Catholic life oct13

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Catholic Life

Publication of the Diocese of Sale

Ordination to Ordinariate Saturday - Page 3


October 2013

Two Popes to be canonised - Page 3

Catholic Mission focus on church in Mongolia - Page 12

Bishop’s last few weeks BISHOP Christopher Prowse’s last day in the Diocese of Sale will be his 60th birthday on November 14. After that he heads to Canberra where he will be installed as the 11th Archbishop of Canberra and Goulburn on November 19. The bishop returned from Rome and India late last week and has already begun a series of farewell Masses around the diocese. He was at Leongatha on Saturday night and then his next event will at Bairnsdale at the 10.30am Mass on Sunday October 20 which coincides with the 100th anniversary celebrations of the church. The bishop will be at St Kieran’s, Moe, on Saturday, November 2, at 6pm, Our Lady Help of Christians, Narre Warren, on Sunday, November 3, at 11am, and then at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, on Saturday, November 9 at 5.30pm and Sunday, November 10 at 9.30am. Once the bishop leaves the diocese, the college of consultors which is made up of senior priests of the diocese, will meet to appoint a diocesan administrator to look after the diocese until the next bishop is appointed. Given that there are still several other Australian dioceses awaiting bishops and auxiliary bishops, we are unlikely to have a new bishop in the next 12 months. Berwick parish priest Fr Peter Slater was administrator during the period between Bishop Jeremiah Coffey and Bishop Prowse. Bishop Prowse will be installed as Archbishop of Canberra and Goulburn at St Christopher’s Cathedral, Forrest, ACT at 11am on

November 19. A large number of Sale Diocese priests are planning the trip to Canberra to attend the Mass.

During his short four years in office in this diocese, the bishop moved the diocesan headquarters and all its offices to Sion House, Warragul, and

instigated renovations to St Mary’s Cathedral. The Canberra and Goulburn Archdiocese is roughly twice the size of Sale Diocese and

covers all of the ACT and a large section of NSW from Young in the north western section to the coast from Bateman’s Bay down to Eden.

Fr Siju Xavier’s ordination in Kerala

FR Siju Xavier Mukalekalayil (centre) after his ordination at Thermala, India, with Bishop Christopher Prowse and ordaining bishop Archbishop of Thalassery George Valiyamattam. THE newly ordained Fr Siju and all were able to be there for specifically ordained for Sale Church, Berwick, at 10.30am Xavier Mukalekalayil will the big day, which coincided Diocese. on December 1, St Mary’s return to Sale Diocese next with his parents Golden The other Indian priests Church, Bairnsdale, at 9am on month to begin his ministry. Wedding anniversary. here are serving on short term December 8, and at St Mary’s He will celebrate with a series He was ordained by the agreements, generally of three Cathedral, Sale, at 9.30am on of Masses around the diocese to Archbishop of Thalassery years duration. December 15. allow us to share in the joy of George Valiyamattam who is of Fr Siju’s first thanksgiving He is yet to be appointed to a his ordination. the Syro-Malibar rite. Mass will be at St Michael’s Sale Diocese parish. He was ordained in Thermala, Bishop Christopher Prowse Church, Traralgon, at 9.30am Kerala, India on October 5 so was also present to extend Latin on November 24. • Family photograph, P5. his large family could all attend. rite faculties to Fr Siju who is This will be followed by Fr Siju is one of 13 children the first India-born priest to be other Masses at St Michael’s

A local initiative for families in need A donation to the Bishop’s Family Foundation will aid needy families in the Diocese of Sale by funding much needed counselling and other programs. Send tax deductible donations to: Bishop’s Family Foundation, PO Box 1410, Warragul 3820 Phone 5622 6600 for more information

Page 2 - Catholic Life, October 2013

Busy times as I prepare for move to Canberra the Diocese of DSoSale, much has happened in these ear Friends in

past weeks! As you are aware by now, Pope Francis has appointed me as Archbishop of Canberra and Goulburn. My installation Mass will be at 11am on Tuesday November 19, 2013 at St Christopher’s Cathedral, Canberra. Thank you for your prayer support in these days. Until I leave the Diocese of Sale, I am the Diocesan Administrator. Soon the College of Consultors of the diocese will gather and elect from among themselves a new diocesan administrator who will take over when I leave. In time Pope Francis will elect a new Bishop of Sale. Let us pray for the Diocese in these times of transition. Cleary, in these days, I am reflecting on my four years with

To God’s People in the Catholic Diocese of Sale you all as your Bishop. I believe we have learnt afresh to gather around Christ the Good Shepherd and move forward somewhat in the challenges that surround us. Only the Holy Spirit can change the human heart – and I have witnessed the conversions that only Jesus can bring many times in so many situations over these brief years in the Diocese. The episcopal motto I carry – ONLY JESUS – is so important to me. It is my pastoral priority to bring only Jesus into the very centre of diocesan, parish, school, family and community life. I will leave it up to the merciful Jesus to judge me in my years with

you on this criterion. It would be a joy for me if you feel I have helped shine the light of Jesus on your pilgrimage in life within our beloved Catholic Church. Recently, I had the honor of participating in the ordination to the priesthood of Siju Xavier in Kerala, India. He is now a priest of the Diocese of Sale. Welcome! Also I will have the honor of ordaining to the diaconate and priesthood Fr Ken Clark for the Anglican Ordinariate. He lives in Maffra. Welcome! Happily, a few men from Gippsland are discerning seriously whether they are called to the priesthood or permanent

diaconate in the times ahead. Our prayers are with you! These are all most positive signs of true Catholic life in the Diocese. I hope many others seriously think about the vocational call to the priesthood or religious life. Let us all pray for vocations! Let us pray for our seminarians at Corpus Christi College Seminary! As the Year of Faith draws to a close, let us respond with deep and renewed faith to the call of the Holy Spirit to conversion of heart, expressed especially in solidarity with the poor and marginalised. Pray for me! I am in need of your prayers! God bless to you all and your families and loved ones. + Bishop Christopher Prowse Diocesan Administrator

NZ Marist missionary to visit diocese


MARIST Missionary priest, Fr John Rea SM will visit Sale Diocese from New Zealand next month. From November 6-14, Fr Rea will visit our diocese hosted by the diocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal group. Fr Rea SM conducts preaching missions across New Zealand and at times serving as parish priest enabled him to preach the saving power of the love of Jesus, for all people. For the last few decades, he has been called to bring the healing power of Jesus, to many places. This mission has taken him to the islands of the Pacific, USA,

Catholic Life PO Box 1410, Warragul Vic. 3820 Phone: (03) 5622 6688

England and Australia. He is the author of two books Proclaim with Wonder and Witness to Wonders. Each book brings many reports of healing, Fr Rea has witnessed and had reported to him. Wonderful accounts of healing of body, mind and spirit through the power of Jesus to heal. Cardinal Thomas S. Williams, former Archbishop of Wellington, NZ, wrote in 2005.“ If the mission of Jesus was, ‘to bring the good news to the afflicted, to proclaim liberty to captives, sight to the blind; to let the oppressed go free…’ (Luke 4.18). Then this is the mission of the followers of Christ.

“Fr Rea is certainly good news to the afflicted, especially from disease or disability. He makes no claim to having powers of his own, but simply that Christ heals through him.” He will celebrate his first Mass at St Joseph’s Church, Iona at 2pm on Thursday, November 7. Other Masses are Our Lady Help of Christians, Narre Warren, 7.30pm, November 8; Sacred Heart Church, Morwell. 6pm, November 9; St Mary’s Church, Bairnsdale, 2pm, November 10; St Agatha’s Church, Sladen St, Cranbourne, 7.30pm, November 11. Four other venues are yet to be confirmed.

Newborough school fete NEWBOROUGH – The annual St Mary’s Primary School fete will be held on Sunday, October 27 following morning Mass. The fete will run from 10am until 2pm at the school which is in Monash Rd., Newborough. There will be all the normal stalls, trash and treasure, a bake off competition, a spinning wheel with $100 draws, lots of rides for children including the cha cha, giant slide, jumping castle and petting zoo. For the fashion conscious there is a makeover room where you can have some temporary tattoos, get your face painted, nails polish and hair colored.

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Editor: Colin Coomber Published monthly except January. Deadline for advertising copy and editorial contributions for next issue is Monday, November 4 Issues distributed free through parishes and schools from November 13. Published by Catholic Media Gippsland, an agency of the Diocese of Sale. Printed by Express Print, Morwell. Member of Australasian Catholic Press Association

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Catholic Life, October 2013 - Page 3

Ordinariate ordination in cathedral on Saturday

Popes to be saints on Divine Mercy

THE ordination of an Anglican priest to the new Catholic Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross will take place this Saturday October 19 at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale. Fr Ken Clark, Maffra, will be the first Anglican priest to be ordained to the Ordinariate which was established by Pope Benedict XVI to enable Anglicans who want to be in communion with Rome to cross over. Bishop Christopher Prowse will ordain Fr Clark at a special cathedral Mass at 11.30am. He ordained him as a Catholic deacon in Warragul this week. The Ordinariate is virtually a diocese covering the whole of Australia which operates with its own structure, finances and Anglican form of the Mass which has been approved by the Vatican. Its relationship to the mainstream Catholic Church in Australia will be similar to that of the Military Ordinariate, Maronite, Melkite, Chaldean and Ukrainian Catholic churches. Head of the Ordinariate of

POPE Francis will canonise John Paul II and John XXIII on the same day next April. The two Popes will be declared saints on April 27, Francis said during a meeting with cardinals at the Vatican. Each former Pope had achieved considerable international stature: John Paul II for encouraging the fall of communism in his native Poland and across Eastern Europe, and John XXIII for assembling the liberalising Second Vatican Council, which ran from 1962 to 1965. Vatican spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi said that to celebrate the canonisations together was a sign of appreciation by the Pope towards two predecessors who paid witness to our time. Fr Lombardi said the first Sunday after Easter, would be ‘a good date for pilgrims who might already be in Rome.’ The date is also known as Divine Mercy Sunday. John Paul II promoted the devotion to the

Fr Clark has been part of the Traditional Anglican Communion and is not part of the Anglican Diocese of Gippsland. As he is married, he has had to get special dispensation from Pope Francis to be excused from clerical celibacy.

New executive officer for BFF

Fr Ken Clark Our Lady of the Southern Cross Mgr Harry Entwistle, Perth, is a former Anglican bishop and is a member of the Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference. Mgr Entwistle will also participate in the ordination on Saturday. Fr Clark’s first Mass for the Ordinariate will be at Our Lady of Sion chapel, York St., Sale, on Sunday at 9.30am.

How the Ordinariate of Our Lady works By Mgr Harry Entwistle THE Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross in Australia now has 10 parishes, 15 priests and two deacons spread from Perth to Cairns. They are Catholic parishes of what might be described as the Anglican Use of the Catholic Church. The priests have been ordained into the Catholic priesthood, the sacraments of the Ordinariate are fully Catholic, so any Catholic is welcome to receive communion in an Ordinariate parish. Doing so fulfills all obligations of the Catholic faithful. The worship in the Ordinariate may have an Anglican ‘flavor’, but it is one of the authorised liturgies of the liturgies of the Latin Rite. Although Catholics are welcome to worship in the Ordinariate, membership is restricted to: a) Former Anglicans who have received the sacraments of Catholic initiation; b) Former Anglicans who are now Catholics, having been reconciled individually in the past; c) Catholics who have a close relative who is a member of the Ordinariate; d) Baptised Catholics who have not been confirmed or received their first communion who reconnect with the Church via the Ordinariate; e) Any unbaptised person who becomes Catholic through the Ordinariate.

The Ordinariates were erected so that those Catholichearted Anglicans who subscribe to the Catechism of the Catholic Church can bring the spirituality, learning and pastoral experience of the English Church that was not part of the Roman Catholic Church in England for several centuries. Pope Benedict described this as a gift to be shared by all. As well as bringing our gifts, we have much to learn from our fellow Catholics about living the Christian life in a culture that is rejecting the faith that formed its foundations. The Ordinariate clergy and laity are committed to work with the local Catholic dioceses in the new evangelisation because we are in communion with the Pope, share the same priesthood, sacraments and mission. We can be described as united with, integrated in, but not absorbed by the local Catholic Diocese. The Ordinariates are a living symbol that unity between Christians is possible but only if we share the same faith. Like an orchestra, the Catholic Church is made up of many different instruments playing together to create the joyous music of God’s Kingdom. The Ordinariate is the latest, but please God, not the last instrument in this orchestra. The regular home for Ordinariate Masses in Sale Diocese is yet to be finalised. For further information contact Fr Ken Clark on 0403 383 873.

COLIN Coomber has been appointed executive officer of the Bishop’s Family Foundation. In one of his last acts as Bishop of Sale, Bishop Prowse charged Mr Coomber with the task of relaunching and envigorating the diocese’s charitable arm. Mr Coomber was one of the inaugural committee members and has been involved with promoting the BFF. He will share BFF duties with his role of diocesan media officer and editor of Catholic Life.

Bl. Pope John Paul II Feast of the Divine Mercy and was beatified — a step toward canonisation — on that day in 2011, Fr Lombardi noted.

Bl. Pope John XXIII

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Page 4 - Catholic Life, October 2013

Pope Francis orders special synod to discuss family issues

Bumper sticker

WE wonder about a bumper sticker we have seen on two different cars lately. It reads “A Chevvy badge on a Holden makes Baby Jesus cry.” We agree that having Chevrolet badges on the back on Holden utes is puzzling but we seem to be missing the link with Baby Jesus, and why it would be enough to make Him cry. The phrase “It’s enough to make Baby Jesus cry” is an American throwaway line to describe something which is unpleasant, controversial or evil. It may have its origins as a Flanders saying on cult TV series The Simpsons, or the script writers might just have been repeating what had become a common saying. However, back to where we started - as far as we are aware it’s not an Aussie saying, and even if it was, what’s it got to do with Chevvy badges?

Go the Hawks

HOW can we not mention the great Hawthorn victory in the AFL grand final. Bishop Prowse, whose dad played a handful of games for the Hawks, was overseas on the big day and so missed a lot of the excitement. Not sure if any of our other priests barrack for the Hawks but with the bishop leaving there is a vacancy among support ranks. Perhaps one of

our Indian or Nigerian priests should adopt the Hawks.

Ordinariate puzzle

QUITE a few readers have been puzzled by the Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross. Many were unaware of its existence before last month’s issue in which we interviewed Fr Ken Clark. Hopefully, the explanation by Mgr Harry Entwistle on the previous page further clarifies the situation. The confusion hasn’t been helped by us referring to it as the Anglican Ordinariate because it suggests that these Traditional Anglican Communion members remain Anglicans. In coming over to the Ordinariate they become Catholics in communion with Rome, but celebrating in line with their Traditional Anglican roots. We don’t expect to see a wholesale movement of Anglicans across to the Ordinariate in Gippsland, only those who feel alienated from the Anglican Church because of “liberal” changes brought about in recent years.

VATICAN CITY - The predicament of divorced and remarried Catholics will be a major topic of discussion when bishops from around the world meet at the Vatican in October 2014. The Vatican announced on October 8 that an extraordinary session of the Synod of Bishops will meet in Rome next year to discuss the “pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelisation.” Catholic News Service reports that the pope had told reporters accompanying him on his plane back from Rio de Janeiro in July that the next synod would explore a “somewhat deeper pastoral care of marriage,” including the question of the eligibility of divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion. Pope Francis added at the time that church law governing marriage annulments also “has to be reviewed, because ecclesiastical tribunals are not sufficient for this. It is complex, the problem of the pastoral care of marriage.” Such problems, he said, exemplified a general need for forgiveness in the church today. “The church is a mother, and she must travel this path of mercy, and find a form of mercy

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Pope Francis for all,” the pope said. The announcement of the synod came amid news that the Archdiocese of Freiburg, Germany, had issued new guidelines making it easier for divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion. Vatican spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi, said that such matters were more properly dealt with at a churchwide level, “under the guidance of the pope and the bishops.” “For persons or local offices to propose particular pastoral solutions runs the risk of generating confusion,” he said. “The Holy Father is placing the pastoral care of the family at the heart of a synod process that will be larger, involving the reflection of the universal church.” The 2014 gathering will be an “extraordinary general session” of the synod, which according

to the Code of Canon Law is held to “deal with matters which require a speedy solution.” It will be composed for the most part of the presidents of national bishops’ conferences, the heads of the Eastern Catholic Churches, and the heads of major Vatican offices. Only about 150 synod fathers will take part in the session, which will run for two weeks, Fr Lombardi said, compared with about 250 bishops who attended the three-week ordinary general assembly on the new evangelisation last year. This will be only the third extraordinary synod since Pope Paul VI reinstituted synods in 1965, to hold periodic meetings to advise him on specific subjects. A 1969 extraordinary session was dedicated to improving cooperation between the Holy See and national bishops’ conferences; and a 1985 extraordinary session, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the end of the Second Vatican Council, recommended the compilation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which was published seven years later. Pope Francis has suggested that he wants to make it into a permanent advisory body. The Pope and the new Council of Cardinals advising him on church governance spent much of their first day together discussing synod reform and he then attended meetings of the synod’s governing council.

Away for a weekend and need to check local Mass times? Use the QR scanning app on your smart phone and it will take you directly to the Diocese of Sale website

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Catholic Life, October 2013 - Page 5

Cleric abuse reform agenda is endorsed THE leadership of the Catholic Church in Australia has endorsed the development of a reform agenda which could see the most significant overhaul of the Church’s approach to clerical sexual abuse in its more than 200-year history in Australia. Truth Justice and Healing Council chief executive officer Francis Sullivan said the reforms were now being fully developed and would be presented to Church leaders in the first half of 2014. “These proposals recognise that we must do better when we are dealing with victims of sexual abuse and as we work to make sure our institutions are as safe as possibly for children.” The Catholic Church reform agenda proposals include: • Appointing independent compensation commissioners to determine payments to victims who go through the victim response process known as Towards Healing. This would separate the pastoral responses in Towards Healing from the determination of financial payments • The appointment of lay and independent experts

Facing the Truth Log in to follow the Catholic Church response and latest on the Victorian Government inquiry into child abuse.

to strengthen the Church’s National Committee of Professional Standards • The introduction of an independent national board to develop and administer national child protection standards. The board would monitor adherence to these standards and publicly report on compliance • The board would also provide more rigorous assessment, monitoring, auditing and enforcement of Towards Healing practices • The introduction of greater transparency through public reporting by both the new national board and the Towards Healing process. The reform proposals are outlined in the Truth Justice and Healing Council’s Towards Healing submission to the Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse. Mr Sullivan said that ultimately it may be appropriate for the Church to merge the reparation element of Towards Healing into a national compensation scheme to which

scheme. “They could be revised in the light of recommendations from the Victorian Parliamentary and Cuneen inquiries and the Royal Commission itself,” Mr Sullivan said. The Truth Justice and Healing Council was established by the Catholic Church in Australia to coordinate the Church’s response to the Royal Commission. Its role is to oversee the Church’s engagement with the Commission, to develop new policies to protect children and young people and to help the Church respond to any future

complaints appropriately and with justice, putting the needs of victims first. The Truth Justice and Healing Council Towards Healing submission can be seen at: For more information on the Truth Justice and Healing Council go to: www.tjhcouncil. For more information on the Royal Commission go to: www. childabuseroyalcommission.

Ordination and golden wedding

Sion former students gather THE Sion Past Students Gathering will be held on Sunday November 10 , 2013 in the Marcellin Room at Sion Campus from 10.30am until 3pm. Proceeds will go to the Chapel Restoration Project. RSVP by Wednesday, October 30 to CeCe Kingwill 5144 6340 or or Maureen McLeod 5144 3550.

Spectacular icon for Year of Family Prayer A SPECTACULAR icon featuring the Holy Family has been chosen as the image to highlight the Year of Family Prayer which will be launched at the end of this month. The Year of Family Prayer follows on from Bishop Christopher Prowse’s Pentecost pastoral letter earlier this year. The launch will be at the Year of Faith Mass at Marist Sion College, Warragul, at 10am on October 31. The Year of Family Prayer will run from Advent 2013 to Advent 2014 and was the first stage of a pastoral plan on family evangelisation foreshadowed by the bishop. Permission has been received from The Studio of John the Baptist in Auckland, New Zealand for the Diocese of Sale to use the image of the icon for promotion of the family. The icon was originally painted on commission in 2011 and now hangs in a family home in New Zealand. The original is traditional egg tempera and 23.5ct gold on a 25cm by 35cm gessoed board The Greek inscriptions are (upper left) Theotokos - God Bearer or Mother of God, (upper right) O Agios Joseph - Saint Joseph, (middle right)

all relevant institutions would contribute to, should this be a recommendation of the Royal Commission. “While the Church supports calls for a national scheme, it would have to be a recommendation from the Royal Commission which is accepted by Governments, it could take many years to establish and may face significant constitutional hurdles. “This is why the Church is going ahead with developing its own reform proposals which could be put in place as soon as late next year and could work alongside any future national

BISHOP Christopher Prowse sits with Fr Siju Xavier and his parents at their 50th wedding anniversary celebrations which took place on the day of Fr Siju’s ordination. Surrounding them are Fr Siju’s 12 brothers and sisters.


ICXC - Jesus Christ and (inside halo) O WN (Ho On) - He Who Is - The Being.




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Page 6 - Catholic Life, October 2013

Youth make a Joyful Noise By Cassie Gawley DURING the first week of school holidays, 28 teenagers made the trip down to Forest Edge Christian Youth Camp in Neerim East for the annual Diocesan Youth Camp. This year’s theme was “Joyful Noise” and used music and the Psalms as a form of conversation with God. The Joyful Noise retreat took place on September 23-25 and we were welcomed by beautiful weather which remained for the entirety of our stay at the stunning campsite. The Melbourne National Evangelisation Team, consisting of Maddie Wilson, Rebecca Quinn, Gabriel Tipnis and Robert Lucero joined us for this retreat to facilitate sessions, lead small groups and give meaningful testimonies based on the Psalms and what the scripture means to them personally.

The young people loved having the NET team on our retreat as their enthusiasm and expertise was invaluable and really added to our retreat experience. We were also very blessed to have youth leader Susie Graham, director of religious education at St Francis Xavier College in Beaconsfield Lindsay Sant, and religious education coordinator from St Ita’s Primary School in Drouin, Jess Van Diemen, give up three days of their holidays to come and help out with Joyful Noise. The participants enjoyed sessions based on the Psalms written by King David that included times of questioning, joy, sadness and thanksgiving – times to which we could all relate. Each session had a musical theme of either rock, rap, classical, country or dance/pop and all leaders dressed up in costumes which related to the theme of each session.

PARTICIPANTS Aimee and Laurancio take a breather from activities.


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Fr Darek Jablonski joined us for the sacrament of reconciliation and Mass on the Tuesday and even embraced the retreat’s theme by sporting an afro wig for our dance/pop session. The weather was perfect and allowed the participants, and even some of the leaders, to conquer the high ropes course during free time on Tuesday afternoon. Overall, Joyful Noise was a wonderful retreat filled with great food, friends and lots of fun, which provided the young people of our diocese with an avenue to explore and deepen their faith through prayer, scripture, music and the Sacraments. We had a fantastic time and look forward to our next youth camp in September 2014! NET team members Maddi and Rebecca with participants Emilie and Jasmine.

Status anxiety creates problems ONE of the most popular TV series in recent times is Downton Abbey. It has attracted a very large group of devoted fans, myself included. The series depicts the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants and how the great events in history effect their lives and the British social hierarchy. As the daily life of the Abbey unfolds, the question emerges, was it better to live in the more class conscious world of the 17th, 18th, 19th Centuries where we ‘knew our place’? Were we better off, more secure, less stressed in days gone by? Author and philosopher Alain de Botton thinks that might be the case. His book about ‘status anxiety’ describes an almost universal anxiety that rarely gets mentioned: an anxiety about what others think of us; about whether we’re judged a success or a failure, a winner or a loser. De Botton argues that whatever our background or social class whatever our age or country of origin, what the vast majority of us desperately crave is status, even more than money. Because nowadays we are told we can do anything we want, we can be whatever we want, that creates enormous pressure, stress and envy. The Gospel of Mark includes the request made to Jesus by the mother of James and John: “When you come into your kingdom, please let one of my sons sit at your right side and the other at your left.” Good old mum – understandable isn’t it. She wants ‘the best’ for her sons, their rightful reward, the positions of honor and power. But when the 10 other disciples heard this, they were angry with the two brothers. Jesus called the disciples together and said: You know that foreign rulers like to order their people around. And their great leaders have full power over everyone they rule. But don’t act like them. If you want to be great, you must be the servant of all

Reflections by Jim Quillinan the others. And if you want to be first, you must be the slave of the rest. The Son of Man did not come to be a slave master, but a slave who will give his life to rescue many people (Mt 20: 20-25). That’s a tough call, especially in the age where ‘the celebrity’ is so important, so much part of our culture. Being at the service of others is not easy, particularly when the prevailing culture tells us the opposite, when we are so often judged by our title, our position in the pecking order, our wealth, our power. If de Botton is correct, we care about our status for a simple reason: because most people tend to be nice to us according to the amount of status we have. It’s worth taking a moment to reflect on that – there is a lot of truth in it. Jesus says the opposite – happiness or fulfilment comes not from status or power or prestige or people being nice to us, but from how we serve others. Does that mean ambition is wrong, working to better ourselves, to seek promotion? Aren’t we supposed to use the gifts, the talents we have been blessed with, even when that may mean being promoted, honoured, feted even? One of Jesus’ parables (Mt 25:14-30) vividly describes the need to use of the talents with which we have been gifted. In his parable, those who use theirs are gifted by developing even further talents and abilities, as opposed to those who hid theirs or buried them. We are all unique, all gifted, all talented in particular ways. Our status comes not from how we are feted or our wealth or position but rather from how we put those talents to use and how we continue to develop them.

It is always helpful to ask: am I doing something that employs my talents and gifts, something that engages and challenges all of my abilities? Am I continuing to grow, expanding my abilities? Jesus’ parable also includes the message that throughout life we discover new talents and abilities and, if we are open to it, new ways to use the old and the new. As St Augustine said, we are restless, we are not designed to be ‘satisfied’. Our dissatisfaction may be a call to something still before us — to a new decision and to a new way of living, to a new challenge. There is never a point where we can say, “I am totally satisfied with myself.” What others think of us; about whether we’re judged a success or a failure, a winner or a loser can get out of all proportion – look at how the other disciples reacted to the request by the mother of James and John. When our lives become preoccupied with ego, status, power and prestige our lives become small, focussed on ourselves. When I begin to connect myself to others, when I can begin to understand what it is to walk in his or her shoes, when I can come to understand the feelings and thoughts of others, my life becomes larger – it takes on greater meaning and purpose – and we become more fulfilled.

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Catholic Life, October 2013 - Page 7

Loch celebrates legacy of St Vincent de Paul LOCH - The community of St Vincent’s Loch remembered the life and outstanding legacy of St Vincent De Paul at a Mass celebrated by parish priest Fr Peter Kooloos on September 29. The church was consecrated in the name of St Vincent in August 1903. The Mass followed on from the feast day of St Vincent de Paul, the Patron Saint of all works of charity, two days earlier. Members of the Conferences of the Society of St Vincent de Paul and volunteers from Vinnies stores in the South Gippsland region were invited to attend this special Mass. A feature of the Mass was the singing of a number of ‘old time’ hymns as well as a presentation by a parishioner on the linkage between the great works of St Vincent de Paul and the activities of the Society today, in providing much needed support to the poor and needy in our region. The presentation noted the start of the 400 year unbroken charitable strand when, after a time as parish priest of Clichy in France, St Vincent had been appointed (as was the practice in that era) as confessor and spiritual director to one of the rich and powerful families in France – the Gondis. Through St Vincent’s influence, the Countess de Gondi persuaded her husband to sup-

port and endow a group of able missionaries who would work among poor tenant farmers and country people in general. St Vincent’s charitable works gained momentum through the ‘Congregation of the Mission’, established in 1632, which spawned an incredible host of orders, universities and societies around the world, the most prominent of which was the Society of St Vincent de Paul founded in 1833 by Blessed Frederic Ozanam to serve impoverished people in the slums of Paris. Today the society numbers almost one million members in 150 countries around the world. It was noted that Jesus often spoke of the poor as ‘blessed’,

yet daily in our media the poor are seen as burdensome – costing taxpayers money. The presentation outlined the work of the Conferences and Vinnies stores in our region and quoted from the society’s chief executive officer “Our role is to bring every marginalised and suffering person that we help, to believe that there is hope in the midst of crisis and compassion in the world”. It was noted how much Jesus loved the poor, and thanks to the leadership of St Vincent, the Society of St Vincent de Paul today provides us with a tangible way of showing our love for the poor and needy people in our own society.

FR Peter Kooloos (centre) with parishioners at St Vincent de Paul Church, Loch.

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Page 8 - Catholic Life, October 2013

Bishop leaving but the education review goes on SINCE the last issue of Catholic Life we have all been made aware of the imminent departure of Bishop (now Archbishop-elect) Prowse to the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn. It is very easy to be able to say about this event that Canberra and Goulburn’s gain is very much our loss. As the Director of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Sale for just under 12 months, I can say without hesitation that it has been a pure joy working for a bishop with such an active commitment to Catholic education. I have been fortunate to have worked with the Bishop and his staff from the same building, Sion House, having arrived in

the diocese just as the move of the Bishop’s office from Sale to Warragul was completed. Bishop Prowse’s openness to discuss any matter at any time was an enormous help and his intelligently pastoral response to difficult issues always made us feel respected, supported and challenged. I am personally sorry, as I know all the staff of CEO Sale are, to see Bishop Prowse leave us but we also feel very proud of him and acknowledge the compliment to his skill, competency and commitment to the Church in Australia and beyond that this appointment signifies. Shortly after taking up my position, Bishop Prowse

and I discussed the value and timeliness of a review of religious education in the diocese. The bishop was keen to have the review conducted thoroughly and with input and comment from a broad range of experts in the area. A significant amount of time and effort was put into formulating the terms of reference for the review panel and to establishing the panel itself. Some of the terms of reference for the Review of Religious Education in the Diocese of Sale include • That the review panel will inquire into the effectiveness and appropriateness of the

Gippsland history book reprint tion, mining, small towns, hill farms and the Latrobe Valley. It is illustrated with photographs, engravings and maps from the past. There has been demand for The Settling of Gippsland over the years, as second hand copies have become scarce and expensive. The book was originally published by the Gippsland Municipalities Association, whose successor body, the Gippsland Local Government Network, has supported this reprint. This edition has been printed by Gippsland Printers of Traralgon.

Patrick Morgan is an academic and author from the Latrobe Valley who has published widely on literary and historical topics. He recently received an award for the combined Gippsland historical societies for ‘an outstanding contribution to recording and publishing the history of Gippsland’. The Settling of Gippsland is available from bookshops and newsagencies for $35, or from the author at 610 Limonite, Rd, Boolarra, 3870; Phone 5169 6216 (add $5 for postage). Patrick Morgan, can also be contacted on email morganpa@

with Maria Kirkwood curriculum documents utilised in the diocese; • That the review panel will inquire into the professional learning opportunities of the classroom teachers, teachers of religious education and religious education coordinators; including but not limited to school based programs, scholarships, graduate teacher programs; • That the review panel will inquire into the type and effectiveness of student support programs including sexuality education, transition programs; • That the review panel will inquire into the scope and uptake of the Enhancing Catholic School Identity Project, particularly in relation to the school improvement program that operates across all Catholic schools in Victoria. The review panel was to provide the bishop with a final report which would include commendations and recommendations for his consideration in consultation with the Director of Catholic Education. Membership of the panel which has been established and has held its first full meeting

includes – a member external to the diocese with expertise in religious education, a representative from the religious education team, Catholic Education Office in the Diocese of Sale, nominees from the primary principals’ group and the secondary principals’ group along with a religious education coordinator and a parent representative as well as a priest of the diocese. The committee has had its first meeting and further meetings are scheduled between now and the conclusion of the review panel’s activities. The fact that Bishop Prowse will no longer be available to receive the final report has not impeded the work of the committee. The review will continue and a full report is likely to be available in May, 2014. Whilst it is unfortunate that Bishop Prowse will not see the fruits of this particular initiative we are grateful to him for commencing this process which will allow the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Sale to effectively monitor and assess the work that is being undertaken in schools in the diocese.

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THE regional history, The Settling of Gippsland by Catholic Life contributor Patrick Morgan, has been reprinted after being unavailable for many years. This is the only book in print which covers the story of the whole of Gippsland. The original edition was published in 1997, and launched at Leongatha. It was awarded the 1988 Victorian Community and Local History Award, which was presented by the late Keith Dunstan. The books contents include chapters on the Aborigines, exploration, Port Albert, early settlement, squatting and selec-

Talking Catholic Education



Catholic Life, October 2013 - Page 9

St John of God celebrates 10 years in Berwick BERWICK - St John of God Health Care celebrates its 10th anniversary in Berwick. Caregivers held a service in honor of the healthcare group’s heritage, known as Foundation Day, which celebrates the founding of the Sisters of St John of God in 1871 in county Wexford, Ireland. However, this year’s ceremony was extra special as the hospital also commemorated St John of God Health Care’s 10th anniversary in Berwick. As many local residents will know, the establishment of St John of God Berwick Hospital is just one chapter in Berwick’s rich history of providing hospital based healthcare in the community. A small private hospital stood on the current site in the early part of the 20th century known as St Leonard’s Hospital and prior to that, it was a small girls’ school. Then in 1939, the Berwick community under the leadership of Dr Percy Langmore, joined forces to open the seven bed Berwick Bush Nursing Hospital which accepted its first patient in 1940. Nurses Sally Joustra and Patricia Seewald who currently work at St John of God Berwick recalled, “Our mothers worked in the Bush Nursing Hospital during the 1950s and 60s. Like today, the nurses’ service ethos was that of compassionate care. “Our mothers knew their patients very well since Berwick was a small village in those days. It meant that the patient / nurse relationship was on a more personalised level and it’s nice that St John of God Berwick carries forward this same tradition in providing warm, friendly

and personalised care to our patients, today”. Over the next few decades, the hospital was redeveloped (and exchanged ownership multiple times). In 2003, when the 30 bed Berwick Hospital was facing closure due to financial difficulty, St John of God Health Care purchased the site under the proviso that it would continue to invest in the community’s health services. Just four years later in November 2007, St John of God Berwick Hospital proudly opened the $14.5 million new wing to the hospital. This saw the hospital double in size to 70 beds, four state-of-the-art theatres, an expanded maternity unit and new medical and surgical wards. The redevelopment also included a modernisation of the existing internal structures. In the last decade the hospital has continued to honor its commitment to serving the healthcare needs of the community. As a not-for-profit hospital, St John of God Berwick reinvests its profits back into hospital and community services. In 2007, it opened the Raphael Centre for families experiencing anxiety and depression during pregnancy and after childbirth. This is the only centre of its kind in Melbourne’s south east and last year assisted over 200 families. CEO Lisa Norman says, “It is important for us to respond to community need and ensure we provide first class healthcare to the residents of Casey and Cardinia. In the last year alone we have introduced our Palliative Care service and

opened our Day Oncology Unit which is the first step towards our bold plans to open a Comprehensive Cancer Centre in 2015”. Furthermore, in the coming months St John of God Berwick will officially announce the key components of their second major redevelopment which will see an expansion to 130 beds and a range of new services.

Ms Norman said, “We have achieved so much in 10 years and our strong relationship with the community means we can achieve so much more. I want the very best healthcare for people living in Casey and Cardinia and St John of God Berwick Hospital is committed to serving our community for decades to come.”

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ST John of God Berwick CEO Lisa Norman (right) presents caregiver Sandra Hartmann with her 10 years length of service badge. Sandra was one of 32 caregivers who received a length of service award.

Oblate remembered in Moe olive tree MOE - More than 60 parishioners of St Kieran’s Parish Moe, gathered in overcast weather last month for the second anniversary of the death of their much loved former parish priest Fr John Dunlea OMI. An olive tree was planted in the front garden of the presbytery in memory of Fr Dunlea who was parish priest of St Kieran’s from 1966-1972 and 19962008 and was assistant priest from 2009-2011. The olive tree was donated by the Isaacs family and the

memorial plaque organised by Rita Elswyk and Pat Pace, all parishioners of St Kieran’s. We thank Paul Walsh and family for their assistance with preparing the garden area and in planting the olive tree. The tree was blessed by parish priest Fr Bernard O’Brien OMI. Also remembered was St Kieran’s parish assistant Br Jason Duck OMI who died recently. His family and friends attended the gathering. The planting was followed by a celebratory Mass and dinner.

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Page 10 - Catholic Life, October 2013

More common sense rules for investing your hard-earned $ THIS month I will continue with the investment rules that I started last month. In a share market which shows some volatility, it’s important to keep these in mind all the time. As well, with property the same principles apply. Property markets aren’t as quick as the share market, but in reality are just as volatile.


Leave a dollar in it for your buyer. Trying to get the absolute top price when you sell an investment can cause problems for you. Apart from no-one ringing bells at the top, a buyer will only buy an investment if they can identify greater value to come. You need to price your sale so there’s some potential left, otherwise the buyers will be hard to find. You may get the highest price, but you won’t know that until tomorrow.


Markets return to the long term trend over time. Bull markets and Bear markets can move the market values away from their long term valuations (Price/Earnings ratio for shares, yield for property), and this movement may be extreme. In 2000 for instance some high tech companies were valued at 200 times earnings five years away, when the market average was closer to 15 times. In the boom year of 2007 our values were higher after the first time that the share market had risen more than 20 percent in each of four consecutive years, From November 2007 to March

Quick calendar

What’s on & when


DOLLAR$ & SENSE with David Wells

2009 the market fell nearly 60 percent. Guess what happened – it only returned to its average 30 year valuation trend line. It wasn’t that the market fell too low, it’s that it was too high. The same effect can be identified in the property valuation cycle just as easily.


The public gets it wrong. By this I mean the general public, not you. When a market is booming we get excited and then we all want to buy. All this means is that we suffer excesses of enthusiasm and are ruled by emotions and the press, whose job is to sell newspapers (present editor and paper excluded). Our logic flies out the window and we buy at whatever price. Conversely, when the markets fall, we tend to let pessimism rule and sell at the bottom. Large institutions that invest on our behalf are bound by this rule, which is one reason they don’t perform as well as some disciplined individuals. Warren Buffet said (along with others) “be very fearful when others are greedy, and be very greedy when others are fearful”. That’s

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No correction ever goes sideways. When a market trend turns the market can only go up or down. When it moves away from its long term trend line, it will return to it (rule 9). Often it will overshoot, too. So when a market is starting to return to trend, most of the correction will be within the first year. Use this momentum to your advantage. In 2009 many investors waited to see how the recovery panned out – some are still waiting. But be careful – the latest property news had the housing construction index rising by nearly 4 percent - but construction is still contracting.


Never Fall in love with your shares. I’ve written full length articles on this point, but it is a problem with many investors. They either want to hold the shares for ever (they were good once) or are waiting for them to recover. The only way to get any benefit from shares is to convert them to money – that’s all they are, just another way to represent dollars and cents. If you think of them that way you’ll make far more sensible investment decisions.


Bull markets are far more fun than Bear markets. This is true. We all have far more fun when we’re making money, and it’s far easier to do this in a Bull market. While we can make excellent returns in a Bear market, it takes far more work, research and some extra risk. From a broker’s point of view, I much prefer speaking with people who are happy with their portfolio. That’s much easier in a Bull market. SCAM ALERT: The latest scam purports to be from the Australian Tax Office. If you get an email or phone call from someone who says it’s from the ATO – ignore it. The ATO doesn’t ask for information through email and doesn’t make cold calls. Some of the calls and emails are well researched and plausible, so be warned and be careful. In fact, never give personal information in response to any emil request without independently confirming the request’s bona fides. • This report is intended to provide general advice. In preparing this advice, David Wells and Baillieu Holst Ltd did not take into account the investment objective, the financial situation and particular needs of any particular person. Before making an investment decision on the basis of this advice, you need to consider, with or without the assistance of an adviser, whether the advice is appropriate in light of your particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances.

17 – Valley region meeting, St Mary’s, Newborough, noon 18 – St Luke Feast Day 19 - St Mary’s Church, Bairnsdale, centenary celebrations, appeal launch and dinner dance 20 – St Ita’s Primary School fete, Victoria St., Drouin, 10am to 3pm 20 - Concelebrated centenary Mass for St Mary’s Church, Bairnsdale, 10.30am, includes Bishop Prowse farewell visit 29 – Mission Sunday (special collection) 23 – South region meeting, Leongatha, 11.15am 27 – St Sofia Festival, Koo Wee Rup, with Italian Mass, 9.30am 27 – St Mary’s Primary, Newborough, annual fete, 10am to 2pm 28 – Sts Simon and Jude Feast Day 31 - Year of Faith Mass and launch of Year of Prayer, Marist Sion College, Warragul, 10am.

November 1 – All Saints solemnity 2 – All Souls solemnity 2 – Bishop Prowse’s farewell Mass at St Kieran’s, Moe 3 – Annual pilgrimage to shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale 3 – Bishop Prowse’s farewell to Our Lady Help of Christians parish, Narre Warren, 11am 4 – Deadline for November Catholic Life 5 – Melbourne Cup Day holiday 6 – East region meeting, Orbost, 10.30am 6-15 - Visit by New Zealand Marist missionary Fr John Rea SM to Sale Diocese 9 – Bishop Prowse farewell Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, 5.30pm 10 – Annual Our Lady of Sion College reunion, Sale 10 - Bishop Prowse farewell Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, 9.30am 11 – Remembrance Day 12 – Diocesan pastoral coun-

cil meeting, Sion House, Warragul 13 – Catholic Life publication 19 – Central region meeting, Drouin, 7.30pm 20 – West region meeting, Nar Nar Goon, 10.30am 21 – Presentation of the BVM memorial 24 – Christ the King solemnity 24 – Celebratory Mass for newly ordained Fr Siju Xavier, St Michael’s Church, Traralgon, 9.30am 30 - St Andrew Feast Day

December 1 – Advent begins 1 - Celebratory Mass for newly ordained Fr Siju Xavier, St Michael’s Church, Berwick, 10.30am 2 – Deadline for December Catholic Life 3 – St Francis Xavier memorial 5 – Valley region Christmas lunch, Morwell Club, noon 5-7 – Australian Catholic Youth Festival, Melbourne 6 – St Nicholas memorial 8 – End of term for most secondary schools 8 - Celebratory Mass for newly ordained Fr Siju Xavier, St Mary’s Church, Bairnsdale, 9am 9 – Immaculate Conception solemnity 11 – Catholic Life publication 15 - Celebratory Mass for newly ordained Fr Siju Xavier, St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, 9.30am 20 – School holidays begin (primary schools) 24 – Christmas Eve 25 – Christmas Day (Holy Day) 26 – Boxing Day 26 – St Stephen Feast Day 27 – St John Feast Day 28 – Holy Innocents Feast Day 29 – Holy Family Feast Day 31 – New Year’s Eve

Keep up with Easter THE moveable date of Easter often causes problems, especially when you are planning events six months or more away. Some people want to coincide with Easter while others want to dodge it. Easter 2014 will be the latest for many years, coming on April 20. That puts Good Friday on April 18 and so the long weekend next year will run from April 18-21. Easter is determined by a complicated calculation devised at the Council of Nicaea in 325AD. The Church Fathers decided that it would fall on the Sunday following the first pascal moon

(full moon) which falls after the vernal equinox. (spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere) This was later standardised at March 21 as the introduction of leap years in the Gregorian calendar means the equinox can be on March 20 some years. The earliest possible date for Easter is March 22. The last time it occurred was 1818 and the next time will be 2285. The latest possible date for it is April 25. The last time it occurred was 1943 and the next time will be 2038. Fortunately computerisation has made calculating these dates simple, especially if you have a smart phone in your pocket.

Catholic Life, October 2013 - Page 11

The churches of Vilnius in Lithuania PATRICK Morgan and his wife Ann have recently been in Europe, so he has written a series of articles on churches they visited there, in place of his normal column on Gippsland history. This article concludes his series ithuania, one of three small Baltic states, has an ancient language different from other European ones. It officially converted to Christianity in 1387AD, one of the last European countries to do so, and remnants of earlier religions remain. Lithuania and Poland formed a joint Commonwealth which ruled much of Eastern Europe from 1569 to the 18th century. Lithuania lost its independence when the Soviet Union incorporated it in 1940, underwent a horrific Second World War when invaded by both the German Nazis and Russian Communists, and final achieved freedom in 1990 when Communism collapsed. The capital Vilnius originally functioned as a Baltic trading post, whose products were sold on the north European commercial network known as the Hanseatic League. In the past Vilnius often had more Poles and Jews living in it than Lithuanians, who were predominately peasants living in the surrounding countryside. The Cathedral of Sts Stanislaus and Vladislaus is situated on a large square in the centre of Vilnius. Outside and inside


History with Patrick Morgan it takes the form of a white Greek temple with clean lines. A highlight of the cathedral is a chapel containing the 15th century tomb of St Casimir, the patron saint of Lithuania. The church has a royal mausoleum like its counterpart in Krakow. We attended an evening concert in the cathedral where Dvorak’s Stabat Mater was performed by an organist, soloists and a choral ensemble. Central Vilnius, like Warsaw and Kiev, has about 30 churches, two thirds of which are Catholic, with the remaining

AN aisle cathedral.




ones Orthodox, Greek Catholic (Uniate), Lutheran and other Reformed churches. Some of the principal Catholic churches in Vilnius are marked by an absence of over-ornate Baroque gilding. One style of church architecture in the region is in a distinctive north German Gothic mode. St Anne’s Catholic Church, designed by German architects, is a fine example of this style. The church, built around 1500 AD, was reconstructed by the aristocratic Radziwill family a century later. There have been numerous internal alterations since, but the exterior remains much as it originally was 600 years ago. The church’s main feature is a dramatic triangular facade, painted in red. The interior, painted white in contrast with the exterior red, is in flamboyant Baroque, designed later than the Gothic exterior. The church stands in a square close to the Town Castle and the Vilnia River. It is part of a Bernadine complex of ecclesiastical buildings, including the larger, almost identical, Gothic church of St Francis of Assisi standing behind it, a more recent bell tower, and a monastery. The Bernadines were fol-

Learning how to pray to God PRAYER - OUR DEEPEST LONGING by Ron Rolheiser, published by Franciscan Media, distributed by Rainbow Books, paperback, 69 pages, rrp $13.95. THE author is a world renowned spiritual writer whose weekly reflections would be known to many through the internet. He is an Oblate priest from the United States, who also has a great following on the speaking circuits and this is his seventh book. In the book he acknowledges that many people struggle with prayer and so sets out in 33 short reflections to assist people to overcome the challenges they face in their prayer life and to lead them to a deeper experience. Rolheiser makes suggestions which aid the development of mature prayer habits, without totally discarding the rote prayers of our childhood. Readers are encouraged to explore new prayer practices which will help to put aside the struggles of prayer, open the way to hearing God’s voice in prayer and developing some effective prayer techniques. Fans of Rolheiser should snap up this book because it is written in his easy to understand language, without the technical liturgical terms which so often bog down the thoughts of contemporaries.

Talking about Books THIRSTING FOR GOD, Daily Meditations by Mother Teresa, edited by Angelo Scolozzi, published by Servant Books, distributed by Rainbow Books, hardback, 226 pages, rrp $19.95.

Prayer of St Francis of Assisi, Anima Christi by St Ignatius of Loyola, the Holy Spirit prayer of St Augustine of Hippo, and the Memorare of St Bernard of Clairvaux.

THIS collection of prayers, short stories and sayings of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta has been put together by a close friend who, with her, co-founded the Universal Fraternity of the Word Missionary of Charities Third Order. There is a day by day entry to contemplate, some just a line or two, others half a page. The thoughts reveal the simple, yet effective way this holy woman used to talk with Jesus, to bolster the energies of those around her and to lead them to a deeper relationship with their God. At the rear of the book is a collection of the prayers recited daily by Mother Teresa including the famous Radiating Jesus prayer by Cardinal John Henry Newman, the Peace

SORRY, THANK YOU and PLEASE, 3 board books, published by Lion Hudson, distributed by Rainbow Books, hardback, 10 pages each, rrp $9.99 each. THESE three titles cover important lessons which can be passed on to young children when reading at bedtime. The Thank You book teaches in a few words and simple pictures how to give thanks to God for family, home, friends, pets etc. The Sorry book teaches a child to express their sorrow to God for the wrongs they have committed such as being unkind to others or being in a bad mood. The Please book encourages young children to pray to God, asking him to please bless others, keep family and friends safe, and held the ill recover.

lowers of St Francis of Assisi. St Francis’ Church has 16th century ceiling-high wall frescoes, and interior decoration of wood rather than the usual Gothic gilding. The church is the seat of the Archbishop of Vilnius. It has wall tombs of the Radziwills and other prominent families and ecclesiastics. In this part of the world churches often have a large bell tower as a separate structure. The church of Sts Peter and Paul, situated along the river some distance from the town centre, is a large Counter Reformation basilica, built in the late 17th century, with an elaborate exterior facade. The inside is a unique Italian Baroque masterpiece, entirely covered with white stucco mouldings of carvings, sculptures, columns, statuary, scrolls and friezes depicting Biblical scenes. When we visited it on a Saturday morning about a dozen baptisms were being conducted. The church was built to celebrate a victory over the neighbouring Russians, as its motto ‘Queen of Peace, protect us in peace’, attests. East Europe in the later 17th century was threatened by the Ottoman Turks who had reached their farthest expansion to the west, as well as periodically by Germans, Swedes and Russians. This church has a Turkish war drum seized in a battle in 1673. The allied nations of Poland and Lithuania are allegorically represented by sculptures in the church. We noticed one church in central Vilnius has the motto: Pro Ecclesia Triumphanti Pugnamus Militanti. (We will conduct an armed fight on behalf of the church triumphant.). In Trakai, a town some distance outside Vilnius, we saw a restored castle of German Christian Teutonic Knights, who in medieval times conducted a crusade to convert the pagan Baltic tribes, but also unfortunately ended up colonizing them. Vilnius was a focal point of Jewish life in eastern Europe, with the largest Jewish historical archive (YIVO), which was destroyed when the Lithuanian Jews were tragically wiped out in the Nazi Holocaust. The Vilnius Jewish Museum has graphic details of these terrible events. The YIVO archive was begun again New York, with other central and east European Jewish historical material now preserved in Prague.

ST Anne’s Church, Vilnius, with St Francis’ Church behind it. The Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension was built 150 years before the Catholic one. The oldest church in Vilnius is the Catholic one of St Nicholas, built in 1320. It was used by the local community of German Catholic Hanseatic traders at the time before Lithuania had converted to Christianity, and still has emblems of earlier pre-Christian beliefs, such as the moon, sun and stars, on its decorations. The Lutheran religion was the main Protestant one in the Baltic region. Churches of all denominations were closed down and neglected during the Communist period, and are only now being restored. One former Catholic church is now a museum of religious art. The Holy Ghost Church is the church of the Polish community of Vilnius. After the devastation caused by the Second World War many people from Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic states emigrated to Australia, and in particular to the Latrobe Valley in Gippsland, as refugees from destitution and from the new Communist regimes of East Europe. On any Sunday in the major cities of Eastern Europe one finds a great wealth of religious ceremonies. One can attend liturgies in Latin, Old Church Slavonic or in the vernacular, services are conducted in Orthodox, Uniate or Catholic forms, while the many Catholic religious orders which thrive here have their own distinctive styles of singing and worship. In these countries many people visit churches during the day for private devotions, often putting small lighted candles in rows as votive offerings, as one could see in St Francis’ Church in Melbourne.

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Page 12 - Catholic Life, October 2013

Live mission in the World Mission appeal focus context of our lives on young Church in Mongolia

MISSION does not always involve going to foreign countries and spreading the Good News to the ends of the earth – rather, it is a call for each one of us to reach out in love to the people in our own lives who are in need of care, concern and compassion, Fr Jacob Kavunkal SVD says. Fr Jacob, a leading missiologist, who teaches at the Yarra Theological Union in Melbourne, says World Mission Sunday reminds us primarily of our Christian call to be collaborators in God’s mission to the world as manifested in Jesus Christ. He will be celebrating World Mission Day on October 20 by visiting the Aboriginal community of Santa Teresa, near Alice Springs and says the message he will take to Santa Teresa is that we are all called to be missionaries, within the context of our own lives, and our own community, to serve as the salt, light and leaven. “We must all follow Jesus in our context, in our specific situation,” Fr Jacob says. “Mission comes down to living in God’s presence and un-

derstanding the notion of the Divine Person, that is that Jesus is Emmanuel – God-with-us. “And so that means, by virtue of our baptism, that you and I are called to be Emmanuel for our times. We are called to show concern and compassion for the poor and for our neighbour, whoever that might be, in the model of the Parable of the Good Samaritan.” Fr Jacob says that to be missionaries for our times, and to show concern for our neighbour means that we must live in a way that does not cast people out. “There can be no discrimination with regard to human beings,” he says. “God has breathed God’s spirit into all human beings. “If we are loving and accepting of one another as brothers and sisters, we will be casting out the demons of our time in the model of Jesus. “Mission is not just a theological concept or an activity that other people do in far-off lands, but it is something very real and immediate. It is about sharing the love of God with the people we encounter in our own lives.”

CATHOLIC Mission’s 2013 World Mission appeal – “I will build my Church” - focuses on the world’s youngest Catholic Church in Mongolia Many people would not associate the vast expanses of Mongolia with the Catholic Church, but that is about to change. The Catholic Mission World Mission Month appeal in October will focus on the world’s youngest Catholic Church which was established in Mongolia just over 20 years ago following the fall of communism. In 1992, Bishop Wenceslao (Wens) Padilla, a Filipino from the Italian Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and two fellow missionary priests, travelled to Mongolia to build the Church ‘from scratch’ in a country known to other missionaries as the ‘hardship country’. Bishop Wens recalls that when he first arrived, the country, which was mostly comprised of nomadic herders, had no knowledge of Christianity, and was struggling with alcoholism, domestic abuse, minimal government social services and extreme poverty. Today, throughout the vast and remote country of less than three million people, proudly stand six Catholic churches. “Jesus said to St Peter, ‘Upon this rock, I will build my church.’ And I’m thinking that was also addressed to me when I came to Mongolia,” said Bishop Wens. His incredibly inspiring journey of faith is being shared in parishes across Australia, as part of the Catholic Mission campaign.

A MONGOLIAN family outside a church which has been built from canvas in the style of a traditional nomadic dwelling. The extremely moving DVD into the everyday lives of Monentitled ‘I will build my Church’ golians.” (Matthew 16:18) can be viewed “Catholic Mission supports here: the training, resources and au/buildmychurchDVD work of the catechists and semCatholic Mission - through its inarians, plus many community generous and faithful donors - development projects for those has supported the Mongolian living in poverty. Through supCatholic Church since day one, porting Catholic Mission, you and helped build the very first are supporting all of these outchurch in Mongolia just three reach activities in Mongolia.” years after Bishop Wens ar“Due to the poverty in the rived. country, the Mongolian CathoNational Director of Catholic lic Church receives no local Mission Martin Teulan says: income and desperately needs “What is truly exciting about our prayers and financial supthe young Catholic Church port to continue to build Church in Mongolia, is that the vast and through it the Kingdom of majority of its Catholics have God in the remote areas of their come to faith later in their lives country.” - very few have been born into “I think Catholics all around Catholic families.” Australia will be truly inspired Mr Teulan further explains: by the story of Bishop Wens “One of the biggest challenges and the incredible impact Monstill facing the Catholic Church golia’s Catholic Church —the in Mongolia is that there are no world’s youngest Catholic locally born priests or sisters. Church—is having in transThe country’s first two semi- forming the lives of so many narians are currently studying people in Mongolia—people in Korea, so the church relies who have never before heard heavily on local catechists to about Jesus,” says Mr Teulan. develop learning materials and ways to inculturate the Gospel

Cath. Youth festival places closing soon By Cassie Gawley REGISTRATIONS for the Australian Catholic Youth Festival to be held in Melbourne on December 5-7 are closing on October 25 so get in quick to secure your place! Registrations can be made on the festival website The Diocese of Sale is set to have a strong presence at the festival with our secondary schools and many parishes embracing this wonderful opportunity for our young people.

A national briefing day was held in Melbourne last week and an abridged session from for all group co-ordinators who are sending a group to the festival. The information from this session is available on the festival website for those who could not attend. Other information about the festival is available on the website, or by contacting Cassie Gawley at the Sale Diocese youth ministry office on 5622 6686 or via email cassieg@

Catholic Life, October 2013 - Page 13

Deacons gather from around Australia CANBERRA – Some 75 members of the Catholic diaconal community gathered in Canberra for their biennial conference last month. The representatives from Sale Diocese were Deacon Mark and Hilary Kelly and Deacon Tony Aspinall as well as, for the first time, a number of deacons and wives from the Melbourne Archdiocese. Concerned to do some intentional reflection on our Pope’s call for a new evangelisation, the National Association of Deacons invited a range of guest speakers to stimulate discussion on how we can better contribute to building the Kingdom of God in Australian society. The conference was formally opened by Dr Brendan Nelson, former Defence Minister and former head of the Australian Medical Association, who is now the Director of the Australian War Memorial. Introducing himself as a practising Catholic, Dr Nelson

reflected how we as church can make a significant contribution to the development of character and values in our national identity by engaging in wider societal dialogue. He made the point that the deacon active and vocal in the marketplace of society, has a unique opportunity by their presence and their words and actions of modelling the values virtues of Jesus Christ. The outcome of this engagement is to increase the number of people who can come to fully appreciate the gospel message. The keynote speaker every day was Deacon Bill Ditewig who, until recently, was the national coordinator of the diaconate in United States where there are now 20,000 deacons serving in a wide range of outreach ministries. Every deacon in the US is required to engage in an area of ministry beyond the church, by finding and meeting needs to the society in which they live.

Deacon Bill Ditewig Bill also gave an insightful recollection of the history of the diaconate. He outlined the specific intentions of the bishops of Vatican II, who desired a new engagement with the world specifically by having ordained ministers sent out into the world as agents of transformation. He also outlined a comprehensive and extensive use of deacons in many countries of the world, as well as giving

world news ...

Church struggles in Egypt EGYPT - Despite a measure of improvement in the security situation for the Christians in Egypt, the media spokesman for the Catholic Church in the country, Fr Rafik Greiche, continues to be concerned. Speaking to the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need last week, he said, “Things have become somewhat calmer in Cairo. But we are always in fear of what may happen next. “The Muslim Brothers and other extremists are threatening to attack Christian churches and houses; as a result we never know where they may strike next.” The most recent example in the continuing precarious situation of Egyptian Christians, following the deposing of Mohammed Mursi, the leader of the Muslim Brothers, in July, was the attempted murder of a Coptic bishop on September 30. Fr Rafik said Bishop Makarios, the Coptic Orthodox Bishop of Minya, was on his way to the village of Saru to visit a family in mourning. In this village there was a church that has been shut for 10 years. Rumor rapidly spread that the bishop had come to reopen the church, and as a result a group of jihadists opened fire on the bishop’s car. Fortunately, he was able to reach a place of safety. But the exchange of fire lasted for over an hour. The attackers were not masked, and villagers were able to identify them unequivocally as jihadists. Fr Rafik emphasised that the province of Minya in Upper

Egypt, together with the province of Sohag, was a stronghold of Islamist radicalism. They were very active there, and have support in some of the families. In addition they can easily escape the response of the security forces by withdrawing into the nearby desert. The day before the assassination attempt there had been similar attacks against Christians in Ezbet Zakariya, another small town in the province of Minya, when jihadists effectively declared open season for the looting and pillaging of Christian homes. Christian families fled the town as a result. When asked if the Egyptian authorities were fulfilling their obligations to protect the Christians and their establishments from such radically Islamicmotivated acts of violence, Fr Rafik replied, “The security forces are doing what they can. But it is not enough. “Unfortunately, however, they are preoccupied with many other problems at the same time. “Only just recently the Muslim Brotherhood wanted to occupy Tahrir Square in Cairo. So it is not really that they do not wish to protect us. But frequently, given their limited capacities, they simply cannot do so.” Consequently the Church is attempting to take its own security measures as far as possible. Thus, for example, they have acquired additional fire extinguishers in case there should be another arson attack. At the same time, Fr Rafik pointed out one important aspect, namely that again and

again there have been cases where Muslims from the local neighborhood have warded off attacks by the Muslim Brotherhood against a church. “I have seen it for myself: people have fought off the attackers until the police arrived.”

insight into formation programs and support arrangements for deacons and their wives. For example, the final assessment for deacons in training in Germany is to locate a pastoral need in their local society that is not being met, and to initiate steps to meet it, by mobilising their Catholic parishioners! Supporting presentations were made by Fr Eliot Capra SDB, on understanding how we might preach the good news today to those not engaged in church. He also provided a theological understanding of the role that deacons can play in encouraging the laity to be evangelisers themselves . He quoted Pope Benedict’s call for all Christians to not just be collaborators in the church, but to accept co-responsibility for building up and making present the Kingdom of God in society A number of deacons gave testimonies to the work they were already doing in

world news ... Even Jesus a victim of typographical error THE Vatican has recalled a series of commemorative medals after it was discovered that Jesus’s name had been misspelled as “Lesus.”

Vatican forming a cricket club THE Vatican is about to form its own cricket club. The initiative is the idea of Australia’s Ambassador to the Holy See, John McCarthy, who is an avid cricket fan, reports The Catholic Herald. Officials at the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture, which has a section dedicated to sport, are setting up the firstever Vatican club and tournament in Rome. Already one match has been played between two Vatican universities – the Maria Mater Ecclesiae International Pontifical College and the Pontifical Urbaniana University – on a pitch near Rome’s Ciampino airport. ‘It was an interesting match,’ says Xavarian Father Theodore Mascarenhas, an Indian official at the Pontifical Council for Culture who will chair the new Vatican cricket board. ‘They played a Twenty-Twenty and Ubaniana won by just one run.’ The plan is to extend other twenty over matches to more Rome colleges and even further afield. ‘We hope to have

missionary average into prisons, Educational institutions and to seafarers. The diversity of diaconal ministries being undertaken is very wide indeed. The final and “missioning” Mass was celebrated by Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, who had also participated in the conference and was of great encouragement to the diaconal community. A wonderful outcome of this and previous gatherings has been a further development of the sense of communion that deacons and their wives from across Australia, do share in this unique ministry which combines the Sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders. Whilst the diaconate is relatively young and still maturing in its Australian form, the coming together and sharing by deacons themselves of how the Holy Spirit has worked in their life has provided much inspiration, and professional development for all involved.

at least six teams,’ says Father Mascarenhas. The underlying aim of the initiative, he says, is to start ‘a kind of inter-cultural dialogue.’ Players will be drawn from the many seminaries and pontifical universities in Rome, as well as Vatican officials. Father Mascarenhas believes around 400 cricket fans reside in the Eternal City. They include seminarians from the Venerable English College, of course, but also many others, often missionaries, from the Indian subcontinent and Africa, as well as Australia, the West Indies and New Zealand. The Vatican also has a star player of its own. Fr Tony Currer, an official in the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, played club cricket for Durham until he moved to Rome last month to oversee dialogue with the Anglican Communion. “‘I came to Rome thinking I probably wouldn’t play much cricket anymore,’ he says, ‘but it looks like there’s going to be a very good standard.”

The error, which was tweeted by the Catholic News Service, can be spotted in the upper right side of the coin. About 6200 of the medals, which commemorate the beginning of Francis’s papacy, were produced. The medal features a portrait of Francis on one side, and on the other, a Latin phrase that the future pontiff says inspired him as a teenager to pursue the priesthood: Vidit ergo Jesus publicanum et quia miserando antque eligendo vidit, ait illi sequere me. This translates: “Jesus, therefore, saw the publican, and because he saw by having mercy and by choosing, he said to him, ‘Follow me.’” The Catholic News Service reported that four of the medals were sold before they could be recalled, speculating on the collector’s value of the items.

U.S. bishops back marriage Bill WASHINGTON - The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defence of Marriage, has given their strong support for the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act introduced last week to the U.S. House of Representatives. The Bill will prevent the federal government from discriminating against religious believers who hold to the principle that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.

Page 14 - Catholic Life, October 2013

For the Young and Young at Heart Having fun in the frog pond

Time for a Laugh

A LAWYER runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a policeman. The lawyer thinks he’s smarter than the policeman and so when he is asked for his driver’s licence he says “What for?” The policeman responds “You didn’t come to a complete stop at the stop sign.” The lawyer says, “I slowed down and no one was there.” “You still didn’t come to a complete stop, licence please” say the policeman impatiently. Then lawyer says “If you can show me the legal difference between slow down and stop, I’ll give you my licence and you can give me a fine. If not, you let me go and don’t give me a fine.” The police says “That sounds fair, please step out of the car.” The lawyer steps out of the car and the policeman takes out his baton and starts beating the lawyer with it, “Now do you want me to stop or just slow down?”


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This month’s And one for the road . . . prize winner A MAN saw a broken ent assessment of the tree’s THIS month’s winner is JAI MOLONEY, 7, who attends St Michael’s Primary School, Traralgon. Fantastic to see all the great football pictures and even better to see all the players in Hawthorn jumpers. See if you can guess which team the editor barracks for. We will deliver Jai’s prize soon and also the one for Wonthaggi from last month.

down old country farm for sale and immediately fell in love with it because it had a gnarled old red gum by the creek which he estimated to be 500 years old. He told his friends about the tree but most would not believe that a gum tree could live that long. He called up the next door neighbor who knew a lot about trees and asked him if he could make an independ-

age. A couple of days later the neighbor phoned up and said “I’ve got some good news about the tree. It’s over 500 years old - 536 to be exact!” This puzzled the property owner who asked “How can you be so exact in your estimate.” “Oh, it’s no estimate. I cut it down and counted all the growth rings!”

A CITY man was driving down a country road when his car broke down near a field filled with cows. The driver, getting out to see what was the matter, he noticed one of the cows looking at him. “I believe it’s your radiator,” said the cow. The man nearly jumped right out of his city slicker pants and ran to the nearest farmhouse and knocked on the door. “A cow just gave me advice about my broken car!” he shouted, waving his arms frantically back toward the field. The farmer leaned out of the door frame to glance down the field. “The cow with two big black spots on it?” the farmer asked slowly. “Yes! Yes! That’s the one!” the excited city man replied. “Oh. Well, that’s Ethel,” the farmer said, turning back to the man. “Don’t pay any attention to her. She doesn’t know a thing about cars.” A PRIEST goes to a local fast food establishment and notices an elderly couple sitting across from each other sharing a burger, fries and a drink. The old man was eating quietly with the woman just sitting watching. The priest offered to buy the couple another meal but

the woman kindly refused. The priest then asked why she was not eating and she replied “It’s his turn with the false teeth.” (Thanks to Fr Bernie O’Brien for that one)

THE multi-millionaire’s yacht went down in Port Phillip Bay and he clung to some wreckage all night while waiting to be saved. Next morning he was saved by a teenager who paddled out on a surf board. “What can I get you for saving my life?” asked the millionaire. The teenager thought for a while and “Well, I’m a bit keen on golf. Some golf clubs would be nice.” “No worries,” said the millionaire, and next week he had delivered to the teenager the titles to Royal Melbourne and St Andrews. THE wealthy grazier went to the big city to buy a new car. He strolled into the Rolls Royce dealership and checked out the latest model with all the best fittings and extras. “Can I have some of those sliding glass windows put between the front and back seat?” he asked. The salesman assured he could have it done, adding that he did not think that country people were classconscious and was surprised that there would be a need for a physical barrier between the driver and back seat passenger nowadays. The old grazier replied “I can tell you’ve never tried to drive a car with a sheep licking your neck and nibbling on your ears.” A PUZZLE for golfers: What do you do when your opponent claims to have found his ball in the rough and you know he’s lying because you have his ball in your pocket? A BEGGAR was sitting on the footpath with his head in bandages, crutches on his lap and one arm in a sling. A caring woman dropped a few coins in his upturned hat and said “Never mind, it looks like your injuries will heal. It would be worse if you were blind.” “That’s right,” said the beggar. “I tried being blind last week and all people dropped in my hat was bottle tops and a few washers.”

Catholic Life, October 2013 - Page 15

Geelong hosts annual CWL conference

Classifieds public notices



HOLY SPIRIT You who makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach my ideals, you who gives me a divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me; in this short dialogue I want to thank you for everything and affirm once more that I never want to be separated from you, no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in Your perpetual Glory. (Mention your request). Thank you Holy Spirit for your love towards me and my loved one. Amen This prayer should be said for 3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day the request will be granted, no matter how difficult it may be. While making the request one must either promise to publish on granting the favour or promise to circulate copies of it to as many people as possible. This is to spread the wonder of the Holy Spirit.

Priests & Deacons Are you considering a vocation as a priest or deacon for the Diocese of Sale? If so please contact Diocesan Vocations Director

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wanted known

THANK YOU St Jude. Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. St Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen.

Let’s leave something for those in need

The Bishop’s Family Foundation helps families by funding charitable projects throughout the Diocese of Sale. You can help by making a bequest in your will. If you need more information contact

5622 6600 for some guidelines. Do it today and sleep easy knowing you have done your part

THE annual general conference of the Catholic Women’s League of Victoria and Wagga Wagga was held in Geelong during August and hosted by Melbourne Archdiocese. The opening Mass was celebrated at St Mary’s Basillica. We then adjourned to the Mecure for morning tea and registration. Melbourne Archdiocesan president Jeanette Sheahan and general president Jewell Stark welcomed all to the conference. Elizabeth Curtin from Otway Tourism officially opened the conference. The rest of the morning was taken up with general business. The Angelus was prayed at midday followed by first speaker Professor Nicholas Tonti-Filippini , who is a Papal Knight, and focussed his talk on motherhood and medicine. After lunch Fiona Basille gave her report on her trip to the United Nation’s Conference in New York on behalf of the Catholic Women’s League of Victoria and Wagga and Wagga. Sr Joan Cartledge FCJ gave her reflection on Women of Prayer. We are Signs and Bearers of Christ. Guest speaker Sr Kym Harris OSB asked us to read the creed and apply it to our lives. Our final speaker for the day was Sandra McDonald founder of Auscare. When she came to Australia she found there was a chronic shortage of blankets

Catholic Life

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St Ita’s fete Sunday

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for the poor so started an online movement named Auscare. We all enjoyed a lovely dinner at the Mecure at the end of the first day. Day two commenced with the WUCWO Mass celebrated by our General Catholic Women’s League spiritual director Fr Tony Doran at St Mary’s Basillica. Guest speaker for day two was Michael Martinez from Diverstat who promote access and equity, harmony, cultural diversity and social justice in our community. Diverstat employs 300 people and have many volunteers. Horizon president Monica Clark reported good progress with the Horizon magazine this year and cost to remain the same. Jane Munro attended the United Nation’s Conference in New York with Fiona Basille and reported WUCWO has many members all over the world. Jane asked the questions “Are we doing enough?” and “Do we need to do more?” for the cause of women and children all over the world. Conference closed with drawing of raffle, roll of honor, election of the committee for 2014, final prayers and lunch. Thank you to host ladies from Melbourne Archdiocese who ran a taxi service for all those who did not have transport.

Closing date for next issue is November 4

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DROUIN - St Ita’s Primary School will hold its annual fete this Sunday, October 20 from 10am to 3pm. The school is situated in Victoria St., Drouin, The fete is a great day out for the whole family and showcases the school. Attractions include rides, major auction, silent auction, yummy hot food, beauty parlour, snow cones, beautiful handmade crafts, lucky jars, lucky baskets, lucky dips, fresh produce, spinning wheel, face painting, recycled clothes, white elephant stall and much much more.

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Page 16 - Catholic Life, October 2013

Budding Cranbourne actors living dangerously By Rose Butera CRANBOURNE - This year the grade 5 and 6 students at St. Agatha’s primary school performed the production Danger Kids. The students worked tirelessly throughout term three to produce this spectacular event. The school hall was transformed into a mini theatre, with staging, screens and lighting for

the production. The production was a musical comedy filled with singing and dancing with many jokes thrown in as well. Danger Kids is about a criminal mastermind and his “hired help” that try to take over the world. The Danger Kids are four kids sent to do special missions for the Heads Of Government. The Danger Kids have to work

very hard to stop Carlo San Francisco (the bad guy) from launching a rocket. The Danger Kids travel around the world to track down Carlo, collecting clues along the way. While on their travels they meet the Runaway Legionnaires, Maxwell Smarty Pants and his assistant 98.6 and The Von Shut Your Trapp family singers.

At the end of their journey they find themselves at Mystery Manor, where Carlo San Francisco’s plans are foiled and all’s well that ends well, The students worked throughout the term learning their lines, working on painting sets and props. The students worked as whole senior unit and performed two

shows for the school community. All who attended the show thoroughly enjoyed watching the students perform. I was very proud of all the students, watching them improve and produce such a spectacular event, whilst learning and having fun all at the same time.

THE full cast of “Danger Kids” at St Agatha’s.

Computer to aid East Timor venture BAIRNSDALE - The Bairnsdale Friends of East Timor in partnership with Nagle College, have been providing aid to the students of San Antonio’s School in Baucau, East Timor for a number of years. The well-known Lunch Project provides the students with a simple meal of beans and rice at least three days a week, enabling students to better concentrate on their studies. The BFOET also assist students beyond their secondary education at San Antonio’s by providing scholarships for students to go on to tertiary study in Yogjakarta. Saturnino Patricio Soares is one such student who is studying second year electrical engineering. On graduation, his new qualification will be invaluable to the on-going development of East Timor.

THE Danger Kids out to save the world from Carlo San Francisco.

Saturtino has found that his studies at tertiary level are very difficult in the absence of a laptop computer. So, through the generosity of the Nagle College Leadership Team, a laptop computer has been donated in response to this very real need. Frank Brown-Graham, the president of the Bairnsdale Friends of East Timor, very gratefully accepted the laptop computer from the Nagle College ICT co-ordinator, Brendyn Hancock. Mr Brown-Graham and other members of the BFOET make regular trips to East Timor to assist in various aspects of the San Antonio School, and the donation of a laptop computer to Saturnino will be a very welcome investment. This is just one more example of a great collaboration on an international project by the local community.

Catholic LIfe Sale

The Year of Faith rosary designed by the Vatican rosary makers will be sent out to all those who assist this cause and tick this box.

Aid to the Church in Need …. a Catholic charity dependent on the Holy See, providing pastoral relief to needy and oppressed Churches

FRANK Brown-Graham (right) was pleased to accept the donated laptop computer on behalf of the BFOET from Nagle College’s ICT co-ordinator, Brendyn Hancock.

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