e H r g o e n c s i i s n u M u s Un
VOL. 20, NO.6
s i n i M
25th Anniversary of the Diocese of Shreveport by Dianne Rachal, Office of Worship Publisher Bishop Michael G. Duca Editor Jessica Rinaudo Regular Contributors Bishop Michael Duca Rosalba Quiroz Kim Long Dianne Rachal Missy McKenzie Jessica Rinaudo Lucy Medvec Christine Rivers Fr. Rothell Price John Mark Willcox Featured Contributors Jacquie Bierworth Fr. David Richter J.J. Marshall Sr. Martinette Rivers Lucy Medvec Sr. Carol Shively Julia Norton Roxie Tabor Roy Petitfils Mike Van Vranken Kelly Powell Jacob Wells Editorial Board Dianne Rachal Cathy Cobb Christine Rivers Rev. Charles Glorioso Christie Weeks Kim Long John Mark Willcox Kelly Powell The Catholic Connection is a monthly publication funded by your Diocesan Service Appeal; mailed to every known Catholic household in the Diocese of Shreveport. Our Mission is to advance knowledge and understanding of our Catholic Faith among the faithful. We seek to foster the application of Christ’s teachings and our Church’s mission in our daily lives and to encourage our sense of Catholic identity within our family, parish, and diocesan faith community.
For a free subscription, address changes or article submissions: EMAIL: jrinaudo@dioshpt.org WRITE: C atholic Connection The Catholic Center 3500 Fairfield Avenue Shreveport, LA 71104 CALL: 318-868-4441 OR 800-256-1542 FAX: 318-868-4609 WEBSITE: www.dioshpt.org The Catholic Connection is a member of the Catholic Press Association.
Our Diocese is recognized by the Board of Immigration Appeals as a Non-Profit Organization capable of giving Immigration Legal Advice. We offer Immigration Professional Services to LowIncome Families. To find out if you or someone you know qualifies for an Immigration benefit, please contact Mrs. Rosalba Quiroz at 1-800256-1542, ext. 265 or 318-219-7265 or email rquiroz@dioshpt.org
his monumental celebration is only five months away! June 11, 2011 is turning out to be a day filled with fun, fellowship, and of course, food. If you would like to be part of the preparation for this special event, please join us for the next planning meeting on Wednesday, January 12 at 10:00 a.m. at the Catholic Center. Bring your creative ideas and enthusiasm to make this a day to remember for the next 25 years!
From the Chancellor by Christine Rivers, Chancellor • The Catholic Center is closed on Monday, January 17, 2011, in honor of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
2011 Diocesan Directories Available for Order Directories are $10, including S&H. Please send checks made out to Diocese of Shreveport and this form to: Diocese of Shreveport Attn: Diocesan Directories 3500 Fairfield Avenue Shreveport, LA 71104 There is a limited supply and they will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. I would like to purchase _______ copies at $10 each. Name: ____________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City, State and Zip: _________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________
January 2011
25th Anniversary of the Diocese of Shreveport by Dianne Rachal................................................................. 2
National Vocation Awareness Week by Fr. David Richter............10
From the Chancellor by Christine Rivers..................................... 2
Seminarian Invites Youth to Attend Abbey Youth Fest by Seminarian Jacob Wells..................................................10
Bishop Michael Duca’s January 2011 Schedule......................... 3
School News................................................................................11
University of Dallas Religious Studies Offered in Diocese by Deacon Clary Nash.......................................................... 3
Unsung Heroes in Music Ministry by Kelly Powell..................12-14
Bishop’s Reflection by Most Reverend Michael G. Duca............ 4-5
Saint Cecelia: Patron Saint of Music by Kim Long............................................................................. 14
Feast of the God Bearer by Mike Van Vranken............................ 6
Greco Institute Spring 2011 Schedule....................................... 15-17
Diocese of Shreveport Celebrates National Catholic Schools Week by Sr. Carol Shively......................................... 6
Hispanic Corner by Rosalba Quiroz............................................. 18
Local Catholic Schools Embrace iPad Technology by Lucy Medvec and J.J. Marshall.......................................... 7
School Wishlists by Jessica Rinaudo.......................................... 20
Second Collection in January: Diocese of Shreveport Catholic Schools by Fr. Rothell Price................................... 7 Meaning Behind the Music by Roy Petitfils................................. 8
News Briefs by Catholic News Service..............................................19 Aging in the New Year by Sr. Martinette Rivers........................... 20 Around the Diocese..................................................................... 21 Seeking High School Singers for National Catholic Youth Choir .....22
Local Catholic Youth Reach Out to WARE Youth Correctional Center by Jacquie Bierworth................................................ 8
Upcoming Events ........................................................................22
First Louisiana March for Life by Roxie Tabor.............................9
Christmas at the Cathedral Concert............................................... 24
January 2011 Calendar................................................................23
Bishop Michael Duca’s January Schedule JAN. 8 Loyola College Prep & St. Frederick High School Soccer Match; Messmer Stadium, Shreveport JAN. 9-19 Holy Land Pilgrimage
JAN. 1 Mass; Cathedral of St. John Berchmans; 4:00 p.m. JAN. 2 -6 Region V Bishops’ Retreat, Christian Life Center at St. Joseph Abbey, St. Benedict, LA JAN. 7 Good Leaders, Good Shepherds; Catholic Center; 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. JAN. 8 Annual Mardi Gras Mass; St. Pius Tenth Church, Shreveport; 9:00 a.m.
JAN. 23 Confirmation; Little Flower of Jesus Church, Monroe; 9:00 a.m. JAN. 23 Mass in Celebration of Jubilees for Religious of the Diocese; Cathedral of St. John Berchmans, Shreveport; 5:30 p.m. JAN. 24 Presbyteral Council Meeting; Catholic Center; 1:00 p.m. JAN. 26 Diocesan Finance Council Meeting; Catholic Center; 12:00 p.m. JAN. 31 Western Deanery Appeal Reception; Shreveport Club; 6:30 p.m.
University of Dallas Religious Studies Offered in Diocese by Deacon Clary Nash
he call to service is a call to the entire community, not just a select few. Bishop Duca has opened the Academic portion of the University of Dallas classes, usually reserved for only the diaconate aspirants, to Religious Education and PSR teachers. The semester cost is $400 plus the cost of books. The Spring 2011 Courses are: 1. Philosophy II with Dr. Holly Wilson 2. Introduction to Morality with Peter Jones 3. Church History with Mike Broussard 4. Introduction to Theology with Jim McGill The future of our faith is in the hands of the faithful. If interested in taking these courses, please email Deacon Clary Nash at cnash@dioshpt.org.
La Reflexión del Obispo por Obispo Michael G. Duca
eliz Año Nuevo! El 2011 ya esta aquí y con la esperanza de que estemos todavía siguiendo nuestras resoluciones de Año Nuevo. El comienzo de un Año Nuevo es un buen momento para considerar donde hemos estado y hacia dónde vamos. Viendo hacia el año pasado creo que hicimos adiciones importantes para toda la misión de nuestra diócesis. Primero escogimos un nuevo Director de Jóvenes y Adultos Jóvenes para la diócesis. El Sr. John Vining, quien traerá un esfuerzo renovado dentro de nuestra diócesis para llegar a nuestra juventud. Segundo, establecimos un ministerio de Caridades Católicas para la diócesis bajo el liderazgo de la Sra. Jean Dresley para incrementar el servicio a los pobres. Aunque continuamos apoyando todos los grupos de la sociedad de San Vicente de Paul que trabajan duro para ayudar con las necesidades apremiantes por los pobres, Caridades Católicas trae otro aspecto de esa ayuda que alcanzará a más necesitados en una manera eficiente. Viendo hacia el Nuevo Año, veo otros desafíos y eventos emocionantes. Primero celebraremos el 25º aniversario del establecimiento de la Diócesis de Shreveport con una celebración diocesana el 11 de junio del 2011 en el Centro de convenciones de Shreveport. Será un día de oración, celebración y de aspiraciones para el futuro. Invitamos a toda la diócesis a la Misa el sábado por la tarde para ser testigos de la presencia de la comunidad católica en el norte de Luisiana. Este año también trae algunos cambios en la Liturgia de la Misa. El Primer Domingo de Adviento, comenzaremos usando la nueva traducción al Inglés con algunos cambios para ustedes y grandes cambios para las partes que presiden los sacerdotes. Esta traducción en ingles se hizo para todo el mundo de habla inglesa. Sé que esta será una oportunidad para que renovemos nuestra apreciación por la Misa como un recurso y como
4 5 Catholic Connection January 2011
"Este año comenzaremos a recibir la información del censo del 2010 y yo estoy interesado en los cambios demográficos en nuestra diócesis en los últimos 10 años." En esta foto mostramos una pareja llenando el cuestionario del Censo de los Estados Unidos. (CNS photo/courtesy U.S. Census Bureau)
la cumbre de nuestra vida en Cristo. Escucharán más acerca de estos cambios en la Liturgia y de la celebración del 25º aniversario en los próximos meses en la Misa, en sus boletines parroquiales, en sus anuncios y en la revista Catholic Connection. Un tercer gran proyecto es terminar nuestra búsqueda de un director diocesano de Formación y Catequesis en la Fe, lo cual involucrará una continua reevaluación buscando la mejor manera de pasar la fe a nuestros niños. Esta es ya una tarea diaria para mi oficina pero hay aun mas necesidades importantes que son de largo plazo y necesitan ya ser analizadas comenzando el año de nuestro 25º aniversario. Este año comenzaremos a recibir la información del censo del 2010 y yo estoy interesado en los cambios demográficos en nuestra diócesis en los últimos 10 años. Hay tantas cosas que están cambiando y estamos comenzando a ver los efectos de estos cambios en nuestra diócesis. Por ejemplo, mientras que la comunidad Católica avanza en edad, especialmente en las comunidades más pequeñas donde los jóvenes se están yendo, nuestras parroquias están experimentando desafíos financieros y de falta de voluntarios. El
hecho de que tenemos menos sacerdotes debe ser atendido con un programa de vocaciones más ferviente, así como crear estructuras parroquiales que puedan ser servidas por menos sacerdotes pero que puedan mantener a las comunidades católicas más animadas. También debemos responder a los desafíos que vienen de una moralidad social cambiante y la necesidad de presentar la fe a la nueva generación de una manera convincente y efectiva. Para cumplir estos y otros desafíos hay necesidad de que formemos una visión para el futuro que guiará a nuestra diócesis. Esto primero y antes que nada requiere de una renovación espiritual que nos llenará de celo hacia el Evangelio y un deseo de crear no solo una declaración de nuestra misión sino un espíritu de misión dentro de cada uno de nosotros de proclamar a Cristo al mundo. Tengo muchas esperanzas y optimismo para el futuro. Sé que los desafíos que enfrentamos nos exigirán recapturar más de nuestra identidad esencial como el cuerpo de Cristo y nuestro llamado a proclamar nuestra fe en Jesús por medio de palabra y acción. Con esta esperanza veo hacia el Nuevo Año y a lo que este nos traerá. ¡Esperanza en el Señor!
Bishop’s Reflection by Bishop Michael G. Duca
appy New Year! 2011 is here and hopefully we are still following through with our New Year resolutions. The beginning of a New Year is a good time to consider where we have been and where we are going. Looking back to last year I believe we created some important additions to the overall mission of our diocese. First, we chose a new Youth and Young Adult Director for the diocese, Mr. John Vining, who will bring a renewed effort within our diocese to reach out to our youth. Second, we have this past year established a Catholic Charities ministry for the diocese under the leadership of Mrs. Jean Dresley to increase our outreach to the poor. While we continue to support all our chapters of the St. Vincent de Paul Society who work hard to meet the increasing needs of the poor, Catholic Charities brings another aspect to that outreach that will only make our outward witness of charity more effective. Looking forward to this New Year I see other exciting events and challenges. First we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese of Shreveport with a diocesan celebration on June 11, 2011 at the Shreveport Convention Center. It will be a day of prayer, celebration and looking to the future. We are inviting the whole diocese to a Mass on that Saturday evening to give witness to the presence of the Catholic Community in North Louisiana. This year will also bring some changes in the Liturgy of the Mass. On the first Sunday of Advent, we will begin using the new English translation of the Mass that will involve a few changes for you and big changes for the parts of the Mass prayed by the priests. This is the
“This year will also bring some changes in the Liturgy of the Mass. On the first Sunday of Advent, we will begin using the new English translation of the Mass that will involve a few changes for you and big changes for the parts of the Mass prayed by the priests.” The new English translation of the Roman Missal is seen at its presentation to Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican April 28. The new English edition is a translation of the Latin edition promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 2002. The new translation, which adheres more exactly to the Latin, took eight years to produce. (CNS photo/Archbishop Terrence Prendergast)
result of creating one English translation for the whole English-speaking world. I know this will be an opportunity for us all to renew our appreciation of the Mass as the source and summit of our life in Christ. You will be hearing more about these changes in the Liturgy as well as the 25th anniversary celebration in the near future from the pulpit, bulletin announcements and the Catholic Connection. A third major task will be to finish our search for a new Director of Faith Formation/Catechetics for the diocese, which will involve a continued reevaluation of the best way to hand on the faith to our children. This is already a full plate for my office but there are even more important long range needs that will need to be addressed beginning in our 25th anniversary year. This year we will begin to receive the data from the 2010 Census and I will be interested in the demographic changes to our diocese in the past 10 years. So many things are changing and we are beginning to see the effects of these changes in our diocese. For example, as the Catholic community ages, especially in small communities where the youth are moving away, our
parishes are experiencing new financial and volunteer challenges. The fact that we have fewer priests must be addressed with a more fervent Vocations program, as well as creating parish structures that can be served by fewer priests while maintaining lively Catholic communities. We also must answer the challenges that come from a changing social morality and the need to present the faith to a new generation in a convincing and effective way. To meet these and other challenges there is a need for us to shape a vision for the future that will guide our diocese into the future. This will first and foremost require from us a spiritual renewal that will fill us with zeal for the Gospel and a desire to create not just a mission statement, but a mission spirit within each of us to proclaim Christ to the world. I have a great hope and optimism for the future. I believe the challenges before us will demand we recapture more of our essential identity as the Body of Christ and our call to proclaim our faith in Jesus by word and action. Because of this hope I look forward to the New Year and what it will bring. Hope in the Lord! 5 4
Feast of the “God Bearer”
by Mike Van Vranken, Instructor, Greco Institute
uring the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D., some time was spent specifically naming Mary as “Blessed Virgin,” “Mother of God” and “God bearer.” The first two names are so common to Roman Catholics that extra care must be taken to never forget the magnificence of their meaning. But, the name “God bearer” is equally awesome. Luke’s gospel forever immortalized Elizabeth’s words: “ . . . ‘Most blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.’” (Luke 1:42) Indeed, Mary accepted the astonishing responsibility to be carrier of the incarnate God. As we celebrate the January 1 feast of Mary - Mother of God, let’s spend a few minutes reflecting on our own mission as Mary holds the Child Jesus in "Virgin of the Lilies" by Christians to be “God bearers” French painter William-Adolphe Bouguereau. (CNS to the world today. photo/Jerry L. Thompson, Art Resource) Catholics are aware of the many roles that Mary plays in bearers.” When we are compassionate, the Church. We ask her to be a prayer warrior for us to her son; we see we are “God Bearers.” When we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit her as the Queen of Heaven and Earth; the imprisoned, shelter the homeless, we know her as our spiritual mother comfort the sorrowing, heal the sick and the “new Eve” of mankind. we are “God bearers.” When we spend Throughout the history of the last time in prayer for ourselves and others, 2,000 years, Mary has also held the special position of being our teacher. If we are “God bearers.” Mary taught us how to bring Jesus we only review the messages she has left into the world. She did it in faith, us, among others, at Lourdes, Fatima, without shame, supporting his existence Guadeloupe and Medjugorje, we find her offering words of wisdom that bring as Emanuel during his life and even after his ascension into heaven. (“All us to a closer relationship with God. devoted themselves with one accord Additionally, the references to Mary in to prayer, together with some women, the scriptures compel us to learn from and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his examples of her uncompromising faith to her never-ending devotion to the will brothers.” Acts1:14). Mary was the of God. It seems in every instance, Mary vehicle God chose to initially bring His son into the world. We are the is our steadfast teacher. instruments He has chosen to bring As “God bearer” Mary is the holy example of our own role in the Church. Jesus into society today. January 1 is our time to celebrate Jesus commissioned all of us to “make Mary as the mother of God. The other disciples.” (Matthew 28:19) We do 364 days of the year represent our this by bringing him into our own opportunities to be “God bearers” to society. It is our responsibility in 2011 our families, our friends and to all the to make sure that others see Jesus “in” us. When we are forgiving, we are “God earth.
6 7 Catholic Connection January 2011
Diocese of Shreveport Celebrates National Catholic Schools Week by Sr. Carol Shively, Superintendent of Catholic Schools
n the Diocese of Shreveport, approximately 2,100 students at five Catholic elementary and two secondary schools will celebrate National Catholic Schools Week from January 30 - February 5, 2011. This year’s theme is “Catholic Schools: A+ For America,” which celebrates the fact that Catholic schools are an added value for our country. Because of their traditionally high academic standards and high graduation rates, all supported by strong moral values, Catholic schools and our graduates make a significant contribution to American society. When you visit our Catholic schools to take part in many of the events, please take a moment to express your appreciation to the teachers, staff, administrators, council/ board members and volunteers for all they do. Don’t forget to congratulate the students on what they have accomplished. They are shining examples of how Catholic schools are A+ For America. There will be many celebrations for the week including the annual liturgy at 9:00 a.m., Friday, February 4, at Our Lady of Fatima Church. Students from the Monroe Catholic schools will celebrate with Bishop Michael Duca.
Local Catholic Schools Embrace iPad Technology by Lucy Medvec, St. Joseph School and J.J. Marshall, Loyola College Prep
St. Joseph students embrace new iPad technology.
St. Joseph School
t. Joseph School recently launched a pilot literacy project, “Project iLit,” with its sixth grade students. Project iLit is an interactive program that is designed to improve reading and comprehension scores by using the Apple iPad in the classroom. Fortyseven sixth grade students received iPads to use for the remainder of the 2010-11 school year in literature and grammar classes, as well as in computer, Spanish and science. The project will be overseen by Krista Redmond, literature teacher and Middle School Coordinator for St. Joseph School. “In keeping up with today’s growing world of technology in the classroom,” commented Redmond, “Project iLit will allow our students to use interactive and innovative ways to explore the world of literature, as well as other subjects in our curriculum.” Project iLit was funded in part by the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) 8(g) Grant program. In addition to the purchase of iPad devices, grant funds were also used to purchase wireless access points to ease constraints on the campus’ server.
Loyola College Prep
am Varnado’s English III AP classes took a bold step in Loyola’s digital journey. The three sections of students launched a class set of iPads. Using the school’s WiFi network ensures only filtered internet is accessible. Students received a briefing on being responsible digital citizens from the principal, Frank Israel, and the Director of Technology, Robert Breedlove. After that, Mrs. Varnado helped the students learn how to access the web, their school e-mail, and the school calendar, which will help the students get organized. Prior to the end of the first session, students also learned how to download a particular dictionary “app” that will be used in vocabulary study. The students will help in the search for “apps” that will help them in the course. Mrs. Varnado was one of a group of teachers and administrators who attended the “iSummit” in Atlanta this summer, which was a sort of digital boot camp to help prepare our faculty to effectively incorporate technology within the present curriculum. We’ll be working with the students and Mrs. Varnado to learn what successes they encounter and what challenges lie ahead.
Second Collection in January: Diocese of Shreveport Catholic Schools by Fr. Rothell Price, Vicar General Announcement Dates: January 9 & 16 Collection Dates: January 22 & 23
appy New Year, one and all! I hope the New Year is off to a kind and gentle start for you. One of the classic icons of the New Year is that of an aged, exhausted, weary man handing over the care of the New Year to a very young, exuberant energized toddler. This handing over is lived out in families, societies and nations as older, wiser, seasoned generations entrust life and values to younger, eager, novice generations. The old, tried and true is placed in the hands of the new, inquiring and hopeful. This handing on is also the great work of Catholic education and Catholic schools. Catholic schools, Catholic teachers, Catholic principals and Catholic school support staff are the wise, seasoned, experienced generation handing on and exciting our young with a body of knowledge and wisdom rooted in the very life and awesome mystery of God. Catholic schools, teachers, administrators and support staff do far more than teach our Catholic and non Catholic youth facts and figures, dates and data, history and science, arts and athletics. These awesome, dedicated, motivated and downright magical women and men hand on our Catholic faith. They share, nurture and fan into flame our children’s love of the Lord Jesus, reverence for the House of God and service to the Church, our Society and the World. Please be exceptionally generous to our Second Collection for the Diocese of Shreveport Catholic Schools Collection the weekend of January 22 and 23. Your participation in this special collection is the fulfillment of the marvelous icon of the older, wiser, seasoned generation handing on and supporting the new inquiring and hopeful generation as well as those who share faith and knowledge with them. Thank you for ALL that you do throughout the year to financially support the apostolic work for the Church. 7 6
Meaning Behind the Music by Roy Petitfils
onathan McKee at thesource4ym.com recently blogged on the importance of familiarizing ourselves with the music and music videos that are popular among our young people. By paying attention to the top ten lists, reading the lyrics and watching the videos (despite our particular tastes in music) we can glean lots of useful information about what’s going on inside our young people and their culture. If you’ve heard me speak before you know how I can “go off ” on this topic. For years I’ve used music as a way to connect with youth and understand them. On retreats I would encourage my peer ministers to add a song or two to their talk that they felt related to what they were sharing. Inevitably their songs expressed something more than was in their spoken testimony. As a counselor I often ask my young clients to bring their iPod with them to a session. They pick a song that tells me something about them and we’ll listen to it. Occasionally, I’ll print out the lyrics so that I can understand them. Why it works… It's like linguistic multiple choice. Remember how much you used to look forward to multiple-choice tests in high school and college? Well in the same way you may have found multiple choice tests easier than fill in the blank tests, so do young people when it comes to expressing the deep experiences in their emotional and spiritual lives. As adults we have grown in our ability to express ourselves using words. But we weren’t always good at it (some of us still aren’t—and that’s OK). Young people are just starting. But we often make the mistake of thinking that because they don’t talk, they aren’t experiencing. Quite the contrary. Youth have a huge reservoir of experiences that they can recognize if someone can offer them the language for it. Music does this really well. Music isn’t the only way this happens. In fact we (parents, teachers, ministers) help youth grow emotionally and spiritually by helping them form language around their experiences. This can happen on retreat, in the car or at the dinner table. It can even happen over the phone and online. Use this principle when you feel you’re getting nowhere talking to a young person. Listen to their music. Don’t judge it. Discuss it. Use it as a springboard for connection instead of another wedge in a growing relational crevasse.
8 9 Catholic Connection January 2011
Catholic Youth Reach Out to Ware Youth Correctional Facility by Jacquie Bierworth, DRE, Mary, Queen of Peace, with contributions from Youth Ministers Stephanie Feducia, Mary, Queen of Peace, and Julia Norton, St. Joseph
ne of the last places you might anticipate seeing a young person at 8:30 a.m. on a Saturday is visiting the imprisoned. Fr. Joseph Ampatt coordinated and led the annual Christmas trip to Ware Correctional Facility in Coushatta, to visit the imprisoned youth. The high school and middle school youth groups of Mary, Queen of Peace and St. Joseph churches caravanned 40 miles south with youth ministers and parents in tow, bearing the Good News, Christmas gifts, and carols for the youth confined to Ware who will be away from their families this Christmas season. First-time visitors to the prison, for both youth group members and adult chaperones, are usually filled with anxiety, expressing a fear of “being in the same room with the prisoners.” Not knowing exactly what to expect, the ride to Ware is filled with nervous, emotional anticipation. Once inside, our young people exchanged smiles and gestures of kindness, relaxing somewhat. Once the program began, the Spirit of Christ took over. Fr. Ampatt shared some words of encouragement, communicating that God’s love is constant and ever-present. A couple of youth volunteered to read Sacred Scripture and then the singing of carols began. Gwen Paga brought the bell choir from St. Joseph School; the beautiful chimes filled the room with the merriment all of us relate so intimately with Christmas. Some of the youth inmates sang along quietly. It was clear the traditions of music we hold so dear are prevalent among all young people. Once the carols were sung, our youth went to the prisoners, shared a Christmas gift and sat and talked for a little while. It was an exchange that was a gift in itself. “Going to Ware, I expected that there would have been gates and guards and big bad guys,” said Josh Dubriel with the St. Joseph youth group. “What I experienced was that those kids aren’t that bad, they have hearts and aren’t much different from mine. I’m going to take away the fact that all kids have a heart and just because you make a bad choice, it doesn’t make you a bad kid!” Emily Hill, a member of the Mary, Queen of Peace youth group, shared her sentiments, “I talked to a girl who had been in the prison for a year and four months. She said that she got caught up in a bad situation and that's how she got there. It showed me that when you hang out with the wrong crowd, things like that can happen to you. She told me that she still cries to this day and it touched me because she isn’t the only one like that. She told me that she misses her family and I told her that she will get through this. I pray for her.” Looking into the faces of these young people who brought Christmas to the prison and in the faces of those who are imprisoned, there was a common thread of Christ’s love. The spirit of Christmas was shared among real people with real struggles with the same promise of our Savior, the promise of salvation. Matthew 25:36 says, “For I was in prison and you came to visit me.” What an amazing gift our youth gave to the youth at Ware Correctional Facility this past Advent season!
Gathering the People: January 22, 2011
First Louisiana Life March by Roxie Tabor
ission: Unite the pro-life people of Louisiana, across all denominational lines, to take a stand for life in our State’s Capital, and mobilize them with resources to go make a difference in their communities. Catholics from across the Diocese of Shreveport are invited to join the first annual Louisiana Life March in Baton Rouge on January 22nd, 2011. That date marks the 38th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade which effectively legalized abortion throughout all stages of pregnancy. As a result almost 500,000 babies have died in Louisiana. The Louisiana Conference of Bishops Life/Justice Committee and the Knights of Columbus have determined that the time is right to join together with members of other faith communities to “stand up for life” at this first (statewide) Louisiana Life March. The march will begin at 10:00 a.m. (after gathering from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the Old Capital) and proceed the mile to the New Capital. At the steps of the New Capital there will be a program with speakers including Senator Sharon Weston Broome, President Pro Tempore of the Senate who sponsored the 2010 Ultrasound Before Abortion Act of 2010, as well as the Woman’s Right to Know Bill of 1994. Governor Bobby Jindal has also been invited to speak. Why Participate? This is a historical opportunity for many of us who are unable to go to the large Washington D.C. march to also stand up and be counted. Our Diocese of Shreveport Pro-Life Program is a peaceful, prayerful ministry which can add much to the active pursuit of a strong
USCCB Life Intentions for January The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Life Intentions for the month of January are listed below. Please include them in your daily prayer intentions to aid in the development of a Culture of Life. Especially this month note the prayers intended for January 23, the Sunday following the Life March. January 2: SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD For the families of unborn and newly born children: That their families will always see them as the greatest gift of our loving God; We pray to the Lord. January 9: THE FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD For all who have sinned against human life: That having once been washed clean in the waters of baptism, they may now be washed clean through the sacrament of mercy in Confession; We pray to the Lord.
“Louisiana” culture of life. It is our faith which causes us to accept and promote Pope John Paul II’s call: “A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life, from every Christian community, from every group and association, from every family and from the heart of every believer.”-Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae. To learn more about the Louisiana Life March go to www.LALifemarch. com. The site gives information regarding the exact times and speakers. Participation in the Louisiana Life March is an answer to Pope John Paul II’s call in a very positive public way. If you, your family, prayer group or organization is interested in attending the march please contact Roxie Tabor at 318-773-1027, roxietabor@bellsouth. net or Emily Nickelson at 318-3939592, emilynickelson@gmail.com. Plans include chartering a bus to allow everyone to arrive at the same time and march as a unit.
January 16: SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME For all the children of the world: that they may be protected from hunger, abuse, disease, neglect and violence, and they may be allowed to enjoy childhoods gently molded by God’s laws and loving care; We pray to the Lord. January 23: THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME For our elected leaders: May God give them the wisdom and will to overturn unjust laws that permit the destruction of innocent lives by abortion; We pray to the Lord. January 30: FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME For those suffering from disease, depression, addiction and despair, and for those who love and suffer with them: May they be comforted by God’s love and promise of deliverance; We pray to the Lord.
9 8
National Vocation Awareness Week in January
Seminarian Jacob Wells Invites Youth to Attend Abbey Youth Fest by Jacob Wells, Diocesan Seminarian
by Fr. David Richter, Vocations Director
he Sunday Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is the beginning of the National Vocation Awareness Week (January 9-15). It was at Jesus’ baptism by John in the Jordan River that the Lord in a remarkable way announced the beginning of his public ministry. The Vocations Office for the Diocese of Shreveport now begins a discernment group for those men and women who are experiencing a call from the Lord. We try to discover what it is that God is saying to them in their heart, mind and events of daily life. Each of us has a call – whether to priesthood, religious life, marriage or the single vocation. Discovering what the Lord wants of us is something learned over time. By meeting together, we learn principles by which to judge where it is that the Lord wants to take us. The meetings are monthly and last one hour. If you are interested, please contact Fr. David Richter, Vocations Director, at 318-8684441 or drichter@dioshpt.org.
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reetings from St. Joseph Seminary College in St. Benedict, Louisiana! My name is Jacob Wells; I am a seminarian from our diocese and it is a joy to share with you a bit about my formation to the priesthood and extend to you an invitation to Abbey Youth Fest, a youth rally coordinated by my seminary. I am currently in my freshman year of undergraduate formation here at St. Joseph’s, and in the past few months I have entered into deeper and greater understanding of the Catholic faith than I ever thought possible. Along with 74 other seminarians studying for dioceses spreading from Texas to Florida, I am tucked away in the beautiful piney woods of Southeast Louisiana on the grounds of a Benedictine monastery. Having the chance to go out and spend time in the 1,200 acres of forest behind the monastery and to behold God’s creation in such a loving and encouraging environment has given me a glimpse of what God must have intended for man since the beginning of time. The beautiful charism, traditions and liturgies of the Benedictines have also contributed greatly to my experience in seminary, and on behalf of St. Joseph’s, I invite you, the youth of our diocese, to spend a day with us worshipping the Lord, discerning your vocation and experiencing the richness of the Benedictine life. On March 26, 2011, St. Joseph Abbey will host its 11th Abbey Youth Fest, which is a full day of contemporary Catholic music, inspiring keynote speakers, and the celebration of the Mass. As the sun sets, we unite with the Benedictines in the Evening Prayer of the Church, Vespers and the night ends with candlelit Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament underneath the stars. Throughout
the festival, you will have the opportunity for personal prayer in an outdoor chapel, confession with visiting priests, a tour of St. Joseph Abbey, and exposure to several religious orders and various ministries who set up information booths to share their charisms with the thousands of Catholic youth in attendance. I personally have never attended Abbey Youth Fest, but from all the wonderful things I have heard about the previous festivals and with all the planning we have begun to do for this one, I believe that all of the youth should make it! It will be an event that will allow us to experience our Lord in the most intimate way and to really grow in our own individual vocations. The seminarians here at St. Joseph are working hard to make Abbey Youth Fest a great event, and I would like to personally ask anyone out there who is looking for an amazing experience with wonderful people and our awesome Lord to come out and join us at Abbey Youth Fest. The theme for Abbey Youth Fest 2011 is, “Ever Ancient, Ever New,” which is taken from St. Augustine’s, Confessions. With youth speaker, Paul George, and Catholic musician, Matt Maher, the event will provide reflections upon and an experience of the beauty of God. So ask your youth minister to get a group together and make the trip to South Louisiana! I hope that you will be able to join me, 74 other seminarians, the Benedictine monks of St. Joseph’s Abbey, several priests and religious from all over the country, and thousands of Catholic youth in worshipping our Lord and searching for the vocation to which He call us. For more information, check out our website at www.AbbeyYouthFest.com and find us on Facebook.
School News
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Andy Nguyen, Victoria Nguyen, Julia 1. Jesus the Good Shepherd School Celebrated Grandparents Vanchiere, Chris Fenton, Joseph Ligon,
members coordinated a school wide canned food drive and donated over 300 Haley Roberts, AJ Soriano, Ricky cans to Loyola College Prep for the FAITH n honor of our Jesus the Good Shepherd Urbanowski, Cameron Mitchell, Skylar baskets. Club members also organized grandparents, our annual Grandparents’ Ryan, Matthew Vitacca, Alan Hedrick, and created tags for St. Joseph Church’s Day celebration was filled with fun and Nick Henderson, Marie Marcalus, Advent Giving Tree and assisted in the memorable events. On this day students, Caroline Connell and Heaven McCallum. collection and distribution of Advent teachers, parents and grandparents gifts that are donated by parishioners to enjoyed a special ceremony in which Fr. 3. Blessed Sacrament Academy service organizations in the community. Long blessed the new memory garden. Revamps School Library During the Thanksgiving break, Carpenter Many parents, grandparents and alumni ver the summer, OLBSA began Club members also volunteered at the purchased bricks to support the school revamping its library to include more Northwest Louisiana Food Bank by and commemorate their days at JGS. books for the students. We are excited to stuffing food boxes. have added a new addition to our library 2. St. John Berchmans School renovation project! Thanks to a generous 5. Our Lady of Fatima Students Wins Third Place in Science donation by Our Lady of the Blessed Observe Veterans’ Day Olympiad Invitational Sacrament Church, students at OLBSA ur Lady of Fatima wrote thank you he St. John Berchmans School Science have new library furniture! This furniture notes to family members who are Olympiad Team competed in the is more kid-friendly and will allow veterans. On Wednesday, November prestigious Greenhill Invitational Science students to have room to explore, learn 10, the school held a Mass in honor of Olympiad Tournament on December 11 and have a place of their own to discover Veteran’s Day and presented veterans in Dallas, TX. This year 53 Division B the joys of reading. in attendance with a small gift of and C teams competed from 36 schools appreciation. In addition, the names making it one of the largest Science 4. St. Joseph Students Give of deceased veterans who are family Olympiad Invitational tournaments in the Back for the Holidays members of students and faculty were country. St. John Berchmans won the third he St. Joseph School Carpenter Club read aloud in tribute during the Mass. place trophy and the Spirit Award for the spent November and December Pictured: Captain Chuck Hansford and his Middle School Division. volunteering in the community. Club daughters Mackenzi and Halee. Team members are Victoria Brooks,
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g n H u eroes in M s n s i U usic M i n
The Boys and Girls Choir at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans performs under the direction of Justin Ward.
by Kelly Powell
aint Augustine said, “Singing is for one who loves,” and there’s no question that music is an integral component of the Catholic worship experience. Indeed, the Roman Missal, Third Edition says in Chapter II: The Different Elements of the Mass, “The Christian faithful who gather together as one to await the Lord’s coming are instructed by the Apostle Paul to sing together psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.” There are several people throughout the Diocese of Shreveport who have dedicated themselves to helping us carry out that instruction by using their musical knowledge and talents to enhance not only our faith, but their own as well. Justin Ward, Director of Liturgy and Music at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans, is also the director of the St. Cecilia Choral Society since 2009. Founded in 1980 by Michael Kenney and Bill Scarlato, the St. Cecilia choir participates in the diocesan liturgy throughout the year, leading the congregation in song at the Chrism Mass, Ordinations and the Requiem Mass, among other events. Traditionally, they also perform one masterwork (a major
classical piece accompanied by an orchestra) each year. Ward, a graduate of Samford University in Birmingham, AL, with a Master of Music in Church Music degree, said, “I’ve always said that music in the liturgy exists to serve the liturgy, not dominate it, and fortunately, as Catholics, we have church documents to give us parameters…I believe music communicates ideas and intuitions and things that words alone can’t do, and the Church shares that belief. The Pope has several times come out emphasizing the importance of sacred music. I think the role of the choirs is to serve the liturgy within the parameters that the Church set forth.” The St. Cecilia Choral Society is recruiting new members. There is no formal audition process, and those who are interested may contact Ward at (318) 221-5296, extension 107. Ed Patton, Music Director for St. Matthew Church, has 30 years experience conducting church choirs. His lifelong passion for music began at age eight, when he started piano lessons, a study he pursued until his junior year of college. He received a Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal
“I believe music
communicates ideas and intuitions and things that words alone can’t do, and the Church shares that belief.”
12 13 Catholic Connection January 2011
Performance from Mississippi College, where he also completed graduate studies in music history and literature. He converted to Catholicism in 2005, but even prior to that, he was no stranger to Catholic worship music. “My training in college dealt with a lot of Catholic music, music for the Mass,” he said. In his responsibilities as Music Director at St. Matthew, Patton selects all the music for the liturgy, plays organ for all the Masses, rehearses with the choir and conducts them on Sundays at the 10:30 choral Mass. “We do at least one choral piece every Sunday,” he said. “Chorale music has a particular beauty all its own that can’t be emulated by anything else. The church has always encouraged the singing of chorale music because it elevates the congregations’ hearts and minds toward God and the holy.” Patton also directs the popular brass quartet, known commonly as the “St. Matthew Brass,” that plays at the church about six times a year on feast days, at the Red Mass and other occasions. Dianne Rachal is the Director of the Office of Worship at the Catholic Center, and part of her office’s mission is “to promote the liturgical and sacramental life of the faithful in the Diocese of Shreveport.” One of the ways they accomplish that goal is through education. For instance, in anticipation of the publication of the Roman Missal, Third Edition, Rachal said, “The Diocese has been catechizing, teaching and promoting this event for three years.” And it’s a milestone in the lives of many Catholics – the last revision of the Roman Missal, the collection of prayers, chants, and instructions (rubrics) used to celebrate Mass, occurred in 1975. “Two generations, since [1975], have been praying these same words…change is always difficult,” Rachal said. “The words that we say are what ground our faith.” The Roman Missal, Third Edition contains new Mass settings as well as new chants, and the publishers of liturgical music are working to promote the new music. In fact, February 4 and 5, the Catholic Center will host a two-day music workshop with four publishers: GIA Publications, OCP, Church Music Association of America and World Library Publications. Though the workshop is geared toward music directors and others responsible for worship music in the church parishes, anyone is welcome. Contact Rachal at drachal@dioshpt.org or (318) 868-4441 for more information. continued on page 14
The Diocesan Liturgical Commission presents a
MUSIC WORKSHOP on the New Mass Settings for the Roman Missal
February 4-5, 2011 Catholic Center 3500 Fairfield Ave. Shreveport, LA 71104 No Charge to Attend Register with Dianne Rachal 318-868-4441 drachal@dioshpt.org
Above: St. Matthew Church choir poses for a photo. Below: The Little Flower of Jesus Church Choir Performs at their 70th parish anniversary.
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continued from page 13 Rachal is hopeful about faithful Catholics’ response to the workshop and the new music. “We’re hoping for 150 or more,” she said. “I think [people’s] reactions will run the entire gamut.” Marilyn Gibson, a professionally trained trumpet player and music teacher, thinks everyone has the ability to express themselves artistically to other people and to God, if only they will give themselves the chance and explore their individual gifts and talents. Having studied the trumpet for 44 years, she finds that music “seems to be a perfect way to lift yourself up to the Lord,” she said. Both Gibson and her husband, a bassoonist, play their instruments almost every Sunday at their home church, Our Lady of Fatima in Monroe. There, two violinists, two guitarists, an organist and a pianist accompany them. “I was involved for many years with the CCD program,” she explained, “and after our children left to go to school, then we decided it was time to join [the music] ministry.” The Gibsons have been playing at OLF for about five years now. Gibson, who has Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in music education and recently retired from teaching music at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, actually married her husband on the Feast of St. Cecilia (November 22), the patron saint of musicians. This year, they celebrated their anniversary in New Orleans, where they listened to a priest talk about how art enhances worship. “Music transcends a lot of other methods of communication,” she said. “One of the things we love about our church is it’s very diverse…musically, it sort of lent itself to the talents within several individuals in our church. Those were the gifts they were able to give,” she said. “It was a natural fruition of talents we have in our church in many different areas,” she said of OLF’s music ministry. Throughout the Diocese of Shreveport, the faithful appreciate the efforts of Gibson, Ward, Patton, Rachal and the countless others like them who endeavor to augment our worship experiences with music. Gibson said, “I hope it allows other people to tap into that heartfelt side of themselves and get closer to God.”
14 15 Catholic Connection January 2011
Saint Cecilia: Patron Saint of Music by Kim Long, St. Mary of the Pines
bathhouse and fires vigorously stoked. She remained there for a day and night. Since she did not succumb to the heat of the bathhouse, she was to be beheaded. She hung onto life for three more days, preaching all the while and many were converted. People came to soak up her blood with sponges and scraps of cloth. Her relics were said to be found by Pope Paschal I in 821 AD in the cemetery of St. Celestas. The remains were exhumed and were said to be incorruptible. Her following flourished during the Middle Ages and she herself was the subject of poetry, prayer, piety and song. Her
It is said that when you sing you pray twice. That may be true; I know that while I am far from accomplished I do like to sing. St. Cecilia is regarded as the patron saint of music because the story goes that she heard heavenly music in her heart at the time of her wedding. It is believed that Cecilia was born in the 2nd or 3rd century A.D., although as is the case with many saints these dates are not certain. A religious romance telling the love story of Cecilia and Valerian appeared in Greece during the fourth century A.D. and there is a biography of St. Cecilia dating from the 5th century. She is purported to have been the daughter of a wealthy Roman family, a Christian from birth, who was promised in marriage to a pagan named Valerian. Cecilia, however, had vowed her virginity to God, and wore sackcloth, fasted and prayed in hopes of keeping this promise. Cecilia disclosed her wishes to her husband on their wedding night. She told Valerian that an angel watched over her to guard her purity. He wanted to see the angel (isn’t that just like a man), so Cecilia sent him to Pope Urban. Accounts of how and when Valerian saw the angel Saint Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Music. vary but suffice to say he returned to Cecilia, baptized by the Pope feast day is November 22. In art she no less! Valerian and Cecilia were both is depicted with a pipe organ or some given heavenly crowns by an angel. other musical instrument. Tibertius, Valerian’s brother saw these Here is part of a poem by Alexander crowns and was converted on the spot. Pope entitled ‘Ode to St. Cecilia’ The two brothers made it their “This the divine Cecilia found, mission to bury the martyred Christians And to her Maker’s praise confin’d who were put to death by the prefect the sound; When the full organ joins of the city. In turn, they were brought the tuneful quire; Th’immortal powr’s in front of the prefect and sentenced to incline their ear; To bright Cecilia death by the sword. greater power is given; Hers lift the soul Cecilia in the meantime made many to heav’n.” conversions and prepared to have her Prayer to St. Cecilia home preserved as a church at her O God, who dost gladded us with the death. Finally she too was arrested and annual feast of blessed Cecilia, virgin brought before the prefect. He ruled and martyr, grant that, as we venerate that she should die by suffocation her in our liturgy, we may also follow her in the baths. She was locked in the example of godly living. AMEN
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Hispanic Corner por Rosalba Quiroz
¿Quién es Dueño de tu vida? omo para muchos, para mí el principio de Año Nuevo es un tiempo de nuevas oportunidades así como un tiempo de evaluar lo que tengo y planear en mejorar lo que pueda. Te invito a meditar en lo que ha sido tu vida hasta hoy y lo que podría ser si trataras de mejorarla porque como decimos popularmente “siempre hay lugar para mejorar”. Este puede ser un tiempo para dejar tal vez ese mal hábito que te hace sentir encadenado(a), esa mala costumbre que sabes te daña a ti, a los que te rodean y sobre todo a tus seres queridos. La mejor manera de romper ese mal hábito o mejorar algo en tu vida, que veas que no va con las enseñanzas de Jesús, es precisamente eso… aprender a seguir las enseñanzas de Jesús. Él no solo enseñó con historias sino con su ejemplo de vida. La próxima vez que tengas una tentación o sientas que actuaste mal, pregúntate: ¿Qué habría hecho Jesús en mi lugar? Busca en la Biblia, pregúntale al sacerdote o alguien de confianza y sobre todo a Jesús: ¿Qué habrías hecho tú en mi lugar? Y pídele con fe que la próxima vez que se presente una tentación o motivo de pecar sea Él quien actúe por ti. Hay muchas maneras de orar: puedes cerrar los ojos mientras dices: Jesús, ven a mi corazón, quédate conmigo, sabiendo que está muy cerca de ti escuchándote. Puedes simplemente ponerte en silencio y
Bossier City: Christ the King 425 McCormick St. Bossier City Domingo 3:00 p.m. Marilú Rodriguez Tel: 318-286-1492 Farmerville: Our Lady of Perpetual Help 600 E. Water Street, Farmerville Sábado 7:00 p.m. Rev. Al Jost Tel: 318-243-0115 Mansfield: St. Joseph 305 Jefferson Street, Mansfield
pensar en el gran amor de Dios. Aun, si no tienes tiempo de orar por causa del trabajo, pues ahí desde tus ocupaciones puedes ofrecer tu trabajo, tu diversión y así hacer tu vida una oración a Dios. Pidiéndole a Jesús que sea el Dueño de tu vida te dará al mismo tiempo fuerza y decisión de actuar por Él. Siendo además esa la mejor resolución de Año Nuevo y no solo a principio de año ni una vez al año sino a cada momento de nuestras vidas. Jesús te espera con los brazos abiertos para acompañarte a caminar por esta vida y después disfrutar con Él la vida eterna. Para obtener un libro de oraciones, Biblias, clases de Formación de fe, o para que alguien te escuche y ore contigo, comunícate a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano.
Calendario del mes de enero del 2011 2-8
Semana Nacional de Migración –Los Obispos de Estados Unidos dedican la Primera Semana del Año para pedir por refugiados, víctimas de tráfico humano, dignidad humana y una reforma migratoria justa. Unámonos a sus oraciones por estas nobles causas.
6 Día de Los Reyes magos (Epifanía) 7-9 Retiro vocacional para hombres mayores de 16 años, Centro Católico, 6:00 p.m.
Continuación de Escuela de Ministerios Nivel I
- - - -
Eclesiología 5-6 de febrero Liturgia y Sacramentos 9-10 de abril Pequeñas Comunidades Eclesiales 21-22 de mayo Técnicas de Evangelización 6-7 de agosto. GRADUACION
En octubre comenzaremos el Nivel II 2do Domingo 2:00 p.m. y 3er Martes 6:30 p.m. Juanita Ibarra Tel: 318-872-5390 Minden: St. Paul 410 Fincher Road, Minden Viernes 7:00 p.m. Margarita Bratton Tel: 318-377-9684 Oak Grove: Sacred Heart 201 Purvis St, Oak Grove Domingo 5:00 p.m. Feliciano y Rosa Alviso Martinez Tel: 318-428-2137
Ruston: St. Thomas Aquinas 810 Carey Ave, Ruston 2do y 4to Domingo 2:30 p.m. Soledad Broyles Tel: 318-243-1958 Shreveport: St. Mary of the Pines 1050 Bert Kouns Ind Lp., Shreveport Domingo 1:00 p.m. Carmen Bradford Tel: 318-455-2300 West Monroe: St. Paschal 711 N 7th Street, W. Monroe Domingo 2:30 p.m. Lorena Chaparro Tel: 318-651-9136
Rosalba Quiroz, Directora del Ministerio Hispano 318-219-7265 • Rev. Al Jost, Coordinador de La Vicaría del Este • 318-243-0115
18 19 Catholic Connection January 2011
News Briefs
by Catholic News Service
Bishops Approve Historic Agreement with Reformed Churches on Baptism
Pope Benedict XVI talks with Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington after presenting him with the red hat during a consistory in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Nov. 20. (CNS photo/Piotr Spalek, Catholic Press Photo)
Pope Creates New Cardinals
ATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI created 24 new cardinals, including two from the United States, and called them to be strong in spreading and defending the faith and promoting peace and tranquility within the Church. Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington and Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect of the Vatican’s supreme court, joined other new cardinals from 13 countries Nov. 20 in formally professing their Catholic faith and fidelity to the pope. After the oath, the new cardinals knelt before the pope to receive a red biretta, a three-cornered ret hat, which the pope said, “signifies that you must be ready to act with strength, to the point of shedding blood, to increase the Christian faith, for the peace and tranquility of the people of God and for the freedom and growth of the holy Roman church.” Pope Benedict concelebrated Mass Nov. 21 with the new cardinals and gave each of them a cardinal’s ring, telling them it was a sign “of your nuptial pact with the church.” Rather than precious gems, the gold rings feature a crucifix, which, “for the same reason your clothes allude to blood, is a symbol of life and love” as demonstrated by Christ’s ultimate sacrifice for the salvation of all, the pope said. During the consistory Nov. 20, the pope assigned the new cardinals a “titular church” in Rome, making them members of the Rome diocesan clergy, which is what the church’s first cardinals were.
Bishop Herzog Urged Bishops to Embrace Social Media to Evangelize
ALTIMORE (CNS) -- Social media is not only here to stay but should be recognized and used as a “new form of pastoral ministry,” U.S. bishops were told Nov. 15 in their annual meeting. “Social media is proving itself to be a force with which to be reckoned. If not, the church may be facing as great a challenge as that of the Protestant Reformation,” said Bishop Ronald P. Herzog of Alexandria, LA, a member of the bishops’ Committee on Communications, in an address to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore. Bishop Herzog noted that although social media has been around for less than 10 years, it lacks the “makings of a fad” and is “causing as fundamental a shift in communication patterns and behavior as the printing press did 500 years ago. I don’t think I have to remind you of what happened when the Catholic Church was slow to adapt to that new technology,” he told the bishops. “By the time we decided to seriously promote that common folk should read the Bible, the Protestant Reformation was well under way.” He delivered the committee report on behalf of its chairman, Auxiliary Bishop Gabino Zavala of Los Angeles, who was unable to attend the meeting because he was undergoing back surgery. Bishop Herzog used Pope Benedict XVI’s description of a “digital continent” to describe the multiple media platforms used today and likewise compared it to new mission territory.
ALTIMORE (CNS) -- In what Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of Atlanta called “a milestone on the ecumenical journey,” the U.S. Catholic bishops affirmed an agreement to recognize baptisms in four Protestant church communities. By a 204-11 vote Nov. 16 in Baltimore, the bishops approved the “Common Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Baptism,” which was drawn up over the past six years by a team of scholars from the Catholic-Reformed dialogue group, made up of representatives of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Christian Reformed Church in North America, Presbyterian Church (USA), Reformed Church in America and United Church of Christ. Archbishop Gregory, chairman of the bishops’ Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, said in a statement after the vote that the agreement “will allow Catholic ministers to presume that baptisms performed in these communities are ‘true baptism’ as understood in Catholic doctrine and law.” He added: “The presentation of a baptismal certificate by Reformed Christians who wish to come into full communion with the Catholic Church, or to marry a Catholic, assures Catholic ministers that the baptism performed by a Reformed minister involved the use of flowing water and the biblical invocation of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” While other bishops’ conferences around the world have entered into similar agreements with Protestant communities in their regions, the document is unprecedented for the U.S. Catholic Church.
U.S. bishops go about their work Nov. 11 at the annual fall meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore. (CNS photo/ Nancy Wiechec).
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School Wishlists
Aging in the New Year
by Jessica Rinaudo, Editor
by Sr. Martinette Rivers, ols he mysteries of old age have yet to be solved, but those of us who have lived these transformative mysteries can assure others that it has been an experience with the divine. Confidence in my old age, with faith and trust in God, can help me open up some of these mysteries. The change is taking place in my heart right this instant with the gift of 86,000 seconds a day to work with and this is only the beginning of 2011. This is the time to grow deeper into adult wisdom. We agers are not “coffee-cup Christians” are we? All talk and no action. St. Paul wanted the early Christians to have a balanced Christianity and be filled with deep faith, the love of God and each other. Let your past go and walk with God into the future. Our Christian faith is a here and now experience, but we can look forward with hope and joy as we grow older moment by moment. I’m even looking forward to a better life beyond this one. A place where it will be all about God and me and nothing else. For now it is enough to let our faith spur us into action as we begin another year in God’s favor. All our actions should be motivated by a greater love of God and other people. Don’t be only a thinker, be a do-er of the faith. Let us pray for spiritual intelligence that only the Holy Spirit can give each of us. God’s amazing love is always with us so there is no need to dispair as we age. We can only age one moment at a time, yet becoming the person we were meant to be. “All we do is trust Him enough to let him do it.” Ephesians 2:8. We don’t need to earn “brownie points” with God. We only need to trust him to do what we can’t do. We can become quite a spectacle of an older person while smiling. Those smiles seem to say what Robert Browning said as he was growing older: “Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be. The last of life for which the first was made.” We communicate to others by our smiles that the best is yet to come. With the years come the tears. Our tears can have a light-bearing and rejuvenating power over us. God collects all our tears in his hands, places them next to His heart and does the same with our fears and sorrows. Somehow, I feel so strongly about spiritualizing all this that it becomes
n the December issue of the Catholic Connection, we printed wishlists of local Catholic charitable organizations and schools. These lists included items each organization needs to improve its ministry. Two of our Catholic schools were not included in this list. Please see their wishlists below. Bishop Michael G. Duca and the Diocese of Shreveport ask you to consider making a donation to help these Catholic schools accomplish their mission of education in the new year. You can use the envelope from the December issue to mail in contributions, or simply mail it to: Diocese of Shreveport Attn: Development 3500 Fairfield Ave. Shreveport, LA 71104 You can list the specific organization and item on the envelope or make a general donation. And you don’t have to pay for an item in full! Consider donating towards part of an item. Any donation is appreciated by Catholic schools and organizations.
St. Joseph School q Apple TVs (6 @ $100) q 42” LCD HDTV (5 @ $500) q 46” LCD HDTV ($800) q Aerohive WiFi Access Points (20 @ $1,000)
Loyola College Prep q iPads (30 @ $550) q Apple TV for library ($100) q Copy Paper ($30 a case) q Best Buy gift cards (any amount) q iTunes gift cards for iPad apps (any amount)
20 21 Catholic Connection January 2011
(CNS photo/Jim West)
quality aging for me. As the old year fades away and most of my resolutions too, I need to take a good look at what remains for me. Quality aging is a must as we are lead by the Spirit, and who knows where the Spirit may be leading us? No matter how well you may see, you can not take a look into the future. But with faith in our hearts we may well see beyond our years. Can we reinvent ourselves in 2011? Its possible if we try to follow the advice of the prophet Micah: “Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8. This could be the action plan we have been seeking. What does God require of us? Only to try to follow His plan for us and keep our minds and hearts open to what counts and not what people think. “Make yourself a new heart and a new spirit.” Ezekiel 18:31. Don’t let your life slip away from you and be constantly aware of the legacy you are leaving with your name attached to it. Choose your friends wisely as they will have a greater influence on your life this year. We are much older, more vulnerable, and trustworthy and we may have to struggle to stand up against the crowd or even a family member. Pray to the Holy Spirit to create a new faith in your heart and take control of your life. Think about your hopes and dreams for this New Year. Its easy to grow old...but why is it so hard? Let us be grateful to God for all our years, for sustaining us, keeping us alive and for allowing us to experience another New Year of Grace and Blessings. A Blessed New Year from Italy! Buon Anno! Happy New Year!
Around the Diocese 1
3 1. St. Jude Church Led Women of God Retreat
he annual Journey of Faith Retreat, “Women of God,” was held at Camp Harris in Minden Nov. 19 - Nov. 21. The ladies were served with agape love, music, food, prayer, rosaries and five talks from lay parishioners who shared their experiences and how God has moved in their life. Topics included Adoration, Forgiveness, Priorities, Being Single and Being Married. Fr. Pike led Mass Sunday morning at Camp Harris in the intimate surroundings only a retreat setting can offer. The weekend closed with an incensed blessing where each woman was blessed by a fellow sister-in-Christ. A reunion meeting was held Thursday, December 2, and included Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and a pot-luck dinner. For more information on the 2011 retreat, call Becky Jamroz at (318) 746-2508, x103.
2. Hispanic Teens Gathered at the Catholic Center
eens who participated in the retreat Búsqueda came together to the Catholic Center for a day of formation and gathering. Búsqueda is a three day youth retreat, for many a first retreat experience, an introduction to a deeper understanding of Christ and to the Church’s Mission.
3. St. Paschal Church Hosted “Why Do We Catholics Do That?”
he Adult Faith Formation group at SPCC hosted an interesting and well attended four week series titled “Why Do We Catholics Do That?” Each week featured different presenters and a different subject about our Catholic beliefs and practices. The standing room only sessions began with a pot
luck meal and fellowship and was followed by the weekly presentation. Presenters included Tommy and Robin Hatten, Joe Bernal, Suzanne Long, Wayne Wallace and Dr. Robin FordCardenaux. We are looking forward to the next series which will be in Spring 2011. All are invited and we would love to see YOU there!
4. Vianney Play a Hit at the Catholic Center
ianney, a one man show performed by Leonardo Defilippis about the life and vocation of Saint John Vianney, was a major success at the Catholic Center. The performance was done three times, twice for diocesan Catholic high schools and once to a near-sold out crowd on November 12. Donations from the event went to support vocations in the diocese. Photo of Leonardo Defilippis courtesy of Saint Luke Productions. 21 20
Seeking High School Singers for the 2011 National Catholic Youth Choir
e are currently seeking High School singers to apply now to the 2011 National Catholic Youth Choir. •Who: Catholic students entering grades 10, 11 and 12 in fall of 2011 •When: Camp and tour, June 14-28, 2011 • Where: Saint John’s Abbey and University, Collegeville, MN • Cost: $900, scholarships available (includes tour expenses) • How: Apply online at www. CatholicYouthChoir.org. Applications due before March 7, 2011. What 2010 choristers are saying about NCYC: • Dominic, 15, San Francisco, CA “I love the music, the counselors and friends we make. Dr. Theimer helped me to sing more fluidly and make a more relaxed sound.” • Jamie, 17, Lucas, OH - “Experience was definitely a 10. . . I gained appreciation for more than just singing the notes and words.” • Carolyn, 15, Omaha, NE -“I feel much more confident and have a lot more self discipline and strength.” • Justin, 16, Lutherville, MD “NCYC helped my faith as a Catholic by having prayer at the center of everything we do.” Contact: Dorothy Kantor, NCYC office manager, dkantor@csbsju.edu. Call her office at (320) 363-3154.
22 23 Catholic Connection January 2011
Upcoming Events JANUARY 7-9: ‘MEN FOR CHRIST’ RETREAT On January 7-9, 2011, Fr. Jeff Bayhi from Baton Rouge will lead “Men for Christ,” a discernment retreat for young men considering a priestly vocation. Why a retreat specifically for men thinking about priesthood? Because even under the best circumstances, responding to God’s call can be daunting. Men need expert spiritual advice and time for deep reflection and prayer. A retreat allows him to spend time with other men who feel a similar call, and to get to know our Vocation Director, Fr. David Richter. Bishop Duca will also be present, as he was last year, to spend time with the retreatants. Most of all, this retreat will lead a man to a place of peace about his vocation, and give him the courage to follow God’s will for his life. The reatreat will take place at the Catholic Center in Shreveport. Men should arrive between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. on January 7. The retreat will conclude with lunch at noon on January 9. For more information, contact Jeanne Brown, jbrown@dioshpt.org, (318) 219-7257. To register, visit www.shreveportvocations. com/retreat.
For more information contact St. Jude Church at 318-746-2508. JANUARY 24-27: ST. JUDE PARISH MISSION Deacon Glenn and Linda Harmon are coming, January 24-27, 2011. He is one of the more sought-after Catholic evangelists today. His energy, his solid faith, his personal story, his musical talent, combined with the living example of a model relationship with his wife, the equally faith-filled and lovely Linda, make an unbeatable combination to touch many hearts. Plan now to open your evening for this exciting opportunity. For more information, contact St. Jude Church. 318746-2508. JANUARY 28: ST. MARY’S ANNUAL AUTISM CONFERENCE St. Mary’s Residential Training School is hosting its 6th annual autism conference in Shreveport on January 28. This year four distinguished speakers will present on many new topics, including the treatment of feeding problems typically associated with autism, early identification of autism, and improving family ties, as well as treating self-injury. The speakers include Gina Green, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Henry Roane, Ph.D., BCBA-D, and Shahla Ala’i-Rosales, Ph.D., BCBA, as well as Heather Kadey, M.S., BCBA. The conference will last one day, and is divided into general track tutorials in the morning that are open to all attendees and a choice of one workshop in the afternoon. Attendees can take advantage of an early registration fee of $75 per person by registering prior to December 31. University students with proof of enrollment can register early for $60 per person. Registration fees beginning January 1 will be $100 per person and $75 per student. For more information please visit www.stmarysrts.org, or call Bo Vets at (318) 445-6443 ext: 2149.
JANUARY 15: RETREAT DAY FOR LAITY Our Lady of Fatima in Monroe will be hosting a Retreat Day for the combined pastoral and finance councils of St. Lawrence Church, Catholic Campus Ministry at ULM and Our Lady of Fatima Church on Saturday, January 15. Sister Marilyn Vassallo, csj, will lead the day of reflection on the topic “Laity in the Changing Church.” Her presentation from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon will include talks, sharing and time for reflection. Lunch will be served from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. A business meeting for the combined councils will take place at 1:00 p.m. facilitated by Randy Tiller, Director of Mission Effectiveness for the Diocese of Shreveport. FEBRUARY 4-5: MUSIC WORKSHOP This free music workshop JANUARY 19: COMMUNITY GRIEF will focus on music for the Mass settings GROUP On January 19, 2011 St. Jude in the new Roman Missal. Presented Church in Bossier City will begin a by the Diocesan Liturgical Conference community grief support group for adults and the Office of Worship, this event and teens experiencing the loss of a loved will be offered at the Catholic Center one. The group will continue to meet on in Shreveport at no charge to you. To Wednesday evenings from 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 register, contact Dianne Rachal at 318p.m. The group meets in the Church 868-4441, or email her at drachal@ Rectory dining room. Daycare is available. dioshpt.org.
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
The Holy Innocents, martyrs
3 The Most Holy Name of Jesus
Saint John, apostle and evangelist
The Epiphany of the Lord
Photo: Children take part in a Catholic procession on the feast of the Epiphany Jan. 3 in Warsaw, Poland. (CNS photo/Kacper Pempel, Reuters)
4 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, religious
New Years Eve
Saint Thomas Becket, bishop and martyr
Saint Sylvester I, pope
5 St. John Neumann, bishop
6 Blessed Andé Bessette, religious
New Years Day World Day of Prayer for Peace
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God
Good Leaders, Good Shepherds Men for Christ Retreat Begins St. Raymond of Peñafort, priest
The Baptism of the Deadline for the Lord February Catholic Connection
St. HIlary, bishop and doctor of the Church
St. Fabian, pope and martyr; St. Sebastian, martyr
Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Catholic Center and Catholic Schools Closed
2nd Collection: Catholic Schools Confirmation, Little Flower of Jesus, 9am Catholic Schools Week Begins
St. Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor of the Church
St. Agnes, virgin and 2nd Collection: martyr Catholic Schools
1st Louisiana March for Life, Baton Rouge
St. Anthony, abbot
Retreat Day for Laity, Our Lady of Fatima Church, 9am
St. Vincent, deacon and martyr
The Conversion of St. Paul, apostle
Finance Council Meeting, Catholic Center, 12:00pm St. TImothy and St. Titus, bishops
St. Angela Merici, virgin
St. Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor of the Church
St. John Bosco, priest
23 22
Shreveport, LA 71104
Christmas at the Cathedral Concert
ls f Boys and G ir o ir o h C l ra d The Cathe h t." e Stars of Nig th f o r to a re S ang "C
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24 Catholic Connection January 2011
aturday, December 11, the Cathedral Choir and Cathedral Choir of Girls and Boys joined forces with the Centenary College Chorale to sing a Christmas concert at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans. Under the direction of Cathedral Music Director Justin Ward and Centenary Choir Conductor Julia Brasher Thorne, the voices of the three groups filled the Cathedral with the spirit of Christmas.
Mem be rs of th e Ce nt
en ar y Ch orale sang "C oven tr y Ca ro l."
ve Ch o ir sang "A l ra ed th a C e Th ce . e per form an th g n ri u d a" ri Ma
t h e ir v o ice s d e in jo s ir o h All t hre e c grand fin a le . e h t r o f r e h t o ge t