever since the first evangelifrom the certainty that the truth sation, the transmission of the triumphs in the end. We choose faith from one generation to to see in the world God’s invi- the next found a natural home tation to witness to his Name. in the family where women Our Church is alive and faces play a very special role withthe challenges that history out diminishing the figure and brings with the courage of faith responsibility of the father. and the testimony of her many In the context of the care that daughters and sons. every family provides for the We know that we must face growth of its little ones, infants in this world a difficult strug- and children are introduced to gle against the “principalities” the signs of faith, the commuand “powers”, “the evil spir- nication of first truths, educaits” (Ephesians 6:12). We do tion in prayer, and the witness not ignore the problems that of the fruits of love. Despite the such challenges bring, but they diversity of their geographical, do not frighten us. This is true cultural and social situations, above all for the phenomena all the Bishops of the Synod reof globalisation which must be confirmed this essential role of opportunities for us to expand the family in the transmission the presence of the Gospel. De- of the faith. A new evangelisaspite the intense sufferings for tion is unthinkable without acwhich we welcome migrants as knowledging a specific responbrethren, migrations have been sibility to proclaim the Gospel and continue to be occasions to to families and to sustain them spread the faith and build com- in their task of education. munion in its various forms. We do not ignore the fact that Secularisation – as well as the today the family, established in crisis brought about the as- the marriage of a man and of a cendancy of politics and of the woman which makes them “one State – requires the Church to flesh” (Matthew 19:6) open to rethink its presence in society life, is assaulted by crises evewithout however renouncing it. rywhere. It is surrounded by The many and ever new forms models of life that penalise it of poverty open new opportu- and neglected by the politics of nities for charitable service: society of which it is also the the proclamation of the Gospel fundamental cell. It is not albinds the Church to be with the ways respected in its rhythms poor and to take on their suf- and sustained in its tasks by ecferings like Jesus. Even in the clesial communities. It is premost bitter forms of atheism cisely this, however, that impels and agnosticism, we can recog- us to say that we must particunize – although in contradictory larly take care of the family and forms – not a void but a long- its mission in society and in the ing, an expectation that awaits Church, developing specific an adequate response. paths of accompaniment before In the face of the questions and after matrimony. We also that dominant cultures pose to want to express our gratitude to faith and to the Church, we re- the many Christian couples and new our trust in the Lord, cer- families who, through their wittain that even in these contexts ness, show the world an experithe Gospel is the bearer of light ence of communion and of serand capable of healing every vice which is the seed of a more human weakness. It is not we loving and peaceful society. who are to conduct the work of Our thoughts also went to evangelisation, but God, as the the many families and couples Pope reminded us: “The first living together which do not word, the true initiative, the reflect that image of unity and true activity comes from God of lifelong love that the Lord and only by inserting ourselves entrusted to us. There are couin to the divine initiative, only ples who live together without by begging this divine initia- the sacramental bond of matritive, will we too be able to be- mony. More and more families come – with him and in him in irregular situations are estab– evangelisers”(Benedict XVI, lished after the failure of previMeditation during the first gen- ous marriages. These are paineral Congregation of the XIII ful situations that negatively
affect the education of sons and daughters in the faith. To all of them we want to say that God’s love does not abandon anyone, that the Church loves them, too, that the Church is a house that welcomes all, that they remain members of the Church even if they cannot receive sacramental absolution and the Eucharist. May our Catholic communities welcome all who live in such situations and support those who are in the path of conversion and reconciliation. Family life is the first place in which the Gospel encounters the ordinary life and demonstrates its capacity to transform the fundamental conditions of existence in the horizon of love. But not less important for the witness of the Church is to show how this temporal existence has a fulfilment that goes beyond human history and attains to eternal communion with God. Jesus does not introduce himself to the Samaritan woman simply as the one who gives life, but as the one who gives “eternal life” (John 4:14). God’s gift, which faith renders present, is not simply the promise of better conditions in this world. It is the proclamation that our life’s ultimate meaning is beyond this world, in that full communion with God that we await at the end of time. 9. That the youth may encounter Christ The youth are particularly dear to us, because they, who are a significant part of humanity’s and the Church’s present, are also their future. With regard to them, the Bishops are far from being pessimistic. Concerned, yes; but not pessimistic. We are concerned because the most aggressive attacks of our times happen to converge precisely on them. We are not, however, pessimistic, above all because what moves in the depths of history is Christ’s love, but also because we sense in our youth deep aspirations for authenticity, truth, freedom, generosity, to which we are convinced that the adequate response is Christ. We want to support them in their search and we encourage our communities to listen to, dialogue with and respond boldly and without reservation to the difficult condition of the youth. We want our communities to harness, and not to suppress, the power of their enthusiasm; to struggle for them against the fallacies and selfish ventures of worldly powers which, to their own advantage, dissipate the energies and waste the passion of the young, taking from them every grateful memory of the past and every earnest vision of the future. The world of the young is a demanding but also particularly promising field of the New Evangelisation. This is demonstrated by many experiences, from those that draw many of them like the World Youth Days, to the most hidden – but nonetheless powerful – like the different experiences of spirituality, service and mission. The youth’s active role in evangelizing first and foremost their world is to be recognised.
13. To the Churches in the various regions of the world The vision of the Bishops gathered in the synodal assembly embraces all the ecclesial communities spread throughout the world. Their vision seeks to be comprehensive, because the call to encounter Christ is one, while keeping diversity in mind. The Bishops gathered in the Synod gave special consideration, full of fraternal affection and gratitude, to you Christians of the Catholic Oriental Churches, those who are heirs of the first wave of evangelisation – an experience preserved with love and faithfulness – and those present in Eastern Eu-
rope. Today the Gospel comes to you again in a new evangelisation through liturgical life, catechesis, daily family prayer, fasting, solidarity among families, the participation of the laity in the life of communities and in dialogue with society. In many places your Churches are amidst trials and tribulation through which they witness to their participation in the sufferings of Christ. Some of the faithful are forced to emigrate. Keeping alive their oneness with their community of origin, they can contribute to the pastoral care and to the work of evangelisation in the countries that have welcomed them. May the Lord continue to bless your faithfulness. May your future be marked by the serene confession and practice of your faith in peace and religious liberty. The bishops of the synodal assembly greet the people of Oceania who live under the protection of the southern Cross, they thank them for their witness to the Gospel of Jesus. Our prayer for you is that you might feel a profound thirst for new life, like the Samaritan Woman at the well, and that you might be able to hear the word of Jesus which says: “If you knew the gift of God” (John 4:10). May you more strongly feel the commitment to preach the Gospel and to make Jesus known in the world of today. We exhort you to encounter him in your daily life, to listen to him and to discover, through prayer and meditation, the grace to be able to say: “We know that this is truly the Savior of the World” (John 4:42). • Full text of the message is available at the Vatican website rc_synod_doc_20121026_message-synod_en.html
Catholic Life, November 2012 - Page 11
40 somethings - Heading for financial middle age THERE'S an expression many of us have heard – life begins at 40. Fortunately for many of us this is also the time that we are just starting to see the light in terms of mortgages, children and all the other myriad of things that have been occupying our financial minds through our thirties. Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel – but it’s up to us
to ensure that it’s not a train coming the other way. In our forties generally we are moving from the more stressed financial situation in our thirties to a more relaxed financial situation. Our income may well have increased with promotions and both partners may be back at work, again lifting our level of disposable income. This is great, but many of us fail to see
Quick calendar
What’s on & when November
17 – Teaching day by Bishop Prowse for those in parish leadership positions, Marist Sion College, Warragul, 9.30am - 3.30pm. 17-18 – Heart Region youth beach retreat, Lakes Entrance 18 – Diocesan pilgrimage to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, 1pm 20 - Diocesan Pastoral Council meeting, Sion House, Warragul, 10am 21 – Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 21 – World Fisheries Day 25 – Solemnity of Christ the King 26-30 – Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference plenary meeting, Sydney 27 – Central region meeting, St Joseph’s, Warragul, 7.30pm
11 – Labor Day Holiday 18 – St Patrick’s Day 24 – Palm Sunday 28 - Holy Thursday 29 – Good Friday 30 – Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil 31 – Easter Sunday
2 – First Sunday of Advent 3 – St Francis Xavier 3 – Deadline for Catholic Life 5 – International Volunteer Day 6 – Valley region Christmas lunch, Morwell Club, noon 6 – St Nicholas Day 8 – Immaculate Conception 12 – Catholic Life published 21 – Summer holidays begin (primary schools) 25 – Christmas Day 26 – Boxing Day 30 – Feast of the Holy Family 31 – New Year’s Eve
January 1 - New Year’s Day 1- World Day of Peace 1 – Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 6 – Epiphany 13 – Baptism of the Lord 17 – St Anthony 25 - Start of mission-retreat with Br Lalith Perera, St Francis Xavier College, Berwick campus. 26 – Australia Day 28 – St Thomas Aquinas 28 - Australia Day public holiday 31 - St John Bosco
February 2 – Presentation of the Lord 5 – St Agatha 10 – Chinese New Year 11 – Our Lady of Lourdes 13 – Ash Wednesday
April 7 – Daylight saving ends (turn clocks back 1 hour) 8 – Annunciation 23 – World Book Day (UN) 25 – Anzac Day
May 12 – Ascension 12 – Mother’s Day 13 – Our Lady of Fatima 19 – Pentecost 24 – Our Lady Help of Christians 26 – Trinity Sunday 31 – Visitation of the BVM 3 – Corpus Christi Sunday 7 – Sacred Heart of Jesus 8 – Immaculate Heart of Mary 10 – Queen’s Birthday Holiday 20 – World Refugee Day (UN) 24 – Birth of John the Baptist 29 – Sts Peter and Paul
July 9 – Ramadan begins
August 6 – Transfiguration of the Lord 8 – St Mary of the Cross MacKillop 9- International Day of Indigenous Peoples (UN) 12 – International Youth Day (UN) 15 - Assumption 22 – Queenship of Mary
September 1 – Father’s Day 2 – Jewish New Year 21 – International Day of Peace (UN) 27 – St Vincent de Paul
October 1 – International Day of Older Persons (UN) 1 – St Therese of the Child Jesus 4 – St Francis of Assisi 6 – Daylight Saving begins (turn clocks forward one hour) 10 – World Mental Health Day 15 – St Theresa of Avila
that things are moving inexorably toward the time when we must look after ourselves. The freedom of spare money (and that’s a relative measure) means in the forties we’re beginning to dine out again, we’re going on slightly more expensive holidays, and in many cases, looking for a bigger house - especially when we’re surrounded by teenagers. Life is more fun and less drudge than in the past. It is tempting to start to enjoy all the extra income we have available. If we haven’t developed our financial discipline by now then we must start, and the older we get the harder it is. Of course, giving up some of our extra freedom can be a hard choice to make. But think, at 45 there are only 10 years before we can start to access super, and 20 years before we qualify for the age pension from Centrelink. There’s as much time as we think, and even then it seems time goes faster as we get older. If we need $750,000 to retire on a “comfortable” $55,000 income each year (for a couple) then obviously we will need to start some really disciplined and consistent investing to make up the difference. Unless we have wealthy parents who will leave us enough just as we retire, we’ll have to do it ourselves. So how do we start? First of all we make sure that we have insured our biggest asset – our income earning potential and also the lives of those most integral to our financial future. As we get older, it’s far more likely that disaster will happen, and insurance under age 50 is still good value. Then we have our work super. That’s been 9 percent of our income for a while, and soon it will start to rise progressively to 12 percent, so we may have between roughly $50,000 and $200,000 behind us already. If it’s at the upper half of this scale we can start our own self managed super fund and, with good advice, get better results than the industry and retail funds provide. We know retail funds charge high fees, and industry funds crow that they charge low fees – but they both have other hidden and substantial costs of investment. You can only contribute $25,000 pa as a concessional contribution, and $150,000 as a non-concessional amount (or $450,000 over a three year period) and not many fortysomething year olds have this amount to spare. So look at maximising your contributions if you don’t earn $277,000 pa. Then there’s cocontributions on behalf of your spouse and contribution splitting as other strategies to consider. The trick is to get as much into super as you can afford. But as last month’s article said, super is a “poor now - rich later” situation. However in our forties we don’t have the same pressure on our incomes as we did in earlier years. Otherwise we will have to
DOLLAR$ & SENSE with David Wells
grow our money outside super - and that means shares and property and probably gearing. If there’s equity in the home it’s a sensible idea to redraw some funds and invest them in growth assets. At this age growth is everything, especially those with secure employment. The interest will be tax deductible, and as things grow over time there will be the opportunity to roll the growth into your super fund where the lower tax environment will be very helpful The “rule of 78” means that if you get the average rate of return in the share market, your investments should grow about fourfold in 20 years, but indi-
viduals can and do get much better than that. As you turn 40, if you haven’t done so already it’s a great investment to get a financial plan prepared for you to follow for the next 20 years or so. It’s far easier to be disciplined and effective if your financial road map is in front of you. • This report is intended to provide general advice. In preparing this advice, David Wells and EL and C Baillieu Ltd did not take into account the investment objective, the financial situation and particular needs of any particular person. Before making an investment decision on the basis of this advice, you need to consider, with or without the assistance of an adviser, whether the advice is appropriate in light of your particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances.
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Page 12 - Catholic Life, November 2012
Latrobe Valley immigrants stories in new book SOME years ago a Latrobe Valley group led by Don Di Fabrizio arranged for an immigration wall and statue to be erected on the highway in Morwell to recognise the sizeable contribution migrants had made to the Valley’s development. The wall has bronze plaques illustrating the history of the various migration groups. Now the same group of people has come together to publish a book in which the stories of a representative selection of these immigrants has been recorded. The book consists of 26 family stories, each four to five pages long, either written by the subject’s family, or told to a committee member and summarised. Most of the family stories come from the period of postSecond World War migration, the peak period for new arrivals. These immigrants came from a Europe devastated by war and poverty, from Britain and Holland, Germany and Austria, Greece and Yugoslavia, Italy and Malta, Russia and Ukraine, and Poland and the Baltic states. Others have come in recent decades from diverse places far from Europe like Ecuador, the Philippines and Nepal. These more recent arrivals tend to get involved in multicultural organisations, whereas for earlier groups assimilation was a less programmed experience. One family in this book, the Deppelers, came much earlier, from Switzerland in the 19th Century. Victoria’s first Governor, Charles La Trobe, brought out a number of Swiss winemaking families, including the Deppelers, from his part of Switzerland and settled them near Geelong. John Deppeler followed his relative Alphonse Nadenbousch to settle in Yinnar South in 1883. There, as well as dairying, he specialised in horticulture, growing vegetables, fruits, seeds and other market garden products. One of his many descendants, Cr Darryl White, is at present Mayor of Latrobe City Council. Pat Bartholomeusz is unusual in being a non-European immigrant to the Valley in the early 1950s. His family background is Sri Lankan (Ceylonese), originally of Dutch Burgher origin. He had difficulty in getting permanent residence here because
Gippsland Gistory H with Patrick Morgan the ‘White Australia’ policy was still in force. Pat worked for decades at the SEC as an accountant, and was active in union, political and community affairs, eventually becoming Mayor of Moe. The Russian family of Luba Dudek were captured by the Germans during the war and taken to Germany where she met her husband, Jan Dudek, a Polish prisoner of war. T hey emigrated to Melbourne in 1951 where Jan worked for the SEC at Newport. In 1969 they moved to manage a guest house at Yallourn. Luba returned to visit Russia and Poland a number of times, and before her death she wrote her life story, one of the few migrants to do so. Juozas (Joseph) Sestokas was a Lithuanian who after traumatic war experiences arrived in Australia in 1947, spent some time at Bonegilla camp and then joined the 100 strong Lithuanian community in the Valley, living at Yallourn North. He married an Australian girl, and they had four children. Joseph worked for the SEC as a locomotive driver. He was eventually able to reestablish contact with his family in Lithuania, who thought he had perished during the war – there had been a requiem Mass said for him. His son Josef Sestokas has recently published an original, well-researched book on immigration into the Latrobe Valley: Welcome to Little Europe: Displaced Persons and the North Camp. Charlie Zammit grew up in Malta during the Second World War, and married Josie in 1959 before leaving for Australia. They moved to Morwell where Josie’s sister and husband were already living. Charlie worked for the SEC at the Morwell briquette factory, eventually rising to the position of shift engineer and supervisor. He also became a long-time secretary and stalwart of the Morwell Falcons Soccer club. They have many grand and great grand children.
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Eddie Grinpukel’s father was Latvian and his mother Maltese. He grew up in Malta, joining the allied forces in the war. Posted to Austria near the war’s end he met Vera Bidovec in Klagenfurt. They married in 1947 and emigrated here in the early 1950s.
Then he improved his equipment, and his Photo Express technique and Focus laboratories grew into a large family business. He and Nelly had nine children, and their extended family now has 150 members. About half of the families described in this book are Catholic, coming as they do from Italy, Malta, Croatia, Poland, Lithuania, Holland and parts of Germany. Some of these immigrants, starting from nothing, have become very successful in business in the Valley and Gippsland generally. Examples are the Di Fabrizio, Pelz, Broeren, Manthos and Mohr fami-
THE Verhagen family leaving the Netherlands in 1951. Eddie worked at the Morwell briquette factory, then at the Gas and Fuel Corporation and at the Latrobe Valley Co-operative. He became well known for his work on community organisations, and eventually became Mayor of the Morwell Shire Council. Matt Broeren came for a Dutch family of nine children, his wife Nelly Verhagen from a family of 10. Both families migrated to the Valley in the early 1950s. Matt worked for a while for the SEC, but his hobby of photography soon became a full time occupation. He began by supplying Gippsland chemist shops with quick photo processing.
lies. There is a distinct pattern in these family experiences. The original male is born in Europe in the 1920s or 1930s, undergoes horrific war experiences as his country is invaded and devastated, and his family broken up. He often ends up as a prisoner of war or a displaced person at the war’s end, he can’t go home or doesn’t want to if his country has been impoverished or taken over by communist regimes, and he selects Australia to settle in, as we were offering to take whole families at the time. He usually gets married just before leaving Europe or soon after settling in Australia, and starts a family.
Initial impressions of the Latrobe Valley are unfavourable, with muddy roads, poor infrastructure and life in makeshift tent towns. But wages are good and housing cheap, assimilation is relatively easy, and all eventually praise Australia as a wonderful country to settle in. Most came from large rural or working class families in Europe, and they tend to have reasonably large families here, with many grand and some great grandchildren in the present generation. Most of these families join community groups, and are public-spirited. They do not regret their move here, though they understandably suffer the pangs of separation from their home countries. Almost all go back at some stage to visit their original families. One story stands out as different from the rest. The family of Eric Djurdje from Serbia was split up by the war and by the advent of Tito regime, and the family’s terrible trauma and division continued to be played out in Australia and Serbia for decades after the war. The book has many evocative photographs and is beautifully produced in large format size, in part the work of Graham Goulding from Moe, who has become a key figure in Latrobe Valley and Gippsland history generally. • Stories From the Gippsland Immigration Wall of Recognition, eds. Maggie Auciello & Graham Goulding, can be ordered from Maggie Auciello, Gippsland Immigration Park, PO Box 3352, Gippsland Mail Centre, 3841, phone 5134 5420. People who wish to have their name added to the Gippsland Migration Wall can contact Maggie Auciello for details.
Tips for spiritual direction TEXTS AND TIPS FOR SPIRITUAL DIRECTORSAND FOR PERSONAL PRAYER, by Anne Alcock, published by The Columba Press, distributed by Rainbow Books, paperback, 166 pages, rrp $28.95. WHILE this book is designed principally for spiritual directors it can be a source of inspiration for everyone. No matter how you are feeling, whether down in the dumps, facing conflict or being on top of the world, there is something here for you. The author has selected more than 200 well-known scripture texts and listed them next to everyday life-themes and experiences. For instance, a passage listed under Asking Forgiveness is Psalm 25:16-18 which the reader can meditate on or use it in lectio divina. The front part of the book gives some handy hints for spiritual directors including an often misunderstood one which is discerning the difference between spiritual direction and spiritual accompaniment.
Talking about Books JONAH’S INREDIBLE JOURNEY, by Elena Pasquali, illustrations by Barbara Vagnozzi, published by Lion Children’s Books, distributed by Rainbow Books, board book, 12 pages, rrp $9.99. EVERYONE knows the story of Jonah not wanting to obey God, being swallowed by a whale and then getting spat out on the foreign shore where God had commanded him to go. This book delivers the story beautifully for young children and on each well-illustrated page there is a cut out fingertrail for them to follow. Children can follow Jonah’s footsteps, the swirl of a wave or his route as he sinks down to be swallowed by the whale or spat out. It is a novel idea to keep interest and is well done.
THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, translated by Thomas Corbishley SJ, published by Dover Publications, distributed by Rainbow Books, paperback, 124 pages, rrp $11.95. THESE exercises by the great saint and co-founder of the Jesuits, were originally intended for those making a retreat under the direction of an experienced master. However, since Ignatian spirituality has become better known and more widely used, this book is now an excellent resource. While it is set out to be followed over several weeks, readers will be able to gain benefit by meditating on the various themes as indicated.
Catholic Life, November 2012 - Page 13
St Peter’s beyondblue award CRANBOURNE - St Peter’s College is one of three national recipients of the beyondblue SenseAbility Award 2012. Beyondblue education projects manager Brendan Hallinan presented the award at a college assembly. The SenseAbility Program delivers to young adults life skills which help them to interact more effectively with others, and to cope better with life’s changes and challenges. The awards recognise and acknowledge Australian schools and TAFE colleges for their efforts and commitment to implement the SenseAbility program as part of their approach to improving the wellbeing of young people within their communities. Developed by beyondblue: the national depression and anxiety initiative, SenseAbility has been available nationally since December 2010. Since then, more than 3,000 resource kits have been sent to approx. 57 percent of secondary colleges and more than 40 TAFE campuses nationally. With more than 1000 students across years 7to 12, St Peter’s College has made sure all students are involved in the SenseAbility program. In 2011, St Peter’s made the decision to change the structure of their pastoral care program by introducing a vertical house system. St Peter’s College Student Welfare Counsellor, Nadia Picinali said this change created the opportunity for students across Years 7 to 12 to connect and interact with one another through a formal pastoral care program led by the teaching staff. “This first year we have run a vertical pastoral system and the great thing about the (SenseAbility) materials is that they enable us to deliver to this wide age group” she said. “Staff feel they are delivering materials that are relevant to
ST Peter’s College principal Tim Hogan holds the framed award, while college welfare coordinator Anita Carter is congratulated by beyondblue/SenseAbility Program education projects manager Brendan Hallinan. the students and more than 70 of the schools 120 teachers are involved in the program”. “The (SenseAbility) resources have made it very easy for us to communicate with parents about the program”. The school became aware of the SenseAbility program via information that was sent to the school by beyondblue. After consideration of the modules and the skills that students across all year levels could learn, St Peter’s decided to embed the SenseAbility program as part of their pastoral care program for 2012. “The student welfare team thought that skills were essential for students to learn so we have been delivering materials to our pastoral lessons, which are run by the learning advisor for the group,” Ms Picinali said. “The groups have 20 students form years 7 to 12 and we have had very positive feedback from our students and staff about the program. “It has been a very positive start to the year” she said. The SenseAbility program
fits in well with the ethos of St Peter’s College, in that their goal is to educate the ‘whole’ person. “It also supports the other school programs that are on offer, such as the schools bullying and harassment programs and their healthy relationships focus”. The counselling team have been building on the basic skills learnt in pastoral sessions and have extended on these ideas in individual counselling sessions. “The SenseAbility program has supported the mentoring role of the learning advisors and opened up conversations within student groups that would not have happened without the modules in SenseAbility,” she said. Ms Picinali’s recommendation to schools looking to introduce the SenseAbility program is to consider how and where the SenseAbility program will be delivered, provide time for staff training so they feel confident, and take time to seek staff and student feedback for improvements.
Bishop Prowse’s Diary November 15 - Launch of new Patrick Morgan book Melbourne Before Mannix, in Sion Teachers’ Centre, Warragul, 5.30pm. November 17 - Catholic Charismatic Revival teaching day, Sion House chapel and Teacher’s Centre. 9.30am. November 17 - Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral, 5.30pm. November 18 - Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral, 9.30am. November 18 - Diocesan Pilgrimage to shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St mary’s Cathedral, 1pm. November 20 - Diocesan pastoral Council meeting, Warragul, 10am.
November 21 - Catholic Development Fund board meeting 4pm. November 24 - Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral, 5.30pm November 25 - Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, 9.30am. November 26-30 Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference plenary meeting, Sydney. December 1 - Mass at St mary’s Cathedral, 5.30pm. December 2 - Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, 9.30am. December 4 - Opening and blessing of St Francis Xavier College’s new Officer campus. December 5 - Visit to Orbost parish. December 6 - Mass and
adult confirmation at Mallacoota. December 7-9 - Parish visitation, Morwell. December 12 - Council of Priests meeting, followed by Consultors’ meeting, Warragul. December 12 - Diocesan Finance Council meeting, Warragul. December 14-16 - Parish visitation, Cowes. December 18 - Staff reflection day, Warragul.
Soup aids Caritas
KILDARE campus staff members, Jenny Lovatt and Bev O’Brien receive a certificate of thanks from the diocesan director of Caritas, Susan Grout (centre). TRARALGON - Kildare Soup which was sold to staff memLunches provide donation to bers for $4. Caritas Australia. It has been very welcoming, Staff at the Kildare Campus coming to work on Mondays, of Lavalla Catholic College entering the staff room to be raised $601.85 over the winter greeted by tantalizing aromas, terms this year. wondering what delicious The staff raised this amount soups we could enjoy. by providing soup and bread The amount raised has been for lunch each Monday during donated to Caritas Australia, Terms 2 and 3. who have used the donation On Mondays, two staff vol- to assist the Caritas Australia unteers would each provide five West Africa Appeal. litres of soup and fresh bread,
Video bridges the gap
NAR NAR GOON – St James Primary School has entered a video competition to help raise awareness about the disparity between indigenous and non indigenous Australians. The Generation One website is about trying to bring change to attitudes and Closing the Gap within one generation (what they hope will be 20 years). The students in Year 6 have learned the song provided by Generation One and they had to write a rap to go in the middle of the song. The video was recorded and filmed using a digital camera and the students decided how they wanted the film to look. The criteria also asked if the group could join with another
organisation and so St James Primary teamed up with the local Nar Nar Goon Playgroup to film the video. Students also edited the film too. Voting was open for two weeks and the video can be viewed at . The students have learned many things about themselves and others by participating in making the film. They know how hard it is to record a song without mistakes for example and how everyone has to be patient and ready to re-record over and over again. Learning about Indigenous Australians for the students has been enjoyable and very worthwhile.
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Page 14 - Catholic Life, November 2012
For the Young and Young at Heart Color in this nativity scene
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Age . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Post entries to Catholic Life, PO Box 1410, Warragul 3820
Book prizes bring smiles
SKYE Wilson from Lumen Christi Primary School, Churchill with her prize won last month.
Our lucky winner
THE lucky winner of our camel colouring contest last month is Miah Stothers, Kilmany, who attends St Thomas’s Primary School in Sale. The camel picture really appealed to our younger readers with most entries coming from children aged between seven and nine. Good luck with your entries EVE Pollett from St Joseph’s Primary School, Wonthaggi, again this month. We look with her prize won in Sep- forward to receiving them. tember.
Time for a Laugh AN old man walks into horrified to learn that her the barbershop for shave father’s new young wife had and a haircut, but he tells bought the exact same dress! the barber he can’t get all Jennifer asked her to his whiskers off because his exchange it, but she refused. cheeks are wrinkled from “Absolutely not, I look like a age. million bucks in this dress, The barber gets a little and I’m wearing it,” she wooden ball from a cup on replied. the shelf and tells him to put Jennifer told her mother it inside his cheek to spread who graciously said, “Never out the skin. mind sweetheart. I’ll get When he’s finished, the another dress. After all, old man tells the barber it’s your special day.” A that was the cleanest shave few days later, they went he’s had in years, but he shopping and did find wanted to know what would another gorgeous dress. have happened if he had When they stopped for swallowed that little ball. lunch, Jennifer asked her The barber replied, “Just mother, “Aren’t you going to bring it back in a couple return the other dress? You of days like everyone else really don’t have another does.” occasion where you could wear it.” ONE lazy Sunday morning Her mother just smiled a couple were quiet and and replied, “Of course I do, thoughtful, sitting around dear. I’m wearing it to the the breakfast table when the rehearsal the night before husband said to the wife, “If the wedding.” I die, I want you to sell all my stuff, immediately.” A MAN stood on the side “Now why would you want of the road hitch hiking on a me to do something like very dark night in the middle that?” she asked. of a storm. The night was “I figure a woman as fine stormy and no cars passed. as yourself would eventually The storm was so strong, he remarry and I don’t want could hardly see a few feet some idiot using my stuff.” ahead of him. She looked at him intently Suddenly he saw a car and said: “What makes you come towards him and stop. think I’d marry another The guy, without thinking idiot?” about it, got in the car and closed the door to realise PADDY decided to rob that nobody was behind the a bank. He got all the gear wheel. together - stocking mask, The car started slowly. The sawn-off shotgun, getaway guy looked at the road and car and so on - but he realised saw a curve coming his way. his accent would mark him Scared, he started praying, out as Irish, so he took and begged for his life. He elocution lessons for almost hadn’t come out of shock, a year until he could finally when just before he hit the pass as an Englishman. curve, a hand appeared On the day of the robbery, through the window and he donned his mask, rushed moved the wheel. into the bank and said, “I say The guy, paralysed in there, I’m terribly sorry but terror, watched how the this is a robbery. Be a good hand appeared every time chap and fill this sack with before a curve. lots of lovely lolly.” The guy gathered strength, The cashier said, “You’re got out of the car and ran Irish aren’t you?” to the nearest town. Wet Paddy was astonished. and in shock, he ran into “How the divil did ye figure a bar and asked for two dat out?” he asked. shots of whisky, and started The cashier replied, “it telling everybody about the was easy, you’ve sawn the horrible experience he went wrong end off your shotgun!” through. A silence enveloped JENNIFER’S wedding everybody when they day was fast approaching. realized the guy was crying Nothing could dampen her and wasn’t drunk. excitement – not even her About half an hour later, parent’s nasty divorce. two guys walked into the Her mother had found the same bar, and one said to the perfect dress to wear and other. “Look Charlie, that’s would be the best dressed the character who climbed mother- of-the-bride ever! into the car while we were A week later, Jennifer was pushing.”
Catholic Life, November 2012 - Page 15
Classifieds wanted known
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Are you considering a vocation as a priest or deacon for the Diocese of Sale? If so please contact Diocesan Vocations Director
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THANK YOU St Jude. O Holy St Jude Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need. To you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg you to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. St Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen.
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TRY our new Photo classifieds. Make your advertiseHOLY SPIRIT You who ment be a stand out. Just $10 makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach my more to include a colored ideals, you who gives me a di- photograph. vine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me; in this short dialogue I want to thank you for everything and affirm once more that I never want to be separated from you, no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in Your perpetual Glory. (Mention your request). Thank you Holy Spirit for your love towards me and my loved one. Amen This prayer should be said for 3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day the request will be granted, no matter how difficult it may be. While making the request one must either promise to publish on granting the favour or promise to circulate copies of it to as many people as possible. This is to spread the wonder of the Holy Spirit.
Catholic Life
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Blessing for Year 12 graduands Blessed be the history that brought you here and the desire that quickens your soul with wonder. May you have the courage to befriend your eternal longing and respond to the lead and lure of your heart’s need. May you enjoy the critical and creative companionship of the question: “Who Am I?” and may it brighten your journey. May a secret providence guide your thoughts and shelter your feelings drawing you deeply into the human family . May you surrender sweetly to the need for silence and discover the Holy One at your core . May your heart embrace the needs of others as easily as oil poured from a silver flask . May your soul be as free as the rolling waves on the Ninety Mile Beach. May the sense of something absent enlarge your life. May you belong to love with the wildness of dance. May you live in the neighbourhood of wonder. May you succumb to the danger of growth. May you know that you are ever-embraced in the kind circle of God. Amen. John O’Donohue (adapted)
Page 16 - Catholic Life, November 2012
Traralgon students discover Melbourne delights TRARALGON - Late last term, St Michael’s Grade 5 students travelled by bus to Melbourne for a new camp experience, held over three days, staying at the Melbourne Discovery Accommodation. During their first day the children had a self-guided tour at the Melbourne Museum, iceskating at the Ice House, a visit to the Melbourne Aquarium and to round the day off, Ten Pin Bowling at Galactic Circus. Day two included a visit to the Melbourne Zoo and a relaxing and informative river cruise on the Yarra River. The day ended with a night to remember at the Old Melbourne Gaol, listening to some “Weird and Scary” stories. The final day started with a scavenger hunt around Federation Square before students and
teachers enjoyed a beautiful meal at a restaurant in Lygon Street. When asked about their camp experience, Grade 5 student, Jackson said, “My favourite was the ice-skating because I kept falling over and it was funny.” Todd said, “Old Melbourne Gaol was interesting when the lady told us the spooky story. Erica said, “The people at iceskating made it fun for us and I liked the glow bowling as well.” Maddy said, “I liked the Old Melbourne Gaol because I got to go on the night walk and last time I went I wasn’t old enough. The zoo was also good because the lions were so loud!!” Students arrived home with lots of exciting experiences to share with family and friends. The new camp was a great success.
Arts week success THOMAS, Noah and Nic at one of the dinosaur displays in the Science and Life Gallery at Federation Square.
Priest suffers a second major stroke
RETIRED Heyfield priest Fr Tim McInnes is in a serious condition after suffering a second major stroke this week. He has been in Sale hospital since having another stroke last month which left him immobile and unable to talk.
He was originally admitted to hospital in a grave condition after being discovered lying on the floor of his unit. Fr McInnes retired two years ago and chose to remain on in the town in a main street unit.
TRARALGON - St Michael’s Primary School recently held an Arts week at their school. An art show was set up in the school hall displaying at least one piece of art from every child in the school. A definite highlight of the week was Grandparent’s Day. The day began with a whole school mass, where both grandparents and students participated in the mass. A morning tea was then held in the school hall. The children were able to take their grandparents on a tour of the art show and their classrooms. Following the tour each grade performed their Eistedd-
fod act in the hall for everyone to enjoy. On the last day of the Arts Week families were again invited in to join in an art activity in their child’s classroom and were also entertained at a whole school assembly where the children performed their Eisteddfod pieces. School principal Richard Wans said, “A huge thank you must go to our art teacher, Jenny Hanrahan, for all her hard work in making the week such a wonderful event.” The day was very successful and the school has had lots of positive feedback.
Spiritual experience Seminarians studying in Nigeria
ENJOYING a mocktail as part of the spirituality day are St Mary's, Newborough principal Teresa Greenough and Fr Hugh Brown.
Catholic Life Sale
The Eucharistic rosary designed by the Vatican rosary makers will be sent out to all those who give a donation of $15 or more and tick this box. Aid to the Church in Need …. a Catholic charity dependent on the Holy See, providing pastoral relief to needy and oppressed Churches
NEWBOROUGH - St Mary’s School in Newborough recently participated in a spirituality day. The program commenced with Mass celebrated by parish administrator Fr Stephen Onuoha. Then Fr Hugh Brown lead the staff on an exploration of Luke’s Gospel. Religious education leader Trish Mulqueen said “The day was just for us, to develop our own spirituality. It is really im-
portant that busy teachers have time out for their own faith development. Ultimately this grounds their teaching in faith.” Irene Bramstedt, one of the teachers at St Mary’s School, said “We could have listened to Fr Hugh all day, he was so good.” Teachers enjoyed mocktails which helped to set the scene for a relaxing day. And yes there was an important ingredient missing in the drinks.