Father Wade
“Hello and good afternoon, Fr. Wade! This is Fr. Arthur. I hope you are well. Please give me a call back when you get a chance!”
Thus began a voicemail which led to a phone call which led to the news that, effective July 1, 2020, Bishop Burns had assigned me as Fr. Arthur Unachukwu’s successor as the Director and Chaplain of Catholic Campus Ministry at SMU. From day one, the talented staff and board that Fr. Arthur assembled welcomed me into their lives. They shared with me their God-given talents and their love for Catholic campus ministry. Beginning as I did in the midst of the pandemic, I sorely needed their help! As a staff, we immediately got to work on several crucial tasks: returning to the public celebration of Mass, developing COVID-19 cleaning protocols for the Neuhoff Catholic Student Center, planning student events that met the university’s strict pandemic parameters, cutting expenses, and bringing in development income after the loss of our Spring Celebration and several months of Sunday Mass collections. By mid-August, we were back in Perkins Chapel for Sunday Mass, we kicked off the St. John Henry Newman Campaign, the ministry owned an anti-viral spray gun (affectionately known as “Victoria”), and we had a full slate of plans for events, along with back-up plans should the pandemic lead to a total cessation of in-person activities or even the students being sent home. Fortunately, the students never had to return home! With each passing week, the ministry better learned how to navigate life in the pandemic. With the help of students on our Servant Leadership Council (SLC), we became one of the few student groups to advertise our ministry by “tabling” near the Hughes-Trigg Student Center. From there, our 02
staff, FOCUS missionaries, and student leaders advertised our ministry’s sacramental schedules and campus events. The FOCUS missionaries soon organized a weekly time of outdoor “recess” on Dallas Hall Lawn, giving students badly needed time outdoors and with a community. We built momentum, and other events followed: five students in RCIA, a catechetical session on faithful citizenship, a women’s book club, FYSH groups, Jericho nights, Mustang Awakening XIII, an auction to support the ministry after the loss of our Spring Celebration… We were busy. By the end of the semester, we built a reputation on campus as an organization that strictly followed COVID-19 protocols and yet still found ways to build community. In fact, at a recent meeting with the university’s Office of Chaplains and Religious Life, our staff was asked to share our experiences with the other university chaplains so they might learn from us! As I look back on my first semester as the Director and Chaplain of Catholic Campus Ministry at SMU, I am proud of the work our staff and our students accomplished. I believe that we effectively professed our faith, celebrated that faith in the sacraments, lived out that faith through the moral teachings of Christ in the Church, and prayed that faith as a community. I thank God for this new assignment, and I can’t wait to see what happens here in spring 2021! In Christ,
Fr. Wade Bass
F I R ST Y E A R ST U D E N T H O M E S ( F YS H ) By Claire Galea ‘23
First Year Student Homes (FYSH) is a long-standing institution at Catholic Campus Ministry at SMU. Led by sophomores, it is a place for first-year students to discuss what it means to live out their Catholic faith on a college campus and other topics unique to the first-year experience. Weekly topics range from balancing old and new friends, to managing school work, to the true meaning of love and happiness. This semester presented several unique challenges. First, FYSH had to move from its usual fireside setting on the first floor of the Catholic Center to the patio outside due to COVID-19 social distancing requirements. We were rained out a few times and had to come bundled in several layers of jackets and blankets during a cold spell in October, but the freshmen showed up no matter the weather, demonstrating a strong desire for a community where they could discuss their faith and what was on their hearts. This semester also called for a timely discussion of the intersection of faith and
politics before the November elections. While students had different political stances, their genuine desire to let their Catholic values influence their political beliefs led to a lively and respectful discussion that was incredibly refreshing. With the freshman experience being more isolated than ever before, continual outreach throughout the semester was a must. Some students came to every single meeting and some only started coming in the last few weeks. No matter how long they were a part of the group, it was clear that they left each meeting with their longing for a deeper sense of community fulfilled. Additionally, FYSH leaders made an effort to invest in their freshmen outside of FYSH meetings by having meals with them in the dining halls, encouraging them to come to Catholic Center events like Jericho and Late Night, and hanging out on Dallas Hall Lawn.
“FYSH allowed me to form relationships with like-minded individuals who are truly Christ-centered. It also gave me a safe space to confide in when I needed it during this transition. It’s a great way to get to know people at “the C” and join the community of Catholic Campus Ministry at SMU!” — M ACA E L A G R OSS
By Daniel Porting, Campus Minister
As we began the fall semester, our first priority was getting in-person Mass, with space restrictions, going again. Figuring out protocols with Sunday Mass at Perkins opened up the door for us to resume our usual praise and worship night, Jericho. Our students were very eager and pressed us to schedule it again. We were grateful to be able to have two very nice evenings of prayer and reconciliation. While this semester has looked unique, I am very proud of the way our ministry has overcome obstacles to provide
spiritual growth to our students. Becoming “world changers” (as SMU would say) involves tough challenges. We have met those challenges this semester and prevailed. Our hope and goal for the spring semester will be to get three Jerichos on the schedule so that our students are supported in their journey of faith. Please pray for our ongoing ministry through Jericho at Perkins Chapel.
OUTREACH ON CAMPUS By Clare Shawaker, Campus Minister
Usually when we kick off a new semester, we have a few key welcome events to invite people to the Catholic Center to get to know our community. Being able to open the doors to our building and make an open invitation always has been a critical part of outreach to students. This year, while we weren’t allowed to host at the Catholic Center in our usual way, we were able to rethink our outreach strategy by “tabling” on campus on a regular basis. Tabling is when the university allows a student organization to set up a table with a few volunteers in a busy part of campus to help promote the organization. In doing this, we were able to invite students into our community and to join us for Mass, and promote some of our small group opportunities such as FYSH (First Year Student Homes) and bible studies. Through this effort, we made many connections with new students and were able to increase our visibility on campus.
N E V ER TO O OL D FO R R E C E S S By Danna Knight, FOCUS Team Director
In terms of gathering as a community and meeting new people this fall, we’ve joked that our lives look almost the same except that “now we basically live outside.” However, since the Cathlic Center can’t hold any indoor social events, we lost our usual avenue of meeting new people, creating space to meet Catholic friends, and presenting the faith as a way-of-life rather than just a set of rules. That being said, we found an outreach idea to match the COVID restrictions: Recess. Who didn’t love recess as a kid? It was a part of the day to forget about homework and focus on play. Given the amount of stress this year has provided, bringing 04
recess back into our lives seemed like a great idea. We gather on Dallas Hall Lawn every Friday afternoon for a few hours of socially distant activities like kickball, football games, frisbee, and hanging out on picnic blankets. As an outreach event, the purpose was to both build community within “the C” and to create a space to invite new people. Something I’ve loved about this weekly recess is how accessible it is to all people, Catholic or non-Catholic. It’s very simple: invite your friends to meet your other friends. These weekly hang outs have resulted in deeper friendships, bible study invitations, and chances for students to practice living their faith outside the walls of a chapel.
WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB By Clare Shawaker, Campus Minister
This fall, the women of Catholic Campus Ministry at SMU were looking for a way to grow in community and faith formation. After hearing the need in our community, the Women’s Outreach Team launched a women’s book club. Our first book was Leah Darrow’s The Other Side of Beauty. Leah is a former America’s Next Top Model contestant and international Catholic speaker. In her book, she challenges readers not to settle for popular culture’s distorted idea of beauty, but to
discover how their natural desire for beauty is a good thing, revealing a deep desire for God. Despite the obstacles of event planning with COVID protocols, we were able to meet consistently over nine weeks and serve the women of our community. Our groups were able to meet outdoors on picnic blankets and we also had a group that met virtually each week via Zoom. We look forward to our winter and spring break book club meetings and hope to continue our growth and formation.
F R OM S U NDAY S UPPER TO SU NDAY SOCIAL By Daniel Porting, Campus Minister
Sunday Supper has been a staple event at Catholic Campus Ministry for decades now. Each year has provided more growth of our volunteer base as well as the number of students who show up each week. The mission of Sunday Supper was simple: build community by breaking bread together. In these unprecedented times, we found ourselves needing to be nimble in our new approach to a ministry event that was our largest single gathering each week outside of Mass. A few weeks into the semester we had an idea: Sunday Social. We quickly reached out to
previous Sunday Supper sponsors and gathered support to purchase 30 gift cards to local eateries that we could hand out each week to students. Before we knew it, there were many of students sticking around to play football and hang out with us on Dallas Hall Lawn! The ministry hopes to continue to provide Sunday Social as a way to build community. Thank you to all who have made this such a success. If you would like to sponsor a week in the spring, please reach out to Beverly Mendoza, Director of Development.
FAVO R I TE PART A B O U T AWA K ENI NG “Adoration! As an atheist, I have never experienced a sense of peace like that before. I really enjoyed the pretty music and although I attended the entire retreat completely virtually, I felt super connected to a spiritual being and very comforted. I also loved the testimonies; they were so beautifully written with many great lessons!” — LILY JIA N G ‘24
“The retreat was the perfect opportunity to reconnect with my faith and it guided me in the right direction.” — J UAN PABLO E S PARZ A ‘ 21
I would absolutely invite someone and I would tell them that it literally changed my outlook on life. — KYL E EAS L E Y ‘24
Mustang Awakening XIII By Leanne Dang ‘22
When Daphne and I found out we would have the opportunity to coordinate the annual Mustang Awakening retreat back in May, we still had no idea what school would look like in the fall, let alone a 50 person retreat. We had many questions, but the one question we never asked was whether we would completely cancel the retreat. Six months later, we finished a mostly virtual retreat on the SMU campus with the Catholic Center serving as our headquarters. The format of the retreat took many twists and turns as we tried to reimagine a virtual Awakening. The goals remained the same as in each prior year-- to create space to encounter the love of God and to grow community. Drawing on experiences from my virtual summer internship and from having virtual bible studies over the past five months, we believed we could make this work. We found that there are factors besides literally being in the same room that could create a shared space: themed virtual backgrounds, breakout rooms, zoom whiteboards, matching stuffed animals, a meme contest, and music. Above all, it was the people at the retreat who created the shared space, and the weekend worked because the staff and retreatants had an immense amount of trust and commitment. The entire process of planning this retreat was a lesson in learning to let go of plans and to recognize the graces that came to support us along the way. An abundance
of grace was poured out during the retreat, but we and the staff also experienced many graces in the months leading up to the retreat. I am grateful that we had to be on campus this year instead of going to a remote camp. So often we come off of a retreat high and the memories of faith and friendship can fade, but this time seems different. There is something remarkably special about walking through “the C” now and remembering the weekend I spent there with an incredible group of friends putting on Awakening. We also were able to offer Adoration, Reconciliation, and Mass in person at Perkins Chapel during the weekend. We hope that when the retreatants and staff come back to Perkins for Sunday Mass each week, they remember the graces received, the love felt, and the community formed at Awakening. The unique challenges of the retreat this year helped us to grow tremendously in faith and in friendship, and it is an adventure we will always remember. Verso l’alto! Verso L’alto is a phrase coined by Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati in the 1920s. He believed the higher we climb, the clearer we hear the voice of God. “Verso l’alto”was chosen by this year’s Awakening Team to signify our own desire to hear the voice of God clearly leading us to a relationship with him and a holy life lived in community.
HOW WE BROUGHT BACK MASS TO PERKINS By Christina Roncal, Associate Director for Ministry
One of the top priorities for the ministry this semester was resuming the in-person celebration of Mass on campus in order to make sure students had access to the Sacraments. The campus ministry staff worked tirelessly over the summer to create a plan that would allow us to worship well while keeping our community safe. Through collaboration with the university, we were able to get approval to hold all three Sunday Masses in Perkins Chapel. We returned to the public celebration of the Mass on August 9, 2020. In order to adhere to state, diocesan, and university restrictions, we reduced our capacity at each Mass and ensured proper social distancing between households. We instituted a sign up process and produced an online welcome back video that walked people through the new procedures before their return. We’ve been grateful to continue live-streaming Sunday Mass every week for those not ready to join us in person.
Our return to worship would not have been possible without the exceptional commitment of an outstanding group of hospitality volunteers who arrive 45 minutes before each Mass to usher and greet the members of our community and to facilitate safety protocols. Upon learning of the need for such volunteers this summer, the Servant Leadership Council responded generously, with many of the students completing their required Safe Environment Training before even returning to campus this fall. In addition to our Sunday liturgies, we also have been able to offer daily Mass at the Neuhoff Catholic Center for the entirety of the semester. We are grateful that we have been able to continue the celebration of Christ’s presence on campus through the Eucharist. Thank you to everyone who has made these liturgies possible!
uphold the common good for the spiritual, physical, and social well-being of our community. Due to this urgency, I decided to serve on the hospitality team as an usher for our 9AM Mass. Nonetheless, I also attended the 8PM Mass as my commitment to fully engage and be present for the Holy and Divine Liturgy and give a hand when needed. I really enjoy going to the 8PM Mass because I get to invite my girlfriend and see my close friends. I appreciate the opportunity to gather with such a great community to worship our loving and merciful God. Although at times it feels too much, I know that one day these life-long sacrifices can result in a greater reward: hearing God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Indeed, no true servant of the Lord could ask for more. I’m proud of our hospitality team’s approach this fall semester. I’m happy to be part of this team committed to bringing Christ to our fellow Mustangs in these difficult times.
When we returned to campus this fall, our ministry required additional volunteers to help with new protocols to keep our community safe during in-person Mass. That is how our hospitality team became extremely critical this semester. Without a doubt, I wanted to get fully involved this semester to learn and get more out of the Mass. I initially intended to only volunteer for the 8PM Mass because it was more convenient for my schedule. However, during the first weeks of classes, I noticed the dire need for volunteers for the 9AM Mass. Without enough volunteers, implementing these new procedures to keep our mustang community safe becomes a big challenge. If these protocols aren’t followed correctly, we risk our own fellow Mustangs and our ability to continue celebrating Mass on campus. It’s our duty as Catholics to By Carlos Valbuena ‘21
to Fall Celebration By Beverly Mendoza, Director of Development
The annual Spring Celebration transformed into an online event from November 12-17 due to restrictions on inperson gatherings. The ministry aired Fr. Wade congratulating Mike Geisler and Duke Bednarke on their being selected as the 2020 Servant Leader Award Winners. Fr Wade then launched the ministry’s first ever online auction. Supporters bid on trips, dinners, jewelry, smoked briskets, paintings, and more over five days. The ministry raised over $41,000 for this event!
Mike Geisler ‘85 is a humble, dedicated servant who has been devoted to the Catholic Ministry at SMU for years. Mike is a past Board Trustee, and served as Board Chair July 2012–June 2015. Mike helped the Board flourish with renewed involvement and energy. His steady support and guidance enabled Fr. Arthur and the ministry to grow resulting in spiritual development among students, increased vocations, additional intentional programming, new strong staff, building maintenance, and stable financial position.
Duke Bednarke ’20 graduated in May with degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics. He is a natural leader and served in principal roles in virtually every aspect of the ministry. Duke is now serving as a FOCUS missionary at Troy University. We were fortunate to have him at the ministry, witness his growth in faith, and how it inspired others.
Special thanks go to event co-chairs Sissi Jorge and Mary Smith, who managed this event through a trying year. Equally deserving of praise are the stellar team who pulled together packages of enticing items. They are: Karen Carney, Leslie Clarke, Michelle Collins, Camille Fournier, Sharon Gambulos, Joy Godvin, Susan Godvin, Kim Hanrahan, Janet Horton, Angie Hubach, Stacy Hyde, Angie Kadesky, Whitney Mathes, Annie McLeod, Tina Noah, Maria Parigi, Susan Piot, Gina Rischard, Michelle Surrette, Carolyn Thompson, and Ana Yoder. “We are truly grateful to the entire SMU Catholic community for their continued generosity and support. And, our most sincere thank you to our wonderful and dedicated committee who worked so hard to make this possible. They all believe in our mission of creating servant leaders!” — SI SS I J O RGE ‘03
“The SMU Catholic donors were so incredibly generous! They truly want to share their faith, and make a positive impact on the students in the ministry. The committee members are a joyful and spirit-filled fun-loving group!” — MA RY SMITH 09
CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY AT SMU M INIST RY STAFF Our staff and Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) Missionaries work together to form servant leaders on campus. Our team works to not only minister to our students and community, but also to ensure our ministry is running smoothly.
Father Wade Bass
Jillian Lim
Lauren Moore
Christina Roncal
Director and Chaplain
Communications Director
Musician for 5PM Mass
Associate Director for Ministry
Tammy Grady
Madison Lucas
Emmeline Miles
Clare Shawaker
Spiritual Director
FOCUS Missionary
Musician for 8PM Mass
Campus Minister
Nolan Hill
Beverly Mendoza
Russell Pier
Ken Swinson
FOCUS Missionary
Director of Development
FOCUS Missionary
Musician for 9AM Mass
Danna Knight
Dave Moore
Daniel Porting
FOCUS Team Director
Musician for 5PM Mass
Campus Minister
BOAR D OF TRUST E E S Buddy Anslinger
Garrett Hanrahan ‘93
Susan Piot ‘91
Mike Willick
Win Bell
Janet Horton
Mary Smith
Julie Young
Patrick Carew, Chair
April Jordan
Alec Stewart
Fr. Wade Bass, ex-officio
Karen Carney ‘82
Sissi Jorge ‘03
Smokey Swenson ‘71
Dave Crawford, Jr.
Wyatt Maxwell
Carolyn Thompson ‘85
Franklin Diaz ‘13
Mary Blake Meadows ‘74
Brian Tusa
Kathy and Tony Herring
Joy Godvin
Ricardo Mier ‘14
Gonzalo Venegas
Brenda and Joe McHugh
Susan Godvin
Mark Miller ‘97
Kristen Whisenant ‘99
Judy and Tommy Neuhoff
Catholic Campus Ministry at SMU is a self-funded
for growth and fellowship around the moral and ethical
ministry that provides a home, guidance, and leadership for
challenges we see in our society today.
students to transition to an adult faith. With the generous
support of donors, we manage a 3-story building that
or credit card to support endeavors. Other ways to give
includes study and social spaces, offices, a chapel, kitchen,
include Venmo (@smucatholic), stock transfer, cash, and
a full-time priest, campus ministers, and administrative
check! While general operations are critical to our mission,
staff who support hundreds of students who attend Mass,
you may designate your gift to a specific area in which you
participate in programs, mission trips, bible studies, and
are passionate.
Please consider a recurring gift via bank draft
social events.
The ministry engages students in a convenient
setting on campus. We are nimble in our programming to ensure that students can engage in ways relevant to their culture and generation. Our ministry provides the tools 10
Questions? Contact Beverly Mendoza, Director of Development, at 214-987-0044 or
A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS FOR FY2019-2020 Teresa Acosta Ann and Frank Adams David and Carmen Adams Jeanie and David Adamson Carla Adem Adleta Corporation Gayle and Tom Agnew Dana and Richard Ahn Mary and Dax Alexander Nancy and Richard Allen Cynthia and Julian Alva Richard Anastasi Dial Anderson Mary Eileen and Mark Anderson Natalie Anderson Anne and Kenneth Andrien Kim and Buddy Anslinger Kim Anthony Gabrielle Appeddu Geralyn and LaRell Applegate Carmen Arana Barbara and Jamile Ashmore Dania and Jerry Ashmore Maddie Atkinson Katie and Greg Ave Connor Axtell Anne and Robert Bailey Barbara and Leroy Bailey Pam Baker Michelle and Mark Banas Julie Barbour Kay and Mike Barnes Meagan and Cody Barras Angela Barsallo Cathy and Dan Basso Danny Basso Christopher Beals Elizabeth and Daniel Beaty Duke Bednarke Lesley and Hugh Beecher Nick Beecher Debbie and Bob Begert Carly Bender Kristy and Paul Billings Carol and Billy Biondo Aleida and Nicholas Blaire Marla and Mike Boone Rose and Arthur Boos Mary and George Bowles Suzanne and Ken Brack Susannah Bradley Katherine and Harrison Breaud Robin Brock Gregory Brown Laura and Brian Brown Barbara Brum John and Amy Bruns Connie and Michael Buckley Joanne and Robert Bugos Julia Bugos Ursula and Michael Bumpass Patrick Burchfiel Katie Burgess Arom Burgueno Marti and Jim Burke Helen and Michael Butler Jane and Carter Butler Ruth Butterfield Jean and Joel Buys Anne and Stewart Campbell Mary Campfield Julye and Patrick Carew Karen and Mark Carney Maci Carr Terry and John Casey Javier Castillo Mary Cates The Catholic Foundation Kelsey Cavanaugh Karen Chapman Connor Chase Jean Anne and Richard Cheatham Haley Chirico Christ the King Catholic Church Miriam and Mark Claerhout Miriam and Duane Clark Leslie and Duke Clarke Janet Claussen Fr Dan Clayton David Cole Cynthia and Bruce Collins Mary Ann Collins Michelle and Peter Collins Greg Colvin Communities Foundation of Texas
Shelley and Thomas Cooper Kaegan Cowan Val and Kevin Cowan Maureen Cox Maureen Cramer Cindy and Dave Crawford Katrina and Andrew Craycroft Mary and Stephen Crisler Andrea and Richard Crow Karl and Eva Csaky Charlie Curran Pamela Dalton Leanne Dang Marsha and Quoc Dang Barb and Joe Davis Jan and Alan Davis Austin De La Rosa Cera and Michael DeFeo Philip DeTrempe Rosemary and Peter DeTrempe Austin Diamond Robin and Kent Williams Kelly and Franklin Diaz Paul Dickel Molly Dickson Claire DiCorte Suzan and Steven Diller Diocese of Dallas Sarah Donaldson Mary Ann and Larry Donze Sam Donze Charlotte and Kirk Dooley Susan and Joe Dorfmeister Dot and John Dowling Sean Doyle Barry and Ann Drees Fr. Leon Duesman Aly and Mark Dufilho Denise and John Dunlap Kelsey Dunmire Denise and Jesus DuPont Maria and Joe Dylla Ann Early Joanne Early Michelle and Mark Early Rene and Lance Edwards Laura and Jim Einspanier Tammy and Javier Espinoza ETG Enterprises Meaghan and David Evanich Laura and Doug Evans Dennis Factor Don Farris Susan Feeney Maddie Felts Ruth and Marvin Felux Andrea Fernandez Cindy and Evan Fernando Kathleen and Joe Fiedler Christine & Christopher Flanagan Jene and Tom Flood Deborah and Michael Fogarty Susan and Michael Fogarty Karen and Steve Fox Eurico Francisco Chris Fruth Claire Galea Libby and Yves Galea Susanne and Peter Galligan Jeanie and Patrick Galvin Andrea Garza Priscilla Garza Diane and Frank Gasparro Stacy and Mike Geisler Kim and Charles Giglio Chris Giles Sam Giles Tom and Teresa Giltner Douglas Gimenez Henry Glaesser Robyn and Kurt Glaesser Betsy Glasenapp Carol and Billy Glasstetter Joy and David Godvin Susan and Mark Godvin Gladys and Luis Gonzalez Adam Goodson Annette and Stewart Goodson Elizabeth and Todd Goodwin Donna and Lou Grabowsky Kathryn and David Green Joanne Groshardt Jill and James Grover Ryan Guess Lorraine and John Gurun
Michael and Paulette Haggerty MiChel and Dan Hagood Stephanie Halgren Joyce Hall Madeline and Fred Hamm Kim and Garrett Hanrahan Russell Harker Ann and Jim Harris Anne Harrison Trisha and Barry Hayes Mary and Ashton Hecker Daniel Hellrung Donna and Mike Hellrung Wendy and Ted Henderson Judy and John Henneberger Bettina and Dan Hennessy Jeanne and Edward Henry Pilar and Jay Henry Maria Heredia Margaret and Hank Hermann Jenny and Walt Herring Kathy and Tony Herring Nelda Hestand Elizabeth Hicks Joyce and Walt Hill Hillcrest Foundation Nancy and Doug Himes Shirley and Joseph Ho Jane Hodak Eve Hoeltgen Sophie Hoeltgen Marybeth and Dick Hoesterey Stelly and Jerry Hofelt Hal and Dorothy Hopkins Janet and Tom Horton Terry and Steve Houle Marcella and Ken Houston Carla and Pat Hrncir Rose and Albert Hrubetz Jenni Hubby Beth Ann and Russell Huber Ben and Walter Hussman Stacy and Reid Hyde In His Image Counseling Cathy and Dale Irby Laura and Scott Irving Lynn and Richard Jacobs Jeannine J. Barrett Foundation Barb and Kevin Jeffries Valerie and Thomas Jiede GA Johnson Susan and Michael Johnson Ellen and Charles Johnston Alejandro Jones April and Tim Jordan Biddie and Lee Roy Jordan Sissi and Paul Jorge Msgr. Milam Joseph Ania and Matt Joy Veronika Joy Sarah Kaiser Tom Kang Elena Kapustina Madalyn Katz Catherine and Kevin Katzenmeyer Beverly and Michael Kazickas Anamarie Keener Janet and John Kelly Tish and Michael Key Knights of Columbus Knights of Malta Shelley and John Koeijmans Susan and Tom Kohler Terisha Kolencherry Kenny Kovalski Judy and Jim Kramb Mary Krauss Marie Krebs Elizabeth Kuchler Lori and Tom Kuchler Kuddes Advertising Specialties Maureen and Nick Kuntz Sarah Laane Carla and Sherman LaBarba Heather and Bruce Lachenauer Barbara Landregan Carole and George Landry Christine Lane Patty and Mark Langdale Chris Lanoie Sharon and Peter Larsen Fran Laspina Megan Lastra-Cruz Michelle and Jim Lavelle Page Leahy
Eva and Allan Lebiga Monica and Jon LeBrasseur Mariana Leon Madison Leyens Darlene Liesner Collin Likover Jillian Lim Allison and Drew Lockard Amber Long Norma and Harry Longwell Amy Love Jody Lyke Mary and Gary Machak Courtney and John Madden Mary Mahaffey Cathy and Pat Maher Betty Manders Cassie Manders Carol and Luigi Manzetti Madeleine & Wes Marchesseault Michelle Markey Mike Markey Catherine Marshall Carla Martin Virginia Martin Esther and Eduardo Martinez Wanda and Mariano Martinez Sally and Waddell Mashburn Whitney and John Mathes Harold Mathews Caroline Matthews Pat and David Matula Susan and Jon Maxwell Margaret and Javier Maymir Lynn McBee Kim and Ben McCarty Phyllis and Tom McCasland Joyce McClellan Cameron McConnell Jim and Suzy McCown Kenna McCoy Pat McDowell Kevin McGarry Bob and Jackie McGrath John McGuire Brenda and Joe McHugh McLamore Family Foundation Patty and Frank McNally Mary and Brian McNulty Mary Blake and Chuck Meadows Michael and Nancy Mellon Cameron and Ken Menard Beverly and Michael Mendoza Richard Mendoza Matthew Mentesana Regina and David Mentesana Rory and Howard Meyers Stephanie and Matt Middendorf Mary Jo and Robert Milbank Emmeline Miles Jeannie and Mark Miller Julie Miller Tricia and Bill Miller Katherine and Kevin Mistele Kyle Mistele Candice Mohapp Natalia Montemayor Alberto Montemayor Carmen and Chris Mooney Theresa Moore Maria-Renee Morales Mario Morales Ximena Morales Donna and Angelo Moretto Eva Morgan Carroll Moriarty Barbara and Jim Moroney Bobby Morrissey Robert Morrissey Elizabeth and Greg Moundas Terri Muldoon Michele and John Mulholland Sameera and John Murad Elise and Burk Murchison Jean and Jim Neil Judy and Tommy Neuhoff Kristin Newby Marisa Nieto Joe Norton Ernest O’Brien Jessie and Mark O’Brien Patrick O’Brien Ellen O’Connell Jackson O’Connor Kelly and Patrick O’Connor
Brian O’Donnell Melanie and John Ofenloch Karyn Okoyeze Laura and Steven Palmer Beth and Doug Park Larry and Beth Park Alison Partner Sheila and Pat Patrick Gaby and Tom Perkowski Ed Perry Catherine Peterman Rebeca and Joe Peterman Alec Petsche Bonnie and Alan Petsche Kate Petsche Steve Pfeifer Stephanie and Todd Phillips Carina Piazza Tyler Piazza Susan and Jon Piot Laura and Jay Poche Lewis Poche Christine and Joe Popolo Michael Prappas Isabella Puig Caitlin Quigley Kim and Ben Quindoza Jocelyne and Peter Raad Gabriel Rauen Barbara Reade Diane and Dick Reed Darla and Ken Reimer Mary Kay and Ken Reimer Lydia Rhodes Brenda Rivera Franco Joanna and Ed Robben Peter Robert Christina and Paul Roncal Mary and Tim Rooney Daniel Rosa Neall Rose Rosemary Haggar Vaughan Family Foundation Ellen and Allen Rupple Daniel Russell Kathleen Ruth Ana and Andres Ruzo Maximilian Ryan Therese and John Sabine Sharon and David Saller Ashley Salyer Tricia and Ken Salyer Audra and Chris Sambar Ann Sansone Colleen and Frank Santoni Scanlan Foundation Denise and Mike Scanlin Kara Schillaci Patricia Schindler Barbara and Hank Schlachter Jo Ann and Mark Schneider Lorie and David Schrader Ellen and Jeff Schum Courtney Schumacher Lisa and Craig Schumacher Sandra Schwan Amanda and Al Schwarz David Sedeno Diana and Roy Serpa Phyllis and Joe Shamoun Monica Shaw Elizabeth and Edmund Shea Nancy Shelton Mark Shut Kristi Simmons Stacy Simpkins Arlete and Andrew Slenders Ellen and Rob Smith Joyce Smith Mary and Michael Smith Nora Smith Lynn and Jeff Snoyer Zorianna and Mike Spies Jennifer and Rand Stagen Sophia Stangl David Stanislav Clarita and Gerald Steele Michael Steen Cindy and Joe Stefan Barbara and Steve Stockton Gail Stoglin Cynthia Stoutenburgh Lori Stull Tami and Larry Sturcken Natalie Sulit
Beverly and Dennis Sullivan Annalise Sumpon Scott Susens Lindsley and Smokey Swenson Systemware, Inc. Michal Szczupak Luke Tanner Peg and Tony Tanner Mary Ellen Tarpley Annette Taylor Jessica Taylor Madi Tedrow Julianna Teixeira Scott Terry Michelle and Stewart Thomas Amy and Pat Thompson Carolyn and Jere Thompson Debora and Michael Thompson Jere Thompson Mayra and Jeff Thompson D Tillery Cathy and Ed Toole Adelle and Richard Toussaint Andy Tran David Troxell Michael Troxell Shelley and Dan Troxell Catherine and Jimmy Troy Mary Trusty Clare and Bob Tullier Richard Turcotte Turcotte Development Group LLC Linda and John Turner Sharen and Charles Turney Robert Uhl Fr Arthur Unachukwu Dianna and Tom Unis Mary Catherine and Joe Unis Carlos Valbuena Montilva Victoria Valdez Pam and Kurt VandeMotter Lisa VanDorpe Daniel Vasquez Ami and Phil Vaughn Margy and John Veatch Tricia and Ben Ver Halen Albert Veytia Veronica Virgin Julie and Charlie Visconsi Lezlie and Stan Vlasimsky Christine and Brian Voigt Theresa and Robert Vrij Carolina and Doug Waggoner Chris and Kathleen Wagner Rachel Wagner Mary Anne and Gordon Wallace Julie and Donald Wallunas Erin Walsh Lori and Dan Walsh Kayla Walter Kate and Tillman Ward Victoria and John Ward Jan and Athol Ware Wanda and Gary Webb Michael Webber Cecilia Weigman Peg and Doug Weisbruch Robbin Wells Mary Ann and Max Wernick Jane Wetzel-Sole Paula and David Whisenant Kyra White Peter Whitfield Judy and Paul Whitman Laura Wildman Robert Williams Tracy and Michael Wilson Barbara and Mark Wimer Katie Winikates Mary Winikates Holly and Paul Wittorf April and Ron Wolf Melissa Wong Ann Marie and Trey Wood Mary Works World Wide Inc Carol Yancey Adrienne Yim Ana and Jim Yoder Pat Yokopenic Julie and John Young Mackenzie Young Tish and Tom Yoxall Isabella Zambrano Aida and Jerry Ziemnicki
MASS TIMES during academic year
SUN 9AM, 5PM & 8PM at Perkins Chapel | 214-987-0044 3057 University Boulevard Dallas, TX 75205-1944
MON - WED - FRI 12:10PM | Catholic Center
TUE - THU 12:40PM | Catholic Center