Catholic Life February 2012

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Catholic Life

Publication of the Diocese of Sale


Still inspired after 50 years - Page 3

February 2012

Sandhurst Bishop announced - Page 12

Project Compassion Feature - Page 10

Cathedral appeal A SPECIAL collection will be taken up in all parishes across the Diocese of Sale on February 25-26 to support St Mary’s Cathedral Sale Fundraising Appeal. The cathedral is in urgent need of renovation to maintain its presence as the Mother Church of the diocese. It was completed in 1887 and since then it has served as the church where Bishops of Sale have presided over the liturgy. By symbolic extension, it is the place whereby our bishops have presided over the entire diocese as the visible principal agent of unity in teaching, sanctifying and governing the diocese. It is from the bishop’s chair in the Mother Church (cathedra) that the name cathedral derives. The beauty of God is to be reflected in the beauty of a church and so with this in mind, it is necessary to maintain and appreciate the beauty of St Mary’s Cathedral. Bishop Prowse has appealed to people from across the diocese to be generous in their support of the fundraising appeal. In the foreword of Peter Synan’s book Three Springtimes - Chronicles of St Mary’s Cathedral Sale 2010 he wrote: “I appeal to the Catholic people of the diocese to generously support this important fundraising appeal and special collection for the much needed restoration of our Mother Church which belongs to all of us as a sign of our unity together in Christ.” Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral Fr Andrew Wise said that as a Catholic people we were aware of our calling to do what we can

Your gift will go on giving

ST Mary’s Cathedral, Sale - Mother Church of the Diocese of Sale. to provide for the needs of our parishes including the upkeep of its church building. This was a natural expression of belonging together in God’s family, the Church. He said that at the same time we also belonged to the Church at another level. We were part of an Apostolic Church gathered in a unity of faith around our Bishop, who was a successor of the Apostles. “Moreover Bishop Prowse is in communion with Pope Benedict XVI the successor of Peter ‘the Prince of the Apostles’,

and so all together we belong to the one universal Catholic Church.” Fr Wise said that while we came from many and varied parishes, our Cathedral church was a powerful visible expression and reminder of the common Catholic identity and unity we shared in Christ. Thus, while having a primary duty for the care of our own parishes, we were also called to have a sense of belonging and responsibility for the Cathedral. “We naturally want to make our Mother Church as beauti-

ful and well maintained as possible. In this way the Cathedral manifests a key aspect of our diocese at its best for the greater glory of God. “At the same time the Sale Parish clearly carries the heaviest responsibility for fulfilling this task. I can assure you that we are stretching our resources as far as prudently possible to do our part in completing this undertaking but we need your help as well.” He said the first stage of the restoration project was completed and was being paid for.

When you donate to the Bishop’s Family Foundation you can be assured that the money will be assisting families in need for many years to come. Donated funds are held in a trust account to go on earning interest year after year. It is the income from these investments which have led to more than $700,000 being given to organisations running programs to assist families.

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He acknowledged the financial support in bringing this first stage to fruition so successfully but stage two was the next challenge and primarily involves repairs to the rendering of the cathedral and a complete repainting. Fr Wise urged everyone to generously support the special collection which would be taken up in all parishes of the diocese on February 26 or thereabouts. • Update of the cathedral renovations and donations form, Page 16.

Page 2 - Catholic Life, February 2012

Encountering God in 2012 - Our mission a priority D

ear friends in Christ, As we return from holidays and resume our routines, we think of our priorities for 2012. Pope Benedict XVI offers us a wonderful insight to help us in this task: “There is no greater priority than this: to enable the people of our time once more to encounter God, the God who speaks to us and shares his love so that we might have life in abundance.” (Verbum Domini, 2010, 2) There is an important insight here. We tend to think of encountering God in a personal way. This is always true. But the Holy Father is stressing that we are called to assist others to encounter God as well. To be an instrument in helping others to encounter God “who speaks to us” and offers “life in abundance” represents our GREATEST priority. When we live this priority out we truly become a Catholic missionary or evangelist. Where do we start this work of evangelisation? We start where Jesus has placed us. Firstly, for most this might start IN THE FAMILY. The home is to mirror the home of the first Christian family – the Family of Naza-

To God’s People in the Catholic Diocese of Sale reth: Jesus, Mary and Joseph. This is the first place where children hear and are nourished in a relationship with Jesus. It cannot be delegated to schools or parishes – although this is often regrettably the situation these days. One of my treasured moments as a bishop is to pray a blessing over families. The father and mother might respond to my invitation at the end of Mass for families to come forward to receive my blessing. The parents gather the children and we form a tight circle as I pray down the love of Jesus over them. It is a wonderful spiritual experience for all. I hope the parents repeat this gesture at home in family prayer, especially before and after the meals. It is a work of evangelisation at a deep level. Secondly, there is the FAMILY. As we move towards our diocesan pastoral plans for the next few

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years, it will become clear that the parish must see itself more as a home of evangelisation. If assisting others to encounter Christ is the most urgent priority, then priests, and especially the laity, are to see themselves as Catholic evangelists. They are to go out into “the deep waters” and seek out those of little faith or no faith. They are to be called home to Christ, alive in his Church. The October Synod in Rome this year will be based on what is called THE NEW EVANGELISATION. From this we will learn much in the years ahead about being evangelisers in the Catholic Church today. We will need new methods and fervor in our faith to attract the confused gaze of humanity towards contemplating the face of Christ today. Thirdly, there are our CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. On any given school day there are about 16,000 students in our primary and sec-

ondary schools in the Diocese of Sale. Given the fragile state of so many families today in transmitting the faith to their children, school teachers are being asked to take on a even greater role in assisting their students to open their lives to the AMAZING GRACE of Jesus. The movement in May of the diocese’s administration to Warragul (Sion House) hopefully will assist teachers in this changed faith context. For example, my office will be placed in the middle of the present Catholic Education Office. As chief Catholic educator in the diocese, I will be better able to assist our teachers to face the complex challenges in the years ahead, particularly in the religious education of our children. So, as we launch into 2012 with faith and joy, let us join the top priority given by the Successor of St Peter, Pope Benedict XVI, to assist others to encounter afresh Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour. May the Lord Jesus bless you all in 2012, + Bishop Christopher Prowse Catholic Bishop of Sale

Counselling crisis CENTACARE Gippsland is facing a major funding crisis and is being forced to windback counselling services across the diocese. Director Jamie Edwards said many of the government-funded counselling services were coming to an end and as such there was limited funding to maintain services.

Latrobe alley V uneral F Services

Drought and bushfire relief funding would both end in the next couple of months and after that counselling services would be restricted to half a week in Sale. Post-separated parenting services would also continue funded by the Attorney General’s Department. He said that funding for counselling had been affected by the global downturn and tougher economic conditions here in Sale Diocese had meant that the amounts being donated to Centacare Gippsland in its annual appeal had dwindled.

Bishop Coffey on the mend BISHOP Emeritus Jeremiah Coffey continues to make steady progress in his recovery from a serious operation and stroke suffered late last year. He has been transferred to Bairnsdale Hospital where he is making steady progress in the rehabilitation unit. Doctors are pleased with the results of the eight hour operation at Epworth Eastern, Box Hill to remove tumors in his liver and bowel. A minor stroke and pneumonia caused some serious setbacks but he was well enough to be moved to Bairnsdale in mid January.

Editor: Colin Coomber Published monthly except January. Deadline for advertising copy and editorial contributions for next issue is Monday February 27. Issues distributed free through parishes and schools from March 7 Published by Catholic Media Gippsland, an agency of the Diocese of Sale. Printed by Express Print, Morwell. Member of Australasian Catholic Press Association & Australasian Religious Press Association

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Catholic Life, February 2012 - Page 3

After 50 years words still inspire Oblate priest MOE – After 50 years as an Oblate priest Fr Bernie O’Brien is still inspired by words spoken at his ordination in South Africa. The words “Know what you are doing, imitate the mystery you celebrate and model your life on the Lord’s Cross” are still a daily inspiration as he celebrates the Eucharist. Fr O’Brien is currently celebrating the golden jubilee of his ordination which culminated with Mass and high tea at Moe on Sunday. The event which was attended by many Oblates also recognised the golden jubilee of Fr Kevin Casey, OMI.

THE newly ordained Fr Bernie O’Brien in 1962. Fr O’Brien came to Moe seven years ago, as assistant priest to the late Fr John Dunlea OMI, and was appointed parish priest three years ago when Fr Dunlea retired. Fr O’Brien was raised in the Brunswick area of Melbourne

and developed an affinity with the Oblates of Mary Immaculate whom he met during school holidays at Sorrento. While at secondary school he decided to join the Oblates and went to the nearest Englishspeaking seminary which happened to be in Durban, South Africa. After seven years there he was ordained by the controversial Archbishop Denis Hurley OMI who campaigned against the South Africa’s apartheid policies, and often clashed with fellow bishops and Pope Paul VI’s on certain policies. He returned to Australia and has spent most of his 50 years as a priest teaching in schools and doing parish work. Fr O’Brien said the basis of his life as a priest was to have a friendship and an intimate relationships with Jesus. His ministry as a priest was to spread the word of God, celebrate the Eucharist and sacraments and to be pastorally involved with the people. He said he had been inspired by the motto of Oblate founder St Eugene de Mazenod who said “Leave nothing undared for the kingdom of God.” St Eugene had a special devotion to the poor and abandoned wherever they were and over the past 50 years Fr O’Brien had tried to emulate this. He thanked God for his priesthood and for all the people to which he had the opportunity to proclaim Jesus Christ.

Fundraising cabaret a date to remember MORWELL – People are urged to pencil in April 27 in their diaries to make sure they can attend the grand cabaret being organised as a major fundraiser for the St Mary’s Cathedral Restoration Fund. The all-inclusive cabaret will be at Kernot Hall, Morwell. It will feature a 16-piece big band and details of a keynote performer will be released soon. The ball will be on a scale not

seen in Gippsland for several decades and during the evening there will be various raffles and an auction of items. All inclusive tickets are $125 and there are also corporate sponsorship packages being sold. For more information contact the ball organising committee members Kay Radford 0407 460 188 or Carmen Cook on 0409 001 740.

FR Bernie O’Brien OMI celebrating 50 years of priesthood.

From the Mountains to the Sea CDF is supporting our Parishes, Schools and Catholic Communities

Dean appointed administrator DEAN of St Mary’s Cathedral, Fr Andrew Wise has been appointed administrator of Maffra and Heyfield parishes. This puts all three parishes of the Heart region under his administration. Bishop Christopher Prowse announced the appointment prior to Christmas after accepting the retirement of Fr Frank Young for health reasons. Fr Young was originally Maffra parish priest but took on the extra responsibility of parish

priest of neighboring Heyfield, following the retirement of Fr Tim McInnes. Bishop Prowse has asked other diocesan priests interested in discussing the future of Maffra and Heyfield parishes to contact him. A farewell Mass, followed by barbecue lunch will be held for Fr Young at St Mary’s Maffra, at 11am on February 19. Meat will be provided but locals are asked to take a small salad or dessert to share.

Seminarian suffers setback SEMINARIAN Tao Pham has suffered some setbacks in his long road to recovery and has been transferred back to St Vincent’s Hospital. Tao has been in hospital since May 2011 when he collapsed from the effects of septicaemia

which led to him spending more than a month on life support. Many of his vital organs appear to have been affected and he is slowly being nursed back to health in the hope that he can be released from hospital.

The Catholic Development Fund Serving the Diocese of Sale Telephone: (03)5144 4311 Email: The Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale is not subject to the provisions of the Corporation Act 2001 nor has it been examined or approved by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Deposits with the Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale are guaranteed by CDPF Limited, a company established by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference for this purpose. We welcome your investment with the Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale rather than with a profit orientated commercial organisation as a conscious commitment by you to support the Charitable, Religious and Educational works of the Catholic Church. Neither the Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale nor the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Sale are prudentially supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority; contributions to the Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale do not obtain the benefit of the depositor protection provisions of the Banking Act 1959; the Catholic Development Fund, Diocese of Sale is designed for investors who wish to promote the charitable purposes of the Catholic Diocese of Sale.

Page 4 - Catholic Life, February 2012

New priest arrives from India

School shock

WE liked the report of the little girl who was reporting to her grandfather how her first day in preps went. “Are you looking forward to going back tomorrow?” asked grandfather. “I don’t have to go,” answers the youngsters. Grandfather explains that he thinks she will have to go back, so she yells out “Mum, do I have to go to school tomorrow?” Receiving an affirmative reply she then announces to her grandfather that it looked like she would have to go for one more day but that would be it. We would love to find out her reaction when it was finally explained that she was in for 13 years of schooling and then more if she decided to go to university.

Quick counter

ANOTHER youngster was sent to the corner for some time out and was told not to reappear until he had counted to 100. Quick as a flash he was back in the room so his mother asked “What about counting to 100 like I asked?” Youngster shrugged and said “We do it in 10s now, not like when you were at school.”

Diary woes

LATROBE Valley businessman got himself a new diary for this year. He prefers the old book style rather than any computerised

gadget but he was annoyed to find that he could not place a meeting scheduled for March 29. The diary had missed out on the leap years throwing out subsequent days and dates. He got another diary and started transferring his conference and meeting dates. Then he twigged that a conference in June was on the same days as in the faulty diary, meaning the faulty one had made up for the mistake somewhere. Sure enough, the printers had manufactured June 31. He’s thinking seriously about the electronic option for next year. We are told that another diary on sale at some cheap shops has all the European public holidays listed but nothing for Australia.

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THE latest Indian priest to arrive in Sale Diocese is still acclimatising prior to receiving his first placement from Bishop Prowse. Fr Sabu Adimakiyil, VC, has spent several weeks at Narre Warren and is now in Sale awaiting his first placement. He is a priest of the Vincentian Congregation, which had its origins in Kerala, and is named after St Vincent de Paul as their heavenly patron. The congregation has about 450 priests mainly in Kerala but in recent years has set up congregations in Germany, USA, Italy, Africa and Australia. Fr Sabu has been a priest for 13 years, following almost 12 years in minor and major seminaries. He spent three years working in a retreat centre in Mumbai and then the past nine years in a retreat centre in Delhi. He is looking forward to working in Sale Diocese and has enjoyed meeting people during his short time here. He has a nephew who lives

Fr Sabu Adimakiyil, VC at Cranbourne North, a distant relative who is a priest in Melbourne Archdiocese, and many

Indian friends who have moved to Australia.

We need communities of hope A NEW year begins, full of hope and promise. Any new year brings with it new dreams, plans and resolutions. In a large part, this year will become what we choose to make it. Yes, there will be unexpected challenges and surprises, but our own choices, the decisions we make will be the greatest influences on what this year will become. There are times, however, when deciding what is the right course of action, making the right decisions can be difficult. We need the support and encouragement of others – that’s why the Catechism reminds us that faith is not an isolated act. No one can believe alone, just as no one can live alone (#166). Faith is more a verb than a noun – we live our faith. It is something we do. And we ‘do’ it together. Just like trying to live alone, without the support and encouragement of others, without others to challenge us and even inspire us, makes life, and living our faith very difficult. We need to be surrounded by communities of hope. Why hope? Perhaps the greatest theologian of the modern era, Karl Rahner wrote that Christian hope is not just an interior attitude or an idea or theory about the future, but it is very much embodied in the present, and it affects the present through interaction with our fellow human beings and the world around us. It is not just some vague desire for things to be better – hope is very practical and very much in the here and now. Pope Benedict’s encyclical Spe Salvi, urges us to nurture a Christian imagination which means finding God in everyday life and experiences, taking our ordinary human hopes seriously and finding God in their depths. There is no human hope that does not have God within it, the Pope writes. Christian hope overcomes the breach between divine and human, the body and spirit, it brings together the past, present

Reflections by Jim Quillinan and future. Hope possesses a hunger and a passion for the vision and ways of God. It knows that this world can be different. It does not have to be this way. So hope is about now, not just about the future Hope is transformative. Hope can read ‘the signs of the times”, that is where in our world we find the activity and the purpose of God. Communities of hope, whether they be our family or our companions in the faith, our parish community or other faith communities to which we may belong, are crucial influences. In so many ways, they can influence the way we see the world, they can influence our ‘Christian imagination’ and the way we live out our faith. Communities of hope, be they families or parish communities offer a place where we can gather, knowing we are loved for who we are. It is a place where people are seen as God sees them and loved as God loves them, thus it is characterised by empathy and compassion. They offer a positive vision, they are communities that have set their hope on the living God (1 Tim 4:10). They have a healthy belief in the love and goodness of God – the belief that God wants what is best for us. They are not exclusive but rather they reach out to others. They are not judgemental of others, not do they carp or criticise those who may not view the world as they see it. They do not sit in judgement or try to destroy. Rather such communities ask where do we build connections, how do we continue to tell our

story, how do we connect the Good News with the stories and experiences of people today, how do we engage with their questions, their spiritual moments? At the beginning of this New Year, as we take another step into the deep, take some time to focus on hope. Take some time to look at the role of hope in our lives. What will we hope for this year? What experiences have given us hope in the past, what are we afraid to hope for or have given up hoping for? What images of hope lead us on? It is good to ask ourselves as individuals, as family, as local church or faith community, how do we reach out to people? Do those around us see us as hope-filled, as people who live the words of St Paul: “We know that in everything God works for good” (Rom 8:28). Or are we people who find it easy to grumble or complain when life deals us a tough hand – do we only rejoice or are we only happy in the good times, when everything goes in our favor? St Paul says, “Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” (Rom 12:12). St Paul is a hard-nosed realist — and he’s telling us, to stop our grumbling and start rejoicing! Rather hope leads us to be courageous, to take the initiative, to dream dreams, to find ways of answering Jesus’ challenge to love more. St Paul urges us that “since we have such a hope, we are very bold” (2 Cor 3:12). So with St Paul, let us pray this year: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Rom 15:13).

Catholic Life, February 2012 - Page 5

SALE - Two Sale priests have started an online petition calling for Pope Benedict to change current communion practices to eliminate receiving the Eucharist in the hand. The petition is the initiative of Dean of the Cathedral Fr Andrew Wise and assistant priest Fr John Speekman. They have also set up a Blog site so people can comment on the controversial proposal. News of the petition which was published by CathNews on January 25 has polarized Catholics with many being openly hostile to the suggestion. Comments on the Blog seem to have attracted more supporters with Fr Speekman announcing that more than 1000 people worldwide had signed the petition. In the introduction to the Blog they comment: “During the course of our parish ministry we have become increasingly uneasy with the practice of Communion on the hand. We have come to the conclusion that what started out as a seemingly good idea has actually been found to encourage a certain carelessness, and not only among the laity. “It has also been our experience that because of the inherently ‘routine’ action of placing something in someone’s hand this carelessness is, in fact, very ‘catechesis resistant’. “It is our hope that this Blog will stimulate discussion and awareness of what many in the Church see as a problem needing urgent reform. “We hope also that, as the blog grows through your contributions and comments, a clearer picture will emerge of this urgency.”. In the first post on their Blog the two priests said they were convinced of the “great spiritual harm” inflicted on the Catholic faithful by the practice of Communion received on the hand. “We are asking the Holy Father to personally intervene to restore once again the normative practice of reception of Holy Communion on the tongue alone. “We beseech the Holy Father in our petition to decisively

Diocesan Pastoral Council dates for 2012 THE Diocesan Pastoral Council has held its first meeting for the year at Traralgon last Saturday. Other meeting dates are scheduled for April 24, August 18 and November 20. The next meeting will also be at St Michael’s, Traralgon, but after that they will be held at Sion House, Warragul, the new diocesan headquarters.

I do not fear tomorrow for I have seen today

act in this way to ‘confirm the brethren’ in the authentic Catholic Faith and practice of the ages..” They said receiving Holy Communion on the tongue emphasised humble dependence and vulnerability before God who gave himself to us in the person of his Son as spiritual food in the sacred Host. We could think perhaps of the de-

pendence of the very elderly or small infants being fed directly into their mouths. They said Holy Communion received in the hand could unintentionally communicate in people a sense that what was put in their hands could be seen as their possession because it was in their control like a piece of candy, a coin or token of some kind.

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2 Sale priests petition Pope to end communion in hand


Page 6 - Catholic Life, February 2012

10 special collections For whom the church bell tolls TEN special collections will be held in parishes across the Sale Diocese this year. The first will be for the St Mary’s Cathedral restoration on the weekend of February 25-26. The annual Project Compassion Appeal for Caritas will be held throughout Lent as usual. The annual collection for Holy Places will take place on Good Friday and this will be followed by a collection for the Education of Seminarians Bursary Fund on Good Shepherd Sunday, April 29. Envelopes for the annual Bishop’s Family Foundation appeal will be available in parishes throughout May. Other collections will be St Vincent de Paul Mass for the Poor Appeal, June 16-17; Peter’s Pence, July; Social Wel-

fare Centacare, August; Priests’ Welfare Foundation Father’s Day appeal, September; and Mission Sunday, October.

Nagle College launch for Project Compassion BAIRNSDALE - The annual Lenten appeal Project Compassion will be launched at Bairnsdale on Shrove Tuesday, February 21. The launch will take place at Nagle College at 11am. Project Compassion runs throughout Lent and is the annual appeal to raise funds for the work of Caritas Australia.

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WARRAGUL - Bells have a special place in the life of God’s people. The peal of bells marks the hours for prayer and calls us to the celebration of the liturgy; bells alert us to important events, both happy and sad, in the life of the church and the community. On December 4, Fr Herman Hengel blessed and re-commissioned the old bell at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Warragul. This bell has a national heritage overlay and is now atop a tower in front of the church. The bell was commissioned by Bishop Corbett, the first Bishop of Sale (1887-1912), in 1906. M. O’Bryne’s Fountain Head Foundry in James St., Dublin cast the bell. The opening of Fr Roche’s new church in 1907 saw this bell installed in a belfry situated in the presbytery grounds, adjacent to the church. The old church is now the central part of the present building. A new sanctuary, foyer and sacristy were constructed in the 1970s. The recommissioned bell drew some headlines across the diocese just before Christmas when the cable to make the bell ring was stolen. Fr Hengel was even interviewed on WIN-TV discussing the missing cable.

THE recommissioned bell sits atop the new tower in front of St Joseph’s Church.

Of all the decisions we make in our lifetime, making a valid will is among the most important.

This final testament speaks loudly of the values, causes and possessions we hold most dear. We bequest personal treasures and mementos to special friends and loved ones and ask them to care for them after our passing. If you hold the Church dear, you may consider leaving a percentage of your estate or a specific amount to the Diocese of Sale. The Diocese is grateful for the support of its benefactors, who have enabled the Church to grow in its service of its people, and invite you to share in this rich heritage.

WARRAGUL parish priest Fr Herman Hengel points out some features of the bell during the recommissioning ceremony.

Former Marist leader dies THE only Australian ever to be world leader of the Marist Brothers has died in Sydney, aged 87. Br Charles Howard, who was Superior General from 1985 to 1993, died at Campbelltown on January 14. He was born in Melbourne but moved to Sydney with his family as a teenager, studying at the Marist school at Randwick. He received his religious habit at 18 and spent years in studies and formation, including a year in France. On his return to Australia in 1962 he was appointed headmaster of St Joseph’s College, Hunter’s Hill, which had more than 1000 boarding students. In 1968 he studied catechetics at Louvain, Belgium, then

studied psychology in Dublin, Ireland. He was appointed Provincial in 1972 and during the General Chapter in 1976 was elected a General Councillor, and so began nine years touring the Marist world, before his election as Superior General in 1985. Major undertaking for Br Charles during his mandate included the creation of the International Finance Commission, a new Marist presence in Eastern Europe and the establishing of international scholasticates for Africa and Asia. After his period as Superior General he spent years working with novitiates in Africa and the Pacific, before failing memory forced his return to Australia.

Catholic Life, February 2012 - Page 7

Sunday too far away but still in contact with his homeland LOCH - When Bishop Michael Ekwoyi Apochi asked Fr Joseph Abutu to “Go West Young Man� he did not realize just how far that would be It turned out to be 15,000km east from his village of Otukpo, Benue State in Nigeria to the presbytery in Leongatha as assistant priest to Fr Peter Kooloos and helping to service six churches throughout the parish. Arriving in Australia in November 2011, Fr Abutu left behind the two most influential people in his life: his bishop and his grandmother, as well as two sisters and three brothers. Consequently when St Vincent’s Catholic Church in Loch arranged a celebratory cuppa after Mass on December 11, Fr Abutu produced his camera, passed it to one of the parishioners and said, “Take lots of pictures to send to my Bishop and Grandma�.

Thirty Parishioners not only welcomed Fr Abutu into Loch and the parish but celebrated his birthday with that of the church’s organist Ann Larkins. In response Fr Abutu was quite surprised, overwhelmed and humbled as throughout his short years in the priesthood, nobody had ever had such a celebration for him. In explaining why he was known as Sunday in his village, Fr Abutu told the parishioners, “My family members and people around my village call me Sunday because I was born on Sunday, but I would prefer to be called Joseph or Joe because that is the name most people know. “It is very common among my people to name a child after some specific days of the week such as Sunday, Monday and Friday. “Apart from helping them to remember the person’s birth-


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day, I cannot explain why they do that. But there are many people with such names�. Fr Abutu went on to remark that he felt honored to be received so kindly and was pleased to be given the opportunity to personally meet so many people. He looks forward to becoming involved in the parish responsibilities. CUTTING the birthday cake after Mass at Loch.



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Page 8 - Catholic Life, February 2012

CWL floral tribute to hard-working member IONA – The Catholic Women’s League of Iona Maryknoll honored long-serving member Val Feltham at its January meeting. She was presented with flowers and a thank you card in acknowledgement of her work for the CWL at both branch and diocesan levels. She was secretary of the branch for 22 years and is still an active member. Mrs Feltham runs raffles after Mass on Sundays, organises the annual high tea and catering for funerals and other events. All the proceeds of her efforts go towards helping for repairs to St Joseph’s Church and hall. The CWL has recently installed a new kitchen in the hall and new carpet in the supper room. Mrs Feltham also served on the CWL diocesan committee

for eight years, three years as treasurer and is currently the representative for the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations and the governing body. Many people may not be aware that the CWL headquarters, Mary Glowery House in Nicholson St., Fitzroy, provides short term low cost accommodation for people from rural and regional areas undergoing medical treatment or visiting relatives in city hospitals. Cost for members is $30 per night and for non members $45. The CWL is currently looking for new members but if you cannot attend meetings on a regular basis you may wish to become an associate member. Membership costs $20 a year.


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VAL Felthamn with the stunning floral arrangement presented to her by Iona Maryknoll CWL.

Bruthen church to be sold BRUTHEN –The disused and run-down St Anne’s Church, Bruthen, was officially closed by Bishop Christopher Prowse in late November. The building is now for sale. The decision to close the church was made after parish priest Fr Peter Bickley, Bairnsdale, saw its state of disrepair and had discussions with parishioners and the bishop. Fr Bickley said it was decided to give the church a dignified closure with a prayer of

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thanksgiving for all that had been in the life of St Anne’s Bruthen - with special gratitude in our hearts for this church and centre that stood tall in missionary outreach over all these years of dedicated mission and outreach since its beginning in 1892 when Bishop Corbett, the first Bishop of Sale, opened the church. The Bruthen Catholic community has the remarkable distinction of having been part of three separate parishes, and of once having been the centre of a parish itself. In August 1982, Bishop Corbett travelled from Sale to bless and open the new church at Bruthen, dedicated to St Anne. This church was originally located on the flat opposite the old “Star Hotel”, and because of constant flooding it was taken by bullock team to the present site overlooking the town. Bruthen quickly became an important centre, on the road between Gippsland and the goldfields in the mountains, and also on the road and railway to the far east of the state. By 1899, the Advocate records Confirmation being celebrated at Bruthen for 23 children, an indication of the growing local Catholic population. A new parish had already been established in the mountains to the north in 1982, centred in Omeo, and it was not long before Bruthen itself became the base for a new parish. In 1915, the Bruthen Parish was separated from Bairnsdale. It covered a huge and sparsely settled area, with vast areas of forest. The churches of the new

parish, as recorded by the Australasian Catholic Directory were St Anne’s Bruthen, where Fr Gavin lived, St Colman’s Orbost, and St Ita’s at Bendoc. Mass was celebrated at Bruthen and Orbost on alternate Sundays. A few years later, in 1927, with Orbost developing as the major centre in the far east of Gippsland, and with the Sisters of St Joseph already living there, the logical move was for Orbost to become the centre of the parish. And so the priest moved, no longer living in Bruthen, but in Orbost. Bruthen remained part of the Orbost parish, although the Sisters of St Joseph visited regularly from Bairnsdale, where they were now also located, to provide catechesis for the children. With the establishment of the Lakes Entrance parish in 1953, and the opening of new churches in the Orbost Parish in the 1950’s at Nowa Nowa and Cann River, Bruthen was now much closer to the priests who lived in Lakes Entrance, and so St Anne’s became part of the new parish centred there. Before many years again, and with Lakes Entrance now having only one priest, the Bruthen community had another change, this time returning to be part of the Bairnsdale Parish. The old St Anne’s Church with all its history was destroyed by fire, and the replacement church built by Mgr Stan Crowe, then parish priest of Bairnsdale, was opened in November 1971. In recent years, Bruthen has changed a lot as a community, and indeed many of the Catholic community have died or moved away. Sunday Masses have not been celebrated in St Anne’s for 15 to 20 years and the building has fallen into disrepair. During this time, occasional Catholic Mass on the first Sunday of each month at 5pm has been celebrated at St Matthew’s Anglican Church. The closure ceremony at St Anne’s was held on the 40th anniversary of the building’s opening.

Catholic Life, February 2012 - Page 9

Australian Gross National Product and the Gospel BACK in 1968, Robert Kennedy, in his address to the University of Kansas, made a startling speech. It is, to my mind, so powerful that I want to use a long quote. While Kennedy was speaking in an American context, it is not hard to replace his Americanisms with Australianisms. He said: “Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values to the mere accumulation of material things. Our Gross National Product ... if we should judge America by that ... counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. “It counts special locks for our doors and jails for those who break them. It counts for destruction of our redwoods and the loss of our natural wonders in chaotic sprawl. “It counts napalm and the cost of nuclear warhead, and armoured cars for police who fight riots in our streets. “It counts Whitman’s rifle and Speck’s knife, and television programs which glorify violence in order to sell toys to our children. “Yet the Gross National Product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. “It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the

strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. “It measures neither our wit nor our courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.� It is a sobering thought. I believe it is a challenge that should be in the mind of every parent, every teacher, every day. What sort of world are we educating our young people to build? More of the same? Have we not learnt anything since 1968? Is our world to be one where the only things we value are the things we can count? Is our world to be one in which bosses in the financial industry take home obscene salaries, while those who care for our environment, our children, our health often earn so little? On a smaller lever, but one of great importance, we can ask, “Is the success or failure of our schools to be measured merely by a simplistic set of test scores?� The recent “Occupy� movements in so many cities ask these same questions. While we might not necessarily agree with the “Occupy� methods, their message was certainly one that needs to be heard. In Catholic schools we are both privileged and challenged



with Talking Peter Catholic Ryan Education to present an alternative view. We have the benefit, which so many other schools do not, of having a shared value system, a system based on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And it is a system of beliefs and values to which we all claim to be committed. Very few other schools or systems enjoy that privilege.

But, I wonder if we take proper advantage of our shared commitment. We are privileged and challenged to present that life view, a view that values and honors the human person, made in the image and likeness of God, not the economic product. We teach and we honor compassion, generosity, love and

Year of Grace begins with this Pentecost By Ann Taylor THE Year of Grace begins this year. It is never too early to plan, to get organised and to think ahead. That’s my motto for this year as I recall how Christmas 2011 seemed to arrive so quickly and I was still rushing around getting things done at the last minute, along with many others, I might add! This motto can also be applied to a Year of Grace which begins on Pentecost Sunday, May 27.

We still have a few months to prepare ourselves, to really contemplate the face of Christ and to recognise God’s blessings to us. If we are to show Christ to others, then we need to contemplate who he is for us. How do we do this? Some ways include reading the Gospels, praying and attending Sunday Eucharist which is the source and summit of Christian life. Just’s never too early to plan, to get organised and to think ahead! May you, and those you love, have a grace filled 2012.



justice. And we present that view because we believe that our God is love, that we find God through the expression of these wonderful qualities and that they bring our world closer to the world of God’s creation. As schools, as families, indeed as all of society, we need constantly to reiterate that the values expressed in our Gross National Product are not always the values of God, and nor should they be our values. Catholic Education provides a unique and powerful opportunity to make that point in the minds and hearts of tomorrow’s adult citizens. Let us hope and pray that the worth of our nation in another 44 years is not measured simply by the Gross National Product.

Parish display BERWICK – St Michael’s Parish will celebrate a Parish Life Weekend March 3-4. It will be held in the new stadium, entry from Bain St. During the weekend there will be an opportunity to see an exhibition of brilliant photographic artwork titled “Eucharist� as well as an opportunity to view artwork from the schools and parish. It is also an opportunity for parishioners to become acquainted and perhaps volunteer to join the various groups that are active and the role they play in parish life, as each group has been invited to set up a small display.



Page 10 - Catholic Life, February 2012

Project Compassion - A Beacon of Hope Teach a woman to make tofu - feed a community THE saying goes: “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.” This well-known proverb is certainly true for Flabiana. Only Flabiana is a woman and her fishing line is a tofu making machine. Basic human needs like financial security, nutrition, safe shelter and money for school fees seemed almost unattainable for Flabiana and her family not so long ago. However, a $500 grant from Caritas Australia changed her family’s life. This grant enabled Flabiana to purchase a soy bean processor and make tofu and tempeh, both food staples in the region. “The most important thing I’ve learnt is to make tofu and tempeh” says Flabiana, now a widowed mother of four who comes from the isolated Timor Leste province of Oe-Cusse. “Besides eating the tofu, I sell it to make money for household needs, schooling and traditional ceremonies,” said Flabiana, Life for Flabiana in 2012 is a peaceful one, but memories of 1999 when Timor Leste declared independence are still strong. In the violence that followed, Flabiana and her family fled into the country’s rugged mountains. When it

was safe to return to their village, they found their home destroyed and property stolen. The following years were very tough.

the whole year because we grow vegetables and earn money from food processing. Our health has also improved,” she said. With all four children now going to school and Flabiana training other women to use the soy bean processor, she feels hopeful about the future – for her family and her whole community. “Living in peace, we can send our children to school; we can do our work well. I thank Australians and ask that they continue to support us,” said Flabiana. To donate, support or fundraise for Project Compassion 2012 please visit the website at or Ph: 1800 024 423

FLABIANA and Marta cut the tofu they made yesterday for sale to a local restaurant this morning, who will cook with it for lunch. They make and sell 4kg six days a week to this restaurant for $8 (ie $2/kg). The motorbike costs $1 return to deliver it.

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Over time they managed to recoup a small number of goats and pigs, which they sold to rebuild their house and establish a small kiosk. But this did not provide the income and food security they desperately needed. Around that time, Flabiana’s husband suffered respiratory problems and became extremely ill. This made life very precarious for Flabiana and her children. Fortunately for Flabiana, in 2007 she was able to take part in Caritas Australia’s Integrated Rural Community Development Program. Flabiana and other community members learnt new techniques for managing fast growing crops, processing food, producing traditional medicines and breeding animals. “After joining Caritas we’ve found many changes. Now we have food for

BELIEVE it or not, Project Compassion has now been running for 47 years. It has become an extraordinary, ongoing demonstration of the faith, love and generosity of the Catholic congregation in Australia, all in the name of justice and peace. Now one of Australia’s largest humanitarian fundraisers, it brings thousands of Australians in solidarity with the world’s poor. And, in 2012 its message of hope remains as powerful as ever. As in previous years, Caritas Australia will again, this Lenten season engage with the Catholic community, as Project Compassion 2012 celebrates our achievements with a series of authentic stories from ‘in country’. It is staggering, that even in times of personal hardship, Australians have always been prepared ‘to do something’ to help those who are worse off than themselves. Last year’s Project Compassion was a poignant and resonant example of your selflessness. 2011 was a year marred by terrible natural disasters. Not just overseas but in our own backyards. So what did this mean for our capacity to give? In 2011, Australians donated $9.7 million to Project Compassion – never before has our Lenten campaign been supported more wholeheartedly. It’s hard to give a precise answer as to why these disasters at home made us even more willing to give support to our international brothers and sisters. Sometimes injustice is quiet and insidious in nature. Like economic inequality or governmental control of speech and information. In other situations injustice

is as overt as it is macabre. Like selfappointed militant groups that kill entire communities. Living, as we do in a global environment where information is everywhere. We don’t need to look very hard to see injustice. It saddens, repulses and riles us. And, given the injustice that we see all around us, the call to arms that is Project Compassion, still rings as powerful and as vital as ever before. Project Compassion is the lifeblood of Caritas Australia. Quite simply, without it, we could not do the work that we do. Operating in an ever-growing number of developing countries, where hundreds of millions of people face extreme hardship daily, our work is the ultimate expression of your love. The worldwide Caritas network is a proven, organised, never-tiring and undeniable facilitator of worldwide justice and peace. It is your love, God’s love, in action. Your support of Project Compassion and Caritas Australia is your love embedded on every continent on Earth working with men, women and children to achieve self-sufficiency and to promote human dignity. This is about changing lives for the long-term. It is as much about us leaving as it is about us arriving. Caritas Australia sends funds and good people to the most dangerous places on this planet. With your blessing our partners on the ground put out their hands and humbly ask if there is anything we can all do. Sometimes the answer is no. Sometimes it is yes.

Catholic Life, February 2012 - Page 11

Catholic College musicians excel

SALE - Six Catholic College students undertook Australian Music Examination Board Music exams late last year with excellent results. A+ went to Taylah Browne for Grade Two Clarinet and Victor Forcadela for Grade Four Saxophone; A went to Taylah Browne for Grade Two Saxophone; B+ went to Ashbey Neill for Grade Three Clarinet

and Lilly Werner for Grade Four Singing for Leisure; B went to Ruby Lappin-Lee for Grade Two Violin and Emma Jondahl for Grade Five Flute. These excellent results are a reflection not only of the dedication and hard work of these students, all of whom were in Years 7 – 10, but of the high standard of instrumental teaching at the College.

Donate a prayer book CATHOLICS throughout Australia are being given the chance to do something practical to assist Catholic members of the Australian Defence Force serving in Australia and overseas by sponsoring specially designed, waterproof Military Prayer Books which will be made available at no cost to all Catholic serving members. The Knights of the Southern Cross are raising funds to print 10,000 Military Prayer Books containing the revised translation of the Mass and prayers specific to military personnel, which are a source of support in their faith journey and in times of need. Five years ago, the KSC provided 10,000 prayer books and these were so popular with service personnel that there are only around six left. Families of

personnel have asked for copies but they will only be released to serving members. Everyone can assist by sponsoring one or more prayer books at a cost of $4 each and donations are tax deductible. More information on the project is available at the KSC national website au under “What’s New”. A brochure is available online to be downloaded and the sponsorship section can then be sent with a donation. For those without internet access, you can donate by sending a cheque made payable to Armed Services Catholic Diocesan Revenue Fund to the KSC National Office, PO Box 216, Campbell ACT 2612 with your name, address and phone number. A tax receipt will be provided.

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The crystal ball on investing IT’S a new year again. At my age it doesn’t seem so long ago since the last one. I wish all my readers a happy year, a more prosperous one and one of good health. One thing about a new year is that people ask what is going to happen in the next 12 months far more at this time than at any other through the year. It’s the time I’m asked for predictions, for possibilities and also reminded of the predictions I made last year (unfortunately). Last year was not the best year I’ve had in terms of the outcomes that I was looking for. Forecasting is fraught with dangers, and in many cases readers should take them as an idea only. After all, the adage that if you ask two economists a question, you get five opinions may be based on accurate perceptions. Still, your editor asked me to make some calls on the coming year, so here goes. This year will start off the same as last year. In terms of the Australian economy we’ll still have a two speed one, with the resource states (WA and Queensland particularly) experiencing skills and capital shortages due to the huge amount of projects underway. Their economies will continue to grow at above average rates. In the east coast industrial states things will be slower and growth will be driven by population which puts Victoria in the best position when compared with SA, NSW and Tasmania. Even Victoria has started to slow. Our official interest rates should fall another half to three quarters of a percent. (This is being written before the February RBA meeting) Uncertainty in Europe will dampen the expectations of many and until the “Euro Crisis” starts to resolve itself we will be driven by uncertainty. The USA economy is showing definite signs of improvement and even their housing sector is nearly off life support. Whether Europe leads to another recession is the question most investment people are asking. There is no way of being sure, but being an optimist I think any disaster (Greece will default) will have minimal effect as most will be prepared. China isn’t slowing to any great extent. Confidence among businesses and consumers is low at the moment and many of Australia’s largest businesses are not employing apart from necessity. Consumers are now saving more than at any time in the last 50 years. This retraction in activity is not helping the banks and as most of you would be aware it’s certainly not helping those in the retail sector. Property is still at near record highs in terms of affordability. At present Melbourne is more expensive than New York and London for residential property. While country Victoria is cheaper, rural incomes are on average lower too. I don’t think

DOLLAR$ & SENSE with David Wells

2012 will be the year to be buying investment properties. There aren’t going to be many quick positive outcomes here. The share market will be volatile. Uncertainty will reign, especially in the first half of the year but there will be many reasons to invest here rather than anywhere else. Dividends are good and shares are at historically low levels on a relative basis. Even last year people were able to grow their superannuation funds by up to 7 percent. It’s a matter choosing the best individual investments, not the market in general. In the second half of the year I think things will be starting to improve. USA will be definitely on the up. Europe will have made some sort of progress and in Australia will still be growing at one of the highest rates in the developed world. Much hinges on business and consumer confidence. Without a lift in this we won’t see any lift in spending and so we won’t get a huge lift in the economy. The share market should be

closing the year on it or near its high point. What I will say is that for people who are prepared to look at reality, without fear, there are excellent individual opportunities. Some property will do well, and there are many shares that will pay, and continue to pay great dividends and some business will grow sufficiently to force their share prices higher. It’s what you do that matters. • This report is intended to provide general advice. In preparing this advice, David Wells and RBS Morgans did not take into account the investment objective, the financial situation and particular needs of any particular person. Before making an investment decision on the basis of this advice, you need to consider, with or without the assistance of an adviser, whether the advice is appropriate in light of your particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances.

I do not fear tomorrow for I have seen today.

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Page 12 - Catholic Life, February 2012

Build your own Noah’s Ark

Les Tomlinson new Talking about Sandhurst Bishop Books

BUILD YOUR OWN NOAH’S ARK, published by Lion Hudson, distributed by Rainbow Books, heavy cardboard pages, 14 pages rrp $16.99. THIS book turns back the pages almost 50 years to the type of novelty books which were available in the 1950s and 1960s. It is a solid book telling the story of Noah and the Ark but there is the added bonus of young readers being able to build their own cardboard model of the ark. The pieces required can be pressed out and then slot together; no glue or scissors required. It is as simple as slotting part A to part B and then adding part C. The result is a bright red ark about 24cm long and 15cm high. Of course the construction would not be complete without some free standing animals and Noah and his family. This virtually indestructible book would make a great gift, is reasonably priced and we think the ark could be disassembled and used over and over again. A YEAR WITH MARK ,

Reading the Sunday Gospel, Year B, published and distributed by St Paul’s, paperback, 110 pages, rrp $14.95. FOR those who like to follow the daily scriptures, this Australian produced book is a worthy purchase. Fr Francis Moloney SDB who writes the introduction and commentary throughout is a distinguished Australian biblical scholar. He explains how Mark is the earliest of the four Gospels in the Bible and how it was written at a time of great persecution for Christians, about 70 AD. The Gospel carried nothing about the birth of Jesus and begins with his baptism in the River Jordan before beginning his public ministry. Mathew and Luke’s Gospels deliver a slightly different message but are in part based on

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Mark. The full Gospel of Mark is included in the book with the parts used in the daily readings highlighted in bold texts that readers can see how they fit into the overall context of the Gospel. As the Gospel is the shortest it does not quite fill out the liturgical year and so there are also entries for the part of John and Luke used to complete the year. ST PAUL SUNDAY MISSAL 2012, published and distributed by St Pauls, paperback 412 pages, rrp $14.95. THE new Mass translations introduced last year have rendered thousands of missals as obsolete. While there are some complete three year cycle missals coming out, this 2012 missal will be keenly sought by many. It gives a Sunday by Sunday breakdown of the readings and responses, each with its date, which means you do not have to figure out if it is the 18th or 19th Sunday in ordinary time or some other special feast. The introductory rites, prefaces and Eucharistic prayers are at the front of the book on pages marked with a red stripe down the side so they can be easily found. A companion booklet is St Paul Liturgical Calendar 2012 which lists the daily readings, psalter, saint solemnities and feasts, and even the color of vestments to be worn each day. At 3.95 it is good value.

MELBOURNE Auxiliary Bishop Les Tomlinson has been named as the next Bishop of Sandhurst, filling the vacancy left by the death of Bishop Joe Grech about a year ago. Bishop Tomlinson will be installed as the seventh Bishop of Sandhurst at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Bendigo, at noon on March 1. His appointment was announced the Pope Benedict XVI last Friday. Bishop Tomlinson was born in Mildura and worked in various positions in the north-west of the state before entering St Paul’s Seminary, Sydney, as a late vocations student. He was ordained a priest for Melbourne Archdiocese at Red Cliffs in 1972 and has served in various Melbourne parishes, apart from a three year stint when he was on loan to Hobart Archdiocese.

Bishop Tomlinson In 2003 he was Dean of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne, for four months before being appointed Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia. He was also made a Prelate of Honor by Pope John Paul II in 2003. He was ordained an auxiliary bishop in 2009.

Film aids orphanage PROCEEDS from a special Newborough screening of a movie about Sudan’s boy soldiers will go towards Bor Orphanage and Community Education Project, in South Sedan. War Child is the life story of internationally renowned peace activisit, hip hop artist, refugee and child soldier Emmaul Jal. Amazingly, the film features actual footage of Jal and the group of child soldiers he fought with. It will be screened at Lowanna College, 72 Newark Av., Newborough on March 15 at 6.30pm. Those attending can sample authentic Africa foods and there will be a question and answer time afterwards with the Rev Abraham Maluk and Abra-

ham Malual who are former “lost boys” of Sudan with lives paralleling Jal. Tickets are $20 from Select Music Systems, 73 Franklin St., Traralgon 5174 2849. Bor Orphanage and Community Education Project was established to develop an orphanage/school for the homeless and parentless children of Bor, South Sudan, who are returning to their homes, following the recently granted Independence for South Sudan. More can be found about the project at www.bororphanage. com Jal’s most famous song, ‘We Want Peace’ features Alisha Keys, Peter Gabriel, George Clooney and Nelson Mandela can be found on You Tube.

Italian federation turns 45

Three Springtimes: A stunning pictorial record of St Mary’s Cathedral Sale, the Mother Church of our Diocese, by Sale historian Peter Synan. Proceeds from your purchase will aid the cathedral restoration fund. Hardback with dust cover available from the Catholic Development Fund, Sale, Catholic Bishop’s Office, St Mary’s Cathedral parish office and selected bookshops for $40. (Mail orders incur an additional $15 post and handling charge)

ITALIAN Catholic Federation of Morwell president Isabella Monacella with committee members and the 45th anniversary cake. MORWELL – The Italian Cath- the Italian community of the Last year members had the pleasure of Bishop Christopher olic Federation of Morwell cel- parish. ebrated its 45th anniversary late Each year in October the Prowse concelebrating Mass last year. group celebrates the Feast of with Scalabrinian priest Fr Vito Since 1966 the federation has St Francis of Assisi preceded Pegolo, prior to the procession been involved in organising re- by an Italian Mission at Sacred and afternoon tea. ligious and social activities for Heart Church.

Catholic Life, February 2012 - Page 13

Seminarians visit their bishop Casey Catenians plan to expand

BISHOP Christopher Prowse outside St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, with seminarians (from left) Siju Xavier, Avinash George, Vin Mannes and Hiep Nguyen. FOUR of Sale Diocese’s five seminarians visited Bishop Christopher Prowse last week prior to beginning their studies at Corpus Christi College next week. Only one missing was Tao Pham who is still undergoing medical care in Melbourne. Present were Indian-born Siju Xavier who is entering his sixth year at the seminary, Vin Mannes, Morwell, who will be in the second year and Vietnamese born Hiep Nguyen and Indian-born Avinash George who will both be in first year. Hiep was to have started last year but withdrew and spent time back in Vietnam while visa problems were sorted out. Bishop Prowse said he was proud to have a growing batch of seminarians because when he became bishop Tao was the only seminarian for Sale Diocese. Tao was to have been ordained a deacon last year but this was deferred a week before when his medical problems surfaced. He said that Siju would be ordained a deacon in the later part of this year.

to 25 or so, at which time it will be large enough to seek recognition as a full Catenian Circle. The Catenian Association is an international brotherhood of Catholic men who meet socially and find true friendship with their Catholic Faith providing the strong common bond. They try to have a full social program designed to appeal to all tastes and involve wives and families. The association has more than 10,000 members in over 300 Circles in Australia, Southern Africa, England, Ireland, Malta, Hong Kong and India. Details of the international involvement and growth of the Catenian Association can be found on www.thecatenians. com and information about the local Casey group can be obtained from the chairman Con Lilley on 8794 9513 or by email on

The four seminarians have all travelled different paths to study for the priesthood. Siju said he decided he wanted to be a priest when he was an altar boy back in India and had started seminary studies there. Vin said he had felt God’s call later in life and was pleased that he was being given the opportunity to become a priest. Hiep said his decision was a long time coming, starting with his first visit to Sale Diocese in 2008 and getting stronger year by year. Avinash said that was not really any particular moment when he decided the priesthood was for him because he had always experienced a strong inner call to serve God. The diversity of experiences of these four men shows that God calls people in different ways. Any men, including those in the final years of secondary school, who felt called by God were encouraged to discuss the BISHOP Christopher Prowse presents Sr Elizabeth Roberts MFIC with a Papal Blessing at the end possibility of religious voca- of her golden jubilee Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Morwell. tions with diocesan vocations A LARGE crowd attended In the first reading we heard ible drop-off of religious, male director Fr Darek Jablonski on 5996 1985 or vocations@sale. the golden jubilee celebrations the beginnings of the vocational and female, that offered pastoof Sr Elizabeth Roberts MFIC, call of all of us to the Lord. In ral care to the Church in chaplain to Italian immigrants Jeremiah we heard God say to tralia. for Sale Diocese. us “before I formed you in the He said his eyes were drawn Bishop Christopher Prowse womb I knew you”. to one of the prayers that will concelebrated Mass and preHe said all of us were called be coming up in the Prayer of sented her with a Papal Bless- to the vocation of being one the Faithful which was for an start at 12.15pm. ing at the conclusion. with God in Jesus. This was by increase of vocations. The annual dinner will be Bishop Prowse said many The bishop addressed the means of His grace amongst us. held at the golf club that even- congregation in Italian at the Sr Liz had responded to this might be surprised to know that ing at 6.30pm. beginning of his homily, creat- grace of God like Mary, the there are about 30 religious, As usual the day is presented ing much joy among the many Mother of God, by saying “yes” male and female, that offered without cost for all religious Italians present. to the love of God being poured wonderful service to the Church whether they are golfers or not. He said we thanked God for out into her heart. She has then on a daily basis in the diocese. Many non-golfing priests and giving Sr Liz to the Church as a given her life over to be the “We will particularly pray for religious just attend the dinner. religious sister of the Mission- Love of God in the heart of the them and that their numbers inTo assist with catering those ary Franciscans of the Immacu- Church. crease in the times ahead.” wishing to attend should con- late Conception. Bishop Prowse said it might “But most particularly today tact Reg Carmody 5144 3349 She had given distinguished be appropriate to reflect about we pray for Sr Liz. We thank or Allan Wyatt 5143 0454 by Gospel service in the diocese religious life particularly as ex- the Missionary Franciscans of March 23. particularly with the Italian pressed in Australia today. the Immaculate Conception for Costs for non-clergy wish- community for almost 17 years. We often heard about the sending her to us. ing to participate is $5 for Sale “We gather together to thank shortage in numbers of priests “We thank the Lord for Sr members $10 for visitors and God for His many blessings and seminarians. Liz’s apostolate amongst us, esthe two course dinner is $30. amongst us through Sr Liz and This was true, but there was pecially in the Italian commuThe Serra Club is an interna- to pray God’s blessings upon an even greater feature happen- nity, and we ask that her ministional organisation which pro- her on this the Golden Jubilee ing in the Catholic Church over try and her health flourish anew motes religious vocations. of Religious Profession.” the years which was the incred- in the years ahead.”

Sale Serra golf day SALE - The annual Serra Golf Day and dinner will be held at Sale Golf Club, Longford, on April 2. Catholic clergy and members of Sale Serra Club will hotly contest the Fr Frank Carroll Shield. Among the dozens of other prizes are the Neville McLeod Plaque for best overall score of the day, the Jeremiah Coffey Perpetual Trophy which is contested between Catholics and Non-Catholics. There are also individual events for Serrans, Friends of Serra, Ladies, Catholic religious and non-Catholic religious. A light lunch will be served at 11.30am, followed by a shotgun

NARRE WARREN - The Casey group of the Catenian Association, which was inaugurated in March 2011 has decided to change its meeting night to the third Monday of each month in order to attract more members especially from local parishes. The time and venue, 7pm at the Fountain Gate Hotel, off Overland Drive, Narre Warren remains unaltered. The Casey group currently consists of enrolled members from Narre Warren, Narre Warren South, Endeavour Hills, Lyndhurst, Lynbrook and Cranbourne as well as members from Waverley and Beaumaris and parishioners from our Lady Help of Christians who are learning about the Catenian Association before deciding to become committed members. It is hoped that within the current year, the number enrolled in the Casey group will increase

A golden jubilee blessing

Page 14 - Catholic Life, February 2012

Some newly recognised poems by Alan McLean WILLIAM Tennant Dawson was an important figure in early Gippsland history as its first chief surveyor. A descendant, Andrew Dawson, in researching his ancestor’s life, came across an obituary poem on the chief surveyor published in the Gippsland Times by an anonymous poet “Bozzle”. “Bozzle” is the name of a character in a Thackeray novel. It so happens that in a volume called Rural Poems published by Allan McLean in Sale in 1880, the same poem on the death of William Tennant Dawson is included. This enables us to now identify the half a dozen poems published by “Bozzle” in the Gippsland Times in the 1870s as written by Allan McLean. This is significant as Allan McLean was the most important political figure in Gippsland history. He became Premier of

Gippsland History


with Patrick Morgan Victoria from December 1899 to November 1900, and Deputy Prime Minister in 1904-05 in the Reid-McLean Federal Government. The McLean family - Charles, his wife, Charles’ brother Angus, and the young Allan came to Gippsland in 1842 as part of the first wave of Scottish settlers in the province. What made them unusual among the Gippsland Highland Scots was their Catholic religion. Some parts of the highlands and islands of Scotland remained Catholic during the Reformation.

OPENING OF THE GIPPSLAND RAILWAY BY “BOZZLE” Hark to the heavy tramp, the joyous hum Of blended voices from the gathering throng; From east and west from north and south they come, With band and bagpipes, in procession long, To see the railway train approach the station, And bid a long farewell to isolation. A glorious era o’er this Province fair This day shall dawn, and shall dispel the night Of long protracted wrongs, as melt in air The mists of morning in the solar light. The wheels of progress by inaction rusted, Now not in motion, shall no more be crusted. Soon shall the smoke from many a homestead fire Curl o’er our verdant vales and fair domains, Broad fields of waving corn shall hope inspire, Yield to our yeomen race substantial gains! And trade and commerce, wealth and population, Sweep forward with the tide of innovation.

BY “BOZZLE” Guid people, wad ye juist come ben, An’ ope yer lugs for minutes ten? I’ll rant a stave that ye may ken What a’ folk say Last Thursday was, wi’ Scottish men, An unco day. At mornin’tide the sun sent doon Braid gowden lars asklent the toon, Whaur shimnmer’d silks an’ glitter’d shoon In blythe array; A’ for the trystin’ place we’re boun’ Tae tak’ the way. With another Scotsman, Simon Gillies, they set up their squatting run of Glenaladale. In adulthood Allan McLean founded a stock-and-station agency based at Maffra, became President of Maffra Shire Council, Member for Gippsland North in the Victorian Parliament, and a government minister. Two of the “Bozzle” poems now known to have been composed by Allan McLean are printed on this page. In the Gippsland Times of March 1, 1878, he published a poem on the inauguration of the railway line from Melbourne to Sale. In the Gippsland Times of 21 November, 1874, McLean published a “Bozzle” poem on a recent celebration where Gippsland’s Scots gathered at Sale for a sports day including athletic events and Highland Games, followed by a ball in the evening. The poem is written in Lallans, the dialect of the Lowlands Scots, used by poets like Robbie Burns.

Auld Scotia’s sons ye micht hae tell’d, When high the umuckle drones were held; An’ “ Campbells are a comin’” swelled In thrillin’ strains ; For swift the quicken’d currents well’d Through a’ their veins.

O’Mara House

The hame where childhood’s lot was cast, ‘Midst frownin’ mountains bleak an’ vast, Swept by the Northern Ocean’s blast; An’ shrouded o’er Wi’ legends o’ the buried past An’ hidden lore.

Soon noble industry, directed well, Shall riches gather from the virgin soil; Each lofty mountain tract and lonely dell Shall yield their treasures for the miner’s toil. Our plains and forests, lakes and mountain ranges, With every year shall see progressive changes.

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Proud ships shall cleave their paths through sunny lakes, Whose tranquil waters rarely knew unrest, Save when the wild bird left the wooded brakes To lave its plumage on their limpid breast, Bright lamps shall glimmer o’er those islets lonely That erst were lighted by the moonbeam only. With banners waving in the balmy air, Higher o’er the columned lines, that thicken still, The gathered thousands form procession fair, March slowly forward with united will, To greet the iron horse with acclamation Which brings our fair New Province annexation.

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Some thocht upo’ the bygane day, When, summon’d by the pibroch’s bray, Their faithers join’d the deadly fray Their native heath Tae guard frae base usurpers’ sway, Or welcome death. O laurels by those faithers worn Upo’ that fell an’ bluidy morn When haughty England’s flag was torn, Whilst high in turn The lion o’ the north was borne Ower Bannockburn. Then flitted swiftly through their mind Mair peacefu’ scenes an’ feelins kind: How round the rose the thistle twin’d In fond communion; An’ Erin’s shamrock had combin’d Tae swell the union. Tae some the merry martial lay Reca’d their hames far, far away, Whaur ‘midst the rushin’ torrent’s spray Their native hills Stood oot in a’ their grim array Wi’ coontless rills:

Some thocht how aft wi’ gladsome zeal They’d hasten’d at the pipes’ appeal, Tae mingle in the Hielan reel An’ blythe strathspey, Wi’ those wha’ ne’er frae foeman’s steel Wad turn away. A bonnie sicht it was, I ween, Tae see the lasses on the green, Wi’ flowin’ locks an’ lovely een, As deadly bricht As stars that through their clouded screen Send gleams o’ licht. Tae see, ye wad be muckle fain, Some strappin’ callants strive amain Tae toss the bar, an’ put the stane, Tae loop an’ rin; They show’d a walth o’ thew an’ bane In ilka spin. An’ last, not least, the kilted ranks Wi’ sturdy limbs show’d mony pranks; Some trippit brawly on the planks Twa oors or mair, Wi’ de’il a screed upo’ their shanks Save dust an’ hair.

Catholic Life, February 2012 - Page 15

St Agatha’s, Cranbourne 150 spirit-filled years

Quick calendar

What’s on & when February

By Regina T. Abraham CRANBOURNE - St Agatha’s Parish is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the first Catholic Church in Cranbourne. The previous Bishop of Sale, the Bishop Jeremiah Coffey wrote on the occasion of the silver jubilee of St Agatha’s, “May the writing of history engender a new spring in the life of the Parish”. Researching our Church history and looking back I see his prayerful wishes as a reality in the life of the parish. In the last few decades St Agatha’s has grown both in number and in spirituality. One can see the hand of God leading this community right from the very start with the early Catholics, their hard work, their love of God and his people, the various prayer and Bible study groups over the years, the presence of wonderful priests and religious throughout the history of the parish and more recently with the opening of the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. The community of St Agatha’s has also greatly benefitted from the meeting of Fr Andrew Wise and Sr Anna Abba at Creighton University in Ne-

braska while they were both there for their Masters program. Sr Anna then came to St Agatha’s for her Sabbatical in 2006 and by December 2007 we had the three lovely Sisters of the Nativity working in the parish. The leadership of the priests especially after we became a parish in our own right, independent of Berwick in 1973 has been outstanding. I give below a list of our parish priests at St Agatha’s since then. Fr Joseph O’Hagen 1973 1974 Fr O’ Hagen was the first parish priest of St Agatha’s when we became an independent parish, separated from Berwick parish. He returned to Ireland in 1974 and died shortly after wards. Fr George Todd 1974 - 1979 Fr Todd initiated the plans for the current St Agatha’s Church. He developed the spiritual life in the parish and invited the Sisters of Mercy to work in the parish and established the Parish Pastoral Council. Fr Todd died on December 30, 1979 while he was parish priest at St Agatha’s. Fr James McGuigan 1980 1991 Fr McGuigan spent 11 years of dedicated work building up

the church, school and community of St Agatha’s. He was much loved by all and was called the priest in a white hat. Fr McGuigan died on May 19, 1991, while he was parish priest at St Agatha’s. Fr Herman Hengel 1991 2001 Fr Hengel spent ten challenging years at St Agatha’s dealing with Cranbourne becoming an outer Melbourne suburb, developing the schools, buildings and new parishioners who were trying to establish themselves. Fr Andrew Wise 2001 2011. Fr Wise took initiative in bringing a new springtime into the life of the parish with the opening of the Eucharistic adoration chapel and bringing the Sisters of the Nativity to work in the parish. Fr Wise also put together the project plans for a new parish and college during his time. Fr Denis O’Bryan Jan 2011 – to date. Fr O’Bryan had the significant milestone of the opening of the St Peter’s campus in Cranbourne East in his first year at St Agatha’s and is further developing the plans for the new school and parish of St Thomas the Apostle in Cranbourne East.

Bishop’s Diary February 9 - School year opening Mass, Catholic College Sale, 10.45am. February 10-12 - Parish visitation, St Michael’s, Traralgon. February 14 - 11am meeting and 11.45am Mass with diocesan catechists, Marian Room, Warragul. February 14 - Video presentation to primary school teachers of Catholic social doctrine, Warragul 2pm. February 15 - Leadership Mass at Nagle College, Bairnsdale, 9am. February 15 - Council of Priests meeting, followed my meeting of College of Consultors, Sale. February 16 - Clergy gathering at St Michael’s School hall, Traralgon, to discuss pastoral letter and plan, 11am. February 17-19 - Parish visitation, St Michael’s, Berwick. February 21 - Project Compassion launch, Nagle College, Bairnsdale, 11am February 22 - Ash Wednesday Mass, St Mary’s Cathedral. February 22 - Diocesan Finance Council meeting,

Sale, 5.30pm February 24 - Official opening of new buildings at St Peter’s College, Cranbourne East campus. February 26 - Rite of Election for RCIA candidates and catechumens from across diocese, St Mary’s Cathedral, 2pm February 29 - Meeting of Bishops’ Commission for Ecumenism and Inter-religious Relations, Sydney. March 2 - Guests speaker at Catholic Women’s League function for World Day of Prayer, St Mary’s Cathedral, 7pm. March 6 - CWL regional meeting and Mass, Our Lady Help of Christians, Narre Warren, 10am. March 6 - Teleconference of Bishops’ Commission for Relations with Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 3pm. March 7 - Meeting of Victorian bishops, Melbourne, 3pm. March 8 - Meetings of Catholic Theological College and Corpus Christi College seminary, Melbourne. March 9 - Mass and lunch for religious of dio-

cese, St Mary’s Cathedral, 11am. March 14 - Reconciliation with CSYMA members at Forest Edge Camp, Neerim South. March 16-18 - Parish visitation, Lumen Christ, Churchill. March 23 - Primary religious education coordinators conference, Rawson, March 23-25 - Parish visitation, St John’s, Trafalgar. March 25 - Mass to celebrate 80th anniversary of St Joseph’s School, Trafalgar, 10.30am. March 27 - Year 12 leadership group meeting, Warragul, 10am March 29 - CWL east region conference opening Mass, Lakes Entrance, 9.30am.

9 - Opening Mass for school year at Catholic College Sale 11 – Our Lady of Lourdes 14 – Central region meeting, St John’s, Trafalgar, 7.30pm 15 - Leadership Mass, Nagle College 16 – Clergy input to pastoral plan, St Michael’s School Hall, Traralgon, 11am 19 – Parish farewell for Fr Frank Young, St Mary’s Church Maffra, Mass 11am followed by barbecue lunch 21 – Shrove Tuesday 21 - Project Compassion launch, Nagle College, Bairnsdale 22 – Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent 23 – Valley region meeting, noon 25-26 – St Mary’s Cathedral Appeal collection (all parishes) 26 - Rite of election for RCIA candidate sand catechumens, St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale 27 – Deadline for March Catholic Life

March 2 – Schools Clean-Up Day 3-4 – Living Parish weekend, Berwick 4 – Clean Up Australia Day 6 - CWL regional meeting, Narre Warren 6 - Heart region meeting 7 – Catholic Life published 7 – South region meeting, Leongatha, 11.15am 8 – St John of God Memorial 9 - Mass for religious working in Sale Diocese , St Mary’s Cathedral, 11am 12 – Labor Day public holiday 14 – West region meeting, St Patrick’s, Pakenham 10.30am 17 – St Patrick’s Day 19 – Solemnity of St Joseph 21 – World Forestry Day 22 – World Water Day 24-25 – 80th celebrations at St Joseph’s School, Trafalgar 26 – Annunciation of the Lord 28 – Ride to School Day 29 - CWL east region conference, Lakes Entrance 30 – First term holidays begin

April 1 – Passion Sunday 6 – Good Friday 6 – Holy Places Collection at Good Friday services 7 – Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil 8 – Easter Sunday 9 – Easter Monday public holiday 10 – Deadline for April Catholic Life 12 – Valley region meeting, noon 15 – Divine Mercy Sunday 16-20 – Sale Diocese clergy retreat 16 – Second term begins

18 – Catholic Life published 18 – World Heritage Day 24 – Central region meeting, St Joseph’s, Warragul, 7.30pm 24 – Diocesan Pastoral Council meeting, St Michael’s, Traralgon, 10am 25 – Anzac Day 27 – Grand cabaret for Cathedral Appeal, Kernot Hall, Morwell 29- Collection for Education of Seminarians Bursary Fund 29 – Good Shepherd Sunday 30 – Australian Catholic Media Congress, Sydney

May Bishop’s Family Foundation Appeal month 1-2 - Australian Catholic Media Congress, Sydney 3-10 – Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference plenary session, Sydney 7 – Deadline for May Catholic Life 8 – East region meeting, Lakes Entrance, 10.30pm 11-18 – Bishop Prowse leading Catholic Education Office retreat to Rome 13 – Mother’s Day 14-20 – National Volunteer Week 15 – Heart region meeting, Sale Chapter House, 4pm (tbc) 16 – Catholic Life published 19-27 – Bishop Prowse at charismatic conference, South Korea 20 – Ascension of the Lord 24 – Solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians 26 – National Sorry Day 27 – Pentecost Sunday 28-31 – Bishop Prowse at Federation of Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of Oceania meeting, New Caledonia 31- Feast of the Visitation of BVM

June 3 – Trinity Sunday 4 – Deadline for June Catholic Life 5 – World Environment Day 10 – Solemnity of Corpus Christi 11 – Queen’s Birthday public holiday 13 – Catholic Life published 15 – Solemnity of Sacred Heart of Jesus 16-17 – St Vincent de Paul Appeal for the Poor 16 - Memorial of Immaculate Heart of Mary 24 – Solemnity of Nativity of John the Baptist 26 – Central region meeting, St Ita’s, Drouin, 7.30pm 29 – Second term holidays begin

July Peter’s Pence Collection month 1-6 – Bishop Prowse’s personal retreat

Page 16 - Catholic Life, February 2012

Cathedral works under way RIGHT: Badly peeling paintwork on the ceiling of the gathering area of the cathedral will be repaired in the second stage.

WATER stained paintwork on the Foster St. side of the cathedral

BISHOP Christopher Prowse (left) and Dean of the Cathedral Fr Andrew Wise inspect repairs to the cathedral roof courtesy of a new access ladder built in stage one.

A NEW modern kitchenette in the cathedral.

ST MARY’S CATHEDRAL, SALE is in urgent need of restoration to return it to its former glory as the Mother Church of Sale Diocese.

NEW solid wooden doors with brass inlays in the form of a cross at the main entrance replace sliding glass doors which were continually malfunctioning.

CCI donates books

An appeal is currently under way to raise funds for these important restoration works and to make some improvements. The first stage has been completed but much work still needs to be done. Please donate generously to the Cathedral Appeal either at the special collection being taken up in parishes later this month or by filling in the form below

St Mary’s Cathedral Sale Appeal Post to: Reply Paid 508, Sale 3853 (No stamp required) Please accept my gift of $

towards the Cathedral Appeal

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CATHOLIC Church Insurances has donated two double volume boxed books to the Diocese of Sale. The books were produced to mark the insurance company’s 100th anniversary last year. One set was given to the bishop and the other to the archives. Looking through one of the books at the presentation last week are CCI representative Peter Crosbie (left) and Bishop Christopher Prowse.

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Catholic Life, February 2012- Page 17

For the Young and Young at Heart Time for a Laugh AN accountant dies and goes to heaven. He reaches the pearly gates and is amazed to see a happy crowd all waving banners and chanting his name. After a few minutes St Peter comes running across and says, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to greet you personally. God is looking forward to meeting such a remarkable man as yourself.” The accountant is perplexed. “I’ve tried to lead a good life, but I am overwhelmed by your welcome,” he tells St Peter. “It’s the least we can do for someone as special as you are. Imagine, living to the age of 160 and still looking so young,” says St Peter. The man looks even more dumbfounded and replies, “160? I don’t know what you mean. I’m only 40.” St Peter replies, “But that can’t be right - we’ve seen your time sheets!” A WOMAN always wanted to learn to play the piano and so when she retired her husband bought one for her. A few weeks later, a friend asked the husband how the piano playing was going. “Oh, we returned the piano,” said the husband, “I persuaded her to switch to a clarinet instead.” “How come?” “Because,” he answered, “with a clarinet, she can’t sing.” AN old farmer had owned a large farm for many years. He had a large dam down the back of the property with some nice shady trees and some picnic tables so his family could enjoy a picnic and swim on hot days. One evening the old farm-

er decided to go down to the dam, as and as he neared it, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closer he saw it was a bunch of young women who had sneaked onto his property to go skinny-dipping in his dam. He called out to them and they all made their way to the deep end. One of the women shouted to him, “We’re not coming out until you leave!” The old man replied, “I didn’t come down here to watch you ladies swim or make you get out of the pond, I only came to feed my crocodiles.” “MISTER, why doesn’t this cow have any horns?” asked the young lady from a nearby city. The farmer cocked his head for a moment, then began in a patient tone, “Well, ma’am, cattle can do a powerful lot of damage with horns. Sometimes we keep ’em trimmed down with a hacksaw. Other times we can fix up the young ‘uns by puttin’ a couple drops of acid where their horns would grow in, and that stops ‘em cold. Still, there are some breeds of cattle that never grow horns. But the reason this cow don’t have no horns, ma’am, is ‘cause it’s a horse.” THE teacher complained to a student that he never seemed to get anything right. “What sort of job do you think you will be able to get after you leave school?” Youngster thought for a while and said he’d probably have to settle for being a weather forecaster.

Send us your work WE have decided to rest the concept of a colouring contest for a while to give some of our talented young readers the opportunity to showcase their drawing skills. Many of our primary and secondary students do remarkable work which is rarely showcased outside of the school environment. We would like to bring some of that work to our readers. Hopefully we will be able to show a few works each month It will be difficult to repro-

Back to school wordsearch

duce large, detailed works but smaller drawings and paintings will be suitable. Secondary students who are compiling portfolios obviously cannot send originals but clear photographs or scanned copies will be suitable. Send works to Catholic Life Art, PO Box 183, Sale, 3850 or email a high resolution JPG to catholiclife@ Ideally works should be scanned or photographed at 300dpi and all JPG email attachments should be send original size, not small, medium or large.

SEE if you can find all the words listed below in this wordsearch. BACKPACK PENCILS HAIRCUT PENS OPEN HOUSE SCHOOL BUS MIDDLE SCHOOL



And one for all the blondes . . . AN airline captain was helping in a new blonde stewardess. The route they were flying had a layover in another city. Upon their arrival, the captain showed the stewardess the best place for airline personnel to eat, shop and stay overnight. The next morning, as the pilot was preparing the crew

for the day’s route, he noticed the new stewardess was missing. He knew which room she was in at the hotel and called her up wondering what happened. She answered the phone, crying, and said she couldn’t get out of her room. “You can’t get out of your room?”

the captain asked, “Why not?” The stewardess replied: “There are only three doors in here,” she sobbed, “one is the bathroom, one is the wardrobe, and one has a sign on it that says ‘Do Not Disturb’!”

Colouring contest winner WOW, what a fantastic number of huge class entries for our Christmas colouring contest featuring Mary and the baby Jesus with a manger. Most children chose to depict Mary in blue which is the traditional depiction of her but some chose a rainbow of colours for her clothing. Unfortunately there can only be one winner. We have chosen the entry from Caitlyn George, 10, from St Patrick’s Stratford, as our winner and will KEVIN Thomas from St Catherine’s, Berwick, displays the deliver her prize soon. books he won in our November contest.

Page 18 - Catholic Life, February 2012

world news ...

world news ...

Mary, Joseph and baby get aid British Catholics to carry a card ETHIOPIA - The famine afflicting millions in the Horn of Africa appears so vast you could wonder what your donations could possibly do to alleviate this terrible situation. The truth is, in this very minute, you are saving lives. The emergency feeding program that has been operating at the Dadim Primary Health Care Clinic in the famine-declared area of Ethiopia since September is funded through the donations Catholic Mission supporters sent in response to Franciscan Sister Maureen Elliott’s appeal for help. Located in a place named Yabello in the region of Woredo, 250km south of Awassa, the Dadim clinic is an outreach of the Church’s presence which has been here since 1974. The parish priest is a Spiritan priest, Fr Boniface, who is assisted by Sisters of Charity who run the local school. In the present famine the clinic is literally a life buoy. Its feeding programs target babies and infants, nursing mothers, the elderly and widows. The assistance provided to one small family speaks for many. Among the nomadic Guji herdsmen who have trekked to the clinic is a woman named Mariam (Mary) and her husband Yosef (Joseph) and their baby Nugese, whose name translates as “My King”.

BRITAIN – Catholics across the United Kingdom are being invited to carry a card showing that they are Catholic, with one million cards to be made available to 24 Catholic dioceses in this new initiative, said a report on the Independent Catholic News. The credit-card-size resource features on one side, a space for the owner to sign, a statement that the carrier is a Catholic and a list of six things that Catholics are called to do. There is also a sentence that reads: “In the event of an emergency, please call a Catholic priest.” The other side of the card has a quote from Blessed John Henry Newman, focusing on the call to serve and affirm-

THE Guji Mother Mariam and her baby Nugese pictured at the Dadim Clinic Photo : Bruce Dynan/Catholic Mission Like rural people the world where the only feed on offer over, Yosef is entirely depend- were thorn bushes and briars. ent on his crops, pastures and From Moyale, on the border animals. When the expected with Kenya, the family trekked rains of May and later Octo- 240km to reach the Dadim ber failed, Yosef had no choice Clinic. Mariam and Yosef know but to take his family droving, they are welcome here. They pushing his tired cattle across will be cared for. The baby a flat and dusty red landscape Nugese will recover and grow.

Nigerian exodus beginning By John Newton NIGERIA - UP to 35,000 people have fled from the north of Nigeria following ongoing attacks by Boko Haram. In late January, the extremist Islamist group carried out attacks in Kano city, Borno State killing at least 160 people. According to reports received by Aid to the Church in Need on January 24 from Church sources in the country up to 35,000 people left their homes following the violence. ACN was told: “People just run away to where they think

they’ll be safe, especially to Jos and further south.” One source added: “There is panic. Many just leave everything behind, and run for safety, because they do not know when violence might flare up again. There was a large number of Catholics among those fleeing, who reported that churches were destroyed in Maidiguri, Borno State and Bauchi, Bauchi State. ACN was told: “It is the stated goal of Boko Haram to make the whole of the north free of Christians.” At the beginning of January,

group spokesman, Abul Qaqa, gave Christians living in the north with a three-day ultimatum to leave. Boko Haram, which means “western education is sinful” in Nigeria’s Hausa language, has killed at least 935 people since it launched an uprising in 2009, according to Human Rights Watch. This includes more than 250 at the beginning of 2012. According to the report 550 people were killed in 115 separate attacks by Boko Haram last year, mostly in Borno State.

MacKillop statue for Vatican? ADELAIDE’S Archbishop Philip Wilson is planning to have a statue of St Mary MacKillop installed in the Vatican and has already identified the perfect spot outside St Peter’s Basilica, said a report by The Advertiser on AdelaideNow. The challenge is now to ensure the spot doesn’t get snapped up by someone else. “The one I want is only a small niche,” Archbishop Wilson said. “But I picked the position because if you are walking up towards the Basilica, you can actually see it through the gate. It is like real estate - it is all lo-

cation, location, location. When they built St Peter’s Basilica 400 years ago, on the outside of the building they put all these niches for statues. “It is only in the last 20 years they have (started) placing statues there. So these statues are now appearing everywhere. I want to get one of her in there before we miss out.” Archbishop Wilson has consulted the Postulator for St Mary MacKillop, Sr Maria Casey, and has had preliminary discussions about the process and requirements. He will make further inquiries when he returns to Rome

this week. This includes what material can be used, whether there is freedom to choose the artist and style, as well as the costs involved.

ing that everyone has a mission. Bishop Kieran Conry (Arundel and Brighton), Chair of the Bishops’ Department for Evangelisation and Catechesis, said: “We all carry a variety of cards in our purses and wallets which reflect something of our identity and the things that are important to us. “The faith card for Catholics aims to offer a daily reminder of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. We can’t summarise the whole of our faith in bullet points, but we hope that the card simply inspires people to do, read and learn more.” The resource is free and will be distributed to diocesan offices during February and March 2012 for local circulation.

Bosnian nuns face verbal abuse By Eva-Maria Kolmann BOSNIA - Nuns wearing habits are being subjected to verbal abuse in public more and more frequently in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ivanka Mihaljevic, Bosnian Provincial Superior of the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King, reported during a visit to the international headquarters of the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need in Germany. The nuns now only leave the convent in pairs if at all possible, out of fear of abuse. Everyday life is becoming increasingly difficult in general. For example, more and more Muslim extremists are immigrating from Saudi Arabia and opening businesses. The nuns often have no other choice but to buy from them, but in doing so are also subjected to discrimination and humiliations. For example, one of them recently wanted to buy bread. “Although the loaves were in plain sight, the proprietor claimed he was out of bread,” Sister Ivanka said. “But he simply did not want to sell it to a Catholic nun. Again and again, we are made to feel unwelcome, even though this is our home.” By contrast, Sister Ivanka emphasised, native Bosnian Muslims are “peaceable”, and are often ashamed of the behaviour of their extremist coreligionists who are migrating to the country. The Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King in Sarajevo are particularly committed to promoting the peaceful coexist-

SR Ivanka Mihaljevic, Bosnian Provincial Superior of the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King. ence of all religions. They have launched a threeyear program entitled, “I extend to you my hand for peaceful coexistence”. In this initiative, Catholics, Muslims and Serbian Orthodox Christians are jointly working to promote tolerance, non-violence and mutual respect. This year, the Province Superior explained, the joint effort against verbal abuse tops the agenda. “These are small steps of peace and goodwill, but we want to imbue the people with courage.” The Bosnian Province of the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King comprises 260 nuns, of whom 15 live in Sarajevo.

Catholic Life, February 2012 - Page 19

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HOLY SPIRIT You who makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach my ideals, you who gives me a divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me; in this short dialogue I want to thank you for everything and affirm once more that I never want to be separated from you, no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in Your perpetual Glory. (Mention your request). Thank you Holy Spirit for your love towards me and my loved one. Amen This prayer should be said for 3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day the request will be granted, no matter how difficult it may be. While making the request one must either promise to publish on granting the favour or promise to circulate copies of it to as many people as possible. This is to spread the wonder of the Holy Spirit.

THANK YOU St Jude. O Holy St Jude Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need. To you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg you to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. St Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen.

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Aust. Bishops express solidarity with Coptics THE Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference has expressed solidarity with the Coptic Christian community in Egypt. In recent months, sectarian violence has plagued Egypt. Coptic Christians have been killed in clashes between the military and protesters. Of Egypt’s 80 million people, around 10 per cent are Christian, and extremist minority groups hostile to the Christians are gaining influence in the country. The Egyptian people are moving towards a crucial election after the downfall of the Mubarak government last year. However, Coptic Christians have been largely left out of the political process and are wary of how they might be treated under a new government. Extreme violence and persecution have been a daily reality for the Christian minority in Egypt for decades and this has escalated over the past year. The Bishops of Australia stand in solidarity with all people of good will in Egypt. They particularly remember those who continue to suffer violence and discrimination, and those who have lost family members. The Bishops assure the Egyptian people of their continuing prayers as the election approaches.

Page 20 - Catholic Life, February 2012

So you think you can dance! Check out this talent WARRAGUL - Students from Columba Catholic Primary School in Bunyip delighted their audience with a top-class Cabaret in the Marist-Sion Hall, Warragul, late last year. The cabaret highlighted

the many activities in which students have been involved throughout the year in performing arts. A feature of the night was a dance presentation by professional dancers Shannen Clark

MARC Miller and his daughter Sophie show of their high flying dance routine at the cabaret.

and Andrew Nolo. There were performances by each class and a family dance competition which the parents had been practicing for weeks. The night was full of enter-

The Catholic Church’s most successful Child’s Bible ever! Feed a Child with the Word of God


big smiles on the faces of the students as they presented their items and their obvious enjoyment and pride in each performance!” said

GRADE Five students from Columba Catholic Primary School demonstrate their dancing skills.

Child’s Bible - ‘God Speaks to His Children’ Worldwide, the Church is under attack from atheistic regimes, militant Islam, sects and basic ignorance of the Faith.

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The international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is able to counter these attacks by supplying Child’s Bibles to children and families ^OV ZPTWS` JHUUV[ HɈVYK [OLT PU countries where the Church is poor or persecuted.

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tainment with a range of music and dancing and a great night was had by all. Principal Jan Gubbins said “One of my strongest memories of the cabaret has to be the

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This inspiring book can also teach the -HP[O OLYL PU (\Z[YHSPH! ^P[O `V\Y MHTPS` NVKJOPSKYLU VY PU `V\Y WHYPZO VY ZJOVVS The Child’s Bible is a perfect gift for JOPSKYLU NYHUKJOPSKYLU ULWOL^Z HUK UPLJLZ LZWLJPHSS` [V THYR H -PYZ[ /VS` Communion. The Bible complements the catechism and children’s rosary booklet also published by ACN and available via our website.

BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED THROUGHOUT 48 Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments Available for a donation of $7.00 A lovely gift idea!

A call to attend the Dublin Congress By Mgr Brian Walsh

Cath Life Sale

I RECENTLY returned from Ireland where the Church is preparing for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin in June. International Eucharistic Congresses are held every four years around the world with the Pope choosing the host city. People travel from near and far for these events to deepen their faith and in particular their devotion to the Mass and the Eucharist. The congresses have a great effect on the spiritual lives of people in the host country, many of whom spend at least a year preparing spiritually for the congress week. Especially in English-speaking lands, still talk about a wonderful congress held in Ireland in 1932. Australia has had the honor of having two memorable congresses – one in Sydney in 1928 and the second in Melbourne in 1973. I was given the privilege of being appointed by the late Cardinal Knox as the organiser of this 40th International Eucharistic Congress in Melbourne. Although over 38 years have passed since then, many still recall the extraordinary event, to which people came from all over the world to pray, to reflect to learn and to take part in a comprehensive program of ceremonies, conference, displays

and gatherings. Occurring just over seven years after the close of the Second Vatican Council, the Melbourne congress reflected all that the Council stood for. The themes emphasised charity, social justice, welfare and ecumenism. It set new standards for these great events. It has been my privilege to continue acting since 1973 as an advisor to the organisers of subsequent International Eucharistic Congresses. Australia has been given the honor of having St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, our first canonised saint, named as one of the patrons of the Dublin congress. In 1973, a chartered plane carried pilgrims from Ireland to Melbourne. Hopefully, given that the Church in Australia owes the Irish, many planeloads of pilgrims will head for Ireland in June 2012 for the Dublin congress.

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